Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
16 ~ JUNE 17 ~ JUNE 18
20 ~ JUNE 21
Click for full-size images
Click or go to links referenced below for more info and larger
Johnny Weissmuller is the Ideal Tarzan Says Creator
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Weissmuller on set with Edgar Rice Burroughs and Maureen
*** Edgar Rice Burroughs believed Johnny Weissmuller
made an ideal Tarzan.
ERB also believed the Tarzan in the comic strips
was an ideal Tarzan.
And he certainly believed his creation, as portrayed
by himself in the original books, was ideal as well.
Here's how ERB stated the major reason for Tarzan's success
in whatever medium: "...Tarzan is a character into
which every man can slide himself mentally and, by the same token, into
whose arms every woman can slide herself. He is the materialization of
good health and the body perfect, the body potent and masterful."
ERB's comments appeared in an article, written by ERB,
headlined "Weissmuller Ideal Tarzan Says Creator." The article appeared
this date, June 15, in 1939 in the Hartford Courant.
Weissmuller Ideal Tarzan Says Creator.
Weissmuller and Friends I
Weissmuller and Friends II
Weissmuller and The Mexican Spitfire
Weissmuller On Location in Florida
Weissmuller Career Scrapbook
Johnny Weissmuller: Twice the Hero by David Fury
Weissmuller in ERBzine Film Posters I
*** 1941: Neal Adams was
born in New York City on this date. He graduated from the School of Industrial
Art high school in Manhattan in 1959. In 1962, Adams began his comics career
in earnest at the Newspaper Enterprise Association syndicate where he drew
Ben Casey for 3 1/2 years. He moved on to comics doing Eerie, Creepy followed
by a multitude of DC and Marvel. Adams has won countless awards -- he was
inducted into the Eisner Award's Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in
1998, the Harvey Awards' Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1999, and the Inkwell
Awards Joe Sinnott Hall of Fame in 2019. Neal is best know by ERB fans
for the striking Tarzan covers he did for Ballantine.
.Tarzan Ballantine Covers by Neal Adams
Neil Adams in ERBzine Poster Art III
*** "Tarzan and the Moto-Motos,"
by John Celardo and Bill Elliot, began running June 15, 1959,
and ran for 90 days.
Tarzan and the Moto-Motos: All 90 Celardo Strips
Click or go to links referenced below for more info and larger images
Jungle Tales of Tarzan: Graphic and 1st Edition
~ Martin Powell with wife Leia and Diana Leto
Jim Goodwin ~ Tarzan Finds a Son!: Poster and
Colourized Stills ~ ERB Poems: B'S & It's Ants!
*** Martin Powell, who has written "everything from
mystery to science fiction, comic books, graphic novels, and children's
books," also wrote the script for the Edgar Rice Burroughs's "Jungle
Tales of Tarzan" graphic novel published by Sequential Pulp and Dark
Horse Comics. Diana Leto was creative director for the colorful
volume and also provided the artwork for the opening story, "Tarzan's First
Love." The book was offered for sale at amazon starting June 16, 2015,
but had been available in comic shops and bookstores a few days before
on June 10.
Powell called it, "An important
book to me that helped open a lot of doors. I'm very grateful for it."
Powell had also posted about the book's anniversary on
his own facebook page on June 11: "Three years ago
yesterday, June 10, my JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN™ graphic novel was published
by Dark Horse Comics. A dream come true which has changed my life much
for better, and I can hardly express the thrill of being credited on the
book's spine with Edgar Rice Burroughs."
He offered special thanks to his wife, Leia, also
an author as well as multi-media artist, "for proof-reading
my dozen scripts and saving my sanity during a long deadline-induced period
of sleep deprivation."
Powell is also a writer for many
of the ERB-related comic strips available with a subscription at
Jungle Tales of Tarzan: History ~ Art ~ Summary
Edgar Rice Burroughs Corporate Site Comics
Featured at Edgar Rice Burroughs Still Lives
Read the Jungle Tales e-Text edition
Off-Site Reference:
Tales Amazon Purchase
*** 1939: Johnny Weissmuller
personally picked Johnny Sheffield from among 300 hopefuls as the
young boy he thought would do best as the adopted son of Tarzan. Thus,
the five-year-old, who was already landing roles in some movies, became
"Boy" in eight Tarzan movies, three with MGM and five more when the franchise
moved over to RKO studios.
The movie title was "Tarzan Finds A Son!" and
was the only Tarzan movie to have an exclamation point at the end of the
title. It was released June 16, 1939.
