The First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Issue 0640
ERBzine Silver Screen Series: Tarzan and the Golden Lion

William Armstrong

Autographed Jim Pierce Still from Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
with Captions (French with English translations)
and Screen Captures
Part I

1. Tarzan and the golden lion.
Tarzan et le lion d'or

2. In the middle of the jungle in a still mysterious area in equatorial Africa...
Au coeur de la jungle dans une region encore mysterieuse de l'Afrique equatoriale...

3. was found the shelter of a bold explorer...
...s'elevait l'habitation d'un explorateur intrepide...

4. The war tribe of the Wazari celebrated the capture of a big bear.
    La tribu guerriere des Wazari celebrait la capture d'un grand ours.
5. "Where is the chief?"

    "Mister Tarzan is in the jungle with the lion Jab"
Le chef est-il la?
Le Seigneur Tarzan est dans la jungle avec le lion Jab...

6. Explorer Lord Greystoke, who impressed the Wazari because of his boldness,
was chosen as their chief and he was called Tarzan: the friend of the wild animals.
 L'explorateur Lord Greystoke, que les Wazari subjugues par son
audace avaient choisi comme chef et appelaient Tarzan : l'ami des fauves...

7. Lion Jab, whom Tarzan had tamed with patience,
had given him back both loyalty and obedience like a little dog.
 Le lion Jab, que Tarzan a force de patience, avait rendu aussi fidele et aussi docile qu'un caniche...

8. "Do you hear me? our friend Jab appeared to us as
a wandering stranger, the way he looked like..."
 "Vous entendez?  notre ami Jab nous previent qu'un etranger rode dans ces parages..."

9. After long years of slavery explorer John Gordon, who had succeeded in misleading the guards,
who had to guard those, who were captured, wandered exhausted in the area of Tarzan.
Apres de longues annees d'esclavage, l'explorateur John Gordon, ayant reussi a tromper
la surveillance de ceux qui l'avaient capture, errait, extenue, sur le domaine de Tarzan...

Tarzan kills the lion that attacked Gordon.

10. "Return to that old man, and offer him your apologies..."
 "Retourne pres de ce vieillard, et demande lui pardon..."

Tarzan picks up Gordon and carries him to his home.
 "Retourne pres de ce vieillard, et demande lui pardon..." 

11. Escorted by some warriors, Lady Greystoke,
accompanied with the most beloved sister of Tarzan,
came to find back her husband.."
 Escortee par quelques guerriers, Lady Greystoke
accompagnee de la soeur preferee de Tarzan, venait retrouver son epoux..."

12. Jane, Lady Greystoke; Betty Greystoke, Tarzan's sister.
Jane, Lady Greystoke; Betty Greystoke, soeur de Tarzan.

 Jack Bradley, Tarzan's friend and mate during several expeditions through the jungle.
Jack Bradley, ami de Tarzan et son compagnon dans maintes expeditions a travers la jungle.

13. "Don't you think, Betty, that Jack is a charming fellow?"
 "Ne trouves-vous pas, Betty, que Jack est un charmant camarade?"
14. "We won't hesitate to meet Tarzan. As far as I know him, don't be surprised,

when he will appear to us in the... national dress of the Wazari".
"Nous ne tarderons pas a rencontrer Tarzan.
Tel que je le connais ne soyez pas surprise s'il nous arrive dans le....costume national des Wazari."

15. After they had ensured themselves of the rich prize Awaza, who went over
from the Wazari tribe, a group of plunderers went to the house of Tarzan.
Les ayant assures d'un riche butin Awaza, transfuge de la tribu Wazari,
conduisait une bande de pillards vers la maison de Tarzan.

16. Esteban Miranda, their chief; John Peebles, his lieutenant.
Esteban Miranda, leur chef; John Peebles, son lieutenant.

Awaza, who once had tried to organize a revolt together with the Wazari warriors
against the power of Tarzan, had been  chased away from the tribe.
Awaza, ayant jadis tente de soulever les guerriers Wazari contre la domination de Tarzan, avait ete chasse de la tribu.

17. "The trip has been long enough for today: we will camp here".
"Letape a ete assez longue aujourd'hui : nous allons camper ici."
18. "Let us go and meet Lady Tarzan and my sister".

"Partons a la recontre de Lady Tarzan et de ma soeur."
19. "While we are waiting for the moment, that we can capture the riches of Mister Tarzan,

here we already have a prize, which, I think, cannot be despised..."
"En attendant de nous emparer des richesses du Seigneur Tarzan, voici deja un butin qui ne me semble pas a dedaigner..."

20. "Stay here, I'll talk to them..."
"Restez ici je vais leur parler..."
21. "And when I raise my hand, attack..."

"Et quand je leverai la main, attaquez..."
22. "I made a mistake...I thought it was Tarzan..."

Je me suis trompe... je croyais que c'etait Tarzan..."

23. "My honor, ladies...the jungle does not often have the honor to receive
such attractive  travellers: didn't you get lost...?"
"Mes hommages mesdames... la jungle n'a pas souvent l'honneur de rececoir d'aussi jolies voyageuses : ne vous etes vous pas egarees...?"
24. "Not at all: I am going to join my husband again.

No doubt you will know him: Lord Greystoke...Tarzan."
"Nullement : je vais rejoindre mon mari.  Vous le connaissez sans doute : Lord Greystoke... Tarzan."

After arguing with Jack, Estaban is thrown 
out of camp; he has the natives attack...

They cross the river and there is a lot of gunfire...

Tarzan and the Waziri arrive in time 
and fight off the bad guys...

Tarzan is reunited with Jane...

25. While waiting for the right moment for the plundering, that he planned,
Esteban had built his camp close to Tarzan's residence".
Dans l'attente du moment propice au pillage qu'il meditait
Esteban avait etabli son camp a proximite de la demeure de Tarzan."

26. Strengthened, attended, full of confidence, Gordon told a strange story to his new friends...
Reconforte, soigne, confiant, Gordon racontait a ses nouveaux amis une etrange histoire...

27.  (Tarzan and Jane listen to Gordon) "Ten years ago I was captured by the Tangani,
people from the mountains, that adjoin the jungle..."
"Il y a dix ans je fus capture par les Tangani, peuplade des massifs montagneux qui limitent la jungle..."

28. "This temple was built above a surprising rich diamond mine,
where they forced me to work together with some other prisoners..."
"Ce temple etait construit au dessus d'une mine de diamants etonnamment riche,
dasn laquelle on me contraignit a travailler en compagnie de quelques autres captifs..."
29. "Here Jab..."  He is rather nervous tonight...   There sure must be foreigners quite close..."

"Ici Jab..."  Il est bien nerveux ce soir... Il y a certainement des etrangers dans le voisinage..."

30. (Estaban is outside overhearing Gordon talk about diamonds)"The bag full of diamonds,
that I bring with me, proves to you, that I don't exaggerate anything..."
"Ce sac de diamants qui j'ai rapporte, vous prouvera que je n'exagere rien..."
31. "The great priest, who had noticed, that I knew the stones, has put me into a room,

where thousands of gems were collected..."
"Le grand pretre s'etant apercu ("c" in apercu has a line coming from the letter on the bottom)
que je connaissais les pierres, on m'installa dans une chambre ou des milliers de gemmes etaient reunies..."
32. "A little later I could escape through a bed of a brook, that ran dry..."

"Peu apres, par le lit desseche d'un torrent souterrain, je reussis a m'echapper..."
33. "In the morning Jab was still nervous..."

"Au matin, Jab etait toujours nerveux..."

34. While he trusted the instinct of the wild animal, Tarzan got worried,
called together his warriors and left for a drive...
Confiant en l'instinct du fauve, Tarzan inquiet, rassembla ses guerriers et partit faire une battue...

35. "Yesterday I heard your story about the Temple of the Diamonds.
If you love your life you'd better take me there..."
"J'ai entendu hier, votre histoire du Temple aux diamants.  Si vous tenez a la vie vous allez m'y conduire..."
36. "I'll take you there as a hostage: if this man will betray us, you will die first..."

"je vous emmene comme otage : si cet homme nous trahit, vous mourrez la premiere..."
37. "On their trip, Esteban's man had sacrified one of Tarzan's favorite monkeys..."

"Sur leur passage, les hommes d'Esteban avaient massacre un des singes favoris de Tarzan..."

