ONE ~ Call of the Jungle
"The jungle -- mysterious
-- menacing -- its one Law, the Survival of the Fittest."

OPENING SCENE: On a plantation, near the edge of the
CHARACTERS: Earl of Greystoke, alias Tarzan, Lady
Jane, Albert Werper (a soldier of fortune pretending to be a scientist).
The Earl, Lady Jane and Werper are all sitting in the living area of the
manor discussing Tarzan's last jungle adventure at the lost city of Opar.
FLASHBACK: La, who is the Princess of the Sun Worshippers,
is the leader of the Oparians who sacrifice victims to the sun god.
Lady Jane is brought in and tied to a stone altar where La is about to
kill her with a sacrificial knife. La is in love with Tarzan and
wants to remove her rival Jane. She vows to have no other mate but
Tarzan. Meanwhile, Tarzan yells for Tantor, his elephant friend, and sets
out to rescue her. As the apeman shows up at Opar he enters the ceremonial
cave just as La is about to bring down the knife to sacrifice Jane.
He grabs the knife away from La, unties his mate, fights off a hoard of
Opar beastmen, and leads Jane back to the plantation. As the flashback
draws to a close, La vows to have Tarzan for her own.
SCENE: The three discuss Tarzan's proposed trip to the
Temple of Opar. Greystoke is anxious to go but Lady Jane, who sees
Tarzan's knife fall from his gear hanging on the wall -- a bad omen --
begs him not to go. About this time, Werper, who feigns tiredness, heads
for his sleeping quarters but really hides behind a curtain listening to
the conversation between Tarzan and Jane. Tarzan says that he needs
to get the gold from the temple to prevent the sale of his estate back
in England but Jane fears for his life or that he will be captured by La.
Greystoke says that he will begin his journey to the temple tomorrow night.
The scene ends with Tarzan rounding up his loincloth and knife in preparation
for the next day's trip.
SCENE: A slave market a few hours north of the plantation.
Achmet Zek, a nomad chief, and enemy of Tarzan, watches as slave women
are being sold at the square. He visualizes Lady Jane as a potential
slave. The phony scientist, Werper, approaches Zek and tells
him that Tarzan is heading to the city of Opar tonight to get the gold.
Zek tells Werper to follow Tarzan while he visits Jane at the plantation.
Tarzan begins his journey to Opar but senses the approach of his old enemy,
Numa the Lion. Back at the plantation, people are starting to disappear,
as Zek makes his way with a couple of his cronies to locate Jane's room.
Jane, upon hearing a commotion outside, turns out the lights but Zek and
his henchmen enter and take her off to Zek's camp.
Meanwhile, on the jungle trail, Tarzan fights an attacking
lion while Werper looks on.
Road To Opar
On the Jungle Trail to the Temple of Opar --
where treasure beyond price lies buried!
watches Tarzan wrestle with the lion, and sees him pull the knife out of
Numa's belly and stand with one foot on the dead beast's body. Tarzan
gives a series of "terrifying" victory yells.
The next day at Zek's camp where Lady Jane is held captive,
he directs his slave girls to bring Jane from her tent. Tarzan's
defiant mate orders Zek to return her to Tarzan but she is unsuccessful.
He decides to bring in a sand specialist - Abdullah, the Sand Diviner,
who will show her the fate he has planned for Tarzan. Abdullah prepares
the sand and then draws some pictures showing the death of Tarzan by two
Meanwhile, two natives with spears spot Tarzan swinging
from his vine between trees. One native brings Tarzan down with a
spear to the chest.
Back at Zek's camp, he tells Lady Jane that she will become
one of his wives or be sold on the auction block. Jane is then escorted
back to her tent.
The scene now changes to a wild ceremony at Temple of
Opar where La prays to the Flame god to deliver Tarzan to her.
Meanwhile a sand storm is brewing outside as Werper follows
a miraculously recovered Tarzan who is taking a secret entrance into the
treasure chambers of Opar. Tarzan goes to the center of the chamber where
he uncovers a stash of gold bars -- apparently a legacy of the people of
ancient Atlantis.
Back at Zek's camp, Jane is brought in to respond to his
ultimatum but the sand storm becomes worse and tears apart the tents. As
Zek runs from the tent, Jane makes her way back to her tent.
At the temple, La asks for a sacrifice for the gods to
calm the storm.
Tarzan prepares to take away six bars of gold. Werper
hears some lions running around the cave and dashes out of the chamber.