It's not all that common for a movie
to be "awarded" the exclamation point for its title. John Wayne got one
for both "McClintock!" and "Hatari!" Hatari means "danger" in swahili and
the exclamation point was deserved. It's also been used for movies ranging
from "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!" to "That Darned Cat!"
IMDB BIO: "His father was the actor Reginald Sheffield
who began as a child star and later turned to character acting. Johnny
appeared at age seven on Broadway in the original cast of "On Borrowed
Time". When Maureen O'Sullivan wanted out of her Jane role in the Johnny
Weissmuller Tarzan series, it was decided that she and Tarzan would adopt
a son (they had to adopt, according to the Legion of Decency, because they
weren't married) before she died.
"Weissmuller personally chose Sheffield
for the part of Boy, a part inspired by Bobby Nelson's portrayal in Tarzan
the Mighty (1928); athletic by nature, he was taught to swim by swimming
Olympian Weissmuller. Tarzan Finds a Son! (1939) was such a success
that MGM signed Sheffield to six more films as Tarzan's Boy. By the time
of Tarzan and the Mermaids (1948), he was too big for the part;
the film merely said he was away at school. When Monogram Studios learned
he had been dropped, they picked him up for the series of movies based
on the Roy Rockwood Bomba: The Jungle Boy (1949) movies. He made
twelve of these between 1949 and 1955."
Tarzan Finds A Son!: Credits ~ Posters ~ Stills ~ Summary
Son! Magazine Article from LOOK Magazine
Lobby displays
Son! Coop Chocolate cards
Off-Site Reference
*** "Tarzan Myth and Mystery,"
a museum exhibit and presentation, opened June 16, 2016, at the Brazos
Valley Museum of Natural History in Bryan, Texas, and ran through Oct.
29 of that year.
The exhibit opened at 6 p.m. with a free public lecture
by Edgar Rice Burroughs Bibliophile Jim Goodwin. The exhibit showcased
items from "an extensive collection of Tarzan and
Edgar Rice Burroughs memorabilia. Early publications, beautiful original
artwork, rare books, and rarely seen film posters" were shown alongside
stunning taxidermy animals from central Africa. Jim, often known as Jimmie,
was at the recent ECOF in Folsom, Calif., and afterward toured the northwest
U.S., seeing numerous natural and historic sites.
2014 Dum-Dum in Bryan, Texas
Off-Site Reference
Museum Exhibit
*** 1916: The
Return of the Mucker (Out There Somewhere), part 1 of 5 parts
appeared in All-Story.
The Mucker and Return of the
*** 1937: Ed created a book of poetry
and illustrations for Caryl - just as he had done for his
niece Evelyn - Li'l B. Her Book
Edgar Rice Burroughs Poetry
Click or go to links referenced below for more info and larger
Tarzan of the Apes: First Pulp 2012 Printing,
McClurg First Edition ~ Dedication to Brother 1914 ~
ERB & Family Through the Years: 1900s, 1930s,
1940s ~ Hal Foster 1934 Tarzan Sunday Page
*** Edgar Rice Burroughs graduated from being merely
an author of pulp stories to an author with a full-fledged book on high
quality paper (good enough to last more than a century!), when A.C.
McClurg & Co. printed 5,000 copies of "Tarzan of the Apes."
The official "publication date" was
June 17, 1914, but the books had actually rolled off the presses a bit
earlier. According to his contract, ERB was entitled to a dozen free books
and he signed one of them to his wife, Emma Centennia, dating it
June 3. Not long after, he also autographed and dated a pre-June 17 copy
to his brother.
After McClurg printed the initial 5,000 copies on its
own press, it placed an order for 2,500 more from another printing plant,
the one which added the highly-sought acorn to the spine. Eventually, 2,500
more were printed for a third state, minus acorn, for a total print run
of 10,000 copies of the first edition in three states.
ERB bibliographies and websites give
details on how to tell a first state from a third. The second state is
immediately identifiable by the acorn.
"Tarzan of the Apes" had appeared
for the first time two years earlier in the October 1912 issue of The
All-Story. However, the book publication was not the second appearance
of the story, or the third, etc. The second and several other appearances
of the tale were as newspaper serials, first by The New York Evening
World, as Robert B. Zeuschner reports in his "Edgar Rice
Burroughs: The Bibliography."The story was serialized in many other
newspapers and was so popular with readers that pressure was put on McClurg
to publish it in book form, an idea it had rejected when ERB had first
proposed it to them. And the rest is history!
Tarzan of the Apes: History ~ Art ~ Docs
Read the full e-Text Edition
Emma Centennia Burroughs
Off-Site Reference:
Differentiating ERB
*** Fathers Day in 1940 came
on June 16 and ERB's children sent him a radiogram with best wishes. On
the next day, June 17, ERB wrote to them: "Thanks
a lot for your Father's Day radiogram. It was very sweet of you to think
of me. It was telephoned to me yesterday afternoon shortly after I returned
from a week-end fishing trip at Waianae...."
