Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
May 1 ~ May 2
~ May 3 ~ May 4
May 5 ~ May 6
~ May 7
Click for full-size images
Danton Burroughs: Photos plus portrait by father JCB
~ Danton's bookplate by Thomas Yeates
Tarzan Radio Shows: Starring Jim & Joan ~ Pellucidar
in All-Story ~ Land of Terror 1st Edition
*** 2008: The world of ERB was shocked to learn of the death
of Danton Burroughs, grandson of the Master of Adventure,
who was to become, that very day, the chairman of Edgar Rice Burroughs,
The day before he died, a fire in
the Burroughs home destroyed some family memorabilia that Danton had spent
a long time gathering.
Bill Hillman, editor and webmaster for thousands
of internet pages devoted to Edgar Rice Burroughs, his family, and his
creations, was quoted in a May 15 article in the L.A. Times that "it
was heartbreaking for Dan to put his life's work into preserving material
for the family and see it go up in flames." I had some wonderful
visits with Dan in Tarzana over the years. He shared Burroughs family stories
and rare collectibles with me. Through the years we had countless hours-long
phone conversations. I had phoned him the night of the tragic fire in his
Tarzana home. He was very broken up about losing so many of his treasures
and was in the process of salvaging what he could from the room where the
fire was concentrated. He and friend Prof. John Westervelt took a break
from their heartbreaking task to go down for a late-night supper at California
Pizza. This was the last conversation I had with Dan. He died a few hours
later. Within a few days I was flying to California to give a Eulogy at
the Danton Burroughs Celebration of Life.
Danton was 63 and had been suffering
from Parkinson's Disease, the same malady that afflicted his father, John
Coleman Burroughs and his grandfather. He was a familiar face at ERB
fan gatherings, as well as a friend to many fans, and was always full of
energy and enthusiasm. Thus, his sudden and unexpected death was especially
hard to take. Two bitter sweet memories stand out in my mind. At the 2003
Louisville Dum-Dum banquet, host George McWhorter called Dan to the podium.
They then called me to join them and the two of them presented me with
the BB Lifetime Achievement Award. During my last visit with Dan I had
him pose for a number of photos at his home, including what are the only
photos of the special room he had built to house many of his dad's treasures
-- this was the room that caught fire the day before he died. The photos
also included the ERB, Inc. office front, warehouse and garden with ERB's
burial tree. Then, before we left for the airport we stopped at his boyhood
home where he had spent his early years with his mom and dad and sister
and brother. The very last photo was of him sitting behind the wheel as
we said our farewells. A few weeks later I would fly down to Tarzana to
deliver a eulogy at Danton's Memorial Service. Really miss you old pal.
Danton's wife, Linda, and daughters
and Llana Jane, carry on his memory and the Burroughs legacy by
mixing with fans at many ERB gatherings. Search "Archives" for "Danton
Danton Burroughs Eulogy by Bill Hillman: May 17, 2008
Danton Burroughs Remembered
Danton Burroughs
Official press release:
Our Danton Burroughs Site:
My Last Photos of Danton
Off-Site Reference:
Times Article
2008: Jim Sullos was due to become
president of ERB, Inc. on May 1. That same day, board chairman Danton Burroughs
-- ERB's grandson and the primary overseer of the Burroughs legacy for
the last 36 years -- died of heart failure at the age of 63, a day after
a fire at his home destroyed a room full of priceless family memorabilia.
"It was tragic and unexpected," says Sullos, who now finds himself pulling
double duty -- for ERB Inc. as well as his ongoing role at Windes and McClaughry.
Read more about Jim's amazing career and learn some of his many achievements
in promoting ERB's legacy in the accompanying links.
Meet Jim Sullos: President of ERB, Inc.
Jim Sullos Photo Tributes I in ERBzine
Jim Sullos Photo Tributes II in ERBzine
*** 1930: "Wild" and "ludicrous." A quote from
a book reviewer who didn't like ERB? No. 'Twas said by ERB himself of a
brilliant idea he had for publicizing his No. 1 character.
"Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration,"
by Scott Tracy Griffin, has a section called "Tarzan on Radio,"
and Tracy leads it off with this paragraph:
"On May 1, 1930, Edgar Rice Burroughs proposed a 'wild
and possibly ludicrous plan of publicity' to publisher Max Elser as a promotion
for 'Tarzan and the Lost Empire': to have the Tarzan books read
over the radio.` " (Page 220)
Maybe that particular idea might have
been a bit "wild" and "ludicrous," but the idea of Tarzan on the radio
was not, and about two years later "Tarzan of the Air" was being broadcast.
