Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive
Collated by John Martin and
Bill Hillman
With Web Design, Added Events,
Illustrations and Photo Collages
by Bill Hillman
9 ~ NOV 10
NOV 11 ~ NOV
12 ~ NOV 13 ~ NOV 14
Click for full-size images
Ray Bradbury: Major ERB Fan ~ Fantastic Worlds of
ERB ~ ERB Letters and Boulder Dam visit
ECOF 2004 Attendees ~ Tom Tolley and part of his collection
~ ERB, Emma and kids at Tarzana Ranch
*** 1933: In the early 1930s James and Joan
Pierce played Tarzan and Jane in the radio show, and Burroughs in a
letter dated November 8, 1933, refers to Joan, his daughter, as being the
"Popular Jane Porter of the air." ERBzine 1636 shows a personal collection
of correspondence from Burroughs to his daughter, Joan, discussing his
impressions of his travels to Hawaii, Las Vegas and Panama, as well as
reflections on his writing, thoughts on life, etc. The candid and revealing
pages, from the collection of Lee Chase - ERB's step-son, were being made
available through Heritage Book Shop. The letters had not been previously
offered for sale and were even unavailable to biographer Irwin Porges,
author of "Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan."
*** The available letter images were very small, but
your ERBzine editor laboriously keyed them onto ERBzine 1636 to make for
an easier read. I've also added a few photos. One of the letters
describes a trip that Ed, Emma and the two boys took to Las Vegas
and an exciting VIP visit to the building site of the Boulder Dam. This
was one of the last trips that Ed took with Emma. Ironically, the next
letter written two years later in 1935, described his life with his bride
Florence and her children, Lee and Caryl Lee, after Ed had left
Emma to marry his second wife, Florence Gilbert.
They had rented a home for eight months
at Arena Road, Palm Springs. During this time they spent much time at the
Palm Springs Racquet Club owned by actors Ralph Bellamy and Charles
Farrell. Bellamy became a "kind of stepfather" to young Lee and Caryl.
The children were given swimming lessons by Johnny Weissmuller.
Ed often entertained Florence's children by telling them the same cliffhanger
stories he once told to Joan, Hulbert and Jack.
During this time in November, ERB,
still suffering from his bladder obstruction trouble, entered the Good
Samaritan Hospital under the name John B. Downs. A long period of
convalescence followed.
ERB Letters to Joan
Lost Words of ERB features many more personal letters
*** 2021 "I love to say it because it
upsets everyone terribly - Burroughs is probably the most influential writer
in the entire history of the world." ~ Ray Bradbury
"The Jungle Books are known and
read and loved around the world, but they didn’t make most boys run amok,
pull their bones like taffy, and grow them to romantic flights and far-flung
jobs around the world. On occasion, yes, but more often than not, no. Kipling
was a better writer than Burroughs, but not a better romantic. A better
writer, too, and also a romantic, was Jules Verne....
"Burroughs stands above all these
by reason of his unreason, because of his natural impulses, because of
the color of the blood running in Tarzan’s veins, because of the blood
on the teeth of the gorilla, the lion, and the black panther. Because of
the sheer romantic impossibility of Burroughs’ Mars and its fairy tale
people with green skins and the absolutely unscientific way John Carter
traveled there. Being utterly impossible, he was the perfect fast-moving
chum for any ten year old boy."
The comparisons above were made by Ray Bradbury, who
held Edgar Rice Burroughs in the highest regard. The above Ray Bradbury
material is an excerpt from the Introduction to the Porges ERB Biography:
The Man Who Created Tarzan, which we had originally reprinted in ERBzine
back in 2012 and to which I had added Ray Bradbury Remembers ERB
*** I've been a longtime fan of Bradbury's work and had
integrated some of his writing into the university courses I taught. I
had never met Mr. Bradbury, but had a quick phone chat with him when he
called Danton's family in Tarzana on the weekend of Dan's Memorial Service.
He apologized that he would not be able to attend since he was a featured
GoH at a San Diego conference. I was guest at Dan's home after having flown
from Canada to deliver the eulogy for my friend. Sue-On wasn't able to
make the trip since she had a heavy weekend running our restaurant back
in Brandon.
Ray Bradbury Intro to Porges' ERB Bio
Ray Bradbury Remembers ERB
More Introductory Text: Hulbert's Foreword ~ Porges'
Danton Burroughs Memorial
Off-Site Reference
Carter Files Page
*** Tom Tolley got his ERB stuff
back. Tom had a bunch of ERB stuff in his car when a dirty rat stole the
car and everything that was in it! Here's how the Sacramento Bee wrote
up the item on Nov. 8, 2004: "Bad timing: Tom Tolley's car picked a bad
time to get stolen. The car was packed with 25 boxes of Tom's priceless
Edgar Rice Burroughs collection - silent-film ads, books, music scores,
even $100 worth of Mylar covers to protect the goods. 'One of the items
stolen was a book I worked on, an Edgar Rice Burroughs bibliography, available
only online from myself and a dealer in Grass Valley,' Tom said. 'No one
else should have them.' Him Tarzan. Want stuff back."