The letter went on to describe the fishing trip, in which
ERB said "I was wet and filthy and hot and sick,
and I ain't never goin' fishin' no more."
ERB's Fathers Day Letter to Home
Burroughs Family Stories
Burroughs Family History
*** Thomas Haden Church
was born June 17, 1960, in Yolo, Calif., and became a perfect Thark in
"John Carter of Mars," loyal to the horde to a fault and ready to take
over at the first opportunity, no matter who he had to slay or sic the
white apes on. Among his other acting roles, Church menaced Spider-Man
as well as John Carter. Announcement of his being chosen for the role stated:
"Church will play Tal Hajus, 'an ambitious and vicious Thark warrior who
is biding his time to be a ruler.'"
Church was born Thomas Richard McMillen
to Maxine (Sanders) and Carlos Richard McMillen, who was a U.S. marine
and surveyor. He was raised in Texas. His mother remarried George Quesada,
a widowed WWII veteran who served in Guam, in 1969. He adopted this surname
Quesada. He changed it to Haden Church after "nobody could pronounce Quesada".
Church began his show business career in front of a microphone instead
of a camera, first as a radio deejay and then as a voice-over announcer.
After landing a role in the independent film, Stolen Moments, Church moved
to Los Angeles to pursue his acting career.
John Carter Film: Videos ~ Trailers ~ Interviews
Off-Site References:
in Wikipedia
in Youtube
*** "The Jaws of Death" was published
on June 17, 1934, Hal Foster handled the illustration duties while
Carlin and Don Garden wrote the words.
The Jaws of Death: Full page in three sizes
The Hillman Key-in Summary is at:
*** 1918: Charles Edmund Monroe (1918.06.17-1999.09.26)
was born on this date in Alabama. He created a series of Tarzan illustrations
for Grosset and Dunlap books in the '40s and '50s. NOTE:
Tarzan and the Ant Men art by Ed Monroe's Wife, Betty
and Tarzan of the Apes cover by Gerald McCann. In addition to these Tarzan
covers, Mr. Monroe was a nationally renowned illustrator, with covers and
illustrations in Life, Colliers, Field and Stream, True, Progressive Farmer
and Redbook magazines. He was also a successful as a wildlife and sporting
artist, as well as a portrait artist.
C.E. Monroe G&D cover illustrations
Bill Hillman Remembers ERB in the '50s and the G&Ds
*** 1927: Wallace ("Wally", "Woody") Allan Wood (1927.06.17-1981.11.02)
was born on this date in Menahga, Minnesota. He was an American comic book
writer, artist and independent publisher, best known for his work on EC
Comics's Mad and Marvel's Daredevil. He was one of Mad's founding cartoonists
in 1952. In addition to Wood's hundreds of comic book pages, he illustrated
for books and magazines while also working in a variety of other areas
– advertising; packaging and product illustrations; gag cartoons; record
album covers; posters; syndicated comic strips; and trading cards, including
work on Topps's landmark Mars Attacks set. He was the inaugural inductee
into the comic book industry's Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1989, and was
inducted into the Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 1992. Woody worked
with Jack Kirby on the Sky Masters Daily and Sunday strips. Back
then I religiously cut out and saved these strips as they appeared in daily
In 1972, EC editor Harvey Kurtzman,
who worked closely with Wood during the 1950s, said:
"Wally had a tension in him, an
intensity that he locked away in an internal steam boiler. I think it ate
away his insides, and the work really used him up. I think he delivered
some of the finest work that was ever drawn, and I think it's to his credit
that he put so much intensity into his work at great sacrifice to himself."
Junk Carter: Warmonger of Mars Parody
Sky Masters: Wood and Kirby: 14 Pages
Wally Wood's Prince Valiant
Wally Wood's Parody: Prince Violent!
Click or go to links referenced below for more info and larger
Disney Animated Tarzan Poster 1999 ~ Hillmans at Pre-Showing
on Disney Lot ~ Tarzan Film Janes from 1918 ~
Tarzana, California Map Named after the ERB Character:
"Believe It or Not"
*** They lined up and paid money to see Disney's "Tarzan"
on June 18 in 1999, and they continued to do it as long as it ran in theatres.
Then they bought the videotapes and DVDs, and then many watched "The
Legend of Tarzan" series on TV and bought the straight-to-video sequels,
"Tarzan and Jane" and "Tarzan II." Sheeta the leopard borrowed
the name of Sabor the lioness for Disney's "Tarzan," but like the real-life
spotted ones, the big cat was ever ready to pounce in Disney's "Tarzan."
