Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
9 ~ SEPT 10
12 ~ SEPT 13 ~ SEPT
Click for full-size images
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: Argosy/All-Story
40th Ann. Issue ~ El Caballero Country Club
on Tarzana Ranch Site ~ Ron Ely: TV Tarzan, Supremes
as Nuns, Mad Magazine TV Tarzan Parody
*** 1966: The Tarzan yell began resonating on TV screens
across the nation once a week starting this date, as Ron Ely's "Tarzan"
took to the small screen.
It was quite successful in TV terms, lasting two full
seasons, buoyed along by an interesting array of guest stars who showed
up each week to adventure with Tarzan in his jungle. It was so successful
that Mad Magazine did a satire, titled "TVarzan." There were
also trading cards, an occasional Gold Key Tarzan comic book with
Ron Ely as Tarzan on the cover, and other items.
Mike Henry was slated to play the role but backed out.
Ely was scheduled to play a Tarzan imposter in a proposed episode, but
was promoted to be the real Tarzan instead (eat your heart out, Esteban
In September of 1966, John Martin
was serving with the U.S. Marines on Okinawa and didn't watch much
television, partly because there was only one TV in the barracks and partly
because there was only one English speaking channel, run by the Armed
Force Radio-Television Service (affectionately called "Afarts" by one
and all). So when "Tarzan" was showing up regularly in the U.S. it may
not have even been one of the series shown on Afarts. He didn't get out
of the Corps until the fall of 1968, after the series was over, so it's
a good thing we have reruns and DVDs!
One of the first ERBzine Webpages
I created back in the '90s was ERB-TV. Read that page (ERBzine 0014)
to see the dates, stars and synopsis of each of the Ely Tarzan TV episodes.
Coincidentally, another famous TV
series, Star Trek, also debuted on this same date. As we have reported
in ERB Events and ERBzine numerous times through the years, yet another
coinciding debut of interest to ERB fans was the appearance of the first
newspaper strip of Tarzan and Buck Rogers on the same day
of January 7, 1929.
ERB-TV: Ron Ely TV Tarzans Episodes and Info
TVarzan Parody in MAD Magazine
TV's Tarzan: Ron Ely Collage
Ely Awarded BB Golden Lion Award by Pres. Dunn at
Tarzana Dum-Dum
Ely Covers: Tarzan Comics: Nos. 162, 165, 168, 171
*** 1917: Ed started The Lost U-Boat (The
Land That Time Forgot)
The Land That Time Forgot
*** 1922 Fall: Tarzan and the
Golden Lion appeared in the special 40th Ann. issue of Argosy All-Story.
ERB also contributed a 1,200-word introduction tracing the Tarzan series
and characters from the first story.
juggles several different plot threads and ties them together (with perhaps
a heavy glue of coincidence) into a very entertaining book. There is the
introduction of Jad-Bal-Ja, the golden lion himself, but as imposing a
presence as he is, he`s not the main focus of the book. For the most part,
the story follows a trip by Tarzan back to Opar for some boodle and then
to the nearby odd civilization of the Palace of Diamonds. Meanwhile, a
vile crew of assorted rogues are also headed for Opar to snatch some of
that treasure, among them the Greystoke`s former maid and a Spaniard named
Esteban Miranda, who looks so much like Tarzan that he fools even Muviro
and the Waziri in daylight." ~ Hermes Review
"Tarzan had
been betrayed. Drugged and helpless, he was delivered into the hands of
the dreadful priests of Opar, last bastion of ancient Atlantis. La, High
Priestess of the Flaming God, had saved him once again, driven by her hopeless
love for the ape-man. But now she was betrayed and threatened by her people.
To save her, Tarzan fled with her into the legendary Valley of Diamonds,
while Jad-bal-ja, his faithful golden lion, followed. Ahead lay a land
where savage gorillas ruled over servile men. And behind, Estaban Miranda—who
looked exactly like Tarzan—plotted further treachery." Ballantine Summary
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
ERBzine Illustrated Pulp Bibliography: 1920-1922
***1925: Edgar Rice Burroughs severed
all official connections with financially-troubled El Caballero Country
In the early '20s, Ed's Tarzana
ranch had run into financial difficulties and his subdivision project was
slow developing. In desperation, Burroughs sold 120 acres of the Tarzana
Ranch in early 1924. Investors planned to turn the property into an exclusive
country club called the El Caballero. Since Ed and nephew Studley had designed
and built much of the course, he took on the role of managing director
of the Club. He became very involved in membership drives, building plans
and the running of the Club. In 1925 he severed all official connections
with the foundering club and moved to a small house in the valley below.
