Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 10,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 4532
Photos by Bill and Sue-On ~ Captions by Sue-On

3. Explorations

A Fantastic California Retreat Hosted by
Robin Maxwell and Max Thomas

"Morning has broken...Like the first morning..." 
~ Cat Stevens
"Mine is the sunlight, mine is the morning.
Born of the one light Eden saw play..." 
Morning dove singing "wake up!" 
atop a yucca plant.
"Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden"
Beautiful fragrance from the rosemary 
wafts into the sleeping porch. 
What a great smell to wake up to! The ultimate rosemary bush! 
These were right beside the screened in sleeping porch. 
What a beautiful fragramce to go to sleep with and to wake up to!
Here comes Peter Cottontail...
Max! Where's my breakfast!
One of the MANY critters looking for their sugar daddy.
This rabbit is one that was not affected by the fire. 
Others had notches in their ears from being singed.
Max said these rabbits and the jacks 
do not turn white in the winter. 
He was quite surprised that ours do.
"Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlight from heaven.
Like the first dewfall, on the first grass." 
Love this "boulder seat"...
the joshua in the foreground with a view of the main house.
It's later in the afternoon; 
and Robin says it's time to work up an appetite!
Better get my running shoes on! 
Oh Robin...
You REALLY want us to climb those rocks? 
This is... Bucket Wheat, I think! 
Better ask Max, 
but it sure is pretty against those boulders. 
Nature's artistic hand at work.
Amazing compositions... 
in the desert! 
Ok...who's been throwing rocks! 
These rocks display "bulldseye" patterns -
sedimentation and upheaval? 
Perfect bullseye by forces of nature. 
Cactus with fruit.
A yucca stump 
with new growth sprouting on the side. 
The pattern is beautiful.
Max in Eden ;-) 
Sue-On and Bill in Eden too with Max... 
Surrounded by spectacular mesas.
This feature is in a previous picture: 
"Amazing composition..." 
Robin thinks it's a face with a big wart on the nose. 
To me, I see a mother with a child on her lap...
I must have been missing our newest grandchild Inara... 
no further comment ;-) 
Bill and Robin at the top! 
Tarzan Bill and Tarzan Max 
fight for the top spot! 
Cry of the two bull manganis...
Max re-energizes 
with a couple of classic yoga postures... 

Hillmans' High Desert Eden Adventure

ERBzine 4529  or  HillmanWeb
1. The Journey
2. Arrival
3. Explorations
4. Pappy and Herriot's
5. Adventure Continues
6. Departure
7. Pioneertown
8. Route 66 


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