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Volume 0425
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All-Story Weekly - April 8, 1916 - Thuvia Maid of Mars 1/3P. J. Monahan dj: Thuvia, Maid of Mars - 10 sepia interiors by St. JohnP. J. Monahan dj: Thuvia, Maid of Mars - 10 sepia interiors by St. John

Click for large DJ image
Click for large cover art image
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ERB commenced writing this 4th Mars novel in April 1914
Original title: Carthoris
e-Text Edition
To Cover and Art Galleries II

2025 ERB Authorized Library Release
Cover Art by Joe Jusko (click for full size)


All-Story Weekly: 1916 April 8, 15, 22
    P.J. Monahan: first issue cover ~ no interiors
A.C. McClurg: October 30, 1920 ~ 256 pages ~ 1st Ed. Print Run: 17,00 ~ Total: 104,500 ~ Heins word count: 45,000
    P.J. Monahan cover ~ J. Allen St. John: 10 interior sepia plates ~ Glossary
A.C. McClurg: 1921
A.C. McClurg and Grosset & Dunlap mixed edition
Grosset & Dunlap: 1921 ~ only four interior b/w St. John plates
Grosset & Dunlap: 1922-1934 ~ many printings ~ four interiors
Grosset & Dunlap: 1940 ~ no interiors
ERB, Inc. Tarzana: March 26, 1948 ~ one b/w frontispiece
Dover Publications: numerous printings starting April 1962 including 1963 library edition ~ 499 pages
    Three Martian Novels: with Chessmen of Mars and Master Mind of Mars ~ large paperback
    J. Allen St. John: cover and 16 b/w illustrations
Ace paperback: November 1962 ~ 143 pages
    Roy G. Krenkel: cover and title page
Ballantine paperback: September 1963 ~ 158 pages
    Robert Abbett cover
Ballantine paperback: February 1969
    Robert Abbett new cover
Doubleday Science Fiction Book Club edition with Chessmen of Mars: 1972 ~ 341 pages
    Frank Frazetta: wrap-around DJ and six interiors (three per novel)
Ballantine paperback: October 1973
    Gino D'Achille cover
Ballantine - Del Rey paperback: May 1979
    Michael Whelan cover
Castle: Science Fiction Classics edition: 1982 three printings ~ 451 pages
    with Pellucidar, Tanar of Pellucidar, The Chessmen of Mars, and Master Mind of Mars
    J. Allen St. John: inspired DJ and 26 interiors
Dover Publications: Three Martian Novels: with Chessmen of Mars and Master Mind of Mars:  499 pages
    J. Allen St. John: different cover (Gods of Mars) and 16 interiors 

For detailed information, see Robert B. Zeuschner's
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography (ERB, Inc., 2016).
Click on or call 214-405-6741 to order a copy.

Thuvia, Maid of Mars
When unknown raiders seized Thuvia, Princess of Ptarth, the chief suspect was Carthoris, son of the Warlord of Mars. Yet only Carthoris could rescue the women who had spurned his love. Carthoris saw Thuvia dragged to the foot of the rostrum. He saw Hortan Gur address her. He could not hear the Torquasian jeddak!s words, nor Thuvia's reply, but it must have angered the green monster, for Carthoris saw him leap toward the prisoner, striking her a cruel blow across the face. Then the son of John Carter, Warlord of Barsoom, went mad. His half-Earth muscles sent him in enomous leaps and bounds toward the vile creature who had struck the women he loved. Before the green warriors of Hortan Gur could respond, there came from the beleaguered city across the plains a fearsome sound-and from the gates issued a threat far more deadly than the swordsman advancing upon them!
Carthoris and Thuvia
A Green Man's Captive
The Fair Race
The Jeddak of Lothar
The Phantom Bowmen
The Hall of Doom
The Battle in the Plain
Kar Komak, the Bowman
Green Man and White Apes
To Save Dusar
Turjun, the Panthan
Kulan Tith's Sacrifice
Thuvia of Ptarth
Thuvan Dihn
Jeddak of Ptarth
Prince of Dusar
Carthoris (Turjun)
Kulan Tith
Jeddak of Kaol
Vas Kor
Thar Ban
Hortan Gur
Jeddak of Torquas
Jeddak of Lothar
Kormal (a banth)
Kar Komak
Hal Vas (son of Vas Kor)
All-Story - April 8, 1916 - Thuvia, Maid of Mars 1/3
From the ERBzine Pulp Bibliography
All-Story Weekly: 1916 April 8, 15, 22
    P.J. Monahan: first issue cover ~ no interiors

