You know what I've always wondered about La of Opar?  All those depictions of her as a playboy centerfold model with improbably bouyant breasts and bronze metal pasties.
I've always had trouble with the visualization of La, because it's too... generic, maybe too pin-up girl.

I've always seen La in my head as more genuinely savage and feral, not so much a pin-up girl as a savage queen.  An athlete's body, just corded with muscles, powerful shoulders. Strong jaw, thick eyebrows, the suggestion of a brow ridge.

This is a woman that rules over a kingdom of frightful men - men and women who aren't quite homo sapiens sapiens - who have visible canines/fangs, and squat heavy builds.
La is either of the race of Frightful men (albeit an exquisite example) and therefore this is her genetic legacy, she's not quite human, something more, something feral. That should be in her depictions.

Or she's some hypothetically immortal or near immortal descendant or representative of Opar's original builders, the ancestors of the frightful men.
La shouldn't just be beautiful, she should be dangerous and untamed, powerful and savage.

Random thought about the Frightful men of Opar.  Isn't it strange that there's a pale skinned, almost pseudo-caucasian race in the middle of Africa?  How is this possible?  Why haven't they all died of skin cancer.
Given that the Frightful men may not be homo sapiens sapiens... maybe they're nocturnal?  Maybe that has something to do with their survival against invaders with superior weapons.  When night comes, the Frightful men come out and do their thing?
In one of the later Tarzan adventures, a group of Frightful men strike out from Opar, and get quite a distance without being seen or stopped.  Perhaps they were night travellers?
If so, it may be that the Frightful men may be colour blind. That could be interesting.  Their vision might extend into deep reds.
This might put an interesting spin on the fact that they're sun worshippers.