Today, one can hardly visit any garage
sale or swap meet in America without seeing a videotape or a DVD of Disney's
"Tarzan" or its sequels on a table with other old movies people are trying
to get rid of.
There was so much Disney "Tarzan" merchandise that even
completists, more than a decade later, can't be certain they have it all
and there's the frustration of knowing there are still the endless variations
that were on the market in foreign countries. In fact, there was so much
Disney Tarzan merchandise out there -- from toothpaste to chocolate drink
mix to action figures and non-action figures to huge plush versions of
Kala or Terkoz, big enough to take up half your couch all by themselves
-- that many completists were cured once and for all of the completist
I admit to having a few of these items
myself, and I get a particular sense of satisfaction from seeing the Disney
Tarzan Shaving Kit, still MIB, on a shelf. And sometimes in the evening,
when Goro the Moon shines through the edges of the curtains into the living
room where I am watching something other than Disney's "Tarzan" on TV,
I have been known to make myself extra comfortable with a Disney "Tarzan"
quilt lying across my legs. Those were heady times, and all because Disney
finally had the good sense to bring ERB's major character to the screen
while, at the same time, having the bad sense to alter the original story.
*** It was a big thrill flying down to Tarzana from our
home in Brandon to attend our first Dum-Dum
Event. We were proud to have our young daughter, China-Li, make
the trip with Sue-On and I. This young teen had devoured stacks of SF books
and was a computer whiz. She created the logos for our ERBzine and Tarzan
Websites - complete with hot links. Her amazing talents served her well
as she went on to complete 13 years medical training in Canada and Harvard
to become a Medical Doctor Specializing in Radiology.
Meeting so many fellow ERB fans and
celebrities, dining with Mary Burroughs, hiking across the old Tarzana
Ranchland, touring Forry Ackerman's Ackermansion and re-visiting the ERB,
Inc. offices were just a few of the unforgettable memories. This California
adventure was topped off by being invited to the theatre on the Disney
lot for a pre-screening of their Animated Tarzan release. We returned home
to Brandon with suitcases full of ERB memorabilia and collectibles.
Many pages of Disney Tarzan features beginning at;
Legend of Tarzan TV Series: Episode Titles and Summaries
Q and A Session with the makers of Disney Tarzan
Tarak's Tarzan Review and Links
Off-Site References
Credits at IMDB
Trivia: 74 items in IMDB
*** 1960: Speaking of alterations, there
was a "Sigh," or perhaps just a "Sy," as Weintraub announced on
June 18, 1960, that Jane would conveniently disappear in his future Tarzan
movies. "The kids of today want action and adventure," claims Weintraub,
"and a bachelor figure is more exciting than a jungle suburbanite swinging
home every night to tell his little woman what happened during the day."
Tarzan Says Goodbye To Jane: Star Weekly
The Film Janes from 1918: Photo Montage
*** 2005: It is said that there
are still people in America who never figured out that Tarzana, Calif.,
was named for ERB's Tarzan. But some were enlightened on June 18, 2005,
when "Ripley's Believe It or Not" revealed that bit of information.
In 1927, the residents petitioned for their own post office. It was at
this time that it became necessary to find a new name for the community
since there was already a Runnymede in California. A contest was held and
the name Tarzana was accepted.
Many fans of Snopes were led
astray by a comedy/hoax posted by the famous debunker site that stated
that ERB's Tarzan character was named after the San Fernando Valley city,
Tarzana. Disclaimers on the site were confusing.
*** Headline: Tarzan and Tarzana~
Published 19 August 1998
Was the community of Tarzana, California, named
after Tarzan?
An answer designated FALSE by
The Southern California community of Tarzana was
so named after the famous "ape man" character created by Edgar Rice Burroughs,
one of the town's early residents.
1910, however, several years before he achieved success as a writer, Burroughs
had purchased 550 acres in the heart of Southern California’s San Fernando
Valley. (Burroughs later wrote that the Valley represented “all that was
good and wholesome in Southern California, in contrast to big, bad Hollywood.”)
He dubbed his land “Tarzana Ranch,” after the sleepy little community in
which it was situated, and his creation of a character named “Tarzan” two
years later can hardly be considered a coincidence. Because Tarzana did
not become an “official” community with its own post office until 1930
the legend has arisen that the town was named after Burroughs’ ape man,
but actually the reverse is true. Had Burroughs lived a few miles to the
west, in the Topanga Canyon, we would undoubtedly know his immortal creation
as “Topang, the ape man” instead."
ACTUAL TRUTH: Snopes clarifies by saying this
was a spoof/joke entry -- a stupid, misleading and confusing item that
still fools thousands of readers.
Every Burroughs fan knows that the city of Tarzana is
centered on the original site of the ranch that ERB
bought on March 1, 1919. He named the ranch. and his later land development,
after the very popular and money-making fictional character he created
in 1912.
Story of Tarzana from our Tarzana Website
ERBzine Weekly Webzine
ERB's The Story of Tarzana
ERB's El Cab Booklet (3 Pages)
3 Puzzles for ERB Fans
Tarzana Hall of Fame: 8 Galleries
Lou Gehrig as Tarzan: ERB/Baseball Connection ~ Vern
Coriell's Bulletin #12: ERB Articles and Pics
Tarzan's Poppa ~ Elmo the Great: Numa Killer ~ Morrow
Tarzan Reprints in ERBzine
***1938: "Tarzan does
not preach; he has no lesson to impart, no propaganda to disseminate. Yet,
perhaps unconsciously, while seeking merely to entertain I have injected
something of my own admiration for certain fine human qualities into these
stories of the ape-man." . . . "I wanted my readers to realize that, of
all the creatures that inhabit the earth or the waters below or the air
above, man alone takes life wantonly; he is the only creature that derives
pleasure from inflicting pain on other creatures, even his own kind. Jealously,
greed, hate, spitefulness are more fully developed in man than in the lower
orders. These are axiomatic truths that require no demonstration." MORE.
. .
So wrote ERB in an article titled "What Makes Tarzan
Act That Way?" It was published June 19, 1938, in the
Boston Sun
It has also appeared in other publications, including
Burroughs Bulletin #12, Old Series, in 1956, and is one of the articles
posted here in ERBzine's ERB and the Press series.
I've reprinted all the Vern Coriell
Burroughs Bulletins in ERBzine . . . as well as dozens of the George
McWhorter New Series Burroughs Bulletins.
What Makes Tarzan Act That Way
Burroughs Bulletin Old Series: Covers and Contents
House of Greystoke Publications
*** 1903: Lou Gehrig, "The Iron
Horse" of Major League Baseball, was born June 19 in 1903 and he would
grow up to play baseball instead of Tarzan, although he yearned so much
to don the leopard skin that he had several photos taken clad as the Ape
Durng one of my Tarzana visits, Danton
and I went through a series of scrapbooks containing ERB-related clippings
from all over America collected and forwarded by a News Service that ERB
had belonged to. It was interesting seeing the news stories from numerous
newspapers that covered Gehrig's fascination with Tarzan. The headline
in a Washington Post article (1936.11.09) was:
Stay On First, Tarzan Author Tells Gehrig ~ "Edgar
Rice Burroughs, author of Tarzan fiction, today ridiculed the desires of
Lou Gehrig, New York Yankee first baseman, to play this superman role for
the movies. Burroughs sent Gehrig the following telegram:
seen several pictures of you as Tarzan and paid about "50 for newspaper
clippings on the subject, I want to congratulate you on being a swell first
ERB/Baseball Connection with Lou Gehrig photos
See a full Gehrig Collage at:
*** 1932/33:
"Birth of Tarzan by His Poppa" appeared in Script Magazine.
Through the years ERB had many articles printed in Script. . . the most
famous being his series of Murder Mysteries -- most of which are
featured in ERBzine.
Excerpt: "Tarzan of the
Apes was not written primarily for children, and my files contain letters
of appreciation from men and women of all ages and from all walks of life
-- school teachers, librarians, college professors, priests, doctors, lawyers,
soldiers, sailors, and business men, among which are names internationally
famous; but possibly the greatest pleasure that I have derived from the
publication of my stories has come through the knowledge that they have
appealed also to children and that I have given them a character, however
improbable he may seem, that will set them for a higher standard of manliness,
integrity and sportsmanship."
ERB's Murder Mysteries Published
in Script Magazine
*** 1988: "Outback,"
Gray Morrow and Don Kraar, began June 19, 1988, and ran
for 12 Sundays. I've featured all the Morrow Tarzan Sundays in ERBzine,
including the "Outback" series.
Outback: All 12 of these Tarzan Sunday Strips
Click or go to reference links below for more
info and larger images.
Tarzan the Terrible 1st
Ed. ~ Miles O'Keeffe in Bo's Tarzan The Ape Man ~ The ERB/German/Untamed
Controversy ~
Kline's Planet of Peril
~ Tarzan Gold Key Comic: Tarzan the Untamed
*** 1921/1922: Political correctness has been around longer
than most of us tend to think, but it has probably either been known by
different names in the past or by no name at all. But it was there.