ERB's son-in-law,
James H. Pierce (star of the movie, "Tarzan
and the Golden Lion,") and his wife, ERB's daughter Joan, were
speaking the parts of Tarzan and Jane in those radio adventures.
Radio's Golden Age: ERBzine Radio Show Broadcasts
James and Joan Burroughs Pierce Tarzan Shows:
Tarzan of the Air
Tarzan on Radio
*** 1915: Fans
lacking an iron mole or dirigible could still have traveled to Pellucidar
on May 1, 1915, in the pages of Cavalier All-Story Weekly, which
began its serialization in its magazine with that date. In a bit of an
oddity, the first two installments appeared in that magazine, and the last
three in a magazine titled "All-Story Weekly." Of course, it was
the same magazine, just with a title change about midway through the run.
And for those who wanted to wait until
later to go to Pellucidar, they could have waited another 29 years and
gone there by reading "Land of Terror," which was published in book
form on May 1, 1944. There was no magazine appearance for "Land of Terror."
"Pellucidar" was the second book in
the seven-volume series ERB wrote about the inner world, the first being
"At the Earth's Core." "Land of Terror" was the sixth volume, and
the last of the seven to be published in ERB's lifetime.
Pellucidar: C.H.A.S.E.R Bibliography Coverage
Pellucidar: Read the e-Text in ERBzine
Land of Terror: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R.
Land of Terror: Read the e-Text in ERBzine
Off-Site References:
Summaries: Pellucidar
and Land of Terror
*** "The Treasure of Opar" took
off on May 1, 1983, and ran for 12 Sundays. Gray Morrow drew it
and Don Kraar wrote it. You can read it all in ERBzine.
The Treasure of Opar
"Tarzan and the Drug Smugglers" began in Sunday
newspapers May 1, 1966. It was written and illustrated by John Celardo
and ran for 18 weeks.
Huck's list of Sunday comic start and stop dates at:
*** 1914: Final agreement was reached with A. C. McClurg
& Co. for the book publication of Tarzan of the Apes.
1915: The first of five installments of Pellucidar
appeared in All-Story Cavalier - complete with Ed's map of the inner world.
1918: Ed researches a Tarzan story based upon the campaign
against the Germans in Africa
1930: ERB shared a promotional plan with Elser
in which he would read from one of his books on radio each night
for 15 minutes. Ed, Elser and Joe Neebe, who was now working for Detroit's
Sound Studios Company, were all excited about the potential of radio.
1936: Ed moved to LA
1940: Ed introduced the new Tarzan radio series debuting
on Hawaii's station KGU. He said that his Mars stories would soon
be on the air as well, adding that they would be guaranteed not to scare
the listening public into believing Mars was attacking the Earth, as had
been done by Orson Welles.
ERB's Bio Timeline Series
Harold Foster and his art for Tarzan and Prince Valiant
~ Foster's Tarzan of the Apes b/w strips
Tarzan's Revenge: Glenn Morris and Hedda Hopper
~ Doug Wildey and Gray Morrow Tarzan art
*** 1988: ERB didn't tell us the exact date, but on
"a bright May morning in 1888" John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, and his wife,
Lady Alice, set sail for Africa.
Foster's Pictorial History of Tarzan of the Apes
*** 1937: Hal Foster
left the illustrated Tarzan Sunday page to do Prince Valiant.
Burne Hogarth took over the Tarzan Sunday pages next week.
Hal Foster Prince Valiant Sunday Pages Contents:
Read ALL The Foster Tarzan Sunday Pages
Foster's Last Tarzan Sunday Page
Hogarth's 1st Tarzan Sunday Page
Foster's 1st Prince Valiant Sunday Page
*** 1922: Doug Wildey (1922.05.02
- 1994.10.05) was born on this date in Yonkers, N.Y. and eventually moved
out west. He was involved with just about every kind of comic art there
was -- newspaper, comic books and animation.Said historian Quattro,
shifted seamlessly between pen and brush, from the finest pen strokes imaginable,
to the soft nuances of wash, from the monumental close-up of a grizzled
Martin Landau, to the sunny sweetness of two women waiting for a stagecoach."
