Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 3459

Newsletter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
Editor: George T. McWhorter
CONTENTS: Issues 201-225 (1999-2001)
From the George McWhorter, Ken Manson, Jerry Spannraft, Bill Hillman 
 and University of Louisville Collections.
Scans by Robert A Roehm U of L, Ken Manson and Bill Hillman.
PART I (201-212)
Lex Barker
Disney's Tarzan will swing
Lex Barker (almost forgotten Tarzan)
#201:  June 1999
Dave Hoover's Tarzan
Disney's Tarzan Review
PS to Tarzan and Ant Men
#202:  July 1999
Jungle cartoon art by John Coleman Burroughs
1935-36 TarzanToons
Bob Barrett | Dan Burroughs
#203:  August 1999
Edgar Rice Burroughs photo
New Books On Horizon
Marcia | Lucky Girl
#204: September 1999

Florida Museum Cartoon Art
Tarzan: Burroughs to Disney
#205: October 1999
CE Monroe (1918-1999)
Tarzan On Radio
#206: November 1999
Two New ERB Books for Xmas
Marcia | Lucky Girl
#207: December 1999
Bob Hyde Sketch.
Bob Hyde Article
They Go Ape Over Tarzan
#208: January 2000
Weissmuller: Twice the Hero
Herman Brix by Chapman
#209: February 2000
McWhorter Catalogue of the University of Louisville ERB Collection
ERB Collection Catalog
Saga of Publishing Nightmare
#210 March 2000
Professor Phil Currie
ERB Buff Currie Finds Dinosaur
History of Tarzana
#211: April 2000
My Father, Elmo Lincoln book
My Father, Elmo Lincoln book
Kings of the Jungle by Fury
#212: May 2000
PART II (213 - 225) 
Mary Burroughs portrait by John Coleman Burroughs
Mary Burroughs at ECOF 2000
Tarzan Came from Falkirk
#213: June 2000

Dum-Dum 2000 Schedule
July 13-15, Grandville Michigan
#214 July 2000

Eddie Gilbert Dies at 83 | ERB Art
Johnny Sheffield at Dum-Dum 2000
#215: August 2000
Edgar Rice Burroughs with wife Emma and kids, Joan, Hulbert and Jack
Oak Park Celebrates ERB's 125th
Tarzan's Father Turns 125
#216: September 2000
Burroughs and dictaphone.The pencil sharpener once sold by Burroughs
ERB Letter on Psychic Research
ERB's Pencil Historic Sharpener
#217: October 2000
New Boerst Bio on ERB
Holm and Hawkes at Dum-Dum 2001
#218: November 2000
Burroughs dogs .Burroughs fan, Carl Sagan
Oak Park Remembers ERB
Carl Sagan Remembers ERB
#219: December 2000

White Xmas as Memorial Collection
Whites Bring Truckload of Gifts
#220 ~ January 2001

Tarzan Real to Reel
Hits and misses
#221: February 2001

Munroe Hits Half-Century Mark
Heerlen Filmfest: Earth's Core Star
#222: March 2001
Jane Ralston's Dejah sculpture by Spratt
5 New Books plus rare 1927 Czech
Jane Ralston's Dejah by Spratt
#223: April 2001
Michigan Military Academy Symposium
Michigan Military Academy Symposium
New Fury and Van Hise Books
#224: May 2001
Pearl Harbor Murders by Max Allan Collins .
Collins' Pearl Harbor Murders
Korshak's J. Allen St. John Book
#225: June 2001
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BILL HILLMAN: Editor and Webmaster
ERB Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.- All Rights Reserved.
All Original Work ©1996-2011 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.