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Issue 0590

ERBzine Silver Screen Series
A Resource Guide to the Movies of Edgar Rice Burroughs
An ongoing ERBzine and ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. ENCYCLOPEDIA project

The Adventures of Tarzan

A 1921 Serial Starring
Elmo Lincoln

View the Serial Squadron Restoration
Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Ep. 4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6a | Ep. 6b | Ep. 7a | Ep. 7bEp. 8a | Ep. 8b |
Ep. 9a | Ep. 9b | Ep. 10a | Ep. 10b | Ep. 11a | Ep. 11b | Ep. 12a | Ep. 12b (conc.)

Watch a 1985 Entirely Different Foreign ADVENTURES OF TARZAN serial
Adventures of Tarzan is a 1985 Indian Hindi-language film directed by Babbar Subhash,
starring Hemant Birje, Dalip Tahil, Kimi Katkar and Om Shivpuri.

In 1920, Elmo Lincoln was still at Universal, where he was having a successful run of serials and adventure films. Numa Pictures who still had the rights to one more Tarzan film entered into a deal with another company, Great Western, who leased the production rights and were able to negotiate with Universal to get Lincoln back for the role. In the process, Burroughs was sued but the case, which the author won, would not come to court until February 1923 in New York. Burroughs would eventually spend most of the twenties looking for a different studio that would allow him more control over scripts and production, but for now the way was clear for Weiss Brothers' Numa Pictures and Great Western to produce a Tarzan serial starring Elmo Lincoln.

This film, The Adventures of Tarzan, was based on two Burroughs works, The Return of Tarzan and Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. A new Jane, 16-year-old Louise Lorraine, was hired. She would eventually go on to become the "Queen of the Serials."  The seductress priestess La of the Atlantean city of Opar was played by Lillian Worth.

The jungle was recreated entirely on a studio set with desert scenes shot on location in Arizona.  Lincoln was expected to perform most of his own stunts but, to his displeasure, the film's bonding company refused to allow the star to place himself at risk. Stunt double Frank Merrill also played the role of an Arab guard, experiences that would would serve him well in a few years when he would take over in the starring role of Tarzan the Mighty and Tarzan the Tiger.

Critics and audiences alike were thrilled to see Lincoln return to the role and the film became the fourth biggest money-earner in 1921 -- outearning even Valentino's The Sheik and D.W. Griffith's Dream Street. Even the animal stars Tantor the elephant and Numa the lion became household names. Lincoln's success in the role of Tarzan was a mixed blessing, however, since it typecast him as a wild jungle man and action hero. The starring roles came to an end with the end of the silent era but he reemerged as a successful character actor in Laughton's Hunchback of Notre Dame, Olivier's Carrie, and ironically Tarzan Magic Fountain with Lex Barker..

Our official Elmo Lincoln site is featured in ERBzine0283: My Father: Elmo Lincoln
See more of Elmo's work in Tarzan of the Apes and The Romance of Tarzan

From the Ron de Laat Collection

Washington, D.C., circa 1922. "Leader Theater, front." Sidney Lust's movie house on Ninth Street N.W.
National Photo Company glass negative.

Carriers' Theater Party
Washington Post, Feb 12, 1922
Many Post newsboys yesterday had the time of their lives at the showings of the latest installment of the Adventures of Tarzan at Sidney B. Lust's Leader and Truxton theaters as the guests of Mr. Lust and the circulation department of the Post. The boys found the day an even greater event than they had expected, for in the morning at their homes, each had received letters from W.C. Shelton, circulation manager of The Post, thanking them for their efforts delivering The Post on time during the storm and enclosing $1 as a bonus.

Mr. Lust, who was host to a number of the carriers yesterday, will entertain as many more today, for tickets good for either day were sent out. As a special inducement to efficient service, the boys who rank among the best carriers in the city will receive free movie tickets for the next 15 weeks.

The boys had been particularly interested in the Tarzan film, which features Elmo Lincoln. Bo-Bo, the monkey with the human brain, was on hand to meet the boys when they reached the Theater, and on leaving every boy was given a bag of peanuts. Bo-Bo plays an important part in the Tarzan serial, and his antics created much amusement. 


