Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
9 ~ OCT 10
OCT 11 ~ OCT
12 ~ OCT 13 ~ OCT 14
Click for full-size images
The Efficiency Expert: House of Greystoke ed.:
Frazetta art, 1921 Pulps: Mulford art in 1st
Land Time Forgot: 3rd Blue Book, Trilogy reprints
in 1927 Amazing, ~ Forbidden City: Whitman reprint, Sgroi art
*** 1916: ERB reported that Bowen Tyler Jr. sat down
and wrote the last four chapters of his adventures on this date. It would
eventually be published under the title of “The Land That Time Forgot."
Bowen says he was alone when he wrote those last few pages to consign,
with the rest of the story, to a bottle, which he would toss into the sea.
But the last page of his manuscript tells how he and Lys La Rue
got together at last as man and wife, wed under the laws of Caspak
– laws which Bowen and Lys, being the most civilized form of life there,
wrote themselves.
But if Bowen was alone when he wrote the last part of
the story, that means he must have left Lys at home to sweep out the cave
while he went about his business. No doubt, when he got back, he would
discover that she had been kidnapped by caveman ruffians in his absence.
That's the way it is in the world of ERB, as well as in the world of Caspak!
The Land That Time Forgot: Illustrated Bibliography
The Land That Time Forgot: Complete Trilogy in e-Text
The Land That Time Forgot: 1975 Film: 2 Parts
Off-Site Reference
*** 1921: The first of four parts of
ERB's “The Efficiency Expert” appeared in
Argosy All-Story Weekly.
Since the magazine sold for 10 cents, a reader would pay 40 cents for the
whole story, the same price that one had to pay to get a complete Burroughs
story in paperback from Ace Books a little over 40 years later!
What a deal!
. The cover of the magazine shows a man looking at a
woman through the window of an automobile. The man is not Jimmy Torrance,
hero of the book, but a somewhat shady character (though with a heart of
gold), known as the Lizard, and the woman is Edith Hudson.
The first edition of this story was
published many years later in 1966 by The House of Greystoke. It was a
photographic reprint of the All-Story version of 84 pages. It featured
a Frank Frazetta front cover and same frontispiece. Roger B. Morrison four
B/W interiors from the pulp version were included. Publisher Vern Coriell
sent me a copy of this - a real treasure.
Efficiency Expert in Illustrated Pulp Bibliography
The Efficiency Expert: Illustrated Bibliography
The Efficiency Expert: Original Pulp Text
Off-Site Reference
1954: Whitman hardback editions sold for 49 cents
each. Our ERB Events of two days ago noted the 1952 appearance, in DJ,
of Whitman's abridged editions of “Tarzan and the City of Gold”
and “Tarzan and the Forbidden City.” On this date, Oct. 8, in 1954,
Whitman published the printed-cover edition of “Forbidden City”
with interior illustrations by Tony Sgroi instead of Jesse Marsh,
whose interior art had been used in the first Whitman edition of that title
Whitman’s companion volume, their followup edition of “City of Gold,” had
come out in July of that year.
As seen in my ERBzine coverage "Forbidden City" has an
unusual history, it was even adapted for a radio series called "Tarzan
and the Diamond of Asher." I feature every episode in ERBzine and have
also written summaries for episodes.
Tarzan and the Forbidden City: Illustrated Bibliography
Forbidden adapted for Diamond of Asher radio serial
(Synopsis of every episode by Bill Hillman)
Listen to all 39 Diamond of Asher radio shows
*** 1932: Terrace Drive
Murder appears in Script Mag
*** 1949: This month the Sunday Tarzan
strip format was changed from tab to half-page
ERB Bio Timeline and Annotated Calendar
Carthoris: son of John Carter & Dejah Thoris:
Ivie Art ~ 3 Cartoons by ERB ~ Fredrik Ekman (R) & Jim Hadac (L)
Great Chicago Fire ~ ERB's "Men of the Bronze Age"
(Savage Pellucidar from ERBbooks)
*** 1866: Martian Dejah Thoris lays the egg for her first
born, Carthoris:
In some of his stories, ERB gives exact dates for certain
events, such as the dates he lists in “The Land That Time Forgot”. However,
the determination of some dates in stories is left up to fans such as Fredrik
Ekman, James Michael Moody, Alan Hanson, Philip Jose Farmer and others.
