First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life & Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 3919

Tarzan And I Swing By Comic-Con
 By Jane Porter
Part II: "The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane"

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“Who are these people, and why are they talking about us?”
“It’s that author, Robin Maxwell,
the illustrator Joe Jusko,
Jim Sullos - president of the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate,
another brilliant Tarzan artist, Thomas Yeates, and
Scott Tracy Griffin, who’s written the
Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration coffee table book.
They’re all walking encyclopedias about us.”
“Go figure.”


“`The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane” - that’s the name of the panel?!”
“Why so shocked?  We never wear clothes.”


“I don’t like the looks of this.  Who are those two?”
Enid Markey and Elmo Lincoln.
They were the first onscreen Tarzan and Jane...a silent film in 1918.”
“I don’t think so.  Look at his hair.  Look at her dress.”
“Her mother made that dress.”
“Next slide, please!”  Now!”

Tarzan and His Mate at ERBzine Silver Screen       ~    View Video Footage of Swim Scene
“That’s better.  Hey look, babe, you haven’t got on any underwear.”
“After the Hollywood censors got a look at this costume
in the first two Weissmuller-O’Sullivan movies, they had a fit.”
“They weren’t too happy about the nude underwater ballet in
'Tarzan and His Mate' either. Pretty risque for 1934.”
“Too true. But didn’t we have fun?”


“Whoa!  Okay, okay...Jane, I did not have sex with that woman.”


“Or her?”
“La of Opar?  Hell no.  She’s trying to kill me!”


“Look, right there.  See the tears?
I just told her I only had eyes for you.”


“I recognize this gal.
In ERB’s novel Tarzan and the Lion Man a mad scientist steals Henry VIII’s genes
and implants them in a family of apes.
I think that’s Anne Boleyn in the vines....I know, I know, it sounds crazy.
You’ll have to take it up with Ed.”


“Oh look here, darling!  Our favorite vacation in Pellucidar.
Thomas Yeates really captures the mood, doesn’t he?”


Thomas Yeates


 “I prefered that week in Pal-U-Don.
We were much more relexed.
Remember?  They let us bring Tantor.”


“I like this one of you.  You look like you could rip the head off a Mangani bull.”


“And here you are, actually doing it!”
“Love the ripped blouse.  Joe Jusko’s the king of pointy bras.”


“This is one of my favorites of us and Sheeta.  Are you ripped!”
“Can we go back down the to the Exhibit Hall?
I think I saw the blonde Targaryen princess from `Game of Thrones’
......or we could just get a pretzel dog.”
Back to Part I: ERBzine 3918

Robin Maxwell (
is a screenwriter and the bestselling author of eight novels of historical fiction.

On September 18, 2012 JANE: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan will be published by Tor Books.

It is fully authorized by the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs and the first Tarzan classic ever told from Jane’s point of view.

FaceBook   ~  Interview  ~  Tarzana 2012 ECOF Appearance
Robin Maxwell discusses the trials, tribulations and triumphs of writing her upcoming novel JANE: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan at the first Tarzan Centennial Convention of 2012.

A Comic-Con post by Robin appears in the Blog
- the largest sci-fi/fantasy website in the world 
that gets A MILLION page views a month! 


Tarzan And I Swing By Comic-Con
Part II: The Naked Truth About Tarzan and Jane
Meet the Author: Robin Maxwell
JANE: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan ~ Book Excerpts
Tarzan Never Dies, Part I: 100 Years of Books and Movies
Tarzan Never Dies, Part II: Will There Ever Be A Great Tarzan Movie?
Jane: Queen of the Jungle
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Darwin Revisited: The Science of Jane
JANE: Reviews ~ Photos ~ Video

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