The Adventures of Tarzan (1921)
Directors: Robert F. Hill ~ Scott Sidney
Producer: Louis Weiss
Writers: Edgar Rice Burroughs (novels) ~ Robert F. Hill ~ Lillian Valentine

Summary: Tarzan spurns the love of La, the Oparian priestess. He struggles to keep Russian villain Rokoff and Clayton, the pretender to the Greystoke estate, from reaching Opar, he is attacked by two lions, dropped into a pit when a volcano splits the ground, nearly sacrificed by the sun worshippers, and goes through all the adventures we have come to expect in a Tarzan movie.

Elmo Lincoln ~ Tarzan
Louise Lorraine ~ Jane Porter
Percy Pembroke ~ William Clayton
Frank Whitson and James Inslee ~ Rokoff
Lillian Worth ~ Queen La of Opar
Charles Inslee ~ Professor Porter and Hagar the Beggar
George Monberg ~ Monsieur Gernot
Frank Merrill ~ Arab guard
Joe Martin ~ The ape
Charles Guy ~ Sheik Ben-Ali
Maceo Bruce Scheffield ~ Waziri Chief
Fifi R. Lachoy
George B. French
Gordon Griffith
Kathleen Kirkham
Thomas Jefferson
Bert Wheeler
Stunts:  Frank Merrill
Black and White  ~ Silent ~ 35 mm negative and print ~ Spherical ~ Aspect Ratio: 1.33 : 1
Production Companies: Great Western Producing Company ~ Numa Picture Corporation (Weiss Brothers)
Distributors: Numa Picture Corporation

Original 15 Titles
1928 Reedited Version: 10 Chapters
1935 Reedited Sound Added ~ 10 Chapters
1. Jungle Romance (3 reels)
2. The City of Gold
3. The Sun Death
4. Stalking Death
5. Flames of Hate
6. The Ivory Tomb
7. The Jungle Trap
8. The Tornado
9. Fangs of the Lion
10. The Simoon
11. The Hidden Foe
12. Dynamite Trail
13. The Jungle's Fury
14. Flaming Arrows
15. The Last Adventure
1. The Return of Tarzan
2. The Sun Death
3. The Flames of Hate
4. The Ivory Tomb
5. The Jungle Trap
6. Fangs of the Lion
7. The Hidden Foe
8. The Jungle's Prey
9. Flaming Arrows
10. The Last Adventure


1. Tarzan the Fearless
2. Tarzan's Hideout
3. Tarzan's Enemies
4. Tarzan Vanishes
5. Tarzan Conquers
6. Tarzan Faces Death
7. Fighting Tarzan
8. Cyclone Tarzan
9. Fangs vs. Tarzan
10. A Message for Tarzan



