![]() First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life & Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive presents Volume 3717 |
POST 1950
Major Communications Changes ~ Radio/TV/Film ~ ERB '60s Revival ~
Gaming ~ Internet Boom ~ 21st Century Recognition
ERB Bio Timeline
The 1952 Commodore Tarzan Radio Serial was produced on tape. . . and since then has been released on disc, cassette, CD, and MP3.
Currently, nearly every Tarzan radio show from 1932 onward is available on CD or via electronic download.![]()
Pop songs - 78, 45, 33 1/3 - adapted short shows, Tarzan songs, re-broadcasts
www.erbzine.com/mag11/1164.htmlDanton's Records and Jukeboxes ![]()
The popularity and mass distribution of paperback books . . . with a little help from a prudish, ill-formed California librarian contributed to an explosive "Burroughs Boom" in the early '60s.
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R.: www.ERBzine.com/chaser
The second boom was brought about by the widspread emergence of the Internet in the '90s.
This boom spawned online Groups/Listservs such as ERB-List, ERBCOF-list, Barsoom,
and soon led to the creation of hundreds of Websites devoted to the works of ERB which may be found via any casual Google search.
www.google.comThe popularity of the Internet evenetually led to an avalanche of Social Media activity - the most popular venues being FaceBook and Twitter. ![]()
ERB's words - many of them written 100 years ago - are currently being downloaded electronically and read on computer screens and hand-held electronic devices: iPods, iPads, Kindles, etc.
Many ERB-related books are sold as Print-On-Demand publications and in various other reprint formats as a search of Amazon.com will show.
ERB books, films, TV and radio shows, art, and memorabilia are currently fetching record prices from online dealers and eBay auctions.
ERB, Inc. control legacy - enforce print and electronic copyrights - licence use - Andy Briggs: Greystoke Legacy![]()
Nearly all the ERB films ever produced, from 1918 to present day, are show regularly on TV
. . . and hundreds of TV shows have been produced over the last 50 years.
The ongoing ERB Films exhibit the most advanced technology of the day: colour, wide screen, exotic locations, Disney animation, released on 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, Video Disc, DVD, surround sound, YouTube, downloads from the Internet, Pay-Per-View, etc.
What was Burroughs' first novel 100 years ago is currently being produced as a mega-million dollar, 3D film production: JOHN CARTER. Previous attempts at this all failed because film technology hadn't yet caught up with ERB's imagination. Developments in filming techniques, equipment and projection, CGI, and 3D should make ERB's vision of a century ago finally come alive.A debt is owed to James Cameron who perfected 3D techniques for the top-grossing film of all time: AVATAR. The ERB legacy carries on since Cameron has often attributed his inspiration for this innovative blockbuster to be: Edgar Rice Burroughs. ![]()
ERBzine Silver Screen
The popularity of cell phones has opened a market for ERB-related apps. . . the most popular being the Tarzan Yell ringtone.
www.johncolemanburroughs.com/tarzan/mgmyell.mp32012 will see the introduction of an ERB/Tarzan stamp from the United States Postal Service, in recognition to Burroughs' literary and cultural achievements.
First Impressions
For decades now, many generations of Tarzan games have been popular. These games started with board games
http://www.erbzine.com/mag30/3043.htmland progressed to video computer games
which recently evolved into Casino Slot Machines. ERB, Inc. has licensed a hi-tech Tarzan Slot Machine which has generated much excitement in gambling casinos. ERB, Inc. has also licensed online gaming sites.
Electronic Media have made possible countless reprints in POD an extension of the traditional hardcover, paperback, magazine, newspaper, etc. reprints. Dick Spargur has computer software to compare the text across various editions which has been published at Lulu Press, a POD site (print-on-demand).
Remarkably, this "pulp" author who first put pen to paper a century ago has created worlds and characters who have invaded every thread of the electronic matrix to survive and multiply and to capture the imagination of generations -- worldwide. Edgar Rice Burroughs was the first popular author to so totally take over the Electronic Matrix. Edgar Rice Burroughs, as truly the first Avatar, still lives.
our thousands of other sites at:
Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2011 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective