Manatorian Names
Public names among the isolated red men of Manator
follow an ancient and idiosyncratic formula, combining an initial vowel
sound representing one of the five major Houses or lines of descent of
the Manatorian people, with a single word in the Common Language.
In the case of slaves, the vowel appears as a suffix, and denotes ownership
by the indicated house rather than affiliation.
Il Baroweh ni Manatori
The Five Houses of Manator
A- = Born of the House of Fire |
-A = Belonging to Fire |
E- = Born of the House of Life |
-E = Belonging to Life |
I- = Born of the House of Stone |
-I = Belonging to Stone |
O- = Born of the House of Air |
-O = Belonging to Air |
U- = Born of the House of Water |
-U = Belonging to Water |
Teeil Madoweh Manatori
Fifteen Manatorian Names
A-Kor Strong of Fire
A-Sor Answer of Fire
E-Mad Man of Life
E-Thas Obsequious of Life
I-Gos Shadow of Stone
I-Mal Airborne of Stone
I-Zav Waiting of Stone
O-Mai Beast of Air
O-Tar Well-Favored of Air
O-Zar Skillful of Air
U-Dor Blessed of Water
U-Kal Golden of Water
U-Thor Loving of Water
U-Van Many of Water
Lan-O Air’s Patience (slave)
The Places of Barsoom ~ Eighty-nine
Place Names

Aaanthor Ancient seaport.
Beacon of Goodwill (aa=beacon + anthor=goodwill,
Amhor City-state renowned for
its thoats and zitidars.
Source of Steeds (ama=steed + horo=source)
Artol Dead city on the
eastern slopes of the Artolian Hills.
Crown City (artus=to climb + -ol=city-state)
Arroomeh ni Torkwasi
The Highlands of Torquas
Bantoom Country of the Kaldanes.
Land of Burrows (bant=burrowing +
Barsoom “Mars”
Ancestral World (bar=ancestral + soom=world)
Cluros “Deimos”
Sleeper (also Snorer) (cluro=sleep; clurros=snoring)
Cosoom “Venus”
Hidden World (co=concealment + soom=world)
Daloom Djapma ni Ethu
The Great Rift Valley (daloom=valley + djapma=rift
+ ethu=great)
Daloom ni Atkayni
The Valley of the First Born (daloom=valley +
Daloom ni Dor The Valley Dor
The Blessed Valley (daloom=valley + dor=blessed)
Daloom ni Hohr The Hohr Valley
The Volcano Valley (daloom=valley + hohr=volcanic)
Daloom ni Otz The Valley Otz
The Large Valley (daloom=valley +
Dizada ni Kaoli
The Kaolian Road (dizada=road)
Duhor City-state on the western
slopes of the Artolian Hills.
Source of Harmony (duho=harmony +
Dusar City-state renowned for
the quality
Nation of Hives of its honey. (dusa=hive
+ -ar=city, land)
Eaneetah ni Gorsena
The Carrion Caves (eaneeta=cave + gorsena=carrion)
Exum Barsoomian “Greenwich”
Time Place (exo=time + oom=place)
Gathol City-state known for the
wealth of its diamond mines.
City of Diamonds (gatha=diamond
+ -ol=city-state)
Ghasta City of horror ruled by
a madman.
Refuge (ghast=sheltering)
Gooli Island city inhabited
by marsupial savages.
The Splendid Isle (guo=splendor +
Hastor Heliumetic city renowned
for shipbuilding.
Treasure of Vessels (hasa=ship + tor=treasuring)
Helium Capital of the Heliumetic
Twin Cities (heli=twin + oom=place)
Helium Ethro
Greater Helium (ethro=greater)
Helium Yaro
Lesser Helium (yaro=lesser)
Hinpanak ni “The North Pole”
The North Pole (hina=pole + panak=northern)
Hinwarak ni
"The South Pole"
The South Pole (hina=pole
+ warak=southern)
Hoomeh ni Ethu Toonoli
The Great Toonolian Marshes
Horz Ancient capital city.
Perfect Creation (hora=creation +
Illall Remotest city-state
of Okar.
Solitary City (ill=solitary + -ol=city-state)
Invak Hidden city-state
Chosen City (invak=chosen)
Jahar Nation west of the
Mountains of Torquas.
Land of Miracles (jahah=miracles +
-ar=city, land)
Jasoom “Earth”
World of Wonders (ja=wondering + soom=world)
Jhama Castle west of Jahar.
Place of Illusion (jhama=illusion)
Kadabra Domed capital of Okar.
Protectress (kadabra=she protects)
Kamtol City in the Valley of
the first Born.
Land of Plenty (kamto=abundance +
Kaol Forest empire.
Friendly Land (ka=friendly+ -ol=city-state)
Kobol City-state conquered
and sacked by Helium.
Proud Land (kob=proud + -ol=city-state)
Korad Magnificent dead city
Root of Strength (kor=strong + adia=root)
Korus ni One of the five great
seas of ancient Barsoom
The Mighty Sea (kor=strong + hoos=water)
Korus Ethoos ni Vemak
Only large body of water remaining
The Lost Sea of Korus
on the surface of Barsoom.
(ethoos=sea + vemak=lost)
Lothar Great seaport of ancient
Center of All (lo=all, everything+
Masaiteh ni Kal
The Golden Cliffs (masaiteh=cliffs
+ kal=golden)
Noble Games (mano=game + taj=noble)
Treasured Games (mano=game + tor=cherished)
Daring Games (mano=game + tos=daring)
Marentina Domed city of Okar.
Prismatic Dome (marena=dome + entina=prismatic)
Mataivan ni Invaki
The Forest of Invak (matai=tree + van=many)
Mataivan ni Kaoli
The Kaolian Forest (matai=tree + van=many)
Mataivan ni Madeh Vemak
The Forest of Lost Men (mataivan=forest
+ madeh=men + vemak=lost)
Dead city of ancient Barsoom revived
Peerless Harbor
by Ras Thavas.
(mor=leading + orbo=harbor)
Norus ni
One of the five great seas of
ancient Barsoom.
The Peaceful Water
(nor=pacific, peaceful + hoos=water)
Okar North polar land of
yellow men.
The Yellow Nation (oka=yellow + -ar=city,
Omean Ethoos Subterranean
south polar ocean.
The Cavern Sea (om=within
+ eana=cavern + ethoos=sea)
Ompt Island of the Goolis.
Warm Welcome (ompt=embracing)
Omsara ni Tano
Aisle of Hope (omsara=aisle + tano=hope)
Onvak Hidden city-state.
Preferred city (onvak=preferred)
Ooleeyah ni Jharsaiteh
The Charnel Isles (ooleea=island +
Oom ni Madeh Zargak
The Land of Lost Souls (oom=land + madeh=people
+ zargak=doomed)
Panar Northern land of
red men.
Land of the North (pano=north + -ar=city,
Pankor Capital city of Panar.
Strength of the North (pano=north+ kor=strong)
Polodona ni “The Equator”
Circle Center (polo=circle + odon=central
Ptarth City-state known for its
Eastern Gate (ptara=east + ratha=gate)
Phandhoos ni Torkwasi
Gulf of Torquas
Phundahl City-state on the west
of the Great
Toonolian Marshes.
Deep City (phund=deep
+ -ol=city-state)
Phundus ni Deepest of the five
great seas of ancient
Barsoom. It survives as the Great
Toonolian Marshes.
The Deep Water (phund=deep
+ hoos=water)
Rasoom “Mercury”
Burning World (ra=burning + soom=world)
Raxar City-state of northern
City of Zealots (raxo=fervor, zeal
+ -ar=city, land)
Sanah ni Artoli The Artolian Hills
The High-Crowned Hills
Sanomah ni Otz The Otz Mountains
The Massive Mountains (sanomah=mountains
+ otz=large)
Sanomah ni Torkwasi The Mountains of Torquas
Treasure Throne Mountains
Sarhoos ni Iss The River Iss
The Mysterious River (sarhoos=river + iss=mysterious)
Sarhoos ni Syl The River Syl
The Lonely River (sarhoos=river +
Sasoom “Jupiter”
Giant World (sas=gigantic + soom=world)
Shador Island prison in the Sea
of Omean.
Blessed Prison (sha=imprisoning +
Susstos “The Sun”
Radiant Hero (suss=radiant +
(also Sweaty Glow) susso=glow
+ to=perspiring)
Thark City-state of ancient Barsoom.
Center of Culture (thar=meeting +
Throxus ni Largest of the five
great seas of ancient Barsoom.
The Boundless Water (Throx=vast, boundless
+ hoos=water)
Thurd Dead sea bottom occupied
by green storming horde.
Thurdus ni One of the five great
seas of ancient Barsoom.
The Stormy Water (thurd=storming + hoos=water)
Thuria “Phobos”
Escapes in Dreams (thu=fleeing + rio=dream;
(also Mocking Gesture) (thur=mocking
+ iyo=gesture)
Tjanath City-state in Barsoom’s
western hemisphere.
Western Wall (tjana=west + natha=wall)
Toonol Scientifically advanced
City of Logic (toon=logical + -ol=city-state)
Torkwas (also “Torquas”)
Ancient city-state.
Throne of Treasure (tora=treasure + kwas=seat)
U-Gor Wasteland province of Jahar.
Ultimate Sacrifice (ug=sacrificing+
Warhoon Ancient city-state in
the southern hemisphere of Barsoom.
Southern Port (war=southern + hoon=port)
Xanator Ancient seaport on the
Gulf of Torkwas.
Treasure of the Waves (xana=wave + tora=treasure)
Zodanga Powerful city-state.
Eternal City (zodang=endless,
Zor City-state of the Heliumetic
Remarkable (zor=remarkable)
Il Ethooseh Otz ni Barsoomi
The Five Great Oceans of Ancient
Korus Mighty Water
Norus Peaceful Water
Phundus Deep Water
Throxus Boundless Water
Thurdus Stormy Water
Soomeh ni
The Planets

Rasoom |
Burning World |
“Mercury” |
Cosoom |
Hidden World |
“Venus” |
Jasoom |
Wonder World |
“Earth” |
Barsoom |
Ancestral World |
“Mars” |
Soom ni Axt |
The Broken World |
“The Asteroids” |
Sasoom |
Giant World |
“Jupiter” |
Tarsoom |
Beautiful World |
“Saturn” |
Orrsoom |
Frozen World |
“Uranus” |
Illsoom |
Distant World |
“Neptune” |