  • Between Tarzan roles, Elmo Lincoln had starred in three Universal serials: The Flaming Disk, Elmo the Mighty and Elmo the Fearless.
  • The scene of Tarzan (Elmo Lincoln) killing the lion was a result of the lion being annoyed at having its tail pulled. Lincoln was forced to fight for his life, and his victory can be viewed in the movie.
  • This silent serial was rereleased in 1928 with sound effects in shorter version.
  • Film locations: L-KO Studio (Numa backlot jungle) and Universal City Studios backlot ~ California locales and Arizona desert
  • The film stuntman, Frank Merrill went on to play the lead roles in Tarzan the Mighty and Tarzan the Tiger
  • Bert Wheeler who had a small role in this film went on to star on Broadway and the Ziegfield Follies. He teamed with Robert Woolsey to and together they became major stars in vaudeville, stage, moves and radio.
  • Veteran serial director, Robert F. Hill, claimed this serial to be his greatest work.
  • Over 3,000 extras, of every nationality, appeared in the film.
  • Numa pictures claimed that more time had been given to the production of this film than any serial yet produced.
  • A jungle fire sequence filmed at the Great Western Studio nearly burned down the studio buildings.
  • The producers claimed that more wild animals were used in this production than in any serial produced to date.
  • On July 15, 1921 five actors were hospitalized, three cameras destroyed, the film from the day's shoot was ruined  and the many people on the set narrowly escaped injury when three lions ran amok.
  • The production wrapped up by August 13, 1921
  • A 10-chapter version of the serial has been preserved and restored by UCLA and various other versions have appeared over the years, including the most recent restoration to DVD by the Serial Squadron company.
  • A synopsis of all 15 chapters along with numerous screen captures is featured in Jerry Schneider's ERB and the Silver Screen: Volume I The Silent Years published by ERBville Press.
  • Elmo Lincoln spent the first quarter of 1922 on a promotional tour for the serial in which he visited at least 10 states and possibly made appearances in Canada as well.
Director Robert F. Hill credited author Edgar Rice Burroughs for much of the success of the film: ""... this serial embodies all of the mystery, the charm of action for which Mr. Burroughs' novels are noted. The author has been of invaluable assistance to me throughout the entire production in securing the proper jungle atmosphere, garbing the various characters correctly and in injecting the proper suspense. Mr. Burroughs spent many days on location and in the studios with us in this work. His expression of keen approval during a recent screening of "Adventures of Tarzan" has well repaid the expenditure of time and effort."

Vernell Coriell, founder of the Burroughs Bibliophiles and a friend of Elmo Lincoln related the following anecdote:

"Mrs. Greenburg (in charge of production) and Elmo did not get along well during production. One day after she and Elmo had words, the big man left in a huff. Production was held up for several days when Elmo refused to return to work. Someone came up with the idea of having a witch doctor perform some mumbo-0jumbo on Tarzan, making him look like Frank Merrill (Lincoln's stunt double), who would finish the picture. Elmo heard about this and promptly returned to work."


Danton Burroughs Collection
Click for larger image                                                                      .

Studio Documents

BIRTH: 1 October 1901, San Francisco, California (Birth name: Louise Escovar)
DEATH: 2 February 1981, New York, New York
Height 5' 1"
Spouses: Art Acord  (? - 1928) (divorced) ~ Chester J. Hubbard  (? - 1963) (his death)
MOVIES: Elmo, the Fearless, 1920 ~ The Adventures of Tarzan, 1921 ~ With Stanley In Africa, 1922 ~ McGuire of the Mounted, 1923 ~ Exit Smiling, 1923, Great Circus Mysery serial, 1925 ~ Lightning Express serial, 1930 
Louise Lorraine (Louise Escovar) was educated in New York where she appeared on stage in musical comedy and dramatic stock.  She began her film career as Louise Fortune opposite Chai Hong, a Chinese screen comic known as the "Chaplin of the Orient." She was briefly mentioned as Harold Lloyd's new leading lady, but starred instead opposite Elmo Lincoln in the serial Elmo the Fearless (1920). With that, a new action queen was born and Universal signed her to a long-term contract. She was reunited with the brawny Lincoln in The Flaming Disc (1920) and The Adventures of Tarzan (1921). She was soon challenging Allene Ray's position as America's favorite damsel in distress. As fearless as the previous decade's Pearl White, Lorraine reportedly insisted on doing even the most dangerous of stunts herself -- until she witnessed an automobile overturn during the filming of The Great Circus Mystery (1925) that killed the passengers. In 1925, she married one of her leading men, the hard-drinking Art Acord, and together they left Universal to star in Westerns produced by poverty row company Truart. The strain quickly began to show both on- and offscreen, and the marriage ended in 1929. Entertaining the idea of escaping action melodramas altogether, Lorraine signed with posh MGM, but without her riding britches she was unremarkable. Returning to Universal for one final serial fling, The Lightning Express (1930), Lorraine discovered that some of the fun had gone out of filmmaking with the introduction of sound and she retired. In her later years, she remained amazed at how well both she and her serials continued to be remembered. ~ Hans J. Wollstein, All Movie Guide
More at ERBzine Events