El Cab gradually recovered and evolved into a highly respected club and
course, It has played host to many international tournaments through the
Dan's friend, Tarzana historian,
and one-time owner of the ranch buildings, Ralph Herman, drove me all around
the course in a golf buggy one afternoon. Ralph is very involved with the
club and was a great source of local history. Quite a thrill seeing
the property I had read and heard so much about over the years. He later
treated me to an elaborate meal at the exclusive El Caballero club house
dining room -- great memories.
ERB's El Caballero Souvenir
Booklet with Studley Art
El Caballero/Tarzana Ranch Booklet Collage
*** 1927: Who Cares? An
article by Normal Bean and others by ERB appeared in the Tarzana Bulletin.
ERB pleaded for protection of wildlife.
Denny Miller: Star of Tarzan the Ape Man, TV/Film,
and Fan Favourite ~ Henry Hardy Heins' Biblio of ERB
~ Eddie Gilbert's Bookstore ~ Sue-On delving into
Heins and recent ERB, Inc. books
*** 2014: Denny Miller (1934.04.25-2014.09.09) ~
It was sad news indeed for ERB fans in 2014 when Denny Miller passed
away Sept. 9 at the age of 80 of Lou Gehrig's disease.
Denny starred in 1959's "Tarzan the Ape Man" remake,
one of his earliest films. He went on to play Duke Shannon for several
seasons on "Wagon Train" (billed as Scott Miller) and then, under
his own name again, starred in a series called "Mona McCluskey"
opposite Juliet Prowse, and showed up on television continually in guest
star roles in numerous television series. His favourite movie was starring
as "Wyoming" Bill Kelso in Peter Sellers's "The Party."
Denny made a huge contribution to ERB's legacy when he
made contact with the then chairman of the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee
and was successful in persuading the man that Edgar Rice Burroughs deserved
to be on a U.S. commemorative postage stamp. That stamp was issued Aug.
17, 2012.
Denny showed up regularly with wife
Nancy at ERB fan conventions and made lasting friends with all. It was
always a treat to chat with Denny . . . he had so many wonderful show biz
stories to share. For a few years Denny sent career anecdotes to share
with ERBzine and our readers. It was a great experience collating these
real life tales and finding illustrations for them. Sadly, this project
ended with Denny's passing -- but we have 17 giant pages of them for our
readers to enjoy.
Denny Miller Tribute:
More on Denny Miller:
Denny Miller Career Flashbacks: 17 Webpages
Denny Through the Years Photo Collage
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** 1964: This was
the publication date for Henry Hardy Heins' (1923.12.07 Hollis,
NY - 2003.10.01 Albany, NY) wonderful book, "A Golden
Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs." It was actually
first available in 1962 as a mimeographed manuscript, but was reprinted
and expanded for its first commercial edition in '64.
Just as John Martin missed the Tarzan TV series because
he was in the Marines when it ran, so was he in Marine Corps boot camp
at the time a notice arrived at his house from Donald M. Grant of
West Kingston, R.I., announcing availability of the book for $10.
Alas, Mr. Grant had sold out of all but his two personal copies but John's
mother had mentioned that he was away in the Marines, so he kindly sold
her one of his set-asides. After that, he got on Mr. Grant's mailing list
and was able to buy several other books from him over the years.
This book, and the many publication
dates it contained, was also what first motivated both John and myself
to start keeping track of the dates which have developed into many articles
over the years, including this ERB Events series. The Bibliography was,
and is still is, one of the most treasured and valuable books about ERB,
right up there with the ERB Dictionary, ERB Cyclopedia, Porges's
biography, Robert B. Zeuschner's updated and even more informative
bibliography and a few others.
I bought this landmark book in the
summer of 1964. It had a pretty hefty price tag, but it was one I had to
have. I was still attending Brandon College and scraping up tuition money
by playing TV noon shows, pubs at night, and painting grain elevators and
military PMQs through summer break. With a bit of help from mom and dad,
I splurged and sent for it . . . with a $10 money order :) At the time
it was a fantastic resource. I didn't have occasion to buy another book
from publisher Donald M. Grant for 35 more years when they released Marcia
of the Doorstep and You Lucky Girl! in 1999.
