Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
January 1 :: January
2 :: January 3
January 4 :: January
5 :: January 6 :: January
ERB The Horseman ~ Cheetah and Friend ~ Emma Centennia
Burroughs ~ Jane Porter (film version)
Tarzan Alive by Philip Jose Farmer ~ Argosy
Pulps: Moon Maid and Moon Men ~ The Moon Maid: McClurg
First Edition
*** 2100: On this date (many years from now) Julian 9th is
scheduled to be born in the Chicago teivos. He will be the great-great-grandson
of Julian 5th and Nah-ee-lah, title character of The Moon Maid.
The Moon Maid: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R Biblio - Art: Covers
- Pulps - Interiors, Publishing History, etc.
The Moon Maid: Read the e-Text editions in ERBzine
*** 1925: The many talents
of Edgar Rice Burroughs included the ability to sit tall in the saddle,
as he -- and some of his characters -- did on many occasions. ERB shared
his love of horses publicly by writing an article about a horse-riding
trail which ran from the mountains, through the L.A. area, to the sea.
The article appeared in the L.A. Times Jan. 1, 1925, headlined:
The Saddle Horse in Southern California, and can
be found at ERBzine.
Horse Talk
*** 1997: In return for ERB's loyalty,
the Horse returned the favor many years later -- Dark Horse, that is. The
comics company published several different Tarzan mini-series, including
of Hate, which began with the first of its four parts, Friend or
Foe, on Jan. 1, 1997. Bill Ross, the collector's collector,
having been inspired by Larry Burrows, chronicled the
Dark Horse titles featured in an ERBzine article
*** 2005: Cheetah was
upset. He knew something was missing. It was the statue of him! A Jan.
1, 2005, article told the sad story of the stolen statue, which had disappeared
in Palm Springs sometime over the Christmas holidays. But Cheetah and others
were able to breathe easier a few days later, when a man who had purchased
the statue from the thief called to say that he just might have some stolen
property in his possession. The statue was soon back where it belonged.
See Cheetah's Scrapbook in ERBzine
*** In 1876, Emma Centennia Hulbert
1, 1876 - November 5, 1944)
was born and became
the childhood sweetheart and later the wife of ERB, who had been born the
year before. Her middle name was in honour of the 100th year since the
signing of the nation's Declaration of Independence.
Emma Centennia Burroughs
Mother Died Today By
Hulbert Burroughs
PHOTO ALBUM I: The Early Years
PHOTO ALBUM II: A Lifetime in
ERB's Bio Timeline for 1876
*** 1890: Jane Porter
was born in Baltimore on this date. This historical tidbit was among those
that Philip Jose Farmer claimed to have uncovered in his extensive
research for the true story of Tarzan, the man on whom ERB had based a
series of fictional novels. See:
Farmer's Tarzan Chronology from Tarzan Alive
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar: Newpaper Serialization
~ Tarzan and the Golden Lion 1927 film
Tarzan the Terrible: BLB with JCB cover art
and Maxon strip ~ Tarzan and the Castaways by Canaveral ~ Tarzan
Sunday by Manning
January 2 was a Tarzan kind of day in ERB history.
*** 1920: On that date, in 1920, "The Declo Independent,"
a newspaper published in the town of Declo in Cassia County, Idaho, had
a page one illustration and announcement that it would be serializing "Tarzan
and the Jewels of Opar." The page was on display at the Cassia County
Museum in Burley, Idaho, and was found by John Martin's wife, Peggy, while
they were exploring ERB Country several years ago.
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Entry
*** 1927: The New Year
got off to a great start with the release of the film "Tarzan
and the Golden Lion," starring Jim Pierce, who was to take
Tarzan from silent movies to talking radio and even marry the boss's daughter!
Despite the success of the 1921 serial,
Adventures of Tarzan, starring Elmo Lincoln there were no film projects
until 1926 when FBO Studios (Joseph Kennedy's company which later joined
with RCA to form RKO Radio Pictures) bought the film rights to Tarzan and
the Golden Lion. Burroughs had much more say in the choice of actor to
play Tarzan in this film. During a party at Tarzana Ranch ERB was impressed
by one of the guests who fit the mental image of his fictional jungle man.