It is well known that public sentiment in America was
running strongly against the German army during World War I -- as during
all times of war, the enemy is placed in a very unflattering light by the
propaganda of the day.
Burroughs himself was of that mind
when he began writing "Tarzan the Untamed" toward the end of World
War I in 1918.
"Burroughs was fiercely patriotic
all his life, and would often demonize America's wartime enemies in his
writings....Later Burroughs regretted this when he became aware of the
anti-Burroughs and anti-American sentiment in Germany caused by this title."
-- Robert B. Zeuschner, "Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography."
patricia olga, back story
In the meantime, though, he had continued
the anti-German theme in "Tarzan the Terrible," the sequel to "Untamed,"
published in 1921.
The "political correctness" angle came about 10 years
later, when Rex Maxon and R.W. Palmer reworked "Tarzan the Untamed"
for the on-going daily Tarzan comic strips. It was still the basic story
line of "Untamed," but the Germans in the story had morphed into the current
enemy, the "Red Invaders" and the names of the German officers in ERB's
story were changed to "Karzenoff" and "Petrovich," which sound more like
Russian names, although Karzenoff had a middle name of Dmitrich, which
sounds German or at least Eastern European.
Bertha Kircher, ERB's German spy,
became Olga Boresch. In real life she was Patricia (Pat) Canby, like the
character in ERB's book. But Palmer wrote that she was named Patricia Olga
for her mother, Olga, who came from Russia. That is the first mention of
Russia, which is the country most people think of when they think of Reds.
Much later in the strip, there is flashback telling of Olga-Pat's time
in Moscow.
This strip does include a few lengthy
flashbacks about Olga-Pat's life, stories which took Tarzan offstage for
a few weeks at a time. The strip also replaces ERB's Lt. Harold Percy Smith-Olwick
with a pilot named Roger Cecil, a man out of Olga-Pat's past. Perhaps his
name was an easier fit to the limited amount of words the comic strip captions
could contain!
The comic strip version of "Tarzan
the Untamed" does not include the second half of ERB's novel, where Tarzan,
Bertha and Smith-Oldwick encounter the lost city of Xuja.
The sequel to ERB's original "Untamed," "Tarzan the Terrible,"
and the comic version of "Untamed," share an anniversary. The McClurg first
edition of "Terrible" was published June 20, 1921, and the comic "Untamed"
started June 20, 1932. There was a second McClurg printing of "Terrible,"
identifiable by the date of 1922 on the title page.
Tarzan the Terrible: History ~ Art ~ Reviews ~ Articles
Tarzan the Terrible: Read the Complete e-Text Edition
ERB 'Make War' on Kaiser the 'World Devourer'
Tarzan the Untamed: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Tarzan the Untamed: Rex Maxon Daily Strips
Off-Site References:
***1954: Miles O'Keeffe, who began his
film career playing the strong, silent jungle hero in 1981's "Tarzan
the Ape-Man," was born this date in Ripley, Tenn. Anyone possessing
a library of O'Keeffe movies would no doubt be a fan of his many action
The 1981 Tarzan film starring Bo
Derek as Jane, was a re-make of the first Weissmuller version in the
30s and the Denny Miller version in the '50s. Many of the plot elements
were adapted including Tarzan in a basically non-speaking role since this
was his first meeting with civilization.
Miles was a high school football
star and attended the Air Force Academy where he played halfback on the
freshman team. He transferred to Mississippi State and became a lineman.
He worked a prison counselor, a playground manager and played semipro rugby
before becoming involved in making movies.
After appearing as Tarzan, Miles starred in three European
movies, the Ator trilogy. He also appeared in “Sword of the Valiant,” “The
Bengal Lancers,” “Campus Man, “Waxwork,” and the “The Drifter,” among several
others, making over 25 films from 1981 through 2005. After a hiatus, O'Keeffe
returned to acting in the short film “King of the Road,” which was shot
in the Pittsburgh area in the summer of 2008. Now in his 60s, he appears
to be retired from acting.
* Trivia: This movie was Miles O'Keeffe's
film debut.
* Trivia: During a scene involving
Jane attempting to get away from Tarzan, Miles O'Keeffe found himself face
to face with a full grown lion, who took on the part of the gallant gentleman
saving the damsel in distress. The lion, escaping his holding pen, dove
into the fray, apparently more intent on protecting Bo Derek than attacking
Miles O'Keeffe (it was noted that the two-hundred-pound man wasn't injured
by the five-hundred-pound cat). The handler was on the scene almost immediately
and stopped the incident. Although neither human star was injured, rumour
had it that Miles O'Keeffe thereafter made a habit of checking the security
of the holding pen whenever other scenes of "violence" toward Bo Derek
were done, citing a deep respect for Bo Derek's formidable self-appointed
* Trivia: Reportedly, Miles O'Keeffe did all of his
own stunts in this movie.
