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Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 5681
MEMORIES OF ECOF 2015: June 4-7
"From RUTLAND to ROCKVILLE" 1995 to 2015

The National Capital Area Panthans hosted the 2015 ECOF in Rockville, MD celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the discussions at the 1995 Dum-Dum in Rutland, VT that led to the formal chartering of their fan group about a year later.  As of the 2015 ECOF on June 4-7, they have met consecutively for 224 months, producing a newsletter and an informative Panthan Journal composed of member contributions at each of those monthly meetings.

In addition to their anniversary activities, they hosted the Dark Horse distribution launch of "Jungle Tales of Tarzan," for which they had special limited ECOF leather-bound signed editions available, hosting a pre-publication discussion  of Lee Strong’s "A Soldier of Poloda" to also be published by Dark Horse, and providing a panel on the making of "The Martian Legion" featuring Buddy Saunders and Joe DeVito. 

Buddy Saunders
In addition, a three-member Panthan panel selected 20 of the best-loved cover artwork over the last six years of their monthly Panthan Journal, which was included in the 20th Anniversary Art Folio that was provided to each registrant.  Well-known artist Tom Grindberg, who has provided many Panthan Journal covers over the years was the featured Guest of Honor.

Bill Wagner has supplied memories of the event with a series of photos that he took during the weekend.

Photos by Bill Wagner

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Hilton Washington, DC/Rockville HotelMike Hoffman and the Saunders
Mark Wheatley and Stan GallowayAuctioneer Bill Ross
Mike Conran with auction statueMike Conran with auction statueThe Gerlach Family
Bill Kamper and Art CollectionJim Thompson
Three Bills: Kamper, Wagner and RossThe Tyners
Shirley and Ray Le Beau

Henry Franke and Jim ThompsonBill Kamper looms over Cole Richardson
Joan Bledig ~ Jim Hadac ~ Huck Huckenpohler

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2015 ECOF Schedule 
June 4-7, 2015
Thursday, June 4
12:30 pm – Adventurous Book Crawl – A.Q. Porter, PhD, certified guide. 
Let us know if you want to go and can drive to:
1st  -- “Second & Charles” – Hagerstown
2nd -- “Wonder Books” – Frederick
3rd -- “Friends of the Library” – Rockville
4th -- “Second Story Books” -- Rockville 
3:00 pm – Rockville Hilton Executive Meeting Center check-in – Hotel Lobby
5:00 pm – ECOF registration – John Tyner’s home -- 5911 Halpine Road
6:00pm –  3-D Event (Deli Delight Dinner) to prep for……
7:00 pm – Annual Panthans/Muckers Joint Meeting
8:00 pm – Huckster tables set-up in Plaza One 

Friday, June 5
All day  – Hilton check-in – Hotel Lobby
All day --  ECOF Registration  -- Plaza One Foyer
7:00 am – Huckster Room set-up – Plaza One
8:00 am – Huckster Room Open – Plaza One
8:00 am – 6 pm – “Drop-In” idea/gossip sessions in designated area – Plaza One Lobby
10:00 am –  Panel A - Guest of Honor Introduction by Mark Wheatley - Presentation by GOH Tom Grindberg – Washington Theater
11:00 am –  Panel B – The Making of “The Martian Legion” by Jake “Buddy” Saunders - Washington Theater
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own (see restaurant list of  local joints)
3:30 pm – Panel C –  “This year’s BB bucket list?”  moderated by Quaestor & J the V.
     to discuss our fan-driven non-profit organization’s future – followed by
     convening of the announced BB Board Meeting -- Washington Theater.
6:00 pm – Huckster Room closed and secured
6:30 pm – Self-organized Dutch-treat dinner  in neighborhhood restaurant TBA 
8:00 pm – Naughty ERB-flavored scholarly movies  --  Washington Theater
1. Hardcover Theater’s production of “A Princess of Mars”
2. The Asylum’s film of “A Princess of Mars”
3. Al Bohl’s documentary “Tarzan, Lord of the Louisiana Jungle” 
4. Midnight Madness --  “Tarzana, the Wild Girl”

Saturday, June 6
All day –  Hilton check-in – Hotel Lobby
All day –  ECOF registration – Plaza One Foyer
8:00 am – Huckster Room open – Plaza One
8:00 am – 5 pm – “Drop-In” idea/gossip sessions in designated area  - Plaza One Lobby
10:00 am – Presentations --  Washington Theater
• Dark Horse distribution launch of “Jungle Tales of Tarzan” with 
     Mark Wheatley and Dr. Stan  Galloway of Bridgewater College, author of “The Teenage Tarzan.”
• Pre-publication discussion  of “A Soldier of Poloda” with Author Lee Strong 
12:00 pm – Lunch with colleagues at local restaurants
2:30 pm – Benefit Auction featuring the antics of Certified Auctioneer Bill Ross – Washington Theater
5:00 pm – Huckster Room cleared and closed
6:30 pm – Attitude Adjustment – Riff’s Lounge
7:30 pm – ECOF Banquet --  Roosevelt Room
               “Audio Greetings from the Jungle”
               Guest of Honor Tom Grindberg
               “Pand and Ara” from Tublat
               Awards and Presentations

Sunday, June 7
8 - 10:00 am – Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering in Twinbrook Grille)

ECOF 2015
Photos Taken At The Tyner Residence


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