![]() First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive |
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Edgar Rice Burroughs is beyond doubt one of the
most widely-read and enjoyed authors in 20th century literature. An unassuming
American writer, his tales have been translated into thirty or more languages....
Burroughs' works have become literary classics. Formal recognition of this
fact came in 1962 when a study-edition of his first story, A Princess
of Mars, was published for British school use, as one volume in a series
comprising such native authors as Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Scott,
Robert Louis Stevenson, and Shakespeare -- and the publisher who ranked
ERB as the only American among this distinguished company was none other
that the venerable Oxford University Press. ... "He being dead yet
speaketh." And we shall not soon see his like again.
-- Reverend Henry Hardy Heins - A Golden Anniversary
Bibliography of ERB - 1964
A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs, compiled by Henry Hardy Heins, was the first book published by Donald M. Grant under the GRANT imprint.Published in an edition of 1,000 copies, it sold out upon publication and copies now sell for upwards of $600.00. Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. is very proud to announce this special second printing which includes a 2001 Postscript by Dr. Henry Hardy Heins. This is a numbered edition of 1,000 copies, all of which are signed by Dr. Heins . Each book is enclosed in a handsome foil stamped black leatherette slipcase. This Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs is the first serious book ever published dealing exclusively with Burroughs. It identifies in detail all of the known book and magazine versions of Burroughs' stories with clear and often fascinating guidance on how to tell them apart. Among the special features included are pictorial reproductions of all the full-page Burroughs' book announcements as they appeared in "Publishers' Weekly" from 1914-1948, the magazine artwork done by the famous J. Allen St. John (the illustrator so closely identified with Burroughs' work), photographs of Burroughs and his family that had never before been published, and a foreword by Hulbert Burroughs, the older son of ERB. One fabulous highlight is the inclusion of five obscure articles written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, including: "Entertainment is Fiction's Purpose" and "How I Wrote the Tarzan Books". Obviously, this bibliography is the result of years of study and research in which the finest collections of more than one continent have been consulted by Dr. Heins for the best possible authenticity. But the volume is designed not only as an aid to the collector of Burroughs' editions; it is a fantastic source of information for the novice Burroughs reader. These pages, covering 50 years of publications are no less than a HISTORY of Edgar Rice Burroughs, the master story teller himself. ISBN 1-880418-51-7 $100.00
+ $5.00 shipping & handling
Heins Foreword by Hulbert Burroughs
We, in Tarzana, never cease to be amazed over the heart-warming display of loyalty and interest in the literary works of our father. We have never known of such a large group so remarkably influenced by the magic of one author's phenomenal imagination. Among the millions whose lives have been touched by the Edgar Rice Burroughs fantasy world is Henry Hardy Heins. Irretrievably "hooked" at an early age, Pastor Heins' devotion to Burroughs has led him into a hobby which apparently closely rivals his heavenly calling.At heart a master sleuth, researcher and extremely able writer, Henry Heins has assembled in this Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs a remarkable assortment of facts. I am appalled by the tremendous amount of physical effort, time and research that must have gone into this book. Perhaps the sincerest tribute that I can pay to its compiler is that in the course of my work at Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., seldom a day passes that doesn't find me referring to this Bibliography for some needed fact.
On behalf of my sister and brother, I want to express to Pastor Heins our sincere appreciation and gratitude for creating this fine volume.
Tarzana, California ~ May 7, 1963
His distinctive name has become synonymous with Burroughs bibliography and will always shine like a beacon to ERB collectors and researchers. He was generous with his expertise, and took time when answering fan mail to be precise and pleasant, often with a touch of humor. He was delighted when Donald M. Grant proposed a snazzy slipcased reprint edition of his Golden Anniversary bibliography and asked him to compose a "21st Century Postscript" to bring it up to date.
George T. McWhorter ~ ERB Memorial Collection ~ University of Louisville, Louisville, KentuckyDr. Heins' Bibliography of my grandfather's works was a monumental landmark accomplishment. Since its publication back in the the mid-'60s it has been known around our office as "The Bible."
~ Danton Burroughs ~ ERB, Inc., Tarzana, California
ALBANY Henry Hardy Heins L.H.D., of Marwill Street, Albany, died on Wednesday, October 1, 2003 at St. Peter's Hospital at the age of 79.A retired Lutheran minister, he served the church for 25 years and then shifted careers to the public sector, where he worked in an editorial capacity in both the State Senate and the Department of State for another 19 years, retiring in 1988. He was pastor of the former St. Mark's (now Holy Spirit) Lutheran Church in Albany from 1958 to 1969 and was later deacon and historian at Albany's First Lutheran Church 1977-90, remaining active in church work thereafter. In 1999 Hartwick College, in recognition of his lifetime of service, conferred on him the honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters.
A native of Hollis in Queens County, Dr. Heins was a lifelong New Yorker. He graduated in 1945 with a bachelor's degree in history from Hartwick College and took his master's degree at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pa. Following ordination in 1948, he served parishes in Central Bridge and Liberty before coming to Albany. At various times during his ministry, he also served as New York State Chairman of the Lutheran Resettlement Service for European refugees after World War II, being instrumental in bringing over some 400 families and as the first elected secretary of the old Upper New York Synod of the Lutheran Church of America.
He was married for over 55 years to the former Marie E. Jensen of Davenport, Iowa (who survives him). They have one daughter, Victoria B. Heins-Shaw of San Diego, Calif. Several cousins also survive.
Dr. Heins was the author of books, including Throughout All the Years (1946), a history of Hartwick College and Seminary; Numeral Cancellations of the British Empire (1959), a post-history work published in England, which went to four editions there; A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of Edgar Rice Burroughs (1964), a book collector's manual which had become a collector's item itself; and Swan of Albany (1976 plus its 1989 supplement), a history of First Lutheran Church here, which is the oldest Lutheran Congregation in America.
For 10 years until the mid 1980s, he also served in his spare time both as editor of the New York State Banking Law published annually by William Press of Albany, and simultaneously as calendar editor for the business diaries marketed by the Dennison National Company of Holyoke, Mass.
Dr. Heins, a member of the National Railway Historical Society, was an avid railway buff and photographer, having many times traveled by long-distance train in 49 of the 50 states (all but Hawaii), and across Canada from Newfoundland to the Yukon, in both countries much of this in locomotive cab or freight caboose. In 1993, he published Canadian Railway Stations: Where and When, a 600 page record illustrated with several hundred of his own photographs. He was a longtime member of the American Philatelic Society and was the author of numerous articles on stamps for the philatelic media.
Dr. Heins was also a devoted hymnologist. He was a member of the Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada, and he published in its journal of July 1995, a definitive article on Ancient of Day, the hymn written by Bishop Doane in 1886 for the Bicentenary of City of Albany. He tended the hymnboards at his various churches for virtually his entire life, from boyhood through old age. At the time of his death he was working on a new book tentatively entitled Our Melody We Raise, a comparative treatment of the stanzas in some 26 different hymnals of the Anglo-Lutheran tradition since 1860.
The funeral service will be held at First Lutheran Church, 181 Western Avenue, Albany, on Monday, October 6, 2003 at 11 a.m. Immediately before the service, friends are invited to gather with the family in the Hartwick Lounge at the church between 10 and 11 a.m. Burial will be in the Pastor's Circle at Holy Spirit Lutheran Cemetery in Glenmont.
Contributions in memory of Dr. Heins may be made if desired to the abiding memorial fund at First Lutheran Church.Copyright 2003 Capital Newspapers Division of the Hearst Corporation, Albany, N.Y.
Guestbook: www.timesunion.com/obituaries
Why Own the Heins?
A reprint from ERBzine 0509
By David A. AdamsThis morning I finally opened the monthly envelope from George McWhorter containing the July 2001 issue of The Gridley Wave. Along with this always welcome update on the world of Burroughs fandom, I was surprised to find a flyer for Grant's republication of A Golden Anniversary Bibliography of ERB by Henry Hardy Heins. It took me about five minutes to call the publisher at (603)778-7191 to place my order to be on the list for one of the 1000 copies of this special second edition.I must admit that I hesitated about a minute before making my order since the cost is $105.00, which includes the shipping & handling. I thought about the actual use I might find in this volume since I already have Bob Zeuschner's wonderful book that does find its way to the top of my desk nearly every day. Then I remembered how long I have wanted to have a copy of the Heins since I am one of those collectors who was unwilling to put out the $400-$600 for a first edition of this book that only rarely becomes available.
I have only looked through the Heins briefly in bookstores, but I have always recognized it as the keystone to any serious or half-way serious Burroughs collection. Nearly everything a book collector does with his personal collection constantly refers back to a good bibliography of the author's work. Although I do not own a copy of the first edition, many posts to the ERBlist has made me realize that the Heins does include valuable information not in Zeuschner's book, and I believe that the Zeuschner bibliography has certain information not in the Heins.Of course, some ERB collectors will not find it necessary to own either of these bibliographies, however, in my opinion this is severely limits one's knowledge of the history and scope of one's personal holdings. As I looked at the golden flyer from McWhorter, I could see that with the republication of the Heins bibliography I had a unique opportunity to own a book that would become one of the most important items in my collection. As I said, my hesitation was brief, and now I am looking forward to owning this valuable edition sometime in early September after its printing in August.
Bibliographies are never complete, but they are essential items in every collection. They always hold their value beyond their initial cost, and I have never regretted in buying them for any author I have collected over the years. When I talked to George McWhorter on the phone this morning his first statement to me was "Isn't it wonderful!" I even tried to contact Dr. Zeuschner by telephone, a thing I have never done before, but he was busy teaching his summer classes. I just wanted to find out if this was really what I thought it was -- the real Heins with all of its wonderful information on the book and magazine versions of ERB's stories. The answer from George and from the publisher was, yes and yes, this is the book I have been coveting for so many years.
George told me that many of the items have been updated, so it is not exactly the same text as the first edition. It is to be slipcased in a handsome foil stamped black leatherette case and signed by Dr. Heins. The publisher told me that I would not be disappointed. I can't think of any reason a Burroughs' collector could have to prevent the order of this book. It is indeed a milestone in the age of ERB book collecting, for every collector now has a very reasonable opportunity to own the historical key volume of all Burroughs bibliophiles.
I realize that this message is not going to convince everyone on the list to call Donald M. Grant for their personal copy, but I feel that they should. My own collection of Burroughs books is very modest indeed, only numbering slightly over 400 copies of variant editions. I have bibliographies of Zeuschner, Huckenpohler, McWhorter, Bergen, and Peters, and each have their own unique uses. The publisher tells me that there are copies left, but I would expect them to go quickly due to the world-wide interest in the works of ERB, and it will be a valuable reference item for libraries.
Enough for today. Needless to say, I was very excited about this good news and wanted to pass the information on to all the fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
David (Nkima) Adams Reference: Motes & Quotes Newzine ERBzine 0509
Index to Chapter Titles in ERB Novels
Barsoomian Cartography: Heins' Letter to ERB in 1949 ~
From Dream Weaver
Why Own the Heins by David Adams
Heins speaks of the importance of ERB
Marcia of the Doorstep Review by HH Heins
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The Tarzan Theme
J. Allen St. John Illustrations
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