Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
January 22 :: January
23 :: January 24 :: January
25 :: January 26
January 27 :: January
28 :: January 29 :: January
30 :: January 31
click for full-size images
Film Tarzans: Scott ~ Henry ~ Ely ~ Skarsgard ~ Lincoln:
Al Bohl's Lord of the Louisiana Jungle
I Am A Barbarian ~ Authors: John Coleman Burroughs,
Bob Zeuschner, Scott Tracy Griffin
*** 1934: From our LOST WORDS OF ERB Series: In a
letter to Jack, ERB wrote: "I've kept it a secret because I didn't want
anyone to worry until I had my pilot's license. In other words, I am taking
flying lessons and have been for about a month. Am getting along very nicely
and take a ship up, fly it around and land it without breaking my neck.
Mama and Hulbert came out to watch me take a lesson yesterday, but before
I did so they went up in a Stinson cabin job. It was mamma's first flight
and she enjoyed it thoroughly, not being at all afraid. The natural
consequence of my flying is that Hulbert is going to start taking lessons;
and I presume that when you are through college, you will follow suit."
NOTE: Unfortunately, on February
16, twenty-five-year-old Hully, while attempting to land in a strong
crosswind, lost control of the craft and crashed into an adjacent golf
He suffered minor injuries but it effectively put an
end to the family's interest in flying. Another tragedy struck later when
their instructor, Jim Granger, was killed in a plane crash.
ERB's Letter to Son Jack
1943: ERB On Assignment in New Caledonia:
this date, Ed learned that one of the new pilots he had flown in with on
December 5th had been killed in a crash on the island without seeing combat.
Ed made the long drive through mountains, swamp and jungle to the lower
end of the island to get a story at the American
Red Cross Officers' Rest Area. He picked up six CBs along the way.
The Red Cross Area was disappointing,
inhabited by only a Frenchman and a donkey. On the return drive along the
bay and seashore he speculated on how much more the Americans had done
for the island than the French who had left little in return for the enormous
wealth they had taken out. "It is a monument to the absolute low in colonization."
Back at the hotel in Nouméa [pronounced NUMA :)] he had supper with
Cmdr. John D. Bulkeley, hero of They
Were Expendable.
I've keyed in all 50 pages of ERB's
Wartime Journal for all ERB fans to enjoy. Through many more hours of research
I found relative photos and links for each of the 50 pages which I added
to the series.
ERB's entire 50-page 1942-43 Wartime Journal is starts
Journal Entry for January 22, 1943
ERB: Wartime Journals - Summarized Illustrated Timeline
of Events
ERB On Assignment in New Caledonia
*** Jan. 22, 1966,
probably didn't generate any ERB headlines in many newspapers, but on that
Ron Ely left the U.S. for the jungles of Brazil to begin filming
the new
"Tarzan" television
series. The product was ready for the marketplace by Sept. 16 of
that year, as ERB fans gathered around their television sets to hear that
famous jungle call sounding from off the top of a waterfall and to see
Tarzan swinging into action every week for two years.
STUNTS: Ron Ely insisted on doing all his own stunts
and animal fights.
This resulted in at least 17 wounds and injuries ~~ in
the first season alone:
~1. Seven stitches to the head from a lion bite
~ 2. broken nose in a water fight
~ 3. dislocated jaw in a fight
~ 4. wrenched neck and disc in vine swinging accident
~ 5. right shoulder separation in vine swinging accident
~ 6. left shoulder separation from vine breaking during
~ 7. 3 broken ribs from same accident
~ 8. right biceps muscle torn in lion fight
~ 9. claw marks from leopard and puma fight
~ 10. sprained wrists from action scenes
~ 11. left leg hamstring muscle pulled
~ 12. right thigh muscle pulled
~ 13. bites and claw marks from jungle animals
~ 14. both ankles sprained from hard landings after leaps
~ 15. tops of feet badly scratched in fall down hill
~ 16. cracked left heel and
~ 17. bottom of right foot torn slipping on rocky mountains.
Ron Ely's Tarzan TV Series: Titles, Dates, Summaries
*** It was a heady decade, those
1960s, and the momentum was still going in 1966 and 1967. The decade began
with Gordon Scott's last
Tarzan movie, "Tarzan
the Magnificent," and within a couple of years ERB fans -- old
ones and newly created ones -- were buying paperback ERB novels off the
grocery store racks and those who could afford to pay just a little bit
more were ordering hardbound Canaveral editions at $2.95 each.
Gordon Scott Tribute
Tarzan the Magnificent
Canaveral Press Editions
*** In 1966, that magic year that
Tarzan first appeared in a regular TV series, April saw the appearance
of a new, authorized Tarzan novel, "Tarzan
and the Valley of Gold," by Fritz Lieber, although there
was criticism from some fans when Ballantine labeled it "No. 25," as if
it was a part of the "canon" created by ERB himself! Although it's been
published only once, in that Ballantine edition, it is a pretty good Tarzan
novel and well worth having and reading. It was followed a couple of months
later by the actual movie, starring Mike Henry.
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold book and movie:
*** Mike Henry
played Tarzan three times, including again in 1967 ("Tarzan and the
Great River"). Meanwhile, there was Ely's second season on television;
of Greystoke presses rolled with a reprint of Tarzan newspaper strips
in "The Illustrated Tarzan Book #1;" an ERB novel, "I Am A Barbarian,"
was published for the first time; and Robert Fenton's ERB biography, "The
Big Swingers," and John Coleman Burroughs' "Treasure of the
Black Falcon" both appeared in print.
Tarzan and the Great River
House of Greystoke
The Illustrated Tarzan Book #1
I Am A Barbarian
The Big Swingers
John Coleman Burroughs
Treasure of the Black Falcon
*** Not every era can match that
60s era, but we seem to be in the midst of another such time in history.
In 2012 it was the John Carter and "Lord of the Jungle" comic
books, the "John Carter" movie; Al Bohl's Morgan City, Louisiana,
Tarzan Festival; the new ERB stamp issued in connection with
the Dum-Dum in August of 2012; and Stan Galloway's Tarzan Centennial
Conference in Bridgewater, Va., in October and November.
Most of the 2012 Events and Releases are featured
and in the ERBzine Weekly Archive for 2012
Some of the specific events mentioned in the para
John Carter (of Mars) 2012 film
Al Bohl's Morgan City, Louisiana, Tarzan Festival
ERB Commemorative Stamp
Dum-Dum in August of 2012
Stan Galloway's Tarzan Centennial Conference
*** Those were followed by such
things as two new Tarzan history books by Scott Tracy Griffin,
a new bibliography by
Robert B. Zeuschner, special reprint editions
of "Back to the Stone Age" and "Land of Terror" by Jim
Gerlach; Michael Tierney's 100-year art chronology, and lots
of new fiction telling new stories from the worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
These titles and more are featured at: ERB Still Lives
*** A new major motion picture,
"The Legend of Tarzan,"
hit screens in 2016, and there's still a big
Dum and ECOF every year.
And this decade still has a couple of years to go, so
no telling what will happen next!
The Legend of Tarzan film
Annual Dum-Dum and ECOF Conventions
*** 1906: Robert E. Howard
(1906.01.22-1936.06.11) was born on this date. Howard was a Texas-born
author who wrote pulp fiction in a diverse range of genres. He is best
known for his character Conan the Barbarian and is regarded as the father
of the sword and sorcery subgenre. Conan has a pop-culture imprint that
has been compared to such icons as Tarzan of the Apes, Count Dracula, Sherlock
Holmes, and James Bond. Many feel that ERB's Tarzan was a major influence
on Howard's creation of Conan since many similarities may be drawn. In
fact, a number of writers have written Tarzan/Conan cross-over fiction
and many of the top artists of Fantasy Adventure heroes have created art
for both heroes. Howard's writings were published in a wide selection of
magazines, journals, and newspapers, and he became proficient in several
subgenres. His greatest success occurred after his death.