In the mid-1960s, Wildey collaborated
with writer Gaylord DuBois on Gold Key Comics' licensed series
"Tarzan" when that long-running comic, which had been featuring
stories drawn by Russ Manning, began producing Wildey's work beginning
with issue 179 (September 1968). The duo's work appeared through issue
187 (September 1969).
He died Oct. 5, 1994, in Las Vegas.
Wildey first GK Tarzan: Tarzan at the Earth's Core
Wildey last GK Tarzan and the City of Gold
Off-Site Reference:
Wildey's Johnny Quest
"1993: Romance," drawn by Gray
Morrow and written by Don Kraar, ran for 12 Sundays starting
May 2 in 1993.
Tarzan Sunday Page: "Romance"
*** 1885: Hedda Hopper
(1885.04.02-1966.02.01) was born on this date in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania,
USA and died in Hollywood, CA. She played Eleanor Holm’s mother, Penny
Reed, in Tarzan's Revenge. Hopper appeared in over 100 films and
television shows before and during her career as a gossip columnist. According
to IMDB, Hedda didn't want her true age to be known, so she started listing
June 2, 1890, as her birthday. Hedda Hopper played Eleanor Holm's mother
in Tarzan's Revenge:
Tarzan's Revenge: ERBzine Silver Screen Series
Off-Site Reference:
*** 1945: In a letter on this date, Ed continued
a long distance relationship with DD (Dorothy Dahlberg) whom he
dated during his stay on the mainland. He eventually sent her at least
thirty tender letters. She wrote of her deep affection for him and of her
relief at finally ending her marriage with G. and moving out on her own.
Ed was impressed by hearing of DD's kid sister's knowledge of the instruments
in the cockpit of a Liberator. He groused over the disapproval that
J., H. and R were all displaying over his relationship with DD and the
lack of control he seemed to have over his own destiny. He had no
plans for the future as other people seemed to have them. He didn't know
when he wouldreturn to the mainland and thought he may be shipped to the
Philippines. He tried to convince the family that both he and DD
had had enough of marriage and only wanted to share each other's company.
Ed was pleased with Jack having been reclassified A-1 which would
mean he'd be sent to basic training before he being sent over... it would
help him take off his excess weight.
*** 1946: ERB started "Xonthron" but nothing
remains of this mysterious work.
*** 1964: Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
reprinted a Tarzan story
ERB Bio Timeline
ERB's Wartime Letters: 1945
Hulbert Burroughs and Sue-On Hillman explore the ERB,
Inc. warehouse in 1971 ~ 1958 warehouse fire photos
Martian Legion by Buddy Saunders ~ Hogarth's
Tarzan reprinted in Comic Strip Reserves
*** 1958: The Warehouse Fire: Many ERB fans have at
least one book with a sticker inside that explains how the book survived
a warehouse fire on this date. If they do, that book likely may also have
some pages with brown edges, not from aging but from the proximity of that
disastrous May 3 fire.
When Hully guided us through this
warehouse in 1971, the building hadn't fully recovered from the effects
of that 1958 blaze which had started from combustible nitrate film stock.
Labelled storage boxes were stacked floor to ceiling and many of the boxes
were charred and in disarray. Enough of the labels were discernible, however,
to give some idea of the treasures which lay within: A.C. McClurg &
Co., Fan and Personal Letters, Motion Pictures, Real Estate, Tarzana,
etc. The boxes that excited me most were the ones labeled Tarzan Radio
Serials and they contained the original 16" metal master ETs (electrical
transcriptions) of Jim and Joan's 1932 Tarzan radio series. They were of
particular interest since I have a personal collection of 600 ETs and three
large Gates turntables to play them on. We stayed to meet Jim and Joan
the next day and when we returned home to Canada I sent them taped copies
of their shows.
Most ERB, Inc. merchandise and
archival materials are now housed in that attached warehouse building,
which is not open to visitors. Before his untimely death, Danton and I
had made some strides in photographing, scanning and documenting some of
the contents of this unique building which had survived such a devastating
fire. We even mulled over the possibility of converting the warehouse space
to an ERB Museum/store . . . but it would have been a pretty daunting task.
