Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
May 8 ~ May 9
~ May 10 ~ May 11
May 12 ~ May
13 ~ May 14
Click for full-size images
Lex Barker: Tarzan's Magic Fountain ~ Tarzan and the
Slave Girl
Tarzan's Peril ~ Tarzan's Savage Fury ~ Tarzan and
the She-Devil
*** 1919: LEX BARKER (1919.05.08 - 1973.05.11).
Crichlow Barker Jr. was born this date, May 8, in 1919 in Rye, N.Y.
When Lex (for short) grew up, he was the man chosen to replace Johnny
Weissmuller in the role of Tarzan, and made five films. A member
of an extremely prominent family in New York society, Barker was effectively
disowned by his family upon his decision to become an actor.
Lex Barker Stats: Height: 1.93 m ~ Weight: 86 kg. Normally
quite hairy-chested, Barker was forced to submit to a full body wax in
order to play the buffed version of Tarzan demanded by the producers. [on
being asked how he felt about losing his crew-cut to play Tarzan] "Are
you kidding? Why I'd let it grow down to my knees for a job like this!
. . . If my muscles hold up and my waistline keeps down, I can play
Tarzan till I'm fifty."
It was ironic that an American soldier who had fought
against the Germans in World War II and been imprisoned by them, would
become, starting in the 1960s, one of the most popular actors on German
screens,and a kind of German national hero. Cashing in on his popularity
in "Kraut Westerns," Lex recorded two German love songs sung in the style
of western ballads.
Lex Barker, who plays Tarzan half clad, was listed as
one of the best dressed men in Hollywood ~ 1950: Hollywood Report
Barker was one of the few movie Tarzans to perform his
own ape yell -- a version similiar to the familiar MGM Weissmuller version.
Lex Barker and Ron Ely, the American TV Tarzan, performed
a Tarzan sketch on German television.
Despite his International success as a movie actor ~
Tarzan, 73 films, awards ~ Lex Barker's achievements have never be acknowledged
on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame.
* I was a big fan of View-Master
back in the '50s. One of my first. . .and favourite. . . reels was the
of Tarzan featuring Lex Barker. This was a 1955 gift from Santa Claus
who left it in my Xmas stocking. Lex's 3-D photos illustrated the short
story that was related in the accompanying booklet. I had already been
a fan of the Barker Tarzan films that were shown in our local Bend Theatre.
This also started me off on a life-long love of 3-D images leading to a
collection of 3-D comics, as well as thousands of Stereoview images from
over a century ago that I've shared on my site at:
Lex Barker Film Coverage in ERBzine
Tarzan's Magic Fountain
Tarzan and the Slave Girl
Tarzan's Peril
Tarzan's Savage Fury
Tarzan and the She-Devil
Lex Barker in View-Master
Lex Barker Dell Comics Covers
Barker Magazine Article
Off-Site References:
Films in IMDB
in Wikipedia
about Lex Barker
*** "Tarzan and the Ononoes,"
with art by Burne Hogarth and story by the team of Rob Thompson
and James Freeman, debuted as a Sunday strip on this date in 1949
and kept going for an additional 25 Sundays, The story is also found in
"Tarzan in Color," Vols. 17-18, and the Titan Books Tarzan, Vol. 4, "Tarzan
and the Lost Tribes."
Tarzan in Color Series
ERB Comics Compendium
*** 1924: Ed, in a letter
to Time's editor Henry R. Luce, revealed his amusement over his
great popularity in Russia and England.
ERB Bio Timeline
Tarzan Sunday Strip by John Celardo ~ Article: He
Tarzan - You Fan ~ J.M. Barrie: Peter Pan vs Tarzan
Sol Lesser ~ ERB and Tarzan and the Lion Man
~ Tarzan and the Forbidden City newspaper strip ad
*** 1953: In what movie did Tarzan nearly "(talk) himself
to death"?
Sol Lessor's answer, along with other interesting insights
into the popularity of Tarzan, can be found in the article, "He Tarzan
-- You Fan," which appeared this date, May 9, in 1953 in Collier's
Magazine. "Tarzan believes in action, not words, he has a total vocabulary
of about 150 words (not counting animal grunts) and in an average picture
speaks no more than 100 lines of dialogue. In Tarzan and the She-Devil,
to be released next month by RKO, he speaks an all-time low of 83 lines.
