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Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association
Rules of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association

The purpose of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association (ERBapa) is to provide fans and collectors of Edgar Rice Burroughs with a quarterly forum for discussion of ERB, his works, and related topics.

Voting membership in ERBapa is limited to 36 at any time; this number commemorates the age at which ERB began his writing career. Honorary memberships are limited to six. An official Library File Copy of each mailing will be sent to the University of Louisville care of George T. McWhorter. Failure of any member to pay annual dues or to meet minimum activity requirements (minac) will result in the loss of membership, although a grace period may be extended by the Official Editor (OE) in cases of temporary financial or health hardship.

Annual Dues are $25 per active member (for four issues) and are used to cover the cost of postage and the production of the apa’s Official Organ (OO). Dues are determined by vote of the membership upon recommendation from the OE.

ERBapa may have no more than 36 regular members at any time. Vacancies in this membership roll will be filled from a wait list. Prospective members may have their names added to this list by paying a $3 fee each year, for which they will receive the OO. This fee shall be in addition to any normal membership fee that may subsequently apply. Waitlisters shall be selected for regular membership on a first-come basis.

Minac: Each member must contribute at least two pages of original material, including at least 400 words of original copy, to each mailing, or four pages of original material, including 800 words of original copy, to every other mailing. This minimum requirement must be related directly to Edgar Rice Burroughs, his creations, or their direct adaptions in other media. In special cases, exceptions to the minimum requirement may be granted by the OE. A page is defined as one side of an 8-1/2 x 11-inch piece of paper. Members may contribute any number of pages, as long as the minac requirement is met. Members are encouraged to reprint reviews and articles from local publications. Only the OE is allowed to reprint articles from national or international sources; however, other members may apply to the OE for permission to reprint such articles. Members must submit 50 copies of each contribution to the OE prior to each mailing deadline (January 31, April 30, July 31, October 31).

Guest Submissions. The OE may include one guest submission in each ERBapa mailing. Guest submissions will normally be limited to former members and waitlisters, but the OE may grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis.

Content and Publication of Submissions. In the event a quarterly submission is, in the opinion of the OE, obscene or in sufficiently poor taste or is an inappropriate ad hominem attack on another member or another living person, the OE may return the offending page(s) to the member for revision. In the event the member declines to revise or cannot or does not meet the current deadline, the OE may exclude the submission or the offending page(s). If the result is that there is no quarterly entry for the member, that member’s minac has not been met, and the applicable rules are enforced. If the member insists that the submittal be published intact, the OE shall include it as written in the current issue or no later than the next issue. In the Official Organ, the OE shall notify the membership of the situation. Any member who exercises the option of publication over the OE’s objection three times shall lose his or her membership. In addition, any member may advise the OE of an offensive submission and request the OE to read the next submittal of the offending submittal’s author to determine whether it is subject to this rule.

The Official Editor receives the contributions of members by mail, collates them in the order received, binds them, and mails one complete set (mailing) to each member within one week of the mailing deadline. The OE collects dues, administers the finances of the apa, prepares and publishes the OO, and publishes financial reports therein. The OE is the only elected official of the apa; his term begins with the first mailing of each year. Each October 31 mailing shall include a ballot listing the candidates for OE, who shall have been members in good standing of the apa for at least one year prior to their candidacy. Results of the election will be published in the OO in the January 31 mailing, and the newly elected OE will assume his duties upon receipt of that mailing.

The OE will appoint a member to receive and tally the votes, and this person shall report the results of the election of the OE for publication in the OO. The OE shall be elected by a simple plurality of the votes cast. No restriction shall be placed upon the number of times a member may be elected OE, other than those previously mentioned. Only members in good standing may vote.

Further duties of the OE: The Official Roster will be included in each issue in the OO, and once per year, in the issue prior to the new term of the OE, it will also be included on a separate sheet inserted in the envelope with the mailing. In addition to the names and addresses of the current membership, the Official Roster will also include the name, address(es), and phone number(s) for the OE for the following mailing, printed at the masthead; the month in which each member’s dues come up for renewal, included after the name of the member; the continuing title (if any) of their ‘zine,’ prior to the address of each member; the phone number of each member, unless its omission has been requested by the member, after the address.

Fifty copies of each mailing shall be prepared. When the membership rolls are full, 36 of these will go to members. One copy will go to each of the honorary members, one to the University of Louisville, and one distributed at the discretion of the OE. The remaining copies shall be offered for sale no sooner than 30 days after the mailing, first to the apa’s waitlisters followed by the author of the guest submission (if any), then secondly to anyone interested in purchasing them. The revenue from these sales will go into the apa’s treasury for use in defraying the apa’s expenses. In the event that the membership rolls are not full, the OE shall distribute the extra copies to publications for review purposes. Extra copies of the mailing will be sold at $20 each.

ERBapa Annuals and Specials. The OE, or his designated representative from the membership, has the option to produce an ERBapa Annual each year. Contents are at the discretion of the editor of the publication, but will be limited to contributions printed in the preceding year’s quarterly ERBapa mailings. Annuals will be offered to the public at large without limit to the number of copies printed and will be published no earlier than six months after the end of the preceding year. The OE, or his designated representative from the membership, has the option — with the permission of the author(s) — to produce ERBapa Specials which will consolidate and reprint all installments of a completed series first published in quarterly ERBapa mailings. These will be offered to the public at large without limit to the number of copies printed and will be published no earlier than six months after the last installment was first published. ERBapa Annuals and Specials will be sold for a price to be set at the discretion of the OE or his designated representative. All proceeds remaining after printing and mailing costs will be deposited in the ERBapa treasury.

Any member, honorary or otherwise, may be expelled from the apa by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership, exclusive of honorary members or waitlisters.

These rules may be amended by a majority vote. Such proposed amendments must be communicated to the OE by October 31 of each year and will be included on the ballot.

Honorary members:

In recognition of their generous contributions to Burroughs fandom, the following people are hereby recognized as honorary members of the ERBapa:

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., P.O. Box 570277, Tarzana, CA 91356-0277
Camille Cazedessus, Jr., P.O. Box 2340, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147-2340
John H. Guidry, 1918 Dante Street, New Orleans, LA 70118
D. Peter Ogden, 8410 Lopez Drive, Tampa, FL 33615
Frank Westwood, 77 Pembroke Road, 7 Kings, Ilford, Essex, 1G3 8PQ, U.K.
Bill Hillman, 41 Kensington Crescent, Manitoba, Canada R7A 6M4

Edgar Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association
Navigation Chart
ERBapa:  Edgar Rice Burroughs
Amateur Press Association
Intro: Guidelines ~ HiLites ~ Bylines
Members ~ Reprints in ERBzine
ERBapa Cover Gallery
Early Years: 1-50
ERBapa Cover Gallery
51 - 100
ERBapa Contents First 47
ERBapa Contents 41-59
ERBapa Contents 60-74
ERBapa Contents 75 -100
ERBapa Contents 101-125
.ERBapa Contents 126-150
ERBapa Contents 151-175
ERBapa Cover Gallery
Beyond 100
ERBapa Index Nos. 1-24: Pt. 1
ERBapa Index Nos. 1-24: Pt. 2


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