Author Robert Allen Lupton's observations:
"Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan, Red Sonja, King Kull, Solomon
Kane and Bran Mak Morn and several more, was born in Peaster, Texas. In
his short career, he wrote hundreds of stories for the pulps, primarily
for Weird Tales. He wrote of sailors, boxers, and street fighters. As his
career neared its premature end, he focused on western stories. The Breckenridge
Elkins’ tales are a treat.
"Howard was often compared with ERB, but his sword and
sorcery tales always seemed grittier to me than ERB’s novels, his protagonists
were more tarnished, and his women not as innocent. Howard’s output
was almost exclusively short stories, with some notable exceptions, while
ERB’s output was primarily novels, with some exceptions. Howard earned
less than $20,000 from his writings, beginning with a payment of $16.00
by Weird Tales, for his short story, “Spear and Fang,” which was published
in July 1925. The story is available to read for free at the Gutenberg
Howard had a phobia of aging and old age, a frequent
subject in his writings, where characters were always eternally youthful
and vigorous. He often spoke of a desire to die young. Howard took his
own life on June 11, 1936."
Sources for and Imitators of the ERB Classics
Robert Allen Lupton's Work in ERBzine:
Tarzan vs Conan Art
Buck Rogers Film with Buster Crabbe & James Pierce
~ All-Story Pulp Release:
Sweetheart Priveval (Eternal Lover) ~ Gray
Morrow Tarzan Strip ~ ERB's "Chain Letter" note
*** 1943: ERB on Wartime Assignment in New Caledonia:
On this date Ed returned to the hospital for sulfadiazine tablets
and got permission to interview casualties and examine records showing
causes of disability. "Tales of courage, of loyalty, of miracles. Tales
of the cunning, the ruthlessness, the fanaticism of the Japs. These I heard
that day from men recently wounded by gunfire or shrapnel on the jungle
front, as I sat beside their hospital beds. . . . without exception they
gave the 'Pill Rollers' (Medical Corps) credit for the highest courage
and indefatigable performance of duty under fire." Ed spent the evening
with Pat Frank, OWI, who had been with the BMTC in Honolulu.
Danton had shared these journals with
me back in 2003 and it was a thrill to go through them - all 60 type-written
pages describing his exploits as a war correspondent in the Pacific Theatre
from December 1942 through April 1943. His grandfather titled this journal
"A Diary of a Confused Old Man". I collated and summarized excerpted
events and scoured the Web for photos and links that would illustrate the
text. ERB's daily thoughts about his wartime experiences makes for a fascinating
read and gives an intimate look into the author's thoughts during those
troubled and dangerous times.
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
*** 1915: "Sweetheart Primeval,"
the second half of "The
Eternal Lover," began as a serial this date, Jan. 23, 1915, in
"All-Story Cavalier
Weekly." It was the 14th ERB story to be published. Yes, once ERB
broke into print in 1912, he really started churning them out! "The
Eternal Lover" also marked the fourth, though limited, appearance of
of the Apes. On another Jan. 23, in 1938, ERB was interviewed on KFWB in
Hollywood and said he had originally planned to write only two Tarzan stories.
That's probably why, in this book, he mentioned that Lord Greystoke
had "once been" Tarzan of the Apes.
However, his third, "The
Beasts of Tarzan," had already appeared in print, and the fourth
full-fledged Tarzan Novel, "The
Son of Tarzan," would come out later in 1915.
That first appearance of "Sweetheart Primeval" was illustrated
by P.J. Monahan.
The cover, and other Monahan art,
is featured in ERBzine. The Monahan family shared many documents and art
samples with me -- many of which I shared for my ERBzine readers. I'm working
on an expansion of this artist tribute for future release.
Eternal Lover and Sweetheart Priveval in All-Story
Pulp Biblio
The Beasts of Tarzan in C.H.A.S.E.R.
Son of Tarzan in C.HA.S.E.R.
Artist P.J. Monahan Tributes
Off-Site Reference:
Lover Synopsis
*** Gil Gerard celebrates his
birthday on this date. Sci-fi fans remember him in the role of Buck Rogers
in the late 70s TV series, "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century." In one episode,
"Planet of the Slave Girls" (originally broadcast Sept. 27, 1979), he encountered
Tarzan actor Buster Crabbe, in the role of Brigadier Gordon. Crabbe,
of course, under his alternate screen name of Larry Crabbe, also played
the role of Buck Rogers, in a 1939 serial, as well as Flash Gordon. His
Tarzan outing was the 1933 Universal serial, "Tarzan
the Fearless," which also had a movie version.
Another interesting Tarzan connection
features James "Tarzan" Pierce with Buster Crabbe in the original Flash
Gordon Serial. On a signed photo Pierce wrote: "I'm the one with the beard
as The Lion Man"
Crabbe as Buck Rogers along with former Tarzan
and ERB son-in-law, James Pierce (bearded)
Tarzan the Fearless
Off-Site Reference
Buck Rogers in Wikipedia
*** 1930: ERB hated chain letters,
but he once sent one, on Jan. 23, 1930, complete with a poem of
apology for doing so:
"I never did this thing before ~ Nor shall I do it
ever more ~ Forgive my first! ~ Of all the goddam pests there be ~ Chain
letter writers seem to me ~ By far the worst ~ But when the Prince of Wales
I see ~ And others of celebrity ~ I almost burst ~ With pride and with
avidity ~ I seize my pen and send to thee ~ This thing accurst."
ERB's Chain Letter
Who else was on this chain? See the ERBzine Bio Timeline:
*** 19194: "Deadly Gambit,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began Jan. 23, 1994, and ran for 12
Deadly Gambit: 12 Tarzan Strips by Gray Morrow
A Tarzana pose of ERB when he was a RR cop at Salt
Lake City ~ Police Reporter Magazine
Ray Stevens' "Guitarzan": Record and Photo ~ Russ
Manning: Tarzan Strip Art and Photo Collage


1930: Edgar Rice Burroughs, under the pseudeonym,
Edar Burr, submitted the manuscript for his 20-stanza, 2,215-word, 14-line
poem, GENGHIS KHAN to Good Housekeeping Magazine (it was rejected).
It had been written during December 1929 to January 1930. Danton Burroughs
of ERB, Inc. shared this rare manuscript (Copyright ERB, Inc. - Not to
be distributed) with me, which I transcribed for display in ERBzine across
6 Webpages. I also added research, photos, and Khan art by Frazetta, Krenkel,
Buscema, and Franke.
ERB's 20-stanza poem: GENGHIS KHAN
*** 1986: L. Ron Hubbard
(1911.03.13-1986.01.24) died on this date in Creston, California. Although
the lives of both men had much in common, they were born about 35 years
apart. In fact, Ron Hubbard was born in 1911 -- the year that Ed Burroughs
had his first story published. They were noted for their prodigious output
of stories over all genres and were trendsetters in popular fiction for
many decades. They shared an ability for captivating storytelling
and fast-paced plots and colourful unforgettable characters. Before they
ventured into the world of writing they had both lived adventurous lives
that rivaled anything their vivid imaginations put to the printed page.
Early on they found a market in the
very popular and inexpensive "pulp" magazines, which were a natural
showcase for the fledgling writers. These low-cost, widely distributed
magazines were embellished with colourful sensationalist cover art and
contained exciting black-and white interior illustrations that illustrated
a panorama of literary genres: exotic adventures, action, war, western,
science fiction, horror, romance, historical, fantasy, etc. Both
men kept extensive notebooks and journals. Details from their many real-life
adventures and travels found their way into their stories . . .often through
the kaleidoscope lenses of their inexhaustible imaginations.
Both imaginative authors had the good
fortune of having their first published stories appear in two of the most
popular magazine titles of their day: ERB debuted inAll-Story with the
Mars science fiction adventure, "Under the Moons of Mars" in 1911 (later
published in hardcover as A Princess of Mars) and LRH's "The Green
God" appeared 33 years later in Thrilling Adventures in February 1934.
Sue-On and I toured the Hubbard Museum
on Hollywood Boulevard and when they learned that I had researched and
written a series of LRH/ERB features in ERBzine we received the royal treatment.