The grosses on his current picture, Tarzan's Savage Fury, have been a little
slow, and Lesser attributes this fact to the Ape Man's loquaciousness.
Tarzan spoke 137 lines in that one,"
"He Tarzan -- You Fan" article
*** 1860: Sir
James M. Barrie, born on this date, wrote "Peter Pan." He had
success with that and other stories and lived well, but he never achieved
the level of financial success that Edgar Rice Burroughs did. Their eras
overlapped, with ERB born 15 years after him and dying 13 years after him.
What was one difference?
One major one could be this: "Imagine
if the J.M. Barrie family had kept all subsidiary rights to everything
connected to Peter Pan. Tinker Bell lunch boxes alone would have made them
millions!" That quote comes from an article on the Ventura Boulevard website,
explaining the business foresight of Edgar Rice Burroughs which resulted
in lasting financial success.
The article doesn't tell all of the story, though. According
to a Wikipedia article, "Before his death, he gave the rights to the Peter
Pan works to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London,
which continues to benefit from them."
J. M. Barrie's The Admirable Crichton,
was represented in ERB's personal library. Barrie's wife, Mary Ansell,
was also an author and wrote "Dogs and Men" which has numerous ties
with Peter Pan. This book was on the shelves of ERB's personal library:
J. M. Barrie in ERB's Personal Library
Mary Ansell in ERB's Personal Library
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
Pan vs Tarzan
***1937: The appearance of the first
Hogarth illlustrated Tarzan Sunday page: "A Long Chance".
"Tarzan in the City of Gold" began May 9, 1937,
and ran for 22 Sundays. This first Hogarth Tarzan Sunday page is featured
in ERBzine 7131. He took over from Harold Foster on this date who had done
the Tarzan Sunday Pages since 1932. See our Hal
Foster Tribute to read them all in ERBzine. Hal Foster went on
to create the Prince Valiant series of Sunday pages that he did for many
It's also found in "Tarzan in Color" Vols. 5-7, Titan's
"Tarzan in the City of God," and The House of Greystoke's "Tarzan Folio
#6." Burne Hogarth is the illustrator and Don Garden is the
First Burne Hogarth Strip A LONG CHANCE ~ 37.05.09
~ #322
1938: "Tarzan and the
Forbidden City" began May 9, 1938, and ran for 132 days. Rex Maxon,
artist, and Don Garden, scripter, did the deed.
Tarzan and the Forbidden City
*** "The Bongo-Batusi Treaty," by John Celardo,
artist, and Bill Elliot, writer, began in daily newspapers May 9,
1960, and ran for 86 days.
The Bongo-Batusi Treaty
*** 1932: In response to Tarzan
the Ape Man's huge success, Ed joins director Van Dyke and Maureen
O'Sullivan in a personal stage appearance at a Los Angeles theatre.
ERB Bio Timeline
Tarzan the Ape Man
George T. McWhorter and his ERB Collection at U of
Louisville ~ Scott Tracy Griffin, ERB, Inc.
Director of Special Projects with other staff:
On Film ~ Ronald Adair: Stage Tarzan
1965: Scott Tracy Griffin was born on this date
Starkville, Mississippi, USA. Tracy is an American
writer, actor and "one of the world's leading experts" on author Edgar
Rice Burroughs and his works. He is the author of Tarzan: The Centennial
Celebration (Titan Books 2012), the "only official commemorative
illustrated history" of Burroughs' literary character Tarzan, which
book was a 2013 Locus Award finalist for Best Art Book.
Burroughs biographer and retired Pasadena
City College professor Robert Zeuschner said of the book that "Until
now, there has never been a single source which could be used to examine
the original pulp magazine art, the dust jacket covers for the early printings,
the comic book covers and interior art, and the huge number of Tarzan movies
made after the silent era."
Tracy's second major book is Tarzan
on Film (2016).
