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Volume 5663

A 58,000-Word Review of
The Original Tarzan Comics Series
By Michael Tierney
with cover art and every page of the Dell/Gold Key series
added by Bill Hillman from the ERBzine archive
(click on the covers to read the comics)
Pt. 3: DELL ISSUES Nos. 40-63 ~ 1953-1954
Jan. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan Faces Death in the Desert”
When spurned, Prince Ergon of New Athne sentences a young female archaeologist to "The Ordeal of the Elephants." Reuniting her with her lover, they must balance themselves on a tall pole surrounded by elephants, until they fall and are trampled. Professor MacWhirtle helps Tarzan with their rescue.
 That Prince Ergon is quite the Rascal.

“Tarzan on th eTrail of the Leopard Men”
 When Chief Buto's little sister is kidnapped, Tarzan's elephant and baboon friends destroy the village of the Leopard Men.
 This won’t be the last of the Leopard Men.

“The Day of Departure”
 Mabu says goodbye to Wari as he travels on.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Two-thousand warriors pledge themselves to fight for Prince Dan-el of the Ancient Line.

Feb. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan at the Tower of Ta-Dan”
The giant eagle Argus, first seen in Tarzan's Jungle Annual #1, flies once again through the skies of Pal-ul-don. Hordes of Tor-o-don beastmen attack the tower where Tarzan has taken Lucia Tally, a downed female aviator from California.

“Tarzan Makes War”
 After their city is destroyed by fire, another Lost Legion of Rome is searching for a new home. Tarzan and Goliath, the giant lion, help them capture the Bolgani City of Gorillas.
 This is the start of a lot of problems in future issues.

“The Spear”
 Mabu kills a panther and wins his father's old spear.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Dan-el and Natongo lead the patriot army as they seize the Palace of Abu-zulu.

March 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan and the Stork Men”
One again Tarzan uses Dr. Mervin's growth hormones ... this time to breed giant otters. He then trains them to help the Stork People fight off Terrib raids by attacking their gorobar mounts. The Terribs then seize Dr. Mervin and his daughter, Yolanda.

“Tarzan and the People of the Veil”
 Tarzan and the Arab Bou Denni help Paul D'Arnot rescue his son, Louis, from the Forbidden City of the Black Tauregs.

“Into the Great Plains Country”
 Mabu enjoys a river swim.
“Brothers of the Spear”
 Dan-el seizes his rightful throne, but the usurper King Han-ool escapes.

 The book once again shrinks, but only down to 52 pages.

April 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan and the Man-Eating Tree”
43Throughout the series, Tarzan displays hatred towards all slavers ... a hatred even greater than his dislike of animal trappers.
 The brutal Grossa keeps control of his slaves by feeding them to Kalachar, the man-eating tree. When confronted by Tarzan, Grossa backs up a little to close to Kalachar, and ...
 We wont be seeing Grossa again.

“Tarzan and the Spotted Death”
 Packs of Danginas, wild hyena-dogs, in the hundreds are taking over the jungle. With help from the Waziri warriors, Tarzan wipes them out.

“The Canoe”
 Mabu and Kaino are separated from the others and taken for a long boat ride.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Manning's art style is now become fully developed. Colonel Mothibi helps Dan-el and Natongo scout the next village to be liberated.

May 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan and the Little Spearmen”
To defend themselves against giant vultures, Tarzan and Muviro teach pygmy shepherds how to use bows and arrows. The village spear-makers are not happy to be losing business, and capture Tarzan and Muviro. Riding on Argus, the giant eagle, Boy makes a timely arrival.

“Tarzan and the Strange Balu”
 A she-ape has adopted a human baby. After saving the baby's mother from a slaver, Tarzan must then convince the she-ape to trade for a baboon baby.

“Down the River”
 Mabu learns how to eat a peanut.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 In the town of Amotu, the witch doctor Nagopa is recruiting warriors for the ousted King Han-ool. Natongo's well aimed tomato strikes Nagopa in the face.