* Quote: "My name is spelled
with two e's, two f's and another e, and nobody ever spells it right."
* Quote: "First time I ride an elephant,
I'm galloping down this river bank with, like, twenty other ones galloping
behind me, and I'm going, I'm holding onto whatever bugs, hair, or whatever
I can hold onto, going, 'Don't fall off, what ever you do. Because these
guys are not going to stop, just because I fall off. They don't know I'm
* Goofs: There are no wild Orangutans
in Africa. They are native to Borneo and Sumatra.
Tarzan The Ape Man 1981
Gallery One: Bo Meets Tarzan
Miles O'Keeffe Tribute Photo Collage
Off-Site Reference:
*** 1929: The
Planet of Peril, a Venus novel by Otis Adelbert Kline is serialized
in Argosy All-Story. ERB's plans for his Venus series were set back.
OAK and ERB were contemporaries. Each author wrote SF/Fantasy Adventure
series with their visions of life on Mars and Venus. They also both wrote
hero stories. Kline's bio, bibliography and articles are included in my
ERBzine OAK Tribute Pages
Valdron Excerpt: "Venus is a sort of poor sibling.
For some reason, it's never quite captured the imagination of writers or
fans the way Mars did. One proof of this, is that we don't
see the same sort of crossover pastiches for fictional Venuses, in the
same way we find fictional Mars crossing over. Hence, Burroughs Venus stories
stand alone. Carson Napier never meets Tarzan, he doesn't encounter
anything like Wells' tentacled Martian invaders, never meets a Venerian
equivalent of Gulliver Jones. However, there is at least one major writer
who wrote adventures of Venus, who deserves a bit of scrutiny: Otis
Adelbert Kline.
Kline was a
pulp writer of the 1920s and '30s, who was in many ways a contemporary
and a rival of Burroughs. Nowadays, his reputation rests largely
on the similarity of his jungle and interplanetary books to those of Burroughs,
and on stories of a supposed rivalry and competition between the two writers.
This is rather unfair. Kline was more than simply an imitator
of Burroughs, that implies an inferior imitation. It would
be better to say that Kline was a peer of Burroughs. His novels
are right up there, toe to toe, eye to eye. He's generally better
than Burroughs worst, not surprising since Burroughs was so much more prolific,
and his best is close to Burroughs own best. Moreover, Kline's
range diverted a bit from Burroughs, since he also seemed to write ‘Weird
Tales’ and Lovecraft-inspired stuff. Kline had a fairly diverse
career, while Burroughs was mainly a writer, Kline was a publisher, editor,
agent, songwriter, composer and music publisher.
In short, there
was a lot more to Kline than simply being a Burroughs clone, or even being
the best of the Burroughs clones. An appellation of this sort
diminishes the man, and diminishes what must have been a rich and worthwhile
Serialized in
July 20, 1929 ~ Published in book form by: A.C. McClurg & Co.,
Chicago, 1929 ~ Grosset & Dunlap, NY, 1929 ~
Avalon Books,
NY, 1961 ~ Ace Books, NY, 1963
Otis Albert Kline's Venus by
Den Valdron
Planet of Peril: Read our e-Text
Otis Adelbert Kline Tributes: 12 Webpages
OAK Weird Tales Covers Collage
*** 1955:
"Tarzan and the Preserver," by John Celardo and Dick
Van Buren, began June 20 in 1955 and ran for 62 days. I've reprinted
all the Celardo dailies in the ERBzine Comics Archive.
Tarzan and the Preserver: All 62 daily Celardo strips:
ERBzine ERB Comics Archive
Click or go to reference links below for more
info and larger images.
Baby Danton with Grandparents,
Parents, brother John, Sister Dian, Cousin Mike ~ Portrait by Dad John
Coleman Burroughs
With ERB, Inc. Office Memorabilia
~ By Tarzana Office Tree ~ Capra Autograph & Meeting ~ My last photo
of Dan
*** 1944: Danton Burroughs was born to John Coleman
Jane Ralston Burroughs in Los Angeles on June 21, 1944, and
was a terrific representative and promoter of the works of his grandfather,
Rice Burroughs.
The ERB world was surprised and saddened by his unexpected
death at the relatively young age of 63 on May 15, 2008. He had been suffering
from Parkinson's disease and had also just experienced the trauma of seeing
some irreplacable ERB memorabilia destroyed in a fire, factors which may
have contributed to his sudden passing. Fans and family dearly wish there
had been opportunity to share more time with him and he with all, including
grandchildren. He would have loved to participate in the great achievements
of his worthy successors at ERB Inc. over the past several years.