Pierce was a former All-American football player from Indiana who had come
to Hollywood to work as a football coach at Glendale High School. His giant
physique and chiselled good looks got him numerous roles in Hollywood films.
ERB insisted that he try out for the role of Tarzan, even though it meant
giving up a major part in the upcoming film, Wings -- a part that eventually
went to Gary Cooper.
Filming began in September 1926 and
finished in December 1926. Under ERB's supervision the script followed
the original novel quite closely. Jane was played by Dorothy Dunbar and
the part of a native was played by an obscure English actor called Boris
Karloff. The film was a hit at the box office despite the lukewarm reviews
by critics. Mainly because of the poor critical reception, FBO did not
exercise their option to produce a sequel. Burroughs then signed a deal
with rival Universal who produced two Tarzan movies starring Frank Merrill
-- the last of the silent Tarzan films. Jim Pierce never played Tarzan
again on film, although he married Burroughs daughter, Joan, and they starred
as Tarzan and Jane in the 1932 radio serial.
Tarzan and the Golden Lion
1927 Film Entry in ERBzine Silver Screen Series
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Tarzan and the Golden Lion ~ Photoplay
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Tarzan and the Golden Lion
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Screen Captures and Card
Script I
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Screen Captures and Card
Script II
*** In 1929, the "Olean Herald"
of New York ran an announcement Jan. 2 promising that Rex Maxon's daily
comic strip, telling the story of "The
Return of Tarzan," would start right after "Tarzan
of the Apes" was finished in a few days. In the announcement, "The
Fiction Editor" wrote: "The big boss has agreed with me that there is really
a tremendous interest in our Tarzan picture serial story and has ok'd an
order for the sequel to 'Tarzan of the Apes.' Response to my request for
letters and postcards from Tarzan fans was so great that I was just about
able to bury him under the avalanche of mail. He almost had to yell for
help but I gave no quarter until I actually saw his name on the dotted
line of the contract to run the 'Return of Tarzan' immediately after
the present Tarzan picture serial ends."
More on the "Olean Herald"
ERBzine Directory to all the Maxon Tarzan Strips
*** In 1942, on the second of January,
the Terrible" was copyrighted by Whitman for its version of the
story in its continuing series, The Better Little Books. The book features
illustrations from Rex
Maxon's strip, along with "corner flip" animation art and a cover
by John Coleman Burroughs.
Tarzan the Terrible Big Little Book covers
Tarzan the Terrible Daily Strips by Rex Maxon
*** 1977: "Tarzan and the
Jungle Revolution," with art and story by Russ
Manning, began Jan. 2, 1977, and ran for 35 Sundays.
Tarzan and the Jungle Revolution
*** 1965: When Canaveral
Books first published
and the Castaways," in December of 1964, 400 copies were sold before
the firm decided a little tweaking was necessary. The tweaking was done
and the rest of the books, containing a label with some revised info, went
on sale Jan. 2, 1965.
It's a bit complicated, but Robert B. Zeuschner
explains it in "Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography":
He notes that those 400 copies “list five copyright dates
on the copyright page, including two dates for 'Tarzan and the Castaways,'
1941 and 1965. The second state of about 2,600 are the same, but they have
a label affixed which reduces the number of copyright dates to four by
eliminating the 1941 'Tarzan and the Castaways' date and correcting the
other to 1964.
"Henry Hardy Heins informs us that after 400 or more
copies were distributed with the erroneous dates in December 1964, distribution
was halted for almost a month until January 2, so that a printer's sticker
with the correction could be printed up and attached to the copyright page.
The second variant constitutes books which were then distributed in January
of 1965 with the correct sticker attached to the copyright page."