James Allen St. John Signature
Click for full-sized images

Preliminary Art
Larger Image 19" High

Frontispiece  ::  alt
Larger Frontispiece Link: 39" High
Alt: Larger 39.5" High
A Unique Piece of Thuvia Art 
from Phil Normand of Recoverings
1920 ~ J. Allen St. John Edition
"I designed this jacket to continue the run of St. John covers on the Mars books. This image was chosen because I thought that the unfinished painting in the Vinson Collection, had been done in the Twenties. That led me to believe that St. John was expecting to do the jacket art. Besides that it matches the frontispiece illustration which was usually a black and white version of the dust jacket painting.

Recently I discovered that the painting had actually been started at the request of Vern Coriell, founder of the Burroughs Bibliophiles. Even so, it's still a powerful image and worthy of a color treatment. Fits the A.C. McClurg first edition and the Grosset and Dunlap reprints. — Limited to 100 copies"

Click for Larger Images.
fp: As the grea thoat and his rider hurled past
Carhtoris swing his longsword in a mighty cut.
p. 4: Another figure sprang from a cluster of dense foliage.

As the great thoat and his rider hurtled past, Carthoris swung his long-sword in a mighty cut.Another figure sprang from a cluster of dense foliage.
3. Larger Image 12"
4. Larger Image 12"

<>p.24: For but an instant the searchlight halted upon Thuvia of Ptarth.
p. 56. With a savage cry of triumph, Than Han disappeared
down the black canyon of the Avenue of  Quays
For but an instant the searchlight halted upon Thuvia of Ptarth.With a savage cry of triumph, Thar Ban disappeared down the black canyon of the Avenue of Quays.
5. Larger Image 12"

6. Larger Image 12"

<>p. 80: Between them and the city raged a terrible battle.
p. 100: The man turned dreamy eyes sleepily upon them.
Between them and the city raged a terrific battle. The man turned dreamy eyes sleepily upon them.
7. Larger Image 12"
  8. Larger Image 12"

Page 80 | Alt                   .

<>p. 220: A steel blade pierced the very centre of his heart.
p. 230: "I prefer to be standing," she replied.
A steel blade pierced the very center of his heart.I prefer to die standing, she replied.
9. Larger Image 12"

  10. Larger Image 12"
p. 126: The Jeddak of Lothar sank senseless to the marble floor.

p. 246: "Stay, my chieftain. Stay, I love you!"
The jeddak of Lothar sank senseless to the marble floor.Stay, my chieftain, Stay -- I love you!

11. Larger Image 12"
12. Larger Image 12"
Page 126 | alt                 

Click for full-size preview collage

Doubleday Edition: Frank Frazetta wrap-around dust jacket
Frazetta cover art (click)
Carthoris stepped between Thuvia and the banth, his sword ready to contest the beast's victory over them.

Thewed like some giant god was Carthoris of Helium, yet in the clutches of these creatures he was helpless as a frail woman.