Letter To Danton from Grandfather Ed Burroughs: June
22 1944 ~ Master Danton Burroughs ~ Tarzana, California
Dear Danton:
Just two years ago today your brother
arrived when our world did not look too bright. But you come in on
the crest of a victorious wave that is carrying us and our allies to successful
ending of World War II much sooner than we had expected.
If your generation shows more intelligence
than past generations, perhaps there will be no more wars. But that
is almost too much to expect. However, there is a chance. You
have been born into the greatest nation the world has ever known.
Keep it great. Keep it strong. If you do, no country will dare
to go to war if we say no.
Put this letter away and read it June
21st 1965. You will be of age then. See then if the politicians
have kept your country great and strong. If they haven't, do something
about it. If I'm around I'll remind you.
~ Good luck my boy, Your Grandfather ~ (sig) Edgar
Rice Burroughs
I have fond memories of the last time
I saw Dan. We had many great times together during my visits to Tarzana
from Canada. Together we explored ERB memorabilia in the ERB, Inc. Office
and Warehouse as well as in his house and grounds and also in what was
left of his grandfather's original Tarzana estate - mainly the garage/ballroom/theatre.
. . and beyond across the El Caballero Country Club that includes the original
golf course that ERB and nephew Studley had designed.
On the last night I had been with
Dan, his old friend John Westervelt and I played our guitars outside Dan's
house under California stars while Danton shouted out names of some of
his favourite songs. We then went for a late supper at California Pizza.
The next morning Dan and I drove over
to the family home where he had grown up with his Dad and Mom and brother
John and sister Dian. It was being demolished . . . sad to see. Then it
was on to LAX where we said what was to be our final goodbyes as I entered
the terminal to board a plane back to Canada.
I spoke to Dan on the phone the night
that a tragic fire had destroyed a special room in his Tarzana home. He
was very broken up since he lost so much of collection in the flames. He
died that night.
My next visit to Tarzana and Dan's
home was a few weeks later to give the eulogy at his Celebration of Life
at the Tarzana Cultural Centre.
Happy Birthday Dan
Danton Through the Years I
Danton Through the Years II
Danton Burroughs Memorial
Our Danton Burroughs Tribute Website
Off-Site Reference
LA Times Obituary
1944: Ed celebrated
the birth of his grandson, Danton, with Frank Capra at the
From Ed's
letter to daughter Joan: "I met Col. Frank
Capra the other evening and all evening until midnight, and that I had
him at lunch at the Outrigger Canoe Club yesterday. Almost from the first
it was "Frank" and "Edgar". I think he is a very swell person with a great
sense of humor (he laughed at my sallies). He told me the first evening
that he had heard a lot about Hully and his work, and of course that endeared
him to me immediately."
ERB's Letter Reference to his
Capra Meeting
ERB's 1944 Wartime Letters
ERB Bio Timeline
*** "It Happened One Night" ~ "You Can't Take It With
You" ~ "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" ~ "It's A Wonderful Life."
Frank Capra tended to direct major movies that
had titles which were complete sentences. He never did a Tarzan movie,
but if he had the title might have been something such as: "The Ape Man
Rides the Herd" or "It's a Jungle Out There."
Though Capra had no Tarzan movie credits himself, he
did meet Tarzan's creator, Edgar Rice Burroughs, who had become the oldest
and most senior war correspondent in the Pacific Theatre in World War II.
The two men met June 21, 1944, and we know they did because he signed ERB's
autograph book with the notation "S.C., Col.," the S.C. standing for
Signal Corps.
Like ERB himself (both were past the normal age of enlistment),
he sought various ways of helping his country respond to the Japanese sneak
attack on Pearl Harbor. Capra abandoned his successful directing career
and his presidency of the Screen Directors Guild within four days of the
start of the war and received a commission as a major in the Army.
During the next four years of World War II, Capra's job
was to head a special section on morale to explain to soldiers "why the
hell they're in uniform", writes Capra, and they were not "propaganda"
films like those created by the Nazis and Japan. Capra directed or co-directed
seven documentary war information films in the "Why We Fight" series.
Frank Capra's Autograph from ERB's Collection
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The War Years
Off-Site Reference:
Bio in IMDB
*** "Tarzan the Magnificent,"
by William Juhre and Don Garden, began in the daily comics
section June 21, 1937, and ran for 96 days.
Tarzan the Magnificent: Read all 96 of these daily

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All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2018/2022 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective