The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Issue 0630

The George McWhorter Scrapbook
Volume I
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George T. McWhorter, Jr.: Age 6 Months ~ 1931OOPS!: George (age 3) holding baby sister, Mary (age 1) ~ 1934 at grandparents' farm, Chantilly, VA.George McWhorter in backyard, Washington, D.C. with little brother, Dick, McWhorter - 1942George in Knickerbockers, 1942GEORGE T. McWHORTER at FLORES SCHOOL ~ Herndon, VA, 1937
George age 16 - High School GraduationGeorge on field assignment for the AFRS ~ Ft. Dix, NJ ~ 1952George broadcasting election returns from WFDH at Ft. Dix, NJ, 1952George McWhorter and friend at Atlantic City, 1953 (age 22)McWhorter appointed Curator, Rare Books, at the U of L July 1972 (age 41)MY FIRST BOOK IS PUBLISHED!
George at Keyser, W.Va.~ Summer 1977 ~ age 47 ~ Photo by Georgianna KelleyLouisville, October 29, 1978George McWhorter holding his treasured first edition of Tarzan of the Apes
George McWhorter - Williamsburg, VA - 1981 - Age 51Five ERB Fanzine Editors at ERB's Grave Site: 1989 - George with Pete Ogden, Frank Westwood, Bill Ross, Mike ConranGeorge with Marci'a Lincoln Rudolph daughter of Elmo LincolnThis is how I look at 70 . . . but I Still Live - caricature by Tim Burgard

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