And in doing so, Canaveral produced
a set of interesting contradictions: The edition sold in 1964 was dated
1965. And the edition sold in 1965 was dated 1964!
Other than the sticker, there really is no difference
in the two editions. I don't have to worry about it, though: I have the
1975 reprint! More info on page 333 of the Zeuschner book. Also:
Tarzan and the Castaways - Canaveral Edition
*** 1920: Isaac
Asimov, master SF writer (1920.01.02-1992.04.06),
was born on this date.
*** 2012: National Science Fiction Day
is celebrated annually by millions of science fiction fans on this date
since 2012. January 2 was chosen for National Science Fiction Day as it
corresponds with the birth date of famed science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia

Tarzan and the Fox Sunday Page by Hal Foster
~ ERB's Laugh It Off Columns from WWII Hawaii
ERB Witnesses Pearl Harbor Attack ~ Tarzan and
Gold of the Phoenicians strip by Gray Morrow
*** 1942: In the wake of extreme angst among the folks
of Hawaii after the Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor
and other strategic locations, ERB began writing a regular humor column
in the Honolulu newspapers to help ease tensions. He did it for only a
short time, but while it lasted he doggedly pursued the task, always eager
to sink his teeth into any little item which might bring even a momentary
On Jan. 3, 1942, he used about half of a rather brief
It Off" column to perk up the ears of dog lovers. The opening item
was bound to get favorable reactions from dog, cat and perhaps even canary
caretakers everywhere: "Greater love hath no man than this: A couple who
own three dogs, hearing the wild rumor that fifth columnists had poisoned
our water supply, sampled the water themselves before allowing the dogs
to drink!"
The last item in his column, however, might have had dog
owners barking and snapping at him: "This may be
apocryphal, but it sounds reasonable: A woman walked into one of our markets
with a poodle under each arm and complained that she was unable to buy
enough food for her dogs. 'Madam,' said the clerk, 'There is a war going
on and you may be lucky if you don't have to eat the pooches before it
is over.' " Of course, ERB had any critics on defense from the start.
If anyone were to criticize his column, he could simply point to its heading
and tell them to "Laugh it off."
"Laugh It Off" Columns reprinted in ERBzine at:
*** 1932: "Tarzan and the Fox" by
Foster and George Carlin, was featured in newspapers Sunday,
Jan. 3, 1932. At first, Tarzan felt a little silly in his fox-hunting outfit.
But soon he was caught up in the thrill of the chase. But who will ultimately
outfox who? The answer is found in the ERBzine 5516 reprint:
Tarzan and the Fox: Hal Fosters strip
*** 1988: "The Gold of the Phoenicians"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began Jan. 3, 1988, and ran for 12
Sundays. Read it here in a lot less than 12 Sundays in 12 Gray Morrow Sunday
pages reprinted in ERBzine at:
Gold of the Phoenicians: 12 Gray Morrow strips
***In the wake of extreme angst
among the folks of Hawaii after the Dec. 7, 1941, Japanese
sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and other strategic locations, ERB began
writing a regular humor column in the Honolulu newspapers to help ease
tensions. He did it for only a short time, but while it lasted he doggedly
pursued the task, always eager to sink his teeth into any little item which
might bring even a momentary smile.
Edgar Rice Burroughs at Pearl Harbor
*** On Jan. 3, 1941,
he used about half of a rather brief "Laugh It Off" column to perk up the
ears of dog lovers. The opening item was bound to get favorable reactions
from dog, cat and perhaps even canary caretakers everywhere: "Greater
love hath no man than this: A couple who own three dogs, hearing the wild
rumor that fifth columnists had poisoned our water supply, sampled the
water themselves before allowing the dogs to drink!"
The last item in his column, however,
might have had dog owners barking and snapping at him: "This
may be apocryphal, but it sounds reasonable: A woman walked into one of
our markets with a poodle under each arm and complained that she was unable
to buy enough food for her dogs. 'Madam,' said the clerk, 'There is a war
going on and you may be lucky if you don't have to eat the pooches before
it is over.' "
Of course, ERB had any critics on
defense from the start. If anyone were to criticize his column, he could
simply point to its heading and tell them to "Laugh it off." This and more
"Laugh It Off" at:
ERB Laugh It Off Columns
*** 2017: Paul Privitera (1953.10.03-2017.01.03)
died on this date in Reading, England.