June 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan and the Haunted Plantations”
Ungala, the Matusa witch doctor, has discovered gold on two Pyrethum plantations, and intends to own the land by any means.
 Tarzan and Chief Buto save two plantation owners from Ungala's attacks when Tarzan reveals that the ghosts scaring away workers are really only tricks by the witch doctor.

“Boy and the Shamba Raider”
 Boy and Dombie dig a pit and trap a dangerous buffalo.

“The Elephant’s Problem”
 Squatting elephants slide laughably down a river bank.

“Tarzan Returns to Cathne”
 Goliath, the giant lion, helps Tarzan avert another war between New Cathne and New Athne.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Pursued by Nagopa, Dan-el and Natongo flush a pair of leopards to cover their escape.

July 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan Defends a City”
"Terribs... men who eat human flesh and wear crocodile armor ... are out in force."
 Tarzan and Goliath, the giant lion, help defend New Cathne from attacks by Terribs and hordes of sabre-tooth lions. Meanwhile, the Gullugo buffalo riders are in Pal-ul-don, searching for a new home.

“Boys Faces the Fangs of the Mamba”
 Ungali, the witch doctor, tries to kill Boy.

“Tarzan and the Treasure of the Apes”
 Greedy hunters are killing apes who found pirate treasure at the bottom of Shark Lagoon.

“The Silent Journey”
 The warriors in Mabu's boat kill a hippo.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Dan-el and Natongo capture prisoners and make plans to attack Han-ool's army.

Aug. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan and the Ancient Terror”
'Sensitive to thought transferences across the ether waves, Tarzan knows the message is real...' when Jane calls telepathically for help.
 Helping two young lovers escape the evil ruler of a land lost inside a dormant volcano, Tarzan and Doctor Mac must fight an aquatic long-necked plesiosaurus.

“Tarzan Fights For His Son”
 Tarzan races from Pal-ul-don to save Jane and Boy from his old enemy, Shiek Abou Ibrahim.

“The River People”
 Mabu and Kaino arrive at the river village. It only took 5 chapters to get there.

“Boy and the Horned Monster”
 Boy and Dombie use a monster costume to escape being sacrificed.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Nagopa is captured when Amotu-town falls to Dan-el's patriot army.

Sept. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~ A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan Traps a Rogue”
Tarzan 'arrests' ivory hunters who are shooting elephants from a helicopter.
 "I have the authority of justice and the strength to enforce it."

“Boy Trails the M’Bongo Spear”
 Jad-bal-ja the golden lion and Korak the great ape, help Boy rescue Dombie.

“Tarzan and the Hunter Wasps”
 Astride Argus, the giant eagle, Tarzan wages aerial combat against the gigantic wasps from the Isle of Mists. With the help of Doctor Mac, they bomb the island nest of the giant wasps who wiped out the Drawfs of Didona.
 This chapter would make an awesome video game.

“Mabu’s Reward”
 Mabu learns the secret of cooking with spices.
“Brothers of the Spear”
 Without Nagopa to fear, the usurper's army rebels and delivers King Han-ool to Dan-el as a prisoner.

Nov. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois
A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning
C: Lex Barker photo
“Tarzan Builds a Home”
49Tarzan moves his family to the rock of Opar and builds a new home to replace the one Shiek Abou Ibrahim destroyed.
 Meanwhile, trophy hunters capture the white pygmy king's son. On the back of Bara, the giant eland, Tarzan returns him safely to King Nikon.

“Boy Meets Bolgani”
 Boy and Dombie must kill an attacking gorilla.

“Tarzan and the Thipdar’s Prey”
 Armed with a rocket launcher, Tarzan returns to the Valley of Monsters when Doctor Mac hunts once more for dinosaur eggs.

 Mabu and Kaino are reunited with their parents.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 Dan-el meets the lovely Lady Tavane. Meanwhile, Nagopa and Han-ool escape the dungeon through secret tunnels.

