OF THE SUN ~ 35.03.17 ~ #210
While Sybil Stoneley kindled a fire with the magnifying
glass, the witch-doctors conspired to destroy Tarzan through her. They
hastened to the treasure vaults and returned with a tray of sapphires with
which to lure the girl into their power. At first she aimed her revolver
at them, but their worshipful attitude convinced her of their peaceful
intent. Flattered by their homage and enchanted by their gifts of rich
jewels, she followed them to the village. Boghdu, whom Tarzan had ordered
to guard her, was not alarmed, for he recognized no harm except physical
violence. The witch-doctors went among the people saying the sun-haired
one was truly divine and Tarzan was a false god. But the Waioris denied
her for they had come to love and revere the powerful white giant.
"Who shall give proof!" Sybil's evil disciples declared.
"Let us go to the hall of the gods. In a shaft of sunlight Sybil ignited
a small heap of tinder with her magnifying glass. When the Waioris beheld
this magic they cried:
"She is in truth the daughter of the sun . . . greatest
of gods!"
"And Tarzan is her enemy!" the witch-doctors shouted.
Meanwhile, Tarzan sauntered toward the great hall unaware
that the savages were being stirred to a fanatic frenzy against him!