Griffin began writing professionally
in 1993, covering the film industry for magazines including Cinefantastique,
FilmFax, and Alter Ego. He scripted the Tarzan Sunday comic strip in 1996
and has consulted on and appeared in documentaries and news programs, including
Tarzan and Tarzan: Silver Screen King of the Jungle to discuss
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan.
Scott Tracy Griffin is a graduate of Millsaps College in
Jackson, Mississippi with a B.S. degree in Sociology.
Tracy moved to California around 1988 to become an
actor and a writer
As an actor Tracy has appeared in numerous movies, television
series and documentaries.
In addition to acting, he has written extensively on the
film industry as a freelance journalist since 1993.
He is an internationally recognized expert on American author
Edgar Rice Burroughs and his literary characters, including Tarzan and
John Carter of Mars.
A former college basketball player, he earned his Screen
Actors Guild membership when he was picked from an open casting call for
the movie "Bedazzled" (2000). His scene, a pickup game with stars Brendan
Frasier, Orlando Jones, and Norm Nixon, the retired Los Angeles Laker (and
"Bedazzled" technical adviser), was cut from the film's final edit.
Holds an MBA from California State University Los Angeles.
Director of Special Projects at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Spearheaded a campaign to have author Edgar Rice Burroughs
awarded a Golden Palm Star on the Palm Springs Walk of the Stars. Burroughs
and his second wife Florence lived and vacationed in Palm Springs from
Located on Museum Way by Downtown Park, the Burroughs Star
was unveiled April 4, 2023.
Scott Tracy Griffin lives in Santa Monica, California.
Tracy's Tarzan story in Gray Morrow Sunday comics:
Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration
Tarzan On Film
Promotion, additions at ERB Inc.
Off-Site References:
books in Amazon
Scott Tracy
Griffin Website
*** Speaking of Mr. Griffin, his research for "Tarzan:
The Centennial Edition" also produced the information that it was
on his birthday-to-be, May 10, 1920, that ERB signed a contract with Arthur
Gibbons to produce "Tarzan of the Apes" as a play in Great Britain.
It was an enthusiastic audience that was able to view the play during its
two-week run, with a prologue and four acts telling the story in the early
part of ERB's 1914 novel, "Tarzan of the Apes."
Ronald Adair and Ivy Carlton
were Tarzan and Jane in that production and the part of young Tarzan was
played by a girl, Gwen Evans! The play and its offspring are discussed
on page 274 of Tracy's book. 1914 Tarzan of the Apes stage production
in England
*** 1931: George T. McWhorter (May
10, 1931: Washington, D.C. - April 25, 2020: Louisville, KY) was born on
this date. George's contributions to ERB's legacy are so "deep and
wide" that the full extent of them may never be fully known.
George is most well-known for his efforts in building
and preserving the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection at the
of Louisville in Louisville, KY. After many years of service, George
retired from his university position and spent his final years Treyton
Oaks Towers in Louisville, where he received regular visits, along with
telephone calls and mail, from other ERB fans.
George was a humble and approachable man and was quick
to give credit to others. In 2012, after J.G. "Huck" Huckenpohler sent
George an online birthday greeting, George sent a message back, stating
"There are 3 of us born on May 10: Tracy, me, and Bob Roehm who formatted
the BURROUGHS BULLETIN so beautifully over the years. Bob is available
to share my birthday cake, but Tracy is too far away to get here in time.
Cheers! George"
George died of complications from the COVID-19 virus
during the 2020 pandemic.
Access to many worlds so loved by George T. McWhorter
may be found by opening the following ERBzine links:
George T. McWhorter Tribute
Tours of the McWhorter ERB Collection
TOUR ONE: 18 Galleries
TOUR TWO: 30 Galleries
The George T. McWhorter Obituary
*** 1895: Ed received a document from the War Department
stating that the President had selected Ed to write a West Point
entrance examination. Inspired by Capt. King, Edgar dreamed of going
to West Point and becoming an officer in the U.S. Army. Unfortunately
to get into the military academy a candidate had to be appointed by a member
of Congress and Illinois had already used up its quota of entrants. Ed
wrote to his brothers and Lewis Sweetser in Idaho, asking if their
Congressman Wilson could get him appointed as a cadet from that state.