As I noted in ERBzine:
this bibliography is the result of years of study and research in which
the finest collections of more than one continent have been consulted by
Dr. Heins for the best possible authenticity. But the volume is designed
not only as an aid to the collector of Burroughs' editions; it is a fantastic
source of information for the novice Burroughs reader. These pages, covering
50 years of publications are no less than a HISTORY of Edgar Rice Burroughs,
the master story teller himself. "
*** When I received this very large
book in the mail I was starting my 3rd year Bachelor of Science programme
at Brandon College. It was a long-awaited source for information on the
works of ERB -- books and spin-offs -- that I had been laboriously collecting
for over 10 years. I did something that I've always regretted a couple
of years later when Sue-On and I visited Hollywood during our trip south
to visit Tarzana for the first time. We were perusing books in a bookstore
on Hollywood and Vine that I later learned belonged to Eddie Gilbert, the
brother of ERB's second wife, Florence. There was a stack of the Heins
books near the front . . . all of them signed by the author and at a discount
price. Sue-On suggested that I buy one but I foolishly replied that I already
had a copy -- obviously money was tight -- we were travelling on a shoestring.
Updates were added to the bibliography
and it was republished in a slipcased edition in 2001, two years before
Heins passed away at the age of 80.
Henry Hardy Heins and his Bibliography
ERB Title Abbreviations
Index to Chapter Titles in ERB Novels
Barsoomian Cartography: Heins' Letter to ERB in 1949
~ From Dream Weaver
Why Own the Heins by David Adams
Heins speaks of the importance of ERB
Marcia of the Doorstep Review by HH Heins
*** 1927: In his letters,
Ed disagreed with Sinclair Lewis' forcing his anti-religious views
on the public in Elmer Gantry. He felt a novelist's sole purpose
should be to entertain. At the same time he praised the work of Charles
Burroughs' Thoughts on Science and Religion
*** 1929: Ed received copy 1 of
and the Lost Empire. Official release a week later. Dedication was
to: To Jean Hulbert - daughter of Murray Hulbert, a NY attorney
and judge - distant cousin on his mother's side
Tarzan and the Lost Empire
*** 1934: Hal
Foster's Tarzan Sunday strip Tarzan and the Mysterious Maiden Part Two
began on this date. Part One had begun on June 17 and concluded twelve
weeks later on September 2, 1935. George Carlin’s contribution to the strip
ended with the last page of part one. Tarzan and the Mysterious Maiden
Part Two ran for 18 weeks. The episode title was “The Floating Menagerie.”
The Floating Menageri - First Page of The Mysterious
Maiden story run
Series Summaries at:
Foster Bio and all the ERBzine Reprints
as Tarzan and Joan Burroughs Pierce as Jane
Hully with master ET discs ~ Signal Oil: Poster, ERB's
card, Premiere Ticket ~ Tarzan opening page in All-Story
*** 1932: Tarzan Radio Series: What a wonderful world
it was in 1932! You could go the store and buy a new Tarzan book and read
it, open your newspaper and read a colourful Tarzan Sunday strip, go to
your neighbourhood theatre and see Tarzan in action on the big screen and
then... if that were not enough... you could actually turn on your radio,
in the sanctity of your own home, and hear the adventures of Tarzan right
there in your living room.
*** On this date, the first Tarzan radio program began,
featuring ERB's daughter, Joan, as Jane and her real-life husband,
H. Pierce, as Tarzan himself.
The show was sponsored by the Signal Oil and Gas Company,
lending the "Power of Tarzan" to the fuel for your roadster. Just think,
you could drive down the road, powered by Tarzan, listening to Tarzan on
your car radio! The Galvin Manufacturing Company had introduced the first
car radio, the Motorola, in 1930!
The special three-hour "world premiere"
stage show on that Sept. 10 drew thousands to the Fox Pantages Theater
in Hollywood, with the entire cast present to do the show and make speeches.
Among stars attending was Johnny Weissmuller himself,
newly famous from his lead role in the MGM picture, "Tarzan the Ape-Man."
Johnny helped out by giving his Tarzan yell.
"The radio scripts,
which used a combination of narration, dialogue, sound effects and original
music, were closely supervised by ERB. He was fascinated with the quality
of the sound effects but did not hesitate to criticize the scripts whenever
they appeared to be sloppily prepared, or whenever they presented the ape
man as showing fear, laughing or exhibiting any other out-of-character
behaviour.” It was one of the first radio series to be transcribed
on ETs for world-wide markets.