Unfortunately, there was no followup
article with "the rest of the story." I learned the full story a few years
later when I met Tom at an ERB convention and asked him about it. He said
that the police had been able to locate his car and he was able to get
most, if not all, of his ERB material back. Tom may have acquired some
of that stuff at an ECOF just three months earlier, or he may have had
some of it for sale there. He had helped to organize the 2004 ECOF in Sacramento,
and on Aug. 11 of that year The Sacramento Bee, in a brief writeup about
the ECOF, had said this:
"Among the organizers is local Burroughs expert Tom Tolley,
who hung around the Burroughs compound while growing up in Los Angeles.
Tarzans came and went, but Tom agrees the best was Johnny Weissmuller.
'He was a wild man,' Tom said."
ERB Collection Stolen from Tom Tolley
Sacramento 2004 ECOF Photos
Newspaper report on ECOF 2004 Sacramento
Northwest Coast Mangani Event 2017
1930: The
Burroughs family return to their original Tarzana home. ERB took possession
of 30 acres, which he starts to clear and landscape. During difficult financial
times the Tarzana home had become the El Caballero Club House for
awhile. The Burroughs family eventually returned to the home. . . but sometime
later the main bulding was demolished.
El Caballero Souvenir Booklet
(3 pages)
More of our Tarzana Features
Tarzana Ranch and El Caballero
Carl Sagan: Respected Scientist, Astronomer, Writer,
Broadcaster and admirer of ERB ~ Soldier of Poloda:
ERB, Inc Wild Adventures of ERB Series ~ Lou Gehrig:
Tarzan Wannabe ~ Denny Miller: actor/writer
*** November 9 is Carl Sagan Day: (1934.11.09-1996.12.20)
The works of Edgar Rice Burroughs inspired many, from major leaguers to
science majors, and two who are members of that club are Yankees baseball
star Lou Gehrig and scientist and author Carl Sagan.
Sagan was the world's best known astronomer as a result
of hosting "Cosmos" a 1980 series on public television which had
an estimated audience of 400 million people. He was a prolific writer with
600+ papers and articles and a distinguished scientist. Research interests
included the origins of life, nuclear winter, the possibility of life in
other locations in the universe and promoting science as a way of understanding
the universe and freeing people from fears of the supernatural. "Extraordinary
claims require extraordinary evidence."
"I can remember as a child reading with breathless
fascination the Mars novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs. I journeyed with John
Carter, gentleman adventurer from Virginia, to "Barsoom," as Mars was known
to its inhabitants. I followed herds of eight legged beasts of burden,
the thoats. I won the hand of the lovely Dejah Thoris, Princess of Helium.
I befriended a four-metre-high green fighting man named Tars Tarkas. I
wandered within the spired cities and domed pumping stations of Barsoom,
and along the verdant banks of the Nilosyrtis and Nepenthes canals. Might
it really be possible - in fact and not in fancy - to venture with John
Carter to the Kingdom of Helium on the planet Mars? Could we venture out
on a summer evening, our way illuminated by the two hurtling moons of Barsoom,
for a journey of high scientific adventure? ... I can remember spending
many an hour in my boyhood, arms resolutely outstretched in an empty field,
imploring what I believed to be Mars to transport me there." (BH)
Carl Sagan: Bio ~ Photos ~ Quotes
Carl Sagan's Love of Science and Books
Carl Sagan: Free Thinker Quotes
*** 1936: ERB Telegram to Lou Gehrig:
Even if legendary Yankee first baseman Lou Gehrig would have been
chosen for the role of Tarzan, he wouldn't have lasted long. Gehrig was
under consideration for the role in the fall of 1936, little realizing
he would soon have to retire from everything due to a future diagnosis
of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the disease which would be named
for him, and which would end his life five years later.
But Gehrig at least had the fun of dreaming about playing
such a role, and had himself photographed in a couple of different kinds
of loin cloths and striking the type of poses that he thought were typical
of Tarzan (even though Tarzan did not generally carry a caveman club [He
did carry one at least briefly while stranded on the island in "The Beasts
of Tarzan.").
One thing Gehrig's photos revealed was the musclebound
hamhocks that served as his upper legs. They were great for running bases,
but not so photogenic as it turned out. And had he ever played the role
of Tarzan, movie-goers may have found something to laugh at in addition
to the antics of Cheeta. So the dream ended when Sol Lessor, who
had won the right to make Tarzan pictures, had to tell Gehrig: "Don't call
us; we'll call you."
Even the creator of Tarzan, Edgar
Rice Burroughs himself, had to draw the line at approving of Gehrig
in the role, even though the baseball superstar's casting might have brought
bigger crowds to the movies. The Washington Post reported on Nov. 9, 1936,
that Burroughs had sent a telegram to Gehrig saying: "Having
seen several pictures of you as Tarzan and paid for newspaper clippings
on the subject, I want to congratulate you on being a swell first baseman."
So Gehrig had to content himself with being a super first
baseman, and went on to set a record of playing in 2,130 straight games,
which earned him the nickname of The Iron Horse. The streak might
have gone on even longer had not Gehrig been diagnosed with the fatal,
degenerative disease. His record stood until Cal Ripken broke it in 1995.