They sent a fantastic collection of books, reearch materials and memorabilia
to aid in my project. They even sent a film crew to Canada and invited
us to the elaborate, many-storey Hubbard Library near Grauman's Chinese
Theatre in Hollywood so that I could share my views on early pulp fiction
in a documentary they were producing.
We also received invitations to the Explorers
Club in New York and the Writers
of the Future SF Awards ceremonies in Hollywood. Later in his life,
Hubbard moved from his career as a writer of science fiction and adventure
stories to create a "branch of self-help psychology" called Dianetics which
evolved into a new religious movement called Scientology. Our meetings
only involved the mutal interests of ERB and LRH with never any mention
of psychology or religion - areas in which ERB was never involved.
Guide to the ERB/LRH Connection (8 Webpages)
*** 1943: Ed and Pat Frank
went to Isle Nou, formerly a French penal colony dating back to
1864. Around 100 "old white derelects" - former inmates - still resided
on the island. Ed waxed nostalgically over seeing the USS Argonne
and the liner Lurline in the harbour -- ships he had spent
time on in the past. He was treated royally by the
Lurline crew
who remembered him from the past voyages. he had made with his second wife
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
*** Edgar Rice Burroughs
was at his most sarcastic and indignant in an article published in the
L.A. Times on Jan. 24, 1940, when he took on the L.A.P.D. for shooting
down citizens.
He began his article by recounting the gist of a news
story he had read: "A citizen has been arrested and
booked on suspicion of manslaughter because, after hearing a noise in the
kitchen of a girl friend and seeing a prowler, he shot the man after warning
him three times and ordering him to come out with his hands up."
ERB then contrasted that with the fact that no police
offers had been charged similarly in three separate incidents of
"...innocent men being shot by plainclothesmen of the police or Sheriff's
forces for running away from what each one though was a holdup, but I have
not read that any of these peace officers was arrested or booked."
ERB personalized the article with:
interest in this matter was aroused by an experience that one of my sons
had with a couple of the highly intelligent, courteous and efficient bully-boys
of the Los Angeles Police Department. He was accosted, insulted and manhandled
on a lonely street in Bel-Air one night last year and accused of being
the 'Phantom Burglar' of Bel-Air. We don't
know if he is referring to Hully or Jack.
"His first and
natural reaction when he saw two men leap from a car and come for him was
to run, for he believed that he was about to be the victim of a hold-up
or a kidnapping. Had he run he would have been shot."
He continued: "It
seems to me that something should be done about this shooting of men simply
because they run away from an imagined danger. If it is a capital crime
to run, at least give us a fair trial and an opportunity to kiss our loved
ones good-by. Perhaps, inasmuch as we protect sage hens and speckled trout
with a closed season, we might have a closed season for runners."
ERB said he had written the police
chief as well as the police commission and not received the courtesy of
a reply.
"It seems to
me quite bad enough to have to be in constant terror of holdup men and
kidnapers without having the Police Department shooting at us every time
we go out at night," he concluded.
There's a little more to the article which can be read
in full by scrolling down to the article, "Shooting Citizens," in
ERBzine 1441:
Shooting Citizens
*** A decade earlier, ERB had written
a much different article about the police. In "The Citizen and the Police,"
published in 1929 in "The Police Reporter," ERB wrote, among other
things: "If we were to lie awake nights for a year
trying to evolve the most asinine thing that we could do, we could not
achieve a more monumental asininity than that of aiding the present insidious
campaign of calumny directed against the police, whereby we are undermining
our personal safety and playing into the hands of our natural enemies --
the crooks, criminals and grafters who constitute the organized forces
of lawlessness that are a peculiar consequence of present-day American
civilization." Obvioiusly, ERB called them as he saw them and, like
the police, was a "straight-shooter," depending on the circumstances and
his frame of mind at the time.
ERB's Article: "The Citizen and the Police"
*** Novelty song-writer and singer
Ray Stevens was born this day in 1939. We probably first heard of Ray Stevens
when he came out with "Ahab the Arab." in 1962. But in 1969, Stevens had
his first gold single, "Gitarzan,"
a song undoubtedly familiar to all ERB fans. Several versions of it can
usually be found by searching Youtube but we've featured it in ERBzine
for many years.
I learned much about the other, more
serious side of Ray Stevens from popular Canadian singer Bobby Curtola.
Ray was also a well-known record producer and had produced many of the
hits that came out of Bobby's Nashville sessions. I toured as Bobby's lead
guitar player around the time he was recording many of these records
in the '60s and worked with him again on his shows 40 years later.
While in Nashville we visited studios
and publishing on Music Row that Stevens had frequented and met many musicians
who had worked with him and shared many stories with us about his zany
songs -- unfortunately we've never had the chance to meet with "Mr. Gitarzan"
GITARZAN Lyrics and Video at ERBzine's "Tarzan On
The Hillman / Curtola Connection
*** "Jad-Bal-Ja
and the Apes," by Russ
Manning, began Jan. 24, 1971, and ran for four Sundays.
Jad-Bal-Ja and the Apes: 4 Sunday Pages by Russ Manning
Tarzan and the Ant Men: All-Story version,
Rex Maxon's strips and collation in a BLB ~ Mike Henry:
with Sharon Tate ~ Tarzan and the Valley of Gold:
Henry as Tarzan, Fritz Leiber's Novelization
*** In 1965, filming began for "Tarzan
and the Valley of Gold," featuring Mike
Henry in the role of Tarzan. Some fans have said he is the actor
who most closely matched their own vision of Tarzan's looks and were intrigued
by the way that Henry's Tarzan was influenced by the James Bond movies
that were popular at that time. Interestingly, Sharon Tate originally
had been touted as Henry's co-star in the film. Early publicity photos
even show Mike Henry with Sharon Tate and the lion Major. Tate was replaced
by Nancy Kovack before production began.
I've summed up the plot on ERBzine
page: "The international criminal Vinaro enjoys
sending explosive wristwatches to his enemies. Here he kidnaps ten-year-old
Ramel whom he thinks can lead him to the lost city of gold. Tarzan fights
the evil Mr. Train, six-foot-six bodyguard of Vinaro, and rescues Sophia
(Nancy Kovack), who has been left to die with an explosive around
her neck. Various animals help Tarzan locate Vinaro's tanks and helicopters,
the city and the boy."
Producer Sy Weintraub's aim
was to present his new Tarzan as a hip, sexy, cultured apeman, who
would appear as comfortable in a modern disco as in his beloved jungle.
When Valley of Gold wrapped on its Aztec ruins location in Mexico, production
started in Brazil on Tarzan, Brazil aka Tarzan and
the Big River aka Tarzan and the Great River. The
African animals that were flown in for the shoot -- including a lion, crocodile,
leopard, and two chimps -- were a major attraction for local onlookers,
but were difficult to work with. Mike suffered many injuries and health
problems on the set: his face required 20 stitches after a chimp ripped
his jaw open and this was followed by bouts of "monkey-fever" delirium,
food poisoning, dysentery, ear infections, fatigue, and a virus infection
of the liver.
Things got even worse when Rio was
hit by a major typhoon, record rainfall and flooding, which ground shooting
to a halt, destroyed the sets and brought about a typhoid epidemic. As
soon as the rain subsided the crew started around-the-clock work on Tarzan
and the Jungle Boy. The delay in shooting meant that Mike would
have to start the planned follow-up TV series without a break. It was too
much. A fatigued and distraught Mike Henry, weakened by a string of injuries
and health problems, turned down the lead in the Tarzan TV series
(Ron Ely took the role) and headed for home.
Soon after returning to California
he brought two separate law suits against Weintraub's Banner Productions:
one for $800,000 for "maltreatment, abuse, and working conditions detrimental
to my health and welfare," and one for $75,000, charging that the chimp
bite "resulted from human error." These lingering and unsuccessful litigations
prevented him from accepting the part of Batman in a feature movie.