It requires a lot of research to coordinate ERB references to actual world
events, and sometimes these dedicated date detectives come to different
If Ekman’s research is correct, then
on this date, on Barsoom, corresponding to our Earth date of Oct. 9, 1866,
the oviparous
Martian Dejah Thoris laid the egg that contained the
ingredients for Carthoris.
But would that be considered Carthoris's "birthday,"
or would his birthday, on Mars, be the date five years later that he actually
broke free of his egg and pounded on the door of the incubator until they
let him out, then crawled up on Dejah's lap, and said his first words:
"Where's Da-Da?"
In any case, Ekman attests to the fact that it IS, at
least, the day there was some visible form of what was to become Carthoris.
Both John Lennon and his son,
were born on this date, Oct. 9, John in 1940 and Sean in 1975. That has
nothing to do with Edgar Rice Burroughs, except to point out that Carthoris
shares a birthday of sorts (Oct. 9 in 1866) with these musical men. Imagine!
The Beatles were Tarzan fans and even inserted a photo of Weissmuller's
Tarzan in their Sgt. Pepper album cover collage.
To understand how he arrived at his
dates, one needs to read Ekman's articles in ERBzine:
Ekman Chronology for ERB Mars Novels
Fredrik Ekman meets The Red Hawk:
Ivie Mars art and John Martin's Gods of Mars Poem
Collage of Larry Ivie Gods of Mars Art
John Lennon Tributes in Hillman Musical Odyssey
*** 1903: Also
on this day, ERB drew a cartoon and mailed it to his father for his birthday,
telling him that he was taking a correspondence course in drawing and that
he still hoped to be a cartoonist. If he had, most people on this list
would probably not know each other! Many examples of ERB's cartoon work
are featured across the ERBzine site.
Edgar Rice Burroughs possessed the
combined talents of writer, photographer, and artist. Over the last +20
years I have spent countless hours documenting and showcasing these talents
on the Internet in over 15,000 Webpages. Much of this work has been done
with the assistance of Danton Burroughs, who devoted a lifetime in the
preservation and promotion the Burroughs family legacy and of his grandfather's
life and works. ERB's appreciation of the art of illustration is evident
in the choice of artists who brought his written words to visual life:
Schoonover, St. John, Foster, et al -- including his son, John Coleman
and his nephew Studley.
One of the major projects Dan and
I had been working on, in the months preceding his death, was the showcasing
of ERB artwork. Edgar Rice Burroughs' pen-and-ink sketches and cartoons
are both humorous and documentary. Through his sketches he documented many
of his real-life adventures and everyday family events. The reproduction
quality is not always great, but ERB's humour, powers of observation, and
skill with pen and ink shine through. I am proud to share with fellow ERB
fans and scholars a small sampling of the work by one of my favourite artists:
Edgar Rice Burroughs.
The Art of Edgar Rice Burroughs (11 Pages)
ERB Political Cartoon Collage
*** 1871: October
8-10: The Burroughs family watched the great Chicago fire from the roof
of their large, leased, three-story brick townhouse at 650 Washington Boulevard
on the West Side. (Washington Blvd. was where Mary Todd Lincoln chose to
live after the assassination of her husband in 1865.) (Although well
off financially, G.T. Burroughs never owned a home - see ERBzine 0932 ).
One-third of the city was destroyed in the horrific Chicago Fire but their
West Side neighbourhood was spared.
Major George Tyler Burroughs, Sr. and the Chicago
Annotated Illustrated ERB Calendar of Events: October
*** 1940: (Hawaii): ERB noted that
although it was very hot, he managed to write "...4000 words today" for
the Pellucidar novelette which would become "Men of the Bronze Age."
The final installment -- part 4 -- of this story that would become part
of the novel "Savage Pellucidar" was finally published in Amazing
Magazine on November 1963 with two interiors and back cover art by Larry
All four parts of the story were then
published as Savage Pellucidear in the first hardcover edition by
Canaveral Press on November 25, 1963 and later followed by numerous paperback
editions from Ace and Ballantine.
Still later, in October 2018,, endorsed
by ERB, Inc., released a gorgeous special edition with an amazing collection
of illustrations by artists such as Grindberg, Frazetta, Jusko and St.
John, Takebe, and Ivie.
Men of the Bronze Age Summary
Bronze Age compiled in Savage Pellucidar
Savage Pellucidar: ERBbooks authorized by ERB, Inc.
Off-Site Reference:
Pellucidar Special Edition from ERBbooks
***1918: October 9: Although the rest
of the family seem to have escaped the flu, Hulbert shows symptoms which
Ed hopes is the lighter Spanish Influenza.
ERB Bio Timeline
Annotated Illustrated ERB Calendar of Events: October
A Princess of Mars: 1st ed. McClurg with cover
and interior art by Frank Schoonover
The Tarzan Twins: Volland ed. with Donald Grant
art, Canaveral and Big Little Book editions
*** It was an exciting day for fans of the new author, Edgar
Rice Burroughs, when the book version of "A Princess of Mars" was
published on Oct. 10, 1917.
Now, at last, they could toss out that old pulp version
that the wife had been nagging them about and place a "real" book onto
the shelf, one with sturdier pages, a protective hard cover, a full-color
jacket and five interior illustrations by Frank Schoonover. Dedication
was: "To My Son Jack."
“Princess” had been ERB's first story to see print (in
magazine form in 1912), even before the eventual flagship title of "Tarzan
of the Apes," and now, at last, it was getting the treatment it deserved.
Fans could only hope, back then, that parts two and three of the trilogy,
which had also appeared in pulp magazines by that time, would soon show
up in books as well. Then, they could get rid of the ratty old pulps containing
those stories, too. The wife would be very happy.
*** ERB's original story, the magazine version of which
brought him $400 with which to feed his income-less family, has certainly
come a long way, in the 106 years since it first appeared on the product
of a tree and the 101 years since it first found its way between hard covers.
Nowadays, a copy of "Princess" is as close as one's computer keyboard,
where can either summon up the story via Project Gutenberg, or one can
go to any number of websites to order a copy of the book from any number
of publishers.
The story has been published in book form by multiple
companies: A.C. McClurg & Co., Grosset & Dunlap, Doubleday,
Quiet Vision, Methuen, Ballantine, Dover, Easton Press, Bison, Del-Rey,
Penguin, Wildside and more, as well as in uncountable foreign editions.
*** There are various print-on-demand versions (Let the
buyer beware) and at least one facsimilie pulp reprint, made from a pulp
that someone saved in spite of his unhappy wife.
How many copies of “A Princess of Mars” do you own? How
many are hardbacks and how many are paperbacks? Do they bear the title
of “Princess” or the title “Under the Moons of Mars”? Do you have it on
a CD or a cassette tape? Do you have a copy in which it is bound with its
sequels, “Gods of Mars” and “Warlord of Mars”? Do you have a copy of the
edition where it is bound with “A Fighting Man of Mars,” or perhaps the
book where it is bound with “At the Earth's Core?” The edition with full
illustrations by artist Michael Kaluta? The best of all is the Deluxe
Manuscript Edition from
A Princess of Mars overview with history, covers,
art, links:
A Princess of Mars: Read the entire e-text
Collage of the Schoonover art
"Princess" Study Guide Log Notes by Bill Hillman
"The Martian" 31 UK Sun Strips
Spectacular Princess of Mars Art by Michael Kaluta
The Deluxe Manuscript Edition of A PRINCESS OF MARS
Off-Site Reference
et al summary
*** "Princess" was not the only ERB
book to first appear on Oct. 10, though. Exactly 10 years later, Oct. 10,
1927, Volland published an ERB book written especially for young
people -- "The Tarzan Twins." It was a very special edition, with
slipcase and colored pictures. There was a sequel to it with the long title
of "Tarzan and the Tarzan Twins and Jad-bal-ja The Golden Lion."
By the time you had finished reading the title, you had read half the book.
“The Tarzan Twins” featured the adventures of Dick and Doc in wild Africa.
