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![]() March 15, 1931 ~September 20, 1931 |
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Foster was the first artist to adapt Tarzan into strip form. It was
actually a story strip, consisting of five panels a day with typeset text
beneath each panel. Foster drew just 60 daily strips which were reprinted
as one of the very first comic books (The Illustrated Tarzan Book No.
I - G&D). When United Feature Syndicate, who commissioned the strip,
decided to continue the daily Tarzan and Foster was unavailable,
they turned instead to staff artist, Rex
Rex Maxon started the daily black and white Tarzan strip on June 10, 1929. Palmer, a writer in Cleveland, plotted out The Return of Tarzan and Rex did the first ten weeks for free. The strip was successful and was sold to United Features Syndicate. Maxon continued to draw the series, almost continuously, for the next 18 years -- a total of 5,200 strips. On March 15, 1931, the Tarzan colour Sunday page was inaugurated and Maxon took on this assignment as well. Unfortunately Foster was a hard act to follow. Maxon's inadequacies as an illustrator and storyteller, which may have been acceptable on a black-and-white daily strip, were magnified by the larger colour panels. Many thought him an odd choice as he lacked his predecessor's skill in figure drawing, composition, and several other abilities essential for the drawing of a jungle adventure strip. Edgar Rice Burroughs, especially, disliked Maxon's approach and complained frequently to the syndicate about the strip's art and story lines. He even suggested that Maxon be given photos of animals so he could learn to draw them correctly. Maxon, however, was kept on, possibly because he worked cheap. In response to Burroughs' complaints, the syndicate brought back Harold Foster to take over the Tarzan colour Sunday pages -- giving Maxon more time to concentrate on the daily strips. This was the start of a very successful run for Foster that would stretch from September 27, 1931 through May 2, 1937. Foster then went on to even greater success with his own strip, Prince Valiant. |
Tarzan raises the ape-cry of victory after killing the boar. Like an echo a similar cry sounds from afar. Who dares to voice the dread call of the bull-ape at the kill when the Lord of the Jungle calls. He sees white children in the jungle! The huge ape chasing the children turns, snarling, to see a bronzed figure confronting him. "Who dares withstand Zugo, the mighty?" growls the ape.
"A mightier than Zugo!" replies Tarzan in the language of the apes. Circling slowly fearsome growls come from the throats of the ape and the ape-man!
Tarzan strikes a terrific blow!
"Kagoda! Enough!" gasps the ape.
"You have yielded, Zugo! Go now, summon your tribe to receive my commands." "Who is this man? Tarzan asks, kneeling over the man killed by Zugo.
"Aradnor, who saved us from the cannibal pygmies."
"And who are you?"
"Bob and Mary Trevor"
Tarzan speaks to the approaching great apes, "Hear my commands, Mangani! These two children I take under my protection. Let none harm them!"
Tarzan lifts the two children -- one to each shoulder. "I, Tarzan, have lost a son whom I seek in the jungle. For his sake, if for naught else, would I take care of you!"
02 ~ DANGER CREEPS CLOSE ON VELVET PADS! ~ 31.03.22Tarzan, off to hunt, leaves Bob and Mary in a tree house he has built for them. He finds the spoor of Wappi, the antelope.
Back at the tree house Bob sees the fleeing antelope and takes aim with his arrow. Bob at his first kill imitates Tarzan's ape-cry of victory, unmindful of Numa's stealthy approach. Mary, from the tree house, warns her brother. As Numa's roar fills the jungle, Tarzan races homeward. Bob shoots Numa the lion. But little does Numa care for the weapons of the small Tarmangani. From the trees -- Tarzan to the rescue. After a fight to the death, the lion is slain. Tarzan finds Bob has escaped alive. "A lad must be wise Bob, as well as brave to grow up in the jungle."
03 ~ A NEW PERIL STALKS FROM THE JUNGLE DEPTHS! ~ 31.03.29The weird and rhythmic beat of the earth drum fills the jungle. It is the apes' mad dance of the dum-dum. The savage sounds wake Tarzan in the tree house and stir memories of his wild boyhood. Thus had he run often as a boy, one of the fierce leaping horde. The tribal call sends the ape-man swinging through the trees to join his brothers the great apes. Once more as of old he is among the apes. Down wind to the keen nostrils of Tarzan comes the scent of danger. Where Bob and Mary sleep, strange, dreadful little men creep near. Closer and closer comes the barbaric peril. The children sleep unconscious of danger. "The cannibal pygmies!" cries Bob, awakening in terror.
Tarzan returns! -- but the children are gone.
04 ~ THE FURY OF THE APE-MAN ~ 31.04.05Manu the monkey tells Tarzan he has seen the ape-man's little friends, Bob and Mary, kidnapped by the cannibal pygmies. Tarzan sends Manu to follow the cannibal trail while he goes to summon the ape-tribe. Bob and Mary are being led through the jungle in the clutches of the cannibals.
Manu brings word that help is coming, but Bob does not understand. With the swiftness of Usha the wind, Manu races to tell Tarzan that the children have been found. "Whither, Manu," queries Tarzan, "have the savages gone?"
Swiftly Tarzan leads the apes in mad pursuit through the trees. Fearful of being traced, Dikra, the pygmy chief, posts a rear guard. Like Ara, the lightning, Tarzan and his ape allies assail the pygmies from above. HIs rear guard taken, Dikra prepares to fight. While Tarzan and his apes quickly put the cannibals to flight, Dikra makes off with the girl. "Where is Mary?" cries Bob and then Tarzan discovers that the cannibals have taken her.
05 ~ IN THE HANDS OF A SAVAGE HORDE ~ 31.04.12Through the moonlit jungle Tarzan follows the pygmies who have captured Mary. To keep the furious pace, he wings Bob to his broad shoulders. Friendly to Tarzan is Tantor, the mighty, who stands in the path of the pursuit. At the request of the ape-man Tantor gives Bob a lift. Heavy and ungainly looking is Tantor, but he drives swiftly through the jungle. The cannibals lead Mary captive into their stockaded village. At Tarzan's command, Tantor lifts Bob so that he can see beyond the palisade. Tantor rams the stout gate. Like match wood it splinters before his rush. The pygmies flee before the ape-man and his fierce allies. But the guards in front of the prison hut stand their ground. Tarzan deals with the cannibals. He discovers Mary inside the hut. As he cuts her bonds, Zugo the ape, reports that hostile tarmangani on many horses are approaching at a gallop.
06 ~ TARZAN AND THE ARAB MARAUDERS ~ 31.04.19Well known to Tarzan is the sheik Ali Hassan, the Arab slave-trader, who comes now to raid the pygmy stronghold. No mercy has Hassan for those he vanquishes. Quickly the Ape-man rallies his forces to meet the new foe. Fearing the thundersticks of the raiders, Tantor flees. On sweep the Arabs at breakneck speed! The apes, unmindful of Tarzan's commands, scatter before the charge of the mounted men. Beset by numbers, the Ape-man is treacherously attacked from the rear.
"Bind this madman!" orders the sheik. "He has the strength of ten!"
"Loose my bonds!" orders the Ape-man. "I am Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle."
"And my captive!" returns the Arab triumphantly.
"Who are these?" asks the sheik in astonishment. "My friends," replies Tarzan, "Harm them at your peril!"
"By the beard of the prophet," exults Ali, "These be notable captives -- for slaves or ransom!" Back to his menzil goes the sheik, taking with him the spoils of war. But Manu, faithful to Tarzan, marks the route of the sheik's retreat.
07 ~ THE FLAMING FURY OF THE MOSLEMS ~ 31.04.26The Arab sheik, having taken Tarzan prisoner, demands ransom, which the Ape-man scorns to pay. "Then you will pay with your life!" says the Moslem.
Suddenly, as the Arabs bind Tarzan to the stake, his fierce ape-cry fills the air. Manu, the monkey, sees the plight of the Ape-man. Manu speeds through the trees to summon aid. Puzzled is Muviro, chief of Tarzan's Waziri, at the actions of Manu, whom he knows is Tarzan's friend. The sheik orders the death-fire started. Muviro, convinced that Manu has news of Tarzan, follows the monkey's lead. As the flames start, Bob and Mary, the little friends of Tarzan, watch in despair. The Waziri rush to the attack. The call to arms sounds in the Arab village. Furious at the indignity done to their Great Bwana, the Waziri rout the Arabs and rescue Tarzan. Tasting defeat, the crafty sheik escapes, taking Bob and Mary as hostages.
08 ~ GREEN EYES GLEAM THROUGH THE DARKNESS ~ 31.05.03From an Arab prisoner, Tarzan learns that Sheik Ali has fled, taking the Ape-man's little friends, Bob and Mary with him. The kidnapPer camps in the jungle when evening falls, tethering the horses close by. Sheeta, the panther, seeking food, springs from the jungle onto one of the horses. Breaking the rope that ties him, the maddened animal dashes off. Furious, Sheik Ali pursues the runaway. Rolling to the fire Bob thrusts his wrists against a fiery stick to burn his bonds away. His wrists free, Bob quickly unties the thongs about his ankles and cuts Mary's bonds. Into the dark embrace of the jungle steal the two children, free once more. Losing no time, Tarzan follows the trail left by the sheik's horses. Their clothes torn by their race through the jungle, the children prepare to watch out the night in a tree. Tarzan surprises Sheik Ali at his jungle camp. But finds the children have escaped. From the darkness gleam the green eyes of Sheeta, the panther.
09 ~ TANTOR TO THE RESCUE! ~ 31.05.10Desperate, at the stealthy approach of Sheeta, the panther, Bob tries to give the ape-call he has heard Tarzan raise. To the keen ears of Tantor, feeding alone, comes the sound of Bob's feeble cry. "Drop, Mary!" cries Bob.
Tantor, recognizing Bob's voice, and knowing the small tarmangani are friends of Tarzan, speeds to aid them. At a glance the wise Tantor sees the children's peril, attacks the panther and spoils Sheeta's kill. As if flung from a catapult the snarling panther is hurled into the jungle. By his actions, Tantor gives the rescued children to understand that he will protect them. Knowing the children to have been in Sheik Ali Hassan's power, Tarzan seeks to wrest from the Arab knowledge of their whereabouts. "The two young slaves I captured, escaped while I sought to kill the panther. By the Prophet, that is the truth."
"Bind the man and keep him a prisoner. If Bob and Mary have come to harm, he shall answer for it. I myself will seek the children, Muviro." While the children, Bob and Mary are under Tantor's protection, Tarzan on their trail, finds a clue in a piece torn from Mary's dress.
10 ~ THE IVORY POACHERS ATTACK ~ 31.05.17Seeking his little friends, Bob and Mary, through the jungle, Tarzan discovers the trail of many strange men. The wandering ivory poacher, "Red" Wolfe, invades Tarzan's domain. The ivory poacher fires on Tantor, the elephant. The unexpected gunshot shatters the jungle's noonday calm and Tantor flees leaving Bob and Mary, the children he had taken under his protection. The children make for the shelter of the brush by the river. Tarzan, hearing the roar of a high-power rifle, races to find out who dares to shoot in his jungle kingdom. The Ape-man comes in sight of the safari. "By what right," asks Tarzan, who has swung down to confront the poacher, "do you hunt in my domain?"
By this right," replies the latter as he reaches for his pistol. "Bind the wild man of the woods!" Wolfe orders.
With a mighty heave of his great muscles the Ape-man hurls his would-be captors from him, but Wolfe fires point blank. "A poor shot!" says the poacher coldly. "He is but stunned. Bind him now while he is helpless!"
Horrified at the sight of their great friend in the hands of his enemies, the children stare helplessly. "But we are free, Mary," Bob cheers his sister, "and we must rescue him -- as he rescued us!"
11 ~ IN THE HANDS OF THE IVORY POACHER ~ 31.05.24Red Wolfe, the ivory poacher who captured Tarzan orders the Ape-man tied to a tree so that he cannot escape. "There you shall stay tonight, wild man," snarls Wolfe. "At dawn you will make a target for my men."
Bob and Mary, the jungle children whom Tarzan has befriended see their protector a prisoner. Hungry and tired they struggle through the dense jungle hoping to find help. Desperate, Bob gives the call of the great apes, putting all his strength into the weird cry. Interrupted while digging beetles from a rotting log, Zugo, the ape leader, hears the faint cry. He recognizes Bob's voice. Worn out, the children can go no farther, but Bob's last effort has brought aid. Wakened by Zugo, Bob tells by gestures of Tarzan's dangers and urges the apes to follow and help rescue the captive Ape-man. As he had promised , Red Wolfe makes Tarzan a target for his men.
The apes race to the rescue! As Red Wolfe fires, Tarzan grasps a spear that has been hurled at him. The spear, cast by the might arm of the Ape-man, pierces his enemy's shoulder, while the poacher misses his human target.
12 ~ WHERE PERIL SPRINGS FROM TOOTH AND CLAW ~ 31.05.31Tarzan has brought the jungle children, Bob and Mary, back to their home in the trees. He promises to get new clothing for them.
"How will you get clothes for us with a rope?" asks Bob.
"Wait," Tarzan replies with one of his rare smiles, "and you will see." Tarzan hunts with the rope of strong fibres he taught himself to weave as a boy. The Ape-Man does not hunt alone. The leopard also seeks a kill. Always in the jungle lurks peril from tooth or claw. Sabor, the fierce lioness, also stalks game. But few dare attack Tarzan. The live antelope is used as a lure for larger game. Checked in mid-air by Tarzan rope snare is the spring of the leopard. Sabor draws near, scenting food. By main strength Tarzan draws the snarling leopard higher and higher while Sabor challenges the right of any other to share her coming meal. The leopard helpless, Tarzan meets the challenge of the lioness by a mighty throw of his spear. The struggling leopard breaks the stout rope. Bob shouts a warning of the new peril to Tarzan. Quickly Tarzan braces his muscles for the leopard's leap. The furious beast lands on the long-bladed spear.
"Thus, Bob," says Tarzan, "do we of the jungle get clothing when there is need. A leopard's skin for you, Bob, and the coat of Sabor the lioness, for Mary.
13 ~ KIDNAPPED ~ 31.06.07The last Bob and Mary had seen of their father was when they kissed him goodnight before he left his African ranch to attend a dance at a distant army post.
The Next morning, the children ventured together into the jungle to "shoot" birds and animals with a camera. On the hunt for human captives marched the cannibal pygmies. That day the children failed to answer when the cook at the Trevor ranch blew the horn for the noonday meal. Aradnor, the faithful black, who had been left in charge of the ranch, picked up the children's trail and discovered their cameras. The trail led to the village of the cannibal pygmies but Aradnor did not dare entering the stockade until nightfall. Then he climbed over the walls. With a single blow he disposed of the guard outside of the prison hut. Thus it was that Aradnor saved the children from the cannibal pygmies.
That morning as they were headed back to the ranch, Zugo, the great ape, made the attack that resulted in Aradnor's death. It was then that Tarzan came to the children's rescue and saved them from Zugo's clutches. Bob and Mary in the skins of beasts that Tarzan killed have become real children of the wilds, but Tarzan has ordered them to say goodbye to their house in the trees. The three are off to try to find the trail to the Trevor house. Meanwhile, Hugh Trevor, at the head of a safari seeks his children ceaselessly through the wilds.
14 ~ INTO THE RIVER OF CROCODILES ~ 31.06.14Tarzan and his little friends, Bob and Mary, make camp on the bank of a river which bars their course. While Tarzan goes hunting, Mary sees an empty canoe drifting downstream. Bob decides to swim out to the canoe. As gimla the crocodile appears Mary screams a warning. Tarzan hears the terror-striken voice of the girl. Bob swims well but the fierce river monster draws near. Alarmed by Mary's scream Tarzan races to the rescue. Seeing Bob's danger, Tarzan dives to his aid. Plunging deep, the ape-man comes up to drive his keen knife into the monster's vitals. Narrowly does Tarzan escape the lashing fury of the dying creature. The crocodile slain, Tarzan steadies the empty canoe while Bob climbs in. Bob tells Tarzan that his father's ranch is near the coast, whither the river will take them.
15 ~ THE ISLAND OF MYSTERY ~ 31.06.21Down the jungle river toward their father's ranch Tarzan takes the children, Bob and Mary. An island appears in mid-stream as daylight wanes. "Here we shall camp for the night," Tarzan decides. Lacking matches Tarzan shows the children how fire may be made by revolving a sharpened stick quickly in dead wood. To the keen ears of Buto the rhinoceros, come strange sounds which he decides to investigate. To guard against night marauders Tarzan and Bob set about making a thorn hedge, or boma. But Buto cares little for defences of this sort. As the monster charges, Bob and Mary make for the trees at Tarzan's quick command, while the Ape-man awaits the brute's onslaught. With a mighty leap high in air, Tarzan avoids the rhino's bull-like rush. Tarzan swings to the trees while Buto turns to renew the attack. Tantor suddenly appears and Buto lunges forward. Tarzan plans to aid his friend the elephant. Tarzan has leapt quickly astride Buto, who craftily swerves beneath a low-hanging limb. When Buto would have charged the stunned Ape-man, Tantor crushes the rhino beneath his vast weight. Strongest and wisest of all jungle beasts is Tantor the mighty. "He lives, Mary," Bob says, "but he is badly hurt."
16 ~ MAROONED! ~ 31.06.28Alarmed by the failure of Tarzan to regain consciousness after the encounter with the rhinoceros Bob and Mary build a shelter for him. Tarzan's little friends take turns keeping watch during the night, lest jungle beasts attack the Ape-man. Outside the circle of firelight savage snarls and the flash ofwild eyes surround the tiny oasis of safety. Bob hurls a flaming brand into the hungry horde. More terrifying than jungle beasts is the tropic storm that comes without warning. Ara, the lightning, and Pand the thunder, lash the wood mercilessly. Usha, the wind, scatters the frail shelter Bob and Mary have built for Tarzan, while the children huddle against the trunk of a tree. Lightning splits the forest monarch beneath which Bob and Mary have taken shelter. The cool rain and teh loud voice of the thunder revive Tarzan who sees the tree uprooted by the wind and his little friends stunned. The storm ceases as quickly as it began. In a trice Tarzan rebuilds the quenched fire and the children recovering from the shock of their experience warm their chilled bodies. The fallen tree leaves a deep hole where its roots have been.
Mary peeps in. "See what I have found! she cries excitedly, holding aloft a gold coin. Tarzan finding an axe in a space in the hole, digs deeper and unearths a brass-bound chest. "It is a real treasure chest!" cries Mary, entranced.
"Pirate loot," agrees Tarzan. "We will take it with us." The swollen river has washed away the canoe in which Tarzan and his friends reached the island. Gimla, the crocodile guards the muddy stream. The three companions are marooned.
17 ~ THE COMING OF THE PIRATES! ~ 31.07.05Out from Bermuda on a treasure hunt steams the yacht of the young American millionaire, Eugene Pennock. Pennock and his friend, Wilbur Burt, examine the weather beaten map which shows pirate loot buried on an island up an African river. It is on the island that Tarzan and Bob and Mary Trevor are marooned.
"It's just the fun of the thing," laughs young Pennock, "I don't care a hang about the money!"
"But I do," snarls the steward drawing an automatic, "Hands Up!" Instead of obeying, Pennock quickly grapples with his assailant. But the mutiny had been carefully planned. That night the mutineers, donning pirate garb, occupy Pennock's cabin. While below decks Pennock and Burt are prisoners in manacles.
"I'm captain of this yacht, men -- Tom Winters that's me! And a proper man to lead you to the loot."
Meanwhile on the jungle island Tarzan decides to bury the treasure in a spot known only to himself and the children. "Look!" cries Mary suddenly, "A boat."
"Blimey!" cries the former steward -- now Captain Winter -- while studying the island through binoculars: "Savages -- and the treasure chest!"
18 ~ THE FIGHT FOR THE PIRATE GOLD~ 31.07.12Marooned on a mysterious island, Tarzan and his little friends are startled by a tame parrot who appears unexpectedly. Warned by the smoke of the fire which they have seen ashore, the mutineers of the Corsair prepare to land in force. Playing on the river bank with her new-found pet, Mary spies the strange yacht and the men rowing ashore.
"Bob, you and Mary remain in hiding," directed Tarzan while I talk to these men. "We must know if they come as friends or enemies."
To the ape man's inquiry as to their business in the jungle, Winters snarls menacingly: "Our business is our own and you'll do well to mind yours, mister -- afore hurt happens to you.
Winters suddenly aggressive, covers Tarzan with his gun and orders his men to bind the Ape-man.
"Dead men's gold! Dead Men's Gold!" squawks the parrot. But at the parrot's harsh voice the eyes of the ex-steward swerve for a split second -- and Tarzan, springing forward, knocks up the barrel of the levelled rifle. Before his assailant recovers the Ape-man swings into the trees and disappears before the astonished eyes of the mutineers. Knowing the island inhabited, the treasure seekers march cautiously to the spot marked on the map, dreading attack. But Tarzan has other plans. A leap from the trees and the unwary guard at the boats is rendered helpless. Binding and gagging the guard, Tarzan reveals to the children his plan of escaping in the boats. Leaving the mutineers with no means of escape from the island, Tarzan rows toward the strange yacht, which seems deserted.
19 ~ ABOARD THE CORSAIR ~ 31.07.19Approaching the strange yacht noiselessly, Tarzan with his little friends, in the rowboat they have taken from the mutineers, finds a rope ladder by which to gain the deck. Bidding Bob hold the boat in the yacht's lee, the Ape-man quickly ascends the ladder to investigate. Finding the decks deserted, the Ape-man tells the children to climb on board. Hearing a loud laugh below Tarzan tells the children to remain in the cabin while he investigates.
Meanwhile at the spot on the map which marked the place where the treasure was buried, Winters, leader of the mutineers finds a gaping hole. "The loot's gone men!" cries the enraged ex-steward. "I'll bet that savage in the leopard skin took it. We'll camp by the boats tonight. Then scour the island in the morning."
Tarzan discovers the Americans and their guard. With a single mighty heave Tarzan puts the men out of action. Learning their identity, Tarzan quickly cuts the bonds of Pennoch and Burt. A council of war is held in the Corsair's cabin. Pennoch tells of his motive in coming to the island.
"We have found the treasure chest," says Tarzan, "and buried it again -- in another spot but your crew is on the island.
"Winters, preparing to camp by the boats to his consternation finds them gone and the guard bound. Against the advice of his new friends Tarzan pulls for the island to recover the buried treasure.
20 ~ THE FIGHT FOR THE TREASURE! ~ 31.07.26Rowing alone to the island where he has buried the pirate treasure, Tarzan lands at a distance form the mutineers' camp. Moving swiftly through the trees, from a point of vantage Tarzan hears the mutineers planning to search the island next day for the hidden loot. But the Ape-man forestalls his enemies by digging up the treasure. Catching the hated man-scent, Sabor, the lioness, stalks the Lord of the Jungle. With an angry roar Sabor springs. Whirling at the dread sound, Tarzan hurls the heavy chest full at the beast's head. Her neck broken by the impact of the huge missile, Sabor still has strength to stretch the Ape-man senseless with a last blow of one mighty paw.
Searching the island for some clue to the treasure, Winters is overjoyed to find his savage enemy helpless and the loot spread out before his eyes. "Get the others!" orders the leader of the mutineers exultantly. "This is rare luck. The savage stunned and the gold ours!" Further search reveals the boat in which Tarzan rowed ashore. "All's shipshape now, mates," cries Winters. "For we've got the swag and a boat. Taking the yacht will be easy."
Alarmed by the failure of Tarzan to return, Pennock and his friend Burt decide to investigate, leaving Bob in charge.
21 ~ THE ESCAPE OF TARZAN! ~ 31.08.02Winters, the pirate captain, gives Tarzan the choice between death and becoming one of the band. "You are reckless indeed to threaten the Lord of the Jungle," says Tarzan coldly. Winters furious at the Ape-man's defiance, orders his men to fling the bound man in the river.
The pirate posted on lookout hill spies Pennock and Burt as they row ashore to seek Tarzan. As the crew carry out his inhuman orders, Winters stands ready to riddle the prisoner as he strikes the water. But Tarzan dives deep, escapes the hail of bullets which Winters sends after him.
Unaware that their approach has been observed, Pennock and Burt land on the island. The guard reveals the fact that the Americans have landed. Striking out toward the pirate camp, Pennock sinks in a deadly swamp. Here Winters and his men find their former employer and his friends and take them prisoners.
Meanwhile Tarzan with a mighty effort swims toward the mainland. Exhausted, the Ape-man gains the beach but can go no farther. "We must save him!" cries Bob.
22 ~ BOB TO THE RESCUE ~ 31.08.09To rescue his friend Tarzan who lies helpless on the beach, Bob tries to lower a lifeboat but is unable to work the stiffened tackle. Flung into the river by the pirate Winters, Tarzan has reached the shore but can go no further. Apparently asleep, but nevertheless alert to find prey is Gimla the crocodile. Bob tells Mary he will make the sailors left on the Corsair work the lifeboat. At the point of a pistol Bob orders the guard who had been bound by Tarzan to lower the boat. The sailor grateful to have his life, lowers the boat as Bob orders. Before leaving, Bob binds the sailor once more. Rowing with might and main Bob speeds to the aid of his friend Tarzan. Mary has brought a rifle from the ship. At the same moment Gimla sees Tarzan and cleaves the water swiftly, hungry for the flesh of the Ape-man. Aware suddenly of his friend's imminent peril Bob seizes the rifle. With a lucky shot Bob pierces the head of Gimla the crocodile.
"Thanks for your help children," says Tarzan, "but we have much yet to do on the island. Yonder is the treasure --"
23 ~ PIRATES TO OVERCOME ~ 31.08.16The pirates now have the treasure in their possession and Pennock and Burt as prisoners, with life-boats on the shore of the African island. They are ready to escape to Pennock's yacht the Corsair. . .
"Are you going to leave us here marooned?" Pennock asks.
"No! I am going to leave you here full of lead," says the pirate leader. "Dead Men tell no tales." But before he can pull the triggers, he staggers back mysteriously wounded. Another pirate carrying the treasure chest falls in his tracks.... Swept by the mysterious gunfire from above, the pirates flee in panic. But at the shore they find their boats have disappeared. Down from the trees leaps Tarzan the Mighty to join Burt and Pennock who have armed themselves with the pirate leader's pistols.
"Your shots from the tree saved us!" cries Pennock.
"Thank the children," says Tarzan. "They brought the guns and ammunition. Follow me. . . swiftly. . . quietly." Tarzan commands, as he shoulders the treasure chest. "We may have to fight our way out yet." Deep in the underbrush Tarzan has hidden three boats which he has carried ashore so that none but his party can escape. . . Now, as he raises one of them to bring it back to the river. . . . A pirate sights him!
24 ~ FIGHTING THROUGH ~ 31.08.23![]()
With his friends rescued from the African river pirates and the treasure saved, Tarzan launches the life-boat to bring his party back to Pennock's yacht. Pennock and Burt are following with the treasure chest, while Bob and Mary form a rear guard. Then the pirates attack from ambush.Returning from his fruitless search for Bob and Mary, Hugh Trevor has passed the treasure island, but at the sound of gunfire, he orders a halt, and then he sees a sight that paralyzes him with horror. A pirate has captured his children.
Meanwhile Tarzan, using the steel of the lifeboat as a shield, charges full tilt toward the pirates, firing as he goes.
Pennock and Burt have taken cover behind the treasure chest, but they are unarmed and helpless. A shot from Tarzan fells the pirate who has seized the children. Using the boat as cover Tarzan awaits the onrush of the pirates.
Hugh Trevor sees the pirates surrounding the ape-man's party -- he halts his canoes and orders his men to open fire. In the face of the new attack from the water, the pirates surrender. . . and Tarzan restores Bob and Mary to their father.
25 ~ DOWN AN AFRICAN RIVER ~ 31.08.30Before bidding good-bye to the children, Tarzan gives their father a portion of the treasure for their use when they grow up. Tarzan, Pennock and Burt decide to take the pirates aboard the yacht and deliver them to justice. Sensing the Ape-man's plan a pirate seeks to escape. But he is quickly trapped in the jaws of Gimla, the crocodile; and the rest of the pirates, still full of fight, are herded aboard the yacht. Two of the pirates are left free to assist in manning the yacht. The rest are securely bound. One of the pirates stealthily approaches Tarzan as he stands at the wheel of the Corsair.
Attacked from the rear Tarzan is rendered unconscious while the now uncontrolled yacht runs aground with terrific force. The crash of the yacht has liberated several of the pirates. They are ready for a dash for liberty. The desperate pirate gathers his strength for a final attack on the unconscious Tarzan. But Bolat the ape sees Tarzan's situation. he tenses his muscles. By a desperate swing the ape comes to Tarzan's rescue. But the pirates are closing in on the Ape-man and his friends.
26 ~ A FIGHT FOR LIFE ~ 31.09.06Tarzan is saved by Bolat the ape from the fury of the pirates. The scoundrels flee as the Ape-man slowly regains his strength. Pennock and Burt have reached Tarzan's side in the nick of time. "Now that the pirates are free again it's a fight for life!" Burt cries.
Bolat returns to his place in the trees, with cunning eyes he watches the clash of strength of the yacht below. Tarzan and his friends are determined to fight it out with the pirates. A desperate fight is inevitable. The two parties meet unexpectedly Outnumbered by the pirates, the Ape-man and his friends fight against odds. Tarzan's great strength carries the day. The three friends believe that all of the pirates have been accounted for. Unknown to Tarzan and his companions one of the pirates has escaped. Desperate with rage and fear hs is determined on revenge at any cost. The pirate plans to make a fuse of powder, ignite it form the shore and thus destroy Tarzan, Pennock, Burt and the yacht. The pirate lights the fuse. Bolat, the ape, tries to warn Tarzan of his danger. But before he can get his message to the ape man. . . the yacht explodes.
27 ~ MAN AGAINST BEAST ~ 31.09.13The yacht blown up by the one remaining pirate, Tarzan Pennock and Burt are hurled into the river. Pennock, tired by his exertions is in danger of drowning, but the Ape-man comes to his rescue and swims with him towards shore. After a struggle against the river current the three companions reach the safety of the land. Bolat, the ape, who watched the struggle on the yacht, comes from the trees to join Tarzan, but peers suspiciously at his two companions. "The treasure," Burt cries suddenly. "Perhaps it has gone down with the yacht!"
"No need to worry about the treasure now," the Ape-man replies. "We need food and rest."
While Tarzan goes to see if anything is left of the yacht, Pennock and Burt build a fire by the side of the river but by accident Burt strikes Bolat the ape, and the animal snarls in sudden and vicious rage. Bolat the ape seizes Burt and carries the man towards his haunts in the trees. Examining the debris from the exploded yacht, Tarzan determines that the treasure chest has gone into the river. Pennock finds Tarzan and warns him that Bolat the ape has captured Burt. Angered, Tarzan starts in swift pursuit of Bolat, the ape, swinging from branch to branch on mighty arms. Bolat the ape realizes the Ape-man is on his trail. With his captive in his grasp, he awaits the inevitable approach of Tarzan.
28 ~ THE ONRUSHING HORDE ~ 31.09.20Bolat, facing the wrath of Tarzan, utters the wild, blood-chilling cry of the great apes, summoning help. Fro a far distance comes the answering call of the tribe of Bolat. . . Quickly they gather to advance to the rescue. AS the ape horde crashes through the trees, the birds take to flight. The monkeys leap, screaming, to the treetops to avoid the onrushing apes . . . Bolat's tribe is on the warpath and every beast of the jungle is seeking safety as the battle-cries of the frenzied apes fill the forest. Even Sabor, the lioness, dashes to her lair as the apes advance. Bolat has dropped Burt's limp form to the ground as he stands ready for Tarzan's onslaught. So had the Ape-man fought as a boy against the giant Bolgani. So had he conquered the fierce Tublat. So had he destroyed the might Terkoz, when Jane Clayton was the prize of victory. Now, with Bolat overcome Tarzan turns to face a new danger. The ape-horde is upon him.
29 ~ TERROR FROM THE SKIES ~ 31.09.27
(first page by Harold Foster)A French Navy amphibian plane following the course of the African River halts its motor as Pennock signals wildly from the shore. The plane swings in a wide circle, over the treetops, preparing to land on the river. The pilot is Captain D'Arnot of the French Navy. Through the treetops he sees Tarzan fighting for his life against the ape horde.
With a swift flash of recognition, D'Arnot recalls the night of terror when he was bound to the stake by savages, and Tarzan came crashing down form the trees to put the frightened savages to flight. Tarzan fights gallantly, but the conclusion is foregone -- the odds are too great. D'Arnot leaps to the rescue of his friend, while his plane crashes near the apes, frightening most of them away. D'Arnot alights just in time to stop the charge of the remaining apes. So do two old friends meet once more in the jungle.
are from taken from a set of scans of Tarzan Sunday pages in the Dale Broadhurst collection |
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