Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure
Creator of Tarzan®  and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" 
Volume 5525

THE AMULET OF LOVE ~ 1932.03.06
Hulvia was a hard woman. Even as a girl at sea, she had watched with cool aloofness when her father let two sailors fight it out at point of a gun. With the same indifferent attitude, she had for a year now observed the dreadful rites of the Al-Alba tribe. When Tom Barry, bearing her amulet of love, was brought before her, she gave no sign of recognition. Long she meditated while he stood unflinchingly.

"Put  him under guard," she at length commanded. "I shall consult the oracles."

At night, dismissing the guards, she visited him to tell him that the amulet meant the love it promised. Long they talked, and as they talked, Wambo the witch doctor listened. He understood no words, but ever anxious for revenge upon Hulvia, he waited. At dawn he saw her in young Barry's arms. Then he called the elder warriors together and told what he had seen. "Death to the stranger!" they voted.

Hulvia had always imperiously braved the threats of the tribe. But now, sitting in high council, when she vetoed the order of death for Tom Barry they rose against her. The attack was so sudden that neither Hulvia nor Tom was prepared to meet it.

"I have come to the end of the world to die happy, now that I have found love," said Tom.

Then came Tarzan!


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The strips in our ERBzine series are small samples of the giant supersize 15" x 20" reprints now available from Dark Horse Books.

Each hard cover volume of Dark Horse's comprehensive collections of Hal Foster's Tarzan Sundays reprints over 120 strips on high-quality paper and in eye-popping color, replicating their appearance back in the 1930s when they were brand new! 

Featuring historical essays on Tarzan and Foster, these astonishing volumes are a must for every collector! 


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