Stars Over Broadway (1935)(Buxom Singer) ~ Stranded (1935)(Blonde) ~ Love Is a Racket (1932)(Girl) ~ Other Men's Women (1931)(Waitress) ~ Fighting Sheriff, The (1931) ~ Dangerous Paradise (1930)(Myrtle) ~ Stairs of Sand, 1929 ~ Docks of New York (1928)(Steve's Girl) ~ Adventures of Tarzan (La), 1921 

     Lillian Worth portrayed La of Opar—the high priestess of the Sun God whose unrequited love for Tarzan is revisited in four novels and four times on screen—in the 1921 serial “The Adventures of Tarzan,” starring Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine, and based on the second ape-man novel, “The Return of Tarzan”.

    Born Lillian Burgher Murphy on June 24, 1884, in Brooklyn, New York, Worth began appearing onstage in 1908, under her married name, Lillian Wiggins, and, by 1913 was contracted to Pathé, shooting films in California, New York, and Paris, adopting the stage name Lillian Worth after her divorce. Her film credits include “The Shadow of Rosalie Byrnes” (1920), “In Search of a Sinner” (1920), “Wise Husbands” (1921), “The Lady from Longacre” (1921), “The Foolish Age” (1921), “Rustlers’ Ranch” (1926), “On the Stroke of Twelve” (1927), “Upstream” (1927), “The Docks of New York” (1928), “Stars of Sand” (1929), “The Fighting Sheriff” (1931) “Other Men’s Women” (1931), and “The White Angel” (1936). On Broadway, she appeared in “A Parisian Model” (1908), “Miss Innocence” (1908-09) and “The Kiss Waltz” (1911).

     With the advent of the sound era, Worth’s on-camera roles dwindled to bit roles, but she became a popular choice to record blood-curdling screams, a particular talent of hers. Worth was married twice, to Benjamin Platt Wiggins and Erville Alderson.

Lillian Worth died on February 23, 1952, in Los Angeles, age 67.

Wheeler and Woolsey with Dorothy Lee Bert Wheeler: (Albert Jerome Wheeler)  Birth: Apr. 7, 1895 ~ Death: Jan. 18, 1968 ~ 5' 4" in height
After becoming an orphan as a baby - his mother died at the age of 17 - he was raised by his father and aunt, and later a step-mother, he went to New York, where he tried to break into showbiz  He got his first break with Gus Edwards, working later as actor in several shows, among them "The Gingerbread Man" and "When Dreams Come True". During this show he met his first wife, Margaret Grae, with whom he formed up a succesful vaudeville team. Although being asked several times to make movies (among them a request by Harold Lloyd), he stayed with vaudeville. 1926 they divorced. In 1927 he was signed by Florenz Ziegfeld for his show "Rio Rita", where he was teamed with Robert Woolsey. They clicked and formed a comedy team that made many Hollywood comedies. When Ziegfeld sold the screen rights of Rio Rita to the newly formed RKO studio as their offical debut, they were the only actors in the cast who repeated their stages roles. A young actress named Dorothy Lee joined the team. The team lasted till 1938 when Woolsey died. After Woolsey's death, Wheeler continued as single, mostly on the stage, but sometimes also on the screen. He was a regular on the '50s TV series Brave Eagle. In the '60s he performed in New York and Las Vegas nightclubs. His last years were darkened with financial difficulties and failing health. Sadly, two weeks before his own death on January 18, 1968 his daughter died of cancer. ~ IMDB


After finally getting a chance to view the Adventures of Tarzan with Elmo Lincoln, now out at last on DVD, a few of my questions were  answered that I had about the movie. All my life I have been curious as to what this movie might be like. It is roughly supposed to be an adaptation of The Return of Tarzan, at least the second half of that novel. First, a brief digression to explain the Tarzan silents.

The silent Tarzan movies fall into two groups, between which there is about a 5-6 year gap. The first group I call the "Elmo" group, the first five:

Tarzan of the Apes (1918) Elmo Lincoln. This film roughly adapts the book up to the point where Tarzan rescues D'arnot and Jane leaves to go back to America. However, in this version there is no D'Arnot, and the person who teaches Tarzan to read (and also talk) is a shipwrecked sailor named Binns (who replaces Black Michael). This occurs during his growth to manhood, so he is not alone in the jungle, but is mentored by old Binns. This is a significant departure from the book. Also the film ends as if Tarzan and Jane have found happiness together.

The Romance of Tarzan (1918) Elmo Lincoln. Supposedly adapted from the conclusion of TA, it bears little resemblance to the book. Because of William Cecil's betrayal, the ship leaves without Tarzan. Tarzan strikes out into the ocean to swim after them, and he lands on a desert island. This time a Father Raoul teaches Tarzan the ways of  civilization, and Tarzan reaches Southern California, where he rescues Jane from Mexican bandits. Again Clayton tries to betray Tarzan so he can marry Jane, and as a result Tarzan returns to Africa in consternation. Jane, realizing the truth, convinces her father to take a journey back to Africa to find Tarzan. This film has little relevance to the book.

The Revenge of Tarzan (1920) Gene Pollar. This movie is perhaps the most faithful of these. It is a close adaptation of the first half of Return of Tarzan, describing his adventures in Paris, including the duel with DeCoude, and his adventures in North Africa as an French agent. It truncates the end of the book by having Tarzan swim to a desert island after he is pushed overboard by Rokoff, and there he meets Jane who was shipwrecked onto the island also.

The Son of Tarzan (1920) An adaptation of Son of Tarzan.

The Adventures of Tarzan (1921) Elmo Lincoln. 

The second batch of silent films were the three done in the late twenties:

Tarzan and the Golden Lion (1927) A loose adaptation from the book.

Tarzan the Mighty (1928) An original story, a pseudo-version of his origin in the style of later films like the Buster Crabbe, with a Mary instead of Jane, has no relation to the books, but it more related to the sound films of the thirties in its alternative take on Tarzan, not referencing the books.

Tarzan the Tiger (1929) Frank Merrill. A long episodic adaptation of Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. Merrill plays one of the most authentic Tarzans physically, perhaps second only to Mike Henry. Merrill is tall, and dark haired, and has a truly ripped physique.

In the opening of Adventures of Tarzan, we find that Clayton, Rokoff, Jane, and also, further up the beach, Professor Porter, have been shipwrecked in Africa at the location of Tarzan's cabin. Porter gets lost in the jungle. Tarzan finds Jane but Clayton sides with the dastardly Rokoff to try to set a trap to kill him. The actress playing Jane is as cute as she can be, but she has black hair rather than blond as in the book. Elmo plays a heroic Tarzan. He is just a bit too chunky for the part, but he is young and tall and has an heroic bearing. He seems to be in better shape than he was in TA. What is fascinating about this film is that it was made without any knowledge of Weissmuller whatsoever, and only draws upon the books for inspiration. It is far from a literal adaptation, but it stays somewhat within the parameters of the books. Many new episodes and incidents are invented for the movie. 

It is unclear what happens to William Cecil Clayton -- at some point he disappears from the story and does not return. At the cabin, Rokoff and Jane are captured by the beastmen of Opar and Tarzan is knocked out. At Opar, La decides to sacrifice Jane immediately. Somehow Rokoff saves Jane for his own purposes, and together they find the treasure vaults. Tarzan arrives just as an earthquake occurs, which opens a passage to the inner city into which he tumbles. The quake also releases lions into the city. Lions are everywhere in this jungle and in this film; it is infested with hungry lions. Tarzan saves Jane from the lions and takes her back to the cabin. Rokoff also escapes and makes rendezvous with Lt. Gernoit, a renegade officer leading a troop of Arab slavers. Rokoff and Gernoit lead an attack upon the Waziri village to steal their ivory. Tarzan helps the Waziri refugees to fight back by shooting from the trees. The Waziri make him their "Big Bwana" and King of the Jungle. 

Note from Ron de Laat:
 Reading the reference book of Jerry L. Schneider, you can read on page 369 that Clayton got lost in the woods and at certain point he faced an angry Tantor. Tantor picked him up and threw him away. Later he tried to step on Clayton -- if it wasn't Tarzan who produced his yell. At that point Clayton was able to run away but got stuck in quicksand. Porter who also was lost met Clayton, but was not able to help him. Three Lions were behind him and Porter had to run away. And that was the last time we could read about Clayton.

On disc two, Rokoff and Gernoit manage to capture Jane and take her to an Arab city, where Tarzan finds them and saves Jane again, etc.

One thing they added, that was not in the novel, was the bizarre notion of having the map to Opar tattooed onto Jane's back shoulder. This makes her body a necessity for not only Tarzan but the bad guy, Rokoff and company. 

They obviously try to make Tarzan as macho as possible. In one scene, he and Jane are trapped in a cellar, and Tarzan pulls the iron bars from the window. In another scene, he and his ape are attacked in the desert by three armed arab riders, and in the end, Tarzan rides off truimphantly with one of the horses. One can almost see some of Robert E. Howard's Conan in this film. I would assume that REH saw it. It has been lost to all subsequent generations until recently though. And even now not every episode has been recovered. Apparently they found a copy of the movie version, and then attempted from that to restore it to its original serial form. 

After a while I got really tired of hearing the Serial Squadron's jungle music, so I turned down the volume and put on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, which seemed to work much better, for me at least. 

 The rest of the film is about how Rokoff and Lt Gernois, who played only a small role in the book, along with their Arab allies, attempt to find Opar and loot its gold. Unlike the lost valley in the book, this city of Opar is entirely hidden underground inside a hill, and only a couple of secret entrances lead to the inside of the chambers of Opar. 

Once inside though, it is pretty much like the book. Beautiful, barbaric maidens paired with small shaggy cavemen. Queen La does fall for Tarzan in this and her romantic grief is a highlight of the movie. 

At one point Rokoff sets Tarzan's beach cabin on fire, with Professor Porter and Jane inside, and who would have known that Tarzan had a tunnel under a trapdoor that led to freedom? Perhaps Lord Greystoke had dug the tunnel as a shelter from hurricanes, who knows? This tunnel had also appeared earlier in the film of Tarzan of the Apes.

Lions are everywhere. Extremely dangerous jungle. Every time you turn the corner there are some more lions running along. Once Tarzan is hung upside down by his ankles and a lion rushes up to eat him, but then it gets into a fight with another lion, a really savage scuffle that gives Tarzan time to get untied. 

Tarzan does his rope trick on a bad guy, hauling him up into the trees, and another time he hauls up a wild hog.

The plot makes very little sense. The scenes skip about from the Sahara Desert to the cabin by the beach, to Opar, as though they are only a few hours or even minutes apart. I don't know why Rokoff has such a hard time reaching Opar since it appears to take Tarzan about ten minutes or so to get there. This Opar is especially hard to find though, since it is buried under a hill, with no visible or external evidence of its presence.

The ending is pretty much like the book -- Tarzan has Jane in his arms beside the cabin on the beach, the French warship is pulling up into harbor, and Rokoff and Gernois are tied up and awaiting arrest for their crimes. Professor Porter plays a supporting role, much larger than his role in the book, playing nursemaid to Jane everytime Tarzan can find him, so that he can fly off to try to stop Rokoff from reaching Opar. Tarzan seems to be more concerned about keeping Rokoff from Opar than he is about Jane. 

For me, to finally find this movie after all these years, Elmo's sequel to his Tarzan of the Apes, is kind of like the feeling I had when I found out there was a sequel to Haggard's SHE. Kind of a sense of closure to all that. Kind of a needed sequel. Some sequels are necessary I think.

~ Steve Allsup
Boys' Cinema Magazine
October 7, 1922
The pictures on this page show one of the greatest wild animal films ever produced, in which Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine take the leading parts. 

Elmo Lincoln, the original Tarzan, is acknowledged to be the strongest man, physically, appearing before the camera. Famous for his daring and superhuman feats of strength in his various Tarzan films, he outdoes himself in his latest work. Amongst other performances, he lifts bodily three grown men, carries a huge boulder weighing 140 pounds for several feet, and supports on his chest a large plank, on which stands Louise Lorraine, mounted on a huge horse, for this Jury photoplay.

