Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration
The Stories, The Movies, The Art (2012)
by Scott Tracy Griffin
Ref: Jeff Flugel's Cracked Leather Armchair Blog at
Jan 29, 2014
1912, Edgar Rice Burroughs debuted his most famous creation in his second-ever
novel, Tarzan of the Apes, and changed not only his life, but popular culture,
forever after. For decades, the Lord of the Jungle dominated the fictional
landscape, in every medium imaginable. A hundred years later, times might
have changed and audiences become more cynical, yet Tarzan's legacy, his
hold on the public's imagination, though somewhat dimmed from its once-majestic
peak, still echoes on. Adaptations still keep coming, including an animated
Disney TV series, a stage production and a theatrical animated film, all
in the past 12 years.
A century is a long time for a fictional character to
still hold currency, and dedicated Burroughs scholar Scott Tracy Griffin's
Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration commemorates this impressive span in
I usually don't go in for coffee table books. Always heavy
on beautiful imagery but light on actual content, the typical coffee table
book is fun for a quick perusal but rarely commands repeated attention...something
you pick up once or twice and then rarely look at again. Happily,
Griffin's terrific compendium is a notable exception. In short, it is -
like its subject - magnificent.
Published by Titan Books, Tarzan: The Centennial
Collection is huge (13 x 10 inches) and beautifully designed, with
thick, glossy pages chock full of stunning images, but Griffin hasn't scrimped
on the text side of the equation, either. This a fabulous, juicy tome that
not only is a feast for the eye and a salve for the soul of adventure fiction
junkies everywhere, but works as a splendid overview of Burroughs' most
famous character.
More than half of the book's 320 pages are dedicated to
what started the phenomenon in the first place - Burroughs' novels: several
pages for each Tarzan title, including a non-spoilery plot synopsis, plus
several paragraphs providing background details about their writing, including
notes on the author's research methods, word count (most of the novels
seem to average 75,000 to 80,000 words), payment for each story, the sometimes
quite involved back-and-forth negotiations on their publication, etc. Coverage
of each novel is of course accompanied by numerous (and wonderful) cover
paintings, from the original hardback dust jackets by J. Allen St. John
to 1960s Gold Key comic art by George Wilson. The real highlights are the
plethora of cover plates from the various Ace, Dell and Ballantine paperback
runs from the 60s and 70s, especially focusing on the work of Robert Abbott,
Neal Adams and Boris Vallejo, often gifted with a whole page each, the
better to study their artistry in greater depth.

Griffin also peppers the book with sidebar articles (equally
lavishly illustrated) on all manner of Tarzan-related goodies, from entries
on Jane, the various beasts of Tazan (Tantor the Elephant, Numa the Lion,
Nkima vs. Cheeta, etc.), Korak (Tarzan's son), Pellucidar, feral children,
lost worlds, implacable foes, femmes fatales, an "ape language" glossary,
and on and on. Later chapters of the book delve into Tarzan's forays into
the world of comics (both newspaper strips and comic books), radio, film,
television, stage, memorabilia and the like. Every possible facet is covered
in brief, with myriad nuggets of information that many fans might not be
aware of. (For example, did you know that actor Rod Taylor of The Time
Machine fame starred in over 800 15-minute Tarzan serials for Australian
radio in the late 50s? I sure as heck didn't!)
are also a couple of fascinating biographical chapters (again, accompanied
by rare and enlightening photographs) discussing Burroughs youthful military
service and later life as a world famous, elder statesman writer hanging
out at his Tarzana ranch (and, of course, Tarzana itself gets its own chapter).
Author Griffin definitely knows his stuff, and really,
for a One Stop Shopping trip to the savage, mythical lands of the Lord
of the Apes, you could hardly do better. I've found myself breaking the
coffee table book curse and returning to the book every day over the past
several weeks since I first got my hot little hands on it, pouring over
the incredible artwork, gleaning new-to-me details from the text - basically,
savoring each individual section like a delicious ice cream cone.
And best of all, the book has inspired me to start working
my way through those original Tarzan novels, many of which I've never got
around to reading before. Indispensable for fans of Tarzan, Edgar Rice
Burroughs, pulp adventure fiction, and wonderful cover art in general,
and worth much more than what it's currently going for on Amazon (can you
tell I like this thing?), Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration comes highly,
highly recommended.
Original dust jacket cover art for TARZAN AND THE
LEOPARD MEN, by J. Allen St John.