Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure
Creator of Tarzan®  and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" 
Volume 5524

I'm sailing today, Tom," said Michael Barry to his nephew, "And remember no boat hits this port for another six months. But if you must have adventure, go to it. Only don't bring any heathen goddess h home as your wife. Think what mother Barry would say."

In spite of warnings, Tom Barry set off alone, bearing the amulet that Tarzan had given him in proof that he was a hero worthy of Hulvia, high priestess of Al-Alba. But Tarzan had no mind to let the young adventurer brave the perils of the jungle alone. As Tom Barry, holding to a compass course, penetrated the unknown wilderness, Tarzan followed through the branches of the trees above. At night, after Tom had pitched his lone  camp, green eyes gleamed through the jungle darkness. At last sleep came to Tom, and as he slept, the moon rose. In the moonlight, Sheeta, the panther, advanced close to him, stretching out a tentative paw. But as Sheeta prepared to spring, Tarzan, watching above, drew his bow. The next morning, Tom Barry awoke to find to his horror a panther by his side. When he saw the arrows in the beast's body, he thought his life had been saved by a miracle, and he uttered a prayer of thanks. Three days and three nights he journeyed before he came to the outposts of the Al-Albas. And there a black warrior waited. As the black threw the noose, young Barry ducked and caught the fibre rope in his free hand. He swung the black down from the trees.

"I am the bearer of the amulet of the High Priestess, Hulvia," said Barry. "Conduct me to her." Of this the black understood no word but he bowed low before the amulet of the high priestess.

Tarzan watched from the trees, as Tom was led to the door of the temple, there to face the test of love or death.


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The strips in our ERBzine series are small samples of the giant supersize 15" x 20" reprints now available from Dark Horse Books.

Each hard cover volume of Dark Horse's comprehensive collections of Hal Foster's Tarzan Sundays reprints over 120 strips on high-quality paper and in eye-popping color, replicating their appearance back in the 1930s when they were brand new! 

Featuring historical essays on Tarzan and Foster, these astonishing volumes are a must for every collector! 


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