Nov. 1953
W: Gaylord DuBois ~A: Jesse Marsh/Russ Manning ~ C: Lex Barker photo
“The Precious Poison”
50 When Dr. Mervin and his daughter Yolanda stay in Pal-ul-don to raise more giant otter pups, he is stricken with swamp fever. Princess Loma of Lutor helps Tarzan deliver medicine made from the poison sack of a giant spider.

“Boy Goes Hunting”
 Boy, Jad-bal-ja, and Korak save an explorer woman from being sacrificed.

“Tarzan and the Mark of Evil”
 When a secret society of murderers gather to promote hatred against Europeans, Tarzan marks them as evil... with skunk spray that won't wash off.

“Kaino’s Skill”
 Kaino binds a woman's slashed wrist.

“Brothers of the Spear”
 After Nagopa attempts to kidnap Lady Tavane, Natongo comments about Dan-el's keen interest in her. "So suddenly, my brother?"

 Writer Gaylord DuBois has acknowledged in his memoirs that he wrote all of the Two Against the Jungle and all of the Brothers of the Spear scripts, although in the latter case he gave a lot of credit for their popularity to artist Russ Manning.
 I don’t remember where I came up with the DuBois credits on the first 50 issues, but know he wrote most of the monthly comic stories. In a quote from ERBZINE 2115, DuBois explained, “Other writers, whose names I don't know, have contributed to the Tarzan Annuals and, rarely, to the monthly and bi-monthly issues.”

 When I was reviewing the Tarzan comics for The Comics Buyer’s Guide, they purchased of copy of DuBois’ script log from his estate. Rather than swipe information that they paid for to credit with those reviews, from this point on, I’ll simply list the writer as Uncredited. But you know that it was probably DuBois. Especially if there’s a volcanic explosion or someone’s parent dies and they immediately fall in love. Then there was the pattern of rhyming names, but the Mabu feature did that as well, and we know they were not by DuBois.

Tarzan #51
Dec. 1953
Cover: Lex Barker Photo
"Tarzan and the Terrib’s Captive" ~ 16 pp.
Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh 
51 After the Terribs burn the still ill Dr. Mervin’s plane, Tarzan flies Argus to recruit help from Doctor Mac.
 Doctor Mac just can’t resist dinosaur eggs. When he detours their mercy mission to stop at an island filled with gorobar eggs, the Terribs strike once again. What eggs Doctor Mac doesn’t take as specimens ... Tarzan destroys.

6 pp.
“Boy and the Elephant’s Child”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 When a baby elephant is caught in a pit trap, Boy comes up with an ingenious solution utilizing the tools available. He instructs the mother elephant’s herd to push a hill into the river and floods the trap so that the baby can swim free.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Raging River”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Tarzan helps a man rescue his son, who’s been held captive for eight years by the Mangowari Hokyus. With spears showering around him, Tarzan canoes through the rapids at the headwaters of the Mangowari, while the pursuing Hokyus do a white water wipeout.

2 pp.
“Mabu’s New Friend”
Writer: Uncredited
 Ralo, the son of Chief Umolo, recruits Mabu to hunt for the mysterious Manga. Mabu has no idea what a Manga might be, but he’s ready and willing to kill it.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 The evil Nagopa traps the Brothers and Lady Tavane in a room filling with water. Dan-el’s distaste for the witch doctor escalates after Lady Tavane’s life is threatened. He vows revenge; 
 “If I get my hands on him again ...” 

Tarzan #53
Feb. 1954
Cover: Lex Barker photo ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
“Tarzan and the King Panther" ~ 16pp
53 Every time Tarzan and his mate take a holiday, someone kidnaps Jane! This time it’s the Panther Men, who try to sacrifice Jane to their black panther king.