See ERBzine 1709 for more on Gehrig and the ERB/Gehrig
Baseball Connection
The ERB/Gehrig Baseball Connection
ERB says Gehrig's on first:
Gehrig as Tarzan: Photo Collage
Off-Site Reference
in Wikipedia
*** On Nov. 9, 2017, ERB Inc.
announced that a softcover edition of Lee Strong's "A Soldier of Poloda"
had become available. Since then, Strong has added another Pellucidar book
to the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs canon, "Untamed Pellucidar."
ERB fans look forward the "Fall Book Sale" time at ERB Inc., with many
of the Wild Adventurds on sale at bargain prices:
Edgar Rice Burroughs debuted the world of Poloda in the
pulp story Beyond the Farthest Star in 1940 just as Hitler’s Nazis
marched across Europe and the Imperial Japanese extended their reach across
the South Pacific. Like fellow Earthman, Tangor from ERB's story, American
OSS officer Thomas Randolph is mysteriously teleported to a foreign planet
where he lands in the center of a 100-year war that mirrors the Allied
Powers’ struggle against Adolph Hitler’s Third Reich. Unlike Tangor, Randolph
– now Tomas Ran – finds himself behind enemy lines where he gains a first-hand
view of the inner workings of the corrupt Kapar empire. Learn more about
this Poloda sequel in our ERBzine coverage starting at: ERBzine 5819 which
presents a Strong Bio, Evolution of the Project, Contents, Prologue, Previews,
Art, etc.
A Soldier of Poloda by Lee Strong
Wild Adventures of ERB Series
A Soldier of Poloda at ERB, Inc.
Untamed Pellucidar at ERB, Inc.
ERB, Inc. Fall Book Sale
*** Denny "Tarzan" Miller
played Florence Henderson's self-centered old high school boyfriend Tank
Gates on The Brady Bunch Show on this date in 1973's "Quarterback
Sneak" episode. Denny has shared a multitude of such memories with ERBzine
which we illustrated with hundreds of photos.
Denny Miller Career Flashbacks
*** "A Time Line of ERB's "Other
Burroughs": A Life History of "OB - the Other Burroughs" ~ The Edgar
Rice Burroughs gleaned by Bill Hillman from prologues, introductions, forewords,
and the novels themselves makes for an interesting read. Apparently there
was even another Edgar
Rice Burroughs. This one also died at age 75 but on July 22, 2018.
This Burroughs never wrote any books but he did love trivia and perhaps
had some trivia about Tarzan in his repertoire. No, it's not one of the
"real" "other" Burroughs.
Timeline of ERB's "Other Burroughs"
Off-Site Reference:
Real-Life "other" Burroughs
John Carter and the Giant of Mars: Amazing
1941, Original Better Little Book, Amazing Reprint 1961 and Canaveral
Buster Crabbe in King of Jungle from Stoneham's
Way ~ ERB's "favourite" wrestlers: Stecher and Zbyszko
*** 1940: "John Carter and the Giant of Mars" first
appeared in an Amazing Stories magazine dated January of 1941. However,
as every schoolboy knows, magazines are dated in a weird way and usually
actually hits the newsstands well before the date on the cover. Thus, the
edition featuring John Carter vs. Joog actually was available for purchase
two months earlier.
Bill Hillman's ERBzine reports that the magazine hit
the stands on Nov. 10, 1940. A controversy soon followed as to authorship
over this story, which was actually written by Edgar Rice Burroughs's son,
Coleman Burroughs. Hulbert has explained that "Giant" was originally
written as a Whitman Better Little Book and was later expanded into
novelette form. ERB was in Honolulu at the time. Jack (perhaps with input
from Whitman editors) did virtually all of the work on it.
*** The John Carter and the Giant of
Mars story has a long complicated history. I first read it in the early
'50s in one of the many BLBs in my collection. At the time I, like most
people back then, thought it was written by ERB. We later learned, of course,
that the story was written and illustrated by John Coleman Burroughs.
The story was expanded later for publication in Amazing Stories -- perhaps
with a bit of input from ERB and the Amazing editors. This version was
illustrated by J. Allen St. John. I didn't get to read the Amazing
version until they reprinted it in 1961 at the beginning of the "Burroughs
The story was reprinted again in a
hardcover in 1962 when editor Richard Lupoff combined it with another rare
Barsoom story -- the unfinished Skeleton Men of Jupiter. The Canaveral
two-story edition was released under the title:
John Carter of Mars
-- No. 11 in the Barsoom series. The illustrations this time around were
by Reed Crandall. This is the version that I've featured in my e-text
reprint in ERBzine.
The story was given new life in 2019
when it was reprinted in a lavishly illustrated special limited edition
by Jim Gerlach's
in conjunction with Edgar
Rice Burroughs Inc. Realizing that not many ERB fans and researchers
have read the original Better Little Book edition, I scanned every page
of my own treasured copy -- the results of which are featured in ERBzine
2841 and at our John Coleman Burroughs site. Sadly the brittle binding
of this thick little book was damaged beyond repair during the scanning
process. (BH)
John Carter and the Giant of Mars
Read the Complete "Giant of Mars" eText
Read the "Giant" Better Little Scanned Pages
"Giant of Mars" Extended Review by Den Valdron
"Giant" Chapter Summaries and Review by David Adams
Takebe Art For the Japanese Edition
Off-Site Reference
1933: In the ERB universe, 25 women
took a vote Nov. 10, 1933, to determine who would star in the film, "King
of the Jungle," a role that would pave the way for the star's path
to the role of Tarzan himself. They decided on an individual who was just
their "type" and you already know his name, but read the article in ERBzine
Buster Crabbe Voted for "King of the Jungle"
Buster's King of the Jungle Pics
Tarzan the Fearless Compendium
Ed and the boys attended the wrestling matches. He wrote that he
had seen only one football game this season (U.S.C. vs U.C.), preferring
to listen to the games on radio. He and the boys had become wrestling fans.
