Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
MAR 15 ~ MAR
16 ~ MAR 17 ~ MAR 18
MAR 19 ~ MAR
20 ~ MAR 21
Click for full-size images
The Monster Men: McClurg 1st: St. John Art,
Frazetta PB reprint art ~ Maxon Tarzan Sunday #1
Synthetic Men of Mars: Pulp and Burroughs 1st
cover art ~ Constantin Tarzan ~ Morrow Strip
** Beware the Ides of March. It was the day the monsters
came out.
In 1929 on that date, it was "The Monster Men"
which was published in hardback by McClurg, daring readers to follow
the story of a nutty professor who turned out misshapen humans to tromp
around a Java Sea island and cause problems for heroine Virginia Maxon.
In 1940, by some bizarre coincidence (or was it a mere
coincidence?) the presses rolled out the first copies of "Synthetic
Men of Mars," published by ERB Inc., in which similarly malformed
humans walked the surface of the red planet, some merging into a giant
"mass" that kept growing throughout the story.
Yes, March 15 -- A day to rival Halloween!
Monster Men publishing history, cover art,
Art Gallery, Summary, Review, Links
Monster Men: Read the full e-Text Edition
*** Synthetic Men of Mars publishing history,
pulp covers, book covers, JCB Interior Art, Summary, Links
Synthetic Men of Mars: Read the full e-Text
Synthetic Men of Mars: Interior art by John Coleman
Off-Site Refs
Men summary in erblist
Men summary in erblist
*** While we're waiting around for Hollywood
to turn its special effects and makeup maestros loose on film versions
of Monster Men and Synthetic Men, we can wish Kellan Lutz a happy
birthday. He was willing to wear body gear and cavort around like an ape-man
to provide the basics for another kind of movie magic -- the motion capture
effects used for the Constantin Films version of "Tarzan," which
came out in 2013 to give ERB fans something to complain about while waiting
around for 2016's "The Legend of Tarzan," which at least had plenty
of enthusiasts as well as critics. Lutz was born March 15, 1985. Just a
Owen Williams wrote a 2014
article about 100 years of Tarzans and led it off with comment on Kellan
Lutz as Tarzan:
“Well, I don’t see what’s so funny,”
huffs Kellan Lutz with mock affront, as Empire points at him and laughs.
The reason for our mirth is the fetching grey one-piece performance capture
jumpsuit that Lutz is forced to wear on the Munich set of Constantin Films’
new animated Tarzan. Joking aside though, it’s actually a significant moment.
Lutz’ Tarzan will land during the centenary celebrations for Edgar Rice
Burroughs’ most famous creation, and despite its digitally-rendered end-point,
it marks the first time an actor has worn a costume and played the lord
of the jungle on a set for fifteen years. “I feel honoured,” Lutz beams.
“I grew up on a farm in the mid-west, and I loved playing pirates and firemen,
but I always loved playing Tarzan too. It’s a dream come true to play him
in a film… even if he won’t have my face!”
See the rest of the article at:
Planet of the Ape Man article with Kellan Lutz reference:
Constantin Films' Tarzan promo and news release in
Off-Site Reference:
details about the film
*** The first Tarzan Sunday comic
began on this date in 1931. It was "The Perils of Bob and Mary Trevor,"
drawn by Rex Maxon and written by R.W. Palmer. It ran for
28 weeks and was reprinted in the House of Greystoke Tarzan Folio #1
and the LOHAE Press Vol. 0, done in manner of "Tarzan in Color"
by fan
Dick Spargur.
Or, read the gritty capture-rescue saga here:
The Perils of Bob and Mary Trevor:
Rex Maxon's Tarzan Sundays debut
*** "D'Arnot's Fiancee" began
in the Sunday funnies March 15, 1998, and ran for 17 weeks. Mark Kneece
wrote it and Gray Morrow drew it.
D'Arnot's Fiancee: 17 Gray Morrow Tarzan Sundays

Scriptwriter Cyril Hume with
English actress Benita Hume and Weissmuller: Tarzan Escapes: Johnny
Weissmuller, Maureen O'Sullivan,
Tarzan the Ape Man, Tarzan
Finds A Son, Trader Horn ~ Rex Maxon Tarzeela Strips
1900: Cyril Hume, one of the writers on some of the
Tarzan films from the Weissmuller-Barker era, was born this date in New
Hume's pen was at work on "Tarzan the Ape-Man,"
"Tarzan Escapes" and "Tarzan Finds A Son!", all Weissmuller
outings, and "Tarzan's Savage Fury," with Barker.
Before he turned to Tarzan, Hume wrote the dialogue for
"Trader Horn."
Cyril Hume, who had turned the filming
of "Trader Horn" in Africa into a suitable story outline, was given the
assignment of writing the script for TARZAN THE APE MAN. Hume's original
script had Trader Horn leading an expedition to Africa to search for a
lost tribe. En route, they discover Tarzan, who kidnaps the woman
scientist member of the safari. She eventually returns to the safari
and they are captured by the tribe they seek (who worships the moon), and
are to be human sacrifices to a sacred gorilla. Tarzan, leading a
pack of elephants, arrives in time to save the safari. The woman
scientist decides to stay with Tarzan while Trader Horn and his party return
to the trading post.
The script evolved after several meetings
between Irving Thalberg and his associates; they decided to have the woman
scientist be named Jane, who accompanies her father in search for the elephant's
graveyard. This myth was borrowed from the Trader Horn book; the
Mutia escarpment was an MGM concoction not based on any myth, and named
after Mutia Omoolu, the native who played Trader Horn's gun-bearer.
Hume was the chief writer of MGM's
:'Tarzan" movies in the 1930s and is credited with having suggested Johnny
Weissmuller for the starring role. He remained under contract with MGM
until 1957.
One of Hume's later films was "Forbidden
Planet." He also worked on a number of popular television episodes,
including westerns such as "The Rifleman," "The Rebel," Disney's
"Texas John Slaughter," and many others.
Hume died in 1966 in Palos Verde,
Calif., on March 26, just 10 days after his 66th birthday.
(I have wondered from time to time if the mythical Hollywood
director Cyril Wayne in "Tarzan and the Lion Man" was named for
Hume and John Wayne.)
ERBzine coverage of all the Tarzan films:
Trader Horn Film Booklet
Trader Horn: Read the text
Off-Site Ref:
*** 1936: "Tarzan and His Jungle Friends" was
copyrighted on this date. It featured 62 illustrations by Juanita Bennett
in its 128-page abridgement of the last half of the "Tarzan of the Apes"
Big Little Book. It was an odd size (3" by 3") and was a Tarzan ice cream
cup giveaway.
Picture of cover among those at:
BLB data page:
Read the entire text of the original Tarzan of the
Apes (on hold)
Off-Site Ref
Hake's auctioned one in 2009
***1940: ERB comic strip history saw the start of "Tarzeela
the Wild Girl," which ran for 258 days. Artist was
Rex Maxon
and the writer was Don Garden.
Tarzeela the Wild Girl: 258 daily strips in ERBzine:
General Charles King: Telegram to ERB's Father George
Burroughs from MMA:
"Your son deserted Thursday" ~ Charles King
Photo Collage ~ Jewels of Opar BLB ~ Lubbers Tarzan Strips
*** General Charles King died March 17, 1933. He was
influential in ERB's life. At Michigan Military Academy in 1892,
Charles King, then a captain, was commandment. ERB was not a model cadet
at first and King had to write a letter to his parents on April 18 of that
year: “Cadet Burroughs’ offenses have been most serious, but not irretrievably
so. He has been reckless; not vicious. He has found friends here including
the Commandant, who best knew the boy in the Cavalry squad and on drill,
and it is not impossible for him to return and wipe out his past.”
Like ERB himself, King became an author. In his lifetime,
he wrote 62 books and many short stories and articles. He spent only a
brief time at the academy, but his influence on young cadet Burroughs would
last a lifetime. Regarding King, Burroughs wrote:
“That was the famous Captain Charles
King, writer of the best army stories ever written; a man who has been
an inspiration to me all my life because of his outstanding qualities as
a soldier, a cavalry man and a friend.”
ERB still had some of King's books on his library shelf
at the time of his own death in 1950. And ERB sent his own books to King
as well. King's son, Rufus, a Navy commander, noted in a letter to ERB:
going through the personal effects of my dear old Dad... I came upon several
books you had sent him... among his cherished possessions. Right then I
made up my mind... I would look up the pupil, old friend and admirer of
my Dad.”
ERB-King pages: Bio ~ ERB Connection ~ eTexts ~ Art
~ Photos
Illustrated King Bibliography
King's books on ERB's shelf:
*** 1883 March 17: Death of Abner
Tyler (Thomas)(Born June 10, 1838) in Chicago, father to Major George
Tyler Burroughs.
*** 1916 March 17: ERB started work on The New Stories
of Tarzan series for The Blue Book ($350 each). He finishes the 12th
and last story on March 18, the series is written at Oak Park, on the camping
tour and in Los Angeles
ERB Online Bio Timeline
*** In a day of instant communication
via email, instant messages, cell phones and the like, it's instructive
to note that 100 years ago things were a bit different. Those were the
days of snail mail, primarily, and, even though it was slower, people who
meant business could still communicate with each other efficiently in a
relatiely short period of time.
ERB meant business on March 12, 1917, when he wrote to
McClurg, complaining that the dedication for "The Son of Tarzan"
had been left off the newly published book. Joseph Bray, of McClurg, was
just as businesslike, writing an answer to ERB's letter just five days
later -- March 17 -- probably within a day after receiving it.
ERB had written: "I was very much
pleased with the appearance of the book. In only one thing was I disappointed
and that was that you forgot the dedication. I wanted a book dedicated
to each of my children and wrote you in Decmber to dedicate this one to
Hulbert Burroughs. Could the error be rectified in future editions?"
Bray replied in his letter: "I
have to apologize to you about that dedication. It seems that I clean forgot
to make a note of it and give it to the proper persons. Sure, it shall
appear in future editions."
And it did.
The Son of Tarzan
Inscriptions in the Eddie Gilbert Collection
*** St. Patrick's Day in ERB comic
"Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar," illustrated by
Maxon and scripted by R.W. Palmer, started in newspapers March
17, 1930, and continued for 102 days. The ERBzine reprints were adapted
by OHAE Press as the Illustrated Tarzan Book No. 5 in 2009 ~ Maxon strips
adapted to a Big Little Book.
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar: ERBzine's reprint
of all 102 strips
*** "Tarzan and the Loggers," drawn
by Bob Lubbers
and written by Dick Van Buren, began March
17, 1952, and ran for 52 days. It has also been reprinted in "Comics Revue"
numbers 297-298 and 299-300.
Tarzan and the Loggers: all 52 strips reprinted in
*** "Children of the Wing" began
in the Sunday newspaper March 17, 1966, and ran for 11 Sundays. Gray
Morrow was the artist and Jack C. Harris the writer.
Children of the Wing: all 13 Sunday pages reprinted
in ERBzine:
Vern Coriell Remembered in Burroughs Bulletin
~ Joe Lansdale ~ Efficiency Expert Collage
John Carter Tibbets Mars Presentation ~ Burne Hogarth
and John Celardo: Tarzan Strip Artists
*** On March 18, 2012, John Carter Tibbetts presented
a program on Edgar Rice Burroughs and his two most famous creations --
Tarzan and John Carter -- at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City Public
Library. Tibbetts had a father who read "A Princess of Mars" to
him and who, in fact, had given his son the middle name of Carter specifically
in honor of ERB's creation. When ERB learned of this in 1949, the year
before he passed away, he sent Tibbetts an autographed copy of "A Princess
of Mars" with a letter inside.
Tibbetts became associate professor
in the Department of Theatre and Film at the University of Kansas. In
an email to John Martin, he said he is looking forward to retirement next
year. In the meantime, he has been doing "a fair amount of publishing over
the last ten years, including "The Gothic Imagination," "The Gothic Worlds
of Peter Straub," "Douglas Fairbanks and the American Century," and "Peter
Weir: Interviews."
He interviewed
Lansdale for an article in the "Journal of American Culture" and has
done several paintings based on the Schoonover Martian art. "Burroughs
is in my DNA," Tibbetts said.
An article published
a few days earlier featured an interview with Tibbetts about the upcoming
presentation, which was titled, "From Africa to Mars! 100 Years of Tarzan
and John Carter." ~ JM
John Carter Tibbetts / Vern Coriell / ERB Connection
Vern Coriell Remembered in Burroughs Bulletin No.
Joe Lansdale Presentation at the 2017 Texas ECOF
Off-Site Reference
Carter Tibbetts Article and Video
*** 1904: March 18: The death of Major
Burroughs' 67-year-old brother, Henry Rice (born June 10, 1838),
who resided at 580 Washington Boulevard.
*** 1930: ERB's Brother Frank Coleman Burroughs
(48) died in Wilmette, IL.
ERB Online Bio Timeline
*** Peter Graves
was born this date, March 18, in 1926 in Minneapolis. When not thinking
up complicated plots to topple corrupt dictators or evil crime bosses on
"Mission: Impossible," he took time out to host the A&E Documentary,
"Tarzan, The Legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs."
Graves' complicated plans as Mr. Phelps worked so well
that, in his younger days, he might have been a logical choice for the
lead in a film of ERB's "The Efficiency Expert."
The Efficiency Expert
Off-Site References:
Peter Graves arm-wrestles Tarzan
and the "Jungle Gents"
2017: Bernie (Berni) Wrightson
(1948.10.27-2017.03.18) died on this date. Bernie was raised in Baltimore,
Maryland and is perhaps best known for co-creating the Swamp Thing, his
adaptation of the novel Frankenstein illustration work, and for his other
horror comics and illustrations, which feature his trademark intricate
pen and brushwork. Although he is not well known as an ERB illustrator,
his ERB-related art is admired by ERB fans
His artistic influences were Frank Frazetta, Al Williamson,
Al Dorne, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis and Howard Pyle. He arrived in the
art world when he published a piece of fan art, containing a headstone
bearing the inscription "Berni Wrightson, Dec. 15, 1965", on page 33 of
Warren Publishing's Creepy #9 (cover-dated June 1966).
Wrightson has contributed album covers
for a number of bands, including Meat Loaf. The "Captain Sternn" segment
of the animated film Heavy Metal is based on the character created by Wrightson
for his award-winning short comic series of the same name. He's worked
on Spider-Man, Batman, and The Punisher, and provided painted covers Dark
Horse Tarzan comics as well as for DC comics and many others. His illustrations
attracted thousands of fans and led him to work in film. As a conceptual
artist, he worked on many movies, including Ghostbusters, The Faculty,
Galaxy Quest, Spider-Man, George Romero's Land of the Dead, and The Mist.
In recent years he continued to work on film designs and on his own pet
projects, including comic books, and character designs for animation. Through
the years he has been the recipient of a multitude of awards acknowledging
his amazing body of work.
Bernie Wrightson announced in January
2017 that he was retiring because of his battle with cancer. He died of
brain cancer on March 18, 2017, at the age of 68.
ERBzine's ERB Artists Encyclopedia
ERBzine M.A.P.L.E. Series: Art 4
*** March 18 in ERB comic
strip history:
"Tarzan Against the Goru-Bongara Monster" started
March 18, 1945, and ran for 17 Sundays. It was written and illustrated
by Burne Hogarth.
It can be read in Volume 14 of "Tarzan in Color"
and in the Titan Books Burne Hogarth collection, "Tarzan versus the
Nazis." (Note: The Table of Contents lists it as Gorm-Bongara Monster
but the lettering in the comic panels themselves say Goru.")
An Informal chat with Burne Hogarth
Tarzan In Color Series
*** "Tarzan and the Rogue Elephant" began March
18, 1956, and ran for 12 Sundays. John Celardo drew it and Dick Van Buren
wrote it.
John Celardo Bio and Strip Index
ERB last visit to a Tarzan film set ~ ERB Burial Tree
~ Tarzan and the Forbidden City: Red Star of Tarzan
pulp version with Belarski art, 1st edition ERB, Inc.
art by JCB (Jane and Hully posed)
One of the ERB busts that Dan and I retrieved from his dad's storage
locker . . . and more.
Clippings from our ERBzine Obits page ~ Craig Mullins Art from Saunders'
“The Martian Legion”

Click for full-size Promo Splash Bars
*** "On Sunday, March 19, 1950, Ed finished his breakfast
and sat in bed, reading the comic pages. He was alone, and death came to
him suddenly and quietly. The discovery was made by his housekeeper who,
by prearrangement, notified his family and his physician, Dr. Herman Seal.
Ed's desire for cremation had been expressed often in the past and in 1945
he left instructions that his ashes should be buried beside his mothers...under
the...tree on my pet lot."
After cremation at the Chapel of the
Pines In L.A., the ashes were buried beneath the tree that shaded the offices
in Tarzana.
Ed was 74 when he died -- five months short of his 75th
birthday. His remains were "now a part of the nature
he had worshipped and sought to protect -- the nature whose creatures he
had always viewed as superior to man." -- Irwin Porges, Edgar
Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan
During a visit with Danton at his
Tarzana home I had the chance to handle and examine the inside of the metal
container that had contained ERB's ashes before they were buried under
the ERB, Inc. tree in Tarzana (BH)
The tree that stands over ERB's ashes:
ERB Obituaries
ERB Bio Timeline with links to many bios
Official Biographical Sketches I
Official Biographical Sketches II
Autobiographical Sketches
ERB Annotated Calendar
More ERB in ERBzine
*** Two of the last photos of ERB, taken on the set of
"Tarzan and the Slave Girl" with Lex Barker, at the bottom
of ERBzine 1104.
The next time ERB would be in a movie studio was in the
person of an actor who portrayed him in the opening and closing segments
of John Carter in 2012. Although John Carter never spoke his famous
words, "I still live," in the film, the very fact that such a film was
made, 100 years after ERB's story was first published, was a demonstration
that the words still rang true, describing Edgar Rice Burroughs and his
timeless creations.
With ERB in these last photos were
Burroughs (Mrs. JCB), Joan Burroughs Pierce, Lex Barker, Vern Coriell,
and grandson Michael Pierce
ERB last visit to a film set: Tarzan and the Slave
John Carter 2012 film
*** "The Red Star of Tarzan"
was serialized beginning this March 19 in 1938 in Argosy and ran
for six installments. It was one of three versions of a story which started
out as a radio script, written by Rob Thompson, which was titled
"Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher." ERB revised the story as "Tarzan
and the Forbidden City" when it eventually came out as a book, but
the Argosy version was as radically different as the "Red Star" title!
According to Bob Zeuschner, "Robert R. Barrett reports
that Chandler Whipple, editor at Argosy, turned ERB's manuscript over to
Ben Nelson and Burroughs Mitchell, the son of Edward Page Mitchell, to
rewrite and expand. In general, Burroughs allowed editors to make changes,
but when the hardback book was finally published, it was always ERB's own
More on the Red Star-Forbidden City controversy:
Argosy's presentation:
Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher
Listen to all 39 episodes in ERBzine
Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher: Bill Hillman's Summary
of all 39 episodes:
Tarzan and the Forbidden City: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Entry
1915: Actress Patricia Morison(1915.03.19-2018.05.20)
born on this date as Eileen Patricia Augusta Fraser Morison in Manhattan.
A star of stage, film, and television, in 1947 she played Tanya Rawlins,
the female heavy, in the film, Tarzan and the Huntess, which starred
Weissmuller, Brenda Joyce, and Johnny Sheffield.
Patricia Morison Remembers Tarzan and filming "The
“Johnny was beautiful to watch, whether
just standing or gracefully swimming. I didn’t socialize with him much
as he was too busy with a new love affair.”
While the film used stock footage
for many African scenes, there were animals on the set. “I remember the
chimp going berserk, tearing around the set trying to beat up the crew.
We had to hide in our cars until he calmed down. They also used an old
MGM lion. It was very hot on the set, so the big stage doors were opened
to let in air. Then suddenly, the lion disappeared. We found him walking
down La Cienega Boulevard with people fleeing in all directions.”
Morison’s apartment, where she has
lived since the 1960s, has been home to more manageable critters, including
dogs and birds. Her last pet was a cockatiel that would perch on her head
and sing. “I can still sing, too,” she laughed, referring to her performance
at her recent birthday celebration. When you consider I’m 100, I probably
should only be able to croak! But I’m a very fortunate woman. I’ve done
what I wanted with my life and worked with some wonderful people along
the way.”
Patricia was billed as the actress
with the longest hair in Hollywood (39 inches long). Universal pushed her
as a 'rival' to Dorothy Lamour when she changed her hairstyle to a middle
parting. She was an excellent actress who was never used to her potential
in Hollywood. During the 40s, she was constantly cast as the “other woman”
or an evil female antagonist – a misuse of her talents, casting her in
various roles in Universal’s Sherlock Holmes and Thin Man Series. Finally,
disillusioned with disillusioned with the system turned to the Broadway
stage where she had a chance to use her fine singing voice and acting talents.
She won the starring roles in: Kiss Me Kate, The King and I, and
Kismet. She also appeared in many Broadway-related television productions.
Morison never married and spent her final years as an artist. She died
at age 103 in 2018.
Tarzan and the Huntress
*** That dastardly villain, Rokoff,
finally met his end on March 19, 1946, in Los Angeles. Well, actually it
wasn't the real Rokoff...he was killed by Sheeta back in The Beasts of
Tarzan. This was Frank Whitson, the actor who played Rokoff in "The
Adventures of Tarzan."
Whitson shared the role with Frank Inslee:
The Adventures of Tarzan: 1921 Film Serial
Off-Site Ref:
*** "Tarzan Against Hitler,"
illustrated by Rex Maxon and written by Don Garden, had a
114-day run beginning this March 19, 1934.
Tarzan Against Hitler: 114 daily Maxon Strips
*** "Tarzan Against the Nazis,"
written and illustrated by Burne Hogarth, had a 32-Sunday run starting
March 19, 1944. It was also reprinted in NBM's "Tarzan in Color," Vol.
13, as well as in the Titan Books volume, "Tarzan Versus the Nazis."
Huck's list of comic start and stop dates in ERBzine
Joan Burroughs and Jim Pierce Wedding and Meeting
with Hillmans ~ Hillmans at the Pierce Grave Site
Tarzan and the Golden Lion editions ~ Jane March and
Casper Van Dien ~ Tarzan the Untamed editions
*** "Tarzan and the Golden Lion," released this date,
March 20, in 1927, was a very special Tarzan film.
For one thing, four stills from the production were printed
in a special photoplay edition of ERB's story of the same name, along with
a colorful dust jacket of Jim Pierce, the star of the film, with
a lion.
Like a lot of books that were made into movies back then,
the script didn't have much to do with the original story. And readers
of photoplay books (not just this one, but a lot of them) would often be
puzzled by photos of scenes and actions that didn't match anything in the
book itself!
Another reason this was a special
movie is that ERB got a son-in-law out of it. Jim Pierce married ERB's
only daughter, Joan, and unlike some Hollywood marriages it was
one that lasted. They are buried side by side today in Shelbyville,
* For many years the only known print of this film was
a French version. Considered lost for many decades, a complete print of
the film was discovered in the 1990s.
* Some of the players Jim Pierce coached during his job
at Glendale High included John Wayne and Bob Steele.
* Jim Pierce had an affair with his leading lady, Edna
Murphy, but later married ERB's daughter Joan.
* A standout in the cast was Lin-Yu-Ching, a Chinese
giant who stood eight feet tall and weighed 300 pounds
* Shooting was delayed for month while star Jim Pierce
recovered from injuries suffered in a serious car crash.
* More than 1,000 extras were hired for the filming
* Boris Karloff plays the renegade Owaza in his film
* A few years later, Jim and Joan Burroughs Pierce starred
as Tarzan and Jane in the 1932 radio serial.
They hadn't re-heard their Tarzan
radio serial for almost 40 years. After meeting with them in the '70s,
We sent them the serial on reel-to-reel tapes from our OTR collection.
The Hillman photos taken in Tarzana
and Shelbville show the Pierces in their later years and their grave markers
in Shelbyville Cemetery
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Biblio entry in ERBzine
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Movie Edition
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: The Film in ERBzine Silver
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Online eText Edition of
the book (On Hold)
The gravesites of Jim and Joan Pierce and how Bill
and Sue-On Hillman found the graves:
The Hillmans Visit Jim and Joan in Tarzana
Off-site facts about the movie:
*** A Jane who was actually named Jane
was born this date, March 20, in 1973, in Edgware, London, England, United
She was born Jane March Horwood but she dropped
the "r" and inserted "lly" to become Jane March of Hollywood and starred
as Tarzan's jungle love opposite Casper Van Dien in 1998's "Tarzan
and the Lost City."
Since appearing in Tarzan, she has gone on to play in
several other films, including the role of Lidia in the TV movie "Dark
Prince: The True Story of Dracula," Hestia in "Clash of the Titans" and
Queen Gwendolyn in the video of "Grimm's Snow White."
Tarzan and the Lost City film in ERBzine Silver Screen
series with many photos
Lobby Display I
Lobby Display II
Off-Site References
Jane March
Movies: IMDB
*** "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna" began in the
"All-Story Weekly" dated March 20, 1920. The first issue with the
serial had a
P.J. Monahan cover. The next four issues continued
the story, which was a follow-up to the adventures of Tarzan begun in "Tarzan
the Untamed," a serial which ran the previous year in "The Red Book
Later, both parts were combined in the hardback book
titled "Tarzan the Untamed."