Paul Privitera and His Unique
ERB Art Remembered by his Daughter Diana:
Bill asked me if I would write
a tribute to my late father, Paul Privitera, who passed away suddenly on
January 3, 2017. Although he had been unwell for several years his death
was very unexpected. During his latter years the interest that ERBzine
showed in his work was always a source of great pride for him and I’d like
to thank Bill Hillman for his continued support and for giving him a platform
to showcase his work.
It is fitting
that he found an audience over in America as the movies, culture and comic
books of the U.S. were his main inspiration and he visited the country
several times over the years. In addition to Tarzan he was a big fan of
DC Comics, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, JRR Tolkien and Hammer
Horror films. But he was also a great admirer of the old masters and would
often to take us to galleries in London to look at the paintings of Monet
and Turner.
I was amazed
to see how many pieces of artwork he has sent to ERBzine, many of which
I’d never seen. Dad was always fascinated with technology and most of his
creations shown here were done on the computer. Although I confess I have
a particular fondness for his acrylic paintings and pencil drawings. Growing
up, he was often to be found at the dining table with a canvas propped
against his easel or sketching in a notepad. His father before him, Salvatore
Privitera, was also an artist who painted almost compulsively. Dad encouraged
both my sister and I to draw and paint but I was always acutely aware that
I did not possess even an iota of his talent."
"He was a great artist and
an inspiring father, who is greatly missed."
Paul Privitera: Remembered by his
daughter Diana
Paul Privitera Art Galleries in ERBzine
Edgar Rice Burroughs in Wartime Australia for Christmas
~ ERB in Caledonia as the oldest
War Correspondent in the Pacific ~ Tarzan strips by
Lubbers, Morrow and Manning
*** 1943: ERB's duties as a war correspondent took him to
Australia in late 1942 and early 1943. On Christmas day of '42, he wrote
an article about several experiences. The article wasn't published until
Jan. 4, 1943. Here's some things he had to say:
After hunting up the billeting
and public relations officers, it was 4:30 before Capt. Freeman and I got
together again for a spot of tea. Only it was coffee with milk and some
little sandwiches -- the first thing even remotely resembling a meal that
we had had for exactly 24 hours.
There are quaint customs here,
like driving on the wrong side of the street and walking on the wrong side
of sidewalks. It is quite confusing, and might even prove fatal. Street
cars are trams and cops are constables. Whiskey means Scotch, the implication
being that Bourbon and Rye are not whiskies. If you wish coffee American
style, you order "a large cup of black coffee with cream." But instead
of getting annoyed with our ignorance, the natives are good-natured and
helpful. I have had a perfect stranger walk a block or so out of the way
to direct me to my destination. I like Australia and Australians.
Two people have stopped me on the
street today to ask me what my green brassard with the white C means. There
are a lot of war correspondents in the South Pacific area and Australia,
but I seem to be the only one who hasn't lost his brassard. By wearing
it, I saved Freeman a penny today. We took a tram to get to a chop house
that had been recommended to us. I paid the fare up -- three pence each.
Coming back, we had a lady conductor. She asked me what the C meant. I
told her "cannibal." When she gave Freeman back his change he discovered
that she had charged the two of us only one penny. So, being an officer
and a gentleman from Richmond, Virginia, he called her attention to the
fact. She explained that I rode free!
We decided that the one penny returning,
rather than the three pence fare going, was because coming back was down
hill all the way. I wouldn't know. Or maybe it is just another quaint custom.
But why I rode free I shall never know. She was a pretty girl, and maybe
she is afraid of cannibals.
The articles in ERBzine:
Edgar Rice Burroughs in Australia
*** 1882: Patrick J. Monahan
(1882.01.04-1931.11.01) was born Patrick John Sullivan on this date in
Des Moines, Iowa.
During the first three decades of the 20th century P.J.
Monahan was one of New York's most prolific illustrators. He created ads,
movie posters, commissioned art but the majority of his work was for the
"pulp" magazines of the day. His paintings were noted for composition,
design and use of colours -- stimulating images full of romance and adventure.
Sadly the work of P.J. Monahan and the other pulp artists of that time
have not received the recognition of their contemporary illustrators, whose
work appeared in art galleries and the "slick" magazines. Of particular
interest to followers of the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs are the artists
of who illustrated the pulp magazines in which most of ERB's stories
first appeared. Before seeing release in hard cover, Tarzan et al appeared
in the Argosy/All-Story/Cavalier and Munsey's magazines as well as in Blue
Book, Red Book, Amazing, Modern Mechanics & Invention, Fantastic Adventures,
Thrilling Adventure Stories, and even Liberty. The best known illustrators
for these magazines were P. J. Monahan, Modest Stein, Clinton Pettee, Stockton
Mulford, Pahl Stahr, and of course the great J. Allen St. John. Between
1913 and 1923 P.J. Monahan painted wonderful covers for 13 All-Storys that
featured ERB stories.
P.J. Monahan Tributes
Tarzan of the Apes All-Story Art
P.J. Monahan Art Collages
*** 1953: "Tarzan and the Father
of Diamonds" by Bob Lubbers and Dick Van
Buren began Jan. 4, 1953, and ran for 22 Sundays.
Bob Lubbers bio and comics list
*** 1987: "The Shiftas,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began Jan. 4, 1987, and ran for 14 Sundays,
numbered 2890-2903.
The Shiftas: 14 Tarzan Sunday pages by Gray Morrow
*** 1971: "Korak and Pasha
Rochi" by Russ Manning began Jan. 4, 1971, and
ran for 58 days. Read it in ERBzine:
Korak and Pasha Rochi: 58 Russ Manning daily strips:
Pilot Edgar Rice Burroughs and his aircraft ~ Tarzan
and the Ant Men: Pulp cover and
Gold Key Comics art ~ Robert Abbett Art and Photo
~ Pal-ul-don strip by Russ Manning
*** 1929: Russell George Manning (1929.01.05-1981.12.01)
was a southern California native - born of a Canadian father on this date
in Van Nuys, California. Russ Manning started drawing at an early
age and his early influences were the Tarzan novels with their St. John
art and the Tarzan strips of Foster and Hogarth. Actually
his first exposure to Tarzan was through the Big Little Book, The
Beasts of Tarzan. Soon he had read all the Tarzan novels in the
county library, discovered Hogarth's Tarzan in the Sunday LA Times, and
had sat through Tarzan of the movies. These early influences led him to
science fiction and he became a voracious reader and sketcher.
In 1950 he drew some sample pages
for a John
Carter of Mars comic for a proposed Dell comic, but the Korean
War got in the way and he was shipped overseas before he could submit them.
While overseas with the U.S. armed forces he was assigned work as a map-maker
and base newspaper cartoonist. By the time he was discharged in 1952, the
John Carter project had been assigned to his friend Jesse Marsh
who had been working on the Dell Tarzan comics. I've reprinted much of
his early art in my ERBzine pages.
In 1952, Marsh helped get him a job
with Dell Comics and his first published work was Brothers of the Spear
series in Tarzan #39 beginning a long run through #156 (Feb. 1966)
as a supplement to Marsh's work on Tarzan. Russ worked on a multitude of
Dell comics titles. In 1963 he finally had a chance to display his abilities
in the science fiction genre when he created the very popular Magnus,
Robot Fighter 4000 A.D.
In 1967 he was chosen by Robert
Hodes of ERB, Inc. to do the daily and Sunday Tarzan strips
for United Feature Syndicate. Each week he wrote and illustrated -- with
the assistance of artist Bill Stout -- the large colour Sunday page
and six daily strips. He also created a number of Tarzan Gold Key comics.
His amazing Tarzan and Brothers of the Spear work is all reprinted in ERBzine.
A few years before his death from
cancer, Russ was commissioned by George Lucas to write and draw the Star
Wars comic strip from 1979-1980.
