Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
OCT 15 ~ OCT
16 ~ OCT 17
OCT 18 ~ OCT
19 ~ OCT 20 ~ OCT 21
Click for full-size images
Brigadier General Kendall J. Fielder: ERB WWII Friend
~ ERB Portrait by son JCB ~ Pearl Harbor Murders
Max Allan Collins and Bill Hillman ~ Escape On
Venus: JCB Cover Art, Pulp Segment ~ Johnny Sheffield
*** 1946: Escape On Venus was released by ERB Inc.
with dedication: "To Brigadier General Kendall J. Fielder" Brigadier
General Kendall “Wooch” Jordan Fielder (August 1, 1893 – April 13, 1981)
appears many times across my ERBzine site He was an influential World War
II veteran, who settled in Hawaii, and testified before Congress in favor
of statehood. At the time of the attack on Pearl
Harbor, then Lieutenant Colonel Fielder was the U.S. Army G-2 Chief
of Intelligence and Security. He received many decorations for his service
to the Hawaiian homefront, his stellar record with the US Army and his
many post-war contributions.
Fielder was a wartime friend and bridge partner of Edgar
Rice Burroughs and the two socialized at many parties and other events.
It was at one of these parties on November 17, 1942 that Fielder wrote
in ERB's autograph book: "Best Aloha to my good friend Ed Burroughs
~ Kendall J. Fielder - Col. GSC - G-2" (See
ERBzine 2778). Burroughs mentioned him many times in his letters
home as can be seen in my Lost
Words of ERB section. According to one of these 1944 letters Fielder
was an accomplished parlor magician and a member in good standing of the
Society of American Magicians.
The two men exchanged many letters during and after the
war. I had correspondence with Fielder's grandson-in-law back in 2007 who
had letters from the General. He even had a poem that ERB had written for
Fielder and according to these letters Fielder had recommended Burroughs
for the BMTC and
also asked ERB to write the "Laugh
It Off" columnns. Later he apparently helped with arrangements
to get Burroughs back to California.
Besides dedicating Escape On Venus to Fielder,
ERB poked fun at his wartime friend in Tarzan and "the Foreign Legion"
by picturing him dressed up as a witch doctor. After the war the General
served as technical adviser for the film From Here to Eternity and
actor Bill Edwards played Colonel Fielder in the 1970 film Tora! Tora!
Author Max Allan Collins even worked ERB's friend
into his 2001 book: Edgar
Rice Burroughs: The Pearl Harbor Mysteries. As the story opens,
Edgar Rice Burroughs and Hully are enjoying their time together on Oahu.
Ed agrees to arrange a meeting between a sultry Amerasian singer, Pearl
Harada, and Army Intelligence Chief Col. Kendall Fielder. Pearl needs
to persuade Col. Fielder that she loves his son and wants his blessing
so they can marry. The next morning, a scream awakens Ed, who runs outside
to find Pearl's corpse on the beach. Unable to resist investigating her
death, Ed begins making inquiries. He wonders if one of Pearl's string
of ex-lovers had killed her . . . or perhaps Bill's outraged dad, Col.
Fielding, had murdered her . . . or perhaps someone had silenced her because
she knew too much on the following day? . . . Chatting with Collins at
a 2005 Dum-Dum I was impressed by the Burroughs research he had done for
the book. (Bill Hillman)
Kendall J. Fielder / Edgar Rice Burroughs Connection
Also check out the links in my above text
*** 1946: "Escape on Venus" isn't
the longest ERB novel. It just reads like it.
It's a seemingly endless capture-escape story, with Carson
continuing to make foolish mistakes that get him and Duare captured by
fish men, plant men, dividing men and warrior men.
Along the way, at least, they meet some groups of people
who do not capture them -- the people of Japal, the horned people of Timal
and the Cloud People (who guide them over the mountains).
One of the best moments in the book comes when Carson
does too much sight-seeing over a huge land armada and someone fires a
shell that blasts the propeller off the anator! Carson pays big time for
that one when he ends up as a slave having to shovel manure, one of the
most fitting punishments he was ever assigned.
"Escape on Venus" is unique in the Venus canon, though,
since Carson learns in the first book of this ERB series, "Pirates of Venus,"
that there is no religion on Venus. But religion shows up in "Escape" in
the person of the goddess of the plant people. She turns out to be an earth
woman mysteriously transported to Venus, probably the way John Carter and
Ulysses Paxton were mysteriously transported to Mars.
"Escape" also has some good moments of humor, such as
when Carson observes that no dogs are allowed among the trees where the
green Brokols' babies are growing from the limbs.
Robert B. Zeuschner's "Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography"
reveals that there were actually two variations of the first edition of
"Escape," which was published Oct. 15 in 1946.
One featured the standard blue pebbled binding and the
second variant, a blue silky smooth textured cover. Dr. Zeuschner says
though, that like the chicken and the egg, it has not been established
which came first.
The four stories which make up the volume were published
a few years early, all in Fantastic Adventure magazine, four months
apart, beginning in 1941.
The cover of Fantastic Adventures for July 1941, which
featured the segment titled "Goddess of Fire," showed an Angan kneeling
at the feet of a woman clad in a diaphanous gown. Both Heins and Zeuschner
comment on the cover, but Zeuschner goes into a bit more detail that the
original cover by J. Allen St. John (the Venusian and background) included
a partially nude woman. The editor suggested to St. John that he revise
the cover by painting a robe on the woman, but St. John refused. It was
at this point that the editor asked H.W. McCauley to repaint the girl.
