DUM-DUM 2011 ~ AUGUST 6-10 ~
The 2011 Dum-Dum, sponsored by the National Capital Panthans,
was held on August 6-10,
at the Clarion
Inn, 1399 Bench Road, Pocatello, ID 83201, land line (208) 237-1400
Program Cover and Book Bag Logo
click for full-screen images
2011 Dum-Dum Schedule
Saturday, August 6
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
Site seeing all day on your own
5 – 8:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
7:00 pm -- Informal Drop-in Chat
session [Board Room]
Sunday, August 7
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
8 - 5:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
8:00 am -- Huckster Room available for set-up [Madeira
9:00 am -- Huckster Room Open for Business
11:00 – 12 noon -- Panel A: "Poetry in Burroughs’ Universe,"
Professor Stanley A. Galloway, Bridgewater College, VA,
author of The Teenage Tarzan. [Board Room]
12:45 pm -- Lunch, Huckster Room
1:45 pm -- Huckster Room open
2 - 3:00 pm -- Panel B: "ERB in our Electronic Matrix"
Bill Hillman, assistant professor (retired), Information/Communication
Brandon University, Canada [Board Room]
5:00 pm -- Huckster Room closed
5:30 pm – Book/Museum Crawl
7:00 pm -- Dinner at local eatery in Pocatello
9:00 pm -- Pre-Midnight Madness -- BB, Inc. Board Meeting [Board
Monday, August 8
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]

9:00 am – Meet in lobby for all-day Burroughs Territory Coach Trip,
Yale Ranch, Raft River,
Rupert, Minidoka, Burley, Fort Hall Replica, and Historic Old Town Pocatello

6 – 8:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main
7:00 pm -- Informal Drop-in Chat session [Board Room]
The Annual Muckers Jeopardy Contest featuring teams of well-known
ERB scholars.
The theme for this 2011 show is WESTERNS with the topics:
Real Life Idaho
Girl from Hollywood/Minidoka/The Return of the Mucker
War Chief/Apache Devil
Bandit of Hell's Bend
Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County
(Contest Postponed)
Tuesday, August 9
All day -- Clarion Inn Check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
All day -- Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
9:00 am -- Huckster Room open [Madeira Room]
11 – 12 noon -- Panel C: "Whither For Art Thou, BBs?"
Henry Franke, Colonel USA (RET), Editor & Publisher, Burroughs
Bulletin [Board Room]
1:00 pm -- Lunch (Huckster Room closed)
1:45 pm -- Huckster Room open
2:00 pm -- Insanity Auction to Benefit ERB Pundits
-- Auctioneer: Bill Ross
5:00 pm – Huckster Room closed
6:00 pm -- Attitude Adjustment in hotel ‘beverage stand”
7:00 pm – Annual Dum-Dum Celebratory Banquet

9:00 pm – Joan Bledig Slides of Idaho
Annual Mucker/Panthan joint meeting [Board Room]
Wednesday, August 10
8:00 am -- Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering on your own)
9:30 am – Sight-seeing day trip (on your own)
Event to be held at the Clarion Inn, 1399 Bench Road, Pocatello, ID
83201, land line (208)237-1400, http://www.clarionhotel.com/hotel-pocatello-idaho-ID057Room
rates $66.00 inclusive single/double. Each room has a hair dryer
and iron. The hotel has a large indoor pool, a hot tub and a sauna for
your enjoyment, as well as ping-pong and billiard tables. Please
call the Inn directly to make your reservation, citing “Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bibliophiles” to get our room rate. Please be sure to specify “non-poolside”
if you wish a quieter room in the afternoon and evening.
Registration $75.00 includes Burroughs Territory road trip guide,
banquet, goodie bag, access to huckster room, panel/chat events and privilege
of fondling all auction items. Huckster events will be held in the
Madeira Room (65’x20’-1,300 sq ft) which has wi-fi, and panels/meetings
will be in the connecting Board Room.
Huckster Room & Registration 20 feet in the
Brass Rail Restaurant 50 feet in the Inn
Applebees Restaurant block from the Inn
Perkins Family Restaurant block from the Inn
The Sandpiper (seafood) block from the Inn
Sizzler Steakhouse 0.5 mile
Bannock County Fairgrounds 1 mile
Chilis Restaurant 2.5 miles
Pine Ridge Mall 3 miles
Remo’s Italian Restaurant 3 miles
Fort Hall Replica 4 miles
Performing Arts Center 4 miles
Jackson Hole 137 miles |
Texas Roadhouse Restaurant 5 miles
Historic Old Town Pocatello 5 miles
Ross Park Zoo 5 miles
Fort Hall Casino 9 miles
Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Museum
9 miles
Idaho Potato Museum
17 miles
Lava Hot Springs Spa
40 miles
Museum of Idaho
45 miles
BBR45 National Lab-first reactor
62 miles
Craters of the Moon
75 miles
Joan’s Montana Touchdown
122 miles
Yellowstone Park
135 miles |
Our Dum-Dum starts off on Sunday with exploring (and buying) the
treasures of the huckster room, two informative panels,
book/museum crawl in historic Old Town Pocatello, Pokey dinner on your
own and then the BB board meeting at 9 pm in the hotel’s Board Room
for all attendees.
Monday involves you with an all-day guided tour in an
air-conditioned bus of Burroughs Territory including Yale, Raft River,
Minidoka, Jerome, Burley, Rupert, the original Burroughs ranch, American
Falls, and (if time) the Craters of the Moon and the Fort Hall Replica
Tuesday brings more huckster treasure hunt, another
great panel, BB benefit auction, our grand banquet, ending
with our traditional Mucker/Panthan joint meeting.
Wednesday features our Farewell Breakfast followed by
more sightseeing for those staying on in Idaho, especially as the Shoshone-Bannock
Indian Festival kicks off on Thursday.
Your registration fee of $75.00 includes the Burroughs Territory
road trip guide, banquet, goodie bag, access to huckster room, panel/chat
events and the privilege of fondling all auction items. Our registration
form and program schedule are up on the web. All events will be held in
the Madeira Room (65’x20’ - 1,300 sq ft) which, for you Gridley Wave enthusiasts,
has wi-fi. BTW, the Clarion Inn is also HQ for Sho-Ban Festival celebrities
so you might see the Head Man Dancer and members of the two Host Drums
from the Northern Cree and Comanche tribes.
Come join us in this area of ERB's early life and really take time to
see the surrounding country. For further information, contact our organizers
John Tyner tyner@taliesan.com and/or
Joan Bledig jthev@aol.com
Since most folks will be taking time to
sightsee in the general area (since the BBs have never ventured to Idaho
for a meeting before) we invite you to check-in on Saturday and get settled
in Pocatello or “Pokey” and share tales on Saturday night. If you are flying,
best and least-expensive suggestion is to fly to Salt Lake City and rent
a car for the three hour drive to Pokey. One can fly to Pokey from Salt
Lake City but it is expensive. Alternatively you could fly to Boise
and drive down from there. For those of you driving, I-15 and
I-86 intersect outside of town.
| Schedule