Russ Manning Tribute: Bio and Art
Manning's Unreleased John Carter Art: Collage
Read all the Dell and Gold Key Tarzan Comics with
Manning Tarzan Art
*** 1926: Robert Kennedy Abbett
2015.06.20), popular Tarzan cover artist, was born on this date in Hammond,
Indiana grew up to illustrate for "True" and "Argosy" magazines and, eventually,
for Edgar Rice Burroughs paperbacks. You can go to your bookshelf
and pull out his Mars and Tarzan books and examine the covers, many of
which feature Barsoomian airships prominently, or you can click on this
link... ERBzine 3336...and
look at them without leaving your computer chair.
"We moved east in the early '50s for
the editorial market. I did cover art for many paperbacks including
Ballantine, movie posters and some story illustration for True, Argosy,
etc. I was already working with Ballantine Books when the subject
of the ERB stories came up. I jumped in wholeheartedly. It seems to me
I did two editions of the Tarzan books, for some reason, as well as the
John Carter Series. It was a delight to try to bring the fictional
characters and settings to life, and still keep the ERB feelings to them.
I hope I was successful at least part of the time.
"I developed a personal ralationship
with both Ian Ballantine and his wife Betty, as well as with Bob, the art
director. They were guests at our home and we visited with them at theirs.
For his position, Ian was a 'reachable' person and would even promptly
answer my calls. Once when he called back, I asked him where he was,
and he answered casually, "I'm at Heathrow Airport for another hour."
"In the past, I have received enough
mail from ERB fans to know that you guys are perhaps a small but vital
and robust group of those who luxuriate in a good make-believe series!
Keep up the good work! Thanks for your interest!" ~ Bob Abbett
My ERBzine link leads to a bio of
Abbett with four top-page links to his artwork and five bottom-page links
to other Abbett sites.
Robert Abbett Bio and Illustrations
Mars Art
Tarzan Art I
Tarzan Art II
Tarzan Art III
*** 1934: "Tarzan
and the Ant-Men," in which Tarzan flew, and
crashed, his first plane, was published in 1924. But it wasn't until a
decade later that ERB himself took to the skies in his first flying lesson,
Jan. 5, 1934. The 58-year-old ERB began learning in a Kinner
Security low-wing monoplane.
Tarzan and the Ant-Men: History ~ Cover and Interior
Art ~ Reviews ~ Article
Tarzan and the Ant Men in Tarzan Gold Key Comic #174
ERB and his Kinner Security low-wing monoplane
*** 1943: Speaking of airplanes,
there's been a rumor for years that the airplane used in the opening segment
of "Tarzan's New York
Adventure" was the same one used in "Casablanca." That rumor isn't
true, according to Snopes,
but it could be claimed with much more likelihood that the Tarzan plane
is the same one that's part of Disney's Great Movie Ride in Orlando.
Tarzan’s New York film also ties into today's date. On
Jan. 5, 1943, ERB, while in Sydney, Australia, went to a special screening
of the film.
Tarzan's New York Adventure: ERBzine Silver Screen
Ed attends special MGM film screening in Sydney, Australia
1991: Johnny Eck
died on this date in Baltimore, Maryland. He was born as John Echkardt,
on August 27, 1911 in Baltimore, Maryland. Johnny Eck was born without
lower extremities twenty minutes after the birth of his normal identical
twin brother Robert. The two-pound newborn had almost nothing below his
rib cage. The boys entered the sideshow circuit at the age of 12, where
John was billed as "Johnny Eck, The Half-boy." He performed in Ripley's
first Believe it or Not Odditorium at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair; billed
as "The Most Remarkable Man Alive!" He and brother Robert travelled the
country with magician Raja Raboid's "Miracles of 1937" show, in which they
were part of the sawing-in-half illusion. The act involved Rob being called
out of the audience as a volunteer for a magician's trick, and climbing
into the box, but it was legless Johnny who emerged from it. A midget acting
as Johnny's legs would then run off stage chased by Johnny. The effect
shocked the audience so much that the act was eventually shut down.