8 pp.
“Boy Delivers a Letter”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 Boy and Dombie survive many dangers to deliver what they think is an important letter to Tarzan. They have so much fun during their adventures, that they don’t mind when the letter turns out to only be a request for information from Doctor Mac.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Ancient Weapon”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Mike Nucco, the pretzel czar, invades Pal-ul-don with his goons and ruthlessly seizes Lutor.
 Nucco should never have smacked Boy. Before crashing their plane, Tarzan takes their machine guns away and strands them on an island, armed with only spears. This is the end for Nucco.

2 pp.
“Manga Hunt”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu discovers the secret of Manga, and it’s not Japanese comics. Manga are tasty fish when roasted, with skins that make good whips.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Dan-el and Natongo are nearly killed trying to escape from the crater where Nagopa trapped them. High adventure and fantastic Manning art are just two of the reasons that this feature has endured in the memories of fans.

Tarzan #54
March 1954
Cover: Lex Barker photo ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Man-killers" ~ 16 pp.
Tarzan and Chief Buto track a pair of man-eating lions. A lightning bolt kills one lion. Later, after Tarzan and Buto are staked out by the tribe of a child whose life they saved, they break free in time to rescue the chief from the last lion.

8 pp.
“Boy Finds the Isle of Leopards”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 The Leopard Men and their trained leopards are back! It’s an unimpressive return, as Boy and his baboon friends chase the frightened Leopard Men into the jaws of crocodiles.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Revolt of Hathor”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 A six-foot arrow punches through both sides of King Jathon’s chariot! The Bolgani have learned archery and are now invading the interior of Pal-ul-don. Tarzan and Hathor, an Athne elephant, spoil the Bolgani’s assault on New Cathne.

2 pp.
“Mabu’s Manga”
Writer: Uncredited
 Ralo and Mabu become friends while fishing. Don’t waste time looking for a Japanese adaptation of this glacially-slow moving story.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Uncredited
 While Colonel Mothibi catches Nagopa’s apprentices destroying Dan-el’s carrier pigeon messages, Dan-el and Natongo have become lost inside the caverns that honeycomb the Northern Mountains.


Tarzan #55
April 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Crossbows of Karfu" ~ 16 pp.

55 An iron crossbow bolt brings Doctor Mac’s plane down on the far edge of Pal-ul-don. Tarzan leads another slave-pen escape, and reunites a Prince of Naqui with his goat-riding tribe.

8 pp.
“Boy and the Leopard’s Call”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 Boy’s new leopard whistle distracts Dombie from baby-sitting his little sister, and have to save little Lula from the she-ape that decided to adopt her. But the story stops before they face the music with an entire tribe out looking for them.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Isle of Apes”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 While angling for swordfish, Tarzan discovers an island populated by apes and threatened by trappers. He dresses his ape friends in Arab robes and uses the trappers own boat to stage a raid to free captured relatives.

2 pp.
“Day of Departure”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu leaves his new friends and continues on to the trading post. The lesson of this story is balancing the happiness of arrival with the sadness of departure.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Natongo nearly drowns as he and Dan-el  swim the fast flowing rivers through an unexplored system of caverns. More wonderfully rendered high adventure, as the Brothers survive whirlpools and discover a lost canoe made out of rotted wood, which glows in the dark.

Tarzan #56
May 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Ostrich Clan" ~ 16 pp.
56 Hiking out of Pal-ul-don, Tarzan and Doctor Mac help ostrich-riding desert pygmies fight off Tuareg slavers. As always, Tarzan never hesitates to deal harshly with slavers. He and Doctor Mac continue along their way riding on the slaver’s horses.

8 pp.
“Boy and the Mighty Wings of Argus”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 It’s Boy’s birthday, but his flight on Argus’ back to test his new telescope reveals more trouble with the Bolgani. He deals with a dangerous situation with the same deliberate action as his father, rescuing a European brother and sister from Bolgani slavery.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the War of the Buffaloes”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Torodon Beastmen have stolen all the buffaloes from the newly built city of Gallugo. Tee Anna, King Gallu’s daughter, finds more adventure than she expected when she gets her wish to go on a boar hunt with Tarzan.