". . . but the game is so damn crooked that much of the kick is taken out
of it. They say that every opponent who faces Stecher, the heavyweight
champion, has to post a twenty five hundred dollar bond that he will not
beat him, and the bouts certainly suggest that this may have foundations
in truth. We saw him wrestle Zbyszko last night and in my opinion
if Zbyszko had dared, he could have killed him. Of all the rotten excuses
for a champion, I think Stecher the rottenest. We also attended the classical
Hudkins fiasco last week. If all the lousy crooks who make an easy
living off the fighters and wrestlers could be eliminated, I think the
public might enjoy some pretty good sport, but as it is going now it will
not be long before boxing and wrestling will be stopped in California
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Gridiron Memories
ERB Bio Timeline
Off-Site References
Joe Stecher in Wikipedia
Stanislaus Zbyszko in Wikipedia
Tarzan and the Lion Man: Liberty, Ray Dean
art, ERB, Inc. edition, Artist Stockton Mulford ~ Noiseless typewriter
Parents George and Mary ~ ERB's recommended beach
wear ~ Brother Harry ~ Ashton, Florence, ERB and kids
*** 1933: "Tarzan and the Lion Man" first appeared
in Liberty on this date, a more mainstream magazine than the usual
pulps, and it resulted in a $10,000 check for author Edgar Rice Burroughs.
However, Ed immediately wrote a check for $1,500 of that
$10,000 to pay the agent who had done the negotiations with Liberty.
There were no ERB covers for the nine-part serial, which
continued into early January, but there were two illustrations with each
installment, done by artist Stockton Mulford, who signed the art
as "Ray Dean." (Mulford used his own name when he did cover illustrations
for pulp editions of two other ERB novels, "Tarzan and the Ant Men" and
"The Moon Men."
"Tarzan and the Lion Man" could also be titled 'The Payback
of Edgar Rice Burroughs." After the movie-makers had taken his well-spoken
English Lord and turned him into someone who spoke pidgin English, ERB
turned the tables on the filmographers by writing a story on what might
happen to a movie company which came to Africa to film a movie about a
Tarzan-like "Lion Man." Of course, the real Tarzan has to get the crew
out of all kinds of trouble.
Finally, in the last chapter, Tarzan
goes to Hollywood for a visit and ends up on the set in a studio where
an actual Tarzan movie is being filmed. ERB has a lot of fun with everything
about this story line.
Robert B. Zeuschner, author of "Edgar Rice
Burroughs: A Bibliography," reports that the magazine version is a
bit shorter than the eventual book version published by ERB Inc.
After paying the $10,000 for first serial rights, Liberty's editors apparently
decided they didn't need to get their full money's worth! Bob said "it
is thought that the Liberty editor may have made deletions."
Henry Hardy Heins, author of "A Golden Anniversary
Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs," reports that "The last chapter...which
bears the title 'Hello, Hollywood!' exists also as a separate Burroughs
manuscript titled, "If Tarzan came to Hollywood."
Tarzan and the Lion Man: History ~ Art ~ Links
"Lion Man" ~ Read the eText Edition
"Lion Man": Ray Dean full-size Art in Liberty Magazine
"Lion Man" ~ 9 Liberty Magazine Covers
Liberty Art by Ray Dean (Stockton Mulford)
More Liberty Art: McWhorter Collection
Stockton Mulford (Ray Dean): Artist Encyclopedia
Off-Site Reference
summary of the story
*** 1887: Father George Burroughs
was an official witness to the execution of the convicted Haymarket bombers
who had been arrested after the Haymarket Square riots, a mass labor
protest in May of 1886. George, a staunch Republican, later stated, ""I
do not believe in fanaticism anywhere."
He was sworn into the army on April
19, 1861, despite having limited vision in one eye -- the result of a childhood
accident. He entered service in the Civil War as a private in Company "G"
of the 71st Regiment, New York State Militia. The new recruit was in the
hospital with dysentery when he learned that his company was marching to
the front. He climbed out the window and caught up with his company --
he was reprimanded but was allowed to remain. In the advance on Manassas,
June 16 to 21, he saw action at Sudley Springs and at the Battle of Bull
Run. In the front rank of the Bull Run battle George felt a bullet pass
through his blouse. It struck and killed the man behind him. After the
disaster of Bull Run on July 21, the soldiers of the 71st, bewildered and
in disorder, managed to reach Washington within the next two days. The
letter he wrote from Headquarters 71st Regt. NYSM ~ Navy Yard, Washington
D.C. on June 27 1861 is featured in ERBzine 0943.
