DATES: Thursday August 16th, Friday the 17th, and concluding
with a guest of honor dinner on Saturday August 18th, 2012.
LOCATION: The Marriott center in Woodland Hills, California,
next to Tarzana and the ERB, Inc. offices. Special Dum-Dum rate $109.
Online registration is now available at:
Alternate Registration By Mail
Mail it with your cheque to:
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
P.O. Box 570277,
Tarzana, California, USA 91357
Make cheques payable to Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Please note "Dum-Dum" on your check.
Huckster tables will be $30.
NOTE: All the huckster room tables are now reserved.
Tracy Griffin has set up a table waiting list. If you wanted a table
but delayed in registering, contact:
NOTE: The number of dinner-only tickets for
Jane Goodall's talk are limited by the number of tables and chairs in our
banquet room, and it is very likely that there will be none available at
the door.
GOODIE BAG: those who attended similar events in Tarzana know
how much was is in the bag that goes to those who pay full registration.
We are expecting a similar grouping of great items,
some of which should be even more amazing!
(Subject to change - additional events
are in the planning stages)
General Announcements:
All panels will be in the Hidden Hills room. (Same as the Huckster
Room at ECOF)
The Dum-Dum registration table will have your name badge,
and if you bought the full registration,
it will have your registration packet with schedules and other goodies.
The US Post Office is going to have a huckster
room table where
(a) they will sell ERB stamps, and
(b) they will open a mini-postoffice so attendees can pay to have
mailed and shipped directly from the huckster room.
Wednesday Early Bird evening:
5:00 pm: ERB, Inc. and the Tarzana Chamber of
Commerce arranged for a special Wednesday evening event.
Buses leave the Marriott lobby so that
first 50 early arrivals can enjoy a delightful start to the Dum-Dum
with an evening at Columbia College of Hollywood in Tarzana, which
includes a reception and a showing of “Tarzan and His Mate.” Appetizers
will be served before the movie, and dessert after the movie. Buses should
return to the Marriott around 9:30 pm.
9:30 Members of the Panthans and Muckers meet after the movie.
8 am Vendors can set up in the Huckster
9 am Huckster room opens with Burroughs-related
11 am Prof. Stan Galloway "Narrative
Techniques in Tarzan and John Carter"
1:30 pm Phil Normand of
presents “The Details of Digital Restoration” and explains the process
of accurate dust jacket reconstruction.
3:00 Michael Sellers will discuss
his 400-page book on what went wrong with the John Carter movie and his
book, John Carter and the Gods of Hollywood.
4:00-5:00 Kevin Robinette will do
a presentation on "Tarzan's History in Comics" with plenty of visual examples
7 pm No-host mixer in the Marriott poolside
area to meet new and old friends
8 pm Live music - David Lemmo, Thomas
Yeates, John and Paula Pappas perform.
8:15 pm Al Bohl’s documentary on “Tarzan,
Lord of the Louisiana Jungle”
8:30 am: Burroughs Bibliophiles Board of Directors
meeting (open to all)
9:00 am: Huckster room opens
9:30-10:30 am: Sculptor Joe DeVito illustrates
the creation process for the new Tarzan statue
10:45-2:00 Huckster room will be closed
during the morning stamp ceremony.
10:45 am First buses leave for the site
of the ERB stamp celebration. After the ceremony buses will return people
back to the Marriott to give people a chance to get their lunch.
11:30-12:30 Stamp ceremony off-site
in downtown Tarzana (The Tarzana Community and Cultural Centre) celebrating
the official first-day release of the ERB stamp
12:30 Buses return to Mariott; eat lunch
at a place of your own choosing.
1-2: Lunch
1:30-2:00 Lee Chase, son of Florence Gilbert.
Lee lived with ERB for six years and will do a Q?A session.
2-3 pm: ERB-related “Mucker Jeopardy”
game sponsored by the Chicago Muckers;
3:00-3:45 Richard Lupoff talks about Canaveral
Press and other topics, and answers questions
3:30-5:00 tours of ERB, Inc. offices.
(there will be a sign-up sheet available at the registration table beginning
Thursday morning).
3:30 first tour leaves from Marriott lobby, and
returns to Marriott
4:15 second tour leaves from Marriott lobby,
bringing back first tour group, then returning to bring back second group.