2 pp.
“Red Elephant”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu believes he’s seen a red devil. It was no devil that Mabu saw, only superstitious fear and an elephant wallowing in red clay.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Before they can return to Aba-zulu, Dan-el and Natongo are captured and sold into slavery. Fighting off a lion attack, the Brother’s courage is recognized as being worthy of a higher price at the slave market.

Tarzan #57
June 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Swords of Alur" ~ 16 pp.
57 Tarzan helps King Taden of Alur defeat a rebellion sparked by his cousin, Kodon.
 Introducing Gorgo, a giant Gallugo cape buffalo, the latest creature grown to colossal size with Tarzan’s secret hormone formula. Years later this formula would be stolen by major league baseball players ... Not.

8 pp.
“Boy and the Chacma Raiders”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited
 Troublesome ‘old man’ Chacma baboons are stealing livestock and poultry. After the fireworks he rigged frighten the baboons away, Boy can’t stop laughing ... until Dombie surprises him with one last explosion.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Lost Safari”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 To save two lost Americans, Tarzan travels to the lost Roman lake city of Castra Sanguinarius. The magistrar releases his prisoners on Tarzan’s pledge to return later, and take their place in the arena. To be continued ...

2 pp.
“More New Sights”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu marvels at strange animals. When he declares his goal to see everything that Africa has to offer, his father explains to him that he’d be the first to ever do so.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Nagopa tries to seize power in Aba-zulu, but one of Dan-el’s pigeon messages finally got through ... declaring Lady Tavane as his regent.
 Meanwhile... the Brothers fight their way through stormy surf after a typhoon in the Mozambique Channel shatters the Arab slave ship where they are imprisoned.

Tarzan’s Jungle Annual #3
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Pirate Stronghold" ~ 24 pp.
3 When Jane and Boy are captured by slavers, Tarzan arms himself with a machine gun. This is another adventure on the lake of the lost Roman cities of Castrum Mare and Castra Sanguinaria, this time involving the island stronghold of Pirate King Plutinius.

10 pp.
“Boy Makes a Trade”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Boy and his baboon friends have been raiding Tarzan’s Oparian treasure cellar for jewels to trade for licorice candy.
 This story is significant in that it’s the first time Russ Manning draws Tarzan. But he draws the apeman in the style of Jesse Marsh. The Manning version is still years away.

15 pp.
“Tarzan and the Honor of Muviro“
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
Cover: uncredited
 Another Russ Manning Tarzan story!
 The masked leader of a secret society wants Tarzan murdered. Muviro leads the Waziri into battle after he learns that his name was used to lure Tarzan into a trap.

10 pp.
“The Day of Wrath”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Baboons overrun a golf course. If your eggs turned out to be golf balls, you’d become upset too.
 Had a similar event happen for real to me. I was the first person on the driving range one morning and nailing my drives all the way to the tree line. Out ran a couple of deer, who took disappointed bites and then glared at me with sharp wags of their tails.

16 pp.
“Tarzan and the Beasts of Pal-ul-don“
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Volcanic eruptions send every living creature in the Valley of Monsters migrating toward New Cathne.
 By pitting a Garth Tyrannosaurus pack against the gryfs of the Torodon Beastmen, Tarzan saves both the City of Gold and Jorah’s mountainmen, who are fleeing the valley on their Dyals.

Tarzan #58
July 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan" ~ 16 pp.
58Investigating the damage done by volcanic activity in the Valley of the Monsters, Tarzan discovers a tribe of gigantic white apes.
 After rescuing Alice Jenner from the white apes, Tarzan doesn’t wait around to be thanked. Alice explains, “He may be wild ... but I’ve never met a finer gentleman.” You have to wonder; Alice was very childlike and naive, with a husband who turned out to be MUCH older.