Lincoln has to keep in constant training and has at various times issued challenges to the champion strong men of the world for a test of physical prowess.

Many animals appear in this film, and one day there was a nasty accident. During the shooting of the twelfth episode three lionesses broke loose and attacked several players, dressed as Arabs. Five were so badly mauled that they had to be taken off to hospital, but Elmo and Louise, who were on the scene, luckily escaped unscathed. Several cameras were destroyed and two of the wild beasts had to be severely wounded before the panic could be stopped, for at the time of the accident there were twelve lions and lionesses, and two leopards on the scene.

One of the animals is well known to all. This is Joe Martin, who has a leading role in the production, whilst another is Tantor, the elephant, said to be the largest in the world. 

Talking of accidents, Elmo had a lucky escape, for in episode two a lion broke away and pounced on him, but with superhuman strength Elmo managed to get the beast off his back; however, hot before he had been badly mauled. The star was laid up for several weeks.

Featuring Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine 
From the Serial Squadron restoration available at

Featuring Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine -- The story here is adapted from the last chapters of the novel THE RETURN OF TARZAN, which had been previously filmed in the lost feature THE REVENGE OF TARZAN. Tarzan has followed the spy Rokoff back to the jungle, and Rokoff seeks to find the treasure of Opar and a scientific formula in Tarzan's possession. From the Serial Squadron DVD restoration.

Featuring Elmo Lincoln and Louise Lorraine. Very few if any safety measures were employed during the shooting of this serial and as a result after being shot at with blank guns during one scene, the annoyed animals attacked several cameramen, sending them all to the hospital.

Based on the book by Edgar Rice Burroughs. Film divided into 12 chapters (all posted in this channel) Tarzan goes to Guatemala to find his friend, D'Arnot discovers the ruins of the Maya. As the major Matling search for hidden jewels and an idol holding the formula for a powerful explosive. Starring Herman Brix (later adopts the name of Bruce Bennett). Directed by Edward Kull. 

In 1921 Mundus film was working on the rights for the serial The Adventures of Tarzan.
The French newspaper only announced that the serial is coming.
Only in 1924 did this serial come to the cinema as a serial movie
with the title Les Adventures de Tarzan of 6 episodes in France.
Why is it 2 years later? ~ Ron de Laat


Emma Burroughs ~ ? ~ Elmo ~ Bruce Sheffield ~ ERB ~ Frank Whitson ~ Louise Lorraine ~ ? ~ George MonbergERB and Elmo Lincoln

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ERBzine 0283: My Father, Elmo Lincoln


Order the entire restored serial at the
Serial Squadron Website

See a full description at ERBzine Swag
View the Serial Squadron Restoration
(No Longer Available on YouTube)
Ep. 1 | Ep. 2 | Ep. 3 | Ep. 4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6a | Ep. 6b | Ep. 7a | Ep. 7bEp. 8a | Ep. 8b |
Ep. 9a | Ep. 9b | Ep. 10a | Ep. 10b | Ep. 11a | Ep. 11b | Ep. 12a | Ep. 12b (conc.)

Click for full-size Promo Collages

ERBzine 0013: ERB On The Silver Screen Pt. I
ERBzine 0013a: ERB On The Silver Screen Pt. II
ERBzine 0099: Tarak's Farside Chats: Disney Tarzan Preview
ERBzine 0115: OB Scrapbook ~ ERB On The Film Set
ERBzine 0257: Wayne James Presents: Q & A Session on Disney Lot
ERBzine 0283: My Father, Elmo Lincoln
ERBzine 0287: ERB: Film Producer
ERBzine 0393: Nkima Chat: Weissmuller
ERBzine 0394: Johnny Weissmuller Career Scrapbook
ERBzine 0412: Tour of the McWhorter Collection: Movies
ERBzine 0463: Chocolate Card Colour Scenes from Weissmuller Movies

Volume 0590

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