*** 1913: "Number Thirteen" is completed
and Ed starts work on a sequel to The Gods of Mars - The Warlord
of Mars (Alternate writing titles: Yellow Men of Barsoom ~ The Fighting
Prince of Mars ~ Across Savage Mars ~ The Prince of Helium ~ The War Lord
of Mars)
*** 1919: A letter arrives forwarded from 700 Linden,
Oak Park, from the
American Jewish Congress in Washington, DC Reubin
Fink requests that ERB sign a card endorsing the Jewish Bill of
Rights -- an appeal to put a stop to the persecution and discrimination
against Jews -- "a call to justice for the Jew." Recognizing his
tolerance and humanity they request his assistance in legitimizing the
merits of this document. Ed responds on May 21.
*** 1919: A flood of Tarzana-related news
*** 1920: In a letter to Bert Weston Ed explains
the reason for his killing off and then resurrection of Tarzan's Jane
in Tarzan the Untamed: "... I left Jane dead
up to the last gasp and then my publisher and the magazine editor rose
up on their hind legs and roared. They said the public would not stand
for it as I was having Tarzan fall in love with Bertha, so I had to resurrect
the dear lady. After seeing Enid Markey take the part of Jane in the first
Tarzan picture I was very glad to kill her."
*** 1931: Birth of George McWhorter future curator
of the Burroughs Memorial Collection at the University of Louisville
and responsible for the resurrection of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
and Burroughs Bulletin (after the death of founder Vern Coriell).
*** 1933: Nazi students burn Tarzan books
*** 1939: ERB revived the Tarzan Clans of America
with the printing of a 32-page booklet, the "Official Guide of the Tarzan
Clans of America." He sent a proof to MGM to obtain permission
for a tie-in to Weissmuller
and the movies. The cover design of
a native chief had been adapted by son
Jack from a St. John illustration
in The Beasts of Tarzan.
ERB Bio Timeline in ERBzine
2010: The Amazing Frank Frazetta
passed away on this date. Frank started his long career by drawing comic
books in the '40s. He went on to work on a great number of projects, and
even collaborated with other artists such as Al Williamson, Roy Krenkel,
and Dan Barry. He worked on Al Capp's Li'l Abner for nine years, and did
work for MAD, Creepy, Eerie as well as Harvey Kurtzman's Little Annie Fanny
for Playboy. He did a multitude of movie posters and during the Burroughs
boom his exciting art graced millions of ERB paperback and hardcover releases.
This fantasy adventure work coincided with his creation of paintings --
many of which sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. In his later years,
Frank and his lovely wife Ellie -- she actually modelled for many of his
exotic paintings -- opened an art gallery/museum to display much of his
work. Frank suffered a disabling stroke in his later years and carried
on with his craft by learning to paint with his left hand.
We've shared most of his Burroughs-related art in our
Frazetta Tribute Pages.
ERBzine's Frank Frazetta Tribute Site
Over 20 Galleries of Art and Photos

Lex Barker ~ Doug McClure: At Earth's Core, Land
Time Forgot, People Time Forgot
Princess of Mars: Stage Play ~ ERBapa: An OE:
Tracy Griffin ~ Tarzan Strips: Celardo and Morrow
*** 1935: Born of this date: Doug McClure, who played
two ERB characters -- David Innes in "At the Earth's Core" and Bowen Tyler
in "The Land That Time Forgot" and its sequel, "The People That Time Forgot."
Promo Blurb for the Film: At The Earth's Core: "A Victorian scientist --
Dr. Abner Perry (Peter Cushing) -- and his young American backer -- David
Innes (Doug McClure) -- set off in their new earth-boring machine for a
short test on a Welsh mountain. Unfortunately the thing tunnels out of
control at ferocious speed and they end up in an enormous cavern at the
centre of the earth -- the twilight world of pellucidar. Here they
find prehistoric monsters, man-eating plants and cavemen enslaved to the
Meyhas (Mahars) -- evil psychic, pterodactyl-type creatures with
extra-sensory abilities. They are captured, and taken to the Meyhas' underground
empire. They then set out to free the slaves and themselves from the evil
that has dominated this underground realm for untold generations."