Illustrations were by Donald Grant and the dedication
read: "To Joan, Hulbert and Jack, who were brought
up on Tarzan stories, this volume is affectionately dedicated by their
father." Both stories were combined in the '60s in the
The Tarzan Twins: History, Covers, Art, Comics
The Tarzan Twins: Read the e-Text
Collage of the many covers:
Morphology of a Folktale by ERB: Article by David
The Return of Tarzan (Tarzan of the Apes
two Wyeth covers of New Story's 7-Pt debut serialization
Minidoka: ERB's first book: St. John Cover
and two of ERB's interior cartoon illustrations
*** 1912: Letter of Advice from Thomas Newell Metcalf:
There are always those who are ready to offer free advice.
The trick is in knowing which advice to take and which to ignore.
Edgar Rice Burroughs was very successful as a
writer and there were plenty of people out there wanting to give him advice
about what he should write and how he should write it. Most of these "advisors"
were called "editors," and probably the only thing as annoying to an author
as an editor would be script writers who, of course, also have editors.
Thomas Newell Metcalf was managing editor of The
magazine and he knew he had a winner when he saw the public reaction to
the stories of ERB that he published Metcalf became the first editor to
dish out free advice to ERB,, and some of that advice was contained in
a letter he wrote to ERB on Oct. 11, 1912.
In urging ERB to write a sequel to
“Tarzan of the Apes,” Metcalf advised: "I
have been wondering whether it would not be possible to have him [Tarzan],
after receiving his conge from the girl, make a stagger at being highly
civilized in some effete metropolis such as London, Paris or New York,
where he very quickly finds the alleged diversions of civilization to be
only as ashes in his mouth."
It looks like Metcalf was right on target. That's how
ERB began “The Return of Tarzan,” whether a result of Metcalf's
suggestion or his own fertile mind.
However, from there, Metcalf's advice
pretty much went downhill. Metcalf's idea of Tarzan's eventual return to
the jungle would have taken this form: "For a while,
of course, he tried to persuade himself into believing that he is happy
once more. He very likely develops extreme cruelty and runs the gamut of
doing all kinds of almost insane things with the various animals and also
with the blacks."
Then, Metcalf suggested that ERB have
Tarzan give up on civilization and return to the jungle. Well, that happened,
kind of. Tarzan didn't entirely give up on civilization. In fact, he was
working as a government agent when circumstances landed him back in his
jungle. It had not been a deliberate decision.
Metcalf suggested, in the letter,
that Tarzan "...decides that the only thing he can
do is to go back to the woods and again rule the apes." It sounds more
like Metcalf was pitching the story, many years in advance, for the movie
“Greystoke, the Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes”!
And then Metcalf, assuming that Jane will marry William
Clayton, comes up with this scenario for a new love for Tarzan: "Then
I was wondering whether it might not in some way be possible to introduce
a young woman, whose childhood and youth had been spent exactly as had
Tarzan's. She had been somehow marooned in the wilderness and, as Tarzan,
had grown up to be a savage."
Well, ERB did give us Olga de Coude and La, neither of
whom quite fit that bill, but ERB already knew all along that William Clayton
was going to disgrace himself in front of his bride-to-be and then waste
away from starvation, leaving the field clear for Tarzan and Jane to marry
After all, ERB got the whole story in advance from someone
who had no business to tell it to him or any other!
As for his lasting impression of editors, ERB had this
to say about them in one of his last books:
"I am passing it on just as I first
saw it, but I can't guarantee that it will come to you just as it was typed
that night, for it must pass through the hands of editors and an editor
would edit the word of God." -- Foreword, Beyond the Farthest
Metcalf’s Correspondence with ERB
The Return of Tarzan: History, St. John and other
The Return of Tarzan: Full story in e-Text
Collage of the St. John Headpiece Art from "Return"
1903 (circa):
ERB wrote his first piece of fiction: Minidoka 937th Earl of One Mile
Series M. An Historical Fairy Tale - 82 pages handwritten on the backs
of letterheads and odd sheets of paper.
Minidoka is a captivating, humorous, satirical, and highly
imaginative fairy story that presages the ERB talent that was to flower
ten years later. Idaho was the setting for the tale and ERB created two
imaginary kingdoms separated by the Raft River and “forever at war.” Burroughs’
facility in concocting names that were unusually rhythmic, colourful, or
comical, which was strikingly evident in his later works, both the Tarzan
and other worlds series, is noticeable at this early period. He liked to
experiment with odd syllables and combine them to produce strange words
that sounded realistic in the bizarre settings he created. He had a keen
ear for original phonetic combinations. There are shades of Lewis Carroll
here, and the style surfaces again in the work of John Lennon, the Monty
Python comedy troupe and countless fantasy writers.