Interestingly, McCauley had been a student of St. John's." So that painting
is the work of two men. See the painting and other information in ERBzine
Escape on Venus: Credits, covers, art, info
Escape on Venus: Read the book in eText
Venus/Amtor Guide I
Venus/Amtor Guide II
"All About Amtor"
Off-Site Reference:
*** 2010: Johnny Sheffield (1931.04.11-2010.10.15),
"Boy" in eight Tarzan movies and Bomba the Jungle Boy in
a dozen thereafter, died unexpectedly on this date. He passed away after
a heart attack four hours after he fell off a ladder while trimming a palm
tree. Besides Tarzan and Bomba films, Sheffield had appeared in films with
other well-known stars such as Ronald Reagan, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney.
He played the childhood scenes of the Notre Dame legend in "Knute Rockne:
All American." His father produced a proposed television series, "Bantu
the Zebra Boy," but it never found a sponsor.
Monogram's Bomba the Jungle Boy film series was inspired
by the adventure-book series by Roy Rockwood. Johnny Sheffield, formerly
"Boy" in the Tarzan pictures, starred as Bomba. Bomba the Jungle Boy turned
out to be one of Monogram's most successful series.
Sheffield, who'd been schooled
on the MGM lot, got a business degree from UCLA and worked for a Yuma,
Ariz., farming company and then turned to real estate. Survivors include
his wife of 51 years, Patricia; two sons and a daughter; a brother, Billy
Sheffield; plus a grandson.
Johnny Sheffield Remembered: Bio and Films
Sheffield's Bomba Movies
Off-Site Reference
pilot opening scenes
1946: LETTER
Thelma Terry: Ed comments "I haven't any (a view) from my present home,
other than my backyard. My first home out here was on a knoll in the mouth
of a canyon. It overlooked the entire San Fernando valley and gave a view
of several hundred miles of mountains surrounding - the Coast Range and
the Sierra Nevada. But we soon discovered that we seldom viewed our view.
Stupid, what?" Ed is proud of the great invention -- the deep-freeze
-- which his Nisei gardener is stocking with corn and other produce from
the garden. The gardener's wife, Mitzi, has just made dill pickles from
the cucumbers. Truman has just released the ceilings of meat supplies.
Ed is showing 16mm feature films to the family every Saturday evening.
Comments on the political situation: "Things are really a mess here,
thanks to the New Dealers and the Communists. There is a shortage of about
everything but political oratory. But if we elect a Republican House and
Senate next month things will be different - I hope. Fantastic as it may
seem, I wouldn't be surprised if we ended up with a revolution."
ERB's Letter to fan Thelma Terry
1915: Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar was
submitted to both Davis and Sessions
1938: Tarzan of the Apes was voted second
Argosy story of all time
1940: ERB started Living Dead Pt 2 of the new
Venus series
ERB Bio Timeline and Illustrated Annotated Calendar
John Carter (of Mars) 2012 Disney Film starring
Taylor Kitsch and Lynn Collins ~ Some of countless
Mars images featured in ERBzine ~ Tarzan the Tiger
1929 serial starring Merrill and Kingston
*** 1923: The first seed of the 2012 "John Carter"
movie was sown in the imagination of Edgar Rice Burroughs when his story,
"Under the Moons of Mars," was published in 1912.
The second seed for the film came on Oct. 16, 1923, when
the Disney Company officially came into being, as Walt Disney contracted
with M.J. Winkler to distribute the Alice Comedies.
It took Disney a little bit -- like close to 90 years
-- to figure out that bringing ERB's John Carter of Mars to the screen
might be a good idea. ERB fans knew that a lot sooner. One of those ERB
fans was Allan Howard, who wrote "An Open Letter to Walt Disney"
in The Burroughs Bulletin #10, published about 25 years after formation
of the Disney Company.
In suggesting that Disney film ERB's Mars story, Howard
wrote: "Corner any real Burroughs fan at random and ask him about the geography
of Mars, according to Burroughs. Watch his eyes light up and that rapt
expression cover his face as he speaks of the cities of Helium, Horz and
Zodanga and gives you a detailed description of their inhabitants and history.
He knows more about the flora and fauna of the red planet than do the scientists
at Mt. Palomar. Hear him refer to thoat, calot, sorapus and plant men as
easily as the Sherlock Holmes enthusiast talks of gasogene and tantalus."
Howard did use some caution in his open letter, however,
knowing about Disney's tendency to fiddle with plots and characters: "It
is imperative for John Carter to deal harshly with a foeman, but always
considering the juvenile trade, it may be necessary for that foeman to
die as subtly as possible, but die he must.” He also pointed out that some
Barsoomians are human, and some of the planet’s denizens are Martian counterparts
of earthly animals, “and should not be presented as out and out 'horrors'
simply because of their unfamiliar forms."
He also warned: "I would like to venture a suggestion
that you present it as the straight adventure it is and not weave any whimsy
into it. Please don't turn our green four-armed Tharks into so many 'Willie
the Giants' nor clothe our thoats and great white apes in ballet skirts
and send them simpering across a dead sea bottom."
