Images from The Bookseller, Newsdealer and Stationer
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Issues of both The Publishers' Weekly and The
Bookseller, Newsdealer and Stationer
contained numerous listings of books planned for publication,
weekly lists of recent books, books published last
month, best-sellers, etc.
The images below are from the "Weekly Record of New
Publications" listings in The Publishers' Weekly.
Listings were found for all of the McClurg hard covers
from 1914-1922.
Although a publication date was not given, the listing
was intended to identify recently published books.
These lists aren't perfect. Tarzan of the Apes wasn't
listed till September 1914,
but other sources (display ads placed by McClurg in
these trade publications,
as well as in newspapers) show it had been published
in June.
Thuvia, Maid of Mars was listed the "Weekly Record"
in both September and December 1920 issues for some
Sep. 5, 1914 Tarzan of the Apes |
Mar. 20, 1915 The Return of Tarzan |
Mar. 25, 1916 The Beasts of Tarzan |
Mar. 24, 1917 The Son of Tarzan |
A Princess of Mars |
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar |
Oct. 26, 1918 The Gods of Mars (McClurg) . |
Apr. 12, 1919 Jungle Tales of Tarzan |
Nov. 1, 1919 The Gods of Mars (Grosset and Dunlap), Warlord of Mars (McClurg) |
May 29, 1920 Tarzan the Untamed
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Sep. 25, 1920 Thuvia, Maid of Mars (McClurg) The Warlord of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap) |
Dec. 4, 1920 Thuvia, Maid of Mars (McClurg) |
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Jul. 16, 1921 Tarzan the Terrible |
Nov. 26, 1921 The Mucker . |
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Aug. 12, 1922 At the Earth's Core |
Dec. 23, 1922 The Chessmen of Mars |
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The Publishers' Weekly and The Bookseller,
Newsdealer and Stationer (TBNS)
also contained listings for various Burt and Grosset
& Dunlap editions,
providing publication dates in some instances.
Weekly Record of New Publications The Return of Tarzan (Burt) |
Reference List of New Publications in July 1916 The Return of Tarzan (Burt) |
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Announcements for Early Publication A Princess of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap, Oct. 15, 1918) . |
Reference List of New Publications in Oct. 1918 The Gods of Mars (McClurg), A Princess of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap) |
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Weekly Record of New Publications Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (Burt) . |
Fall Announcements The Gods of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap Oct. 15, 1919) |
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Announcements for Early Publication The Gods of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap Oct. 15, 1919) . |
Weekly Record of New Publications The Gods of Mars (Grosset and Dunlap), The Warlord of Mars (McClurg) |
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Announcements for Early Publication Warlord of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap, Aug. 2, 1920) . |
Weekly Record of New Publications The Warlord of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap) |
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Weekly Record of New Publications Thuvia, Maid of Mars (McClurg), The Warlord of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap) |
Weekly Record of New Publications Jungle Tales of Tarzan (Grosset & Dunlap) |
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Weekly Record of New Publications Thuvia, Maid of Mars (Grosset & Dunlap) |
Weekly Record of New Publications Tarzan the Untamed (Grosset and Dunlap) |
. | . |
Popular Copyrights Announecments The Mucker (Grosset & Dunlap, October) . |
Weekly Record of New Publications The Mucker (Grosset & Dunlap) |
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