This was written over nine years before
his first published novel. It was not published until 1998 by Dark Horse
Comics, Inc. ~ Edited by Peet Janes ~ Hardcover ~ 64 pages ~ $14.95.
The special edition with slipcase featured cover and interior art by Michael
Wm. Kaluta interiors. The regular edition featured cover art by J. Allen
St. John and also featured cartoon art by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Minidoka: History, ERB Art, Reviews, Covers
Collage of ERB's Cartoons from Minidoka
ERB's Practice Run At His Career: Minidoka: Prindle
ERB / Idaho Connection: Multi-Page Series by Bill
*** 1919: The Oakdale Affair
a very positive film review in Moving Picture Herald magazine.
The Oakdale Affair: 1919 Film
Off-Site References
Picture World 1919
Cinema Magazines
*** 1952: Shaun
Raymond Hoadley was born in Kalamazo, Michigan on this date. An artist
he had pieces published in Fanzines as well as professional publications,
advertising and more. Hoadley is not as well-known as many other ERB artists,
but he has a considerable body of work. I was in touch with Shaun for many
years and he sent a great selection of his work which I published in ERBzine.
When he was
in poor health, sometime before his death, Sue-On and I made a point of
visiting Shaun and his wife Michele at his home near Tarzana. A fine talent
that is missed by the many fans of his work.
Shaun Raymond Hoadley Art Folio
*** 1904:
Ed tried a series of jobs: a high-rise timekeeper, door-to-door book salesman,
seller of electric light bulbs to janitors and candy to drugstores, accountant
and office manager, etc.
*** 1938: Burroughses arrived home at Tarzana
having driven down the coast from Vancouver after sailing on the Empress
of Japan
from Honolulu where they spent their honeymoon.
ERB Bio Timeline
Annotated Illustrated ERB Calendar of Events: October
Charles King: ERB's Mentor and Commandant at Michigan
Military Academy: Veteran of 5 US Wars
and Prolific Author ~ Gordon Griffith: Played the
young Tarzan in Tarzan of the Apes 1918
*** 1844: Charles King was born on this date in Albany,
N.Y., and had a lasting influence on Edgar Rice Burroughs.
King, who had a 70-year military career, is the only
soldier to have fought in five wars, beginning with the Civil War "when,
as a teenager, he served as a mounted orderly for the Iron Brigade under
his father, Brigadier General Rufus King of the Wisconsin Volunteers."
In 1892 King took over as commandant
of the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake. King liked cadet
Edgar Rice Burroughs and saw potential in him, but at one point he had
to send a telegram to the ERB's father saying, "Your
son deserted Thursday. Letter will follow." An excerpt from the follow-up
letter read: “Cadet Burroughs’ offenses have been most serious, but not
irretrievably so. He has been reckless; not vicious. He has found friends
here including the Commandant, who best knew the boy in the Cavalry squad
and on drill, and it is not impossible for him to return and wipe out his
Since the letter held the door open for the return of
a repentant cadet, ERB did return and excelled, and the lifetime friendship
was cemented.
“I think it was the word ‘deserted’
in the telegram that got me,” Burroughs later said, “and the next day I
was back at Orchard Lake walking punishment.”
ERB and King corresponded until King's death in 1933.
King was also a literary contemporary of ERB, writing
numerous books on the history of the cavalry and Indians out west.
Charles King Tribute
The ERB / Charles King Connection
Charles King Bibliography
Charles King Photo Collage
*** 1958: Gordon Griffith,
who played young Tarzan in the first movie, died on this date.
Griffith is one of three candidates for the title of
"first Tarzan," since he played the part of young Tarzan in the first Tarzan
movie, “Tarzan of the Apes.” (The other candidates are Elmo Lincoln,
the front-runner, and Stellan Windrow, the front tree-silhouetter).