8:00 pm: Tarzan “yell”
contest judged by Linda, Dejah and Llana Jane Burroughs
with MC Bill Hillman (Costumes Optional)
1482 ~ ERBzine 1929
8:15 pm Burroughs Bibliophiles auction
9 am: Huckster room opens
9:30-10 am Jim Sullos will speak
about future ERB, Inc. plans and projects
10-10:30 John Burroughs “Memories
of My Grandfather”
10:30 am “Inside ERB’s World” with Linda
Burroughs, Llana Jane and Dejah Burroughs, Cathy Wilbanks, Janet Mann,
and Willie Jones sharing memories and answering questions.
1:30 pm Panel with ERB authorized authors:
Maxwell (Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan), Andy Briggs
(author of two Tarzan novels), Tracy Griffin (Tarzan:
The Centennial Celebration), Lee Strong (A Soldier
of Poloda), Michael Sellers (John Carter and the Gods of
NOTE: you will need your ID badge OR TICKET
to get into the Saturday night dinner;
bring your badge with you at dinnertime –
seats are limited!
6:00 pm The Burroughs Bibliophiles dinner: we acknowledge the
celebrity guests, present awards, and then our two guests of honor will
speak: Jane Goodall and John Carter film
producer Jim Morris
Sunday Morning: Traditional farewell
breakfast in the Marriott dining room.
12:30-4 pm: Sunday afternoon: informal
pizza lunch at Bob and Lindy Zeuschner’s home in Sierra Madre (address
and map are in the registration “goodie bag”)
JANE GOODALL: Special Guest of Honour is a world-famous
Tarzan fan and committed environmentalist and protector of African wildlife
JIM MORRIS: Special Guest of Honour (John Carter
film, Disney, etc. - See the Announcement in HTML
and PDF)
Richard Lupoff: (author: ERB Master of Adventure,
and countless novels)
James Sullos (president of ERB, Inc.)
John Burroughs (Danton's older brother)
Danton Burroughs family: Linda and daughters Llana
Jane Burroughs, Dejah Burroughs
Robin Maxwell will attend (the author of Jane: The Woman Who Loved
Joe De Vito (sculptor of Tarzan).
Al Bohl (Film and documentary maker: Tarzan Lord of the Louisiana
Jungle, etc.
Denny Miller (actor, author)
Ron Ely (actor, author)
Casper Van Dien (actor)
Jerry Schneider (publisher of the ERBville series and others).
Professor Stan Galloway (author of Teenage Tarzan)
Andy Briggs (author of two new authorized Tarzan
Michael Kogge (author of Annotated Princess of Mars)
Neal Romanek (author of a new Venus novel)
Tracy Griffin (author of a new coffee table Tarzan book)
Thomas Yeates (ERB artist and Prince Valiant artist)
Bill Stout (muralist and ERB artist)
Michael Sellers (author, director)
Jim Van Hise (publisher)
Henry Franke (Editor of the Burroughs Bulletin)
Kevin Robinette (Teaches "History of the Comic"
at the Art Academy University of San Francisco.)
Dr. J. G. Huckenpohler, author of the Pocket Checklist, 8th ed.
Lee Strong (Soldier of Poloda: Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest
Star) (panel of authors)
Dan Parsons (graphic novel author and Tarzan artist)
Joe Musso (movie Tarzan knives collector)
Bob Zeuschner (author of ERB: The Exhaustive Scholar’s and
Collector’s Descriptive Bibliography)
Brian Bohnett (author of The Remarkable Enid Markey, and
other Burroughs studies)
Phil Normand (artist,
Lee Chase (ERB step-son)
Caz Cazedessus (publisher of ERB-dom)
Bruce Boxleitner (ERB fan and actor)
Bill Hillman ( and Editor/Webmaster for the ERB
The locus of Dum-Dum activities will be the Warner Center Marriott
in Woodland Hills, close to Tarzana and the ERB, Inc. offices.
The Warner Center Marriott hotel is set in the San Fernando valley,
adjacent to Highway 101 (Ventura Freeway), approximately 40 minutes north
of LAX, and approximately 25 minutes west of the smaller Burbank airport.
The Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills is located at 21850 Oxnard
Street ? Woodland Hills, California 91367.
AVAILABLE SOON: An on-line link which will allow you to register
at the Marriott can soon be found at
(there is a direct link to the Marriott HERE).

You can telephone the Marriott directly at (818) 887-4800.
To receive the group rate discount you must mention the Dum-Dum or
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Special group rates are available for Wednesday August 15th, Thursday
August 16th, Friday August 17, and Saturday, August 18th, 2012.
Our special group rate is $109 per night plus the city tax of 15.6%.
Overnight self-parking is at a discounted rate of $9 per car. If you choose
to stay elsewhere, the Marriott charges $6 to park for the day plus 10%
tax. Limited free street parking is available adjacent to the hotel.