*** Sue-On and I spent much time exploring and photographing
the ET (Electric Transcriptions) Master Tarzan Discs in the ERB, Inc. warehouse
when we visited Hully Burroughs back in 1971. I had been an avid Old Time
Radio collector since buying my first reel-to-reel recorder in 1961 and
had amassed a collection of thousands of OTR shows and ETs. Hully asked
if I'd be available to preview and catalogue their huge collection of 16"
master discs - sadly, I had to return to Canada to resume my teaching duties.
Some of the first shows I had obtained
back then were 77 episodes of this 1932 Tarzan show. When we met Joan and
Jim next day they were thrilled to learn that these shows were still in
existence -- they hadn't heard them since the '30s. Upon returning home
I sent them copies of the shows. A wonderful surprise package came from
Tarzana a few weeks later. They sent us a huge box of ERB, Inc. editions
along with a stack of unused dust jackets!
The Tarzan Radio Show with Jim and Joan Burroughs
Tarzan Radio Show 1932: 77 Episodes
Tarzan On The Air
The Master ET Recordings at ERB, Inc.
Signal Oil Tarzan Club
Signal Oil and Tarzan
*** It’s easy to forget, but most magazine
are on the newsstands before the date on the cover and, in some cases,
quite a bit before. So, while all fans know that “Tarzan of the Apes” was
first published in the October 1912 edition of The All-Story, the magazine
was actually on the newsstands in late August. Magazines are generally
dated according to the date the following issue will appear.
One way it’s clear that the first Tarzan story was published
earlier than October is because people who read ERB’s article started writing
letters to All Story about it. An early letter was dated today, Sept. 10,
in 1912, and other letters had September dates as well.
Tarzan Letters to All-Story desk
ERB Pulp Magazine Bibliography
*** 1919: "Tarzan and the Valley of Luna"
was completed at Tarzana, but rejected by both Red Book and Cosmopolitan
- it appeared later in All-Story
Tarzan and the Valley of Luna (Untamed)
*** 1942: ERB resigned over his limited role of BMTC
but returned as liaison officer
This and related news in letters to daughter Joan
Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle: Filmation's 1976
Animated Series with Tarzan yell by Danton Burroughs
Burroughs' Tarzana Ranch: Luxurious Living Room, Aerial
View and Side Views of the Mansion
*** 1976 Filmation Tarzan Animated TV Series: "The
Jungle -- here I was born, and here my parents died when I was but an infant.
I would have soon perished too, had I not been found by a kindly she-ape
named Kala who adopted me as her own and taught me the ways of the wild.
I learned quickly and grew stronger each day. And now I share the friendship
and trust of all jungle animals. The Jungle is filled with beauty and danger,
and lost cities filled with good and evil. This is my domain, and I protect
those who come here for I am Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle."
That's the opening from Filmation's terrific Tarzan
animated series, which first appeared on television screens this date,
Sept. 11, in 1976. Later, Tarzan shared an hour of Saturday morning TV
with Batman, and later still with the Super 7.
In 1980, the original Tarzan episodes
were rerun in connection with episodes of The Lone Ranger and later with
Zorro also.
Here was a Tarzan who was more like ERB's Tarzan of the
books than many others. The first episode was "Tarzan and the City of
Gold." A list of episodes, dates, and cast are featured in ERB-TV (ERBzine
"Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle"
featured impressive animation which was far above the average norm. Tarzan's
body movements were heavily rotoscoped, and the jungle tapestry had realism
and depth, a rarity in in television animation up to this point. The animation
had a very 'full' look to it. The background music had an exotic, moody
flavor, and the production overall had a lush, decadent look and feel.
Our friend, the late Dave Hoover,
worked on some of the Tarzan art work on this series. He described some
of these experiences in the series of ERBzine bio and art pages I compiled.
Tarzan Series Intro, Screen Captures and Story
Artist Dave Hoover's Work with Filmation
Approximation to Tarzan Animation by Jairo Uparella
Off-Site References
Tarzan in IMDB I
Tarzan in IMDB II
Tarzan Movie in 1932
*** 1976: Trivia: Danton
Burroughs did the Tarzan "yell" for the Filmation Tarzan TV series.
