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Volume 0492
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
J. Allen St. John: Jungle Tales of Tarzan - 5 sepia plates & 12 interiorsJoe Jusko Art
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Newspaper Serial Art I
Newspaper Serial Art II

ERB began writing this collection of 12 short stories on March 17, 1916
and completed them on March 18, 1917
Blue Book Magazine: September 1916 through August 1917
    Herbert Morton Stoops: one b/w illustration for each installment
A.C. McClurg: March 29, 1919 ~ 319 pages ~ 1st Ed. Print Run: 63,000 ~ Total: 275,000 ~ Heins word count: 60,000
    J. Allen St. John: DJ, five sepia plates and 12 interior b/w illustrations
A.C. McClurg: 1920 ~ St. John: 17 b/w interior illustrations
A.C. McClurg: St. John DJ and frontispiece only
Grosset & Dunlap: 1921, 1922, 1923 reprintings  ~ St. John DJ and only 13 interiors
Grosset & Dunlap: 1940 ~ St. John DJ and no frontispiece
Grosset & Dunlap wartime edition: 1943 ~ J. Allen St. John: DJ and ten interiors
Grosset & Dunlap: January 1950
    C.E. Monroe, Jr.: DJ ~ J. Allen St. John: 12 interiors ~ Rafael Palacios: endpages/board map & title decorations
Ace paperback: June 1963
    Frank Frazetta cover and title page
Ballantine paperback: July 1963
    Richard Powers cover
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine: May 1964 ~ Battle for Teeka reprint ~ pages 67-81 ~ no illustrations
Grosset & Dunlap: 1967 ~ 319 pages
    C.E. Monroe, Jr.: Pictorial board cover adapted from DJ ~ J. Allen St. John: 12 b/w interiors ~
Ballantine paperback: April 1969 ~ 191 pages
    Robert Abbett cover
Ellery Queen's 1970 Anthology ~ volume 18, 1969 ~ Tarzan, Jungle Detective: pages 251-266 ~ no illustrations
Ballantine paperback ~ April 1975
    Neal Adams cover
Quadrangle-New York Times Books: Love Stories edited by Martin Levin: Tarzan's First Love
Del Rey: June 1991 ~ 212 pages
    Barclay Shaw cover
Del Rey Two Novels for the Price of One edition: January 1997 ~ with Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar ~ 340 pages
Reprint Collage
Reprint Collage of Miscellaneous Editions 

For detailed information, see Robert B. Zeuschner's
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography (ERB, Inc., 2016).
Click on or call 214-405-6741 to order a copy.

Jungle Tales of Tarzan
For a period of exactly one year, from March 17, 1916, to March 18, 1917, Burroughs worked on his series of "The New Stories of Tarzan," dispatching them individually to The Blue Book Magazine and receiving a prompt $350 for each. They appeared in Blue Book one each month in issues dated September 1916 through August 1917. On March 29, 1919, they were published in book form by A. C. McClurg & Co. under the title Jungle Tales of Tarzan. In Blue Book the first story bore only the series title, but as Chapter One of the book it was titled "Tarzan's First Love." The remaining eleven had subtitles in the magazine, which later became chapter titles two to twelve in the book. The series had been launched in Oak Park, one story even completed on the camping tour and the remainder finished in Los Angeles. ~ Porges

Tarzan's First Love. Tarzan's courtship of the female ape Teeka ends in failure when her preference turns to their mutual friend, the male ape Taug. 

The Capture of Tarzan. Tarzan is taken captive by the warriors of a village of cannibals which has established a village near the territory of the ape tribe. He is saved from them by Tantor, the elephant. 

The Fight for the Balu. Teeka and Taug have a baby (balu, in the ape language), which Teeka names Gazan and will not allow Tarzan near. She changes her mind after Tarzan saves the baby from another ape. 