On December 16, 1861 reentered service
with a commission as First Lieutenant, 43rd New York Volunteer Infantry,
"Albany & Yates Rifles." He served as acting regimental quartermaster
from December 1861 to September 1862. After various battle campaigns, he
was detached from his regiment and assigned to duty as acting commissary
of subsistence on the staff of General F. L. Vinton and then, with a commission
from President Lincoln, was made captain and commissary of subsistence
on February 19, 1863. He remained throughout the war and was present
in numerous campaigns.
George's military involvement had
a lasting influence upon his youngest son Edgar who attended Michigan Military
Academy and tried unsuccessfully to join Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders
and also as a mercenary in the Chinese Army. Edgar went on to serve in
the US Cavalry and later, during the Great War to serve as a Major in the
Reserves. In WWII Ed served in the Pacific theatre as the oldest war correspondent
in the war.
George's wife and Edgar's mother --
Mary Evaline -- bravely followed her husband into war. She related these
experiences in a book written for the family: Memoirs
of a War Bride
George Burroughs Bio Tribute
George Burroughs Memoriam
George Burroughs Photo Collage
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The War Years
Memoirs of a War Bride by Mary Evaline Burroughs
*** 1887: Brothers George
and Harry wrote home regularly from Yale. Danton shared all
these letters with me and I'v transcribed these handwritten letters into
seven huge Webpages.
Hartland 1884 ~ Yale 1887/1888 ~ Chicago 1920 &
*** 1929: "I have one of those noiseless
typewriters, but as far as I am concerned it is a total loss. I want
to hear them go."
ERB Bio Timeline and Annotated Calendar
*** 1929: Ed's pointers for a uniform
to wear onboard a yacht: "The hat is the principal item. This should
be of the well-known cocked variety with a white plume. The hat should
be done in blue or green to match the sea. In addition to this I suggest
large epaulets and a red sash. What else you wear will be a matter for
your own discretion, but if you like suntan and do not freckle the above
will be all that you will require."
Burroughs Family Summer Beach Cottages at Morrison
*** 1934: Florence drove
back to Las Vegas with Ed, while Ashton took care of the children.
*** 1946: After many requests, Ed refused
to buy a horse for Caryl Lee, stating that if her parents wanted her to
have one, they would be better able to buy one than he.
Caryl Lee Burroughs Tribute: 3 Pages
Florence Gilbert Burroughs Tributes: 8 Pages
James H. Pierce in Tarzan and the Golden Lion
~ Back to the Stone Age and Escape On Venus:
Sigaloff DJs for Canaveral from original JCBs ~ Bobbie
Rucker's Tarzan Cabin ~ Pierces' Gravesite
*** 1963: Canaveral Press published two more Edgar
Rice Burroughs editions on this date -- "Back to the Stone Age"
and "Escape on Venus." Both featured Sam Sigaloff covers
based on the original John Coleman Burroughs cover paintings.
Canaveral didn't always do things chronologically. A
year less four days earlier, the company had published the first Venus
book, "Pirates of Venus," but an ERB fan totally dependent on Canaveral
would have been frustrated with the appearance of the fourth book in the
series when the second and third had not yet appeared. But, no worry for
the patient -- because, just a few days later, on Nov. 15, 1963 -- both
"Lost on Venus" and "Carson of Venus" rolled off the press.The
fifth story, a novelette, "The Wizard of Venus," appeared on April
27 of 1964 along with two other novelettes in a volume called "Tales
of Three Planets."
Canaveral also shuffled the Pellucidar
books slightly out of order, with "Tanar of Pellucidar" coming out
Oct. 19, 1962, six days before the first book in the series, "At the
Earth's Core," and seven days before the second book, "Pellucidar."
The rest of them were published in the right order.
A foreword was provided for "Back to the Stone Age" in
the pulp serial but the forward was not included in the book editions.
The forward is included, however, in the "Back to the Stone Age" entry
of "Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography," by Robert B. Zeuschner.
In Henry Hardy Heins's "A Golden Anniversary Bibliography
of Edgar Rice Burroughs," the one-liner description of the inner world
story reads: "Lieutentant Wilhelm von Horst finds
love and adventure in the prehistoric world of the eternal sun."
The description of "Escape on Venus" is: "Ever fighting
to escape imprisonment, Carson and Duare finally find their home and peace."
*** The next major reprint for Back to the Stone Age
was the deluxe Jim Gerlach ERBbooks and ERB, Inc. edition.
Back to the Stone Age: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R Biblio
"Stone Age": Read the eText
More related John Coleman Burroughs art
Gerlach ERBbooks Deluxe Edition
Escape on Venus: ERB C.H.A.S.E.R Biblio
Read the Complete Novel in e-Text
The Canaveral Press Story
Off-Site References
to the Stone Age summarized
on Venus summarized
*** 2007: McWhorter's ERB Book List
sent to ERBzine.
Edgar Rice Burroughs was always a reader, including
in the last seven years of his life.
George T. McWhorter
inventoried the papers used by Irwin T. Porges in writing "Edgar
Rice Burroughs: The Man Who Created Tarzan." Among the papers he found
a list of books Burroughs read after 1943. On Nov. 12, 2007, he wrote a
note to Bill Hillman when he sent him the list of the books. ERBzine
added cover illustrations and research information to the list which is
featured in ERBzine 2002-2006
Last Books Read by Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERBzines 2002-2006: Starting at:
ERBzine's Complete ERB Personal Library Project
*** 1983: Jim Pierce (1900.08.08-1983.11.12)
the fourth movie Tarzan, the first radio Tarzan, and ERB's son-in-law,
died on this date at age 83. He had lost his wife, Joan Burroughs Pierce,
on December 30, 1972 at age 64.
Back in 1970, Sue-On and I were warmly
welcomed by Hulbert Burroughs who showed us all around the ERB, Inc. offices
in Tarzana. We then had a great time exploring all the treasures in the
normally very private warehouse and marvelling at the books, documents
and memorabilia that had survived the disastrous warehouse fire started
by very combustible cellulose nitrate Tarzan films. We had such a great
visit that Hully invited us to come back the following day to visit his
sister Joan and her husband Jim Pierce who were driving in from their home
in Apple Valley for an ERB, Inc. board meeting. We checked into Avalon
Motel and returned next day for a long visit with Jim and Joan. We took
photos of them but were so star struck that we didn't have Hully take photos
of us with the pair. . . I didn't even ask for their autographs.
Later, however, I sent down tapes of their 1932 Tarzan radio shows which
they hadn't heard for many years. They were so grateful that the sent us
a huge box of ERB, Inc. first editions and many dust jackets. Very warm
and gracious people. Sadly, we didn't have a chance to cross paths again,
although we visited their gravesites Forest Hills Cemetery in Shelbyville,
Many years later, Danton had the office photocopy all
the pages from his copy of Jim's autobiography, "The Battle of Hollywood".
He sent these to me and I've scanned the photos and transcribed all the
text for all to read in ERBzine.
James H. Pierce Tribute: Bio ~ Radio Shows ~ Films
~ Photos
Hillmans meet Jim and Joan in Tarzana
Jim Pierce Photo Collage
Jim and Joan Burroughs Pierce Gravesite in Shelbyville
*** 2008: Bobbie M. Rucker (1923.03.14-2008.11.12)
passed away on this date from heart stroke, after which she declined life
support treatments.
Bobbie was the widow of Jefferson County Police Sergeant,
Charles O. Rucker. She was a medical records supervisor for the Veteran's
Administration Medical Center until her retirement in 1983. She was a violist
in several local chamber music groups, and was also an active member of
the Edgar Rice Burroughs Bibliophiles, Louisville Miniature Club, and the
Church of the Ascension. Bobbie is survived by her two sons, Marc A. Rucker
(Linda) and Lance M. Rucker (Bianca); grandchildren, Charles, Michael,
Jason, Meg, Alex, Lon, and Adam; and seven great-grandchildren.
Bobbie was a dedicated Burroughs Bibliophile,
contributing articles to the Burroughs Bulletin and attending many
Dum-Dums, including the memorable visit to Greystoke Castle in 1988.
Of special interest to ERB fans is her hand-crafted miniature of Tarzan's
birth cabin, carefully researched from her reading of Tarzan of
the Apes. Her sense of humour was refreshing, and she referred to Edgar
Rice Burroughs as "the sole remaining prop of my declining years."
We always looked forward to meeting
Bobbie at numerous ERB Conventions. She and Sue-On always had some wonderful
chats at these meetings. We miss her very much.
Remembering Bobbie Rucker
Bobbie Rucker in Gridley Wave
ERBzine News Archive #26
Off-Site Reference
Markendorf Rucker

Tarzana Ranch and Ballroom/Theatre then and now ~ Ralph Herman and
Danton: film presentation at Ballroom/Theatre
More Herman photos: El Cab, NYC, Danton Memorial, etc. ~ Tanar
Blue Book Cover ~ Young Eagles serial: ERB Productions
*** 1921: Film schedule at the Burroughs Tarzana
Ballroom Theatre:
Ahead ~ For Sale
~ Wolves of the North
~ Man Tamer ~ A
Dollar's Worth (short) ~ (Luring
Lips was cancelled as most people had seen it downtown).
It was a thrill for Sue-On
and I to visit this Ballroom/Theatre building during a visit to
Tarzana. Of the original Burroughs Tarzana Ranch Estate this is
about the only structure remaining since the main house was demolished
in the '30s. Ralph Herman owned this building at one time and had
done extensive remodelling to it.
I had first met Ralph at the Marriott
after-show party at the Broadway Premiere of Tarzan the Musical. A few
years later I spent a day with Ralph during the weekend I was in Tarzana
for Danton's memorial service. Ralph is the leading expert on the history
of and all-things Tarzana. He was a marvelous host. He drove me all around
Hollywood and we rode a golf cart all around the El Caballero Country Club
golf greens, all of which was once part of the Burroughs Ranch. Following
this we dined at the exclusive El Cab Dining Room. Later, we even explored
his new high rise which was under construction near Hollywood and Vine.
A very bitter sweet time.