Griffith also played in “The Romance of Tarzan,”
“The Adventures of Tarzan” and “The Son of Tarzan.”
Gordon Griffith: Tarzan of the Apes 1918 Screen Captures
Griffith: Young Tarzan Screen Capture Collage
Tarzan of the Apes 1918: ERBzine Silver Screen
ERBzine Silver Screen: All the ERB Movies
Off-Site reference
*** 1942: Ed wrote Caryl Lee suggesting
that she keep the Burroughs name now that her mother has remarried.
Lost Words of ERB
*** 1946: Ed is visited by
four fans: "A Mr. Evans and his daughter, Mr.
Ackerman, and 'Tigrina', a pretty blonde."
Forry Ackerman visits ERB
George Tyler Burroughs: ERB's father ~ Romance
of Tarzan: stars Elmo Lincoln and Enid Markey
Joyce MacKenzie and Lex Barker ~ Studley Burroughs
~ Joan Burroughs and James Pierce
*** 1946: Following tradition, Ed Burroughs observed
his father's 113th birthday on this date. George Tyler Burroughs
was born on October 13, 1833. Major Burroughs died on February 14, 1913.
I compiled full tribute pages on Mr. Burroughs from the notes and photos
that Great Grandson Danton shared with me from his family archive. He lived
a full and successful life in the military, politics and business.
*** George Tyler Burroughs was born on October
13, 1833, at Warren Massachusetts. He attended an academy at Monson, Massachusetts.
Later he went into business in Columbus City, Iowa, as a merchant. It was
here that he courted school teacher Mary Evaline Zieger. Their wedding
plans, however, were suddenly postponed by the outbreak of the Civil War.
Reading about Lincoln's call for volunteers in the morning paper, George
walked to the nearest armoury and put his name on the enlistment list.
He entered service in the Civil War
as a private in Company "G" of the 71st Regiment, New York State Militia.
The new recruit was in the hospital with dysentery when he learned that
his company was marching to the front. He climbed out the window and caught
up with his company -- he was reprimanded but was allowed to remain.
In the front rank of the Bull Run battle George felt a bullet pass through
his blouse. It struck and killed the man behind him.
He was mustered out at New York City
on July 31, 1861, but on December 16 reentered service with a commission
as First Lieutenant, 43rd New York Volunteer Infantry. After various battle
campaigns and with a commission from President Lincoln, he was made captain
and commissary of subsistence on February 19, 1863. He remained throughout
the war and was present in numerous campaigns.
George and Mary were finally married
in her hometown of Iowa City, Iowa, on February 23, 1863 and immediately
left for Washington. Mary spent the rest of the war following her
husband from front to front. He was honourably discharged from service
with the title of brevet major.
After moving to Chicago George went
on to spend 25 successful years in the distilling business and the
Burroughs family was welcomed into the upper class of Chicago society.
Edgar Rice Burroughs, the youngest of their four sons, was born on September
1, 1875.
George Tyler Burroughs was a vigorous
and dynamic man who took an active role in political, civic, and social
affairs. Burroughs' fortunes suffered a temporary setback when the Phoenix
Distillery burned down. The Burroughs fortunes soon rebounded, however,
as George invested in the successful American Battery Company in which
he was elected president. During the World's
Columbian Exhibition in Chicago in 1893, George's American Battery
Co. supplied the batteries for Chicago's first automobile. He gave young
Ed the honour of driving this "nine-seater horseless surrey" around the
Major George Tyler Burroughs, age
seventy-nine, died on February 15, 1913. He once was very doubtful that
his son Ed would amount to anything but had lived to witness and revel
in the launching of his spectacular writing career.
George Tyler Burroughs Bio and Tribute
Major George Tyler Burroughs, Sr.: In Memorium
George Tyler Burroughs Photo Collage
Major's Civil War Exploits in wife's Memoirs of a
War Bride.
*** 1918: "The Romance of Tarzan" was released
on this date. Starring beefy heartthrob Elmo Lincoln, along
Enid Markey, his Jane from "Tarzan of the Apes." Romance of
Tarzan opened at the Strand Theatre in NYC.
ERB protested the making of this movie as he had not
authorized a sequel to Tarzan of the Apes. For awhile the working title
of the film was "The Marriage of Tarzan." To accommodate those who had
not seen Tarzan of the Apes, the sequel started with a short series of
flashbacks from the first film.
