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Volume 5881

A Rare 10-Page Poem by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Copyright Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. :: Not for duplication

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Transcribed from ERB's original typed manuscript by Bill Hillman
Copyright ERB, Inc. ~ Not for distribution

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Khan Illustrations by Frank Frazetta

Page 1: Stanzas 1 and 2
While Houlan labored in Yesukai's yurt
Her lord and master rode, for war begirt;
Nor either shirked the risk nor shrank the hurt.
And when the Khan of Yakka came again
And raised the tent flap of his desert home,
He brought a captive chief through sleet and rain
To share the hearth beneath the yrut's pierced dome,
And found his first born at fair Houlan's breast;
Nor sought he name from his illustrious kin
But in the valor of his captive guest
And named his man-child for him - Timujin.
Proud Houlan smiled and kissed her baby then,
Though, as she nursed him, little did she ken
She nursed the future Ruler of All Men.

Through bitter years, o'er Asia's dismal plain,
The chieftan's yurt leads all the savage train,
A dusty ship upon a dusty main;
Its axle screaming as its tortured wood
Berates the oxen, tugging at the shaft,
Which sooner far, if so they couild,
Had hove the anchor of their desert craft;
But dared not so beneath the savage goad
The child that drove them wielded with a will
That sent them crawling forward with their load,
The mighty servants of one mightier still --
The slaves of one who, ere his sun has set,
Will blaze a trail mankind shall ne'er forget
And for a thousand years shall tremble yet. 

Page 2: Stanzas 3 and 4
Born to the iron of Gobi's savage womb
Where Onan flows beside Creation's tomb
And Northern lights great Baikul's breast illume;
So early weaned from woman's milk to mare's,
And thrust by elders from the warming fire
To fight the cur pack which, with bristling hairs,
Dispute with him the food they all require
'Til Spring shall bring the milk to mare and cow
And fat the sheep and fetch the deer and bear
To fill the bellies that are empty now
While Winter winds moan through the frozen air;
The child survives, as in the Cosmic dawn
Two clashing Suns brought forth their planet spawn
And marked the trail down which his sires had gone.

Inevitable, then, that Timujin
Should face the rigors of that life and win
Eternal glory in the battle's din.
As yet a child in stature and in years
He tends the horse herds by the reedy lakes
That dot the great plateau that boldly rears
So near the clouds, where howling wind storm takes 
Its toll of suff'ring, while it gives to him
The attributes that are to make him known
In glory fear nor hate may ever dim --
The Scourge of God, who mastered every throne;
The Perfect Warrior he, whose god was gore;
Who slew a brother in the days before
His beard; who was to slay his millions more.


ERBzine 5880
Intro & Contents
ERBzine 5881
I: Stanzas 1-4
ERBzine 5882
II: Stanzas 5-8
ERBzine 5883
III: Stanzas 9-12
ERBzine 5884
IV: Stanzas 13-16
ERBzine 5885 
V: Stanzas 17-20
REF: "Super Father" Genghis Khan

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