Photos: Ralph has done many
presentations boosting Tarzana through the years, including the one in
my accompanying photo bar where he and Danton shared their memories of
Tarzana in the orignal
Ballroom Building. Other photos are of Ralph
giving a tribute at
Danton's Memorial, Dining at the El Caballero
Club (site of ERB's original golf course), Tarzan Musical Premier
party at the Merriott on Broadway with Ralph, his lady friend, and myself,
and finally, Ralph leading me on a tour of his high rise bulding site at
and Vine. There is more info and many photos at ERBzine 4197.
Tarzana Ranch Estate: Then and Now
The Ralph Herman / Tarzana Connection
Tarzana Ranch Photos and Art
Tarzana Hall of Fame
Tarzana Adventure
*** 1928: Tanar of Pellucidar
was completed (77,000 words). For one of the cities in the book Ed spelled
the nearby town Pacoima backwards: Amiocap.
Tanar of Pellucidar: ERBzine C.H.A.S.E.R. Biblio
Blue Book Serial Cover Collage
Mahlon Blaine Illustrations
*** 1934: ERB assigned
all rights for Romance Films to George Stout, including the
boy scout film serial, "Young
Eagles." This was a serial Dearholt and Cohen slapped together
just before Dearholt convinced ERB to let him do the Tarzan serial: it's
also got a South American or Central American jungle motif, and is possibly
the most boring serial ever made.
"Young Eagles" is a 12-episode serial in which
two Boy Scouts (Eagle Scouts) win an around-the-world trip with a crack
aviator, and find themselves crash-landed in the jungles of Central America
after the ace forgets to refuel in Ecuador. They are captured by natives,
discover treasure and are rescued by the U.S, government.
Chapter Titles: 1. The Crash ~ 2. The Drums of
Hate ~ 3. City of the Dead ~ 4. Bridge of Doom ~ 5. Treasure Trails ~ 6.
Fangs of Flame ~ 7. Tropic Fury ~ 8. Wings of Terror ~ 9. The Lost Lagoon
~ 10. Jungle Outlaws ~ 11. Trapped ~ 13. Out of the Sky
It was produced under the company name, Romance Pictures,
which seems probably to have more or less morphed into Burroughs-Tarzan
"Young Eagles": Romance Films
ERB: Film Producer - Burroughs-Tarzan Enterprises
*** More ERB Bio Timeline
1934: Walter Winchell reported that ERB was staying
at the Apache Hotel in preparation to end 34 years of marriage. His
bride-to-be would be Florence Dearholt of Queens Road, Hollywood.
1936: ERB submitted an idea for a dice-board game
to Whitman. They rejected the idea and referred him to Parker Brothers.
1942: ERB completed an article reporting on a
year of martial law in the Hawaiian Islands.
*** 1920 and 1930: Two character actors who had
parts in Tarzan films were born on Nov. 13. The older one was born in 1920
and the younger, in 1932. The older one appeared on screen as a grown man.
The younger one was an actor only into his mid-teens. The older one didn't
make his first movie until 1944, but the younger one was in front of the
cameras by 1940.
The older one made it into two Tarzan productions: "Tarzan's
Hidden Jungle" and a Tarzan television episode, "The Circus." The
younger one played a native youth, named Tumbo, who was rescued by Boy
in "Tarzan's Secret Treasure."
The older won was Jack Elam, the villain many
loved to hate. The younger one was Cordell Hickman, a young man
whose movie career ended before he could emerge into adulthood as either
a good guy or a villain.
Cordell Hickman was typecast as a stereotypical
young black kid in virtually every movie he made in a career that lasted
only from 1940 to 1946, probably when he grew too old to play a child anymore.
His roles were mostly uncredited and mostly bit parts.
Perhaps a highlight of his career was playing Tumbo alongside
Sheffield, Tarzan's adopted son, Boy, as the two made friends.
Hickman was born Nov. 13, 1932, the same year that "Tarzan
the Ape Man," the first Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan movie, came out. Sheffield
himself was born about a year and a half earlier.
Jack Elam, the man with the shifty eye, played
evil villains, funny villains and, once in awhile, a strange-looking but
nice fellow. He mostly hung out in cow towns, but went to the jungle twice
to interact with Tarzan in "Tarzan's Hidden Jungle" and the Ron
Ely TV Tarzan episode. Biographic Info and Filmographies of both actors
are included in our off-site IMDB links.
Tarzan's Secret Treasure:
Tarzan's Hidden Jungle:
Ely TV Tarzan Series Episode Synopses and Reviews
with scren captures
Ely TV Tarzan Episode No. 28: THE CIRCUS ~ Review
Off-Site References:
Jack Elam
ERB meets with Sol Lesser and Glenn Morris ~ Tarzan:
Broadway Musical: Danton Burroughs on Green Carpet,
Tarzan on Screen and Stage: Terk ~ Africa
Speaks at Grauman's Egyptian Theatre ~ Mucker: All-Story and
*** 2006: Tarzan, The Broadway Musical, was featured
on ABC’s “The View.” Host Rosie O’Donnell joined star Chester
Gregory II and the cast of Tarzan for a performance of the song “Trashin’
the Camp.” O’Donnell had played the role of “Terk” in the Disney
animated film Tarzan. Gregory plays “Terk” in the Broadway
production of Tarzan. Tarzan celebrated its 200th performance on Broadway
on Wednesday, November 1st.
Sue-On and I had joined Danton
and family with the Tarzana ERB, Inc. to attend the Premiere
of Tarzan the Broadway Musical at the Richard Rodgers Theatre followed
by a huge gala party in the Merriott Ballroom. The production was exciting
and the after-show party was packed with famous Broadway and Hollywood
personalities -- including the composer of the play's music, Phil Collins.
I've featured reviews and photos across many ERBzine pages. Phil later
invited us to attend the Tarzan Musical Premiers in Holland and Hamburg
for which we created full photo coverage.
ERBzine News
Tarzan, The Broadway Musical
Tarzan: The Musical Photo Collage
Disney's Animated TARZAN 1999
*** 1930: ERB
was advised to take a publishing offer from Harper. He attended
two football games. The boys headed back to college. Ed and Emma went to
Egyptian Theatre to see Africa
Speaks a documentary of explorer Paul Hoefler's exploits in
Africa, narrated by Lowell Thomas. He thought Thomas' attempts at humour
in the narration fell flat.
ERB Bio Timeline
*** 1947: Ed turned down an
invitation to visit
Sol Lesser in Palm Springs, citing health reasons.
"Sol Lesser entered the film industry
as an exhibitor and the owner of a chain of movie theaters. His first "production"
had an interesting story behind it. In 1915, while he was living in San
Francisco, he learned that the authorities were about to clean out and
close down the city's notorious Barbary Coast district, a raucous area
of gambling houses, saloons and brothels. He grabbed a camera and a friend
(future Hollywood cameraman Hal Mohr) and roamed all over the district,
shooting footage of some of the area's best-known establishments before
they were shut down. After the film was put together he titled it Last
Night of the Barbary Coast (1913), sold it to theaters himself and
made a bundle on it. Using that money, he began buying up theaters and
soon had his own chain. Going into film production full-time in the 1930s
with his own company, Principal Pictures Corp., he concentrated mainly
on low-budget westerns and Tarzan pictures. He joined RKO in 1941 as executive
in charge of feature production." ~ IMDB
A Sol Lesser Quote: 'Tarzan'
is pure escapist entertainment. He is the original superman, fighting for
the rights of the downtrodden and the persecuted against all villains,
be they human or beast. He rules with a minimum of words - hence he is
understood by all. Rarely does Tarzan get gooey with Jane. Thus the kids
love him and so do the old folks.
ERB Silver Screen Pages
Sol Lesser Splash Bar
Tarzan and the Huntress 1947
*** Numerology enthusiasts might
like to know that Canaveral published its hardback reprint of Edgar
Rice Burroughs's "The Mucker" on Nov. 14, 1963. It was also on that
Nov. 14, in 1914, that the final installment of the story's first appearance
in print was in All-Story Cavalier Weekly.
And, each hardback edition of "The Mucker" through the
Canaveral printing has had 414 pages.
The Canaveral edition of "The Mucker," like "Tarzan and
the Castaways," had a sticker added to the copyright page. This sticker
informed readers who were unable to read tables of content pages that the
book contained both "The Mucker" and "The Return of the Mucker." It's a
good thing Canaveral had the stickers pre-stuck. If they had just handed
out the stickers with the books and instructions for where they should
be stuck, most ERB fans would have not done so, in order to keep the stickers
The Mucker: History ~ Art ~ Articles ~ Comics ~ Links
Canaveral Press Story
*** Astrobiology Magazine
of Nov. 14, 2004, reported on the characteristics and traveling habits
of the moons of Mars. The article said the small moon, Deimos,
does not "hurtle" as ERB said. The article, of course, was in error. Burroughs
never said Deimos hurtles. He said Cluros hurtles. The article,
plus another article focusing on Phobos (Thuria)
Mars' moons are among the smallest
in the solar system. Phobos is a bit larger than Deimos, and orbits only
3,700 miles (6,000 kilometers) above the Martian surface. No known moon
orbits closer to its planet. It whips around Mars three times a day, while
the more distant Deimos takes 30 hours for each orbit. Phobos is gradually
spiraling inward, drawing about six feet (1.8 meters) closer to the planet
each century. Within 50 million years, it will either crash into Mars or
break up and form a ring around the planet.
To someone standing on the Mars-facing
side of Phobos, Mars would take up a large part of the sky. And people
may one day do just that. Scientists have discussed the possibility of
using one of the Martian moons as a base from which astronauts could observe
the Red Planet and launch robots to its surface, while shielded by miles
of rock from cosmic rays and solar radiation for nearly two-thirds of every
Like Earth's Moon, Phobos and Deimos
always present the same face to their planet. Both are lumpy, heavily-cratered
and covered in dust and loose rocks. They are among the darker objects
in the solar system. The moons appear to be made of carbon-rich rock mixed
with ice and may be captured asteroids.
How Mars Moons Got Their Names: The
moons are named for the mythological sons of Ares, the Greek counterpart
of the Roman god, Mars. Phobos means fear and Deimos means dread. Fitting
names for the sons of a war god.
Moons of Mars News Story: ERBzine News #5
The Secret of Thuria I by Den Valdron
The Secret of Thuria II by Den Valdron
Off-Site Reference




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