If you don't have that Bulletin in
your collection, you can read his whole open letter in the ERBzine pages
featuring all the Original Burroughs Bulletins. Click on #10 to make it
bigger and then you'll still need your reading glasses and a bit of guesswork
to figure out some of the words!
The 2012 “John Carter” movie was like just about every
other ERB movie that ever there was: Some loved it; some thought it was
“okay”; some hated it. But did Disney’s effort “ruin” ERB’s Barsoom for
future film productions? Many fans have opinions of how it could be done.
One of those fans is Abraham Sherman, whose ideas were posted Oct.
16, 2016, in The John Carter Files and in a much longer analysis
in ERBzine 5875.
*** We at ERBzine had waited for such a muli-million
high tech adaptation of an ERB book since first reading the Dell John Carter
comic in 1952. We weren't disapponted. . . loved it and have viewed it
dozens of times. . . a real treat after decades of sitting through lamentable
Tarzan films.
ERB and the Lunacy Legacy of Mars
By Abraham Sherman
John Carter of Mars 2012 Film
John Carter Screenwriter Michael Chabon Interviewed
Legacy of Mars Collage
Open Letter to Disney: Burroughs Bulletin #10: Original
Off-Site Reference
ERB's Legacy
*** 1927: ERB's "The Illustrator
and the Author" article appeared in The Authors' League Bulletin
in praise of J. Allen St. John's art.
The Illustrator and the Author
*** 1929: Ed
viewed the first episode of Universal's Tarzan the Tiger serial
based on Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. This was the second serial based
upon a property purchased in 1922 - ERB received no royalties from either
of them. Tiger was released in 15 episodes that ran until February 1930
in both silent and talkie versions. Each episode is summarized in ERBzine
TRIVIA: Some of the related Trivia featured in
ERBzine 0593:
* Tarzan the Tiger was a transitional
film with one version released as a silent and the other with a parial
soundtrack with music, jungle and background noise, and Tarzan's yell for
the first time.
* For many years the film was thought
lost but a version, with soundtrack, was discovered in recent times.
* Frank Merrill, covered in animal
skins, headband and slippers is probably one of the most fully-clothed
of the Tarzans.
* Merrill invented the vine-swinging
techniques used in all later Tarzan films
* Despite the curious costume and
yell Merrill is one of the most visually appealing and physically capable
of the Tarzans.
* Natalie Kingston, as Jane, is spectacularly
sexy and desirable ~ especially in her topless swimming scene.
* This movie was released in both
silent and "sound" versions. The sound consisted of a crude musical score,
sound effects and a few lip-synched lines on a record.
* The record contains the very first
Tarzan yell, invented by Merrill ~ a weird and humorous "Nee-yah"
* "Tarzan the Terrible" was planned
but the studio decided Merrill's voice wasn't right for talkies and the
film was scrapped.
* Frank Merrill had doubled for Lincoln
in many of the action scenes in Adventures of Tarzan
Frank Merrill was born, Arthur Poll, March 21, 1893 in
Newark, New Jersey. He died in Los Angeles, CA on February 12, 1966
Tarzan the Tiger: Photos and Notes plus Illustrated
Summaries for all 15 Episodes
Frank Merrill Tribute: 3 Illustrated Webpages startintg
Natalie Kingston Photo Gallery
*** 1932: Who Murdered
Mr. Thomas? released in Script Magazine:
Mystery Puzzle from Tarzana
Dear Rob (Wagner):
You have a right to boast of the high order of intelligence
of your readers.
Let's see how high it is.
The enclosed murder mystery may be solved logically from
the clues given in the story.
There is no "catch" to it.
Ask your readers to time themselves and then tell you
how long it took them
to reach the correct solution logically. Also ask them
not to lie.
~ Ed
*** 1941: Brother George Burroughs' wife
died. She had been committed to a mental institution in August. George
invited old friend Lew Sweetser to share the Fontana home
*** 1946: Ed wrote to Caryl Lee that he was too
ill to drive over to pick her up.
ERB Bio Timeline
Mahlon Blaine ERB cover art for Canaveral Press ~
Richard Lupoff: Canaveral Editor and wife Pat,
Master of Adventure ~ Tarzana Ranch Theatre/Ballroom
~ Herman Brix and Ula Holt in Guatemala
*** 1962: If you wanted to read Edgar Rice Burroughs's "The
Land That Time Forgot," on this day you had two choices -- either locate
a copy of it in a used book store (the last reprint came out in 1940) or,
probably even more difficult, locate one of the old pulp magazines which
had originally carried the stories that made up the trilogy.
There were no other copies available, as the internet
and Gutenberg Press had not yet been invented, and neither Ace nor Dover
had published their paperback editions (that would come in the spring of
But then came Canaveral Press, which, starting
in 1962, put 24 ERB books back on the market in new, hardbound editions,
including some stories which had never been in book editions of any kind
before, including "Beyond the Farthest Star," "The Resurrection of Jimber-Jaw,"
"The Wizard of Venus," four Pellucidar short stories, "Skeleton Men of
Jupiter," one Tarzan novel and three Tarzan short stories.
Canaveral published its first three ERB titles in May
of 1962 and followed that up with "The Land That Time Forgot" on Oct. 17
of that year.