The God of Tarzan. Tarzan discovers the concept of "God" in the books preserved in the cabin of his dead parents, to which he pays regular visits. He inquires among members of his ape tribe for further elucidation without success, and continues his investigation among the cannibals of the nearby village and the natural phenomena of his world, such as the sun and moon. Eventually he concludes that God is none of these, but the creative force permeating everything. Somehow, though, the dreaded snake Histah falls outside this. 

Tarzan and the Black Boy. Jealous of Taug and Teeka's relationship with their baby, Tarzan kidnaps Tibo, a little boy from the neighboring village to be his own "balu." He tries with indifferent success to teach the terrified and homesick child ape ways. Meanwhile, Momaya, Tibo's mother does everything she can think of to find and recover her son, even visiting the hermit witch-doctor Bukawai, a terrible, diseased exile who keeps two fearsome hyenas as pets. He names a price for recovering Tibo she cannot afford, and she leaves disappointed. Afterwards, however, Tarzan, who is moved by Tibo's distress and his mother's love, returns the boy to her.

The Witch-Doctor Seeks Vengeance. Bukawai attempts to claim credit for Tibo's return and extort payment from the boy's mother, but is rebuffed. He plots vengeance against the native family and Tarzan, but is thwarted by the ape man.

The End of Bukawai. Bukawai, finding Tarzan unconscious after a storm, takes the ape man captive and stakes him out for his hyenas to devour. Escaping, Tarzan leaves the witch doctor in the same trap, in which Bukawai suffers the very fate he had intended for his enemy.

The Lion. Tarzan vainly attempts to impress on his ape tribe the necessity of maintaining a strict watch against the hazards and perils surrounding them. To drive home the lesson, he dons the skin of a lion he has killed and suddenly appears among them, only to find them more vigilant than he had thought, as they mob him and nearly beat him to death. He is saved only by the courage of his monkey friend Manu, which he had also previously under-rated, who risks all to reveal to Teeka and Taug that the "lion" is actually Tarzan. 

The Nightmare. Having been unsuccessful hunting, Tarzan robs the native village of some rotten elephant meat, which he eats. Becoming ill from the tainted meal, he has a horrible nightmare, in which he dreams himself menaced by a huge snake with the head of the village's witch doctor and is carried off by a giant bird. Waking, he realizes the incidents were not real. Subsequently attacked by a gorilla, he assumes that this too is a product of his fevered imagination, until actually wounded and hurt. He kills the beast, but is left to wonder what is real and what is fantasy. The only thing he is certain of is that he will never again eat the meat of an elephant.

The Battle for Teeka. Discovering bullet cartridges in his deceased father's cabin, Tarzan takes them with him as curios. Subsequently, Teeka is taken by an ape from another tribe, and Tarzan and Taug join forces to trail the kidnapper and rescue her. When they catch up they are surrounded by the enemy tribe and nearly overwhelmed, until Teeka starts the cartridges at their foes in an apparently futile effort to help. When some of them hit a rock, they explode, frightening the hostile apes and saving her "rescuers." 

A Jungle Joke. As part of his campaign of torment and trickery against the native village, whose members he holds responsible for his ape foster mother's death, Tarzan captures Rabba Kega, the local witch doctor, and puts him in a trap the natives have set to catch a lion. The next day the warriors find they have caught the lion, but it has killed the witch doctor. They take the lion to the village. Tarzan secretly releases it and appears among them dressed in the lion skin he had previously used to trick the apes. Dropping the disguise, he reveals himself and leaves. When the natives muster enough courage, they follow, only to encounter the real lion, which they assume is Tarzan in his disguise again. They are quickly disabused. 

Tarzan Rescues the Moon. Tarzan frees a native warrior the apes have caught on being impressed by the man's bravery, angering the rest of the ape tribe. Alienated, he exiles himself to his parents' cabin. Later, frightened by an eclipse in which darkness appears to devour the moon, they summon him back. Tarzan reassures them by shooting arrows at the "devourer," and as the eclipse passes is given credit by the creatures for the "rescue."

According to Tarzan Alive, Philip José Farmer's study of the ape man's life and career, the incidents of this book occurred from February, 1907-August, 1908 (aside from the eclipse incident, there apparently having been no such eclipse visible from equatorial Africa during this period).

Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Art by J. Allen St. John

Ballantine Books Summary

The young Tarzan was unlike the great apes who were his only companions and playmates. Theirs was a simple, savage life, filled with little but killing or being killed. But Tarzan had all of a normal boy's desire to learn. He had painfully taught himself to read from books left by his dead father. Now he sought to apply this book knowledge to the world around him. He sought for such things as the source of dreams and the whereabouts of God. And he searched for the love and affection that every human being needs. But he was alone in his struggles to grow and understand. The life of the jungle had no room for abstractions. 

Edgar Rice Burroughs'
Jungle Tales of Tarzan 


I. Tarzan's First Love
II. The Capture of Tarzan
III. The Fight for the Balu
IV. The God of Tarzan
V. Tarzan and the Black Boy
VI. The Witch-Doctor Seeks Vengeance
VII. The End of Bukawai
VIII. The Lion
IX. The Nightmare
X. The Battle for Teeka
XI. A Jungle Joke
XII. Tarzan Rescues the Moon

CAST (in order of appearance)
Teeka: young female ape, Tarzan's first love 
Kerchak: King of the Apes when Tarzan was a boy 
Tarzan of the Apes: John Clayton, Lord Greystoke 
Taug: Tarzan's rival for Teeka's affections 
Thaka, Numgo, Gunto: members of Kerchak's ape band 
Mumga: nearly blind old female ape 
Kala: Tarzan's dead ape mother
Tublat: Kala's mate 
Mbonga: chief of the gomangani 
Gazan "Redskin": child of Teeka & Taug
god: Goro Moon, thought to be a supreme being
Rabba Kega: the Mbonga witch doctor 
Tibo: ten-year-old boy 
Momaya: Tibo's mother 
Bukawai: leperous witch-doctor, lives with hyenas 
Rabba Kega: Mbonga's village witch-doctor 
Ibeto: Tibo's father 
Toog: exiled king from another ape band 
Tubuto, Mweeza: members of Mbonga's tribe 
Bulabantu: under-chief of Mbonga's tribe 
Gozan: member of Kerchak's ape band 
Kudu: Sun, thought to be a supreme being
Cast List Ref: Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia andEd Stephan's Tarzan of the Internet

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I. Tarzan's First LoveII. The Capture of TarzanIII. The Fight for the BaluIV. The God of Tarzan
V. Tarzan and the Black BoyVI. The Witch-Doctor Seeks VengeanceVII. The End of BukawaiVIII. The Lion
IX. The NightmareX. The Battle for TeekaXI. A Jungle JokeXII. Tarzan Rescues the Moon

John Clayton, Lord Greystoke

From the Brian Bohnett Collection

Barclay Shaw PB cover

Original Barclay Shaw

From the Laurence Dunn Collection
Barclay Shaw: Faulty PB back cover

.J. Allen St. John adapted cover: Del Rey 1997
1. Cover Art by C.E. Munroe ~ G&D Reprint
2. Cover Art by J. Allen St. John ~ Del Rey Doubles Series

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Blue Book - September 1916 - New Stories of Tarzan (JT1/12)
First appearance of serialization in Blue Book

Lion Illustration in Blue Book April 1917 Issue
Ref: ERB Pulp Bibliography

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Featured in our ERBzine Pulp Bibliography

Frank Frazetta art: Ace 1963Richard Powers art: Ballantine 1963Robert Abbett art: Ballantine 1969Robert Abbett art: Ballantine 1972Barclay Shaw art: Ballantine 1992

Frank Frazetta art: Ace 1963Richard Powers art: Ballantine 1963

Quadrangle Press (New York Times) 1975
"Tarzan's First Love" from Jungle Tales of Tarzan

Jungle Tales of Tarzan - South Africa Matched Set
Joe Jusko Art

Tarzan Rescues the Moon
Joe Jusko Art

Hogarth Graphic Interpretation

Original Text by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Adapted by Burne Hogarth and Robert M. Hodes ~ Introduction by Walter James Miller
Copyright 1976 by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.


Boys' Cinema: December 31, 1921 ~  Boys' Cinema: March 4, 1922
From the Brian Bohnett Collection .Laurence Dunn Collection
From the Brian Bohnett and Laurence Dunn Collections


Illustrated by Motoichiro Takebe

Pinnacle UK edition 1954Eward Mortelmans art: Four Square 1961Edward Mortelmans art: Four Square 1964New English Library UK edition 1967

Jungle Tales of Tarzan
Frazetta ACE cover painting (click)

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Lost St. John Painting restored by Phil Normand Recoverings

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Phil Normand Recoverings

JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN has one of my favorite St. John cover paintings. It depicts the scene in "The Nightmare" the young Tarzan dreams that he is carried high above the jungle by a monstrous bird. According to what St. John told collector Darrell C. Richardson in an interview, ERB's publisher, A.C. McClurg & Co., wanted to use the cover to advertise the book by sending the painting around to selected bookstores. They wanted the painting to be BIG, so St. John painted it on an artboard (before masonite) almost six feet tall. The largest painting he had ever done.
    The image is dramatic, however it loses some of its presence by being reproduced in the small 5-inch by 7.5-inch area of the printed jacket. I worked from a very clean printer's proof loaned to me by a collector friend and scanned it at a high enough resolution as to be able to "connect the dots," so to speak, and bring out the details that were blurred by the halftone process. The larger, 11 by 17 art print size allows the figures of Tarzan and the bird to separate from the blob on the jacket while keeping the high space implied by the large amount of sky and clouds.
Nightmare! Art by Joe Jusko :: Nightmare Art by Mark Wheatley from his Nucleus Project

Cover Art by Daren Bader
A Jungle Tales Graphic Edition
Written by Martin Powell. Authorized by ERB, Inc.
From Sequential Pulp/Dark Horse Comics.
Sequential Pulp To Publish Edgar Rice Burroughs'
JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN Graphic Novel  ~   2015
Sequential Pulp Comics, a graphic novel imprint distributed by Dark Horse Comics, specializing in works of classic and pulp literature is proud to announce a new graphic novel based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic novel, Jungle Tales of Tarzan.

The one hundred and forty four page graphic novel will be authorized by ERB, Inc.  All the events of the original work take place within chapter eleven of Tarzan of the Apes between Tarzan’s avenging of his ape foster mother’s death and his becoming the leader of his ape tribe. The original stories ran in Blue Book magazine from September 1916 through August 1917 prior to the book’s publication in 1919.

Writer Martin Powell will helm the graphic novel. Powell is well known for his work as the author of hundreds of science fiction, mystery, and horror stories. He has worked in the comic book industry since 1986, writing for Marvel, DC, Malibu, Caliber, Moonstone, and Disney, among others, and has been nominated for the coveted Eisner Award. He is also a respected and award winning author of children’s books, and frequently contributes prose for many short story anthologies. He resides in Saint Paul, MN.

Along with Powell, Sequential Pulp is bringing a veritable who’s who of exciting illustration talent. With an amazing cover and specialty art by Daren Bader to exciting story art by Pablo Marcos, Terry Beatty, Will Meugniot, Nik Poliwko, Antonio Romero Olmedo, Mark Wheatley, Diana Leto, Steven E. Gordon, Lowell Isaac, Tom Floyd and Jamie Chase.

Each story will run twelve pages in length and the book will be in full color. Sequential Pulp is planning a standard trade paperback and a very limited signature deluxe signed edition.

Tarzan and Bolgani ~ Art by  Enrique Torres-Prat

Nkima Chat #31: Jungle Tales: A Novelistic Reading I
Nkima Chat #32: Jungle Tales: A Novelistic Reading II

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Newspaper Serial Art I
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Web Refs
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Illustrated Bibliography
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
ERBList Summary Project by ERB Fans
J. Allen St. John Bio, Gallery & Links
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzine Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography

Volume 0492

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