At the Earth's Core: ERBzine Silver Screen
AEC Lobby Display:
The Land That Time Forgot:
The People That Time Forgot:
*** 1973: Lex Barker died
of a heart attack on the sidewalks of New York on this date -- just a few
days after his 54th birthday. This tenth in the long line of film Tarzans
had a background that included Phillips-Exeter Academy Princeton, New York
society and the Broadway stage. Producer Sol Lesser interviewed more than
1,000 actors to replace Johnny Weissmuller in the role of Tarzan. Barker
turned out to be one of the better film Tarzans, even though Weissmuller
was obviously a hard act to follow after his 16 years and 12 films at MGM
and RKO studios.
This barrel-chested, six-foot-four
200-pounder fit the role very well -- in fact, he was the first film Tarzan
I saw in our local theatre back in the late '40s -- he remains one of my
favourites. I featured the links to the ERBzine coverage of his Tarzan
films on his birth date back on
Events Day May 8:
Lex Barker: Princeton-Bred Tarzan article
Lex Barker 3-D Trading Cards I
Lex Barker in View-Master
*** The Hardcover Theater Company
of Minneapolis premiered "A Princess of Mars" May 11, 2006.
The play was presented several times, with the last performance on June
The props used to depict Tharks, Woola, flyers and other
Barsoomian scenes were, of course, limited by resources, and would not
have worked at all in a movie. But, for an amateur production, they worked
amazingly well and sparked the play-goers imagination to fill in the blanks.
For more details and photos on the Hardcover production,
see the upcoming (Spring) issue of ERBapa. John Martin was able
to talk recently by telephone with Steve Schroer, "Princess" script
writer and prop visionary for Hardcover, and include his comments in his
ERBapa article.
ERBzine's reports on Hardcover's Princess:
*** The ERBapa's new official editor,
Tracy Griffin, recently shared information from ERBzine about how to
join ERBapa, the rules, back issues indexes, etc.
More about ERBapa: History and Joining
ERBapa Rules in the ERBzine APA Webpage:
Latest ERBapa Index compiled by Bill Hillman
with links to previous indexes and all cover art
Off-Site Reference
Theater's page on "Princess"
*** "Tarzan Meets I.B. Pompus"
began May 11, 1964, and ran for 76 days. It was drawn and written by John
Celardo. Later, he did a sequel, "The Return of I.B. Pompus."
Tarzan Meets I.B. Pompus: 76 Tarzan daily strips
*** "The Lost Library of Alexandria," drawn by Gray
Morrow and written by Mark Kneece, began May 11, 1997 and ran
for 14 Sundays.
The Lost Library of Alexandria - 14 Tarzan Sunday
*** 1930: Ed's diary entry
indicates that he has just originated '83' (or "Tarzana')." He proceeds,
in a ten-page manuscript, "Tarzana Bridge," to describe the card
game he has invented during a bout of lumbago. The idea and booklet are
presented to Metropolitan as a promotion but nothing comes of it.
ERB Timeline Bio
Robert B. Zeuschner: ERB Bibliography ~ Joan
Burroughs: Actress ~ You Lucky Girl!
Henry Hardy Heins: ERB Golden Anniversary Bibliography
~ ERB's Scientists Revolt and Beware!
*** 1941: Acclaimed ERB researcher and writer, Robert
B. Zeuschner, was born on this date in 1941. Dr. Zeuschner's
RICE BURROUGHS: THE BIBLIOGRAPHY is the most comprehensive, entertaining
and visually stunning guide to the works of ERB ever published. Bob,
one of the world's most highly respected ERB scholars, has compiled a one-of-a-kind
illustrated bibliography that is a must for anyone interested in ERB, the
history of pulp fiction and the works that inspired Superman and every
other pulp hero since. Packed into the book's 600 pages is an incredible
amount of factual information to which Bob has also added hundreds of illustrations
and fascinating stories.
Bio Info from Amazon
Robert Zeuschner teaches Philosophy at Pasadena City
College. He has taught in Departments of Philosophy at the University of
California at Santa Barbara, Occidental College, and the Department of
Asian Studies at the University of Southern California. He has also taught
in the Department of Religion at the University of California at Riverside.
He received his Ph.D. in Asian and Comparative Philosophy from the University
of Hawaii at Manoa and taught philosophy courses at several Hawaiian institutions.
He has published translations of Chinese Buddhist texts and numerous articles
in philosophical journals. Dr. Zeuschner is the author of a descriptive
bibliography of the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs and is assistant editor
for the Burroughs Bulletin, the quarterly journal of the Edgar Rice Burroughs
literary society. He has appeared on the A&E Biography series. Dr.
Zeuschner has many interests. He has been a rare book collector since he
was ll years old, and collects art, including Chinse calligraphy and sumi-e
painting. He studies Japanaese Zen gardens in Kyoto, and please classical
guitar and acoustic blues guitar styles.
BOB ZEUSCHNER: A Photo Gallery
A Photo Visit with Bob and Lindy Zeuschner
ERB The Bibliography by Robert B. Zeuschner
The Zeuschner ERB Bibliography information
is a major component of our ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Project
Religious Themes in the Novels of ERB
by Robert B. Zeuschner, Ph.D
Off-Site Reference
The Bibliography by Robert Zeuschner
*** 1939 "The Scientists Revolt"
first appeared in
Fantastic Adventures, Vol. 1, No. 2, the issue
dated July 1939. Fantastic Adventures was the new sister magazine to Amazing
Stories. The actual copyright date for "Revolt" was May 12 of that
year, by the Ziff-Davis Publishing Co., as part of a general copyright
on the entire contents of the magazine (Heins).
After finishing The Moon Maid, Ed abandoned the
Ediphone and returned to writing directly on the typewriter. He thought
that this made for more action and a better knit story. In later years,
however, he returned to the use of a dictating machine, the Dictaphone.
The need for a respite from the jungle
and fantasy stories prompted him to seek for ideas elsewhere, but in the
new writing he resorted to an overused theme — intrigue centering about
the monarchy in a miniature kingdom. "Beware!," written from August
9 to 31, 1922, features the plotting of revolutionaries to seize power
in Assuria. However, Burroughs does devise a new approach, shifting from
the Assurian revolution, the death of the king and queen, and the flight
of the infant crown prince to a resumption of events twenty-two years later
in New York City.
Finally, after many rejections, in 1939 "Beware!"
was purchased by Raymond Palmer, editor of Fantastic Adventures, for $245.
With some of the characters and plot elements changed by Palmer, and the
time setting projected to the year 2190, "Beware!" was now transformed
from a hodgepodge royal intrigue-detective mystery novelette to a science-fiction
story and published in the July 1939 issue of the magazine, where it somehow
acquired the incongruous title of "The Scientists Revolt."
Both "Revolt" and the original "Beware!" are reprinted
in ERBzine.
Beware! and The Scientists Revolt:
Background, Art, read the e-Texts
The Scientists Revolt: Read the e-Text Edition
ERBzine Pulp Biblio: Fantastic Adventures - July 1939
Off-Site Reference:
Hoffman's Beware Edition
*** The first publication of Henry
Hardy Heins's "A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs"
was a softback, either spiral-bound or with binder holes punched, on May
12 in 1962.
A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Henry Hardy Heins Tribute plus many ERBzine links:
*** 1926: On this date Joan Burroughs
took the first step on the road to playing Jane on the radio, starting
as "Kathie," in "The Student Prince" in her school play on
May 12, 1926 and later in Enter Madame. She also took the first
step toward giving her father the idea of writing "You Lucky Girl!"
He wrote the play with his daughter in mind, but it was never performed
back then, finally arriving on the stage in 1997 and published in book
form two years later by Donald M. Grant.
Joan Burroughs Biography in ERBzine (4 Chapters)
You Lucky Girl! ERBzine Coverage: Illustrations
Danton Burroughs ~ Zeuschner ~ Heins
Robert Zeuschner ERB Bibliography
*** Danton Burroughs tells a little more of the
story, saying there was no doubt that "You Lucky Girl!" was "was
written expressly for Joan as an aid to her theatrical career. Ed gave
Joan a copy on which he had written a short note: "This is the first copy
of the longhand ms. It has not been corrected or revised and is rather
rough. Please explain this to Mr. Gould when you hand it to him." Dr. Gould
was probably the director of the theatrical company which Joan belonged
to at the time. Although Ed would correct and revise the play, it was never
performed by Joan or anyone else at the time, probably due to the fact
that Joan would soon become engaged to James Pierce and married in 1928.
Four years later Joan and her husband would portray Tarzan and Jane on
the radio.
"You Lucky Girl!" was the second play ERB wrote. The
first had three working titles. For more about it, see the Biblio info,
articles and introductions on "You Lucky Girl!" in ERBzine.
You Lucky Girl! Danton Burroughs Introduction
Joan Burroughs: The Early Years
*** "The Return of the Ark-of-ology"
began May 12, 1963, and ran for 15 Sundays. Both art and the Tarzan story
were the work of John Celardo.
Meet John Celardo and Directory to Celardo Strips
ERBzine Comics Compendium
*** 1915: The Son of Tarzan
was mailed to All-Story.
1930: Elser made a proposal for handling radio
arrangements and granting Ed 60% of the proceeds. Nothing developed on
radio for another two years.
1950: Rothmund replaced Thompson as continuity
writer for Tarzan strips. Burne Hogarth would take over both writing
and illustration of the daily and Sunday Tarzan
ERB Bio Timeline
Samantha Morton as Sola in John Carter of Mars
film ~ Sola's Story and Art by Thomas Yeates,
John Coleman Burroughs ~ JCB's Model Thark ~ Tarzan
Strip by Celardo
*** 1977: Samantha Morton was born in Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, England, on this date -- May 13 -- in 1977. She grew up
to become an actress and, in 2012, turned in a role much appreciated as
the Thark with a heart, in Disney's "John Carter."
Of course, before Sola was Disney's, she was ERB's, and
still is, and was a major supporting character in both "A Princess of
Mars," the book, as well as the big screen version.
Guide to ERBzine's John Carter movie features:
Sola's Story
John Coleman Burroughs' #65 Sunday Page featuring
JCB's complete run of John Carter Sunday Pages
Off-Site Reference:
Morton IMDB
"Tarzan and the Convict" was
a 65-day story which debuted May 13, 1958. John Celardo and Dick
Van Buren did the honors.
Tarzan and the Convict: 65 daily strips
*** 1896: After resigning from his
Academy position Ed travels to Detroit to enlist in the army. Three and
a half months shy of 21 he was caught lying about this age... but
his father followed up with a letter of permission.
*** 1915: May 13 - June 10: The Man-Eater
is written.
*** 1927: May 13 - July 22: Tarzan, Lord of the
Jungle is written. ERB starts the manuscript at his office
at 5255 Avenida Oriente and completes it at the new office, 18354
Ventura, where he moves on July 14.
*** 1934: May 13 Ed starts Tarzan and Jane (Tarzan's
Quest) at 2029 Pinehurst - ends at Tarzana (rejected)
*** 1940: LETTER "I sailed April
24th, the day that Florence and the children arrived here, and landed on
the 29th. Had a reasonably pleasant trip. Me some nice young people from
the mainland and some Australians who were mighty good company. Won both
nights that they played Keno and two nights at poker. Did very well for
myself. We have a comfortable house smack on the ocean, with a nice
white, sandy beach and good swimming. We can wade out for a hundred yards
or more and then not be in deep water. No coral nor seaweed. There is good
surf fishing here, but I haven't a pole nor hook. Duke Kahanamoku's
brother told me that all I needed was a bamboo pole, a piece of string,
a hook, and some fresh shrimp to catch more fish than we could use. I was
especially warned by another Hawaiian not to have any bananas on the beach
when I was going fishing; and that if Florence asked me where I was going,
I should reply: 'I am going for a walk up in the mountains.' this is quite
necessary, because the fish would hear me. It has rained every day since
we arrived; and some days, like today, all day. A naive who came to see
me today told me that in a storm like this it rains about an inch an hour.