Werper then stumbles into La's chamber of worship and she orders her people
to seize him for the sacrifice. As the storm rages on, the huge pillars
at the temple entrance crash down and the cave ceiling collapses and buries
Tarzan with his gold stash.
3 ~ The Altar of the Flaming God
In the path of a Simoon -- the ancient Temple
of Opar, where Lord Greystoke, known to the jungle as Tarzan the Tiger,
has gone for hidden treasure known only to him.
the dust clears from the cave-in, Tarzan regains consciousness but is suffering
from amnesia. He wanders into another room and finds a big chest that he
struggles to open. He finally opens the lid and discovers the lost
jewels of Opar. He begins playing with them but considers them only
"pretty pebbles". He stuffs a few into a cloth bag. He then makes
his way to the Chamber of Flaming God in time to grab La's sacrificial
knife before it strikes Werper on the ceremonial altar. Tarzan does not
recognize the love-sick La but rescues the pleading Werper after vanquishing
the men of Opar.
Meanwhile, Achmet Zek's men are trying to clean up the
damage caused by the windstorm. Jane wraps herself in an old animal hide,
lifts the back flap of the tent and escapes into the jungle. Soon after,
Achmet enters the tent and discovers that her cot is empty. In a fury he
sends his guards out to find her, threatening to put them to the lash if
they are unsuccessful.
Tarzan has led Werper to the safety of the jungle but
comes down with an unbearable headache just as they prepare to camp for
the night.
Jane is also making her way through the jungle in her
attempts to elude Achmet.
Taglat, the Ape, an old enemy of Tarzan, attacks Werper
by the campfire but Tarzan leaps from the trees above and scares off the
beast. Unfortunately Taglat later spots Jane and follows her, seeking revenge
on Tarzan. Back at the campfire, Tarzan examines the bag of "pebbles" he
had taken from Opar. Crafty Werper notices that they are diamonds
and pretends to go to sleep while Tarzan buries the bag of pebbles.
When Tarzan falls asleep Werper digs up the treasure and raises his dagger
to kill the sleeping apeman. Jane races through the jungle to escape
Taglat but she stumbles and is soon in the clutches of the ape.
4: The Vengeance of La
Taglet, the ape, captures Jane, she lets out a horrified scream which stops
Werper from plunging his knife into the sleeping Tarzan. Tarzan leaps
to a tree to locate the source of the sceam and sees Taglet running through
the woods with Jane slung over his back. Tarzan gives his ape cry,
Taglet drops the unconscious Jane and climbs up to wrestle Tarzan in the
trees. Tarzan defeats the ape by throwing him to the ground and climbs
down to comfort Jane. She tells him that Achet's people told her
that he was dead but although he seems to recognize her voice, the bewildered
amnesiac Tarzan asks how she knows his name as he does not know her. Meanwhile,
La has followed Tarzan into the jungle and has watched the reunion between
Jane and Tarzan. Her band from Opar overcome and capture the Greystokes
SCENE: Next day at the Greystoke plantation. Achmet makes
an unsuccessful search of every room in his attempt to recapture Jane.
Werper shows up and tells Achmet about the treasure vaults of Opar and
that Tarzan has lost his memory. He later indicates that he things that
the scream he had heard the previous night probably came from Jane.
Werper tells Achmet that he will stay behind to get some rest and meet
up with him later at his camp. Achmet agrees but doesn't trust him
and orders his men to keep an eye on him. Werper goes upstairs to examine
the jewels he stole from Tarzan. Achmet enters the room just as Werper
is putting away the bag. Werper draws his revolver but Achmet beats a hasty
Meanwhile, back at the jungle camp, La catches Jane trying
to untie the captured Tarzan. La decides to set him free so that she can
force him to choose between Jane and herself. She asks him to return
with her to the temple so they can rule together. Both women plead
their case for Tarzan's affection but, even though he thinks he recognizes
their voices, he shoves them both aside. He says he has no wife and
desires no mate, rather he chooses a life in the jungle. A spurned La orders
the Oparians to prepare for a double sacrifice. They tie Tarzan to a tree
and one of them throws a spear at the apeman's chest.
5 ~ Condemned to Die
Oparian's spear slams into the tree next to Tarzan's head just as Achmet
and his gang arrive on horses. As Achmet's men engage the Oparians,
one of the horsemen captures and rides off with Jane. Tarzan breaks free
and joins in the battle places La up in a tree out of harms way.
The horsemen ride off and La again tries to charm Tarzan into accompanying
her as King of Opar. She puts a necklace around his neck but this suddenly
reminds him of the jewels that he buried back in the jungle. He returns
the necklace to La and says that he must first find the 'pebbles' before
he could consider returning to Opar.
SCENE: THE GREYSTOKE HOME: Werper looks down from
this upstairs room and sees Achmet sneaking up the stairs with a drawn
knife. Achmet enters the room and discovers that Werper's bed is empty
just as he hears Werper ride off on a horse. He scrambles down to his own
mount and gives pursuit.
SCENE: JUNGLE: Tarzan returns to the spot where he buried
the jewels but discovers they are gone. He realizes that Werper must have
stolen his pebbles and vents his anger by log-breaking and ape-yell antics.
From a tree-top perch he sees Achmet pursuing and catching Werper on horseback.
They fight and Werper stabs Achmet and steals his ring. Tarzan races to
the combatants but Werper rides off leaving Tarzan in a fit of destructive
anger: pulling trees out by their roots, beating his chest and smashing
SCENE: ACHMET'S CAMP: Werper rides in looking for Jane
and convinces Achmet's lieutenant, Mohammed Beyd, that Achmet died when
his horse fell on him, and that before he died he had given him his ring
as a gesture of trust. Beyd directs him to Jane's tent after Werper tells
him that they should sell her in the slave market and share the profits.
Werper visits Jane and outlines a plan for her escape. Later, Beyd also
visits Jane and tells her that he can save her from Werper's plan to sell
her as a slave. All she has to do is to "cooperate" with him and he makes
lecherous advances. Jane's screams of protest attract Werper. Beyd draws
a gun but is himself shot as the two men grapple for the gun. Tarzan
climbs over the main gate of the camp, and swings on a vine to crash through
the roof of Jane's hut to attack Werper. During the struggle Tarzan retrieves
his bag of pebbles from Werper's shirt and pushes the man to the ground.
Achmet's gang arrives and Werper screams that Tarzan has killed Beyd. The
chapter ends with Tarzan being overrun by his attackers.
6 ~ Tantor, The Terror
with superhuman strength, tosses off Achmet's henchmen, grabs Werper, raises
him over his head and tosses him out the nearest window. As Tarzan
flexes his muscles, the rest of Achmet's gang run for cover. As Tarzan
is about to leave the hut Jane grabs him and says, " Are you still a madman?
Don't you know me, your wife?" He shakes his head and says, "I know
you are a friend but other than that my mind is as blank as an unwritten
check." When Tarzan and Jane leave, Werper rounds up Achmet's men
and promises to give them a reward of their choosing if they capture the
white woman. Jane, hoping to help Tarzan's get his memory back, takes him
to his parents' cabin where the apes had found and nursed him when he had
been orphaned by his parents' deaths. She shows him the books from
which he had learned to read but Tarzan has only fleeting memories and
says he is tired. As he leaves to make a sleeping nest in a nearby tree,
Jane gives him back his knife and he gives her the pebbles for safe keeping.
Werper and his gang reach Tarzan's hut and looks through the window where
he sees that Jane is asleep on a cot. Werper enters, lights a candle
and awakens Lady Jane with a hand cupped over her mouth. He lies that Achmet's
gang have captured Tarzan and are looking for her. She doesn't trust
Werper but agrees to pretend to be his prisoner so as to fool the gang.
Tarzan awakens with weird thoughts of the night before and a terrific headache.
When he discovers that Jane is not in the hut he thinks she has stolen
his pebbles and experiences another temper tantrum.
SCENE: SLAVE AUCTION: Werper has put Jane in a holding
cell with some of the other slave girls. When she is led to the auction
block she realizes that Werper has betrayed her. Werper admits that she
is to be sold but that he will be the highest bidder and he asks her for
the pouch of jewels so they will not be stolen from her. She gives
him the pouch. A bidding frenzy for Jane ensues. Werper makes only one
bid and then breaks his promise -- letting a sheik outbid him and haul
her away. Jane curses Werper for having betrayed her.
Meanwhile, Tarzan is looking for the woman who stole his
pebbles -- he hitches a ride on Tantor and smashes through the city gate,
scattering natives as he arrives. The sheik rides off with Jane on his
7 ~ In Deadly Peril
Tarzan, mounted on Tantor, smashes through the city gate he sees Jane riding
off on a camel with an arab. He gives pursuit. Werper is chased into an
alley by the gang members who had helped him capture Jane. They had seen
the slave woman give him a pouch and they demand their share of the jewels.