8 pp.
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Uncredited
Inks: Uncredited

 Jad-bal-ja saves Boy and a Waziri warrior from several attacking ostriches.
 Sylvester and Tweety Bird this isn’t. In Tarzan’s Jungle World, the struggle of life and death is depicted realistically. Ironically, series contributor Gaylord DuBois tells stories about having scripts rejected for other titles simply because they showed hunting kills in the background. The Tarzan copywriters must have had been fired this month: There are no subtitles for any stories in this issue or the next!

15 pp.
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Tarzan keeps his rendezvous with death, made in issue #57, by returning to fight in the arena of Castra Sanguinarius, but he never pledged to die.
 Tarzan fulfills his promise by leaping into the arena and rescuing the son of an old friend from Castrum Mare, and then captures the Emperor on the way out.

2 pp.
“The Hyena Attacks”
Writer: Uncredited
 After his father, Hamasai, kills a hyena, Mabu is too frightened from the experience to sleep. So his father tells him the story of the hyenas cowardice.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Shipwrecked on an unknown beach, Dan-el and Natongo use the wreckage washed ashore to outfit themselves for their return to Aba-zulu.
 It’s ‘when hyenas attack’ month, as the Brothers must fight a pair of the beasts bare-handed. For new readers, the story thus far is recapped in discussion as they don new outfits and gear.

Tarzan #59
August 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan" ~ 16 pp.
It’s a three-way rumble in the swamps of Pal-ul-don between the cannibal Terribs, the Bolgani, and the crocodile boats of Lutor.
 The Bolgani can shoot their six-foot arrows from a greater distance, but that doesn’t help them when an earthquake sends a tidal wave washing over the combatants.
 This is the last of the 52 page issues.

8 pp.
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 A honey bird leads warriors to the tree where Boy and Dombie have been trapped by a bull buffalo. The story is a weak reworking of an earlier Mabu text story. But, with Manning art, who cares?

15 pp.
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 Queen La is back in Opar, and she’s kidnapped both Jane and Queen Ellenya of the white pygmies.
 With his pet panthers, Shira and Felix, Tarzan storms the Moon Temple of Astra. There’s no explanation given for La’s return, or why the Oparians are no longer dwarfs. They are now white ‘crooked men.’
 Bet you never thought you’d see a Felix the cat in the pages of Tarzan.

2 pp.
“Day of Days”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu finally sees the trading post in the distance. In the reader’s life span, this trip has taken NEARLY TWO YEARS! And they’re still not all the way there!

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 While crossing a desert, the Brothers save a caravan from bandits.
 Dan-el and Natongo continue to make new friends, and sometimes new enemies, wherever they go.

 The ad for subscription renewals has Tarzan offering a bonus American flag ring.

Tarzan #60
Sept. 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Bolas of Monga" ~ 16 pp.
After dodging a Bolgani ambush, Tarzan helps free Jorah and some of his wandering people from Mongan captivity.
 The Mongan bolas are effective weapons for entangling the legs of the mountainmen’s Dyal steeds. So Tarzan dresses the giant terror birds with bamboo skirts.

8 pp.
“Boy Plays Hide and Seek”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 When Jad-bal-ja’s mate is captured, Boy helps free Balja and all of the other caged animals by riding the golden lion through the heart of a modern city, causing panic and a truck wreck. At the trappers compound, renegade natives who are about to raid the cages are routed by the escaping beasts.

2 pp.
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu is befriended by Roy, the son of the trading post’s head man.
 A key theme running through all of the stories in the Tarzan comics is racial tolerance and brotherhood.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Joining the caravan from last issue, Dan-el and Natongo save merchant prince Mohaffa from his own nephew’s treachery.
 When Mohaffa offers to reward half of his wealth to the Brothers, they refuse, explaining that they are each a prince in their own land, and that his friendship is reward enough.

 The format shrinks to 32 pages.