In a day, we get more than the entire annual rainfall of Los Angeles. Lanikai,
the name of our postoffice, means Heavenly Sea; and Oahu, the name of the
island, means Place of Assemblage, or seat of government, as it has been
since King Kamehameha I conquered the islands. God! You should hear it
rain. I have my office in one of two small rooms in the garage. I'll bet
Florence is going nuts in the house, with the two kids shut up there. She
doesn't like a rain that never lets up -- neither do I. If someone hadn't
already done it, I could write "Rain." Am thinking of writing a play called
Suicide on the Beach in the Rain, or Somep'n."
ERB Bio Timeline
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Tarzan of the Apes MS
~ Forrest J Ackerman: Hillmans Visit Ackermansion
ERB's Lad and the Lion Film 1917 ~ Cyclops
and the Ivory Poachers by John Celardo
*** 1912: It was late, but Ed Burroughs was determined
not to go to bed until he was finished. He was almost done. The end was
in sight. He grabbed another piece of paper with the letterhead from one
of his failed businesses and added the last few paragraphs. Then, he wrote
the final sentence: "I never knew who my father was."
ERB looked at the clock and made a note that it was 10:25
p.m. It was May 14, 1912, and he had just finished writing "Tarzan of
the Apes."
May 14 in 1912: ERB Online Bio Timeline
Tarzan of the Apes: ERBzine ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
*** Many years later, Forrest
J Ackerman visited Edgar Rice Burroughs and asked a question
about that famous manuscript. Wrote Forry: "I asked
if it was true that he wrote his first stories on the backs of old envelopes,
as I had read somewhere. That wasn't so, he said. But he did use old letterheads
which he had printed when he went into business for himself years ago,
and for which he had no better use when, as invariably happened, his venture
failed." Read more about Forry's visit in ERBzine 0211.
The Hillmans
were royally entertained and given tours of Ackermansion during a Tarzana
visit. We took many photos which are shared in the links below.
Forrest J Ackerman's 1940s visit with ERB
Hillmans visit Forry Ackerman and Ackermansion
Read 14-year-old Forry's correspondence with ERB
Forry's Entry in ERB's 1946 Autograph Book
ERBzine News Reports of Forry's Death
*** 1917: The first ERB movie to
grace the silver screen was "The Lad and the Lion," filmed by Selig
Polyscope Co. and released on May 14, 1917. No copies of the film are
known to survive.
Several years later, another version of ERB's book was
filmed as "The Lion Man," but it strayed far, far from ERB's original
Although the 1918 silent film, Tarzan
of the Apes, starring Elmo Lincoln is usually credited as being the
first movie adaptation of an Edgar Rice Burroughs story, ERB film scholars
are aware of the 1917 release, The Lad and the Lion. This five-reel
feature film was produced by Selig Plyscope Co. ERB, however, had once
complained that Selig had produced a plagiarized version of The
Cave Girl two years earlier, in 1915 -- without his permission. They
had used the title, The Isle of Content for this pirated version.
To date, no copy of this film has been found but the US Library of Congress
catalogue of Copyright Entries - Motion Pictures - 1912-1939 has the following
entry: THE ISLE OF CONTENT. 1915. 3 reels. ~ Credits: Director, George
Nichols, ~ (c) Selig Plyscope Company (A. B. Himes, author);
17 July 15; LP5909
The only other
known record of this lost film is contained in the magazine, "Picture Play
Weekly" a pulp that published lengthy, scene-by-scene stories, faithfully
adapted from silent films of the day. The July 31, 1915 issue of "Picture
Play Weekly" features an adaptation of The Isle of Content.
The Lad and the Lion: ERB's first film 1917
*** "Cyclops and the Ivory Poachers,"
by John Celardo and Dick Van Buren, debuted on the comics
page May 14, 1956, and ran for 55 days.
Cyclops and the Ivory Poachers: 55 daily Tarzan strips:
*** ERB Artist Dave Hoover
was born on this date in 1955: (May 14, 1955 – September 4, 2011)
Dave Hoover: Six Art Tribute Galleries
*** 1872: Frank Coleman,
the Burroughses' third son -- ERB's brother -- is born.
*** 1925: Red Hawk manuscript is sent to
Davis for publication
ERB Bio Timeline




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