Many of the Burroughs ERB, Inc. first
editions that survived the fire have been offered to collectors over the
years. Some of them even exhibit a few char marks from the fire and all
of them contain a sticker that explains:
“THIS Book is one of the few survivors of a near-disastrous
fire that occurred in our storeroom on Saturday, May 3, 1958. The fire
started as a result of the spontaneous combustion of old Tarzan motion
pictures printed on nitrate film. Although this book shows some fire damage,
we are told it has considerable value among collectors. We sincerely hope
it will add to the worth of your own personal collection. ~ Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Inc. ~ Tarzana, California”
Photo spreads of the carnage caused by the fire are featured
in ERBzine.
Disastrous ERB, Inc. Warehouse Fire
The warehouse in 2012, among other scenes:
Or, start at the beginning of the Hillman 2012 tour
and navigate the rest of the pages with the links
at the bottom:
An earlier tour with and some familiar faces:
An insurance ad harkening back to
"The Day Tarzan's Home Burned"
*** 1956: D. Peter Ogden published
the first issue of his fanzine, ERBANIA on this date. The 20 page
issue included the article “The American Tarzan Strip” and a bibliography
of Burroughs’ novels. Erbania appeared sporadically, but just over 100
issues were published.
100 plus issues were spread over 60 years, an average
of a little less than 1.5 issues per year, but a true work of love. It
was always a nice surprise when an issue arrived in the mail.
Early covers featured the art of Jim Cawthorn and several
articles by Maurice Gardner, author of the Bantan books. A number of members
of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association and numerous collectors,
researchers, fans, and other fanzine editors contributed articles through
the years.
ERBANIA was the first ERB fanzine I subscribed to back
in the '50s. Peter published those early issues while he lived in England,
and later in Canada, and for the remainder of his life from Florida, USA.
All the covers and contents may be reviewed in ERBzine
starting at ERBzine 0119
Guide to Peter's ERBANIA -
ERBBANIA covers, dates and contents for 1-25
Cover Collage for Issues 1-25
ERBANIA: Issues 26-50
ERBANIA: Issues 51-75
ERBANIA: Issues 76-100
.Peter Ogden Remembered
*** 1946: "Xonthron"
was mentioned in ERB's diary for May 3, 1946, but no manuscript, or partial
manuscript, for something with that title has ever been found. The word
was used by Jake "Buddy" Saunders in his story, "The Martian
Legion, In Quest of Zonthron," in which he brought together Tarzan,
John Carter and other fictional characters created by ERB and others.
Xonthron mention in ERBzine's Lost Words of ERB
The Martian Legion, In Quest of Zonthron
Off-Site Reference:
Martian Legion
*** 1942: "Tarzan and the Fatal Fountain"
isn't online yet, but it is in three different book collections, the NBM
"Tarzan in Color," the Titan Books reprints, and is paired with
"Tarzan Against Dagga Ramba" in the Comic Preserves No. 1 collection.
It was illustrated by Burne Hogarth and written by Don Garden and
ran for 14 Sundays beginning May 3, 1942.
ERBzine Comics Compendium
Off-Site Reference:
*** 1920: Ed assigned rights to an English
theatrical company, who produced Tarzan of the Apes and The Return
of Tarzan as a stage play. Ed received $1000 and 10% royalites, but
the production met with limited success.
*** 1924: Former ERB secretary Shea, now working
at Hollywood Studios, returned a Burroughs scenario titled "The Savage
Breast." The work has since disappeared.
*** 1931: Ashton Dearholt informed Ed that his
Florence's vagabond, "land yachting" days were over and that
they were taking an apartment in West Hollywood.
*** 1941: Ed decided to swear off drinking. He had lost
11 pounds in the last month.
ERB Bio Timeline
Gordon Scott in a "Fight for His Life" with a python
~ Edgar Rice Burroughs
with wives Emma and Florence ~ ERB's lady friend Dorothy
*** 2007: "Tarzan's Fight for Life" film was
that very thing in more ways than one. The script called for Gordon
Scott to wrestle a python. The 19-foot constrictor had been given a
sedative so it wouldn't be too active, but they did take after take, giving
the snake time to wake...and wake...
On May 4, 2007, following his April
30 death, Scott was quoted in many a remembrance article about the hazards
that can accompany the wrestling of a big python. See the first article
after the introductory information in ERBzine. And a later article recalls
how it took six men to pull the python off Scott.
When Sue-On and I were exploring the
Mekong Delta in Vietnam we had an encounter with pythons. Although we had
visions of Gordon Scott's near-death experience with a python, we couldn't
resist the opportunity of wrestling with a giant histah. With the aid of
two assistants we stretched out the critters and wrapped them around our
shoulders as Gordon Scott had done. Horrific battles ensued. When I grabbed
the beast below its head he wrapped his tail around behind me and tried
to lodge himself in my butt crease. We survived. Soon after, a local band
invited us celebrate by joining them in a jam session, followed by a large
glass of cobra wine. I was glad to survive the battle . . . probably because
I'm much more muscular than Scott :)
Scott's Python Fight: Articles ~ Obits
From our Tribute site with 12 Giant Webpages
Tarzan's Fight for Life
Hillman Vietnam Adventure: 39 Photo Galleries
Hundreds of Photos (See Gallery 37)
*** 2012: There's a "Secret
World of Edgar Rice Burroughs" out there. I assume it was probably
unknown to many. May 4, 2012, was the deadline for an Edgar Rice Burroughs
writing contest sponsored for young students by an organization called
Reading Rockets. It was planned as something to tie in with the 2012 release
of Disney's "John Carter," based on ERB's "A Princess of Mars."
The organization's website gave some biographical information about ERB
and added: "To celebrate the long life of Burroughs'
beloved characters, and to recognize the inspiration Burroughs has provided
to many readers, writers and filmmakers, you can give your students the
chance to learn more about Edgar Rice Burroughs and have a writing adventure
of their own with these thought-provoking prompts." The winners
were announced on the website. Categories included designing a bookplate,
designing a travel brochure, writing a science-fiction haiku (skifaiku),
and "What's In A Name." The entries were not necessarily supposed to be
on ERB and his worlds, but rather the pupils were urged to use their imagination
in the various categories.
Reading: Rediscovering a Classic
Off-Site References
for writing contest on ERB
of winners
*** 1945: After his divorces from Emma and, later,
ERB's children weren't enthusiastic about him ever marrying again. For
awhile, he showed an interest in Dorothy Dahlberg, who had divorced
her husband. ERB wrote to her and expressed his love for her, but apparently
they both decided ultimately that they were better off not becoming man
and wife. ERB mentioned as much in a letter he wrote to her May 4, 1945:
a letter from Jack the other day in which he revealed that he is much worried
for fear that I intend to remarry. That made it almost unanimous as both
Hulbert and Rothmund have harped on the subject. In answering his letter
I asked what had started all this interest in my connubiality, and was
it my friendship with you? I told him that I could think of no other reason.
"I think that you and I agree that
we had each had about all the matrimony we could stand and that marriage
was often a swell way to spoil beautiful friendships. I also told him [Jack]
that I was very fond of you and that I intend to see a lot of you if I
ever get back home. That should clear the atmosphere and relieve any future
misunderstanding about our association. I hope that he passes on the information
to Joan and Hulbert."
Some letters to Dorothy Dahlberg
Dorothy Photos
*** 1943: A few years earlier, May
4 had a different marital significance to ERB. His second marriage was
to Florence Gilbert, on April 4, 1934. Eight years later, on May
4, 1943, their divorce decree was to become final. Florence, however, didn't
want to wait a whole year and was anxious for it to be official sooner,
so she went to Mexico and filed a second divorce suit, reported in an L.A.
Times article of June 26, 1942, one that was to take effect sooner
than the May 4 date of '43. Articles on the marriage, divorce and other
events in ERB's life are at:
LA Times Articles On ERB
*** 1942: In his letter home to
Ed reflected that since he had arrived in Hawaii two years ago for "a short
stay" that his life "has been radically changed; and it finds me happy
and contented, in good physical condition, and still with three of the
finest children any man ever had." Ed had been on strenuous drills
in the mountains with the BMTC.
ERB's Letter home to Joan
*** 1928: Nestor Redondo
(1928.05.04-1995.12.30) was born on this date in Candon, Ilocos Sur, Philippine
Islands. He was very talented comics artist best known for his work for
DC Comics, Marvel Comics, fanzines, and other American publishers in the
1970s and early 1980s. Nestor studied architecture at the Mapúa
Institute of Technology, but left it to begin a career in illustration:
Penciller, Inker, Publisher, Animation Designer, Painter, etc. In 1979,
Redondo received the Inkpot Award at the San Diego Comic-Con.