Canaveral did some things which had ERB fans scratching
their heads. The ERB trilogy, "The Moon Maid," was, instead published
as "Moon Men," named for the second leg of the trilogy. It was a little
odd and seemingly for no apparent reason, but at least ERB fans could now
have two different hardback ERB moon titles on their bookshelves. (Alas,
"The Red Hawk," part three of the trilogy, never earned a volume of its
own, but was included with the hardbacks "Maid" and "Men" and the Ace paperback
of "The Moon Men" which, of course, did not include "Maid.” [The cover
illustration for Ace’s “Moon Maid,” however, illustrated a scene from “The
Red Hawk.”] Pity the poor paperback purchasers who opted for the paperback
of "The Moon Men" instead of the Canaveral hardback, thinking they had
"the whole story"!).
Of course, if one did want a separate publication with
"The Red Hawk" on the cover, one could always look up the old pulp magazine
And since the 60s there have been other options available,
including probably the best of all, "The Expanded Moon Maid," which includes
passages that originally appeared in the pulps but were trimmed from many
hardback editions.
*** The driving force behind the long line of ERB
Canaveral Press editions was Richard
Lupoff, longtime ERB admirer and researcher -- as well as being an
award winning author of scores of critically acclaimed novels. The ERB
Canaveral covers and dates are all featured in ERBzine 2805 and ERBzine
Cover gallery and dates of the Canaveral editions:
Richard Lupoff: Editor of Canaveral Press ERB Books
Canaveral ERB Covers Collage
Land That Time Forgot: History, Covers, Art, Info
Moon Maid: History, Art, Rare Info, Links
*** 1962: Mahlon Blaine (1894.06.16-1969)
illustrator of seven of the ERB books published by Canaveral. "Blaine's
personal life was and remains mostly a mystery, because he wanted it that
ERB fan Roland Trenary, who is also a fan has
pointed out that Blaine actually provided illustrations for eight of the
Canaveral entries. His illustrations for “Cave Girl” were rejected
in favor of art by Roy G. Krenkel.
Many fans have been critical of Blaine’s
work. However, he apparently read the books carefully. Whereas St. John,
Krenkel, Frazetta and others depicted the Va-gas as Centaur-like beings,
with a total of six limbs, Blaine correctly rendered them with four, just
as ERB actually wrote! Trenary has written other books about Blaine’s art,
including “Sindbad” and “Mahon Blaine: One-Eyed Visionary.”
Blaine's last significant contract
would come in 1962, when the early fantasy & science fiction publishing
house Canaveral Press hired him to illustrate their reprints of the works
of Edgar Rice Burroughs. At the time, Blaine was living over the small
bookshop out of which the publishing house was run, and was considered
an elder statesman in the world of specialty publishing. Though by the
'60s, Blaine was in fact elderly, his work remained before its time. Though
Blaine's illustration's for the Burroughs's line are far from his most
technically proficient, the series represented a turning away from the
heroic, literal-minded approach to book illustration. The images were widely
disparaged at the time, but they introduced a generation of artists and
cartoonists to Blaine’s genius. His influence on the underground cartoonists
of the 1970s is powerful, with visionaries like Robert Crumb and Art Spiegelman
referencing his work. No one, least of all Blaine, ever sorted out fact
from fiction regarding his life story, but that doesn't matter. Blaine
emobodied the myth of the artist throughout his dynamic career. Mahlon
Blaine died in poverty and obscurity in 1969.
Mahlon Blaine: All the ERB Art
Mahlon Blaine: Bio and Biblio
Off-Site References
Trenary website:
in Amazon
*** 1921: ERB's October 17 Notice
to all employees: The following pictures will be shown at the Burroughs
Tarzana Ranch Theatre:" Oct. 21: Open Shelter ~ Tough
Luck (short) ~ October 28: Desperate
Youth ~ Harem Skarem
~ November 4: The
Beautiful Gambler ~ November 11: Thunder
Island ~ The Kiddie's
After purchasing which was to become
Tarzana Ranch, Ed and Emma soon recognized the need for alterations and
additions to the old Otis residence to suit their life-style. The most
ambitious project was a building to be constructed about 30 metres west
of the main house. This new addition comprised a three-car garage on the
ground level and a second story containing rooms for two servants, a photographic
darkroom, a workshop, and a study which later was used as a schoolroom
where the children were tutored. Later, Ed used it for his writing.
The lowest level of this three-storied
building was a combination ballroom and movie theatre with a small balcony
at one end that served as a projection booth. This large playroom became
the centr of much weekend social activity. Because of the prohibitive distance
to the nearest motion picture houses in those years, Ed brought the movies
to his own little theatre. Every Friday evening Burroughs and his Tarzana
Ranch theatre played friendly host not only to his own family and friends
but to neighbours of the area. Burroughs was both host and projectionist,
screening the popular comedies and features of the day. He particularly
enjoyed Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Douglas Fairbanks. Following
the production of The Son of Tarzan as a serial, he personally edited
and cut the 15 episodes to a feature length picture in this ballroom-theatre.
Jack Burroughs recalls the many lines of string in the tiny projection
room on which Ed hung the labeled film clips ready for splicing. (Ironically,
it was this very Tarzan film, printed on hazardous nitrate base, that spontaneously
ignited 38 years later and nearly destroyed the Burroughs office building.