Bill Parsons of National claimed they
had only used half of the book and the "sequel" was actually the second
half of the book to which he held rights. ERB did not agree to the release
of the film until August 5, 1918 when his previous dissatisfaction and
threatened legal actions were eased by a $2,500 advance.
No known print of The Romance of
Tarzan exists today.
The Romance of Tarzan: Credits, Photos, Reviews
*** 1929: Joyce MacKenzie(1925.10.13-2021.06.10)
born in Redwood City, CA on this date. Joyce appeared
in films and television from 1946 to 1961. She might be best remembered
for being the eleventh actress to portray Jane, but only one time. She
played the role opposite Lex Barker's Tarzan in 1953's Tarzan and the
She-Devil. A onetime contract player at Fox, MacKenzie appeared with
Barker in his fifth (and last) stint as Johnny Weissmuller’s replacement
with the King of the Jungle battling the evil She-Devil, Lyra (Monique
van Vooren).
MacKenzie worked
as a carpenter’s helper in a San Francisco shipyard to help pay for acting
school. While performing at the Pasadena Playhouse, she was spotted by
Orson Welles, who gave her a part in Tomorrow Is Forever (1946), also starring
Claudette Colbert. MacKenzie played a nurse in Gregory Peck’s in Twelve
O’Clock High (1949), and in 1950 releases, she appeared with Marilyn Monroe
in A Ticket to Tomahawk, with James Stewart in Broken Arrow, with Ann Sheridan
in Stella and in the film noirs Destination Murder and Whirlpool. She left
acting after a 1961 episode of CBS’ Perry Mason "The Case of the
Duplicate Daughter." and worked as an assistant producer
at ABC and as an English teacher. Ironically, Perry Mason was played by
Raymond Burr who was the real devil of the Tarzan film -- a "he-devil,"
who was the villainous Vargo.
Joyce married
three times, she is survived by her sons Norman and Walter. MacKenzie died
June 10, 2021 at a health care facility in Hollywood.
Tarzan and the She-Devil: Credits, Photos, Reviews
Joyce MacKenzie Photo Collage
Tarzan and the She-Devil: Lobby Display
Tarzan and the She-Devil: 3-D Trading Cards
*** 1930: Ed wrote nephew Studley Burroughs that
he had given $10,000 to son-in-law James Pierce who had gone into
business with the Cal.Vitamine Co. to develop a new chicken feed
made from dehydrated oranges.
Studley Oldham Burroughs Bio and Tribue:
ERB's Special Bookplatge Created by Studley
ERB: 1929 pose in his old RR Cop uniform ~ Burroughs
Tarzana Burial Tree: ERB and Mother ashes, Jim Sullos,
Danton Burroughs, Hillmans ~ Benita Hume (L) with
O'Sullivan and Weissmuller ~ James Bond Tarzan Yell
*** 1904: ERB, RR cop at Salt Lake City depot, resigned.
a fiction writer, ERB was self-employed for the last half of his life,
but he was wise enough to hang onto any references from past jobs, just
in case. Prior to the 2011 Dum Dum in Pocatello, Idaho,
Hillman put together a special ERBzine page featuring memories of ERB’s
activities in, or related to, that part of the country, including his job
as a railroad policeman in Utah after he left Idaho the second time. On
this web page is a scan of a document from the Oregon Short Line Railroad
Company which certifies that he had been employed on “…the
Utah Division, as Depot policeman. Entered service May 9, 1904, at Salt
Lake City, Utah. Resigned October 14th, 1904. Conduct, services and capabilities
The document is at the top of this page, so you won’t
have to look far to find it, but scroll on down and enjoy the rest of the
ERB in the Wild West
Edgar Rice Burroughs Bio Timeline
Salt Lake City Photos - circa 1904
Emma Burroughs Remembered
*** 1944: The family
buried ERB's
mother's ashes at the south side of the walnut tree
in the front yard of the
Burroughs offices in Tarzana. This was
the same tree under which ERB's ashes were buried in 1950.
Danton Burroughs and the Burroughs Burial Tree in
*** 1906: Benita Hume (1906.10.14-1967.11.01),
was born on this date in London, England.