They remove the pouch from inside Werper's shirt but are amazed to find
that it contains only gravel. Jane had outsmarted him by making a contents
switch back at the Greystoke cabin. Werper talks one of the men into accompanying
him in pursuing the slave woman to find out what she has done with the
jewels. Jane hears Tantor's trumpeting call and calls to Tarzan. Tarzan
leaps for a vine which he uses to swing to the racing camel and to knock
off the Arab. He ends his struggle with the Arab by putting him in a headlock
and chocking him to death. He then angrily orders Jane to "Give me back
my pretty pebbles". She says that she did not take them and reminds him
that she is his wife. Tarzan argues that she is a total stranger.
Werper and the raider approach and shoot a warning shot. Tarzan leads Jane
to shelter in a cave inhabited by lions and he seals the entrance with
a large rock. Jane tells Tarzan that she hid the pebbles in his jungle
hut and keeps trying to jolt his memory back to him by reminding him that
they are Lord and Lady Greystoke. She points out the Greystoke crest on
his hunting knife. Still he remembers nothing and they agree that they
should return to the cabin. At that moment Jane warns Tarzan that
their pursuers have pointed a rifle at them through the entrance -- just
as Tarzan spies the evil eyes of a beast in the darkness at the back of
the cave.
8 ~ Loop of Death
grabs the rifle that has been pointed at them through the cave entrance
and the weapon accidentally fires and shoots the lion to death in
the far corner of the cave. Having lost their rifle Werper and his
henchman run off to hide in the bushes waiting for Tarzan to appear.
Tarzan rolls the rock away from the cave entrance and tells Jane he will
find transportation to take them back to the cabin where Jane has hidden
the pebbles -- he now has some idea of value of these little stones since
so many people are trying so hard to steal them. He then climbs to the
trees to use his strange cry to call for Tantor. Tantor kneels, they
climb aboard the elephant's back, and start the long ride to Tarzan's parents'
cabin. When they return to the cabin for the evening Jane tries frantically
to stir memories that she is his wife. He leaves to sleep in the trees
while Tantor stands guard beside the sleeping Jane who clutches the rifle
for protection.
At daybreak, Jane heads to the nearby river for a bath.
Tarzan awakens and watches from above as she undresses and then he races
nearer as she enters the water. She reminisces about when they first met
but Tarzan seems to remember nothing. Instead, he sits and plays with Jane's
rifle while she dresses. Werper and his partner have trailed them to the
cabin and now spy upon them. Tarzan accidentally fires the rifle which
sets him off again -- he bends the gun barrel into a horseshoe shape. Jane
is not impressed... and scolds him for destroying their only weapon. The
villains race to cabin and ransack it in their search for the jewels. They
then make a trap to capture Tarzan when he enters the building: a rope
noose hanging from the ceiling. They then lie in wait at the back of the
cabin, ready to pull the drop the noose when Tarzan walks under it. Jane
and Tarzan return and retrieve a container hidden in the wall. They sit
together on the cot and take the pebbles out of the container. While Werper
watches through the window, Jane tries to get Tarzan to remember where
he found the pebbles. When Tarzan walks from the cot, the noose falls and
the apeman is dragged to the window and clubbed over the head. He falls
facedown on the table and Werper leaps in to finish him off with his knife.
9 ~ The Flight of Werper!
recovers from the blow to the head in time to save himself from Werper's
knife attack. He knocks Werper and his partner to the floor and then tosses
them both out the door of the cabin. They both slink off into the jungle.
With Jane's help Tarzan is starting get more memory flashbacks.
SCENE: OPAR TEMPLE: Surrounded by dancing Oparians La
prays to the Sun God for a vision. In the smoke of the fire she sees a
vision of Tarzan and becomes even more determined to bring him to the temple.
SCENE: THE GREYSTOKE CABIN: With further prodding from
Jane Tarzan has vague recollections of finding the pebbles in a ruined
temple. They decide to go to the temple so as to trigger more memories.
SCENE: WERPER IN THE JUNGLE: While slogging through the
jungle, past tigers and other dangers, Werper hatches a plan to enlist
the aid of the Opar Sun Worshippers. When he reaches Opar, two of
La's guards drag him into the temple. La remembers him as the man whom
Tarzan had rescued from her sacrificial altar so she immediately plans
to resume the sacrifice. Werper persuades her however, agree to his plan.