Hillmans Visit The ERB Theatre/Ballroom at Tarzana
Oct/Nov 1921 Films shown by ERB in his Tarzana Theatre/Ballroom
*** 1934: Olympic athlete Herman Brix was chosen
to play Tarzan in Guatemala. Ed refused to write a movie tie-in
novel, preferring to leave the promotion to a special Whitman Big Little
Book, a Tarzan Club campaign, and Signal Oil. The film was released as
New Adventures of Tarzan.
The film is somewhat unique, in that Edgar Rice
Burroughs himself had input into the project. He slammed out a story which
served as a basis for the screenplay, he selected the actor to play Tarzan,
and he saw that the character was presented as literate, articulate and
yet savagely violent when appropriate. It's the dichotomy of the sophisticated
Lord Greystoke and the feral Apeman which gives Tarzan so much of his appeal.
He even financed much of the film.
The serial was shot on location in
Guatemala, so the scenery is often stunning or miserably hot and filthy
like real jungles are. (Stock footage seems to be telling us that there
are rhinos and giraffes in Central America, which is kind of a shock to
learn.) The actors are obviously sweaty, grimy and uncomfortable in most
shots, which seems more authentic than the usual Hollywood backlot emoting.
Unfortunately, this location shooting also means the sound recording is
atrocious. Dialogue is hard to follow, and the lack of normal noises sometimes
gives the impression of watching a silent movie but without the benefit
of constant musical scoring. Money spent on a decent Foley artist or dubbing
in some of spoken lines would have helped immensely.
The New Adventures of Tarzan: Herman Brix in Guatemala
Edgar Rice Burroughs: Film Producer
*** 1938: October 17 - April 17: Land
of Terror was written (60,000 words). It was rejected by all
magazines. ERB started losing confidence in his work. David Innes, discoverer
of the Inner World of Pellucidar, had carved out his own empire among the
cavemen there. When David disappears while exploring new territories, his
followers set out a search for him under the leadership of his cavewomen
queen, Dian the beautiful.
Land of Terror: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography
Full chapter summaries and essay
1914: Jerry (Jerome) Siegel (1914.10.17-1996.01.28),
American comic book writer, was born on this date. His most famous creation
was Superman, which he created in collaboration with his friend, Canadian
Joe Shuster. He was inducted (along with the deceased Shuster) into
the comic book industry's Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame in 1992 and
the Jack Kirby Hall of Fame in 1993. Siegel once said that Superman was
influenced by Tarzan and John Carter, two characters from the adventure
novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs. In fact, originally Superman could did
not fly ("able to leap tall buildings in a single bound") . . . very much
like John Carter taking advantage of the lower gravity on Barsoom.
ERB Met Siegel in Wakiki in 1944 "Fathers
of Superman, Tarzan, Renfrew Meet" ~ Midpacifican: The Armed Forces
Newspaper in the Pacific Ocean Areas. Siegel even has entries in ERB's
Wartime autograph books.
ERB Meets Jerry Siegel in Wartime Hawaii
ERB WWII Autograph Book - August 1944
Edgar Rice Burroughs on radio's Texaco Star Theatre:
Ken Murray, Frances Langford, Kenny Baker,
Irene Ryan ~ ERB's Favourite Poet HH Knibbs ~ Mucker
Pulps ~ Bandit of Hell's Bend illustrated
*** 1939: Edgar Rice Burroughs was guest on Ken
Texaco Star
Theater radio program. Murray tried to talk Burroughs into
starring him as Tarzan instead of Johnny Weissmuller and put on his production
of "Tarzan" entitled; The Home Life of Mr. and Mrs. Tarzan or
Apes of Wrath. ." Along with Ken Murray and ERB were Frances
Langford, Kenny Baker and Irene Ryan. This skit takes up a portion
of the first half of the hour-long program.
Ed received much good feedback concerning the show.
From the President of the Evergreen Theatres Corporation,
Seattle: "Listened to our radio broadcast last week,
and you wer very good. As a matter of fact, you sounded as if you were
part of the program and had been doing it every week."
From George Carlin, head of the United Feature
Syndicate, NYC: "I just happened to tune in on the
Texaco Radio program tonight and found that Edgar Rice Burroughs was appearing
on same. He certainly was good. He did his stuff in a quite professional
manner with ease and poise and a winning way far superior to the average
radio guest."
ERB on Texaco Star Theatre Radio Show
Listen to ERB's Radio Appearance
*** 1916: Edgar
Rice Burroughs one day picked up a magazine which had printed a poem titled
"Out There Somewhere."
He said he was "so greatly taken by it that I could not
resist the temptation of using it in my book," referring to "The Mucker."
Prior to book publication, when the second half of "The
Mucker" appeared in magazine form, one of the readers of that magazine
was H.H. Knibbs, the author of the poem. ERB had quoted eleven of
the poem's 14 stanzas at various key places throughout his story.
Knibbs, who lived in L.A., learned that Burroughs was
temporarily staying in the Southern California metropolis, and wrote a
letter to him.
ERB was delighted, and, on Oct. 18, 1916, responded:
"I, too, dreamed of a Penelope.
On night herd beneath the brilliant stars along the Snake, I dreamed of
her, and amidst the dark, nocturnal shadows of the cottonwoods beside the
Gila, while the troop slept and I stood guard, I dreamed of her. For ten
long years I dreamed, and then my dream came true.
"Penelope and I are here, and we’d
like mighty well to have you come and see us.
"We are old and bald-headed now,
and have eight or eleven children and very few teeth; but the spirit of
romance still burns brightly in our withered hearts…." (Edgar Rice
Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan, by Irwin Porges, p. 278, Chapter
14) Whether Knibbs ever visited ERB or not is not known
*** . . . but his relatives have been in contact with
ERBzine and shared photos and other family memorabilia with me. Unfortunately,
his wealth of poems, stories, scripts, etc. were donated to a California
university where it all remains in boxes in a basement area. An all-to-common
fate of so many treasured life-long collections that have been donated
to Universities and Libraries. (Bill Hillman)
H. H. Knibbs bio, photos and the full poem (2 pages)
"Out There Somewhere" by Knibbs from The Mucker
The Mucker: History, Covers, eText, etc.
Info on Porges ERB biography:
*** 1915: The 1st edition
of Ben, King of Beasts was published as The Man-Eater by the
NY Evening World newspaper (37,000 words). It had been written in May 1915
as Ben, King of Beasts ~ first as a film synopsis
The Man-Eater
The Man-Eater: Read the e-Text Edition
1924: Bandit of Hell's Bend
serial ended in Argosy. This was Edgar Rice Burroughs' first novel about
the West. It is an authentic picture of Arizona ranch life in the 1880's,
including a full gallery of colorful and often comic characters. The story
centers around a young, attractive, intelligent orphan, Diana Henders.
A Group of swindlers, led by her new
foreman, Hal Colby, plotted to steal her Bar-Y ranch and gold mine and
defraud her out of her rightful inheritance. They were also out to prove
that her longtime friend and associate, bull is the stage robbing and murdering
bandit of Hell's Bend. Diana was brave and independent, but she relied
on Bull and he helped her survive a series of perils that left the most
stalwart reader breathless: Apache raids, stagecoach hold-ups, shoot-outs
and even an abduction! But the identity of the mysterious villain remains
Much of this novel was adapted to
a graphic version illustrated by Al Martin Napoletano in Bill Dutcher's
JASOOMIAN '70s Fanzine.
A good deal of the novel's authority
and amiability consists in its accurate and pervasive use of frontier humour.
The Bandit Of Hell's Bend is full of fun, adventure, and suspense from
start to finish.
Bandit of Hell's Bend: Full info, e-text, illustrations,
links, etc.
Pulp Appearances in Argosy
Bandit of Hell's Bend Illustrated in Jasoomian

ERB: MMA Footballer ~ Tanar of Pellucidar:
Canaveral Ed.: Mahlon Blaine Art ~ ERB's WWII Autograph Book
You Lucky Girl!: Script, Playbill, World Premiere
Cast ~ Golden Anniversary of ERB Bibliography by HH Heins
*** 1892: Young Ed's letter sent home to family back
in Chicago from the Michigan Military Academy, suggested that he
was lonely and missed his family, but had channeled excess energies into
football. Edgar Rice Burroughs was captain and quarterback of the the Michigan
Military Academy football team in 1893 and 1894, and possibly in 1896,
when he took a position with academy as a geology instructor and Assistant
Commandant. Under Ed's leadership the team rose to the top of Northeast
Independent Conference.
ERB Gridiron Memories
MMA: Three Pages of Photos starting at:
*** 1962: Another
new hardback edition of an Edgar Rice Burroughs book rolled off the press
on this date. "Tanar of Pellucidar" was the fifth ERB book to be
published by Canaveral Press and, though it was the third story
in the Pellucidar series, it was the first Pellucidar book to be published
by Canaveral. Some of the other books in that series followed shortly.
Like the four books Canaveral had published before “Tanar,”
the illustrator was Mahlon Blaine.
*** See ERBzine 0743 for a look at some “Tanar” editions
and more info. At ERBzine 0882 I've featured the Blaine interior art looking
every bit like old woodcuts from something like Dante's Inferno.
Tanar of Pellucidar: History, Covers, Art,
Tanar of Pellucidar: Blaine Art in Canaveral
Tanar of Pellucidar: Read the e-Text
Collage of Mahlon Blaine "Tanar" Art
*** 1927: On
this date, ERB presented daughter Joan with a rough draft
of You Lucky Girl! The play was written just for her. It was not
actually performed, however, until 70 years later, nor published commercially
until 72 years later.
From Danton Burroughs' Introduction to the Book:"You
Lucky Girl!" was written expressly for Joan as an aid to her theatrical
career. Ed gave Joan a copy on which he had written a short note: "This
is the first copy of the longhand ms. It has not been corrected or revised
and is rather rough. Please explain this to Mr. Gould when you hand it
to him." Dr. Gould was probably the director of the theatrical company
which Joan belonged to at the time. Although Ed would correct and revise
the play, it was never performed by Joan or anyone else at the time, probably
due to the fact that Joan would soon become engaged to James Pierce and
married in 1928. Four years later Joan and her husband would portray Tarzan
and Jane on the radio.
It is interesting
to note that "You Lucky Girl!", in theme and subject, was years before
its time and must surely reveal that Ed had a most modern attitude towards
women. In the play he ridicules the accepted part of women in the marriage
bond: subservience to her husband, belonging at home, a bearer of children
as her major role, an extension of her husband, but remaining in the background.