Danton was the grandson of Edgar Rice Burroughs and son of John Coleman
Burroughs. He spent a lifetime guarding and promoting the legacy of his
grandfather. Dan often entertained guests and startled neighbours at his
Tarzana home by giving a very authentic Weissmuller-verion yell while swinging
from a rope vine.
Danton Burroughs Tribute Site
*** 1920: ERB started major Tarzana
renovations: central heating, 3-car garage, servants rooms, darkroom, workshop,
study and home school room. Ballroom/ movie theatre/ playroom, projection
booth, pool, golf course, lion and monkey cages, riding trails, hen house,
hog pen, dairy barn and horse stalls. Danton sent me photos of the house
. . . I've included a shot of the elaborate living room in the accompanying
Photo Splash Bar.
Memories of ERB's Tarzana
Our Tarzana Site
*** 2001: Bruce Salen Witnessed 9-11
Attack. Bruce, a longtime ERB fan and collector,
shared first-hand accounts of his witnessing of the terrorist attack on
the first Twin Tower. Bruce had flown from New York two times to visit
us in Brandon and during our long chats he shared many stories of life
in NYC. The most frightening and unforgettable story he shared was from
the events of 9-11.
On that morning Bruce had taken a
break from his job in City University of New York. He was standing out
on the street when he heard a low flying jet. He happened to look across
the street to a store front window and saw the reflection of a jetliner
plowing into the skyscraper. He hastened back to the office which was in
turmoil. They watched as fire engulfed the upper part of the tower. Soon
they were horrified to see people jumping from the tower to escape flames
-- their bodies falling to certain death on the sidewalks far below. The
steady explosive sounds of the bodies striking the concrete were horrifying.
The falling debris and bodies made exiting from the building even more
Bruce was shaken by this disaster
and immediately left work to take a bus home to Brooklyn. He had just escaped
the area before the tower collapsed filling the air with thick billowing
dust and debris clouds. A few late arrivals on the bus weren't so fortunate
and were dust covered and very shaken up by the tragedy they had experienced.
*** A 2006 Visit to NYC Ground Zero
In May 2006, we were invited by Phil Collins and Danton
Burroughs of ERB, Inc. to attend the Opening Night Celebrations for Tarzan
the Broadway Musical at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York City. We
took advantage of our return visit to "The Big Apple" to marvel at the
changes that had occurred since our first visit almost 50 years ago. We
took in all the famous sites and sights, but our visit to Ground Zero of
the horrific 9-11 tragedy was probably the most emotional experience. On
this Anniversary of 9-11, we've included a few our photos of that visit
from our USA/911 page.
Bruce Salen Remembered: A 3-Page Tribute
Hillmans Visit to NYC 9-11 Ground Zero

Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher a 39-episode
radio serial ~ ERB replied to a letter from Maurice B. Gardner
Bandit of Hell's Bend in All-Story ~ ERB authorized
Princess of Mars and The Gods of Mars Braille Editions
*** 1932: After the gala introductory stage show on Sept.
10, TARZAN OF THE APES - The first Tarzan radio series began on
this date. It was a syndicated serial that lasted for 286 episodes and
starred James and Joan Burroughs Pierce. The cast also included Gale Gordon
~ Cy Kendall ~ Jeannette Nolan ~ Hanley Stafford and Frank Nelson. See
ERBzine 0011 for a synopsis of the first 77 episodes and ERBzine 2728 to
listen to the programs in the Hillman collection.
Advertising material put together to encourage stations
to air the series included this statement: "For twenty
years Tarzan of the Apes has been building an eager audience, composed
of the readers of the ten million Burroughs books that have been sold in
English-speaking countries.
"60 Burroughs stories have appeared
in American magazines, and most of them have been syndicated in newspapers.
"116 daily newspapers are publishing
the Tarzan strips now.
"93 Sunday papers are publishing
the Tarzan full-color page now. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Johnnie Weismuller
(sic) Tarzan the Ape Man was one of the six best box-office attractions
of 1933. They have just released a new Tarzan picture, Tarzan and his Mate,
at a cost of over a million dollars, and they have bought and paid for
a third Tarzan picture.
"Sol Lesser's Tarzan the Fearless
is now showing throughout the country.
"These are some of the reasons
why the Tarzan Radio Program has the largest ready-made audience ever gathered
under thirty million roofs."
You know....ERB had a pretty good sales pitch!
I commented on much of this 1932 series
in my September 10 entry on this page.
