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Volume 0487
J. Allen St. John: Son of Tarzan - wrap-around DJ - many b/w line interiors
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Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series #4
Joe Jusko Cover art
Son of Tarzan
Written by ERB between January 21 and May 11, 1915
Art by J. Allen St. John
Part I: Publishing History ~ Summary ~ Cast ~ Chapters I-VIII
Historiated Initials ~ Decorations ~ Interior Line Art
Continued in Part II

Read the Online eText Edition Here
Temporarily on hold

Written by ERB between January 21 and May 11, 1915
All-Story Weekly: 1915 December 4, 11, 18 ~ 1916 January 1, 8
    P.J. Monahan: December 4 cover ~ no interiors
A.C. McClurg "advance sheets" paperback with 1st edition illustrations: prior to March 1917 ~ 394 pages
A.C. McClurg "printer's dummy" edition with mostly blank pages ~ prior to March 1917
A.C. McClurg: March 10, 1917 (no dedication) ~ 394 pages  ~ 1st Ed. Print Run: 32,000 ~ Total: 472,000 ~ Heins word count: 101,000
   J. Allen St. John: wrap-around DJ and many interiors (see below)
A.C. McClurg: 1917 ~ second state first edition with Hulbert Burroughs dedication
A.C. McClurg: 1918 ~ third and fourth state editions
A.L. Burt: 1918-1928 ~ many reprint editions ~ same illustrations but just front-side DJ
Grosset & Dunlap: 1927 ~ all earlier St. John illustrations included
Big Little Book Whitman edition: 1939 ~ 432 pages
    Henry Vallely cover ~ Rex Maxon: adapted illustrations from the 1929-30 daily strip
Grosset & Dunlap: 1940 ~ St. John illustrations except frontispiece
Grosset & Dunlap Madison Square wartime edition: 1943 ~ only St. John DJ & Golden Lion title page ~ 312 pages
Ace paperback: April 1963 ~ 255 pages
    Frank Frazetta cover and title page
Ballantine paperback: July & November 1963~ 222 pages
    Richard Powers cover
Ballantine paperback: April 1963
    Robert Abbett cover
Ballantine paperback: April 1975
    Neal Adams cover
Ballantine/Del Rey paperback: 1991
    Barclay Shaw cover
Avenel Anthology: 1988 ~ Tarzan of the Apes, The Son of Tarzan, Tarzan at the Earth's Core & Tarzan Triumphant ~ 848 pages
    J. Allen St. John: Tarzan at the Earth's Core DJ and reprint interiors
    Studley Burroughs: reprint interiors ~ Esteban Maroto original drawings
Del Rey: 1996 ~ Two Novels for the Price of One edition: The Beasts of Tarzan & The Son of Tarzan ~ 373 pages
    Joe Jusko cover
Compilation of Rex Maxon daily strips ~ Fan publication by LOHAE Press ~ Dayton, Ohio ~ 2008
Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series: December 2019 ~ Joe Jusko Cover art

For detailed information, see Robert B. Zeuschner's
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography (ERB, Inc., 2016).
Click on or call 214-405-6741 to order a copy.
The Son of Tarzan
Alexis Paulvitch, a henchman of Tarzan's now-deceased enemy, Nikolas Rokoff, survived his encounter with the ape-man in The Beasts of Tarzan and wants to even the score. He lures Jack, Tarzan's son, away from London and into his clutches, but the youngster escapes with the help of the ape named Akut.

The pair then flees into the deep African jungle where two decades earlier Tarzan himself had been raised. Jack Clayton, now on his own, becomes known as Korak the Killer and builds a reputation for himself in the jungle. Like his father before him, he finds his own place among the great apes, and also like his father, meets and rescues a beautiful young woman, Meriem, the daughter of a Captain in the French Foreign Legion, who was also a Prince (Prince de Cadrenet), named Armand Jacot.

This is a prepublication paperbound copy of The Son Of Tarzan from 1917, an earlier release than the first edition.
A. C. McClurg apparently issued this early paper covered copy for review purposes. ERB called these copies 'advance sheets.'
The contents are identical to the 1st edition, and lack the dedication to Burroughs' Hulbert.
On March 12, 1917, Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote to McClurg, complaining that the dedication for "The Son of Tarzan" had been left off the newly published book.
Joseph Bray, of McClurg, was just as businesslike, writing an answer to ERB's letter just five days later -- March 17 -- probably within a day after receiving it.
ERB had written: "I was very much pleased with the appearance of the book. In only one thing was I disappointed and that was that you forgot the dedication. I wanted a book dedicated to each of my children and wrote you in Decmber to dedicate this one to Hulbert Burroughs. Could the error be rectified in future editions?"
Bray replied in his letter: "I have to apologize to you about that dedication. It seems that I clean forgot to make a note of it and give it to the proper persons. Sure, it shall appear in future editions." And it did.

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From the ERB Pulp Biblio Page 0223

Big Little Book: The Son of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs - Whitman - No. 1477
ERBzine Pulp Bibliography

The Son of Tarzan
Frazetta ACE cover painting (click)

Ballantine/Del Rey cover art by
Barclay Shaw


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From the ERBzine M.A.P.L.E. Collage Series

Methuen Edition - Cover art by Walpole Champneys
Artist profile in ERBzine Art Encyclopedia

From the Laurence Dunn Collection
Ballantine/Del Rey cover by
Barclay Shaw

Son of Tarzan
Summary (blurb from Ballantine edition)
Paulvitch still lived and sought vengeance against Tarzan. As part of his plot, he lured Tarzan's young son away from London. But the boy escaped, with the aid of the great ape Akut. They fled to the savage African jungles where Tarzan had been reared. There the civilized boy had to learn to meet the great beasts and face the dangers only his father had ever conquered. But he grew in time into Korak the Killer, almost as mighty as Tarzan. Korak found a friend in Meriem, whom he rescued from a raiding Arab band. Then he discovered that the dangers of the jungle were nothing compared to those devised by men.
Edgar Rice Burroughs'
The Son of Tarzan
Dust Jacket by J. Allen St. John
CAST (in order of appearance)
Alexis Paulvitch aka Michael Sabrov, spent 10 years with cannibals
Akut, aka Ajax: Ape King, taken to London by Paulvitch
Simpson: cruel sailor on the Marjorie W. who torments Ajax
Harold Moore: Jack Clayton's Tutor
Jack Clayton: son of Tarzan and Jane, aka "Billings," Korak
Jane Clayton: Tarzan's wife, Jack's mom,
Tarzan of the Apes: John Clayton, Lord Greystoke,
Condon: thief who tries to rob Billings (Jack Clayton)
Herr Skopf: Hotel proprietor
Armand Jacot: Foreign Legion captain, Prince de Cadrenet
Achmet-ben-Houdin: marauder chief, amor's nephew, executed by Jacot
Sheik Amor ben Khatour: Achemt's uncle, Jeanne's kidnapper
Jeanne: aka Meriem, daughter of Jacot, renamed Meriem by Sheik Amor
Geeka: Meriem's doll (named for the black who made her)
Carl Jenssen, Sven Malbihn aka Mr. Hanson: Swedish poachers/bounty hunters
Mbeeda: Arab headman bribed by Swedes to kidnap Meriem
Kavudoo: chief of tribe pursuing Jack and Meriem for ransom
Hon. Morison Baynes: visitor to the Greystoke estate, Meriem's suitor
Muviri: chief factotem at the Greystokes' East African estate
Tantor: Korak's elephant pal
Abdul Kamak: young ogler of Meriem at Sheik Amor's
Ali ben Kadin: Sheik Amor's half-black half-brother
Paul d'Arnot: French naval officer in Paris, Tarzan's best friend
Cast List Ref: Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia and Ed Stephan's Tarzan of the Internet

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FrontispieceTitle Page


The long boat of the Marjorie W.
was floating down the 
broad Ugambi with ebb tide and current.

There, screaming at them
in a cracked falsetto and 
with skinny arms outstretched, 
stood a strange apparition of a man.

I. Like a flash the beast wheeled upon its tormentor
I. Like a flash the beast
wheeled upon its tormentor

was a bilious-countenanced, 
studious young man.

II. The audience was delighted
II. The audience was delighted

As the trainer, with raised lash, 
hesitated an instant at the entrance 
to the box where the boy 
and the ape confronted him, 
a tall broad-shouldered man 
pushed past him and entered. 

III. Come here, said Paulvitch
III. Come here, said Paulvitch

The killing of the 
friendless old Russian, 
Michael Sabrov, 
by his great trained ape, 
was a matter for 
newspaper comment 
for a few days.

IV. The lad, horrified, sprang from the bed.
IV. The lad, horrified, sprang from the bed.

of the Foreign Legion 
sat upon an 
outspread saddle blanket 
at the foot of 
a stunted palm tree.

V. You will pay more than this, he said.
V. You will pay more than this, he said.

His first night 
in the jungle 
was one which
the son of Tarzan 
held longest
in his memory.

VI. The warrior was dead.
VI. The warrior was dead.

discovering that 
the boy was 
not close behind him, 
turned back 
to search for him.

VII. It was the boyVII. The boy sailed over the lion's head
VII. It was the boy ~ The boy sailed over the lion's head

A year had passed 
since the two Swedes 
had been driven in terror 
from the savage country 
where The Sheik held sway.

VIII. The great bulls were dancing in the moonlight
VIII. The great bulls were dancing in the moonlight
Continued in
PART II: Chapters IX-XIX

Methuen UK Edition
Methuen art courtesy J. G. Huckenpöhler: Huck's ERB Collector's Pocket Checklist

Compilation of Rex Maxon daily strips: ERBzine 2041
Fan publication by LOHAE Press ~ Dayton, Ohio ~ 2008
Continuation of the House of Greystoke format

Frank Frazetta Sketch

Meriem by Richard Hescox

George Wilson  art for the cover of KORAK SON OF TARZAN #14 - Sep 1966 - Gold Key

Korak Strikes

Click for full-size Promo Splash Bars

Click for full-size promo bars

Edgar Rice Burroughs Authorized Edition Series #4
Joe Jusko Cover art

Web Refs
ERB C.HA.S.E.R. Illustrated ERB Bibliography
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
ERBList Summary Project by ERB Fans
J. Allen St. John Bio, Gallery & Links
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzine Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Golden Age Comic Book Stories
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography

Volume 0487

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