The idea of a woman's independence and individuality are portrayed through
the conflicts endured by the female leads and how they resolve their relationships
with the men in their lives. The play is surprisingly modern considering
the time that it was written. It should also give further argument against
oft prevailing attitude that Ed's heroines merely exist to be rescued by
his heroes.
The play was finally performed in 1997 at Palmdale
Playhouse, CA. ERBzine
0774 contains an Henry Hardy Heins entry telling the story of an
ERB fan who spent hours with pencil and paper in the catacombs of the Library
of Congress and made the amazing discovery that such a thing as “You
Lucky Girl!” even existed!
You Lucky Girl!: C.H.A.S.E.R. Bibliography
Henry Hardy Heins tribute
*** 1944: ERB's WWII autograph
books provide a lot of dates of interest. On Oct. 19, in 1944, a poet
got hold of ERB's autograph book "up in Millie's room," wherever that was,
and wrote this little rhyme: "October 19, 1944 (Ed:
up in Millie's room) I've ridden burrows ~ I've fed burros ~ I read Burroughs
~ Now I've met Burroughs ~ And for my money ~ Edgar Rice Burroughs ~ Is
one "Burrough" that can't be beatten: Bill"~ Lt. W. D. Bacon - A.V.(s)
*** See that and other entries in ERB's autograph books
that I photocopied from Danton's Tarzana Family Collection for my
ERBzine pages.
ERB's WWII Autograph Book Entry:
ERB WWII Autograph Book Intro
1920: Tarzan the Terrible serial ended in the
British magazine, Ideas
1947: Ed returned to writing. He wrote a six week story
in one week - possibly a newspaper strip?
ERBzine Annotated Calendar for October
The Revenge/Return of Tarzan: with Gene Pollar
~ Tarzan and the Golden Lion Strips by Rex Maxon
Tarzan the Fearless Big Little Book: Buster
Crabbe, ERB on Fearless film set with Jacqueline Wells
*** Gene Pollar (Joseph Charles Pohler) (1892.09.16-1971.10.20)
probably starred in the greatest Tarzan movie we never saw. It was one
of the greatest, because it is said to have actually followed the plot
of author Edgar Rice Burroughs's book, "The Return of Tarzan," (for
awhile, anyway). We never saw it because no known copies survive, except
for one that might be at a major Southern California university (but the
cost of restoring it is prohibitive).
The movie was originally titled "The
Return of Tarzan" but it was changed to "The Revenge of Tarzan."
Thus, it is known by both titles.
Since the movie producers were in a name-changing mood,
they figured they might be on a roll and so they also changed Joseph Pohler's
name to Gene Pollar. He was a New York fireman (that's what they
called 'em in the old days before they became firefighters and then, later,
first responders.)
Pohler was born Sept. 16, 1892, in
New York, and died Oct. 20, 1971, at the age of 79 in Fort Lauderdale..
His death came following a toe operation, but no word on whether that operation
actually caused his death or whether it was just that "his time had come."
Pollar had to battle lions in the film, just like the
real Tarzan. He bravely confronted four lions at once, including a lioness
who had just been separated from her cubs and wasn't particularly happy
about it. He also had a go-round with an orangutan named Joe Martin: "I
made a leap and as my weight relieved it, a bough snapped back and hit
Joe in the face. He thought I had done it on purpose, started jibbering,
and the first thing I knew he was after me and on my back, ready for fight.
It took some effort to pull him off, and it took triple the amount of effort
and all of the pastry included in my lunch-box, to put him in friendly
humor with me again."
While he was still alive, Pollar was invited to a Tarzan
actor reunion in which James Pierce was billed as the oldest living
Tarzan. Pollar gently set the record straight. At that time, he was the
Gene Pollar Scrapbook and Story
The Return/Revenge of Tarzan
Pollar's Tarzan in Collage
1921 Theatre Marquee for "Revenge"
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** 1930: A Tarzan-lion story hit the
comic pages today, with Rex Maxon's daily strip telling the story
of "Tarzan and the Golden Lion", beginning Oct. 20 in 1930. The
strips were adapted later into a Big Little Book format with cover by John
Coleman Burroughs
Tarzan and the Golden Lion: 96 Maxon Daily Strips
Guide to ALL the Maxon daily and Sunday strips
*** 1934: was the copyright
date for the Big Little Book version of the “Tarzan the Fearless”
movie, where Buster Crabbe made his one and only appearance as the ape-man.
Tarzan the Fearless BLB Summary (3 Pages)
Tarzan the Fearless: 8-page Film Coverage
*** 1926: The day of Harry's son, nephew Studley Oldham
Burroughs' second marriage, to Alice Carroll Armstrong.
*** 1929: Oct. 19: ERB received word from Elser
of renewed interest in the Tribes of Tarzan club. There followed
a series of renewals and revisions of the club formations
*** 1934: Ed moved temporarily into the Dearholt
apartment in West Hollywood when lease on his Pinehurst Road home
ran out
*** 1946: Ed was visited by four fans: "A Mr. Evans and
his daughter, Mr. Ackerman, and 'Tigrina', a pretty blonde."
ERB Illustrated Annotated Calendar
ERB Bio Timeline
JOHN CARTER OF MARS 2012 Film: Behind the Scenes:
Director Stanton and Dafoe ~ Lynn Collins and
Taylor Kitsch riding "Thoats" ~ THARKS: (Top) Church
~ (L-R) Dafoe, Morton, Walker
*** 2009: We know that when John Carter tried
to recall events of his long, long life, he easily remembered his sword
being red with blood in the service of many a king, but we don't read much
about his recollection of his school days if, indeed, he ever had any.
He did, however, go to school on Mars -- the school with
his tutor, Sola, and "The School of Hard Knocks," as he learned
to cope with the dangers of Mars or die. His education was, necessarily,
rapid when he was among the Tharks, and he learned by observation and gut
instincts. What he didn't learn from firsthand experience, he picked up
from his close association with Tars Tarkas.
To play the role of a Thark requires some degree of education,
too. In an interview published Oct. 21, 2009, Ain't It Cool News
reported that actor Willem Dafoe said, in order to learn the movements
and language of Tharks, among other things, "We're going to Thark school,"
presumably including in the "we're" the other humans who were playing roles
of Tharks.
We can be thankful that Andrew Stanton was thoughtful
enough to educate the actors for the "John Carter" film by sending them
to Thark school.
As for Lynn Collins, Stanton's first thought was to send
her to Martian Princess School. But, after thinking it over, he decided
instead to send her to Martian Scientific Warrior Princess School.
Not everyone can go to Thark school, of course. But if
you study hard, do your homework, and get good grades, you will at least
be allowed to submit an application.
Our Giant John Carter of Mars Film Site: Background
~ Hundreds of Photos and Art, etc.
Compilation of John Carter Pre-Production News
Thark Gallery: 100s of Artist Interpretations (8 Pages)
A Princess of Mars
*** 1942: Edgar Rice Burroughs,
in an opinion piece for the Honolulu Advertiser, Oct. 21, 1942,
chose a partial quotation from Galatians 6:7 "Whatsoever
a man soweth, that shall he also reap," as the closing line
in a piece in which he gave a piece of his mind to Russians who were complaining
about the U.S.
ERB Article "Whatsoever A Man
*** 1929: Universal
released Tarzan the Tiger - the second serial based on Tarzan
and Jewels of Opar purchased in 1922. ERB received no royalties from
either of the Universal serials.
Following the success of Tarzan the Mighty, Merrill and
Kingston reprised their roles (although she was now correctly referred
to as Jane). Al Ferguson, who had played Black John returned as another
villain, this time an explorer who kidnapped Jane and sold her into white
slavery. Tarzan lost his memory in chapter three of the serial struggled
to overcome his amnesia through most of the serial with its endless cliffhangers.
*** The success of "the talkies" prompted Universal to
add music and sound effects to this silent serial and audiences were able
to hear the Merrill's version of the apeman's ape cry for the first time.
The serial was a success despite its untimely release which coincided with
the October 1929 stock market crash.
*** Universal bowed out of the serial market and the
next Tarzan project would be by MGM where the apeman's vocabulary would
be suddenly relegated to one of monosyllabic grunts and pidgeon English.
The end of the silent era would spell the end of some of filmdom's most
faithful adaptations of the Tarzan novels.
Tarzan the Tiger: Photos ~ Credits ~ Serial Synopses
Tarzan and Jewels of Opar
*** 1920:
ERB wrote a LETTER
to "My dear little girlie" Joan still in the convent.
*** 1934: Ed and Flo
travelled to Las Vegas where he took up residency. He spent his
time playing tennis, writing, phoning Flo, and in visits to LA. Emma
planned to contest the divorce and moved to 10452 Bellagio Road
in Bel Air.
Walter Winchell, in his column, stated
matters in his familiar, blunt style: "A man named Edgar Rice Burroughs
is at the Apache Hotel. . . for the usual reason — after 34 years of marriage.
His next bride will be Florence Dearholt of Queens
Road, Hollywood."
The collapse of Florence's marriage,
as she recalled, came abruptly as a result of Dearholt's consuming interest
in the actress Ula Holt. After Florencs's separation from Dearholt, Florence
and Ed, both in deep distress — sufferers in common — were drawn to each
other. "We were two lost souls that got together," Florence said.
Ed's misery and guilt were so strong that [he told her] he was "ready to
shoot himself." More than once in the passing weeks he credited her with
saving his life. His sharpest anguish was about Hulbert who now, because
of the separation, was left with the burden of the problem at home.
The monotony of waiting in Las Vegas
was alleviated by playing tennis, doing a little writing and "watching
gambling" at one of the clubs. Ed had noted he was "terribly lonely" but
phone calls between him and Florence helped, and soon she began to make
regular trips to Las Vegas. Ed also returned for brief visits to Los Angeles.
On November 11, when Florence and he decided to drive back to Las Vegas
together. Emma, still stunned and incredulous about the happenings,
had moved with her two sons to 10452 Bellagio Road in Bel-Air. She still
hoped that Ed would return to her, and on November 21, in a letter to Jack,
mentioned, "something to bring Ed to his senses before too late."
On December 4 Ed's six-week residency
was ended, and with Emma deciding not to offer any objections, the suit
was filed the next day and a quickie divorce granted on the sixth. A property
agreement had already been reached, with Emma receiving a generous settlement.
Ed and Flo married on April 4, 1935
and honeymooned in Hawaii. ~ Ref: Porges
ERB Bio Timeline
Letter to Joan from Las Vegas in the previous year
ERB's Step-son Lee Chase's Photos of Ed and Flo
Las Vegas Wedding Certificate




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