Dover EditionRoy Krenkel art: Ace edition 1963

Robert Abbett coverRobert Abbett coverGino D'Achille cover

"I had to be careful doing Thuvia herself, as everyone on Barsoom goes nude,
and yet full-frontal nudity was unacceptable for the cover.
By turning her away from the viewer, I thought I had this problem solved,
but Lester Del Rey had me add the G-string.
The rest of the painting is in acrylics, but I did that G-string in gouache
in case I ever get the urge to wipe it off."
-- Artist Michael Whelan
Click for full sizes


Kevin Johnson art:Dover second edition

1. Cover Art by  Roy Carnon
2. Cover Art by Gino D'Achille
.Art by J.E. McConnell ~ June 1953

(From the Laurence Dunn Collection)
UK Green Dragon Edition (Edward Mortlemans Cover Art)

Click for full sizes

Ace F-168 | 1962


Maid of Mars by Richard Hescox

Thuvia and the Banth by Don Marquez.
A Glossary Of Names And Terms 
Used In The Martian Books 

        Aaanthor. A dead city of ancient Mars. 
        Aisle of Hope. An aisle leading to the court-room in Helium. 
        Apt. An Arctic monster. A huge, white-furred creature with six limbs, four of which, short and heavy, carry it over the snow and ice; the
        other two, which grow forward from its shoulders on either side of its long, powerful neck, terminate in white, hairless hands with
        which it seizes and holds its prey. Its head and mouth are similar in appearance to those of a hippopotamus, except that from the sides of
        the lower jawbone two mighty horns curve slightly downward toward the front. Its two huge eyes extend in two vast oval patches from
        the centre of the top of the cranium down either side of the head to below the roots of the horns, so that these weapons really grow out
        from the lower part of the eyes, which are composed of several thousand ocelli each. Each ocellus is furnished with its own lid, and the
        apt can, at will, close as many of the facets of his huge eyes as he chooses. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.) 
        Astok. Prince of Dusar. 
        Avenue of Ancestors. A street in Helium. 
        Banth. Barsoomian lion. A fierce beast of prey that roams the low hills surrounding the dead seas of ancient Mars. It is almost hairless,
        having only a great, bristly mane about its thick neck. Its long, lithe body is supported by ten powerful legs, its enormous jaws are
        equipped with several rows of long needle-like fangs, and its mouth reaches to a point far back of its tiny ears. It has enormous
        protruding eyes of green. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Bar Comas. Jeddak of Warhoon. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Barsoom. MARS 
        Black pirates of Barsoom. Men six feet and over in height. Have clear-cut and handsome features; their eyes are well set and large,
        though a slight narrowness lends them a crafty appearance. The iris is extremely black while the eyeball itself is quite white and clear.
        Their skin has the appearance of polished ebony. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Calot. A dog. About the size of a Shetland pony and has ten short legs. The head bears a slight resemblance to that of a frog, except that
        the jaws are equipped with three rows of long, sharp tusks. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Carter, John. Warlord of Mars. 
        Carthoris of Helium. Son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris. 
        Dak Kova. Jed among the Warhoons (later jeddak). 
        Darseen. Chameleon-like reptile. 
        Dator. Chief or prince among the First Born. 
        Dejah Thoris. Princess of Helium. 
        Djor Kantos. Son of Kantos Kan; padwar of the Fifth Utan. 
        Dor. Valley of Heaven. 
        Dotar Sojat. John Carter's Martian name, from the surnames of the first two warrior chieftains he killed. 
        Dusar. A Martian kingdom. 
        Dwar. Captain. 
        Ersite. A kind of stone. 
        Father of Therns. High Priest of religious cult. 
        First Born. Black race; black pirates. 
        Kar Komak. Odwar of Lotharian bowmen. 
        Gate of Jeddaks. A gate in Helium. 
        Gozava. Tars Tarkas' dead wife. 
        Gur Tus. Dwar of the Tenth Utan. 
        Haad. Martian mile. 
        Hal Vas. Son of Vas Kor the Dusarian noble. 
        Hastor. A city of Helium. 