Johnny went on to play a role in Tod
Browning's "Freaks" and provided comedy relief in three Weissmuller Tarzan
movies. For the Tarzan movie roles he wore a weird bird suit and played
a "gooney-bird" creature running through the jungle.
He was also a talented screen painter,
writer and pianist who conducted his own orchestra. Johnny was said
to have a genius IQ. The little golden green outfit he wore in his circus
act was prominently on display on display at Forry Ackerman's Ackermansion
in Los Angeles. Johnny Eck retired from public life in the 1980s after
his home was robbed, and he died in the house where he was born on January
5, 1991 at the age of 79.
Tarzan Escapes! (1936) (uncredited Gooney-Bird)
Tarzan the Ape Man (1932) (uncredited Bird creature)
Tarzan's Secret Treasure (1941) (uncredited Bird)
Off-Site Reference
Freaks (1932) - Half Boy
*** 1970: "The Magii of Pal-Ul-Don,"
by Russ Manning, began Jan. 5, 1970, and ran for 120 days.
The Magii of Pal-Ul-Don: 120 strips by Russ Manning
Moon Maid Cover Art ~ Hollow Earth Opening
~ Tarzan of the Apes: Newspaper Serial
Hully and Jack: Pet Lion and Tarzana Ballroom ~ ERB
MS for All-Story ~ Tarzan Strip: Eric Battle
*** 1967: During the decade that many of us were buying ERB
paperbacks, we all felt some validation when, on Jan. 6, 1967, the world
was rocked with the news that the polar opening to Pellucidar had
been discovered:
"...the satellite ESSA-3, in very
high polar orbit around the Earth, took a remarkable photograph, from straight
above the North Polar area, showing a huge HOLE, about 1400 miles in diameter,
centered where the North Pole should be! The ESSA-7 satellite took an even
better quality photo of this HOLE on November 23, 1968. Both photos were
published in the book 'Secret of the Ages--UFO's from Inside the Earth,'
by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1977."
See the whole hole for yourself
in ERBzine:
Hollow Earth Opening Satellite Photo
*** 2026: While the discovery of
the opening to Pellucidar was an exhilarating event for many fans, those
who are alive in 2026, just a few years from today, will have to experience
the disappointment of a tragedy in the ERBiverse. On Jan. 6 of that year,
in "The Moon Maid" the traitor Orthis will get drunk and sabotage
"The Barsoom."
The Moon Maid: History ~ Art ~ Read the e-Text
*** 1913: The
"Evening World Daily Magazine" began the serialization of "Tarzan of
the Apes" on Jan. 6, 1913, making the story available to those who
weren't in the habit of buying and reading the pulp magazine "The All-Story,"
which had published the story complete in one issue in October 1912. Book
publication of the saga would eventually come in 1914.
Tarzan of the Apes: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography
Tarzan of the Apes: Newspaper Serialization
*** In 1920, the "Van Nuys News"
reported on Jan. 6 that the two young Burroughs boys received late
gifts, two lion cubs and monkeys, courtesy of a movie company. Just
what every boy wants! However, "The monkeys turned
out to be quite vicious....and the lions had voracious appetites -- a more
suitable home was soon found for the animals."
ERBzine's John Coleman Burroughs Bio
Tarzana Ranch 1921: A Docu-Novel by Bill Hillman
*** 2002: "Day of the Hunter"
Eric Battle and Alex Simmons, began in newspapers Jan. 6, 2002,
and continued for 20 Sundays.
Day of the Hunter: 20 Sunday Tarzan Strips by Battle
and Simmons
Tarzan Book #1: Foster dailies collated ~ Harold
Foster Photo ~ Synthetic Men of Mars:
Argosy and Burroughs 1st. Ed ~ Foster Tarzan Sundays
reprinted ~ Tarzan's Revenge film: Glenn Morris
*** 1939: Synthetic Men of Mars
is a marvelous story of Frankenstein-like Martian scientist Ras Thavas,
who creates monstrous, misshapen humanoids known as hormads, who ride around
on giant brids known as malagors. A highlight of the story is a blob-like
mass of living flesh put together out of castoff hormads, which keeps getting
bigger...and bigger!
