First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar
Rice Burroughs
1996 ~ Over 10,000 Webpages in Archive
Silver Screen Series: Tarzan
and the Golden Lion
William Armstrong
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
with Captions (French with English
and Screen Captures
Part II

45. Numa, the sacred Lion of Tanganis,
Numa, le lion sacre des Tangani
46. the Giant Raisoul portrayed
the parts of Great Priest and Sorcerer the most ever seriously.
Le geant Raisoul remplissait le plus serieusement
du monde le role de Grand Pretre et de sorcier...
47. Tanganis adored Mha, that is,
God of Sun, Fire and Light.
Les Tangani adoraient Mha, c'est-a-dire le Soleil,
Dieu du feu et de la lumiere.
48. Suddenly, the ground shaked, a deep fissure was opened under
the petrified warriors.
Soudain le sol trembla. Une large crevasse s'ouvrit
sous les yeux des guerriers terrifies...
49. "Great Priest, rescue us, cast out the anger of God ..."
"Grand-Pretre sauve-nous...Conjure la colere du Dieu..."
50. "O Mha, Mighty God, appease
your anger..."
"O Mha...dieu tout puissant... apaise ton courroux...
51. "Make us know a sacrifice worthy
of you..."
Fais nous connaitre un sacrifice digne de toi..."
52. Under Gordon's lead, Esteban
arrived at the feet of the cliffs...
Sous la conduite de Gordon, Esteban etait arrive au
pied des falaises...
53. "I tell you the truth, we must climb
the cliffs to find the passageway... "
54. Betty understood that Gordon searched to win some time to let
Tarzan go.
Betty comprenait que Gordon
cherchait a gagner du temps pour permettre a Tarzan d'arriver.
55. "You will climb first..."
"Vous allez monter la premiere..."
56. On the crest of cliffs, some
apes dressed specially were acting sentinels...
Sur la crete des falaises, des singes dresses a cet
effet, faisaient office de sentinelles...
57. "Give the alert...strangers want to enter the temple."
"Sonnez l'alarme.... des etrangers cherchent a penetrer
dans le temple."
58. "Mha grants our prayer : He sends us a sacrifice worthy of him"
"Mha exauce notre priere : il nous envoie un
sacrifice digne de lui."
59. "Catch the woman alive... she
will be sacrified by Lion Numa..."
"Capturez la femme vivante....elle sera sacrifiee
par le lion Numa..."
60. "Look out... rescue us...."
61 "Mha will be satisfied..."
"Mha sera satisfait..."
62. "Prepare the woman for the sacrifice..."
"Preparez la femme pour le sacrifice..."
63. "I know Tanganis' habits : when the sun is at its zenith, they
will sacrifice your sister..."
"Je connais les costumes des Tangani : quand le soleil
sera au Zenith, ils sacrifieront votre soeur..."
64. "This old bandit has tricked
us, he shows the way to Tarzan "
"Ce vieux bandit nous a joues. Il montre le
chemin a Tarzan"
65. "You'll follow the banks
of the Torrent until you find the fissure in the rock..."
"Vous suivrez le lit du Torrent jusqu'a ce que vous
rencontriez une crevasse dans le rocher..."
66. "Go and find the warriors, bring
them to me..."
"Va chercher les guerriers, amene-les moi..."
67. "Cloak yourself with the skin
of the panther we killed this morning, he will take you for Tarzan..."
"Couvrez-vous de la peau de la panthere que nous avons
tuee ce matin, il vous prendra pour Tarzan..."
68. "You're right, his injury has weakened him too much for him
to see the difference."
"Ju as raison. Sa blessure l'a trop affaibli
pour qu'il s'apercoive de la substitution."
69. "This is Jab ... let's follow
him, he will lead us to Tarzan..."
"C'est Jab... Suivons-le : il nous conduira
vers Tarzan..."
70. The great priest had announced
that Betty would be given to the sacred Lion
when the sun would cover entirely the crown of destiny."
Le grand-pretre avait annonce que Betty serait donnee
au lion sacre quand le soleil couvrirait en entier la couronne du Destin."
71. the drums of death.
Les tambours de la mort.
72. The time of the sacrifice came closer...
L'instant du sacrifice approchait...
73. "Mighty Numa ... soon the god of fire will cover the crown of
destiny : then the sacrifice will be done..."
"Puissant Numa... Bientot le dieu du feu couvrira
la couronne du Destin : alors le sacrifice s'accomplira..."
74. "Tarzan ... Burton."
75. Only the servants of the Great
Priest could assist to the sacred rituals...
Seuls, le servants du Grand-Pretre pouvaient assister
aux rites sacres...
76. In front of the temple, the
gathered warriors waited until the sacrifice was done...
Devant le Temple, les guerriers assembles attendaient
que le sacrifice fut accompli...
77. Frigthened by the sound of explosions
Tanganis put up a weak resistance...
Terrorises par le bruit des detonations, les Tangani
n'opposaient qu'une faible resistance...
...But Tarzan arrived in time to rescue Betty...
The leader of the Tanganis commited suicide by
stabbing himself with the ritual knife...
The high Priest captured Betty again
to continue the sacrifice...
...but Jab came to her rescue and killed the High Priest...
Betty looks on in horror....
Esteban and his men find the treasure room...
78. "Jab!"
79. "By the Judas of supervision, Jab saw the man that his master
had pursued vainly..."
"Par le Judas de surveillance Jab apercevait l'homme
que son maitre avait vainement poursuivi..."
80. "Now, diamonds are ours : Esteban
will no longer annoy us."
"Maintenant, les diamants sont a nous : Esteban ne
nous genera plus."
81. "Burton... Burton."
"Burton... Burton."
82. "Look at Jab... He seizes the
throne... Why would you not do the same ...."
"Regardez Jab...Il s'empare du Trone...Pourquoi n'en
feriez vous pas autant..."
83. "Viva Tarzan... Viva the King of the Jungle..."
"Vive Tarzan... Vive le Roi de la Jungle..."
The End.
See our other Tarzan and the
Golden Lion features
ERBzine Silver Screen Series: Tarzan
and the Golden Lion
ERBzine 0607 Screen
Heroines I APA70
ERBzine 0502 ERB
of the Silver Screen: Intro
ERBzine 0495 C.H.A.S.E.R.
Golden Lion I
ERBzine 0496 C.H.A.S.E.R.
Golden Lion II Photoplay Edition
ERBzine 0013.
Screen Issues
0640: Silent Film Screen Captures and Text I
0641: Silent Film Screen Captures and Text II

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Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2004/2010 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
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