        Hekkador. Title of Father of Therns. 
        Helium. The empire of the grandfather of Dejah Thoris. 
        Holy Therns. A Martian religious cult. 
        Hortan Gur. Jeddak of Torquas. 
        Hor Vastus. Padwar in the navy of Helium. 
        Horz. Deserted city; Barsoomian Greenwich.
        Illall. A city of Okar.
        Iss. River of Death. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Issus. Goddess of Death, whose abode is upon the banks of the Lost Sea of Korus. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Jav. A Lotharian. 
        Jed. King. 
        Jeddak. Emperor. 
        Kab Kadja. Jeddak of the Warhoons of the south. 
        Kadabra. Capital of Okar. 
        Kadar. Guard. 
        Kalksus. Cruiser; transport under Vas Kor. 
        Kantos Kan. Padwar in the Helium navy. 
        Kaol. A Martian kingdom in the eastern hemisphere. 
        Kaor. Greeting. 
        Karad. Martian degree. 
        Komal. The Lotharian god; a huge banth. 
        Korad. A dead city of ancient Mars. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Korus. The Lost Sea of Dor. 
        Kulan Tith. Jeddak of Kaol. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.) 
        Lakor. A thern. 
        Larok. A Dusarian warrior; artificer. 
        Lorquas Ptomel. Jed among the Tharks. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Lothar. The forgotten city. 
        Marentina. A principality of Okar. 
        Matai Shang. Father of Therns. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Mors Kajak. A jed of lesser Helium. 
        Notan. Royal Psychologist of Zodanga. 
        Nutus. Jeddak of Dusar. 
        Od. Martian foot. 
        Odwar. A commander, or general. 
        Okar. Land of the yellow men. 
        Old Ben (or Uncle Ben). The writer's body-servant (coloured). 
        Omad. Man with one name. 
        Omean. The buried sea. 
        Orluk. A black and yellow striped Arctic monster. 
        Otz Mountains. Surrounding the Valley Dor and the Lost Sea of Korus. 
        Padwar. Lieutenant. 
        Panthan. A soldier of fortune. 
        Parthak. The Zodangan who brought food to John Carter in the pits of Zat Arras. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Pedestal of Truth. Within the courtroom of Helium. 
        Phaidor. Daughter of Matai Shang. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Pimalia. Gorgeous flowering plant.
        Plant men of Barsoom. A race inhabiting the Valley Dor. They are ten or twelve feet in height when standing erect; their arms are very
        short and fashioned after the manner of an elephant's trunk, being sinuous; the body is hairless and ghoulish blue except for a broad band
        of white which encircles the protruding, single eye, the pupil, iris and ball of which are dead white. The nose is a ragged, inflamed,
        circular hole in the centre of the blank face, resembling a fresh bullet wound which has not yet commenced to bleed. There is no mouth in
        the head. With the exception of the face, the head is covered by a tangled mass of jet-black hair some eight or ten inches in length. Each
        hair is about the thickness of a large angleworm. The body, legs and feet are of human shape but of monstrous proportions, the feet being
        fully three feet long and very flat and broad. The method of feeding consists in running their odd hands over the surface of the turf,
        cropping off the tender vegetation with razor-like talons and sucking it up from two mouths, which lie one in the palm of each hand. They
        are equipped with a massive tail about six feet long, quite round where it joins the body, but tapering to a flat, thin blade toward the end,
        which trails at right angles to the ground. (See THE GODS OF MARS.) 
        Prince Soran. Overlord of the navy of Ptarth. 
        Ptarth. A Martian kingdom. 
        Ptor. Family name of three Zodangan brothers. 
        Sab Than. Prince of Zodanga. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Safad. A Martian inch. 
        Sak. Jump. 
        Salensus Oll. Jeddak of Okar. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.) 
        Saran Tal. Carthoris' major-domo. 
        Sarkoja. A green Martian woman. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Sator Throg. A Holy Thern of the Tenth Cycle. 
        Shador. Island in Omean used as a prison. 