In the story, Tarzan discovered a lost city populated
by lions, parrots and genuine Luna-tics!
Tarzan the Untamed: Full Bibliography Coverage
Tarzan the Untamed: More Info
Tarzan the Untamed: Read the entire e-Text edition
in ERBzine
See the five pulp covers: ERBzine Pulp Bibliography
The Cave Girl: McClurg 1st Ed. art by St. John
~ Mad King and Barney Custer of Beatrice
in All-Story pulps: Small and Fairchild art ~ Frank
Merril in Tarzan the Mighty and Tarzan the Tiger
*** ERB's 21st book was published on the 21st of March in
1925. On the front were the words "The Cave Girl." On the spine
it simply said: "Cave Girl." However, on the jacket the "The" was in both
places. Heins' one-line plot description says "Nadara,
a stone age cave girl, helps a civilized weakling to become the mighty
cave man, Thandar." Bob Zeuschner reports that this is one
of the McClurg editions which was known to have been preceded by a printer's
dummy -- a volume that looked exactly like the first edition on the
outside, but had only a few pages printed on the inside. These were used
by salesmen to promote the book with stores. Other McClurg ERB titles known
to haveprinter's dummy editions were "The Return of Tarzan," "The
Beasts of Tarzan," "The Son of Tarzan" and "The Eternal Lover."
Perhaps there were others!
Cave Girl: Publishing History ~ Pulps and Book cover
art ~ Interior Art ~ Links
The Cave Girl: Read the e-text edition of the book
Off-Site Reference:
Cave Girl, summarized
*** "The Mad King," originally
titled "The Mad King of Lutha," was published in its entirety in
the March 21, 1914, edition of "All-Story Weekly." However, that
entirety did not turn out to be the complete story. ERB wrote a sequel
titled "Barney Custer of Beatrice," which ran in three issues of
"All-Story Weekly" about a year and a half later. The two parts were combined
and published later the book, "The Mad King."
The Mad King: Editions ~ Art ~ Documents ~ Articles
~ Graphic Novel pages
The Mad King: Read the e-text edition
*** 1893: Otto Poll (Frank Merrill) was born this
date in Newark, N.J. He grew up to play an Arab guard in "The Adventures
of Tarzan" and also did stunts for Elmo Lincoln's Tarzan. After
that, he became Tarzan himself, identified in the credits for "Tarzan
the Tiger" and "Tarzan the Mighty" as Frank Merrill.
Merrill originated the vine-swinging techniques used in later Tarzan films
and the Tarzan yell, played on a record accompanying a "semi-sound" version
of this second Tarzan movie. His voice was thought unsuitable for talkies,
so he retired from movies to work with children, as park commissioner and
recreation director for the City of Los Angeles. On retirement in 1963,
following a serious operation, he donated his services to the YMCA as a
gym instructor.
Frank Merrill Remembered: Hercules of the Screen
Tarzan the Mighty
Tarzan the Tiger
Off-site Reference
*** "Tarzan and the Trappers," drawn by John Celardo
and scripted by Dick Van Buren, began in the Sunday newspaper on March
21, 1954, and ran for 16 Sundays.
Huck's list of Tarzan strip stop and start dates:
1931: Al Williamson: (1931.03.21-2010.06.13)
~ An Autobiography: "I grew up in Bogota, Columbia...
inspired by Carlos Clemen - Argentine artist... began to write and draw
my own comic strip at age nine... discovery of Alex Raymond's Flash Gordon
Sunday page really decided me to be a cartoonist... returned to New York
in teens... attended Burne Hogarth's cartooning classes...
First job penciling several "Tarzan"
Sunday page for Hogarth... next ten years drew science fiction and Western
comic books... assisted John Prentice on "Rip Kirby" for three years...
drew several "Flash Gordon" comic books for King Features Syndicate...
received National Cartoonist Society award for comics in 1967... some years
ago took over "X-9" daily strip from writer friend Archie Goodwin for King
Features Syndicate... strip now called "Secret Agent Corrigan"... I collect
newspaper strips... original comic art, records... 16 MM movies and art
Al Williamson took inspiration from
a legion of cartoonists, illustrators and motion pictures from the first
half of the twentieth century and created works of timeless appeal and
then he passed that inspiration on to new generations of comics creators.
The Burroughs / Williamson Connection
The Williamson Flash Gordon Gallery
Williamson Gallery of Comics Art
Al Williamson Obituary

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Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2023 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective