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Volume 0777
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John Coleman Burroughs cover art, frontispiece and 22 chapter headings
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Started in June, 1930 under the working titles That Damn Dude and The Brass Heart.
First published as a three part pulp serial under the title The Terrible Tenderfoot.
Dedicated to Mary Lucas Pfleuger ~ Honolulu
Read it in eText HERE


Thrilling Adventures ~ March, April, May 1940 ~ "The Terrible Tenderfoot" (contains text omitted in the book release)
    Arthur Mitchell cover art on first installment ~ C.A. Murphy: numerous b/w interiors
ERB, Inc. ~ September 13, 1940 ~ 312 pages ~ Print Run: 3,500 ~ Word count estimate: 56,000
Grey pebbled cover with red lettering (First limited addition actually a "printer's dummy" edition)
    John Coleman Burroughs: Dust Jacket, frontispiece and 22 chapter headpieces
ERB-dom: Cazedessus' fanzine: #71-73, 1971 reprint of the three-issue magazine version: "The Terrible Tenderfoot"
    C.A. Murphy: b/w interior art from the original pulp issues
Ace paperback ~ The Deputy Sheriff of Commanche County (sic) ~ September 1975 ~ 312 pages
    Boris Vallejo cover art ~ John Coleman Burroughs: frontispiece and b/w chapter headings
Charter paperback ~ 1979
    Boris Vallejo (red-framed version of the Ace cover) ~ John Coleman Burroughs: frontispiece & chapter headings
Gregg hardback ~ 1979 ~ 312 pages
    John Coleman Burroughs: stylized version of his original dust jacket
For detailed information, see Robert B. Zeuschner's
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography (ERB, Inc., 2016).
Click on or call 214-405-6741 to order a copy.
From a June 30, 1930 Entry in our ERB Bio Timeline Project
Correspondence to sell That Damned Dude include this anecdote found in a letter to Collier's Weekly: "Your telegram of (January 9, 1930) has been lying in the mountains near Cedar City, Utah, for over five months, in the wrecked mail plane of Captain Maurice Graham, who was lost in a heavy blizzard on January 10th. His plane was found a few days ago, but no trace of Graham has been discovered. I have kept the envelope to add to a number of  mementos that I have preserved of Captain Graham, with whom I flew to Salt Lake City in February, 1927. It is rather a coincidence that I was about to write you relative to a story on which I am now working. It is a modern Western, located on a dude ranch in Arizona. While it will be finished in a few weeks, it will not be required for book publication necessarily for some time, as I am two years or more ahead of my book publishers.  . . . There are a couple of reasons why this story may have value in addition to whatever entertainment qualities are inherent in it. In the first place, my early experience and inclinations were such that I should have written Westerns exclusively. For some time during my youth I worked as a cow puncher; afterward I soldiered in the 7th United States Cavalry in Arizona, and later still I ran a store in a cattle country in Idaho. Further, just at present, my stories and my name are receivng unusually wide publication through the Tarzan illustrated strips that are running in some hundred and ten newspapers in all of the larger cities of the United States; nor ever since I started to write have my books enjoyed a greater sale, which seems to be increasing rather than diminishing." Collier's rejected the story. The story was also rejected by Saturday Evening Post, Liberty, Ladies Home Journal, Blue Book, Argosy (twice), College Humor, Short Stories. Five years later he re-submitted the manuscript to Liberty under the title "The Brass Heart" using the pseudonym John Mann. Liberty rejected it again. The story eventually saw print in Thrilling Adventures in 1940.


Thrilling Adventures: March 1940 - Terrible Tenderfoot 1/3Thrilling Adventures: April 1940 - Terrible Tenderfoot 2/3Thrilling Adventues: May 1940 - Terrible Tenderfoot 3/3

Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Creator of "Tarzan"
Edgar Rice Burroughs, creator of the immortal TARZAN OF THE APES, now lives in Tarzana, California, the town which got its name from the character he created. "Tarzana" was the name given by Edgar Rice Burroughs to his vast ranch in the San Fernando Valley in Southern California, and, subsequently, when the post office was established in the community surrounding the Burroughs ranch, the Federal Government aptly named it Tarzana. 

Better recognition of his contribution to the entertainment of countless millions of people no man could have!

Fifty-one Burroughs novels have been written by Mr. Burroughs to date!  Now in this March issue of THRILLING ADVENTURES, begins the fifty-second -- a richly colored, warmly human, blood-quickening action novel of the Far West!

THRILLING ADVENTURES is proud and happy to publish a novel by America's best-known writer, whose work now appears in fifty-seven languages and dialects throughout the world, and whose great character-creation, Tarzan, has been seen by movie-goers of all nations. 

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Wheeling in his saddle, Marvel triggered a quick shot that caught Bryam in the shoulder (Chap. XX)

This western tale was inspired by ERB's own memories of experiences
as a cowboy in Idaho and the Arizona Territory more than 40 years before.
Although he had written it in 1930, ERB was unable to find a publisher for it until 1939
when it appeared as a three-part serial in Thrilling Adventures pulp magazine
under the title: The Terrible Tenderfoot.
Caz's reprinting of the original pulp version in his ERB-dom fanzine is of interest to collectors
since the hardcover release (The Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County) is somewhat shortened.

ERBdom no. 71ERBdom no. 72ERBdom no. 73

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Art by Douglas Klauba
The Terrible Tenderfoot was one of the premiums offered at
The 2022 San Antonio Dum-Dum

Pitched forward upon his face
Many Interior Illustrations by John Coleman Burroughs

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Gregg Hardcover Edition 1979

                                                   Rocky Reads ERB ~ Rocky II

Courtesy of Richard Sheff
ERB acknowledged in the Rocky II credits

Click for full-size collage

Web Refs
Bill Hillman's Illustrated ERB Bibliography
ERB C.H.A.S.E.R. Online Encyclopedia
Hillman ERB Cosmos
Patrick Ewing's First Edition Determinors
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute
Edgar Rice Burroughs: LifeLine Biography
Bob Zeuschner's ERB Bibliography
J.G. Huckenpohler's ERB Checklist
Burroughs Bibliophiles Bulletin
Summary by David Bruce Bozarth
G. T. McWhorter's Burroughs Bulletin Index
Illustrated Bibliography of ERB Pulp Magazines
Phil Normand's Recoverings
ERBzine Weekly Online Fanzine
ERB Emporium: Collectibles ~ Comics ~ BLBs ~ Pulps ~ Cards
ERBVILLE: ERB Public Domain Stories in PDF
Clark A. Brady's Burroughs Cyclopedia
Heins' Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bradford M. Day's Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Bibliography
Irwin Porges: The Man Who Created Tarzan

Armada of ERB Web Sites
Over 15,000 Webpages
The Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERB Companion Sites Created by Bill Hillman
ERBzine Weekly Webzine
Danton Burroughs Website: Tarzana Treasure Vaults
Burroughs Bibliophiles
John Coleman Burroughs Tribute Site
Tarzine: Official Monthly Webzine of ERB, Inc.
John Carter of Mars
Edgar Rice Burroughs
ERBzine Weekly Webzine
Weekly Webzine
Danton Burroughs Weekly Webzine
Weekly Webzine

John Carter Film

ERB, Inc. Corporate Site

ERB Centennial

Volume 0777

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