He will lead her to Tarzan and Jane if she will let him have Jane when
they are captured.
At Jane's insistence Tarzan rescues a fawn from swamp but the chapter ends
with a savage lion leaping toward them.
10 ~ Prisoner of the Apes!
the lion, leaps over Tarzan and Jane and chases after the deer that Tarzan
has just rescued. Tarzan tries to calm Jane by offering her his pretty
pebbles and twisting a brush into a crown for her head. He still doesn't
remember her as his mate but says he is beginning to grow fond of her.
IN THE JUNGLE: La is growing impatient but Werper assures her that they
will find him by sunset.
growing very fond Jane and is determined to protect her. He climbs trees
looking for game and orders a monkey to warn him if danger approaches.
He then sends out his ape cry to enlist the aid of all his jungle friends.
His cry attracts the attention of the ape Chulk, brother of the Taglet
who wants to avenge his brother's death. La's party also hear the cry and
they move into the clearing where they capture Jane. La tells her that
Tarzan is now hers and turns her over to Werper who asks her for the jewels.
Jane doesn't cooperate and is bound and hidden in the undergrowth. When
they hear Tarzan returning from his search for food they prepare a trap.
La poses as a sleeping Jane in the clearing while her men hide on top of
a nearby hut with a net to throw over Tarzan. When Tarzan approaches the
disguised La she begs him to return with her as her King of Opar. He spurns
her and demands to know what she has done with Jane. He doesn't believe
her when she tells him that Jane has deserted him. She lures him to the
hut where her men capture him with their net and haul him away. Meanwhile,
Chulk stumbles across Jane in the undergrowth and runs off with her thrown
over his shoulder.
11 ~ The Jaws of Death
looks on as La captures Tarzan and has him thrown into a pit full of sharp
spears which miraculously do not injure him. La looks into the pit and
again offers to free him if he returns to Opar with her. Tarzan replies
that he only wants Jane. Meanwhile, Tarzan's monkey friend having observed
Chalk with the kidnapped Jane, races off to find Tantor so that they can
pass the news on to Tarzan. Tarzan's animal friends find Tarzan just as
La's men are about to throw their spears at the helpless apeman. La and
Werper watch from a distance as Tantor lowers his trunk to pull Tarzan
to safety and the monkey gives news of Jane's whereabouts. Tarzan takes
to the trees and reaches Chalk as he is trying to untie Jane. He
swings down to battle the ape soon vanquishes him with a chokehold. He
places his foot on the unconscious ape and gives his usual victory cry...
which immediately alerts his enemies as to his location. He then hugs Jane,
tells her he likes her more than La, and they resume their journey to Opar
with hopes of restoring Tarzan's memory. La and Werper are close behind.
On the way to Opar they scare Numa away from a fresh kill and satisfy their
hunger and use the carcass to distract crocodiles at the river crossing...
giving them time to cross the stream on an old log. Tarzan takes to the
trees in search of intruders leaving Jane at the mercy of the Oparians
who have just caught up with them.
12 ~ The Jewels of Opar
spots the approaching Oparians and climbs back on the river crossing log.
The log breaks, leaving her dangling and screaming above the crocodiles
below. Tarzan swings to her rescue and gives her time to scramble to safety
while he wrestles and stabs a huge crocodile. He then swims back to Jane
and they continue on to Opar. La is still plotting to get rid of Jane and
taking Tarzan for her mate.
Back at the Greystoke estate in England, Sir Henry Beardsley,
advisor to the Greystokes discusses the situation with Philip Annersley,
Tarzan's cousin who is next in line to the Lord Greystoke title. They are
concerned that they haven't received news or money from Greystoke. Annersley
volunteers to go to Africa to look for Tarzan. When Beardsley leaves,
Annersley re-reads a from Al Werper where he indicates Lord Greystoke and
Lady Jane have fallen into his trap and he hopes to find the treasure soon
-- and that he should come to Africa at once. Beardsley burns the letter
and prepares to leave.
Meanwhile, back in Africa, the Greystokes arrive at Opar
and Tarzan climbs a tree to determine the location of the temple. Tarzan
is starting to get headaches and remembers being here before but says that
it looks different this time as the entrance is blocked by fallen pillars.
They approach the entrance and Tarzan lifts the pillars aside but a guard
has seen them and warns La who prepares a trap. Tarzan's memory starts
to return and he leads Jane to the secret entrance of the treasure vault.