Tarzan and the Valley of Gold in my ERBzine Photo
Background on the movie and book:
Mike Henry
Erotic Sub-Texts: Valley of Gold and Tarzan and His
Off-Site Reference:
and trivia at IMDB
*** 1932: Actually Tarzan morphed from
the printed word to pictures in two different ways starting Jan. 25 in
1932 -- 33 years apart -- Rex Maxon's daily strip began presenting
ERB's story of "Tarzan
and the Ant Men," with continuity provided by R.W. Palmer, who
teamed with Maxon on several strips.
Maxon's text and art were later adapted
into a Whitman Better Little Book edition with John Coleman Burroughs art
on the front cover.
Tarzan and the Ant Men: 126 Maxon Strips
Tarzan and the Ant Men in C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography
*** 1943: ERB War
Journals: On Assignment in New Caledonia: Ed interviewed Major General
Rush B. Lincoln and drove out to Little Old New York for a tour of the
754th Tank Bn. camp.
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB On Assignment in New Caledonia

ERB's series of 1928 L.A. Examiner columns on the
Hickman Trials ~ Philip Jose Farmer's
Tarzan Alive "bio" and authorized Tarzan novel:
Heart of Time ~ Gray Morrow Tarzan Strip


*** 1928: Edgar Rice Burroughs, true crime writer,
went public with his first column on William Hickman printed in
the "L.A. Examiner" on this date, Jan. 26, 1928.
ERBzine's coverage begins with: "For a two-week period
in 1928, Burroughs, on temporary assignment as a newspaper columnist covering
one of Los Angeles' most sensational trials, bombarded the public with
a series of explosive statements and accusations. Certainty that the trial
of William Edward Hickman, charged with the kidnap-murder of little Marion
Parker and the dismemberment of her body, would arouse nationwide interest
led the Los Angeles Examiner to hire Burroughs to attend the sessions and
write a syndicated column giving his personal reactions. The column, appearing
January 26 to February 10, presented Burroughs in his most irascible and
opinionated mood.
"Controversial areas he selected for particular vituperation
included the question of Hickman's insanity and the alienists who proposed
this theory, the court procedures and the laws, the trial atmosphere, and
the heredity and the breeding of criminals. Burroughs ridiculed the assertions
of defense attorney Walsh and the psychiatrists that Hickman was insane."
On January 26, at the trial opening, Burroughs wrote:
"Hickman is not normal. But abnormality
does not by any means imply insanity. Hickman is a moral imbecile and moral
imbecility is not insanity. The moral imbecile is as well able to differentiate
between right and wrong as is any normal man — the difference between the
two lies in the fact that the moral imbecile does not care what the results
may be to others so long as he may gratify his abnormal egotism or his
perverted inclinations."
Background of the case:
"On December 15, 1927, Marian Parker, the 12-year-old
daughter of Perry Parker, a prominent banker in Los Angeles, was abducted
from her school. A man had appeared at the principal's office and said
that her father had been injured in a terrible accident. Letters demanding
money were sent to her father for several days. All the communications,
which often taunted the parents, were signed with names such as, "Fate,"
"Death," and "The Fox." Negotiations with the suspect continued until a
price was agreed upon and a meeting was set. Mr. Parker placed the ransom
money, $1,500 in cash, in a black bag and drove off to meet "The Fox."
At the rendezvous, Mr. Parker handed over the money to a young man who
was waiting for him in a parked car. When Mr. Parker paid the ransom, he
could see his daughter, Marion, sitting in the passenger seat next to the
suspect. As soon as the money was exchanged, the suspect drove off with
the victim still in the car. At the end of the street, Marion's corpse
was dumped onto the pavement. She was dead. Her legs had been chopped off
and her eyes had been wired open to appear as if she was still alive. Her
internal organs had been cut out and pieces of her body were later found
strewn all over the Los Angeles area.
"A massive manhunt for her killer began that involved
over 20,000 police officers and American Legion volunteers. Suspicion quickly
settled upon a former employee of Mr. Parker named William Edward Hickman
who had previously been arrested on a complaint by Mr. Parker regarding
stolen and forged checks. Hickman had been convicted and had done prison
time. Hickman was arrested a week after the murder in Echo, Oregon. Eventually,
Hickman confessed to a dozen armed robberies. Though his attorneys attempted
to plead insanity for Hickman, the jury wouldn't buy it. He was convicted
of murder and hanged at San Quentin prison in 1928. The Marion Parker case
shocked America and inflamed the public's feeling for vengeance against
child abductors."
Hickman got a speedy trial and was dangling from a rope
within a year of his horrendous crime. And, he got the "Edgar Rice Burroughs
treatment" as well.
[Note: Usually, girls are named Marian and boys
are called Marion. I have seen it on the web stories of this case spelled
both ways. I used the "Marion" spelling as that is the one used most.]
ERBzine's ERB / 1928 Hickman Trial Connection covers
the event in 5 illustrated pages - including ERB's columns and ERBzine
correspondence with family members and family scrapbook material. After
starting my coverage of this event I was contacted by W.E.H. nephew Edward
Hickman. Mr. Hickman has shared memories, photos, and documents of this
tragic event. He had visited the crime scene which was being renovated
and found some morbid artifacts hidden in the ceiling.
ERB / 1928 Hickman Trial Connection
***1918: Philip Jose Farmer
(1918.01.26-2009.02.25) was born on this date. He wrote several books featuring
Tarzan, thinly disguised. He chronicled many events of the English lord's
life that ERB left out, including his sweeping biography, "Tarzan Alive."
After writing about Tarzan-like characters under other names, Farmer finally
got permission to do a novel featuring Tarzan by name, "The Dark Heart
of Time."
I've written a number of pages pointing
out the Farmer/Burroughs Connection. PJF created a massive body of work
and often paid tribute to ERB who was a major influence. Author and PJF
scholar, Win Scott Eckert was a guest of honour at the 2018 Morgan City
Dum-Dum. He spoke and projected an excellent PowerPoint presentation in
which he pointed out how Farmer had been inspired by Burroughs. This presentation
is featured in ERBzine
How ERB Inspired PJF: by Win Scott Eckert
The Philip José Farmer / Edgar Rice Burroughs
Philip José Farmer Remembered and covers of
his Tarzan-related books:
Off-Site Reference
Official Farmer site
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB in
New Caledonia: On this day Ed went to QM to pick up leggins,
raincoat and head net and returned to Little Old New York where he rode
a tank and fired its 37mm gun. He dined with the officers of B Co. and
later marvelled at the primitiveness of the native-built buildings on the
post, and especially the camp latrine: "It was in an open tent facing a
main path and only a few feet from it. It was a two holer, and had recently
been on fire. One hole was only a cinder. The supports seemed to have been
burned out, and one expected to crash down into the sink at any moment.
It had one advantage. No one ever lingered there unnecessarily."
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
*** "Wrestlemania,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began Jan. 26, 1992, and ran for 12
Sundays. What happens when Tarzan agrees to step into the ring with professional
wrestlers? But first, a nod to John Carter.
Wrestlemania: 12 Tarzan Sunday Pages by Gray Morrow
ERB's Tarzan of the Apes: First Tarzan Novel
and 1918 film starring Elmo Lincoln and Enid Markey:
Posters, Ad, Screen Capture of title ~ "Bigfoot" Tarzan
Sunday Pages by Gray Morrow
*** 1918: On this date, movie-goers were treated to "...a
daring spectacle, educational, an unusually entertaining picture, the most
thrilling picture ever shown, a production nothing short of marvelous,
and the greatest film of the age." It was, of course, the day that
"Tarzan of the Apes"
premiered at New York's Broadway Theatre. "The theatre lobby was done up
as a jungle decorated with hanging moss, large tree boughs, and many stuffed
animals, including the lion that Elmo had reportedly killed during production.
Monkeys and apes swung through the faux foliage and theatre boxes while
a 30-piece symphony orchestra provided a jungle-themed musical score. Similar
displays were adopted by other theatres when the film opened nationwide."
Playing Tarzan was Elmo
Lincoln, who literally acted with his chest. "His normal chest
measurement was 48 inches, but expanded to an extraordinary 53 inches.
His chest was probably responsible for much of his fame in films. He could
project defiance by breathing deeply after heroic deeds, or during love
scenes. Elmo could gesture and perform with his chest the way other actors
used their eyes and facial expressions."
The premier was ballyhooed with hundreds
of posters and ad sheets, as well as huge billboards and banners on Broadway.
The Broadway premier, organized by Harry Reichenbach, was one of the most
successful openings in history and its run was held over to April 2, 1918.
Newspaper reviews were glowing describing the film as a daring spectacle,
educational, an unusually entertaining picture, the most thrilling picture
ever shown, a production nothing short of marvelous, and the greatest film
of the age. An estimated 5,000 people were turned away for the first showing.
New York's World newspaper serialized the novel during the film's New York
run. Similar advertising and lobby promotions were employed when the film
was released nationwide. I've shared reviews, photos, posters, and many
more related items in my ERBzine coverage.
The film went on to become one of
the first million seller films. It launched the Tarzan film franchise,
which currently includes 52 authorized films and seven television series.
I have fond memories of a visit we
had with Elmo's daughter, Marci'a Lincoln Rudolph. She shared precious
memories of her father and gave us a copy of her book: "My Father, Elmo
Lincoln - The Original Tarzan. I shared some of the highlights of the book
in ERBzne 0283.
Tarzan of the Apes: ERBzine Silver Screen
My Father, Elmo Lincoln - The Original Tarzan
By Marci'a Lincoln Rudolph
Off-Site Reference
Appearances in 5 Tarzan Films
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB in
New Caledonia: On this day Ed had stayed overnight at the camp to go
out on reconnaissance the next morning. He joined a caravan of 17 tanks
accompanied by back-up vehicles. The column moved into a forest of naiouli
trees where the tanks formed a large protective circle. They were to bivouac
here for the night so the men camouflaged the tanks with branches and each
person dug a slit trench, set up a cot and hung mosquito bar - all done
in the rain. Ed made notes on everything, including the goings on at the
kitchen truck and mess tents. I typed out these events to share with ERB
fans. . . this entry along with 49 more to which I added hundreds of photo
ERB's Wartime Journal for this date
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB: The War Years
US Troops in WWII New Caledonia
*** "Bigfoot,"
by Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began Jan. 27, 1991, and ran for 12
Sundays. Professor Samuel T. Philander is out to stop illegal loggers from
razing the Pacific Northwest rain forests. Loggers are tough, but fortunately
Mr. Philander has Tarzan on his side.
Bigfoot: 12 Tarzan Sunday strips by Gray Morrow
War Correspondent Edgar Rice Burroughs in uniform:
Writer of "Laugh It Off" Columns,
Letter to daughter Joan from Hawaii ~ Honolulu papers
after Pearl Harbor ~ ERB's "last column"
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB in New Caledonia:
"The sweet strains of First Call aroused me at 4:45 AM, and then commenced
a day during which I got all worn out watching other people work. Old age
has many compensations, one of which is that it can't be drafted into the
army. I spent the morning with Lt. Brothers on reconnaissance.
Seventeen tanks, a half-track, a kitchen
truck and trailer, a supply truck and the other jeep came roaring down
from camp. They made an imposing caravan and a lot of noise. I have ridden
in tanks many they are hot, cramped, hideously noisy, and full of protuberances
an gadgets wedged into a narrow seat with a machine gun between my legs
and a most uncomfortable crash helmet jammed down over my ears. It took
me minutes to get in and much longer to get out.
Eventually the column moved into a
forest of naiouli trees, where we were to bivouac for the night. The tanks
formed a large circle, well dispersed, with the Command Tank, kitchen,
jeeps, and other vehicles with in it. And immediately the work of camouflage
began. It was simple. The men cut down trees or tore off leafy branches
an piled them around and over the vehicles.
Next in order was the digging of slit trenches. Each
man had to dig his own, and how they loved it! Two feet wide, six feet
long, 20 to 24 inches deep. "Just right for my grave," remarked one chap.
Shovels, mattocks, sweat, mosquitoes, profanity, and wise cracks! These
enter into the digging of slit trenches. By the time they were dug, I was
practically exhausted -- just watching.
Then cots were set up by those who
had brought them, bed rolls were unrolled, mosquito bars were hung from
lines rigged between trees. Those who didn't bring cots regretted it before
morning, as the mosquitoes were bad, it rained, and there were ants and
other crawling things on the ground.
I tried wearing my head set for the first time. And probably
the last. They are hot and uncomfortable, and they add nothing to the pleasure
of smoking. Every time you take a draw on a cigarette, you have to take
a mouthful of green mosquito netting along with it. I soon discarded it,
preferring the mosquitoes.
Then, with wet and dirty feet, I crawled
into my cot and collapsed. And all this in a dense wood, on a dark and
rainy night, under strict blackout conditions."
ERB Wartime Journals: 50 Illustrated Pages
ERB's January 28 Entry in his Wartime Journals
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB: The War Years
*** It may have been helpful, and
was sometimes fun, but during the six weeks that ERB wrote his "Laugh
It Off" columns for Hawaii newspaper readers, he also discovered that
-- instead of having to deal with just one editor, such as Thomas Metcalf
of "The All-Story"-- he had to deal with several, including military censors
as well as the regular newspaper editor, and apparently with several other
groups which would object to this or that item that he had written!
And so, on Jan. 28, 1942, ERB shrugged
off his "Laugh It Off" column and probably breathed a sigh of relief. Not
only was he out from under the obligation of having to find enough items
to put together an almost-daily effort, but he was free to do some things
he preferred -- such as becoming involved in a radio broadcast experiment
and also having an opportunity to go closer to where the war's action was.
The column had begun Dec. 13, 1941,
a few days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, and was undertaken at the
suggestion of the Army, as a morale booster for readers of the "Honolulu
Advertiser" and the "Star-Bulletin." But, by Jan. 13, 1942, ERB was thinking
that perhaps his endeavor had run its course, and wrote in his column:
question to my readers: Shall I continue this series or go on to do something
else? I really have plenty of other things to do, but if 'The Star-Bulletin'
readers want this column to go on, I'd like to know. Write the editor of
'The Star-Bulletin'and tell him, please."
ERB was probably hoping for a lot
of letters telling the editor to deep-six his column, but instead the letters
of support rolled in! Nonetheless, ERB decided to end the column anyway,
and did so with the last one on Jan. 28.
The last paragraph of that last "Laugh It Off" column
"When, at the request of army authorities,
I undertook to conduct this column shortly after December 7, I felt that
it might aid in bolstering civilian morale. Perhaps it was helpful for
a short time. I hope so. but attempting to bolster civilian morale in the
islands is like taking coals to Newcastle. Our morale is tops, and it will
remain tops if each of us takes it upon himself to keep his own morale
high, no matter what happens - and plenty may happen before we are done
with this mess. Fear is contagious. If you are ever afraid, camouflage
it. In closing this column, I wish to thank all those who have aided me
by their contributions and the many who have encouraged me by their kind
letters. I wish to thank the Sylvias and the Muriels for the amusement
they have afforded. And so, aloha!"
That's what he said publicly. Privately, in a letter to
Joan written that same Jan. 28, he said: "I can't
do much to win the war, either here or on the Mainland. I have quit writing
my silly column and am going to work with Jack Halliday and others on a
radio program for KGMB, which they hope will prove good enough for the
network; so you may hear the sweet strains of my voice some day when you
tune in on CBS. As this will require much of my time, I cannot conduct
a column too.
"That you may see how silly my
column is, I am enclosing one. It has been sort of fun; but bucking a newspaper
editor, a military censor, and, apparently, the WCTU and the Epworth League,
and probably the PTA and the advertisers has rather cramped my well known
style. Even a little 'damn' was cut out of one story I told - and the damn
was the whole point of the story."
Yes, even in trying to do his patriotic duty and shore
up the public resolve, ERB had to fight with the accursed editors!
However, even ERB couldn't kill "Laugh It Off" forever.
He used the same name for a column he wrote for a few issues of "Hawaii
Magazine" in 1945 and 1946!
ERB's Jan. 28 letter to Joan at:
ERB's 1941 columns
ERB's 1942 columns
1945-46 Hawaii Magazine columns
is Honolulu Advertiser, Dec. 8, 1941 -- its first edition after
the attack. ERB would likely have read this newspaper. Later, in December,
and in January it carried his column, "Laugh It Off."
The Honolulu Advertiser was curtailed by a broken gear
on its press and could not publish on Dec. 7. The Star-Bulletin allowed
the Advertiser to use its presses for its Dec. 8 edition, but that did
not stop the morning paper from making one of the biggest front-page errors
of the war.
Acting on what former Honolulu Advertiser
Editor George Chaplin said was "an unidentified Army source," the Advertiser
declared, "Saboteurs Land Here!" The erroneous report prompted the Army
to call in the Advertiser editors, Chaplin wrote in his 1998 history of
the Advertiser, "Presstime in Paradise." The editors were told "if there
was a repetition, the paper would be closed."
With the advent of martial law on
the afternoon of Dec. 7, Hawaii was placed under the heaviest press censorship
ever imposed on an American territory, according to Helen Chapin, author
of "Shaping History: The Role of Newspapers in Hawaii."
is Honolulu Star-Bulletin's third Extra on Dec. 7, 1941.
ERB would have no doubt read this newspaper. It was soon
to start running his "Laugh It Off" column through the end of January,
*** 1996: Burne Hogarth (Spinoza
Bernard Ginsburg) died on this date. (1911.12.25-1996.01.28). "Hogarth
took over the Tarzan syndicated newspaper strip from the great Hal
Foster in 1936. He was only 25 years old at the time, but he had
already been a professional cartoonist/illustrator for 10 years. Hogarth
helmed the strip for a decade, creating an awesome and unique visual mythos.
He helped take Tarzan out of the cult closet and firmly established the
ape-man as one of the true greats of American heroic literature and mythology.
Although this was just one achievement of a long, successful career, recognition
was a long time coming for Hogarth."
ERBzine has shared hundreds of Burne
Hogarth's magnificent Tarzan Sunday pages in
Burne Hogarth Tarzan Sunday Pages in ERBzine: 1947/1948/1949
Hogarth Tarzan Sunday Pages in ERBzine: 1937-1938
An Informal Chat With Burne Hogarth
Hollywood Party 1934 movie with Jimmy Durante
as parody a Tarzan: Schnarzan ~ Manuel Padilla Jr.
with Ron Ely: Tarzan TV shows ~ Rex Maxon Tarzan strips
~ ERB dictating stories
*** 1943: On This Date: War Correspondent ERB in New Caledonia:
"The company moved out for the exercise at 5:00. Lt. Brothers gave me the
option of riding in his command tank with him, or in a jeep with Cpl. E.
J. Muller of Cincinnati. I chose the jeep for comfort and visibility.
The first time I got into a tank was
at Schofield Barracks, Oahu. Officers tried to show me how to enter a tank
through the turret. I got doubled up somehow, like Snarleyow, "with 'is
'ead between 'is 'eels." I thought that they were going to have take either
me or the tank apart to get us untangled. He got stuck; so I crawled through
the front door, which, in itself, is no mean feat.
There was a portable radio in the
jeep, and I could hear Lt. Brothers' commands to his platoon leaders and
their replies. I rode with Capt. Webb, the observer, to the enemy
position. Following the tanks as they raced through a forest and up steep
gradients to attack was impressive and thrilling even without an enemy.
And much safer.
Following the attack, the tanks rendezvoused
in a dense naiouli forest. Big and clumsy looking as they are, they snake-hip
between and around obstacles like an open field runner, and can turn on
a dime. Jeeping through that forest was exciting."
ERB Wartime Journals: 50 Illustrated Pages
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
ERB: The War Years
*** 1980: Jimmy Durante died on this date. Durante
once played a character named Schnarzan. In the 1934 movie, "Hollywood
Party," he is known as Schnarzan the Conqueror. But, says IMDB, the
public is tiring of his fake lions. So when Baron Munchausen comes to town
with real man-eating lions, Durante throws a big party so that he might
use the lions in his next movie. His film rival sneaks into the party to
buy the lions before Durante. The film also stars Laurel and Hardy as well
as Johnny Weissmuller's real-life wife,
In the Schnarzan
skit Jimmy Durante plops to the ground from a vine—in a loin cloth, with
billowing tufts of artificial body hair pasted to his modest physique—as
graphic text announces the forthcoming adventures of "the mighty monarch
of the mudlands," Schnarzan the Conqueror. In the guise of jungle movie
star Schnarzan/Durante vigorously pounds his chest with both fists. But
instead of a hearty trill of thumps, we hear hollow timpani beats. Schnarzan
then tries to let out a version of the famous yodel. Instead, the soundtrack
offers up something more like the moan of a mangled, asthmatic trumpet.
Information and photos of this Durante
spoof are included in ERBzine 6784
The Great Schnarzan Spoof
Schnarzan Photo Collage
Lupe Velez
Tarzan and His Mate features the Durante Spoof
Off-Site References:
"Tarzan Yell" 1
"Tarzan Yell" 2
1943: ERB wrote the article, "What
Are We Going to Do about it?" in which he expressed doubts over the
loyalty of the thousands of Japanese on the Islands. By fall he regretted
some of these comments and prepared to write another article.
ERB: The War Years
*** Manuel Padilla Jr. (1955.05.13-2008.01.29)
was an American child actor. He is best remembered for playing Jai in the
59 episodes of Ron Ely's Tarzan television series of 1966-1968. He also
starred in Tarzan and the Great River (1967) with Mike Henry and Jan Murray.
As a young adult, he appeared in American Graffiti (1973). He also appearing
in episodes of Rawhide, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Happy Days and The Flying Nun.
He has the distinction of filming with three Tarzan actors:
Ron Ely, Mike Henry and Jock Mahoney (a TV Tarzan Episode) Manuel Padilla
Jr. died on January 29, 2008 at age 52.
The Ron Ely TV Tarzan Series 1966-68
Reviews, summaries, guests, screen captures for all
59 Episodes
Padilla's Death Notice in Gridley Wave
Mike Henry Tarzan Movies
*** ERB didn't like Rex
Maxon's artwork any better than some of the fans, and told the
Metropolitan Newspaper Service his opinion on Jan. 29, 1930. Didn't do
him much good, though, as Maxon continued to illustrate Tarzan strips for
ALL the Maxon Tarzan strips reprinted in ERBzine
That and more notations on events in ERB's life:
Phil Collins singing "Tarzan" at Superbowl ~ Maxon's
and the Ant Men strips and BLB reprints
Tarzan, Jr.: Tiny dollhouse book by ERB &
JCB, David Adams' article based on Proppism.
*** 2000: The Super Bowl: Phil Collins sang a song
from "Tarzan" at the halftime of the Jan. 30, 2000 event.
This Phil Collins' Academy Award/Golden Globes-winning
Tarzan song: "You'll Be In My Heart" expanded into TARZAN THE MUSICAL
Sue-On and I attended all three of
the Tarzan Musical Premieres - Broadway, Holland, Hamburg - where we met
Collins and partied with him after. We had a number of discussions
in which we shared stories of mutual musician friends from England. During
our three music tours across England and our recording of three albums
in London, Newcastle and Durham we worked with many UK musicians
and met and chummed with many more. Alan Clark of Dire Straits had
played keys on 20 of our songs. The photos we took during those sessions
were actually leased to the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Ceremonies
for projection on the stage behind Dire Straits members when they were
inducted into Rock Hall in 2018. It was a thrill seeing our pics on International
Television Broadcasts.
*** 1951: HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL. . . Born on this
day in West London.
The Hillman / UK Connection
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB on
Assignment in the Pacific: ERB prepared to say
goodbye to New Caledonia after his almost two-month-long stay there. His
correspondence duties had taken him all across the island in military vehicles.
His autograph books and diary notes indicate that he had met and interviewed
a multitude of military personnel as well as natives. He had roughed it
with the men as he went along on military maneuvers.
Permission was given to sail out on
USS Shaw which
was sailing from Guadalcana on its way back to Pearl Harbor for further
repairs. Ed packed, took a five mile boat ride out to where the ship was
anchored on tossing seas, climbed a sea ladder with his gear and went through
the protocol of boarding a naval vessel. He was invited to bunk with the
Executive Officer and to dine at the Captain's table.
When the Japanese had attacked Pearl
Harbor on 7 December 1941, the USS Shaw was in drydock at the Navy Yard
there. Enemy bombs set her afire and her forward magazines exploded, severing
her bow and wrecking her bridge area. However, Shaw's midships and stern
portions were still essentially intact. When repair work was completed
in late June 1942, Shaw spent several months in training and convoy escort
duties. Sent to the South Pacific in October 1942, she participated in
the Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands late in that month. It was while returning
from this action that the ship had to make a forced stay in New Caledonia.
ERB: Wartime Journals - Illustrated Timeline of Events
On board the USS Shaw
ERB Wartime Journals: 50 Illustrated Pages
*** 2000: On this date David
Adams wrote an analysis of ERB's "Tarzan
Jr.," using the Proppism, a way of studying folk literature devised
Vladmir Propp.
Adams said "Propp works quite well for 'Tarzan Jr.' That's
because ERB always instinctively knew what he was doing when he was writing
even if it was a silly little vignette like this one. The amazing thing
is the fact that he plays around with psychological word games even in
this trifle, but that's not really so amazing at all because his normal
bean always worked this way. Burroughs was a universal natural when all
the gears were spinning." Once you have mastered the Propp method, you
too can write a thrilling adventure story!
See David Adams' analysis at:
Read Tarzan Jr. at:
Off-Site Reference
and his 31-step method in Wikipedia
*** 1945: The Big
Little Book version of "Tarzan
and the Ant Men," which was copyrighted this date.
BLB Tarzan and the Ant Men Cover
BLB version adapted from the daily Tarzan strips by
Rex Maxon
*** In 1933: "The Lone Ranger"
was heard on radio for the first time. A total of 2,956 episodes ran through
1955. That Lone Ranger was a busy, busy man! In 1980, The Lone Ranger was
teamed up with another busy man, Tarzan, for "The Lone Ranger/Tarzan
Adventure Hour" (Zorro was added later) from 1980 to 1982.
Around the time we were doing CKX-TV
noon shows in the early '60s we never really knew who might show up in
the studio for interviews. One day we had just finished our live show and
in walked The Lone Ranger! He was sponsored by a local car company and
was making personal appearances. Holding to the tradition that The Lone
Ranger is never seen without his mask or disguise he made a grand entrance,
sans horse Silver, but in full costume, with mask, hat and guns.
At that time two actors were making
a career of commercials and personal appearances as The Lone Ranger. The
most famous was Clayton Moore, who played the western hero on the '50s
TV series and two movies. The other was Brace Beemer who had starred in
the earlier radio series. I don't know if it was Moore or Beemer, but he
certainly had the voice and charisma as he sat close to a mic behind a
desk for an on-air interview. So here is where my memory is a bit fuzzy
- Moore or Beemer - after all he was a masked man and he stayed in character.
I had been a longtime fan and collector
of the Lone Ranger radio and TV shows, comics, books, movies, etc. so I
was a bit shell-shocked at the time.Who was that masked man?
A funny Lone Ranger story on Letterman:
Listen to a Lone Ranger radio episode in ERBzine at:
The Gaylord Dubois / Lone Ranger Connection ~ 1936
Hillman Memories: Lone Ranger Appears on our TV show
WHO WAS THAT MASKED MAN? ~ Hi-Yo Silver ~ The Lone
Ranger Is In The Studio
Glenn Morris and Eleanor Holm in Tarzan's Revenge
~ ERB's Library: Authors Zane Grey and
Booth Tarkington ~ Apache Inspiration ~ Ed and Emma's
Wedding Day ~ Riding the Santa Fe
.
*** 1943: War Correspondent ERB in the Pacific: At
6:00 A.M. the USS Shaw sailed through the narrow opening in the
reef, past Emedee Light and Tabu Rock on starboard and out into the Coral
Sea. Awhile back, coming in from fighting around the Solomons, the Battle
of Santa Cruz Islands and naval battles around Guadalcanal, the Shaw had
missed the channel to the New Caledonia harbour and had run aground on
a coral reef. Orders were given to abandon the ship but the crew worked
for days to lighten the vessel enough to float her off and to make temporary
repairs - filling gigantic holes in the hull with concrete. It was aboard
this wreck that Ed made the slow, zig-zag voyage back to Pearl, accompanied
by the USS McKean.
The USS Shaw had a troubled history.
Its bow had been blown off during the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor. Some
of the most spectacular photos from the Pearl Harbor attack were of the
massive explosion on the Shaw. Some of the photos were colourized and we've
featured these photos on our Shaw Tribute pages and in the collage featured
here in our Daily ERB Events entry. The bow was replaced and the ship had
been put back into service at Guadalcanal, etc. ERB boarded the ship after
the New Caledonia repairs.
ERB WWII Diary Entry for this date
ERB Sails on the USS Shaw
Photos the USS Shaw at Pearl Harbor
ERB Wartime Journals: 50 Illustrated Pages
ERB: The War Years
*** 1900: Edgar Rice Burroughs
childhood sweetheart Emma Hulbert in Chicago on this date in 1900,
and gained a salary increase to $15 a week as a wedding present. A few
years later, on their wedding anniversary, Jan. 31, 1919, the Burroughs
family left for L.A. on the Santa Fe. The purchase of what would
become Tarzana Ranch in California's San Fernando Valley would bring about
major changes in their lives.
ERB and Emma Wedding
Emma Centennia Burroughs Tribute Albums
Our Tarzana Website
Off-Site References
Santa Fe train
Super Chief
*** Glenn Morris and Eleanor
Holm died at the box office when "Tarzan's Revenge" was released,
and then went on to die on the same day of the month. Morris died on Jan.
31, 1974, at the age of 61, and Eleanor passed away Jan. 31, 2004, at the
age of 90.
One of the cast members almost made it a threesome. Hedda
Hopper, who played Penny in the movie, didn't quite manage to die on
Jan. 31, but hung on until Feb. 1, 1966.
*** 1974: Glenn Morris (1912.06.18-1974.01.31)
who died on this date, wasborn on his family's homestead farm near Simla,
Colorado. He was a U.S. track and field athlete. He won a gold medal in
the Olympic decathlon in 1936, setting new world and Olympic records. He
attended Colorado A&M and played football as well as track and
field. He was also an occasional actor, he portrayed Tarzan in Tarzan's
German filmmaker and documentarian
Leni Riefenstahl (1902–2003) claimed in her memoirs that during and after
the 1936 Olympics, she had an affair with Morris, which she ended because
of a very disparaging report about him that was given to her by a graphologist.
Morris' success at the 1936 Olympics resulted in a brief flurry of fame,
including a New York City ticker-tape parade and a statewide Colorado celebration.
Morris was the fourth Olympic
athlete to play Tarzan. He appeared in only one Tarzan film, Tarzan's
Revenge (1938), an inexpensive independent film produced by Sol Lesser
and released by Twentieth Century Fox. Reviews for the film cited both
the silliness of the production and the exaggerated acting of the theatrically
untrained Morris (though Variety called him "a highly acceptable Tarzan").
After only one minor additional film role, in the 1938 comedy "Hold That
Co-ed," Morris left the movie business forever.
Morris played four games with
the Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL) in 1940 before
injury curtailed this new career, then worked as an insurance agent. During
World War II, he served as an officer in the U.S. Navy and was stationed
in the Pacific, commanding amphibious-assault landing craft. Reportedly
wounded, Morris was treated for psychological-trauma issues and spent several
months in a naval hospital.
He was married from 1937 to 1940 to
Charlotte Edwards, whom he had met in college. At age 61 in 1974, Morris
died of congestive heart failure "and other complications" at the veterans
hospital in Palo Alto, California, and was buried in Skylawn Memorial Park
in nearby San Mateo.