When "Argosy" published the
first installment of the story on Jan. 7, 1939, pulp readers were probably
instantly attracted by the wonderful cover by Rudolph Belarski,
which showed one of the huge, ugly birds -- a malagor -- swooping toward
earth while ridden by a shapely woman in a two-piece outfit with "some
guy" behind her. John Coleman Burroughs provided a somewhat similar
weird and wonderful scene for the cover of the hardback book which came
out a year later. See these covers atop this ERBzine page, with other Synthetic
Men art further down the page:
Synthetic Men of Mars: History ~ Art ~ Summary
~ Links
Synthetic Men of Mars: Complete e-Text
Edition in ERBzine
Off-Site Reference
summary project
*** 1929: When ERB's stories were translated
to other media -- such as comics and movies -- the transitions met with
varying degrees of success. One long-lasting success was the art of Harold
Foster, whose retelling of "Tarzan of the Apes" through a daily comic
strip was first printed by some newspapers beginning Jan. 7, 1929.
Later that year, the strips were published by Grosset and Dunlap
in book form as "The Illustrated Tarzan Book No. 1," and again by
of Greystoke, 1967 and more recently in ERBzine.
Coincidentally, the first Buck Rogers newspaper
strip also debuted on this date - January 7, 1929.
Tarzan of the Apes: Hal Foster's daily 1929 comic
Illustrated Tarzan Book No. 1: Foster's 1929 daily
Tarzan strips collated in book form
*** Harold Foster didn't
stay long with the daily strip but did illustrate the Sunday strip
for several years, and those too have been collected and published in the
opening volumes of the "Tarzan
in Color" series by NBM as well as in the three-volume "Edgar Rice
Burroughs' Tarzan: The Sunday Comics," published by Dark Horse.
They are also being reprinted every week in ERBzine Weekly Webzine and
all are in my archive.
Tarzan Sunday Pages by Hal Foster I: 1931 and 1932
Tarzan Sunday Pages by Hal Foster II: 1933 and 1934
Tarzan in Color: Covers for the series:
The History of ERB comics
*** 1937: Less successful was a
Tarzan movie which was released on Jan. 7, 1937, during the Johnny Weissmuller
era. But one of its problems was that it didn't star Weissmuller. It was
not quite as bad as having Woody Allen play Jimmy Bond during the Sean
Connery era, but the movie,
Tarzan's Revenge, featuring Olympian
Morris, had little to recommend it.
An IMBD review stated: "The
story has an expedition heading to Africa to capture some zoo specimens,
with Tarzan indicating a strong preference for allowing his animal friends
to stay in the wild. Meanwhile, a lecherous sultan has spotted a young
woman in the expedition, and would like to add her to his harem, so he
has made plans accordingly. Most of the screen time, though, does not advance
the story, instead focusing on a variety of vignettes, and adding a lot
of footage of lions, elephants, and many other animals, including a couple
of cute lion cubs. The real action consumes just a small fraction of the
running time."
Tarzan's Revenge: ERBzine Silver Screen series entry:
Tarzan's Revenge: Film Summary
Off-Site Reference
Revenge in IMDB
2014: Larry Ivie (1936-2014 )
was an artist and writer who published the 1960s magazine Monsters
and Heroes. He also painted the magazine's covers based on ERB
novels. Larry did the illustrations for the Canaveral edition of ERB's
Gods of Mars His art and stories were featured in many SF and comic
magazines such as Creepy, Eerie, T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents and Marvel comics.
Larry Ivie's Monsters and Heroes:
Ivie's Canaveral Art for Gods of Mars
*** 1934: Created by Alex Raymond, Flash
Gordon first appeared in papers on this date. The strip's popularity would
eventually produce countless adaptations on radio, in comics and books
and on film. See my ERB's John Carter / Flash Gordon Connection in ERBzine:
ERB's John Carter / Flash Gordon Connection

our thousands of other sites at:
Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2022 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective