Official Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Web Pages in Archive
Volume 7061

Brandon, MB to Willcox, AZ
We haven't missed a Burroughs Bibliophiles Annual Dum-Dum for many years. 

Since the mid-'60s it's become tradition for us to take long summer road trips across Canada and the US following our music tours of exhibitions, rodeos, grandstand performances and clubs in Canada, USA and England. 

Starting in 1999 these road trips started to include visits to ERB Dum-Dums and ECOFs. 

We were really looking forward to this 2019 site since we've always enjoyed our visits to the American SW, especially since we're also fans of the writings of Zane Grey and the Old West.

This year's 6,000 km round-trip started off with a bit of a shock when we crossed the Canada/USA border. Our previous Hondas always featured a simple button on the dash to convert from our kilometre units to the old miles system still used in the US. When we discovered that there was no such switch on our new car we did careful searches of the Honda manuals for conversion info -- without success. Referring to our laptop we made a crude conversion chart to stick on the dash. . . problem solved . . . sorta :) 

Since we were on a bit of a rush trip and the scenery was mostly of open plains with occasional outcrops, buttes, mesas and with low mountain ranges in the distance, we took very few en route photos this time since so much reminds us of our Canadian Prairies. Despite the signs warning of excessive winds and dust storms we were surprised to see very few power-generating windmills other than the small older units at the occassional stock watering well. We noticed, however, many coal burning power plants and long lines of large railroad coal cars. 

As is usually the case in the summer months of North America there were endless road repair tie-ups, large semi and recreational vehical traffic, plus many hundreds of motorcycles coming from all directions on their way to the annual bikers' gathering at Sturgis, SD. For one week every year, the normally quiet, small town of Sturgis, SD, explodes in population as 500,000 bikers turn up for the weeklong party.

After four full days of driving we arrived at the Willcox Holiday Inn. While chatting with other early arrivals in the lobby some of us made plans to drive downtown for supper at Big Tex Bar-B-Que across from the historic RR station. Off to a fine start with old friends, fine food, and fascinating decor in an old converted rail car. Then it was back to the hotel to catch up with our daily computer work and prepare for next day's events.





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John Tyner ~ Jim and Yoko Hadac ~ Bill and Sue-On Hillman ~ Huck Huckenpohler ~ Henry Franke




ERBzine 7059
Willcox: Intro/Contents
ERBzine 7060
2. Goodie Bag
ERBzine 7061
3. Journey and Arrival
ERBzine 7062
4. Exploring Willcox
ERBzine 7063
5. Huckster Room 
ERBzine 7064
6. Presentations
ERBzine 7065
7. Exploring Willcox II
ERBzine 7066
8. Fort Grant I
ERBzine 7067
9. Fort Grant II
ERBzine 7068
10. Fort Grant III
ERBzine 7069
11. Wind Up
ERBzine 7070: 
12. Rex Allen Museum
ERBzine 7071_7071a
13. Marty Robbins Museum
ERBzine 7072: 
14. Chiricahua Museum
ERBzine 7073
15. Billy the Kid
ERBzine 7081
16. Willcox History I
ERBzine 7082
17. Willcox History II
ERBzine 7083
18. Willcox History III
ERBzine 7084
19. Meet Kathy Klump
ERBzine 3469
20. ERB at Fort Grant
ERBzine Arizona
ERB in Wild West
More pages will be featured in the coming weeks

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All Original Work ©1996-2019 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing Authors/Owners
No part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective owners.