The Art of Nestor Redondo
ERB Artists Encyclopedia
*** 1942: The
Honolulu Advertiser reported the finalizing of the Burroughs divorce.
*** 1944: Captain Hulbert returned to the island.
The Blackout was called off - after 879 nights. Because of the multi-racial
situation the 10 PM curfew stayed in effect.
ERB Bio Chrono Timeline
ERB's The Moon Maid's five parts in All-Story:
Maid, Moon Men, Red Hawk ~ WWII ERB
with Hully, Tyrone Power and Brinkley's mention ~
Burne Hogarth at work ~ Celardo's Tarzan strip
*** "The Moon Maid" began its five-part run in the
All-Story Weekly dated May 5, 1923. "Maid" was actually written
several years prior to its sequel, an unpublished story about communism,
titled "Under the Red Flag." ERB reworked the plot into "The
Moon Men," conquerors of Earth used the same tactics as the communists.
"Maid" was written to provide an opening story in what eventually became
a trilogy, with the final story titled "The Red Hawk."
In an odd but irrelevant coincidence, the date of the
first installment of ERB's anti-communist trilogy coincided with
the anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, author of "The Communist Manifesto."
The Moon Maid Trilogy: History ~ E-text ~ Art
Moon Maid Pulp Covers: ERBzine Pulp Biblio
Moon Maid: Read the e-Text Editions in ERBzine
Pulp Magazine Covers
*** ERB was an equal opportunity critic, and lambasted
all elected officials without regard to party. In a letter to the editor
of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, he called for an intelligence test
to be administered to any seeking public elective office. "I
believe that if bulbous domed psychologists went into a huddle they could
evolve such a test as would at least keep a majority of the nitwits out
of public office," he wrote. "If this fails,
we can put the street cleaners in our legislatures. At least, we know that
they can read and write."
The editor tacked a brief note to the bottom of ERB's
letter, asking him to design such a test himself, but ERB probably did
not regard himself as having the "bulbous dome." The letter, all of which
remains just as valid today in regard to politicians as it was then, appeared
May 5, in 1941.
ERB's Letter to the Honolulu Star Bulletin
*** 1913: Born on this date: Actor Tyrone Power
was one of many Hollywood stars who volunteered for service during World
War II. Power joined the Marines and became a pilot, and, in midsummer
of 1945, was at the controls of a plane which took combat correspondent
Edgar Rice Burroughs from his final war patrol in Guam, back to Honolulu.
According to ERB's Wartime Journals he left Pearl Harbor on the
U.S.S. Cahaba, a fleet oiler, commanded by Lieutenant Commander Julius
Burnbaum. they sailed to the Carolines and other islands in the Western
They came under sniper fire at Ulithi
Atoll, a bombing and kamikaze attack on Kerama Retto atoll. A spoof of
the visit appears in William Brinkley's satiric novel, Don't Go Near
The Water. He then flew in the plane piloted by Tyrone Power and on
to Hawaii, having travelled 5,000 miles by air and 11,000 miles by ship
over a period of two months. This was also described in Scott Tracy Griffin's
"Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration." He writes that ERB's visit
to the South Caroline Islands, which include Guam, resulted in a photo
op which may have inspired the opening chapter of William Brinkley's humorous
World War II novel, The first chapter featured a discussion among a group
of Navy P.R.types on how best to capitalize on an impending visit from
the creator of Tarzan.
After the war, Power -- who
had previously turned in a memorable performance in "The Mark of Zorro"
prior to the war, returned to Hollywood after the Japanese surrender. He
starred in 1947's "Captain from Castile" and stayed in the reserves long
enough to be promoted to a Captain of the Corps in 1951.
*** Edgar Rice Burroughs on Ulithi Atoll ~ Photos sent
to ERBzine from The Estate of Arnold E. Frishberg (Pharmacist's Mate aboard
the U.S.S. Cahaba in 1945)
ERB's Wartime Journals adapted by ERBzine:
Edgar Rice Burroughs on Ulithi Atoll
Off-Site Reference:
Marine career
*** "Tarzan and the Peoples of the Sea and the Fire"
began May 5 in 1940 and ran for 51 Sundays. It was done by Burne Hogarth,
illustrator, and Don Garden, writer. It has also appeared in several
hardcover reprints.
*** "The Temple of Golconda" began
this date in 1954 and ran for 52 days, drawn by John Celardo and
written by Dick Van Buren.
The Temple of Golconda
*** 1934: Production of the debut series of the Radio
Branch of ERB, Inc. was completed at Hollywood’s Radio Recordings
Inc. Hulbert Burroughs is assigned the job of salesman for the
series and makes the rounds of potential markets to which he distributes
a full colour brochure: Tarzan of the Air.
1944: LETTER
to Australian friend Thelma Terry whom he met while in Sydney during
Xmas leave 1942/1943. He writes that he is just back from some island
hopping -- twelve islands in six atolls. "Got
as far as Eniwetok. Had a wonderful time. Passed over several Jap held
islands, from which they threw everything they had at us - which was not
much. Was in a heavy bomber that dropped 500 pounders on them -- a beautiful
sight. On two different atolls I bumped into my son, who is in the Army
Air Force. He was recently promoted to captain." He asks if she
knows the British officer, Lieut. Lieth, G.E.I.D.F.
ERB: The War Years
ERB Bio Timeline
Wizards of California: ERB and L. Frank Baum ~ The
Girl from Farris's and The Efficiency Expert:
In All-Story and House of Greystoke publications ~
Wilfred Hyde White ~ Gray Morrow Tarzan strip
*** 1966: "The Efficiency Expert" first appeared
as a serial, beginning Oct. 8, 1921, in Argosy All-Story Weekly.
It would be awhile before it appeared in a book, and that was a softcover
edition published by The Burroughs Bibliophiles imprint, House of Greystoke,
on May 6, 1966. It featured a Frazetta cover and was similar in format
to the Bibliophiles edition of "The Girl from Farris's," published
the previous August, which also featured a Frazetta cover. Today
there are hardback editions of both, published by ERBville Press and any
number of print-on-demand publishers and of course it has been featured
in ERBzine for many years.
*** When ERB wrote history-based novels, he had some
difficulty getting them published. He wrote "The Outlaw of Torn"
in 1912 and it didn't appear in a magazine until 1914 and not in book form
until 1927. Nearer to the end of his writing career, in 1941, he wrote
"I Am a Barbarian," a first-person account of a slave of Caligula,
and that hadn't even gotten into print by the time of his death in 1950.
When his heirs finally published it, in 1967, it was well-liked by fans.
After writing a slew of fictional
adventures from characters of his own invention, ERB really was getting
tired of the same old thing, and yearned to break out into other types
of writing. Scott Tracy Griffin, in "Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration,"
quoted ERB in a May 6, 1940 interview with the Honolulu Advertiser:
"When you've written a book about a character and
told all you can about him and then have to write about twenty more it
gets to be a chore. I'd rather write along different lines...historical
novels, for instance, but I've been typed!" Tracy's comment, on page 308
of his book, is: "If Burroughs felt he missed his calling, at least he
was able to work ancient Romans and doughty knights into his Tarzan tales,"
a reference to "Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle" and "Tarzan and the Lost Empire."
The Efficiency Expert: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Efficiency Expert: Read the original pulp version
The Full-Size Efficiency Collage in the Photo Bar
Girl from Farris's: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Girl from Farris's: Read the e-Text Edition
ERB's "I've been typed" quote in Honolulu Advertiser
*** 1919: L. Frank
Baum (1856.05.15 - 1919.05.06), writer
of The Wizard of Oz books, died on this date.Destiny limited the
Baum/ERB friendship to just three years, but they enjoyed each other's
company while they could. ERB formally met L. Frank Baum,
creator of the Oz books, in Hollywood in 1916. In our ERBzine page titled
"ERB and LFB: The Wizards of California," it is written:
"The two became fast friends from the start. Baum took the younger Burroughs
under his wing and even invited him to join the prestigious men's club,
the Uplifters. After studying the biographies of the two men, it comes
as no surprise that the two got along so well -- there are many striking
similarities in their backgrounds."
ERB and Baum
made their first contact during the 1893 Columbian Exposition where
ERB paraded with the MMA cadets and worked with his father in their display
at the Electricity Building. Dignitaries, artists, writers, thinkers, inventors,
adventurers and showmen from all over the world gathered here for inspiration
and entertainment. Both men attended, and were dazzled and inspired
by this historic worlds fair. The magnificent buildings of the Magic White
City inspired L. Frank Baum to create his Emerald City and most certainly
influenced ERB many creations of fantasy lands 20 years later.
Baum passed away May 6, 1919.
To read more about Baum and ERB's friendship, check out:
Baum, Burroughs, and the Theosophy Connection
EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS' Remarkable Summer of '93
A Docu-Novel by Bill Hillman
*** 1991: Another May
6 death, this one in 1991, was that of Wilfrid Hyde White, a character
actor who usually played the definitive elderly Englishman, sometimes a
friendly or even comical old chap, and other times one whose persona was
outwardly friendly but concealed a bit of skullduggery he was up to.
He is credited with roles in two Tarzan
movies. His first was as "Doodles" Fletcher, one of the passengers
on the airplane which crashed at the start of "Tarzan and the Lost Safari."
His second role was voice-only, one of the gentlemen at the men's club
discussing the story of Tarzan of the Apes before Bo Derek took to the
screen as Jane, followed by Miles O'Keeffe as a mute Tarzan, in 1981's
"Tarzan the Ape Man."Among his other roles, Hyde White played the
character Dr. Goodfellow in the TV series, "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century."
Tarzan and the Lost Safari.
Tarzan The Ape Man
Off-Site References
White in Starlog
*** 1990: "The Last of the Tribe
of Kerchak," drawn by Gray Morrow and penned by Don Kraar, began
May 6 in 1990 in the Sunday newspaper, running for a total of 12 Sundays.
The Last of the Tribe of Kerchak
John Carter of Mars: Asylum film with Traci
Lords ~ Princess of Az-Lium: Mars novel
by Den Valdron with Paul Privitera art ~ John "Bridge"
Martin: Leading ERB poet ~ Celardo Tarzan Strip
*** 1968: Traci Lords: Nora Louise Kuzma was born
this date -- May 7 -- in 1968 in Steubenville, Ohio. She grew up to play
the incomparable Dejah Thoris, the lady heroine in ERB's first novel,
"Under the Moons of Mars," published in 1912.
In Hollywood, she changed her name
to Traci Lords and after a remarkable and stormy career played the
Martian heroine in 2009's "Princess of Mars," which has also been
released under the titles of "John Carter of Mars," Avatar of Mars"
and "The Martian Colony Wars."
Long-time ERBzine contributor, Den
Valdron, wrote a giant 80-chapter novel featuring some of the plot
and characters created by Asylum: A Princess of Az-Lium. We
formatted and published Den's novel in ERBzine and added illustrations.
Our illustrated Web version is now on hold as he adapts it for publication
in hardcover. Meanwhile, Den's in-depth review of the film is featured
at ERBzine
Den Valdron's in-depth review of Princess of Mars
See more about the film in our December 29 Events
PRINCESS OF AZ-LIUM: Novelization in 80 Chapters
Novel adapted from Princess by Den Valdron - On Hold
Meanwhile enjoy Den's many ERBzine articles at:
Enjoy related MARS art in our Paul Privitera Galleries
View the Authorized "Princess" at:
Off-Site References:
Traci Lords
of Mars in IMDB
York's review of Princess
*** 1962: "Tarzan and the Poachers"
was a strip that began this date -- May 7 -- in 1962 and ran for 132 days.
It was drawn and written by John Celardo.
Tarzan and the Poachers
Enjoy ALL the Tarzan Daily strips by Celardo in ERBzine
There's only one Tarzan, but, sadly, there are many crooks
in the jungle who like to shoot or capture animals illegally. Fortunately,
there are other jungle men on patrol in addition to Tarzan to contend with
these interlopers. Here is the saga of one, as reported by John "Bridge"
The crackle of khaki awoke Benedict,
the Egg-Man, who was napping in his nest. He rolled over easy and saw a
"Poachers," he said, eyes narrowing
at the dozen.
Boiling, he scrambled from his
"You trespass in the land of Ben,
King of Feasts," he said. They had brought two oxen to carry plunder and
Ben broke their yoke.
"Now beat it, all of you!" sizzled
the Egg-Man.
"You're kind of rotten aren't you?"
said the chief hunter, Foo Young.
"Don't mix with me if you want
to save your bacon," warned Ben. "Pop up around here again and you're toast."
Read the many remarkable John "Bridge" Martin features
in ERBzine:
*** 1929:
Bray, while promising better promotion and larger
royalties, refused to apply larger royalties on titles covered by previous
ERB Bio Timeline

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All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2022 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
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