Aug. 4 to 6, in Morris, Illinois

Help the Chicago Muckers chapter of the Burroughs
Bibliophiles celebrate its 10th anniversary at the 2016 Dum-Dum,
being held Thursday through Saturday, August 4 to 6, with a farewell breakfast
Sunday, August 7, in Morris, Illinois.
Our guests of honor will be Mike Resnick, Hugo-Award
winning science fiction author, former ERB fandom writer, and co-editor
of Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs; and Robert Garcia,
his co-editor and the book’s graphic designer. Be sure to bring your copies
and get them autographed.
In keeping with the Muckers’ tradition, each registered
Dum-Dum attendee will receive a book containing, in part, a number of Mike
Resnick’s early ERB fan writings. At the 2013 ECOF Gathering in Morris
each registered attendee received a copy of The Best of the Muckers, and
in 2010 the freebie was a profusely illustrated hardcover combination edition
of The Mucker and The Return of the Mucker with cover art by Tom Floyd.
Chicago-area, award-winning artist Douglas Klauba
is our signature artist. He is designing this year’s Dum-Dum logo. His
2016 Adventure Calendar, designed by GOH Bob Garcia, includes John Carter
as well as other pulp characters. Doug will be happy to take commissions
to personalize your souvenir book or other.
Both guests will participate in programs. Mike Resnick
will hold a Q-and-A kaffeeklatch on Friday afternoon, and a reading on
Saturday. Bob Garcia will host a panel on art used in ERB stories.
A program about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ works in the pulp
magazines will be presented by pulp expert Doug Ellis, co-chairman
of the Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention.
A joint meeting of the Muckers and National
Capital Panthans will be held Thursday night. The Burroughs Bibliophiles
Board will meet Friday evening.
The auction will be held 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. Other
programs may be scheduled.
Our Saturday night banquet attendance will be at Maria’s
Italian restaurant, a short drive south of the hotel on Illinois Route
47. Mike Resnick and Bob Garcia will be among our speakers.
The farewell breakfast will be Sunday morning in the breakfast
room of the hotel. Those who choose to stay elsewhere will be asked to
pay a minimal cost to the Quality Inn for the farewell breakfast.
Setup of the dealers’ rooms is expected from 9 to 10 a.m.
Thursday. The room will be open until 5 p.m. that day for selling and from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday (closing a bit early to allow for the auction),
then will open Saturday at 9 a.m. All dealer materials must be removed
from the room by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Thirty-six tables will be available.
Because the hotel has to rent tables from an outside source, regrettably
we have to pass on that fee on to our dealers. Be sure to indicate whether
you need a table. The hotel does not have drapery for the tables, so we
recommend dealers bring a bottom cloth if they wish to cover their table’s
surface plus a top cover for when the room closes or the table is left
The registration fee is $105. Huckster tables are $15
each for the weekend. Additional banquet tickets for significant others
are available for $35 each. Send your check payable to The Muckers to
Jim Hadac,
3618 Raymond Ave.,
Brookfield, IL 60513-1564
Download and Print Out the Registration form from the
link below:
Our convention hotel is the
Quality Inn
200 Gore Road,
Morris, Illinois
at the junction of Interstate 80 and Illinois Route 47 (about
60 miles southwest of O’Hare Airport).
Our special convention rate is $99.99 per night plus
tax. The hotel will extend the convention rate to folks who plan to check
in Wednesday and/or check out Monday morning. Included in your stay is
a free guest breakfast that is more than just a Continental breakfast,
with at least one prepared hot dish.
A block of 20 rooms is being held until July 4, so don’t
wait until the last minute to book your room.
The hotel telephone number is (815) 942-6600. Mention
“Burroughs Bibliophiles” when you register.
If the block fills early, we can request an increase
in the number of rooms in the block. But, remember, the block is gone July
Quality Inn ~ 200 Gore Road ~ Morris, Illinois