Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webzines and Webpages In Archive
Edgar Rice Burroughs Signature
Master of Imaginative Fantasy Adventure
Creator of Tarzan®  and "Grandfather of American Science Fiction" 
Volume 5989

THE BATTLE ~ 34.09.02
When the soldiers encircled Tarzan and the princess the Ape-man leaped high and grasped a spike atop the wall. He found a foothold. Then lowered the long sword to the girl. She gripped the hilt, and Tarzan lifted her up just in time. They descended on the other side, and fled through the streets, while sentries in the watch-towers cried out, and the whole city rang with the alarm. The streets filled with soldiers, and a lone horseman rode swiftly toward the fugitives with sword and lance.

Tarzan stood firm, with one mighty swing of his scimitar, he shattered the lance and sent the sword of his foe clattering to the ground. Tarzan sprang upon the cavalryman and dragged him from his horse. Then he and the girl mounted and rode swiftly away. But again the fugitives found their path blocked -- by a whole troop of horsemen. Swinging his sword, Tarzan charged full upon them. With wild fury, he fought his way through the stout cavalcade. As the mounted guards pursued them with fierce shouts, the fugitives turned suddenly into a narrow alleyway, and came upon a barrier. Believing the bulwark had been set up to halt his flight, Tarzan spurred his steed to jump over it. But as the horse cleared the hurdle, Tarzan and the princess found themselves plunging over a hidden precipice into the sea!

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The strips in our ERBzine series are small samples of the giant supersize 15" x 20" reprints now available from Dark Horse Books.

Each hard cover volume of Dark Horse's comprehensive collections of Hal Foster's Tarzan Sundays reprints over 120 strips on high-quality paper and in eye-popping color, replicating their appearance back in the 1930s when they were brand new! 

Featuring historical essays on Tarzan and Foster, these astonishing volumes are a must for every collector! 


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