Tarzan #61
Oct. 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Pearls of Promise" ~ 15 pp.
61On the Isle of Apes, Tarzan dives for pearls to make Jane “The finest necklace in the world.”
 When the Isle’s volcano explodes, Tarzan barters his pearls for the safe passage of his ape friends. It isn’t that easy, but Tarzan had the foresight to sabotage the trappers machine gun.
 “I made SURE you kept your end of the bargain.”

8 pp.
“Tarzan and Boy in The Man From the Sky”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 When Muviro’s grandson, Dombie, needs medicine, Tarzan calls for Doctor Louis D’Arnot’s help.
 D’Arnot must parachute when his plane crashes. Fortunately, Boy is nearby to save him from a leopard that attacks while he hangs in a tree.

2 pp.
“The Greatest Magic”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu is delighted to see a bathtub.
 This examination of cultural differences includes language. Mabu’s thinks that Roy’s mother’s name IS ‘Mother.’

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 After Dan-el dreams a vision of Princess Tavane, he and Natongo hasten on their journey.
 Mohaffa gives the brothers “a father’s parting gift!” The two white riding mules, Hatima and Nyessa prove very useful when their loud braying frightens ambushers away.

Tarzan #62
Nov. 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan Meets Ambush in Kor-ul-Gryph" ~ 15 pp.
62 While Prince Kodon of Alur stirs up trouble in Jalur, Doctor Mac is back in Pal-ul-don ... this time looking for Gryf eggs!
 Tarzan resorts to a diplomatic move that he’s used many time before. He kidnaps King Zugu of Jalur, and flies him to Alur to negotiate peace between the Ho-don peoples. Not THAT’S cowboy diplomacy!

8 pp.
“Tarzan and Boy and the White Crocodile”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Jesse Marsh
Inks: Jesse Marsh
 After the baboon he was fighting with falls into a river, Tarzan fights and kills a gigantic white crocodile to save him. He then discovers a lost marble city hidden in a rock face, visible only when the light slants just right. Filled with statues of crocodiles, it’s only inhabitants now are unsociable baboons.
 Tarzan has once again wiped out the last of a species.

2 pp.
“Victory Over Fear”
Writer: Uncredited
 After a bath, Mabu and Kaino are frightened by a photograph.  The world becomes a smaller place, when Roy realizes that the man in the picture, who gave Mabu his ‘thunderstick,’ was his uncle.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 Colonel Mothibi and General Ulangi arrive just in time to save Princess Tavane from Nagopa’s latest treachery.
 Dream visions continue to be a central element in the story. When the Princess is told news that Dan-el has been sold into slavery, she reveals that she’s had a dream of the King riding home on tall white beasts along a mountain trail.

Tarzan #63
Dec. 1954
Cover: Uncredited ~ Writer: Uncredited ~ Pencils and Inks: Jesse Marsh
"Tarzan and the Lost Eagle" ~ 15 pp.

63 Introducing Aiglon, another giant eagle like Argus, grown by Tarzan especially for Boy, who promptly flies him straight into trouble. When Boy disappears, Tarzan finds him with Chet Harper, a gold prospector who’s been trapped in Pal-ul-don for three years.

8 pp.
“Tarzan and Boy in the Canoe Safari”
Writer: Uncredited
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 When Miss Ruel’s bearers steal her canoe safari and make her a prisoner, Tarzan leads the scoundrels into agitated hippopotami.
 There are glimpses of the future in the way Russ Manning draws Tarzan’s form, but the face is still fully Jesse Marsh.

2 pp.
“The Song”
Writer: Uncredited
 Mabu discovers doughnuts and piano music. Roy’s mother is delighted to see the three boys singing together in real brotherhood.

6 pp.
“Brothers of the Spear”
Writer: Gaylord DuBois
Pencils: Russ Manning
Inks: Russ Manning
 In a narrow mountain pass, Dan-el and Natongo fight off an ambush by Obelo warriors, who are out in force to catch the intruders crossing their land which borders the Northern Mountains.

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