The popular debut series was followed up two years later
with "Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher." Next came Tarzan and
the Fires of Tohr in 1936 and Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle from
1951 to 1953. Many of the episodes in the 1930s series were written or
monitored by ERB.
I have these radio series in my OTR
library and have shared them on my ERBzine pages. I made careful notes
on the plot of each episode.
Radio's Golden Age
Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher: Listen to every episode
Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher: Serial Summaries
ERB On The Air
Tarzan and the Golden Days of Radio
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
*** 1923: On this date, the
Library for the Blind was granted permission to publish "A Princess
of Mars" and "The Gods of Mars" in non-profit braille editions.
One can hope they followed up and got permission for the sequel, "The Warlord
of Mars," as well, because it wouldn't be any fun being blind and having
to go through life wondering if John Carter ever got his princess back!
Four years earlier, in 1919, ERB had a series of letter
exchanges with another organization, the Institute for the Blind. He had
given them permission to publish some of his books in Braille but they
also wanted him to fund the publication of the books, just as some other
authors, including Jack London, Booth Tarkington and Zane Grey,
had. ERB, however, felt that giving free publication rights was sufficient
and they could get the funding somewhere else! ERB was always happy to
give permission to companies which wanted to publish non-profit Braille
editions of his books, and many have been published over the years.
Danton Burroughs had sent me over
1,000 titles of books that had once been contained in ERB's personal Library.
I added illustrations, bios, publishing info and where possible eText versions
of these historic volumes. ERB had many Tarkington and Grey books in this
personal library. This project is displayed across many Webpages at
I also created lengthy ERB/Zane Grey Connection and ERB/Jack
London Projects for all to read in ERBzine.
ERB Bio Timeline: '20s Decade
A Princess of Mars: Biblio Info plus eText
The Gods of Mars: Biblio Info plus eText
Sept. 20, 1919, note in ERBzine back issue 2004
ERB's Personal Library Project
ERB/Zane Grey Connection
ERB/Jack London Connection
*** 1924: The Bandit
of Hell's Bend started in Argosy. On this date Ed Burroughs
wrote to M. B. Gardner, who had expressed a wish that Burroughs "stick
to highly imaginative fiction." Maurice
B. Gardner went on to create the Tarzan-influenced Bantan books.
The Bandit of Hell's Bend
ERB's Reply to a letter from Maurice B. Gardner
*** 1924: Ed rented out Tarzana
Ranch as well as Koonskin Kabin which was on the property to movie
companies that filmed: Bar ‘F’ Mystery and Bred in
the Bone with William Fairbanks, Pioneer and
Terry with William Duncan, and Squatters with Bill
*** 1927: McClurg reported US and
UK sales to be 6,350,000 copies
1928: Ed decribed his new Tarzan
dog: "He is a six month Old English Sheepdog,
weighs fifty five pounds and is still going strong. I think he is one of
the brightest dogs I ever saw, but, like all puppies, a damn uisance and
eleven times as much a nuisance as though he weighed only five pounds."
1928: "We have
been at the beach for two days now, and as far as I am concerned I would
just as soon be home. The damned ocean depresses me terribly and there
has been fog, or haze, or mist, or something that made it impossible to
see much further than spitting distance. Everything is grey and somber
and gloomy. However, if Emma and the boys enjoy it, I can put up with it.
And I do like the cooler weather, I shall have to admit that. I was certainly
fed up on heat this summer."

TOP: Tarzan of the Apes: UK Methuens ~ Bandit
of Hell's Bend in All-Story ~ Deputy of Comanche County:
Book & ERB-dom reprints of original pulps ~ Tanar
of Pellucidar 1st in Blue Book
LOWER: MIKE GRELL: ECOF 2011 Minneapolis logo ~ Awards:
Hoffman, Hillman, Grell, Chapman,
Fury, Sigmund (Host) ~ Sue-On & Mike ~ Mayor ERB
in Malibu Office & "Tarzan" dog
*** 1917: Tarzan of the Apes was released in Britain on
this date. The first hardbound Apes was published in America in 1914,
but the Methuen company did not begin its long string of publishing ERB
books in Great Britain until three years later. Methuen's first Apes had
a jacket illustration by Champneys, but F.W. Goss art was
used later.
According to D. Peter Ogden,
the early editions of Methuen's "Apes" had the footnote at the end, telling
the reader that what became of Tarzan and his noble act of self-renunciation
would be told in another book. But, he said, "When
Methuen redesigned the book with a new cover illustration by Goss, they
also used new plates, with slightly less pages and dropped the footnote."
*** Methuen
with the Goss cover was the first good Tarzan of the Apes edition
I was able to find back in the 1959. I had all the new G&Ds, but they
had skipped TA - all I could find was a ragged almost unreadable old edition
of the title. Eventually, my search was successful. Smart's Booksellers
in our closest city, Brandon - 100 km away, stocked quite a few books from
England. . . so I was excited to finally find a good-condition new edition.
Back in those days I lovingly put dates in all the books I bought which
makes for an interesting flashback, although it's a practice that makes
most collectors cringe.
The Goss UK DJ is featured at Tarzan of the Apes page
Checklist of UK Hardcover ERB Editions
Hillman List of ERB books collected in '50s
Collage of UK Hardcovers
Off-Site Reference:
Googled British ERB covers
*** Sept. 13 was a significant date for both of
ERB's cowboy books.
The first installment of ERB's first western, "The
Bandit of Hell's Bend," appeared in the Argosy All-Story Weekly
dated Sept. 13, 1924. The magazine's cover art, by Modest Stein,
was also used on the jacket of the hardback version that A.C. McClurg
& Co. would publish later.
The first hardback edition of "The Deputy Sheriff
of Comanche County" was published Sept. 13, 1940. It had been serialized
in Thrilling Adventures magazine in three parts earlier that year,
under the title of “The Terrible Tenderfoot,” and contained text
which was omitted in the hardback book. The book dedication is: "To
Mary Lucas Pflueger," a close friend and member of a prominent Honolulu
family. Because of wartime paper shortage, this is the last ERB book to
appear until 1944. Cover art for the Thrilling Adventures, ERB-dom reprints
plus cover interior art for all of these editions - plus e-Text edition
are all featured in my ERBzine.
The Bandit of Hell's Bend
The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County
Deputy cover and interior art by John Coleman
Terrible Tenderfoot Pulp Reprints in ERB-dom Fanzine
Thrilling Adventures Covers for Terrible Tenderfoot
*** 1947: Mike Grell, the
artist of Tarzan and a universe full of DC heroes, was born on this
"Grell wrote and drew the Tarzan Sunday strip
from July 19, 1981, to February 27, 1983 (except for one strip, February
13, 1983, by Thomas Yeates)," which we've featured in ERBzine.
"Mike has been a real fan favourite
at popular conventions. His guest appearance at Rudy Sigmund's 2011 Minneapolis
ECOF is fondly remembered by Sue-On and I and the ERB fans who made many
stops at his table. He shared many stories with the attendees about his
experiences as an artist and the huge body of work he's created over the
Mike Grell Bio and His Tarzan Sunday Pages
Mike Grell: Guest Artist: 2011 Minneapolis ECOF
Grell Tarzan Covers for Dark Horse Comics
*** 1919: The Institute for the
Blind were selecting books for blind soldiers asked Ed to donate brailing
costs -- probably for Tarzan of the Apes.
*** 1928: Ed started Tanar of Pellucidar
at Sea View Terrace, Santa Monica
Tanar of Pellucidar
Tanar: Collage of Blue Book Covers
1930: Ed wrote to Bert Weston:
Hulbert, Jack and I just returned from a trip up the Redwood Highway to
Grant's Pass in Oregon and back down the Pacific Highway, which follows
the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. We made the trip in two Aerocars.
They are trailers that hook on behind a car, with a special hitch. The
big one, which is called a Pullman and is twenty feet long, was hauled
by my old 1921 Packard Roadster. This car contains two lower berths, two
upper berths, long divan, lavatory, toilet, refrigerator, clothes press
and various drawers and compartments for clothing or what have you. The
other trailer, which we used as a commissary car, was hauled by a Ford
Pick-up car that I bought for the purpose. It was our dining room and kitchen.
We took the cook and his wife, who slept in the commissary car. It makes
a very easy way of camping out and the whole outfit worked out very nicely.
I think one of these cars would be a great thing for you and Margaret,
who are always tearing around the country."
1932: The beach
house expansion was near completion. The addition hid the old house which
stands just beyond it.
*** 1933: ERB was elected mayor
of Malibu Beach
ERB: Malibu's First Mayor
1945: Ed's plans to return to the
US were upset by a series of angina attacks and he was confined
to bed for over a month.
ERB: The War Years
ERB Bio Timeline: '40s Decade
Teddy Roosevelt's Africa Trip Route and cowcatcher
ride photo ~ ERB on one of his many imaginary Africa visits
The Eternal Lover: Pulps, 1st Ed., Ace PB,
Bison, UK and Japanese Editions
*** 1913: In The Eternal Lover chapter
2: Ed wrote "...that has nothing to do with this story; nor has John Clayton,
Lord Greystoke, who was, once upon a time, Tarzan of the Apes, except that
my having chanced to be a guest of his at the same time as the Custers
makes it possible for me to give you a story that otherwise might never
have been told."
So penned ERB in the second chapter of "The Eternal
Lover," describing how he happened to be in the right place at the
right time to obtain the information for that important story.
ERB writes little else of his own adventures, but David
Arthur Adams has researched the matter and provides some other details
which never would have been known, including the fact that ERB finally
departed from the estate, in the company of Tarzan himself and 50 Waziri
warriors, on this date.
Everyone remembers when Edgar Rice
Burroughs took some notes while riding through Africa on the cowcatcher
of a train, right? That’s how he eventually made it to the coast, after
leaving the Greystoke estate. ERB figured that if the railroad had allowed
Roosevelt to get away with riding a steam engine up front, that they
would not be able to refuse him the right to do so as well.
Porges doesn't really get into these particular
travels of ERB, but David Arthur Adams did all of the necessary research,
and was able to flesh out the details from this chapter of ERB's life,
along with a report on the Teddy Roosevelt connection. The ERBzine
Bio notes that in 1898 Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt sent Ed a letter
rejecting his offer for enlistment in the Rough Riders who were preparing
to drive the Spanish out of Cuba. "I wish I could take you in, but I
am afraid that the chances of our being over enlisted forbid my bringing
a man from such a distance." It is rumoured that Ed received a commission
in the Nicaraguan army but his family would not let him go.
The ERB/Teddy Roosevelt Connection
The Eternal Lover: Covers, Art, History, Links
The Eternal Lover: Read the e-Text
Off-Site References:
cow catcher ride in Africa
Fictional Travels: Greystoke Chronologist: James Michael Moody
1918: ERB was promoted to Major in
the Illinois Militia
*** 1921: September films shown by ERB
to family and valley community in his Tarzana Ranch Ballroom Theatre:
Dolled Up ~ Jail Bird ~ The Dog Doctor (short) ~ The Smart Sex ~ A Bunch
of Kisses ~ The Blazing Trail with Frank Mayo ~ Seeing's Believing (short)
~ Cheated Love cancelled because it starred Carmel Myer a popular
vamp of the silents ~ No Woman Knows with Bernice Radom.
This theatre/ballroom was in a building
that ERB built on the grounds after moving into the Tarzana Ranch mansion.
The building also housed a garage for ERB's fleet of cars and an office/film
processing room. After the main house was demoished this building was converted
into a modern home. Sue-On and I visited this structure during a Dum-Dum
and numerous times later when Danton and I moved his father's art and memorabilia
from storage lockers in the valley up to here for temporary storage.
*** Information on the September Films shown at Tarzana
DOLLED UP ~ 1921 Film with Gladys Walton
JAILBIRD ~ 1920 Film with Douglas MacLean and Doris May
DOG DOCTOR ~ 1921 short film by Fred Hibbard
SMART SEX ~ 1920 ~ With Eva Novac
BUNCH OF KISSES ~ 1921 Fred Hibbard short with Louise
Lorraine co-starred with Elmo Lincoln in ADVENTURES
BLAZING TRAIL ~ 1921 Film with Frank Mayo
LOVE ~ 1921 Film with popular vamp: Carmel Myers
WOMAN KNOWS ~ 1921 Film with Bernice Radom
1942: Ed socialized with many
officers of the Signal Corps, Intelligence, Anti-Aircraft Brigade,
etc. Ed entered into a battle of wits with the Signal Corps. Each tried
to baffle the other with coded messages - "undecipherable ciphers."
Signal Corps ~ A Poem by Edgar Rice
The Signal Corps has little flags
Sometimes it wigs again it wags
I do not doubt that if they heed 'em
The Signal Corps can really read 'em
But what its cryptographers sigh for
Is the key to Burroughs famous cipher
ERB Bio Timeline

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All Rights Reserved.
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