Jane had a cousin named
Rita. Jane Parker,
not Jane Porter, that is. We learn this in the movie, "Tarzan
Escapes," Rita is lucky that she also escaped, because the original
version of the movie had her suffering a deserving death at the jaws of
a crocodile. ERBzine says: "The original version,
titled “The Capture of Tarzan,” was shown to preview audiences in 1935
and was heavily criticized for scenes of gruesome violence. MGM fired the
director and ordered the film re-shot. This resulted in a watered down
version meant to appeal to children but seemed to please no one."
In the revised script, Rita was able to live and, with
fellow Parker cousin, Eric, return safely to London. the two had shown
up in the bally jungle to try to persuade Jane to come back to civilization,
but the movie closes with Tarzan and Jane as lovey-dovey as ever in their
jungle habitat. Rita was played by Benita Hume,
In 1935 she was cast by MGM
in Tarzan Escapes for $1250 per week, for a minimum of three weeks,
but by the time the film was completed her wages from the film totalled
$75,000. She married Ronald Colman in 1938 and they had their only child,
Juliet, in 1943. The Colmans did several radio shows with neighbour Jack
Benny and starred in their own series, Halls of Ivy in 1950, which evolved
into a TV series in 1954. She returned to England after Ronald died in
1958 and married George Sanders a year later. She died of bone cancer in
1967 Egerton, England.
Tarzan Escapes: Film Credits, Photos, Info (6 parts)
Off-Site References
Hume in IMDB
*** 1927: Roger Moore was born
on this date in Stockwell, London, England.
On a day like today, Oct. 14, we could talk about ERB's
family gathering on the south side of the walnut tree at the Burroughs
office in Tarzana to bury his mother's ashes, as they did in 1944.
Or, we could talk about something more bizarre -- such
as Roger Moore doing the Tarzan yell as James Bond in “Octopussy”!
He fits into this date of ERB events…if somewhat dubiously! And so, after
scouring the internet for fan comments on that scene, we share the following:
-- “The lowest point is clearly the Tarzan yell from
– from a fan discussion site.
-- “Tsk tsk. Where to start. Maybe with the worst and
work up. The Tarzan yell. What place does that have in a Bond film?” –
another discussion site.
-- “Still more point to its inappropriate rather juvenile
schoolboy humor, from Bond's Tarzan yell to our heroes ogling over a young
woman secretary's bust as a reason why the movie fails.” – from an
-- Danny Peary wrote that "Octopussy has slow
spots, little humour, and villains who aren’t nearly of the calibre of
No, Goldfinger, or Blofeld. Also, the filmmakers make the mistake of
demeaning Bond by having him swing through the trees and emitting a Tarzan
cry and having him hide in a gorilla suit and later disguise himself as
a clown (whom all the kids at the circus laugh at). It’s as if they’re
trying to remind us that everything is tongue-in-cheek, but that makes
little sense, for the film is much more serious than typical Bond outings
– in fact, it recalls the tone of From Russia with Love.”
-- “Bond swinging on vines to a Tarzan yell (definitely
cheesy) is similar to the looping car jump in The Man With The Golden
Gun.” --webomatica
-- “The Tarzan yell is just embarrassing.” – fan comment
-- “Yeah, the movie had some corny moments in it like
him swinging from a vine and them playing the Tarzan yell and him being
on that plane and never falling off and crap like that, which is why its
one of my least favorite Moore Bond films, but yeah, Moore during the times
when the script was serious, he did an extremely good job in his acting
then.” – from discussion of “favorite Roger Moore Bond movie.”
-- “The most foolish elements of the film include a bizarre
chase through the streets of New Delhi, Bond doing a Tarzan imitation,
and an attack by circus performers on the villain's hideout.” – a movie
discussion site
Gee, did ANYbody LIKE that scene? Obviously scriptwriters
are amused by the Tarzan yell as it has been inserted in many TV and Film
scenes over the years -- it even found its way into Indiana Jones and
the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
History of the Tarzan Yell I
History of the Tarzan Yell II
*** 1916: Girl from Farris's
serial ended in All-Story Weekly
Burroughs Bio Timeline

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