38. "Gobu, who has killed your brother?"
"Gobu, qui a tue votre frere?"
39. "Too bad, poor Gobu would have loved to answer..."

"Helas, le pauvre Gobu, aurait bien voulu repondre..."
40. I am your friend, Gobu: his death will be avenged..."

"Je suis votre ami, Gobu: sa mort sera vengee..."
41. "This arrow belongs certainly to those we are looking for..."

"Cette fleche appartient certainement a ceux que nous cherchons..."
42. "I go after them with Jab, that Burton follow me with his warriors..."

"Je pars sur leurs traces avec Jab, que Burton me suive avec les guerriers..."
43. On the high rock cliffs that dominate the jungle,

raises the Temple of Diamonds, Tangani's pride.
Sur les hautes falaises rocheuses qui dominent la jungle se dressait le Temple des Diamants, orgueil des Tangani.

44. Childish and superstitious, Tanganis obeyed to a few astute
white people  who called themselves Sons of the Sun.
Puerils et superstitieux, les Tangani obeissaient a quelques blancs astucieux qui se desaient Fils du Soleil.
Continued in Part II: ERBzine 0641
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I remember reading a few years ago that a copy of "Tarzan and the Golden Lion" had been found in the closet of an asylum in France and that all the dialogue was in French. Joseph P. Kennedy, patriarch of the Massachusetts Kennedys and father of John F Kennedy, was the head of FBO Studios in 1926 when the movie was made. James Pierce spent many years trying to find a print of his only appearance as Tarzan but was unsuccessful. "Golden Lion" was thought to be a lost film until this French version was found. 

I read a review from Matt's Tarzan Movie Guide website so I knew that a few copies had to be in circulation.  There has even been speculation that ERB Inc. may have it officially released on either VHS or DVD.  So far this has not happened.

Earlier this year I saw a copy up for bid on ebay but lost out at the last minute.  (Note: from time to time, a copy of the video is still offered on ebay.  However, I don't know how good the quality is.  My print is fairly good as you can see from the photos.) Then I remembered the dealer I had bought a copy of the SON OF TARZAN serial from a few years ago and called him and was delighted to find that yes, he did have copies of this rare Tarzan feature and at a very affordable price.  So I bought a copy and would like to share these video captures with other Tarzan fans. I had help from a couple of friends, one who lives in France, on the translation.

Personally, I didn't think James Pierce was that bad as Tarzan, but one wonders what ERB was drinking when he said Pierce looked the closest to how he had envisioned Tarzan.  Silent movie audiences preferred Elmo Lincoln who seems to be the Weissmuller of the pre-sound era, not in appearance but in the fact he played the ape man three times, more than the others BW (before Weissmuller).  P. Dempsey Tabler has to be the worst Tarzan of all time, at least in appearance.  My personal favorite of that era is Frank Merrill. 

It's amazing how dangerous it must have been to act with wild animals back then because they didn't take a lot of precautions.  I think the animal trainers did the actual battles with the beasts on screen. Pierce, in his autobiography, mentioned some of the hazards he faced when playing the ape man. And one thing I always liked best about the silent films is that they more or less put Burroughs version of Tarzan on the screen.  Tarzan was called Greystoke, had a plantation in Africa, not a treehouse, etc.  Pierce would go on to be the voice of Tarzan on the radio shows in the 1930's with his wife, Joan Burroughs, as Jane.  Now if someone could only find a copy of Gene Pollar's REVENGE OF TARZAN somewhere! 


Tarzan is one of the 5 most recognized fictional characters around the world.
Visit my website at:
Tarzan website at:

See our other Tarzan and the Golden Lion features
ERBzine Silver Screen Series: Tarzan and the Golden Lion
ERBzine 0607 Screen Heroines I APA70
ERBzine 0502 ERB of the Silver Screen: Intro
ERBzine 0495 C.H.A.S.E.R. Golden Lion I
ERBzine 0496 C.H.A.S.E.R. Golden Lion II Photoplay Edition
ERBzine 0013. Silver Screen Issues
ERBzine 0640: Silent Film Screen Captures and Text I
ERBzine 0641: Silent Film Screen Captures and Text II

Issue 0640

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