They open the chest containing the Jewels of Opar. While Jane admires the
jewels and once again pledges her love for her mate, Werper enters and
attacks Tarzan with a knife. A furious battle ensues, Jane faints, the
combatants' grappling takes them to the edge of a narrow ledge where they
appear fall to their doom.
13 ~ A Human Sacrifice
awakens from her faint and screams as Tarzan and Werper fall off the ledge
to the depths below. The screams attract La and the Oparians and Jane exits
the Jewel Room only to be captured and taken to the Altar Chamber. Werper
has survived the fall and is about to kill Tarzan when he spots the bag
of jewels in Tarzans leopard skin. He runs back to the Treasure Room but
does not have the stength to open the jewel chest. Meanwhile, La and her
followers have started the ceremony for Jane's sacrifice and she reminds
her that Tarzan is not around to save her this time. Tarzan, finally regains
consciousness but has a terrible headache. His memory is partially restored.
He remembers that he is Lord Greystoke but nothing about the more recent
events he was involved in. When he sees Werper trying to open the treasure
chest he has no memory of the man and offers to lend him a hand. Werper
plays along and tries to lead him away from the Altar Chamber but Greystoke
recognizes Jane's screams for help and races into the middle of the sacrificial
14 ~ Tarzan's Rage
Tarzan enters the Altar Chamber he recognizes Jane as his wife. He fights
off the Oparians and reaches Jane's side. Jane tells La that Tarzan has
regained his memory and that they can now lead her to the lost treasure
of Opar. The chief of the Oparians offers them their freedom if they
can do this. Werper escapes with Tarzan's sack of jewels to find co-conspirator
Annersley. When the Greystokes and Oparians arrive at the Treasure Vaults,
Jane and Tarzan agree that their love for each other is all the treasure
they need and the Oparians plan to seal the Chamber forever. Before the
Greystokes leave for the jungle, La again pledges her love and predicts
that Tarzan will return to her someday. On their way through the jungle
Jane describes Werper's treachery and Tarzan takes to the trees to shout
an ape cry and look for signs of the villain. Panic-stricken Werper reaches
the Greystoke estate where Annersley has taken over as the new master.
He has cabled Sir Beardsley that Tarzan and Jane have perished in the jungle
without obtaining money to save the Greystoke estate. The two men fight
over the jewels of Opar that Werper has stolen. A "terrifying" ape cry
warns them Tarzan is returning and Werper pretends to leave but hides around
the corner. Tarzan and Jane are surprised to see Annersley waiting for
them, but when Tarzan hold out his hand in greeting the man does not acknowledge
his greeting saying that HE is now Lord Greystoke.
15 ~ Tarzan Triumphs
comes out of hiding and attempts to knife Tarzan in the back. Tarzan blocks
the knife thrust but Annersley holds a gun on him while Werper ties him
to a tree. They then force Jane to lead them to Opar. Werper and Jane desert
Annersley when Werper says he will free Tarzan if Jane will show him the
shortcut to the treasure. Meanwhile Tarzan calls his animal friends with
a blood-curdling ape cry and is rescued by Tantor. While Tarzan races to
the rescue on Tantor's back, the treacherous Annersley is attacked and
killed by a tiger. A tiger then comes after Werper and Jane. Werper runs
down the trail while Jane climbs a tree for safety. The tiger catches up
with Werper and tears him apart. Jane explains what has happened when Tarzan
arrives. Tarzan finds the jewels on Werper's body and they realize that
this will be sufficient to save their English estate. The ape man expresses
his joy by hugging Tantor and voicing the victory cry of the bull ape.
When they return to their jungle home they cable Beardsley with the news
that they are not dead and that they have money to save Greystoke Estate.
Jane notices that Tarzan has permanently attached his leopard skin and
knife. He promises that he will not take down the knife again and that,
"Fear is now gone and love will remain with us forever."
Back at their home at the edge of the jungle, Lord Greystoke
and wife Lady Jane are dressed to the nines. Lord Greystoke rearranges
Annersleys telegram to tell Sir Beardsley that they are not dead and that
they have the money to save the estate in England. He signs it, Lord Greystoke.
Lady Jane glances over at the wall where her husband has hung his Tarzan
garb and knife. The knife is now latched to the wall with twine. He ends
the adventure by saying, "The knife will not fall again. There will be
no more omens of bad luck. Fear is now gone and love will remain with us