        Silian. Slimy reptiles inhabiting the Sea of Korus. 
        Sith. Hornet-like monster. Bald-faced and about the size of a Hereford bull. Has frightful jaws in front and mighty poisoned sting behind.
        The eyes, of myriad facets, cover three-fourths of the head, permitting the creature to see in all directions at one and the same time. (See
        Skeel. A Martian hardwood. 
        Sola. A young green Martian woman. 
        Solan. An official of the palace. 
        Sompus. A kind of tree. 
        Sorak. A little pet animal among the red Martian women, about the size of a cat. 
        Sorapus. A Martian hardwood. 
        Sorav. An officer of Salensus Oll. 
        Tal. A Martian second. 
        Tal Hajus. Jeddak of Thark. 
        Talu. Rebel Prince of Marentina. 
        Tan Gama. Warhoon warrior. 
        Tardos Mors. Grandfather of Dejah Thoris and Jeddak of Helium. 
        Tario. Jeddak of Lothar. 
        Tars Tarkas. A green man, chieftain of the Tharks. 
        Temple of Reward. In Helium. 
        Tenth Cycle. A sphere, or plane of eminence, among the Holy Therns. 
        Thabis. Issus' chief. 
        Than Kosis. Jeddak of Zodanga. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Thark. City and name of a green Martian horde. 
        Thoat. A green Martian horse. Ten feet high at the shoulder, with four legs on either side; a broad, flat tail, larger at the tip than at the
        root which it holds straight out behind while running; a mouth splitting its head from snout to the long, massive neck. It is entirely devoid
        of hair and is of a dark slate colour and exceedingly smooth and glossy. It has a white belly and the legs are shaded from slate at the
        shoulders and hips to a vivid yellow at the feet. The feet are heavily padded and nailless. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.) 
        Thor Ban. Jed among the green men of Torquas. 
        Thorian. Chief of the lesser Therns. 
        Throne of Righteousness. In the court-room of Helium. 
        Throxus. Mightiest of the five oceans. 
        Thurds. A green horde inimical to Torquas. 
        Thuria. The nearer moon. 
        Thurid. A black dator. 
        Thuvan Dihn. Jeddak of Ptarth. 
        Thuvia. Princess of Ptarth. 
        Torith. Officer of the guards at submarine pool.
        Torkar Bar. Kaolian noble; dwar of the Kaolian Road. 
        Torquas. A green horde. 
        Turjun. Carthoris' alias. 
        Utan. A company of one hundred men (military). 
        Vas Kor. A Dusarian noble. 
        Warhoon. A community of green men; enemy of Thark. 
        Woola. A Barsoomian calot. 
        Xat. A Martian minute. 
        Xavarian. A Helium warship. 
        Xodar. Dator among the First Born. 
        Yersted. Commander of the submarine. 
        Zad. Tharkian warrior. 
        Zat Arras. Jed of Zodanga. 
        Zithad. Dator of the guards of Issus. (See The Gods Of Mars.) 
        Zitidars. Mastodonian draught animals. 
        Zodanga. Martian city of red men at war with Helium.
        Zode. A Martian hour. 

 -- End --

Click for full-size Collage Posters

Collage of Covers from the 0425 Supplementary Covers Page

Click for full-size collage
Thuvia-related features in ERBzine
25 installments from the
Czech magazine ABC from 1968-1971

Thuvia-related features in ERBzine
25 installments from the 
Czech magazine ABC from 1968-1971

The Eighth Runner-Up in the Seven Wonders of Barsoom 
Part Two: Aaanthor, Torquas, and Lothar by Woodrow Edgar Nichols, Jr. 
Part Two (cont.)

Review by RE Prindle

The Fantasy Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs 

Thuvia Cover Gallery

eText Novel

Dobrodružství Thuvie z Ptarhu

Web Refs
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Online Encyclopedia
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
TMM Summary by Various Members of ERBlist
J. Allen St. John Bio, Gallery & Links
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
ERB Illustrated Pulp Bibliography
Roy G. Krenkel Tribute Site
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines: 1915-1916
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzine Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography
Irwin Porges: The Man Who Created Tarzan
Golden Age Comic Book Stories

Volume 0425

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