In 2003, author Mike Chapman
wrote “The Gold and The Glory: The Amazing True Story of Glenn Morris,
Olympic Champion and Movie Tarzan”.
*** 2004: Eleanor Holm (1913.12.06-2004.01.31)
died on this date. At the 1932 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles,
Holm won the gold medal in her favourite event, the 100-metre backstroke.
"I was hardly dry at those Olympics when I was whisked from one studio
to another — Warner Brothers, MGM, Paramount — to take screen tests," she
told the New York Times in 1984.
In 1932, she was one of the
14 girls named as WAMPAS Baby Stars, including Ginger Rogers, Mary Carlisle,
and Gloria Stuart. One of her first assignments at Warner Bros. was to
join a trainload of actors and Busby Berkeley chorus girls on a barnstorming
trip across the country in early 1933 to publicize the movie musical 42nd
Street and to show support for the newly elected president Franklin D.
Roosevelt at his first inauguration in Washington, DC.
Holm appeared in only
one Hollywood feature film, starring opposite fellow Olympian Glenn Morris
in the 1938 film Tarzan's Revenge. Tarzan's Revenge has received
negative critical responses, with the film described as "preposterous from
beginning to end" and "absurd." Lead actor Morris was described as "an
irredeemably awful actor" whose jungle yell is "so ludicrous as to be laughable."
On November 10, 1939, she married
her lover, impresario Billy Rose, who had divorced first wife Fanny Brice.
At the 1939 New York World's Fair she did 39 shows a week at Rose's "Aquacade",
co-featured with Tarzan swimmer Johnny Weissmuller and, later, Buster Crabbe.
In 1966, Holm was inducted into
the International Swimming Hall of Fame. She died of renal disease in Miami,
Florida, on January 31, 2004 at the age of 90
ERBzine feature page on Tarzan's Revenge:
Tarzan's Revenge Lobby Display
The Movie Story in a Big Little Book
*** 1951:
On a more uplifting note, some other ERB people began life this day. Phil
Collins, songsman of Disney's "Tarzan," entered the world Jan. 31,
1951, and Minnie Driver, who provided the voice of Jane in the same
movie, was born Jan. 31, 1971.
Special pre-release screening on the Disney Lot
*** 1940: ERB
agreed to participate in a memorial to Zane Grey, whose works he
said "will live forever as authentic records of days
that are fast disappearing." He also considered Booth
Tarkington, author of the "Penrod" series and other books, as "our
greatest novelist."
I discovered Zane Grey books in the
early'50s. . . a short time after I had purchased ERB books. These two
authors fired the imagination of this prairie farm kid. . . and the bookshelves
in my room brimmed with their books, comics and memorabilia. Thanks to
these two originals there were soon many spin-off interests: science fiction,
jungle stories, pulps, westerns, movies, radio shows, etc.
In recognition of Zane Grey's influence
I have created a multi-page tribute showing the connection between ERB
and ZG.
The Zane Grey / ERB Connection
ERBzine Bibliography for Zane Grey's books with text
See the series on the ERB/ZG Connection
Tarkington books in ERB's library plus an e-text link
Off-Site Reference
*** 1876, all Native American Indians
were ordered to move to reservations on this date. Go-yat-thlay
was quoted, before he died in February, 1909, as saying, "I should have
never surrendered. I should have fought until I was the last man alive."
*** In other news from the ERBiverse: On
Jan. 31, 1865, General Robert E. Lee was named general-in-chief of the
Confederate armies, and we believe that Captain John Carter of Virginia
was first in line to shake his hand.
The War Chief
Apache Devil
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** 1963: On this date, MAD artist,
Don Martin, published National Gorilla Suit Day in a collection
Don Martin Bounces Back, in which Fester Bestertester mocks the (then fictitious)
concept of a National Gorilla Suit Day, and suffers a series of incredible
assaults from gorillas and other creatures in gorilla and other suits.
Subsequently, Don Martin and SF/Adventure fans have celebrated National
Gorilla Suit Day on January 31.
ERB celebrated his own Gorilla Suit
Day many years back in 1936 when he attended a costume party with wife
Florence for which he wore a Mangani/Bolgani costume. Ed pretended to be
an escapee from the Los Angeles zoo and entertained fellow-party-goers
by sipping a cocktail through a straw.
ERB's step-son, Lee Chase, described
the event in an interview with Frank Puncer:
Mother and Ebbie
had evidently been invited to a costume party. I don't think either of
them cared all that much for costume parties, but that makes it even more
interesting that they went to such great lengths for this one. Several
days before the party a rumor spread around the house -- that would be
716 N. Rexford -- that a gorilla had escaped from the zoo. My sister and
I were kids and, of course, our curiosity was aroused. I recall Ebbie telling
us: "That gorilla has been seen in the neighborhood, so you kids watch
out!" The servants (we had a butler, chauffeur and cook) were not in on
it either. So hints were dropped for several days about this escaped gorilla
and everyone was on the lookout. Then one day mother said: "Oh my God,
look out in the backyard!" We had a rather deep backyard, as they have
in Beverly Hills, and way out in he back was this gorilla. I think my heart
dropped right into my shoes. My sister and I ran out of the house. The
butler ran out with a hatchet that he'd found -- he was going to protect
the family. I looked at mother and she was giggling and laughing. My sister
caught on before I did and ran over and jumped in the gorilla's arms. Then
Ebbie took off the head of the costume and there he was! He just got the
biggest kick out of that.
Then they went
to the party and that's were the photograph was taken. The ape/gorilla
suit might have been something he found on a movie set and decided to borrow.
The chain, of course, wasn't real; it was made of plastic. Later I figured
out that Ebbie really enjoyed that sort of thing."
The Gorilla Suit Saga
ERB: Gorilla Suit Story
ERB in Gorilla Suit Sipping Cocktail
ERB in Gorilla Suit with Florence
Celebrating Gorilla Suit Day: Ted McKosky
*** 1948: Born on this date is longtime
ERB fan and supporter, Professor Jim Thompson. Jim shared a few
memories in our ERBzine Tribute:
"The county
court house in Birmingham, where my dad was a solicitor was adjacent to
the main public library, and one of my earlier memories of elementary school
days is spending a summer's day with my Dad at his office, and walking
over to the library during the hours court was in session to select books
to bring home to read. The library had an excellent children's reading
room, and my interest in science fiction and in dinosaurs and snakes began
"Friday nights
were movie nights for our family in those early days. I picked up my Dad's
taste in Westerns and watched action pictures of all sorts, war films,
pirates, science fiction and "monster" movies, and jungle pictures. But
nothing excited us like the prospect of a Tarzan movie -- my dad had long
been a fan of all the Tarzan movies and books. At about this same time,
as I was a pretty advanced reader for my age, imagine how excited I was
when I came across most of the first dozen Tarzan novels in the adult fiction
room of the library."
Later, during the Burroughs "book
boom," in the early '60s, Jim discovered the ERB fanzines, joined the Bibliophiles,
discovered the McWhorter Collection, and attended conventions where he
met so many of the legendary Burroughs fans and publishers. When the Internet
arrived back in the '90s, Jim formed one of the first ERB Listservs --
ERB fans through the coming decades -- and remains very active and popular
to this day. Jim is a stalwart supporter and participant in all the major
ERB Conventions: Dum-Dum, ECOF, etc. Jim has compiled an amazing number
of autographs and inscriptions in Gabe Essoe's book, TARZAN OF THE MOVIES,
a book that he brings to every convention. Jim and wife Linda, both retired
university professors, reside in Clarksville, Tennessee, with their huge
Burroughs and movie collections, and where they have welcomed many ERB
fans and friends over the years -- and have hosted Burroughs conventions.
I have just scratched the surface
of Jim's involvement in ERB fandom. You'll find much more about this retired
university professor, movie buff, and collector on the Web and in his Burroughs
Jim Thompson Burroughs Biblio-Pro-Phile
2000 Clarksville ECOF




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