~ 1932.09.11
trail the dinosaur when we're better prepared said Tarzan, indicating his
fractured arm. "And how about your own wound? Was it in dinosaur's blood
you wrote to me for help?"
"No, my own," said von Harben, showing his scar. He led the ape-man
back to the spot where he had fought the strange maniac. "This man shot
me before I killed him," von Harben explained. "If I thought the
wound would have healed itself I would not have sent Nkima for you."
Tarzan knelt and looked into the face of his old enemy, Lieutenant
von Werper, who had gone mad in the jungle in his quest for wealth and
who having found it, perished. "Let us go," said Tarzan. But at that moment
von Harben fell, swept by the wing of one of the great pterodactyls. Lying
on the ground, he fired at the flying reptile. The sound of the shot was
followed by wild h hissing cries. The pterodactyls flew high and circled
about in the air. Then swept down swiftly to the attack. A long neck shot
out and a fierce beak made a thrust at von Harben. Tarzan leaped high and
met the pterodactyl. Then the ape-man pushed the explorer to the protection
of an elephant's skeleton. Here for a moment they were safe.