The Dum-Dum 2023 convention
will be two full days in Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Friday and Saturday, 22-23 September
The hotel is Quality Inn at
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, 715-369-3600.
Convention hotel rate per room
of $99 plus tax per night
Special rate is for six nights
in a row,
inclusive of Wednesday 9/20
through Monday 9/25,
with checkout on Tuesday.
The special reduced rate code
is NQ13S1
The hotel has hot breakfast,
a free airport shuttle 24 hours per day to Rhinelander (RHI) airport,
which is serviced by Delta and
American Airlines, and Wi-Fi.
The convention Huckster room
and ancillary room have loads of space.
Convention-included dinner will
be at Little Bohemia Lodge, Manitowish Waters, Wi, on Friday.
As there is no public transport,
the drive of about 45 minutes will be done by those with vehicles.
Please plan ahead for this;
share the ride generously.
The FBI had an infamous shootout
with the John Dillinger Gang
at Little Bohemia Lodge in 1934;
bullet holes are still evident.
A reminder is that the original
Tarzan of the Apes novel by ERB
ends in the North Woods of Wisconsin.
Rhinelander, while a town of
13,000, is smack dab in the North Woods,
as is the Little Bohemia Lodge.
Gangsters from Chicago enjoyed
the North Woods in the 1920s-1930s.
Al Capone's brother owned a
bar in the North Woods for many years.
The Dillinger Gang hid out there
at Little Bohemia Lodge.
Dum-Dum 2023 Schedule
Friday, 22 Sep
8 AM — Huckster Room Set-up
9 AM — Huckster Room Open to
10:30 AM — Welcome by Host Gary
10:45 AM — Retrospective of
an ERB Fan — Jeff Long as questioned by the Host
Lunch on your own
1:30 PM — Will Murray on Writing
(4 authorized novels to date)(via Zoom)
5:00 PM — Huckster Room Closes
6:30 PM — Dinner at Little Bohemia
5625 Little Bohemia Lane (south of Manitowish Waters west side US Hwy 51)
Manitowish Waters, WI 54545
Sign up for Rides to/from Restaurant. Drivers, please share your
Drive is about 45 miles, Wisconsin Hwy 47 northwest then US Hwy 51 north.
Saturday, 23 Sep
9:00 AM — Huckster Room Opens
10:30 AM — Chris L. Adams —
Author, Artist, Digital Design & Layout
(new authorized book on Barsoom)(via Zoom)
Lunch on your own
1:00 PM — Editing and Writing
Historical Fiction is Not for the Faint of Heart
Author/Editor/Publisher Gary Buckingham
3:30 PM — Auction Set-up
4:00 PM — Auction
5:00 PM — Huckster Room Closes
5:15 PM — Burroughs Bibliophiles
Board of Directors Annual Meeting (Open to Public)
Presentations will be approximately
30 minutes each. Schedule may fluctuate
Convention Registration
*** 3" membership button
*** Banquet at Little Bohemia Lodge
*** New authorized Tarzan® book by Gary Buckingham
*** Hodag miniature.
Dealer Tables are available
The Burroughs Bibliophiles present their Outstanding
Achievement Award.
Send $100 Registration Fee for Convention via Check
payable to:
Gary Buckingham
5009 Ladera Ct. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
E-mail at: gbucking3@gmail.com
Download the 2023 Registration
Form WORD File at
Celebrating the many worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs!

April 4-6 ~ Tuesday-Thursday
See More Information, Guest and Registration at
Poster by Ahmed Khocht - Click or Tap for Full-Size
The Edgar Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship gathering
Honoring the life and works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs
(Creator of Tarzan of the Apes, John Carter of Mars,
and many more)
Hosted by the Los Angeles SubERBs chapter
of the Burroughs Bibliophiles literary society
Will take place Tuesday, April 4 through Thursday,
April 6, 2023,
in Palm Springs, California
Featuring the unveiling of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ star
on the world-famous
Palm Springs Walk of Stars on April 4, 2023, at 11
The official convention hotel is:
Hotel Zoso ~ 150 South Indian Canyon Drive
Palm Springs, California 92262
(760) 325-9676
To obtain the discounted ECOF room rate, please call
the number above or use this online
The ECOF convention rate is $209/night (does not include
tax and incidentals), resort fees waived*,
for rooms booked Monday, April 3, Tuesday, April 4, Wednesday,
April 5, Thursday, April 6.
Rate includes single king or double queen beds.
The cutoff for this special rate is Friday, March 10,
2023. Do not delay!
Guests hoping to share a room with another attendee should
note it on
the registration form, sent to the event organizers at
* Resort fee covers the following amenities, FREE to
ECOF attendees:
• High-speed wireless internet
• Overnight valet parking for one vehicle
• Airport shuttle service from the Palm Springs International
• In-room coffee and bottled water
Auto-confirmation will show a resort fee and extra tax
for it, but this will be waived at check in.
For more information on the property, please see:
Event registration fee is US$120 payable via check
or PayPal (submit form)
Our Special Guest for this event is Tommy Cook, star
of two Edgar Rice Burroughs films,
the serial Jungle
Girl (1941) and Tarzan
and the Leopard Woman (1946).
Tommy is one of the last living actors of the Johnny
Weissmuller era, and has a lifetime of stories to tell.
Tommy will join us at the unveiling ceremony, will sit
for a Q&A with us,
will be selling and signing stills of his film roles
and discussing his career with fans.
Day 1: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
11:00 a.m. Edgar Rice Burroughs’
star unveiling
ceremony in downtown Palm Springs
12-2 p.m. Photographs and no-host lunch
2-4 p.m. Open house and Burroughs exhibit
Welwood Murray Memorial Library, 100 South Palm
Canyon Drive
Day 2: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Huckster Room, Hotel Zoso
Palladium Room
10 a.m. Q&A with ECOF 2023 Special
Guest, Tommy Cook, star of the Edgar Rice Burroughs films
Noon-5 p.m. Programming TBA (watch ERBzine
and the Gridley Wave for updates)
or Tap for full size
Day 3: Thursday, April 6, 2023
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Huckster Room, Hotel Zoso
Palladium Room (programming TBA)
3-5 p.m. Auction
If you would like to be part of the programming and
for more information, please contact ecof2023@mail.com
A huge “THANK YOU!” to our GoFundMe donors for
making this
honor for Edgar Rice Burroughs and his family a reality!
We could not have done it without you.
We hope to see you in Palm Springs
JUNE 2-4
Was a Major Success.
Congratulations to Jim Goodwin and
The Texas Chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
for hosting this event.
June 2, Thursday
SIGHTS: The first day of the Dum-Dum will be devoted
to those who would like to
come and see the sights of ‘Old San Antone’.
9:30 – Gather in lobby at the hotel to prepare
to drive to the Buckhorn. [share rides]
Burroughs Bibliophile member, Texas Bob, will
conduct the tours of the Buckhorn.
10:00 -Buckhorn, Texas Ranger Museum opens
(318 E Houston St, San Antonio). We will start our tour there.
Noonish – Will eat at Buckhorn, or one can eat
elsewhere, if desired
1:00 – Walk to and tour the Alamo
2:00 – Riverwalk
4:00 – Return to convention hotel
June 3, Friday
8:00 – Huckster room opens (called the “Alamo
Room” at the hotel)
9:00 – Jim Gerlach will speak on what is going
on at ERB Books
Tracy Griffin will speak on the Palm Springs Star
for ERB.
10:00 – Roland Trenary will speak on Mahlon
11:00 – Gary Buckingham will speak about
his projects
Noon – Lunch on your own
(A Whataburger is not far, for those interested
in a different type of Texas cuisine.)
2:00 – ERB, Inc to speak
3:30 – Douglas Klauba will speak about
his art for The Terrible Tenderfoot hardcover edition
5:00 – Huckster room closes to the public
Supper on your own
7:00 – The Burroughs Bibliophiles’ Board of
Directors meeting, either in the Alamo Room or the room in front of
June 4, Saturday
8:00 – Huckster room opens
9:00 – Henry Franke will discuss the history
of the Tarzan comic strip
10:30 – Jess Terrell will discuss ERB
on Facebook
Noon – Lunch on your own
1:30 – Mike Conran, Bill Ross, and
Hardy on editing an ERB fanzine
3:00 – Huckster room closes and Auction begins
6:30 – Banquet at La Margarita 120 Produce
Row, (210) 898-1746 (share rides)
June 5, Sunday
Breakfast and saying our good-byes
Included in the registration will be the first book printing
of The Terrible Tenderfoot,
(which is the pulp version of the Deputy Sheriff of
Comanche County.)
It has new art done by Douglas Klauba.
A one-time fanzine made up exclusively for the
Dum-Dum will be given out.
There will be other items, such as a Terrible Tenderfoot
Since the hotel is charging for 25 tables in the huckster
room, this expense has to be passed on to the users of the tables.
* There will, hopefully, have opportunities for the JANES
(Just Another Neglected ERB Spouse).
This would be the women shopping or whatever they want
to do.
* The meeting will be held at the Drury Plaza Hotel
San Antonio North Stone Oak, 823 North Loop 1604 East, phone 210-494-2420,
* The hotel has covered parking, WIFI,
breakfast and an item called “Free 5:30 Kickback”.
* The hotel serves free hot food and cold beverages during
this “kickback”.
* The rate is $110 a day (plus taxes) address:
833 North Loop 1604 East, San Antonio, TX 78232.
* Telephone 800-325-0720 and web site is: www.druryhotels.com.
* It is important to refer to group number 10003545
to get the ERB rate which is below regular room rate.
* Unfortunately, there is no shuttle service to
the hotel, so, if one is flying in, here are some options
National Cab, San Antonio: 210-434-4444 https://nationalcab.com/
San Antonio Taxi: 210-303-8787 https://www.sanantoniotaxicabservice.com/
I can be reached, if necessary, at
940-704-6499 or jimmiecg@prodigy.net
Jim Goodwin, 2022 convention administrator.
Download as WORD file:
JUNE 2-4, 2022
DUM-DUM 2021 :: Albuquerque, NM, USA
November 6 and 7 (Two Full Days -- Saturday and Sunday)
Organizer: Gary Buckingham
Click for larger button image
Artist Dan Parsons created the convention logo
Presentations about 30 minutes each; All times are
Mountain Time
Saturday, 6 November
Huckster Room Set-up
8 AM
Huckster Room Open
9 AM
Gary Buckingham Opening Talk of the World of Publishing
10 AM
Guest of Honor Will Murray on Reviving Tarzan
11 AM
Daniel Parsons: His Art of Tarzan & the Lion
of Judah
1 PM
Henry Franke: ERB Movie Scenarios and Treatments
2 PM
ERB Inc. on Publishing
3 PM
Huckster Room Closes
5 PM
Rudy’s BBQ Dinner [ 0.7 miles from Convention
6 PM
Burroughs Bibliophiles Board Meeting [ everyone is welcome
8 PM
Sunday 7, November
Huckster Room Opens
9 AM
Scott Tracy Griffin: ERB’s L.A. Empire
10 AM
Daniel Parsons: His Art of Tarzan: Untamed Frontiers
11 AM
Gary Buckingham: The 10,000 Mile Adventure, “Untamed
Frontiers” 1 PM
Jamie Chase
My Art and Edgar Rice Burroughs
2 PM
Alan Hanson [ subject to be determined ]
3 PM
Dum-Dum Auction Set-up, then the Auction
4:30 PM
Huckster Room Closes
6 PM
Dealers complete clearing off their tables
7 PM
*** On 31 August, ERB, Inc. officially announced the new authorized novel,
“Tarzan and the Lion of Judah,” by Gary A. Buckingham.
This 400-page book features cover art and interior illustrations by Dan
Parsons, who also illustrated Gary’s previous authorized Tarzan book,
“Tarzan: Untamed Frontiers.”
*** “Tarzan and
the Lion of Judah” will be published in three versions: trade
paperback, regular hardcover, and limited hardcover. The 8-1/2” x
11” limited hardcover edition will be signed and numbered, and will include
two extra illustrations (one by Neal Adams). In addition, 52 copies
of the limited hardcover will feature an original Dan Parsons sketch on
the signature page.
The new Tarzan novel will debut at the 2021 Dum-Dum,
hosted by Gary in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on 6 and
7 November.
The regular hardcover edition is part of the paid registration
package. With a paid Dum-Dum registration, in-person attendees will
ALSO have priority in purchasing one of the 52 remarqued limited hardcover
copies. Note that attendees can replace their regular hardcover copy
with a limited hardcover copy simply by paying the difference in cost between
the two editions.
*** To whet your
appetite, we are featuring the pencils for two of the illustrations by
Dan Parsons in the novel:
Korak Battling Tiger
Waziri Battling Mau Mau Terrorists
Click for full size

The Dum-Dum Convention is held as an annual event
requested by the Burroughs Bibliophiles,
the only organized fan group authorized personally
by Edgar Rice Burroughs, open to the public.
*** You can obtain the convention rate by calling the
hotel directly at (505) 881-0544
and giving the special code: "Dum-Dum 2021"
*** The convention hotel will allow stays at the reduced
Dum-Dum rate of $105 plus tax
for the nights of 4-9 November 2021, inclusive.
Choose dates as you like.
NOTE: This special rate will end on Saturday, 23 October.
*** Please don't call the convention hotel for reservations
from 3-6 PM Mountain Time;
they are short-staffed and people are checking in.
*** New Mexico is now 73% adults fully covid vaccinated.
*** The Albuquerque International Airport is eight miles
from the Con hotel;
said hotel provides registered guests free airport
shuttle from 7AM-7PM.

Click for full-size
ERBfest 2021: August 19 - 21 :: Mars, Pennsylvania
Edgar Rice Burroughs Fest (ERBFest) 2021, is working
with the PulpFest organizers and ERB, Inc to coordinate activities.
It will be embedded in PulpFest with certain events
in their programming aligned to ERBFest.

Click for full-size
ERBfest 2021: August 19 - 21 :: Mars, Pennsylvania
Edgar Rice Burroughs Fest (ERBFest) 2021, is working
with the PulpFest organizers and ERB, Inc to coordinate activities.
It will be embedded in PulpFest with certain events
in their programming aligned to ERBFest.
Thursday: Aug. 19 at 7:15
*** “The Amazing, Thrilling, and
Fantastic Edgar Rice Burroughs” by Henry Franke is the opening presentation
at PulpFest. This will focus on ERB's years in Hawaii, during World
War II, and post-war years
Three in a row on Friday:
* “Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Unfinished
Tales -- Mars, Venus, Poloda, and Tarzan’s Africa” -- presentation
on Friday, August 20, at 3:00 pm
* “Beyond the Farthest Star: A Classic Science Fiction
Novel Restored” -- panel on Friday, August 20, at 3:35 pm (Cathy Wilbanks
and Christopher Paul Carey as panelists, Henry Franke as moderator)
* “The News from Tarzana: Thrilling Updates from Edgar
Rice Burroughs, Inc.” -- panel on Friday, August 20, at 4:10 pm (Cathy
Wilbanks and Christopher Paul Carey)
* “A Barsoomian Bull Session,”
hosted by Henry Franke in the hotel lounge area on Saturday, August 21,
beginning at 11:00 pm
PulpFest will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel
Pittsburgh–Cranberry in Mars, Pennsylvania.
The convention rate is $129 plus taxes per night, which
includes a voucher for their hot breakfast buffet.
There are no additional charges for ERBFest events; all
PulpFest attendees are invited to attend.
Details about registration and payments, plus the hotel,
are at www.PulpFest.com.
(Also see "The Gridley Wave" #463 (April 2021).)
The Burroughs Bibliophiles will man their table in the
dealers room throughout the convention (ERB, Inc. will have a table, as
Mark Wheatley will also be in the dealers room.
By the way, The Burroughs Bibliophiles has signed up
more new members at PulpFest in past years than at any other convention.
ERBFest 2021 is a one-shot ERB fan celebration
to fill the gap this year in our usual fan conventions, due to the absence
of the ECOF Gathering.
The 2021 Dum-Dum, to be hosted by Gary Buckingham in
Albuquerque, NM, will be an in-person event in November -- more details
to follow.
Henry Franke
24-28 San Antonio, Texas
Theme: “The Terrible Tenderfoot”
Click for full size
More about this collectible edition at:
Art by Dan Parsons

Guest of Honour: Artist Dan Parsons
Host: Gary
Buckingham: 5009 Ladera Ct. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111
Registration: $85
Includes membership button, special signed and numbered
Quarto of
two authorized Tarzan novelettes by your host
and a Saturday night banquet.
Location: Country Inn and Suites
1650 Doris Drive, Fort Atkinson WI 53538
Phone: (920) 542-1600 [Mention Code ERBLIT]
Reduced lodging rate of $109 plus 13%
Full Events Schedule will
appear here when they are provided
EVENTS (Tentative)
Thursday Aug 13
*** 2 PM: Tour of the Fort Atkinson
printing plant where the Burroughs Bulletin is printed
Friday and Saturday: Aug14-15
*** 9 - 5 PM: Dealers Room
Gary and other Bibliophiles have provided recommendations
on nearby sites and activities that attendees might consider while visiting
the area. Ideas include:
(1) The House on the Rock, 83 miles to the west of Fort
(2) Cave of the Mounds in Blue Mounds, 58 miles to the
(3) Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Aviation
Museum in Oshkosh, 87 miles to the north (www.EAA.org/Museum). The
association also has an annual event and fly-in, “EEA AirVenture Oshkosh,”
with 500,000 attending; this year it is set for 20-26 July.
(4) Circus World Museum in Baraboo, which hosts daily
live circus performances throughout the summer, 74 miles to the northwest
(5) Wisconsin Dells, with numerous theme parks and entertainment
centers, 80 miles to the northwest (www.wisdells.com).
Click for larger poster images

Thanks to The Arizona Cave - AZ Fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs Facebook Group
a recent article on the Rex Allen Museum in Willcox
"Edgar Rice Burroughs Hunted the Apache Kid"
Two years soldiering in the Arizona Territory at
Fort Grant
provided decades of creative inspiration for Tarzan’s
An in-depth, fully illustrated article in the latest
By this year's Dum-Dum host
Frank W. Puncer
The Holiday Inn Express in Willcox is now ready to
take room reservations
from ERB fans using the "ERB" letter code.
Phone: 520.384.3333
Contact Frank Puncer:
Phone: 520.281.1818

Online Promo Splash Bars
2019 ECOF :: Oak Brook, Illinois
June 13-15
Click for full-size images
All 8 of these highly collectible prints will be available
from Joe Jusko at the 2019 ECOF.
Click for full-size splash panels

Click for larger images
NOTE: The one-day membership of $25 for Friday and
is for activities in the dealers room only . . .
Joe Jusko's talk, RPG programming, and buying from
This does not include the banquet or the book.
Wednesday, June 12
Field trip to see ERB-related art collection,
leaves at 6:30 p.m. from the Oak Brook Ballrooms of DoubleTree.
Thursday, June 13:
Dealers’ room setup starts at 9 a.m. in the Oak Brook
Registration opens at 10
Dealers’ room opens at 10
Demonstration of John Carter of Mars role-playing
game from 10 to 11 a.m. at John Carter of Mars Facebook gaming group
table in the dealers room
An Introduction to John Carter of Mars the role-playing
game by Modiphius Entertainment from 11 a.m. to noon at JCM Gaming
Hotel shuttle in afternoon to nearby Half Price Books
in Downers Grove for those who want to go
A Beginners Game of JCoM “Survivors of Mars”,
maximum 5 players, everything you need will be provided, from 1 to 4:30
Dealers’ room closes at 5 p.m.
Carpool to Giordano’s Pizza, 17W280 W22nd St.
(Cermak Road three blocks west of Route 83) for pizza meal at 6 p.m.
Joint Chicago Muckers/National Capital Panthans meeting,
7:30 in Giordano's
Friday, June 14:
Dealers’ room opens at 10
Demonstration of John Carter role-playing game
from 10 to 11 a.m. at John Carter of Mars Facebook gaming group table in
the dealers room
“How to write a JCoM’s Adventure using the JCoM’s
Narrators Toolkit, Pulp Fiction at its Finest;” from 11 a.m. to noon at
JCM table in the dealers room
JANES (Just Another Neglected ERB Spouse) optional
trips; list to be given out at registration
A Beginners Game of JCoM “Panthans of Mars” maximum
5 players, everything you need will be provided from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at
JCM table in the dealers room
Dealers’ room closes at 5 p.m.
Carpool to Historical Society of Oak Park and
River Forest from 6 to about 7:30
Supper on own, but group trip planned to Buona Beef,
Cermak Road and Wolf Road in Hillside
Saturday, June 15:
Dealers room opens at 10
Demonstration of John Carter of Mars role-playing
game from 10 to 11 a.m. at John Carter of Mars Facebook gaming group
table in the dealers room
Joe Jusko talk in dealers room at 11 a.m.
JANES optional trips; list to be given out at
A Beginners Game of JCoM “Assassins of Mars”,
maximum 5 players, everything you need will be provided, from noon to 3
Auction at 3 p.m. in dealers’ room
Dealers room must be empty at 5 p.m.
Banquet at 7 p.m. in Sawa’s Old Warsaw restaurant,
9200 W. Cermak Road, Broadview
Sunday, June 16:
Farewell banquet from 8 to 11 a.m. in Atrium
Café of DoubleTree by Hilton
Members of the John Carter of Mars & Tarzan &
all ERB Gaming Group (on Facebook) will introduce and demonstrate the John
Carter of Mars role-playing game from Modiphius Entertainment at the 2019
ECOF Gathering. All activities will be held in the gaming group’s table
in the dealers room at the Oak Brook Ballrooms in the DoubleTree by Hilton
hotel. A demonstration of the game will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. each
day, Thursday through Saturday. Modiphius will introduce the game at 11
a.m. Thursday. “How to write a JCoM’s Adventure using the JCoM’s Narrators
Toolkit, Pulp Fiction at its Finest;” will be held from 11 a.m. to noon
Friday. A beginner’s game, maximum of five players, will be held each afternoon,
focusing each of the days progressively on “Survivors of Mars,” “Panthans
of Mars” and “Assassins of Mars.” Everything needed will be provided.
ECOF Print :: 11"x17" Limited to 100 prints. They will be made available
first at the ECOF and the remainder will be made available on various ERB
pages the following week. They are 30 dollars each.

Click for full size
NOTE: One T-Shirt comes free with Registration
Cost stated above is for ordering additional T-Shirts
NOTE: T-Shirt sizes and orders must be provided by
July 16
Download for Registration at:
The Burroughs Bibliophiles and Cajun Coast Visitors
& Convention Bureau
celebrate the 100th anniversary of the release of
of the Apes,
a 1918 American action adventure silent film directed
by Scott Sidney
starring Elmo Lincoln, Enid Markey, George B. French
and Gordon Griffith.
It was the first Tarzan film ever made and is based
Edgar Rice Burroughs’ original novel Tarzan of
the Apes.
Thursday, 2 August
9:00 – 11:00 – Set up, Conference Registration
11:00 – 1:00 – Hotel check in, dine around lunch
1:00 -1:30 – Welcome - Connection to Burroughs for Morgan
1:30 - 2:15 – Discussion - Current ERB Events
2:15 – 2:30 - Break
2:30 – 3:30 - Speaker - Al Bohl
3:30 – 4:30 – Speaker - Henry Franke III
5:30 – 6:30 – Welcome Social
6:30 pm – Dine Around
Friday, 3 August
9:00 – Dealer Room Open
10:00 – 11:00 – Speaker – Scott Tracy Griffin
11:30 – 1:00 – Lunch Dine Around
1:00 – 2:00 – Panel Discussion
2:00 – 3:00 – Speaker - Win Scott Eckert
3:00 – 3:15 – Break
3:15 – Auction
5:00 – Dealer Room Closes
6:00 – Dine Around
Saturday, 4 August
9:00 – Dealer Room Open
9:30 – Option 1 Swamp Tour or Self-Guided Movie Location
Driving Tour
11:30 – Option 2 Swamp Tour or Self-Guided Movie Location
Driving Tour
Lunch – Dine Around
2:00 – King & Queen of the Louisiana Jungle –
Costume/Yell Contest (Open to Public)
6:00 – Banquet Café Jo Jo’s
8:00 – Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, 5 August
7:30 - until – Farewell Breakfast
Just added to the
2018 Dum Dum roster!
Rice Burroughs Amateur Press Association founder and
Tales of Love and Murder" publisher
John Guidry will be in attendance!
Al Bohl
Al is an award winning artist, writer and filmmaker with
over 40 years of experience. Bohl released his feature documentary “Tarzan:
Lord of the Louisiana Jungle” and a re-edit of the original 1918 classic
silent film “Tarzan of the Apes.” Al has worked in the entertainment
business through book and magazine publishing, advertising, marketing,
music and filmmaking. His textbook, “Guide to Cartooning”
is used in public schools in the United States. He continues to work
in film and is currently writing a new Zaanan book in the series entitled,
"Zaanan: The Mermen of Immersia" and also working on a children's
book called, "De Trouble Wit' Monkeys." Al Bohl developed and teaches
the GEN4 Animation Course for the Talented Arts Program of the Bossier
Parish School system.
Scott Tracy Griffin
Scott Tracy Griffin is the author of Tarzan on
Film (Titan Books, 2016), a lavishly illustrated history of the
renowned franchise, which began in 1918 with Tarzan of the Apes
and continues through 2016’s The Legend of Tarzan. Griffin’s previous
book, Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration (Titan Books, 2012),
was a 2013 Locus Award finalist for Best Art Book.
Griffin’s career as a writer, pop culture historian, and
consultant began in 1993. Print publications for which Griffin has written
include Cinefantastique, FilmFax, Femme Fatales, The Burroughs Bulletin,
Mississippi Magazine, and AlterEgo. His online editorial
contributions have been featured in the Huffington Post, Amazon’s Hollywonk,
Aintitcool.com, MTV Geek, Flavor Wire, Man of La Book, and List.co.uk.
He has served as a consultant and on-camera interviewee
for numerous Tarzan documentaries, including Arts & Entertainment Biography’s
Tarzan: The Legacy of Edgar Rice Burroughs (1996); Canadian InformAction’s
Investigating Tarzan (1997); London Weekend Television’s In Search of Tarzan
(1999); Tarzan: Silver Screen King of the Jungle (2004); the award-winning
Tarzan, Lord of the Louisiana Jungle (2012); and Tarzan Revisited (2017).
A resident of Southern California, Griffin graduated from
Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi with a Bachelor’s degree in sociology.
He is currently enrolled in the MBA program at California State University
Los Angeles and serves as the Director of Special Projects for Edgar
Rice Burroughs, Inc.
Henry G. Franke III
Henry Franke is the Editor of The Burroughs Bibliophiles,
the non-profit literary society devoted to the life and works of Edgar
Rice Burroughs. The Bibliophiles publishes The Burroughs Bulletin
journal and The Gridley Wave newsletter. Henry is just the
third editor of The Burroughs Bulletin since it was first published in
1947. He was the Contributing Editor and penned the introductions
for IDW Publishing’s Library of American Comics archival series reprinting
Russ Manning’s Tarzan daily and Sunday newspaper comic strips. Volume
1 won the 2014 Eisner Award for Best Archival Collection – Strips.
He has written articles and other book introductions on Tarzan comic books
and strips for TwoMorrows Publishing, Titan Books, and Library of American
Comics. Henry was the Official Editor of the Edgar Rice Burroughs
Amateur Press Association (ERBapa) in 1994-1996 and 2004. He served
in the U.S. Army from 1977 to 2009 and is now a government civilian employee
of the U.S. Army.
Win Scott Eckert
Win Scott Eckert is an expert on famed science fiction
writer Philip José Farmer, including Farmer’s connections
to Edgar Rice Burroughs and Tarzan. Eckert contributed a new foreword the
2006 edition of Farmer’s well-known fictional biography, Tarzan Alive:
A Definitive Biography of Lord Greystoke (University of Nebraska/Bison
Books) and played a key role in bringing Farmer’s authorized novel, Tarzan
and the Dark Heart of Time (Meteor House), back into print in 2018.
Eckert is the coauthor with Farmer of the Pat Wildman
novel The Evil in Pemberley House, and the coauthor with Farmer of the
forthcoming fourth novel in Farmer’s Secrets of the Nine series, The Monster
on Hold. He has written short stories and novels featuring many popular
characters, including Zorro, The Avenger, The Phantom, The Lone Ranger,
The Scarlet Pimpernel, Honey West, T.H.E. Cat, Hareton Ironcastle, Captain
Midnight, The Green Ghost, Sexton Blake, The Domino Lady, Doc Ardan, and
Sherlock Holmes. Find Win online at winscotteckert.com and @woldnewton
Set up of dealers’ room will be Thursday, 9 a.m. until 5
p.m., Friday, 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and the auction will take place at 3:15
The dealer room will reopen Saturday at 9 a.m. until
all dealer materials must be removed from the room by 5 p.m. on Saturday.
The registration fee is $105.00.
Not included in registration cost:
Dealer tables are $15.00 each for the weekend.
Additional banquet tickets for significant others are
available at $35.00 each.
T-shirts are free with registration: pre-order S-XL
Cost for additional T-Shirts is $20.00: S-XL ~ $25.00:
NOTE: T-Shirt sizes and orders must be provided by
July 16
Optional swamp tours $35.00 per person.
Mail/email or fax registration
form and payment or call to register:
Cajun Coast Visitors & Convention Bureau/Tarzan
P.O. Box 2332
Morgan City, LA 70381
Fax: (985) 380-2876
Payment: credit cards, cash, check or money order
• Registration not confirmed until payment is received
• Upon receipt of registration and payment confirmation
will be mailed
• Refunds for optional swamp tours will be given only
if tour is canceled due to weather.
2018 Dum Dum in the news!
"The Chamber, Cajun Coast and others have been making
plans to commemorate the
100th anniversary of the silent film 'Tarzan [of the
which was filmed around Morgan City and became
the first of many film adaptations of Edgar Rice Burroughs’
adventure classic."
the News Story HERE
Host Hotel:
Clarion Hotel & Conference Center
520 Roderick Street, Morgan City, LA 70380
(985) 385-2200
If calling to make reservations,
please mention that you are with the Dum Dum Convention.
A look at the previous celebration in Morgan City
will give some idea of what the area has to offer.
Edgar Rice Burroughs Tribute and Weekly Webzine Site
1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages in Archive

Click for larger images

The venue of the event is the Disciples Church located
in a store front in a strip mall about a 2 minute walk from the Folsom
Hilton Garden Inn (the official hotel of the ECOF).
Directions to the Hilton Garden Inn, 221 Iron Point
- Folsom, CA, 95630 ~ (916) 353-1717
- From HWY 50 take the Folsom Blvd exit.
- Coming from the east, this is the first exit after
the Prairie City exit.
- Coming from the west, this the first exit after the
Hazel Ave. exit.
- Turn left onto Folsom Blvd at the first traffic light
after exiting HWY 50.
- Turn right at the first traffic light onto Iron Point
- The Hilton Garden Inn will be on your right shortly.
The address of the church is 281 Iron Point Road, Folsom,
CA, 95630.
We have rented two very large rooms,
one for the dealer and artist tables and
one for the presentations, auction, and panels.
Dealer set-up starts on Thursday, May 17, at noon.
Dealers may also set up on Friday and Saturday mornings
at 8 AM.
We need all dealers with their goods and other attendees
to vacate the church by 9 PM on Saturday night.
Dealers will need to bring their own table covers.
Also, please bring some extra covers to cover your merchandise
if you leave the table
and when you leave at the end of the day when the room
is locked for the night.
Remember to bring your James Rollins books for
We are proud to have Mr. Rollins as our guest of honor
and he is scheduled to sign on both Friday and Saturday.
The event schedule is attached so take a look and note
that we have some great things planned such as a presentation by our guest
of honor; a talk by the President of Edgar Rice Burroughs Inc., Jim
Sullos, on future happenings in the ERB world; movies, and much more.
There is also a plan to have a hand-picked selection of
serials, shorts and tv shows screened after dinner on Friday night.
If you have any questions feel free to email or call Don
Gray at (916) 933-8050 or dgrayjr@sbcglobal.net
Use this private website to reserve ECOF 2018
Don Gray e-Mail
The Florence-Lauderdale Library in Florence, Alabama
will host a free screening and discussion of
"Tarzan's New York Adventure" (1942)
on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at 2 p.m.
Author Martin Powell and his wife, Stained Glass
Artist, Leia Powell,
will discuss Edgar Rice Burroughs,
their association with the Burroughs family, and will
introduce the film.
For more details, call the library at 256-764-6564
or Pillar of Fire at 256-366-4512.
For more background on this 1942 Tarzan film visit the ERBzine Silver
Screen Series:
2017 ECOF
Irving, Texas ~ June 8-11, 2017
Hosted by the HELL'S BENDERS
The Latest word from Jim
Buddy Saunders will be premiering his new book, "Tarzan
and the Cannibal King"
Bob Zeuschner will be there with his new Bibliography
Joe Lukes will be premiering his new bibliography:
"The Descriptive Bibliography of the Grosset and Dunlap
This book is revised and enlarged to include all
variants of the G&Ds.
The guests of honor are still in negotiation.
The Saturday night banquet will be (what else) Barbeque.
There probably will be more than three books premiered
at the ECOF.
All registrants will receive a leather name badge.
Contact Jim Goodwin by phone at:
ECOF - 2017 will be held at the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth)
Airport North Marriott,
8440 Freeport Pkwy, Irving, Texas 75038. 972-929-8800
We have reserved almost 3000 sf of meeting space and
have negotiated a rate of $89/night for ECOF attenders.
The hotel is located 5 miles northeast of the DFW
and provides a complimentary 24-hour shuttle to and
from DFW Airport which is three miles away.
Reservations must be made by May 18, 2017 to receive
this special pricing.
The hotel is providing our group complimentary WiFi
and parking and
the hotel amenities include 2 urban restaurant/bars
serving American cuisine,
a fitness center, a business center, a hot tub, and
both an indoor and an outdoor pool.
in Larger PDF Format HERE
To reserve your room, call the hotel at 972-929-8800
tell them you are with the ECOF group and wish to
receive the group rate.
Full Registration Information:
Contact Jim Goodwin by phone at:

Mikerocosmos Contents
Excerpt from Who—What—Why—
by Caz [Camille Cazedessus, Jr.]
and Steve [Steven Ellis], ERB-dom #6
The History of Life on Barsoom
The Art of Jetan
Five Barsoomian Maps- Commentary
Map References
Five Barsoomian Maps
-Apologia For ERB-dom’s Barsoomian Map
Burroughs’ Torture Chambers
or The Fiendish Side of ERB
A Journey Through Caspak
Swords Against ERB
Literature and ERB
The Prophetic Side of ERB
To Tars Tarkas
The Forgotten Sea of Mars- In Retrospect
Correspondence by the Readers
The Problem of Timelessness |
The Untold Tales of Pellucidar
The Satiric Side of ERB
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Tarzan: Biography of a Cultured Anthropoid
Return of the Heretic #1
Return of the Heretic #2
Return of the Heretic #3
Return of the Heretic #4
Return of the Heretic #6–7
Return of the Heretic #8–9
The Lord of the Jungle - From Adventures
Introduction to The Land That Time Forgot
- Burroughs and Caspak
Flower Children of Mars
by Mike Resnick and M. Shayne Bell
Introduction to Tarzan Alive
ERB: The Man Who Held the Hero’s Horse
A Princess of Earth |
*** Nineteen of the 20 hotel rooms reserved in the room block
at the Quality Inn, 200 Gore Road, for the 2016 Dum-Dum have been booked.
And only a handful of rooms are available that weekend beyond the block.
If you want to try to get a room, call 815- 942-6600 and mention
“Burroughs Bibliophiles.” The rate is $99.99 plus tax for Wednesday through
Sunday nights.
If the rooms are booked, four other hotels are
in that area- The Holiday Inn Express and Suites, 222 Gore Road; Comfort
Inn, 70 Gore Road; the Days Inn and Suites of Morris, 80 Hampton Road (0.3
miles north of the Quality Inn); and Super 8, 70 Green Acres Drive (1 mile
south of the Quality Inn). But the Holiday Inn only has rooms available
for Aug. 3, 4 and 7, according to the hotel’s website; the other three
hotels have rooms listed for Aug. 3 to 7.
Telephone numbers are Comfort Inn, 844-656-5932;
Days Inn, 815-942-9000; Super 8, 815-942-3200;
and Holiday Inn, 844-357-6216.
*** Sixteen of
the 36 dealers tables have been booked for the 2016 Dum-Dum. Whether
you want to sell or promote a book you have written or published, or are
selling duplicates in your collection, the Dum-Dum is a great way to meet
ERB fans and make money.
*** The extra charge if $5
for those attending the farewell breakfast and who are not staying in the
hotel. Please notify us beforehand, email chiefjoseph1877@sbcglobal.net
so we can make sure the hotel supplies enough food.
*** Mikerocosmos
is the illustrated, 6-by-9-inch 144-page trade paperback collecting many
of Guest of Honor Mike Resnick’s ERB fan writings, that will be given free
to those who register for this year’s Dum-Dum. The collection
includes Mike's Hugo-nominated story “A Princess of Earth”; a story where
Tarzan meets one of Mike's favorite characters, Lucifer Jones; and articles
from Burroughs' fanzines, ERBdom and ERBapa.
If any extra books are available after
the convention, they will be sold for $15, plus $5 for shipping and handling.
Contact Joan Bledig after Aug. 7 at jthev@aol.com
*** Our second guest
of honor, Robert Garcia, recently announced he had designed the interior
of the updated “Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Bibliography” by Robert B. Zeuschner.
All programs will be held in the breakfast room of
the Quality Inn, unless noted otherwise
Thursday, Aug. 4:
* 10 a.m.: Registration starts in the dealers room
or as soon as table setup is finished.
* 3 p.m.: Guest of Honor Robert Garcia will interview
Jim Sullos, president of ERB Inc., on publishing being done by the company
* 4 p.m.: Author Michael Hatt will give a presentation
on ERB’s association with Coldwater, Mich., and the research he has done
on his book “Tarzan Slept Here: Edgar Rice Burroughs and the Coldwater
* 8 p.m.: Joint meeting of Chicago Muckers and National
Capital Panthans
Friday, Aug. 5:
* Noon: Christopher Paul Carey will discuss the Opar
novels he has continued from Philip Jose Farmer
* 1 p.m.: Guest of Honor Mike Resnick, Q-and-A kaffeeklatch
* 2 p.m.: Talk by GoH Bob Garcia on art used in ERB
* 4 p.m.: Burroughs Bibliophiles Auction
* 8 p.m.: Burroughs Bibliophiles Board meeting
Saturday, Aug. 6:
* 1 p.m.: Talk by Doug Ellis on ERB’s works in the
pulp magazines
* 2 p.m.: Reading by GoH Mike Resnick
* 3 p.m.: Author Michael A. Sanford will discuss his
book “Tarzan on the Precipice” being published by ERB Inc.
* 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.: Banquet in Maria’s Italian Restaurant,
1591 Division
Our speakers include GoHs Mike Resnick, Bob Garcia, Jan Novak Dressel
and others
Sunday, Aug. 7:
* 6 a.m. and on: Farewell breakfast in the breakfast
room of the Quality Inn until the room closes. Guests not staying in the
Quality Inn but wish to join us will be asked to pay a $5 fee to cover
the cost of their breakfast. Thank you!
Registration is being held inside the dealers
room, the Ashford, Berkley and Carlisle rooms, during dealers room hours.
Registration will start Thursday as soon as setup
of the room, between 9 and 10 a.m., is finished.
Our table will be inside the far front door.
Print Out
Aug. 4 to 6, in Morris, Illinois
Help the Chicago Muckers chapter of the Burroughs
Bibliophiles celebrate its 10th anniversary at the 2016 Dum-Dum,
being held Thursday through Saturday, August 4 to 6, with a farewell breakfast
Sunday, August 7, in Morris, Illinois.
Our guests of honor will be Mike Resnick, Hugo-Award
winning science fiction author, former ERB fandom writer, and co-editor
of Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs; and Robert Garcia,
his co-editor and the book’s graphic designer. Be sure to bring your copies
and get them autographed.
In keeping with the Muckers’ tradition, each registered
Dum-Dum attendee will receive a book containing, in part, a number of Mike
Resnick’s early ERB fan writings. At the 2013 ECOF Gathering in Morris
each registered attendee received a copy of The Best of the Muckers, and
in 2010 the freebie was a profusely illustrated hardcover combination edition
of The Mucker and The Return of the Mucker with cover art by Tom Floyd.
Chicago-area, award-winning artist Douglas Klauba
is our signature artist. He is designing this year’s Dum-Dum logo. His
2016 Adventure Calendar, designed by GOH Bob Garcia, includes John Carter
as well as other pulp characters. Doug will be happy to take commissions
to personalize your souvenir book or other.
Both guests will participate in programs. Mike Resnick
will hold a Q-and-A kaffeeklatch on Friday afternoon, and a reading on
Saturday. Bob Garcia will host a panel on art used in ERB stories.
A program about Edgar Rice Burroughs’ works in the pulp
magazines will be presented by pulp expert Doug Ellis, co-chairman
of the Windy City Pulp and Paper Convention.
A joint meeting of the Muckers and National
Capital Panthans will be held Thursday night. The Burroughs Bibliophiles
Board will meet Friday evening.
The auction will be held 4 p.m. Friday afternoon. Other
programs may be scheduled.
Our Saturday night banquet attendance will be at Maria’s
Italian restaurant, a short drive south of the hotel on Illinois Route
47. Mike Resnick and Bob Garcia will be among our speakers.
The farewell breakfast will be Sunday morning in the breakfast
room of the hotel. Those who choose to stay elsewhere will be asked to
pay a minimal cost to the Quality Inn for the farewell breakfast.
Setup of the dealers’ rooms is expected from 9 to 10 a.m.
Thursday. The room will be open until 5 p.m. that day for selling and from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday (closing a bit early to allow for the auction),
then will open Saturday at 9 a.m. All dealer materials must be removed
from the room by 5 p.m. on Saturday. Thirty-six tables will be available.
Because the hotel has to rent tables from an outside source, regrettably
we have to pass on that fee on to our dealers. Be sure to indicate whether
you need a table. The hotel does not have drapery for the tables, so we
recommend dealers bring a bottom cloth if they wish to cover their table’s
surface plus a top cover for when the room closes or the table is left
The registration fee is $105. Huckster tables are $15
each for the weekend. Additional banquet tickets for significant others
are available for $35 each. Send your check payable to The Muckers to
Jim Hadac,
3618 Raymond Ave.,
Brookfield, IL 60513-1564
Download and Print Out the Registration form from the
link below:
Our convention hotel is the
Quality Inn
200 Gore Road,
Morris, Illinois
at the junction of Interstate 80 and Illinois Route 47 (about
60 miles southwest of O’Hare Airport).
Our special convention rate is $99.99 per night plus
tax. The hotel will extend the convention rate to folks who plan to check
in Wednesday and/or check out Monday morning. Included in your stay is
a free guest breakfast that is more than just a Continental breakfast,
with at least one prepared hot dish.
A block of 20 rooms is being held until July 4, so don’t
wait until the last minute to book your room.
The hotel telephone number is (815) 942-6600. Mention
“Burroughs Bibliophiles” when you register.
If the block fills early, we can request an increase
in the number of rooms in the block. But, remember, the block is gone July
Quality Inn ~ 200 Gore Road ~ Morris, Illinois
Print Out
THE 2016 ECOF ~ June 26 - 28
The Los Angeles SubERBs and Edgar Rice Burroughs,
take pleasure in announcing the
2016 ECOF to be held at the Warner Center Marriott
beginning Sunday, June 26, and ending late Tuesday
evening, June 28, 2016.
Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills
21850 Oxnard St.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
The best available negotiated rates at the Marriott are $177
per day, plus taxes. Twenty-five rooms have been set aside for our organization.
Reservations can be made at 818-887-4800 and tell the Marriott
operator that you want the Tarzan —Edgar Rice Burroughs– Tarzan group rate.
NOTE: June 7 is the last date to register and receive the special reduced
If you want to download the registration form, print it
out, and mail it to ERB, Inc., you can use this link at ERBzine.com:
If you want to register online, go straight to the ERB,
Inc. website:
Please register early if you intend to attend the ECOF,
even if you do not plan to stay at the Marriott.
This event is in conjunction with the release of the Warner
Bros. Legend of Tarzan and we will receive a June 28 pre-release
showing of the highly anticipated film on the Warner Bros. movie lot. The
WB theater can accommodate only 200 guests. The film is rated PG-13. Children
under 10 will not be admitted. Movie lot security requires everyone in
attendance to have pre-registered and present an ID upon exiting the bus.
Warner Bros. will open their WB lot and museum for a three-hour
tour, but we are limited to just 60 people. If you want to go on the tour,
be sure to get your registration form in soon! Children must be over age
8 to be admitted. Legal ID is required for everyone 18 and older. Bus transportation
will be provided to carry guests from the Marriott hotel to and from the
Warner Bros. movie lot in Burbank.
NOTE: there is an extra charge to go on the tour
(see “OPTION A” below). Please let us know if you will need any kind of
assistance on the tour (cane, wheel-chair, etc.).
NOTE: You will NOT be able to register for the
WB tour on the first day of the ECOF. WB requires us to turn in the final
list of names a week before the tour!
Saturday June 18 will be the last day to register for
the WB tour.
OPTION A: $85: Includes ECOF admission, bus transport,
movie, goodie bag, WB studio tour.
OPTION B: $40: Same as option A but without the
WB studio tour.
OPTION C: $20: Just the “Legend of Tarzan” movie
and bus transportation.
Esteemed guests who have
said they will attend include:
John Burroughs, ERB’s grandson
Linda Burroughs, Llana Jane Burroughs, and Dejah Burroughs
James Sullos, President of ERB, Inc.
Nancy Miller (Mrs. Denny Miller)
Casper Van Dien (“Tarzan and the Lost City”)
Buddy Saunders, author of “The Martian Legion”
Martin Powell and Leia Barrett Durham (Powell)
Thomas Yeates William Stout
Dan Parsons
Scott Tracy Griffin (with his new book “Tarzan on Film”)
Michael Hatt (author of “Tarzan Slept Here”)
Michael A. Sanford (author of “Tarzan on the Precipice”)
Michael Sellers (author of “John Carter and the Gods of
Jim Gerlach (creator of “Back to the Stone Age” and
other ERB-related books)
Bob Zeuschner (author of a huge new ERB bibliography)
Other guests to be announced.
Pre-registration form and
huckster table reservation forms are available for download on
Bill Hillman’s site: erbzine.com/dumdum/
and one can register directly at the
ERB, Inc. website: edgarriceburroughs.com
Tentative Schedule:
Saturday afternoon early arrivals. SubERB volunteers will
hand out registration packs
Saturday evening 6 pm: snacks at the home of a local SubERB
(transportation will be provided
by local members of the Los Angeles SubERBs)
Sunday – hand out registration packets; huckster room opens
at 9 am Sunday Panels (45 minutes):
Sunday 9 am – huckster room opens.
Sunday 10:30 am – Jim Sullos welcomes guests and talks about
ERB, Inc. activities.
Sunday 11:00 am (or 11:30 am) – Tracy Griffin on “Tarzan
on Film.”
Sunday 1:30 pm (or first afternoon presentation)
– Michael Sellers talks about “The
Legend of Tarzan” which will be his new book.
Sunday 2:30 pm – Bob Zeuschner talks about his new ERB
Sunday 3:30 pm – Stan Galloway on the young Tarzan.
Sunday 5:30 pm on – a no-host mixer in the Marriott patio.
Monday 9 am – huckster room opens (four or five panels, each
45 minutes or less in length)
Monday 10:00 am – Buddy Saunders on his various ERB projects.
Monday 11:00 am – Martin Powell and Leia Powell
Monday 1:30 pm – Author’s panel: Michael Hatt
-- (“Tarzan Slept Here”)
and Michael A. Sanford (“Tarzan on the Precipice”).
Monday 2:30 pm –
Monday 3:30 pm – Monday 4:30-5:00 –
Monday evening 7 pm – gala auction
Nancy Miller will offer a painting
of Denny Miller as Tarzan to be auctioned.
Leia Barrett Durham has several
stained glass window artworks for the auction.
Tuesday morning: 9:30 am tours of the WB museum limited to
60 people (extra charge).
Those on the tour will be returned
by bus to the Marriott around 2:30 pm.
Tuesday evening: 5:30 buses take us to Warner Bros. and return
to the Marriott after the movie.
The 7 pm Tarzan movie is the highlight of the ECOF.
Dum Dum 2015 Schedule
Andrews Memorial Town Hall
54 East Main Street
Clinton, CT 06413
Peggy Adler: Wikipedia
Updates from Peggy
to Dum Dum 2015, August 20-23, at Andrew Memorial Town Hall in Clinton,
Connecticut and meet the author and the illustrator of the first new Tarzan
novel in years .... as well as members of the Burroughs family and
the President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc and his Executive
Written by the prolific adventure writer, Will Murray (William Patrick
Murray), author of "The Wild Adventures of Doc Savage" series, "Tarzan:
Return to Pal-ul-don" is an authorized sequel to one of Edgar Rice
Burroughs’ most celebrated Tarzan novels, "Tarzan the Terrible" and is
published by Altus Press.
“Having been an Edgar Rice Burroughs fan since 1968,” says Murray,
“the opportunity to bring this iconic character back to life means a great
deal to me. I’ve pulled out all the stops to faithfully replicate the storytelling
style of the great Edgar Rice Burroughs and recreate the original era of
'Tarzan of the Apes'.”
Jim Sullos, President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., who will be at
the Dum Dum as well, notes, “We couldn’t be more pleased to have such a
talented writer as Will Murray write a sequel to one of Mr. Burroughs’
Tarzan novels. The pace is fast and the suspense never lets up, just what
a reader expects when following the adventures of our Ape-Man.”
"Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don" features a magnificent
cover illustration by award-winning artist Joe DeVito, who also executes
the covers for Altus Press’ "Wild Adventures of Doc Savage" series.
“It is always a treat painting covers for Will’s Doc Savage adventure
yarns,” says DeVito. “And now, Tarzan, the granddaddy of all the great
action-adventure characters. After sculpting the Centennial Tarzan statue
for ERB, Inc. in 2012, I was hoping to get a crack at a Tarzan painting
as well. This book provided an opportunity to combine them both!”
"Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don" will be released in paperback in June,
to be followed by a deluxe hardcover edition with a wraparound cover. The
deluxe edition will also contain a bonus Tarzan short story by Gary A.
Buckingham, entitled “Tarzan and the Secret of Katanga” -- a sequel, which
ties into the lead novel. Both will be available at Dum Dum 2015.
About Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.:
Founded in 1923 by Edgar Rice Burroughs, as one of the first authors
to incorporate himself, Edgar
Rice Burroughs, Inc. holds numerous trademarks and the rights to
all literary works of the author still protected by copyright, including
stories of Tarzan of the Apes and John Carter of Mars. The company has
overseen every adaptation of his literary works in film, television, radio,
publishing, theatrical stage productions, licensing and merchandising.
The company is still a very active enterprise and manages and licenses
the vast archive of Mr. Burroughs’ literary works, fictional characters
and corresponding artworks that have grown for over a century. The company
continues to be owned by the Burroughs family and remains headquartered
in Tarzana, California, the town named after the Tarzana Ranch Mr. Burroughs
purchased there in 1918 which led to the town’s future development.
Along with ERB,, Inc's President, Jim Sullos presence at Dum Dum 2015,
there will be his Executive Assistant, Cathy Mann Wilbanks -- and three
member of ERB's family: Linda Burroughs and her two daughters, Llana Jane
Burroughs & Dejah Burroughs.
I'm thrilled to announce that Nancy Miller, Denny Miller's widow,
will be joining us at the Dum Dum
for all three days.
Nancy will be vending Denny's books and DVDs.
She'll also be contributing some of Denny's memorabilia for the auction.
Thursday, August 20:
Noon - 6:00 pm, Dealer & Banquet Registration Check-in/Huckster
room set-up, (Green Room)
Tarzan Yell Competition Sign-up (Green Room)
2:00 pm, Book Barn @ Niantic
Dinner on your own (see Economic Development Commission [EDC] Restaurant
6:30 pm, “Beatles Forever” Outdoor Concert at Vece Gazebo, 75 East
Main Street (free)
(In case of rain the concert will be in Andrews Memorial Town Hall’s
(Sponsored by the Clinton Chamber of Commerce)
7:30 pm, “The Many Faces of Tarzan” (1989) [by permission of Tom
Lavagnino] (Auditorium)
8:45 pm, Burroughs Bibliophile Board Meeting (Rose Room)
Friday, August 21:
Breakfast, on your own (see EDC Restaurant Guide)
9:00 am - 6:00 pm, Huckster Room open in the Green Room
9:00 am, Banquet Registration Check-in
Tarzan Yell Competition Sign-up (Green Room)
9:00 am, "Tarzan Finds a Son" (1939) Johnny Weissmuller * (Auditorium)
10:30 am, "Tarzan's Magic Fountain" (1949), Lex Barker [by permission
of ERB, Inc.] (Auditorium)
12:00 pm, Lunch on your own (see EDC Restaurant Guide)
1:00 pm, "Tarzan" TV Series (1967), Ron Ely (Auditorium) *
“The Perils of Charity Jones” [Parts 1 & 2] (guest starring
Julie Harris)
3:00 pm, "Tarzan" (1999), Disney Animated Feature (Auditorium) *
4:30 pm, "Tarzan's Many Genres" ( Books, Comics, Radio, Stage, Screen
(live action &
and TV). Panel moderator: Scott Tracy Griffin
Will Murray, Joe DeVito, Alexander Simmons & Michael R. Hudson (Auditorium)
6:00 pm, Dinner on your own (see EDC Restaurant Guide)
7:30 pm, Video Tribute to Denny Miller (Auditorium)
Saturday, August 22:
Breakfast on your own (see EDC Restaurant Guide)
9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Huckster Room open in the Green Room.
9:00 am, “John Carter” (2012) (Auditorium)
11:15 am, ERB’s influence on modern Sci-Fi (Auditorium)
discussion will be moderated by Scott Tracy Griffin:
Panelists: Jake (Buddy Saunders), Diana
Leto, Mark Ellis & Thomas Yeates
12:00 pm, Lunch on your own (see EDC Restaurant Guide)
1:00 pm, Tarzan Yell Competition - Emcee will be Clinton’s own Dennis
Donovan (Auditorium)
2:00 pm, “The Search for Sandy” [by permission of Bill Berloni]
2:45 pm, Dum Dum Drawing for Kids, 3 – 13 years old (Green
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Public Auction of ERB memorabilia (Green Room)
(Bill Ross auctioneer “extraordinairre”)
4:00 pm, Historic House Walk (Clinton Placemakers)
6:00 pm, Cash Bar & Banquet (Clinton Country Club/128 Old Post
Road aka Rte 145)
> 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award, posthumously, to Denny Miller
> Golden Lion Awards: Jake (Buddy) Saunders & Jim Gerlach
> Introduction of Jamie Corcoran & Amber Vuilleumier, winners
of Clinton’s high school’s ERB Art Contest
> Guest of Honor: Bill Berloni, Tony Award Winning Animal Trainer
[Stage (i.e. “Annie”), screen & television] Training
Animals to Perform - Then & Now
9:00 pm, Fireworks Extravaganza (Clinton Town Beach)
[Clinton Chamber of Commerce]
Sunday, August 23
8:30 am, Farewell Breakfast at the Clinton Town Beach's
picnic pavilion, with the food (Dutch Treat) from the beach's Hazy
Daze concession.
* In Partnership with the Henry Carter Hull Library of Clinton, CT
Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible
Dum Dum Notables to Date (*= Panelist)
1) Bill Berloni (Guest of Honor/banquet speaker): Has trained over 300
rescue animals for performance for stage, screen and television. (http://www.theatricalanimals.com/)
2) Linda Burroughs: widow of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Grandson Danton
3) Llana Jane Burroughs: Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Great-Granddaughter.
4) Dejah Burroughs: Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Great Granddaughter.
*5) Joe DeVito: Artist/Sculptor (Centennial Tarzan Statue); Illustrator,
upcoming Will Murray Tarzan Novel. (http://www.jdevito.com/)
*6) Jim Gerlach: Editor of the special new authorized BACK
TO THE STONE AGE edition of ERB's classic novel - printed from the
original G&D plates and with new art - will talk about Grosset &
Dunlap and Edgar Rice Burroughs Past and Present.
*7) Scott Tracy Griffin: Author, “Tarzan: The Centennial Celebration”;
ERB Historian; actor. (http://scotttracygriffin.com/)
*8) Michael R. Hudson: publisher and book producer; owner of Sequential
Pulp Comics and Raven's Head Press (http://sequentialpulpcomics.com/).
*9) Diana Leto: Illustrator, on-line ERB comic strip “Cavegirl”;
“My Little Pony”; and Sesame Street Workshop (http://www.dianaleto.com/)
10) Nancy Miller is Denny Miller’s widow. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denny_Miller
11) Pocho Morrow, widow of Gray Morrow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray_Morrow),
who among other things, did the art for the Sunday “Tarzan” (from 1983
until his death in 2001)
*12) William Patrick Murray (Will Murray): Author, upcoming Tarzan
novel; “Doc Savage”, at al http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Murray
*13) Jake (Buddy) Saunders: “The
Martian Legion”; Lone Star Comics on-line (http://www.mycomicshop.com/;
*14) Alexander Simmons: Writer, “Tarzan” Sunday comic strip; “Archie”,
et al
15) Jim Sullos: President of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. (http://www.edgarriceburroughs.com/)
16) Cathy Mann Wilbanks: Executive Assistant & Archivist. @
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. (http://www.edgarriceburroughs.com/)
17) Thomas (Tom) Yeates: As a comic artist for over 25 years, he
is considered by many to be an astute master of his trade. Currently Thomas
does the awesome art for the Sunday newspaper & on-line “Prince Valiant”.
Additionally, he is an incredibly talented classical artist & gifted
illustrator. (http://www.thomasyeates.com/)
Peggy (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peggy_Adler)
Rose Room Presentations
(concurrent with the events in the auditorium)Friday, August
Friday, August 21st:
10:00am: Jim Gerlach will
talk about Grosset & Dunlap and Edgar Rice Burroughs Past and Present.
11:00am: Alexander Simmons: "Tarzan, Love of a Darker Land"
Author, Tarzan Sunday Newspaper Strip; Archie
1:00pm: Michael R. Hudson: Publisher, Jungle Tales of Tarzan
2:00pm: Diana Leto’s Comic Con workshop for kids
Saturday, August 22nd:
9:00am, William Patrick (Will) Murray:
Author, Doc Savage; and Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don
10:00am, Joe DeVito: The creation of his Centennial Tarzan statue
and his painting for Tarzan: Return to Pal-ul-don, by William Patrick (Will)

Here’s What People Get If They Pay $75 for
the Banquet
1) Tote/backpack with the Dum Dum logo
2) T-shirt with the Dum Dum logo > if ordered by July 20th
3) Audio CD: “Tarzan” radio show (1932 - 1933)
4) DVD: “A Video Tribute to Denny Miller”
5) “Broadway Tails”, a book by Dum Dum banquet guest of honor, Bill
6) Dum Dum program on half-fold card with DumDum logo & schedule
7) 1, quarter-fold gift card bearing the Dum Dum logo
8) Numbered Dum Dum Name Tag in plastic badge holder
9) Numbered Banquet Ticket
10) Numbered Auction Card
11) Additionally, local Clinton information ....
Edgar Rice Burroughs' family has an indirect link to Clinton,
CT, where Dum Dum 2015 will take place:
ERB’s brothers, George and Henry (Harry) both went to Yale, graduating
there in 1889 from the Sheffield Scientific School.
Coincidentally, 189 years earlier, Yale was "born" in Clinton.
[The Dum Dum will be at Andrews Memorial Town Hall, August 20-23,
and will be open to the public for free.
More information, along with a banquet & vendor registration
form, can be found on this ERBzine page
as well as on FaceBook at "Dum Dum 2015", as a page, a group and
an event.
for banquet registration is AUGUST 12th
How to get to Dum Dum 2015:
Clinton, Connecticut is a mere 20 miles or so east of New Haven and
is easily accessible by plane, train and car.
Connecticut’s Bradley International Airport (BDL) services all major
airlines, as well as bargain priced Southwest ( www.southwest.com
~ sign up for their e-mails); and Jet Blue (www.jetblue.com
~ sign up for their e-mails as well). Bradley is only 55 minutes from Clinton
by car. Folks can also fly into New York’s JFK or LaGuardia; Rhode Island’s
Warwick/Providence; or Boston’s Logan - and then rent a car or take an
airport limo or train. Additionally, US Air flies into New Haven’s Tweed-NH
Clinton is also accessible by Metro North, from New York City’s Grand
Central Station to New Haven -- and then Shoreline East from New Haven
to Clinton (or any of the other nearby shoreline stations); and Amtrak,
which has stops in New Haven and nearby Old Saybrook.
And of course, you can always get there by car -- to Exit 63 or 64
on I-95.
Check it out! http://clintonctedc.com/index.html
Peggy Adler
A Compilation of Places to Stay in the Clinton Area
What to do in the Clinton area:
For folks who want to take side trips on their own: Since Clinton is only
20 or so miles from New Haven, they can go there to check out Yale;
the Yale Center for British Art (http://britishart.yale.edu/)
; the Yale Art Gallery (http://artgallery.yale.edu/)
and the Peabody Museum of Natural History (http://peabody.yale.edu/)
(with its Pulitzer Prize winning dinosaur mural by my dear, late, friend
Rudy Zallinger.) Or they may want to hop a commuter train to NYC for the
day. Clinton is also near Mystic Seaport (http://www.mysticseaport.org/
Mystic Aquarium (http://www.mysticaquarium.org/);
Essex Steam Train (www.essexsteamtrain.com/);
Gillette Castle State Park, formerly the home of actor William Gillette,
who portrayed Sherlock Holmes on the stage; Connecticut’s Dinosaur State
Park and the Goodspeed Opera House (http://www.goodspeed.org)
where “Annie” & “Man from La Mancha” started before going to Broadway.
Additionally, for those that like to gamble – there are two, nearby, tribal
run casinos (Foxwoods & the Mohegan Sun). Three miles West
is the nationally acclaimed R.J.Julia Booksellers (http://www.rjjulia.com/).
And the fabulous Book Barn @ Niantic is just a few miles to the East, off
I-95 (http://www.bookbarnniantic.com/).
ECOF 2015
1995 to 2015

The National Capital Area Panthans are delighted to host the 2015 ECOF
in Rockville, MD celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the discussions at
the 1995 Dum-Dum in Rutland, VT that lead to the formal chartering of our
fan group about a year later. As of our ECOF on June 4-7, we will
have met consecutively for 224 months, producing a newsletter and an informative
Panthan Journal composed of member contributions at each of those monthly
We’re delighted to invite you to return to the venue where we hosted
the 2006 combined ECOF and Dum-Dum, right on the Twinbrook Metrorail line
station here in Rockville. In addition to our anniversary activities,
we will be hosting the Dark Horse distribution launch of "Jungle Tales
of Tarzan," for which we will have special limited ECOF leather-bound signed
edition available, hosting a pre-publication discussion of Lee Strong’s
"A Soldier of Poloda" to also be published by Dark Horse, and providing
a panel on the making of "The
Martian Legion" featuring Buddy Saunders and Joe DeVito.
In addition, a three-member Panthan panel selected 20 of
the best-loved cover artwork over the last six years of our monthly Panthan
Journal to be included in our 20th Anniversary Art Folio which will be
provided to each registrant. We are absolutely delighted that well-known
artist Tom Grindberg, who has been kind enough to provide us with a number
of Panthan Journal covers over the years, has agreed to be our Guest of
Our tentative schedule and registration form are below. We
will update the schedule particulars as they become available, and for
your convenience we have arranged a direct hotel registration link for
you. If you have any questions, contact me at tyner@taliesan.com
. See you in June!
2015 ECOF Schedule
June 4-7, 2015
Thursday, June 4
12:30 pm – Adventurous Book Crawl – A.Q. Porter, PhD, certified
Let us know if you want to go and can drive to:
1st -- “Second & Charles” – Hagerstown
2nd -- “Wonder Books” – Frederick
3rd -- “Friends of the Library” – Rockville
4th -- “Second Story Books” -- Rockville
3:00 pm – Rockville Hilton Executive Meeting Center check-in – Hotel
5:00 pm – ECOF registration – John Tyner’s home -- 5911 Halpine
6:00pm – 3-D Event (Deli Delight Dinner) to prep for……
7:00 pm – Annual Panthans/Muckers Joint Meeting
8:00 pm – Huckster tables set-up in Plaza One
Friday, June 5
All day – Hilton check-in – Hotel Lobby
All day -- ECOF Registration -- Plaza One Foyer
7:00 am – Huckster Room set-up – Plaza One
8:00 am – Huckster Room Open – Plaza One
8:00 am – 6 pm – “Drop-In” idea/gossip sessions in designated area
– Plaza One Lobby
10:00 am – Panel A - Guest of Honor Introduction by Mark Wheatley
- Presentation by GOH Tom Grindberg – Washington Theater
11:00 am – Panel B – The Making of “The Martian Legion” by
Jake “Buddy” Saunders - Washington Theater
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own (see restaurant list of local
3:30 pm – Panel C – “This year’s BB bucket list?” moderated
by Quaestor & J the V.
to discuss our fan-driven non-profit organization’s
future – followed by
convening of the announced BB Board Meeting
-- Washington Theater.
6:00 pm – Huckster Room closed and secured
6:30 pm – Self-organized Dutch-treat dinner in neighborhhood
restaurant TBA
8:00 pm – Naughty ERB-flavored scholarly movies -- Washington
1. Hardcover Theater’s production of “A Princess of Mars”
2. The Asylum’s film of “A Princess of Mars”
3. Al Bohl’s documentary “Tarzan, Lord of the Louisiana Jungle”
4. Midnight Madness -- “Tarzana, the Wild Girl”
Saturday, June 6
All day – Hilton check-in – Hotel Lobby
All day – ECOF registration – Plaza One Foyer
8:00 am – Huckster Room open – Plaza One
8:00 am – 5 pm – “Drop-In” idea/gossip sessions in designated area
- Plaza One Lobby
10:00 am – Presentations -- Washington Theater
• Dark Horse distribution launch of “Jungle Tales of Tarzan” with
Mark Wheatley and Dr. Stan Galloway
of Bridgewater College, author of “The Teenage Tarzan.”
• Pre-publication discussion of “A Soldier of Poloda” with
Author Lee Strong
12:00 pm – Lunch with colleagues at local restaurants
2:30 pm – Benefit Auction featuring the antics of Certified Auctioneer
Bill Ross – Washington Theater
5:00 pm – Huckster Room cleared and closed
6:30 pm – Attitude Adjustment – Riff’s Lounge
7:30 pm – ECOF Banquet -- Roosevelt Room
“Audio Greetings from the Jungle”
Guest of Honor Tom Grindberg
“Pand and Ara” from Tublat
Awards and Presentations
Sunday, June 7
8 - 10:00 am – Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering in Twinbrook
Events to be held at the Hilton Washington, DC/Rockville Hotel and
Executive Meeting Center, 1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
(telephone 301.468.1100). Preview available at www.rockvillehotel.com.
NOTE: There is NO huckster room fee.
Thursday night event held at John Tyner’s home 5911 Halpine Road,
a short walk from the hotel. Book crawl destinations are noted above.
Jungle Tales of Tarzan will be launched at
We have commissioned 50 special hardcover copies set
aside for purchase ($49.95) by attendees.
Events to be held at the
Hilton Washington, DC/Rockville Hotel and Executive
Meeting Center
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
(telephone 301.468.1100).
Preview available at www.rockvillehotel.com.
Room rate is $99.00 single/double.
Registration fee of $85 includes goodies, huckster
room browsing
and panel/chat discussions and banquet.
All hotel events are held in the Plaza One and Washington
Theater rooms.
NOTE: There is NO huckster room fee.
Dum-Dum 2014 ~ Bryan, TX ~ July 31, August 1 and
Hosted by Brad and Pat Vinson
Location: LaSalle
hotel in downtown Bryan, Texas
* LaSalle is a recently restored 100-year-old hotel with good free
* Large basement room for displays
* Bryan First Friday Celebrations:
diversity of foods as well as live music, and art galleries and
shops in a 3 block area.
* Vinson barbecue on Saturday with viewing of the Vinson art collection
* Texas A & M University in College Station is five miles away
* Bush Library is 20 minutes away
* Star of Texas Museum (where Texas declared independence from Mexico)
is 40 minutes away
* Guests of Honour and other events will be announced later
Room rates and other activities will be determined by the number
of registrants.
If you plan to attend, please contact Brad Vinson:

To register at the LaSalle Hotel, 120 S. Main St.
Bryan, TX
for the $90 special rate you need to call 979-822-2000
and mention DumDum to get this rate as long as rooms
are available
but only by June 30.
4-6 pm:
* Registration at the LaSalle
Hotel, 120 S. Main St. Bryan - hotel lobby
* Cost is $45 for registrants
and $15 for spouse (barbeque).
* To receive registration packet
please pay Brad Vinson, 921 N. Rosemary Dr. Bryan 77802.
* Tables are included in the registration
6:00 pm: Greet and meet in hotel restaurant to decide to eat there
or visit other dining choices. Information will be in registration
8:30: Burroughs Bibliophile Board meeting in the board room located
in the basement of the hotel.
* Set up for the Huckster room
is at the same location (adjoining room) and can be done at this time.
* Procedure is to get the key
from the front desk and return it there. Future meeting sites will
be given.
FRIDAY: August 1
* Hot breakfast served until
9:00 am: Huckster room opens for business 9-5 (closed at noon
hour) Setup can be done earlier that morning.
* Opening presentation by Buddy Saunders
about the new ERB book/Buddy Saunders book, "The Martian Legions: The Quest
for Xonthron", published by Russ Cochran.
12 noon: Closed for lunch Visit art galleries
1:15 reopen
1:30: Presentation of "The Passing of My Pal Bill" of ERB's western
poem from The Bandit of Hell's Bend.
4:00: Auction benefiting Burroughs Bibliophiles.
5:30/6:00: Dinner on your own
SATURDAY: August 2
9:00 am: Hot breakfast buffet closes
9:30: Leave for Texas A&M campus.
* We have scheduled a visit to the Science
Fiction and Fantasy Research Collection at Cushing Memorial Library and
* Larry Mitchell, the director will
open especially for our group. Jeremy Brett will do the tour.
An extensive exhibit on World War I can be seen in the lobby and 2nd floor.
* Lunch on your own- on campus/
recommend the many restaurants along University Dr. E afterwards
2:00: Visit Brad's collection-directions given that morning with transportation
5:00: Texas barbeque at the home of Brad and Pat Vinson. Seating
for 42+.
SUNDAY: August 3
* Farewell breakfast- LaSalle
breakfast buffet
. |
The Vinsons' 2014 Texas Dum-Dum will be of special
interest to all
Not only will Brad's marvelous art collection be featured
. . . but also . . .
Dela White will be bringing a huge selection of original
art from
the incredible White Collection.
This will include drawings and paintings by
St. John, Whelan, Manning, Marsh, Krenkel, and more.
2013 Dum-Dum Schedule
August 8-11, 2013
Thursday, August 8
3:00pm – Hilton Garden Inn Airport check-in – main lobby
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm Dum-Dum registration – Hilton Garden Inn -- Suites
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (bar closes) – Gen5 Gridley Wave exchanges
– Suites Lobby
Friday, August 9
All day – Hilton Garden Inn check-in – main lobby
8:00 am – 5:00 pm -- Dum-Dum Registration -- Chao
9:45 am – Carrie Daniels, Director, Archives and Special Collections,
Ekstrom Library Archives and Special Collections, or “ASC, formed January
in 2013 uniting the Burroughs and other rare books collections with University
Archives, Digital Initiatives, and Photographic Archives.
10:00 am – Panel A - Guest of Honor Introduction by Joan
Presentation by Dr.
Philip J. Currie – Chao Auditorium
11:00 am – Panel B – Presentation by Dr. D.J.
Howell “Can Tarzan be called a literary classic?” – Chao Auditorium
Noon to 4:30 pm – Ekstrom Library ERB Collection tours
by appointment
Note: requires timed tickets
at 15 minute intervals – preference given to those who have never seen
the Collection (on your honor now!)
12:00 pm – Lunch on your own – e.g. Student Union cafeteria or local
1:30 pm – Panel C – “What’s the BB’s bucket list?”
moderated by Quaestor & J the V.
Forum for workable solutions from the
BB members on how to proceed in our fan-driven non-profit organization’s
3:00 pm – BB Board of Directors meeting
5:00 pm – Ekstrom Library closed
6:00 pm – Organized dutch-treat dinner in Freedom Hall at Cardinal
Hall of Fame Café (next to hotel)
Speaker: Lane Batot, "African Adventures With
Jane Goodall" or "How I got to REALLY play Tarzan with great apes in
an African forest"
8:30 pm – Joint Mucker/Panthans Meeting – Hilton Garden Inn
10:00 pm – Huckster room set-up – Metropolitan Ballroom
Click images above to see our Phil Currie Collages
Saturday, August 10
All day – Hilton Garden Inn check-in – Main Lobby
All day – Dum-Dum registration – Metropolitan Ballroom
8:00 am – Huckster Room open – Metropolitan Ballroom
Concurrent discussion groups:
10:00 am – Commentary from Josh Kushins on his book “Art of
John Carter”
11:00 am - Martin Powell on “ERB Comic Strip
12:00 pm – Lunch with colleagues at local restaurants
2:30 pm – Auction benefiting Burroughs Bibliophiles -- Auctioneer
Bill Ross
5:00 pm – Huckster Room closed
6:30 pm – Attitude Adjustment
7:30 pm – Burroughs Bibliophiles Dum-Dum Banquet
“Audio Greetings from the Jungle”
Guest of Honor Dr.
Philip J. Currie
“Pand and Ara” from Tublat (GTM) (check
with the Ape/English
dictionary for translation)
Burroughs Bibliophiles Awards and Presentations
Click image above to see the full George T. McWhorter Collage
Sunday, August 11
9:00 am – Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering in hotel restaurant)
Events to be held at the
Hilton Garden Inn Louisville Airport,
2735 Crittenden Drive,
Louisville, KY 40209
(telephone 502.637.2424)
Preview available at www.louisvilleairport.hgi.com.
Room rate is $94.00 single/double.
Registration fee of $85 includes goodies, huckster room browsing and
panel/chat discussions and banquet. All hotel events are held in
the Metropolitan Ballroom.
Ekstrom Library Rare Books Department is the site of Friday’s events.
ECOF 2013 dates are May
17-18-19 in Morris, Illinois
Morris is about 60 miles southwest of Chicago, at the junction of Interstate
80 and Illinois Route 47. The Muckers are hosting. Mike Hoffman
has accepted to be our guest of honor. Registration rate is $70.
If you plan on attending, book your room at the Quality Inn,
200 Gore Road, Morris, Illinois, 60450, 815-942-6600. A small block of
rooms is being held for us until April 15th. Book under the event code
"The Muckers" for an $85 plus tax room rate, single, double, or triple
occupancy. This is $10 less than their normal rate. If 4 persons will be
occupying one room, the hotel will charge an additional $6 for the room.
The hotel offers a free hot breakfast entry along with standard continental
breakfast fare as well as free wi-fi. I recommend you book early as our
event will coincide with graduation time in the area.
There is a restaurant/bar consession in the building which opens at
4 p.m. Drinks purchased there can be brought into the hotel breakfast area.
No liquor can be brought in from the outside. Also, there is a Chili's
and an IHOP within walking distance from the hotel.
Huckster room setup will start at 8 a.m. Friday morning. We must
be out of the room Saturday by 4 p.m. The Saturday evening "banquet" (party)
will be from 5 till 10:30 p.m. at the Lakewood Trails Clubhouse in Minooka,
about 15 minutes east of the hotel. A Sunday morning farewell breakfast
will be at the hotel. For folks who can dally after the convention, there
will be a post-convention get-together at the home of J the V with
an opportunity to view her collection.
to see the Mike Hoffman Collage
The 2012 Annual ECOF
March 2nd and 3rd, Tarzana,
Celebrating the Opening of the Disney
Carter Film
Registration Form
Click for larger screen images
Open PDF version
You can register online for the event at http://www.edgarriceburroughs.com,
or you can mail your check and completed registration
form to
ERB, Inc.
P.O. Box 570277
Tarzana, California 91357
Featured at our
Carter Film News Site
The 100 Year Celebration
Monday, 27 February 2012, BBC Radio 4 will broadcast "Tarzan: Lord
of the Jungle," with James Sullos of ERB, Inc., Desmond Morris, and Jeffrey
The broadcast time is 16:00 GMT, and will be available on the BBC website.
BBC Radio usually makes their programs available for 7 days after the initial
broadcast, though some are available for longer. The program can
also be accessed through BBC iPlayer. ~ www.bbc.co.uk/radio4
~ Also try http://bbc.in/xzEk0a |
TARZANA ECOF : Saturday 9:30 am
Author of JANE: The Woman Who Loved
will be giving a multi-media presentation:
"Tribute to Tarzan and Jane
-- The First Hundred Years."
"My next novel – it won’t be published till September 2012, is JANE:
The Woman Who Loved Tarzan. It’s set in 1912 and it’s fiction,
so I suppose it could be considered historical fiction. But it was
written (with the full authorization and support of the Edgar Rice Burroughs
Estate) as a Tarzan classic. It's the first novel in the ERB Tarzan
franchise to be penned by a woman, and the first of the series written
from Jane’s point of view. It crosses several genres (adventure,
sci-fi/fantasy, romance, and women’s literature), but at its heart it is,
like all my other books, the story of a strong, fabulous woman who stands
tall under extraordinary circumstances." INTERVIEW
~ Robin Maxwell |
Disney security tells us that getting onto the Disney lot for
the special advance screening for John Carter
will be similar to the security practices used when boarding an
ID will be required for everyone, a driver's license, a passport,
a school ID, etc.
No one under age 12 will be admitted.
Only those who ride the ECOF/SubERB buses will be admitted.
No one will be allowed to drive to the studio separately.
Hotel Information
The locus of ECOF activities will be the same hotel used in the 1996 and
1999 Dum-Dum events, namely the Warner Center Marriott in Woodland Hills,
close to Tarzana and the ERB, Inc. offices. The newly refurbished Warner
Center Marriott hotel is set in the San Fernando valley, adjacent to Highway
101 (Ventura Freeway), approximately 40 minutes north of LAX, and approximately
25 minutes west of the Burbank airport.
The Warner Center Marriott Woodland Hills is located at
21850 Oxnard Street · Woodland Hills, California 91367 USA
An on-line link which will allow you to register at the Marriott
can be found at
at the bottom of the ECOF registration page
The Registration Page may be downloaded for mailing at:
(The direct link to the Marriott is HERE)
Their Website provides maps and transportation information, photographs,
local attractions, amenities, etc.
You can telephone the Marriott directly at (818) 887-4800.
To receive the group rate discount you must mention the ECOF or Edgar Rice
Burroughs, Inc. Special group rates are available for Friday March 2 and
Saturday and March 3rd, and for early arrivals on both Wednesday, February
29th and Thursday, March 1st. Our special group rate is $109 per night
plus the city tax of 15.6%. Overnight self-parking is at a discounted rate
of $9 per car. If you choose to stay elsewhere, the Marriott charges $6
to park for the day plus 10% tax. Limited free street parking is available
adjacent to the hotel.

DUM-DUM 2011 ~ AUGUST 6-10 ~
The 2011 Dum-Dum, sponsored by the National Capital Panthans,
will be held on August 6-10,
at the Clarion
Inn, 1399 Bench Road, Pocatello, ID 83201, land line (208) 237-1400
Program Cover and Book Bag Logo
click for full-screen images
2011 Dum-Dum Schedule
Saturday, August 6
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby] Site
seeing all day on your own
5 – 8:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
7:00 pm -- Informal Drop-in Chat session [Board Room]
Sunday, August 7
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
8 - 5:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
8:00 am -- Huckster Room available for set-up [Madeira Room]
9:00 am -- Huckster Room Open for Business
11 – 12 noon -- Panel A: “Whither For Art Thou, BBs?” Henry
Franke, Colonel USA (RET), Editor & Publisher, Burroughs Bulletin
[Board Room]
12:45 pm -- Lunch, Huckster Room closed
1:45 pm -- Huckster Room open
2 - 3:00 pm -- Panel B: “ERB in our Electronic Matrix,” Bill
Hillman, assistant professor (retired), Information/Communication Technologies,
Brandon University, Canada [Board Room]
5:00 pm -- Huckster Room closed
5:30 pm – Book/Museum Crawl
7:00 pm -- Dinner at local eatery in Pocatello
9:00 pm -- Pre-Midnight Madness -- BB, Inc. Board Meeting [Board
Monday, August 8
All day – Clarion Inn check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
9:00 am – Meet in lobby for all-day Burroughs Territory (Coach?)
Trip, including
Yale Ranch, Raft River,
Rupert, Minidoka, Burley, Fort Hall Replica, and Historic Old Town Pocatello
6 – 8:00 pm – Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
7:00 pm -- Informal Drop-in Chat session [Board Room]
The Annual Muckers Jeopardy Contest featuring teams of well-known
ERB scholars.
The theme for this 2011 show is WESTERNS with the topics:
Real Life Idaho
Girl from Hollywood/Minidoka/The Return of the Mucker
War Chief/Apache Devil
Bandit of Hell's Bend
Deputy Sheriff of Comanche County
Tuesday, August 9
All day -- Clarion Inn Check-in [Front Desk in Main Lobby]
All day -- Dum-Dum Registration [Main Lobby]
9:00 am -- Huckster Room open [Madeira Room]
11:00 – 12 noon -- Panel C: “Poetry in Burroughs’ Universe,”
Professor Stanley A. Galloway, Bridgewater College, VA, author of “The
Teenage Tarzan.”
[Board Room]
1:00 pm -- Lunch (Huckster Room closed)
1:45 pm -- Huckster Room open
2:00 pm -- Insanity Auction to Benefit ERB Pundits
-- Auctioneer: Bill Ross
5:00 pm – Huckster Room closed
6:00 pm -- Attitude Adjustment in hotel ‘beverage stand”
7:00 pm – Annual Dum-Dum Celebratory Banquet
9:00 pm – Annual Mucker/Panthan joint meeting [Board Room]
Wednesday, August 10
8:00 am -- Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering on your own)
9:30 am – Sight-seeing day trip (on your own)
Event to be held at the Clarion Inn,
1399 Bench Road, Pocatello, ID 83201, land line (208)237-1400, http://www.clarionhotel.com/hotel-pocatello-idaho-ID057Room
rates $66.00 inclusive single/double. Each room has a hair dryer
and iron. The hotel has a large indoor pool, a hot tub and a sauna for
your enjoyment, as well as ping-pong and billiard tables. Please
call the Inn directly to make your reservation, citing “Edgar Rice Burroughs
Bibliophiles” to get our room rate. Please be sure to specify “non-poolside”
if you wish a quieter room in the afternoon and evening.
Registration $75.00 includes Burroughs Territory road trip guide,
banquet, goodie bag, access to huckster room, panel/chat events and privilege
of fondling all auction items. Huckster events will be held in the
Madeira Room (65’x20’-1,300 sq ft) which has wi-fi, and panels/meetings
will be in the connecting Board Room.
Huckster Room & Registration 20 feet in the
Brass Rail Restaurant 50 feet in the Inn
Applebees Restaurant block from the Inn
Perkins Family Restaurant block from the Inn
The Sandpiper (seafood) block from the Inn
Sizzler Steakhouse 0.5 mile
Bannock County Fairgrounds 1 mile
Chilis Restaurant 2.5 miles
Pine Ridge Mall 3 miles
Remo’s Italian Restaurant 3 miles
Fort Hall Replica 4 miles
Performing Arts Center 4 miles
Texas Roadhouse Restaurant 5 miles
Historic Old Town Pocatello 5 miles
Ross Park Zoo 5 miles
Fort Hall Casino 9 miles
Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Museum
9 miles
Idaho Potato Museum
17 miles
Lava Hot Springs Spa
40 miles
Museum of Idaho
45 miles
BBR45 National Lab-first reactor
62 miles
Craters of the Moon
75 miles
Joan’s Montana Touchdown
122 miles
Yellowstone Park
135 miles
Jackson Hole
137 miles
Our Dum-Dum starts off on Sunday with exploring (and buying)
the treasures of the huckster room, two informative panels,
book/museum crawl in historic Old Town Pocatello, Pokey dinner on your
own and then the BB board meeting at 9 pm in the hotel’s Board Room
for all attendees.
Monday involves you with an all-day guided tour in an
air-conditioned bus of Burroughs Territory including Yale, Raft River,
Minidoka, Jerome, Burley, Rupert, the original Burroughs ranch, American
Falls, and (if time) the Craters of the Moon and the Fort Hall Replica
Tuesday brings more huckster treasure hunt, another
great panel, BB benefit auction, our grand banquet, ending
with our traditional Mucker/Panthan joint meeting.
Wednesday features our Farewell Breakfast followed by
more sightseeing for those staying on in Idaho, especially as the Shoshone-Bannock
Indian Festival kicks off on Thursday.
Your registration fee of $75.00 includes the Burroughs Territory
road trip guide, banquet, goodie bag, access to huckster room, panel/chat
events and the privilege of fondling all auction items. Our registration
form and program schedule are up on the web. All events will be held in
the Madeira Room (65’x20’ - 1,300 sq ft) which, for you Gridley Wave enthusiasts,
has wi-fi. BTW, the Clarion Inn is also HQ for Sho-Ban Festival celebrities
so you might see the Head Man Dancer and members of the two Host Drums
from the Northern Cree and Comanche tribes.
Come join us in this area of ERB's early life and really take time to
see the surrounding country. For further information, contact our organizers
John Tyner tyner@taliesan.com and/or
Joan Bledig jthev@aol.com
Since most folks will be taking time to
sightsee in the general area (since the BBs have never ventured to Idaho
for a meeting before) we invite you to check-in on Saturday and get settled
in Pocatello or “Pokey” and share tales on Saturday night. If you are flying,
best and least-expensive suggestion is to fly to Salt Lake City and rent
a car for the three hour drive to Pokey. One can fly to Pokey from Salt
Lake City but it is expensive. Alternatively you could fly to Boise
and drive down from there. For those of you driving, I-15 and
I-86 intersect outside of town.
| Schedule
Darwin Would be Proud
Dum-Dum 2010
ERB's house is the same - but the
faces of the mangani have changed
Dum-Dums through the years captured by
the time camera of Jairo and Adriana Uparella
ERB Museum
At Pleasant Home: 2005 Visit
Coming Soon:
More Dum-Dum 2010 Photo Journal
the PanthanPress Promo Video
ECOF 2010 ~ June 4-6
Baltimore Area and Shenandoah Caverns, Virginia
from Jonathan Hart and John Tyner
from Jim Hadac
2009 Dum-Dum
Was held in Dayton, Ohio ~ August 13-16
Guest of Honor: Pete Ogden ~ Host Richard Spargur
See the Events, Attendees and hundreds of photos at
Hillman 2009 Dum-Dum Photo Galleries
| I | II
| III | IV
| V | VI
| IX | X
| XI
Burwell Photo Gallery
ECOF 2009 ~ El Dorado Hills,
Hosted by Don Gray was held in May 29-31, 2009
the poster HERE
Photo Tour by Cathy Wilbanks and Janet Mann
I: Bob Zeuschner Photos
II: John Martin Photos
III: Huck Huckenpohler
IV: John Pappas
V: Huck Huckenpohler II
VI: Stan Galloway
all the Dum-Dum 2008 Features in ERBzine
See the full
ECOF poster HERE

See the full
ECOF poster HERE
View the Mike
Grell Poster in Full Size HERE
* NOTE: Author Mike Chapman has joined
our Guest of Honour line-up.
See more information below.
* NOTE: Artist Mike Hoffman has joined our
Guest of Honour line-up.
See more information below.
* NOTE: Mike Grell is one of this year's
Guests of Honour and
is doing special artwork just for the ECOF.
Art prints will be available.* For spouses
who come only to the barbeque and banquet the price is $25 for the banquet
(the barbeque is free and on me)
* Also there are only 11 tables for the
dealers left, they are free with paid membership to the ECOF
but first come — 6 tables are already taken.
The dealers room is free and open to anyone.
Memorial Day Weekend - May 26-29
Rudy Sigmund has just announced his plans for ECOF 2011
which will be held during the US Memorial Day Weekend in MINNEAPOLIS
AIRPORT HOLIDAY INN on I-35. The hotel is holding a package of
35 rooms until May 10, at the rate of $76. The hotel phone number is 952.703.7526,
but "ECOF" should be mentioned when booking, since the normal rates are
$95-$150. The hotel is just 10 minutes from the airport and they have hourly
airport shuttle service. They also have shuttle to the MALL
OF AMERICA which is only seven minutes away.
THURSDAY: For early arrivals there will be a guided tour to some
of the most unique used and collectible bookstores in the twin cities,
followed by a gathering at the Mall of America. In addition to the huge
array of shops on five levels, the Mall has an indoor theme park, 24-plex
movie theatre, huge aquarium, mini golf, live butterfly walk-through, etc.
FRIDAY: The dealer room will be open all day and closing in the
evening for a barbaque picnic at MINNIHAHA
FALLS PARK by the Mississippi River near downtown. The falls is
nearly 60 feet high and made famous by the poem "Song of Hiawatha."
SATURDAY: The dealer room will be open all day with an auction
in the afternoon. The banquet will be held that night at poolside and the
dealers room in the evening for socializing.
SUNDAY: A farewell breakfast will be available at the hotel and
there will be discount tickets, including the monorail, for the MINNESOTA
ZOO for those interested.
Mike Chapman is the author of 22 books,
including two books on movie Tarzans Herman Brix (aka Bruce Bennett) and
Glenn Morris. He will have copies of his books for sale and the magazine
Iowa History Journal with a long feature article on Jock Mahoney. Mike
has been the host of three Dum-Dums ( Dum-Dum
2008 | Dum-Dum 2004
~ II )
Mike has done amazing ERB-related and SF/Fantasy art for a long line
of publications. His latest project is the publishing of a new edition
of ERB's "Beware!" which he has also illustrated (see ERBzine
3372 ).
Mike is also featured in ERBzine's
ERB Artist Encyclopedia
In the early 1980s, Grell illustrated the Tarzan newspaper strip (some
of which were collected in Blackthorne Publishing’s “Comic-Strip Preserves”
series in 1986). In 1999, Grell returned to the jungle with the 4-part
comic series, “The Savage Heart,” published by Dark Horse Comics. He is
also the creator of “The Warlord” series. Mike is featured in an ERBzine
series starting at: ERBzine
Mike is also featured in ERBzine's
ERB Artist Encyclopedia
Fury is best known as the author of “Kings of the Jungle,” as well
as the definitive biographies of two Hollywood legends, Johnny Weissmuller
and Maureen O’Sullivan.
He will be on hand to sign copies of “Twice the Hero” and “No Average Jane,”
and to unveil his latest project.
REGISTRATION FEE for the event is $65.
This will include the guided bookstore tour on Thusday, the barbeque
picnic on Friday and the banquet on Saturday along with a packet with a
pin, shirt and a special ECOF edition of a book on ERB with the guest author
there to autograph it.
Rudy Sigmund
1125 N. Broadway
Fargo, North Dakota 58102
Phone: 701.730.0465
Dum-Dum 2010
the PanthanPress Promo Video
Chicago, IL ~ August 19-22
Best Western Chicago-Hillside, 4400 Frontage Road, Hillside,
is the site of the 2010 Dum-Dum.
The 2010 Dum-Dum, organized by The Muckers, the
Chicago chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles, will be held over
four days, Aug. 19 to 22, 2010, at the Best
Western Chicago-Hillside, 4400 Frontage Road, in Hillside, Illinois,
a near western suburb of Chicago. Phone: 708.544.9300
The new, LOWER hotel room rate is $89 plus taxes. Check www.panthanpress.com/muckers
for updates on the convention and to provide feedback on the bulletin board.
The Best Western offers free shuttle service to and from only O'Hare
Airport for its guests. Ask the hotel for more information when you make
your reservation. Use code "Mucker Dum-Dum" when reserving your
room at the Best Western Hillside.
Convention Cost: $120
Includes four days packed with activities ... a dealers’ room,
Jeopardy, a panel discussion hosted by author Stephen Korshak,
a reception at the site of the planned new ERB museum in Oak
Park, a tour of homes where ERB lived and wrote some of his
most thrilling adventures - followed with a reception at Pleasant Home,
a banquet on Saturday night, and many hours of banter with fans.
Attendees will receive a new hardcover edition of The Mucker
-- containing both "The Mucker" and "The Return of the Mucker."
Spouse/Guest ticket: $50
Includes banquet ticket and other events. But we’re also planning pay-as-you-go
activities around Chicago for spouses.
George McWhorter,
curator of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection at the Ekstrom
Library of the University of Louisville, has accepted the Muckers' offer
to be Special Guest of Honour.
Stephen D. Korshak, author of Grand
Master of Fantasy: The Paintings of J. Allen St. John and From
the Pen of Paul: The Fantastic Images of Frank R. Paul will
make a presentation at 2:30 p.m. Thursday on the art of J. Allen St.
Floyd, creator, artist, and writer of the online comic strip Captain
As part of your convention package you will receive a special Muckers’
edition of The Mucker and The Return of the Mucker,
profusely illustrated with over 40 illustrations by 17 artists in the field.
The book will be a hard cover and will have a full color dust jacket featuring
the Dum-Dum's logo created by artist guest of honor Thomas Floyd.
Only 250 copies of the book will be printed. A limited number of extra
copies will be available for purchase at the convention at a price still
to be determined.
In addition to The Mucker book, your convention package will
contain a special convention shirt, pin back, program book, souvenir banquet
ticket, restaurant guide, book store locations, maps, attractions information,
and whatever else we can get contributed by the local Chamber of Commerce.
WEDNESDAY: For early arrivals, please join
the Muckers Wednesday evening at SAFARI LAND, 701 W. North Avenue,
Villa Park, IL 60181 (www.safarilandfun.com
for directions) for pizza, coke, one line of bowling (including shoe-rental),
and $5-worth of tokens for pinball and games or just good camaraderie and
conversation for only $12 per person. More information to come.
THURSDAY: Mucker Jeopardy will run at 1 p.m. followed by Stephen
D. Korshak's presentation at 2:30 p.m. on the art of J. Allen St.
John. The barbecue starts at 6 p.m.
This year's MUCKER JEOPARDY categories are:
Real Life Mars
TV Tarzan
The Mucker
Art and Artists
The Final Jeopardy category is ... a secret as always.
FRIDAY: On Friday, we will board buses at 1 p.m. and head to
Oak Park to see the homes of Edgar Rice Burroughs. At 4:30, the
Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest will offer a tour of the
site of its museum, archives and research center in a historic former
firehouse that will feature expanded and more interactive space for
its Edgar Rice Burroughs exhibit. A reception will follow.
SATURDAY: Saturday programs will feature the annual Burroughs
Bibliophiles auction at 2 p.m. and the banquet in the hotel
at 6:30. The Burroughs Bibliophiles Board meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m.
SUNDAY: The farewell breakfast, on your own, will be
held from 7 to 10 a.m. Sunday in the hotel restaurant. Activities will
end with a back-yard party at 1 p.m. at a member's home in nearby
Former firehouse that will be transformed into
a museum, archives and research center for the Historical Society of Oak
Park and River Forest. Built in 1898 at Lake Street and Lombard Avenue,
it is the oldest public building in Oak Park.
The dealers' room will be open for 14 hours during the convention
and include 8-foot-long tables. On Thursday, the room will open at 10 a.m.,
with setup starting at 8 o'clock, and close at 5 p.m. Friday hours will
be 8 a.m. to noon, closing for the trip to Oak Park. Saturday hours will
be 9 a.m. to noon, with breakdown followed by the auction. Contact
Ken Manson at krmanson@earthlink.net
for information on dealers' tables.
Please Note: 21 tables have been committed already for the dealers room.
Tables can be guaranteed only when people register in advance througb panthanpress.
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. offices in Tarzana, California, will
be well represented.
Linda, Llana Jane, and Dejah Burroughs will also be flying in
from Tarzana
to mingle with ERB fans and to keep alive the memory of Danton
Attendees will be pleased to hear that noted filmmaker/animator
Al Bohl
and daughter Allison Bohl
(filmographer) are attending the Dum-Dum.
They have done some major production work on the forthcoming documentary:
Tarzan: Lord of
the Louisiana Jungle
Thomas Yeates will
be in attendance at the Chicago Dum-Dum
and drawing sketches for those who want to buy one.
He will also be selling select original pages of his full color painted
Outlaw Prince graphic novel, based on The Outlaw
of Torn
as well as other art and books on the themes of legends and myths.
He also hopes to have a special announcement for fellow Dum-Dum attendees.
Members of the Chicago Muckers 2010
Dum-Dum Committee are Joan Bledig, Mike Conran, Dave Gorecki, Jim Hadac,
Ray Le Beau, Jeff Long, Ken Manson, Greg Phillips, Bill Ross, and Jerry
Download the REGISTRATION FORM at the:
Logo art by Mike Cody
2010 ECOF GATHERING: June 4 - 6
The Baltimore Area and Shenandoah Caverns, Virginia
Announcement to All
National Capital Panthans invite you to join them for an adventurous weekend
on June 4-6, 2010 culminating in an expedition to Pellucidar for those
gilaks brave enough to gather in the Hall of the Giants led by our own
Lt. von Horst.
A tentative agenda is attached for your edification, featuring side
trips to Baltimore and the Nation's Capitol to prepare you for meeting
our Shenandoah mahars. While there is no fee and no "host hotel"
for this adventure, you must register with us IN ADVANCE so we can determine
the scope of our needed adventure support. However, you will need
to bring some form of monetary remuneration with you to spend at the venues,
especially the bookshop crawls and restaurants….
For the out-of-towners, as in the past, there will be some limited availability
for housing in a few Panthan homes. For those of you wanting hotel
accommodations, we suggest that you may wish to use the Hilton Hotel in
Rockville, familiar to those of you who came to our 2006 Dum-Dum/ECOF,
as it is at the Twinbrook metrorail station, giving you access to our DC
If you wish to participate, please email your name and email address
to tyner@taliesan.com so we can
provide you more information as it is available.
We ALL still live,
JT2 ~ Silverback Emeritus
of Friendship) Gathering Schedule
Friday, June 4
(Metrorail travel to Union Station on the Red Line)
10:00 am -- Tour
of Capitol Visitors Center and Capitol Building
1-4:00 pm – Library of Congress Tours – (1) Prints, Photos & Drawings
and (2) Manuscripts & Books (www.loc.gov)
4:30 pm – Tour historic Union
6:00 pm – Dinner at The Station Grill restaurant
Saturday, June 5
(Travel to Glen Burnie's Baltimore Light Rail Station)
10:00 am – Tour of Geppi's Entertainment
Museum 301 W. Camden Street
1:00 pm -- Lunch at
Lexington Market, 300 W. Lexington Street
2:00 pm -- Visit
to Edgar Allen Poe's Grave, Westminster Hall
4:00 pm – Book crawl to Drusilla's
Books, 817 N. Howard Street
6:00 pm – Dinner at local eatery TBA
8:00 pm – Return to light rail station
Sunday, June 6
(Travel to Quicksburg, VA, Exit 269 off I-81)
11:00 am – Tour of Pellucidar
(Shenandoah Caverns)
12 noon -- Panthan Meeting in the Hall of the Giants
1:00 pm -- Lunch in Caverns Café or other local eatery
2:00 pm – Book crawl to Royal
Oak Books, Front Royal, VA
7:00 pm – Farewell dinner featuring______________
Journal cover and logo art by Mike Cody
2009 Dum-Dum ~ Dayton, Ohio
August 13-16
Guest of Honor: Pete Ogden ~ Host Richard Spargur

See the Events, Attendees and hundreds of photos at
Hillman Photo Galleries
| I | II
| III | IV
| V | VI
| IX | X|
Burwell Photo Gallery
DUM-DUM 2009: Tentative Schedule of Events
Friday |
8:00 AM |
Dealers set up in Huckster Room |
9:30 AM |
Huckster Room opens |
11:00 AM |
Mucker Jeopardy |
12:00 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM |
Dennis Wilcutt's Personal Art presentation |
3:30 PM |
BB Board Meeting |
5:30 PM |
Huckster Room Closes for the day |
6:30 PM |
Cookout at the Spargur house |
Saturday |
9:30 AM |
Huckster Room opens |
11:00 AM |
Panel discussion "ERB's Influences" |
12:00 PM |
Lunch |
1:30 PM |
Al Bohl: Discussion & Showing of Tarzan documentary |
3:30 PM |
Auction |
5:30 PM |
Huckster Room Closes |
7:00 PM |
Banquet |
Sunday |
9:30 AM |
Farewell Breakfast |
Planned Events
1. Mucker Jeopardy
2. Art Presentation by Dennis Wilcutt
3. Panels and Presentations
4. Friday backyard dinner at Spargur Home
5. Saturday Banquet
6. Auction
7. Huckster’s Room
8. Saturday Spouses' Non-ERB events
9. Advance Showing of Tarzan Documentary Footage
10. And more . . .
Registration Costs:
Early: Member: $80 Spouse: $75
Guest for Banquet Only: $35
Please RSVP by July 6, 2009
Late: Member: $85 Spouse: $80
Guest for Banquet Only: $40
Dealer tables free to members, $10 for everyone
Member: $80 ~ Spouse: $75 ~ Guest for Banquet Only: $35
Mail to: Richard C. Spargur
5535 Woodbridge Lane ~ Dayton, Ohio 45429
Phone: (937) 4348676 ~ Email: rspargur@woh.rr.com
Dayton-Mall- I-75 & Rt 725
31 Prestige Plaza Dr.
Miamisburg, OH 45342 USA
Desk: 1-937-434-8030
Fax: 1-937-434-6452
Web: www.hidayton.com
Mention "Dum-Dum 2009" when registering
$79 King or Queen
$89 Double Beds
From North: I-75 South to exit #44, left off exit to 2nd light,
right at Prestige Plaza Drive, the hotel will be to the right.
From South: I-75 South to exit #44, right off exit to light
at Prestige Plaza Drive, right at Prestige Plaza Drive, the hotel will
be to the right.
Spouses Day at the Dayton
(Events for Saturday August 15)
Excursion to Jungle Jim’s International
A food lovers paradise - Foodieland - No matter what you call it, Jungle
Jim's is arguably the nation's most unique supermarket megastore, featuring
more than six acres of food, wine, beer, gourmet cheeses, exotic meats,
cigars, fresh seafood, spices, confections, bakery, gourmet cookware, gifts
of distinction and more! Unbelievable displays and hands-on activities
make this destination a delight for families and foodies alike. Jungle
Jim’s International Market is a place where the first rule is to treat
customers like gold and the second is to have fun doing it. Over
50,000 people a week visit from several states away for the unique shopping
experience Jungle Jim’s International Market offers. You can buy
food from over 70 countries, listen to Elvis and Mariachi music, sample
tasty foods, get red hot deals and, of course, have hours of fun.
Lunch at The White House Inn
Nestled on six acres of southern Ohio countryside, this 50-year-old
farmhouse was restored into seven separate dining rooms each with
its own unique decor. There are four fireplaces, country and herb gardens,
two outdoor patio areas, a gorgeous Gazebo, a Tavern featuring a
breathtaking two-story stone fireplace, and a loft.
Optional Visit to IKEA
IKEA offers a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing
products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able
to afford them. This is the idea at the heart of everything IKEA does,
from product development and purchases to how we sell our products in IKEA
stores globally
Dick Spargur is expecting
over 70 attendees for the 2009 Dayton Dum-Dum
A list of some of the early registrants he has sent
over to us follows:
Adler, Peggy
Bledig, Joan
Bohl, Al
Bohl, Allison
Buchheit, John
Buchheit, Judy.
Burrows, Bob
Burwell, Mickey
Burwell, Shirley
Conran, Mike
Critchfield, Dave
DeLeo, Philip
DeLeo, Mrs. Philip
Denby, Doug
Denby, Jean
Ekstrand, Joe
Ekstrand, John
Evanek, Phyllis
Franke III, Henry G.
Hadac, Jim.
Hart, Jon
Helfrich, Gary
Helfrich, Pam
Hillman, Bill
Hillman, Sue-On
Howell, DJ
Huckenpohler, Huck
Jacoby, Robert
Kamper, Bill
Karr, Jim |
Le Beau, Ray
Le Beau, Shirley
Manson, Ken
McGeeney, Bob
McGeeney, Mrs.
Morse, Bill
O'Malley, Robert
Ogden, Pete
Ogden, Joan
Pepin, Col. Michael R.
Pepin, Ricky
Phillips, Greg
Spannraft, Jerry
Spargur, Dick
Spaight, Candy
Strong, Lee
Swaun, Harry
Thompson, Jim
Thompson, John W.
Tyner, John G
Versandi, Robert
Versandi, Mrs. Robert
Wadding, Steve
Wagner, Bill
Wilcutt, Dennis
Wood, Bruce
Wood, John L
Wood, Theresa
. |
Also planning to attend:
Badre, Phillipe
Casella, Anita
Casella, Elaine
Critchfield, Teresa (banquet)
Dunn, Laurence
Dunn: Judy Bohnett |
ERB, Inc., Mann, Janet
ERB, Inc., Wilbanks, Cathy
Fibiger, Milan
Lukas, Fred
Ross, Bill
Sigmund, Rudy and guest
Vinson, Brad |
Ramada Inn
Five Sullivan Brothers Convention
Dum Dum 2008 in Waterloo,
July 24 - 27, 2008
Hosted by the Waterloo Convention and Visitors
Location: Five Sullivan Brothers Convention Center in Waterloo
(connected via a skywalk to the Ramada Inn)
Hotel: Ramada Inn
Address: 205 W 4th Street (4th Street & Commercial Street),
Waterloo, IA 50701
Phone: 1.319.233.7560
Room Rate: $79.95 for a standard room (up to 4 people)
Parking: Free parking is available in the parking ramp across
the street for overnight guests at the Ramada.
Huckster Room: 15 Tables (or more) available at $40 each ~ Thursday
morning until Saturday Evening.
Website: www.freewebs.com/dumdum2008
Registration: prices and information will be available soon.
Contact: Kelly Kimmich ~ Waterloo
Convention & Visitors Bureau
313 E. 5th St. ~ Waterloo, IA 50703
Host Phone: 1.319.233.8350 or 1.800.728.8431
fax: 319-233-2733
Sullivan Brothers
The Fighting Sullivans
Tarzan convention, comic book show headed to Waterloo in July
Courier ~ May 10, 2008
WATERLOO --- One of the most popular fictional characters
of all time will be swinging into Waterloo the weekend of July 25-26 when
the national Tarzan convention, known as a Dum Dum, arrives at the Five
Sullivan Brothers Convention Center. The convention celebrates the most
famous creation of Edgar Rice Burroughs, a prolific author who wrote 26
Tarzan novels. The Tarzan event will be held in conjunction with the Iowa
Comic Book Collectors Show in the same facility. Both events will be free
to the public except for the closing banquet on Saturday night. The main
guest will be Denny Miller, who played Tarzan in the 1959 feature film,
"Tarzan, the Apeman," and has appeared in more than 25 movies and 100 television
shows. Other guests are Jack Bender, a native of Waterloo and former Courier
cartoonist who draws the nationally syndicated Alley Oop newspaper strip;
Dave Fury, author of a new book on the late actress Maureen O'Sullivan,
"No Average Jane"; and Mike Chapman, author of two books on movie Tarzans,
Herman Brix/Bruce Bennett and Glenn Morris. More>>> |
The Iowa Comic Book Club has arranged for Thomas Floyd, Illustrator
& Cartoonist, to attend the Comic Book Jungle at the 2008 Dum Dum Convention!
Floyd has illustrated many Burroughs books including editions of Tarzan
of the Apes, Pirates of Venus,The Moon Maid & more!
We are still on schedule despite flooding in the downtown area
of Waterloo. The Dan Gable International Wrestling Institute & Museum,
however, has not fared so well. Due to extensive damage, the museum will
be closed until recovery is completed. |
Louisville Dum-Dum 2007 and Bob
Hyde Collection Dedication
in progress)
ECOF 2008 PREVIEW ~ June
6-8 ~ Groton, Connecticut
Theme: The West in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Life and Works
Dates: Friday, June 6, through Sunday, June 8; early bird gathering,
Thursday evening, June 5
Hosts: DJ Howell (Usha) and Phyllis Evanuk
Venue and Primary Lodging: The Mystic Marriott Hotel and Spa,
Groton, Connecticut
Alternative Lodging: Best Western Olympic Inn, Groton, Connecticut
Access: by car, immediately off Route 95; by air, Green (Providence,
RI) or Bradley (Hartford, CT);
by train (Metro North to New Haven, Shoreline East to New London)
Tentative Program:
Thursday early bird gathering, lobby, Mystic Marriott
Friday and Saturday: huckster* room available
all day (until 11:00 pm Friday)
Friday afternoon: optional guided tour of the Mashantucket Pequot
Friday evening: optional Dutch-treat supper at Foxwoods Casino
Saturday morning: optional book crawl at The Book Barn in Niantic
Saturday afternoon: Symposium on the West in Edgar Rice Burroughs’
Life and Works**
Presentations to be announced***
Mini-auction to defray hosting expenses (any excess receipts
to be donated to Burroughs Bibliophiles)
Saturday evening: banquet
Sunday morning: Dutch-treat farewell breakfast
Representative Optional Excursions
to Local Attractions
(prices of admission available directly through
each attraction)
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat
Historic Ship Nautilus & Submarine Force Museum
Mashantucket Pequot Museum
Mystic Aquarium & Institute for Exploration
Mystic Pizza (yes, it's real and still in business)
Mystic Seaport
Nathan Hale Schoolhouse
National Submarine Memorial/Wall of Honor
Olde Mistick Village – "18th century style shopping center" [!]
State beaches (too early for swimming, unless Global Warming allows it)
*Prospective hucksters please contact DJ Howell directly
regarding table requirements
**You are invited to contribute essays, poetry, or
works of graphic art for inclusion in the ECOF 2008 chapbook, The West
in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Life and Works; details to follow
***Anyone interested in making a presentation or
moderating a panel discussion, please contact DJ
Howell directly
Dum-Dum 2007
Hosted by George T. McWhorter
Took place in
Louisville, Kentucky -- August 2 - 5, 2007

Galt House and the Ekstrom Library, University of Louisville
Home of the Edgar Rice Burroughs Memorial Collection
Featured a formal dedication of the Bob Hyde
Updated program and info at: http://erb.louisville.edu
The Art of
Richard Hescox
Hescox is known to Burroughs fans for his beautiful paintings for
the Venus stories, pictured on the covers to the Ballantine/Del Rey paperbacks
of 1991. He was born in Pasadena, California, and soon rose to prominence
in the art world with over 130 cover paintings fo rmajor publishing houses,
and Hollywood advertising and design artist for such films as E.T.,
Never-Ending Story, and The Time Bandits. In his spare time
he has turned to fine art painting, and has been exhibited at many American
art galleries and The Society of Illustratros in New York City. He recently
moved to Reno, Nevada with his wife and son, and we are happy to introduce
him to Burroughs fans at the 2007 Dum-Dum in Louisville. Much of his work
is featured at: www.richardhescox.com |

Denny Miller's
face is well known to Burroughs fans, and to the rest of the world, which
is why he called his autobiography, Didn't You Used to Be What's His
Name? In addition to playing Tarzan the Ape Man in 1959, he
has made over 100 films and 37 TV commercials. Besides that, he is one
of the greatest human beings ever to tread the planet, so we are pleased
and privileged to welcome him back for Dum-Dum 2007.
He and our other special guests will be featured on our
the Artists" panel, followed by audience participation in a questions
and answers session. See also ERBzine
1480 |
| Holland)
Tarzan the Musical
from Disney Theatrical has taken two continents by storm over the
last year generating record attendances and excitement from fans and critics
alike. The Disney people have promised to send a representative to regale
the Bibliophiles with behind the scenes information. The ERBzine
editors have attended both premieres -- Broadway and Netherlands -- and
share many photos and reviews at:
(Broadway production)
(European production) |
Brix / Bruce Bennett and Gordon
Scott will be remembered at a special panel discussion moderated
by Mike Chapman who wrote the Brix bio. Another panel discusses the Bibliophiles,
past, present and future. Dorothy Howell and Joan
Bledig will entertain with a slide show and Burroughs Jeopardy!
game. Bob Hyde's three children
will be on hand for the dedication of their father's ERB collection to
the University of Louisville Library and some of the outstanding
items in this collection will be on exhibit. |
At the University of Louisville Library
Bob Hyde Collection Dedication & Exhibition
Guided Tours of the Burroughs Memorial Collection
Meet the Artists Question & Answer Panel
Burroughs Bibliophiles Panel Discussion & Board Meeting
ERB Jeopardy! Game Hosted by Joan Bledig
Burroughs Slide Show by Dorothy Howell
Reception for Guests and Members |
At the Galt House
Annual BB Auction (Saturday Afternoon)
(Donation of auction items invited)
Awards Banquet (Saturday Night)
Farewell Breakfast (Sunday Morning, Magnolia Room)
20 tables @$35 ~ Thurs. a.m. thru Sat. Eve. |
The Galt House
140 N. 4th Street, Louisville KY 40202
Call 1.800.589-52008
and ask for the Dum-Dum Rate (until July 2)
Double: $104 ~ Triple: $114 ~ Quad: $124
Limo from the airport: $10/person ~ Taxi $16.95
$65 advance or door
Cheques to "Burroughs Bibliophiles"
Mail to: Burroughs Collection,
University of Louisville, Ekstrom Library,
2301 South Third St.,
Louisville, KY 40292
2007 ~ Binghamton, New York
(actually, Vestal which is just west of
Friday, May 25 through Sunday, May 27
Lodging: The Howard Johnson Express Inn,
Phone: 1-607-729-6181.
Try to reserve by May 1st to be sure of a room at the "ECOF Group"
Rooms: King size bed 1-2 people ~ $69.95 a night
2 Double beds 1-4 people ~ $79.95 a night
Add 11% tax.
The dealers room and banquet will be in The Courtyard Marriott.
Both hotels are on the same side of the Vestal Parkway (also called
route 434), just .2 of a mile apart.
Obtain Directions and Maps from www.MapQuest.com
Directions from the Binghamton Regional Airport:
Follow Airport Road to Route 17 West to exit 70S (Route 201).
Follow Route 201 S (towards SUNY Binghamton).
Exit onto Route 434 West.
Both hotels will be on the right, about a half mile.
Directions for those coming from north or south
on I-81:
Follow Route 17 West to exit 70S (Route 201).
Follow to Route 434West.
Hotel is on right.
(Route 17 continues across southern NY State - also called
Route 86 in some areas.)
Howard Johnson Express Inn, 3601 Vestal Parkway East,
Vestal, NY 13850
phone: 1-607-729-6181 and fax: 607-797-0309
Courtyard Marriott, 3801 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal,
NY 13850
phone: 1-607-644-1000 and fax: 607-644-1022
Registration fee is US$67. An extra banquet meal is another $25.
Make checks out to Elaine Casella and indicate your meal preference
(Chicken Marsala or Pasta Primavera),
and whether you need a dealer's table.
Elaine Casella,
64 Front Street,
Binghamton, NY 13905
or phone:1-607-724-3114
E-Mail: kuklakhan1st@aol.com
2006 ECOF (ERB Chain of Friendship) and
Clarence "Bob" Hyde Memorial Dum Dum
Schedule: August 3-6, 2006
Thursday, August 3
2:00 pm – National Capital Panthans Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Pool Barbeque Party at Bill Ross’ home, Annapolis, MD
3:00pm – Attendee check-in -- Doubletree Hotel, Main Lobby
6:30 pm – Burroughs Bibliophiles Board Meeting at Bill Ross’ home
Friday, August 4
All day – Doubletree Hotel check-in – Main Lobby
8:00 am – 5:00 pm -- ECOF Registration -- Regency
8:30 am – Huckster Room available for set-up
9:30 am – Huckster Room Open for Business
1:00 pm – Deli lunch provided at “Gotten,” John Tyner’s home
2:00 pm – Panel A - JANE: HER EVOLUTION - The evolution of Jane's character
role during in the 20th Century" ~ Moderator: Bruce Salen
Panelists: Joan Bledig, J.G. Huckenpohler,
Cole Richardson (Jane of the Comics), and Jim Hadac
4:00 pm – Huckster Room closed
4:30 pm – Book Crawl to Second Story Books, host - Nelson Freck
6:00 pm – No-host dinner at Broadway Diner (500 items to choose from)
8:00 pm – Book Crawl to Wonder Books, Frederick, MD (or)
Open House at J.G. Huckenpohler’s Puerto
Rican Tree House
Saturday, August 5
All day – Doubletree Hotel check-in – Main Lobby
All day – ECOF Registration – Regency Room
9:00 am – Huckster Room open
11:00 am – Panel B – “ERB Second Century Contributors” ~
Moderator: Bruce Salen
Panelists: J. G. Huckenpohler (A.Q.Porter Tells All), Ellen
Vartanoff, Jim Thompson and Tom Stock
1:00 pm – Deli lunch with colleagues at local restaurants (by arrangement)
2:00 pm – Auction benefiting Burroughs Bibliophiles, Auctioneer Bill
3:00 pm – Insanity Auction benefiting Panthans Pundits, Auctioneer
Bill Ross
5:00 pm – Huckster Room closed
6:00 pm – Attitude Adjustment
7:00 pm – Vern Coriell Memorial Burroughs Bibliophiles Dum-Dum Banquet
featuring Guest of Honor
Sunday, August 6
9:00 am – Farewell Breakfast (informal gathering at Broadway Diner)
Event to be held at the Doubletree Hotel and Executive Meeting Center,
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852 (telephone 301.468.1100). Preview
available at www.doubletreerockville.com. Room rate is $89.00 single/double.
Registration fee of $80 includes two deli lunches, banquet, goodies, Huckster
Room and Panel/Chat discussions. All events are held in the Regency
Room. Fee for BB Banquet only: $35.
National Capital Panthans
P.O. Box 673
Rockville, MD 20848-0673
If you should have any
questions, e-mail tyner@taliesan.com
or call John Tyner at
(301) 468-2146.
Web Site:
2005 Dum-Dum: Oak Park / Chicago
August 10 - 14
is hosted
by Jerry Spannraft
at the Write Inn in Oak Park
across the street from the Hemingway Museum,
a block from Hemingway's birthplace and
near the Burroughs homes and
the Historical Society with its ERB museum.
Edgar Rice Burroughs ~ Ernest Hemingway ~ Carl Sandburg
DUM-DUM 2005
Oak Park, Illinois
August 10 - 14
Registration: Member $100.00 ~ Spouse: $75.00
Phone: 708.361.2492
e-Mail: cclairmore@wi.rr.com
Send cheques before August 1 to:
Jerry Spannraft
26 Brook Lane
Palos Park, IL 60464
Wednesday BBQ at the Spannraft's
Thursday Dinner at the Oak Park Conservatory
Thursday Bus Trip to the Museum of Science & Industry
Friday Reception at the Oak Park Historical Society
Saturday Banquet
Sunday BBQ at the Spannraft's
Surprise Souvenir
Friday Bus Trip to ERB Sites
Tickets on El to Chicago Loop
Tour of Oak Park
Wednesday, August 10 |
. |
Welcome Party at the Spannraft's, Palos Park |
5:00 PM |
Early Registration |
5:00 PM |
Thursday, August 11 |
. |
Registration & Opening Meeting at Baptist Church |
9:00 AM |
Bus Trip to Museum of Science & Industry: Colleen Moore Doll House
& ERB Mini-Book |
10.00 AM |
Bus Trip to Oak Park |
3:00 PM |
Oak Park Conservatory & Dinner |
6:00 PM |
Oak Park Dinner Speaker: Lee Brook speaks on The History of Oak Park,
1910-1919 |
7:30 P.M. |
Friday, August 12 |
. |
Huckster Room Bazaar set up at Church Gym |
7:30 A.M. |
Huckster Room Bazaar Open |
9:00 A.M. |
Bus Tour of ERB Sites: Birthplace ~ Brown School ~ Emma's Parents'
Home ~ Tree House Studio
of J. Allen St. John ~ W.F. Hall Printing Co. ~ A.C. McClurg
Building ~ Four Houses of ERB |
1:30 -
4:00 P.M. |
Dedication of ERB Offices, Oak Park |
4 - 5 P.M. |
ERB Museum Reception & Tour with Guest Speaker: Gary Gianni |
6 - 8 P.M. |
Spouse Trips: Chicago Loop Shopping
followed by ERB Museum Reception & Tour |
9 AM-3 PM
6 - 8 P. M. |
Saturday, August 13 |
. |
Huckster Room Bazaar Open at Church Gym |
9:00 A.M. |
Huckster Room Tables Cleared |
Noon-2 P.M |
Auction at Chapel |
2 - 5 P.M. |
Avenue Ale House Cocktail Hour |
6:00 P.M. |
Avenue Ale House Dinner |
6: 30 P.M. |
Dinner Guest Speaker Max Allan Collins |
8: 00 P.M. |
Board Meeting at Avenue Ale House |
9:30 P.M. |
Spouse Trips include Oak Park Tour
and the Avenue Ale House Dinner |
9 AM-3 PM
6:30 - 9:30 |
Sunday, August 14 |
. |
Farewell Breakfast: Tyme Restaurant |
8-10 A.M. |
Tour of Hemingway & Frank Lloyd Wright Houses |
10 AM-4 PM |
Barbecue at Spannraft Home, Palos Park |
5:00 P.M. |
Related ERBzine References
Museum of Science
& Industry: The only remaining building from the Chicago Columbian
Exposition 1893
ERB Mini Book: Tarzan
Jr. by Edgar Rice Burroughs with illustrations by John Coleman Burroughs
The ERB / Oak Park
Connection ~ also see the ERB
Bio Chronology and Oak
Park Man Honored
ERB Residences
Artist J. Allen
St. John
ERB Museum in Oak

Write Inn Hotel
Oak Park, IL 60302
This tourist-class hotel offers affordable rooms, suites, and apartments
for short of extended stays.
Located in the Frank Lloyd Wright historic district, this hotel
offers close proximity to
historic attractions, shops, restaurants, and commuter rail lines.
30 rooms have been blocked for our use at the Write Inn.
Contact the hotel directly to make your reservations.
Please mention "Dum-Dum" when making your reservation.
Room rates range from $75 - $162

As part of our lead up to the 2005 Oak Park Dum-Dum
Another article by Oak Park journalist, Ken Mason:
Kin Hopes to Visit Burroughs' Homes
From August 3, 2005 ~ Oak Leaves, Oak Park, Illinois
Important Information for anyone planning on attending the
Dum-Dum in Oak Park & Chicago this August!
If you are planning on going to the Museum of Science and Industry to
see the Colleen Moore Fairy Castle and the tiny book TARZAN JR, please
let Jerry Spannraft or Mike
Conran know before July 21st.
Jerry is going to purchase non refundable group tickets from the Museum
for those making the trip. Because the tickets are non refundable,
it is important that we have an accurate head count for the group going
the Museum.
If you know you are NOT planning on the trip to the Museum, let us know
so we have an accurate count.
Mike Conran ~ tanar@JUNO.COM
Jeddak of Jenison
Dum-Dum host Jerry Spannraft has expressed
concern that many attendees have not yet registered at the hotel.
He wants to let everyone know that only 30 rooms are set aside for the
Dum-Dum. That is 50% of the rooms in the hotel. When they are
gone, you will need to find another hotel. The only other hotel in
Oak Park charges $250 a night.
If you stay out of the village of Oak Park you will have problems parking.
The village is very strict about on-street parking. However, those
staying at the Write Inn will receive free parking.
For those planning on arriving on Thursday, be aware that the bus leaving
for the Museum of Science
and Industry to view the Colleen
Moore Fairy Castle and the book TARZAN
JR. is leaving the Write Inn at 10:00 am. This is a trip you
will not want to miss! But if you are not at the Write Inn at 10:00
am, you will not be on the bus! This is a unique opportunity to view
the one-of-a-kind miniature book TARZAN JR. (written by ERB and illustrated
by JCB) as the Museum of Science and Industry has agreed to remove the
book from the library and have it on display in a special case for us.
You can reserve a room by calling the Write Inn at (708)-383-4800,
be sure to ask for the Dum-Dum rate.
Rice Burroughs Chain of Friendship
In Unionville, Ontario, Canada
north east of Toronto
24 - June 26, 2005
Date: |
Friday, June 24 to Saturday,
June 25
Bar-b-que and pre-gathering
on the Thursday evening.
Good-bye breakfast on
the Sunday. |
Venue: |
Unionville Train Station,
an historic train station,
in the middle of Historic
Unionville, a Victorian village north-east of Toronto. |
Event: |
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Fans and Friends Sharing |
Cost: |
$75 American Dollars.
Please note same on cheques.
After all Canada is a
foreign land with its own currency. |
Contact: |
Doug Denby |
email: DDenby@Rogers.Com |
137 Main St. |
phone: 905 477 1857 |
Unionville, Ontario |
Canada, L3R 2G6 |
Unionville is an historic
village within the Town of Markham adjacent to the City of Toronto.
It is serviced by major
highways for direct access from all directions.
are available in ERBzine: HERE
Train Station is literally
across the road from the host’s residence
and both locations will
be used for events.
Saturday evening meal &
gathering provided.
Visitations to local fans’
collections will be arranged.
Those wanting a table in
the huckster room should let the host know.
B&Bs are close to the
site, beds limited.
All Hotels, but one, are
3 miles from site
but at the junction of major
transport routes to the Greater Toronto Area.
(see the listing below)
Hotels can be seen at Trip
Advisor - Smart Deals Website
the ECOF 2005 Brochure in PDF HERE
Local B&Bs
NearBy Hotels (Prices
are in Cdn $)
Yellow House Bed and
(Across road from ECOF site
& Host’s Home)
Hosts: Iggy and Joan Natoli
137 Main St.,
Unionville, Ontario, L3R
Phone: 877-593-4469 or 905-947-9060
http://www.bbCanada.Com/5505.html |
Hilton Suites Markham
(closest to site, also the
most expensive)
$126-$200 per night
8500 Warden Avenue
Markham Ont. L6G 1A5
Built1988 ~ Remodeled-2001
1-800-780-5733 |
Maynard House Bed and
(1/2 mile, up the street
from the ECOF site)
Hosts: Anna and Carlos Sousa
268 Main St., Unionville,
Ontario, L3R 2H2
Phone: 905 944-9692 Fax:
905 472 1987
http://www.bbCanada.Com/8345.html |
Monte Carlo Inn Markham
$100-$126 per night
8900 Woodbine
Markham Ont. L3R 5K6
. |
The O’Hara Inn
(3/4 mile from ECOF site,
straight walk)
Hosts: Nick and Sue O’Hara
40 Landmark Court, Unionville,
Ont., L3R 9N6
Phone: 905-479-3862, 905-947
. |
Holiday Inn Hotel &
Suites (Toronto-Markham)
$112-$200 per night
7095 Woodbine Avenue
Markham, Ont. L3R 1A3
Tel: 1-905-4740444
Fax: 1-905-4741877
Email: generalinquiries@holidayinnmarkham.com |
Paradise Inn Markham
(Friends of host, 4 miles
from ECOF site)
Hosts: Bob and Lorraine
24 Paradise Avenue, Markham,
Ont., L3P 3B9
Phone: 888-472-2030, 905-472-2030
http://www.bbcCanada.Com/7780.html |
Comfort Inn Toronto Northeast
$97 - $120 per night
8330 Woodbine Ave
Markham Ont. L3R 2N8
. |
Valley View House Bed
and Breakfast
(3 1/2 miles from the ECOF
Host: Teil Hall
109 Robinson Street, Markham,
Ont., L3P 1P2
Phone: 866-472-3163, 905-472-3163
http://www.bbCanada.Com/684.html |
Howard Johnson Markham
$75 - $120 per night
555 Cochrane Dr
Markham Ont. L3R 8E3
. |
A mini-atlas of 7 maps
to guide the mangani to hogtown for the
2005 ECOF Convention
at nearby Unionville, Ontario.
2004 Dum-Dum ~ June 25-26
Fort Collins, Colorado
Ramada Inn - Fort Collins
The Ramada Inn Fort Collins is
a great hotel that offers easy access to I-25. It is located 70 minutes
northwest of the Denver International Airport. This property is 5 minutes
away from Colorado State University and only a short distance to Hewlett
Packard, Kodak, Epic Center and Lincoln Center. The hotel features a large
indoor swimming pool, children's wading pool, game and exercise area, lounge
and restaurant. Whether your stay is for business or pleasure, you are
sure to enjoy staying here. Each of the 197 tastefully appointed guest
rooms feature all the standard amenities that today's modern traveler has
come to expect. All rooms have a coffee maker, hair dryer, iron/ironing
boards and much more. Comfortable facilities and convenience are qualities
that you will come to expect as a guest of the Ramada Inn Fort Collins.
A cordial and attentive staff is available to assist you with any needs
that you might have. The hotel is minutes away from dining, shopping and
entertainment venues.
Shuttle Service from Denver to
Fort Collins: Shamrock Airport Express: Phone: 970 - 482 - 0505.
One-way fare is something like $26.00 |
Ramada Inn on Interstate 25
$59 a night ~ Reservations: 970-484-4660
Registration Fee: $65.00
Send the check and registration to George McWhorter
The Burroughs Memorial Collection, University of Louisville
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292
FRIDAY: June 25
Huckster room opens at 10 a.m.
Glenn Morris 5k Run at 6 p.m.
Showing of three Glenn Morris films at 8 p.m.
Huckster Room opens at 9 a.m.
Panel Discussion on Olympic Tarzans at 11 a.m.
Showing of three Glenn Morris films throughout day.
Banquet at 7 p.m. ? Mike Chapman, master of ceremonies
SUNDAY: June 27
Farewell breakfast brunch at 8 a.m.
Honoring Glenn Morris, 1936 Olympic champion
and film Tarzan No. 9, and enjoying the beauty of Colorado will be two
of the main attractions of the 2004 Dum Dum. It is set for June 25-26 in
Fort Collins, the home of Colorado State University.
Mike Chapman will host the event. He is author
of the book The Gold and The Glory, which is the biography
of Glenn Morris. He also hosted the 1997 Dum Dum in Newton, Iowa.
Mike offered Fort Collins to be the 2004 host
site due to Glenn Morris’s connection to Tarzan, and because of the geographical
beauty of the setting. Mike currently lives in Newton, Iowa, but was sports
editor of the Fort Collins newspaper in the 1970s.
“Dum-Dum people who have never been to
Fort Collins are in for a real treat,” said Mike. “The Rocky Mountains
flank Fort Collins on its western side and provide a majestic landscape.
It is a beautiful setting.”
Mike’s two daughters live there and he visits
the city frequently. He spent several days in Fort Collins in November
to begin building interest in the Dum Dum. He met with the mayor, the executive
director of the Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau, and was also
the guest speaker at seven different service organizations … all within
a three-day period. He was also interviewed on the largest radio station
in Fort Collins.
“The mayor is going to declare Saturday,
June 26, as Glenn Morris Day in Fort Collins,” said Mike. “He has
pledged to help support the weekend event in any way he can. And so has
the director of the convention and visitors bureau. They are really excited
about this event coming to Fort Collins.”
The Dum Dum will be held at the
Ramada Inn,
which sits just 100 yards off of Interstate 25, the busiest freeway in
the entire state. It connects Fort Collins (a city of 150,000) to Denver
(50 miles south) and Cheyenne, Wyoming (35 miles north).
The basic rate is $59 a night for Dum-Dum
You can call 970-484-4660 to make your
Mike also met with officials from Colorado State
University, where Morris was a standout athlete in both football and track.
The college officials are also excited about the event coming to Fort Collins.
State University athletic people think this is wonderful,” said Mike.
are going to promote the event on their web site and in press releases.”
The Dum Dum weekend will include showing of Glenn’s
Tarzan film, “Tarzan’s Revenge,” and two other films he appeared
in. “Decathlon Champion” is a ten-minute short produced shortly
after his gold-medal performance in the Berlin Olympics.
“Hold That
Co-Ed” is a campus comedy starring George Murphy, Joan Davis and
John Barrymore. Morris plays a college football star and is seen throughout
the film.
A local running club is hosting a Glenn Morris
5K run on Friday, June 25. It will begin at 6 p.m. at the South College
Fieldhouse ? the very spot where Glenn Morris trained for the Olympics
in 1936. Dum Dum attendees will be able to walk on the indoor track where
Glenn trained and see the brand new “Glenn Morris-CSU Track Hall of Fame”
that has been established in the South College Fieldhouse.
The gold medal that Glenn won in 1936 in Berlin
in the decathlon will be on display during the Dum Dum. Morris Ververs,
a former high school principal in Glenn’s hometown of Simla, Colorado,
is the custodian of the gold medal. He and Jim Larson, who served with
Glenn Morris in the Navy during World War II, will both attend the convention.
Denny Miller, who played Tarzan in 1959 and starred
on the TV hit series “Wagon Train,” will be one of the special guests in
Fort Collins. He has just written his autobiography and it will be available
at the Dum Dum.
A panel discussion is being planned to discuss
the careers of the four Olympic athletes who played Tarzan ? Johnny Weissmuller,
Herman Brix, Buster Crabbe and Glenn Morris. Mike says he is working on
several other major guests.
More details will be forthcoming soon.
Read a Glenn Morris Article Reprint in ERBzine
August 12-14, 2004
Click for full-screen
MEMBERSHIP: $75 includes
Registration Goody Bag
Saturday Dinner Ticket
Entry to all Events
Door Prizes
Free Table in Huckster Room
We are offering associate memberships free of charge to family members/significant
These memberships allow entry into the huckster room.
Additional Saturday Dinner Tickets available.
Contact Don Gray at 916.933.8050 or dgrayjr@sbcglobal.net
Make cheques out to Don Gray ~ 3331 Besana Dr., El Dorado Hills,
CA 95762
Danton Burroughs of ERB,
Inc. - ERB Grandson and son of John
Coleman Burroughs
Dan Parsons
- Artist (Official ECOF 2004 Artist)
Tom Yeates - ERB Artist
Lydie Denier ~ "Jane"
actress in the TV Tarzan series
John Eric Holmes - (author
of Mahars of Pellucidar, Red Axe, and Mordred a Buck Rogers story)
Unfortunately Mr. Holmes will not be
able to attend because of illness.
Dick Lupoff - (science fiction
author and editor of ERB's Canaveral Press firsts and reprints)
Thursday Night Dinner at Ralph Brown's House
Huckster Room
Complimentary Lunch
Saturday Auction
Saturday Night Dinner
Vagabond Inn ~ 2030 Arden Way ~ Sacramento, CA 95823 ~
Reserve Room Under "CHAIN OF FRIENDSHIP"
Single / Double Room Per Night: $79 (plus 12% & $1.25 County Assessment
Mini-Suite: $89 ~ King w/ Queen Sofa Sleeper
Close to stores & restaurants ~ 24 hr coffee service in lobby ~
Complimentary CA Breakfast
Computer and Internet Access ~ Microwave and Refrigerator in room ~
Free Airport Shuttle (Reservations Required)
Ask for one of the following rooms: 169-187 Ground Floor or 269-287
Second Floor
These rooms are reserved for us and open to a quiet private and grassy
Click for full-screen image
1. Colors: Let us know your first and
second choice of
White, Black, Forest Green (dark green), Gold, Light Blue, Lime
Green, Maroon, Navy Blue, Orange, Red, Royal Blue (a little lighter than
the Navy), Kelly Green (more a traditional green), Teal Blue, or Yellow.
2. Image Color: Black OR White. (White
printing will look better on the darker colored shirts)
3. Size: Small, Medium, Large, Xlarge,
2Xlarge, 3Xlarge
4. One of the following two original drawings:
Tom Tolley
the Louisville Memorial Collection
Dum-Dum 2003
Hosted by George T. McWhorter
Galt House ~ Louisville, Kentucky
Thursday - Sunday: August 28-31,

4th Avenue & Main St. at the Ohio River,
Louisville, KY 40202
Single and Double Rooms = $89
Triple Rooms = $99 ~ Quads = $109
so you will get the convention rates. A block of rooms is reserved for
us until July 28 (midnight), after which it is opened up to the general
public. Indoor parking is available for all registered guests at $5 per
$75 Per person.
Please make checks payable to "Burroughs Bibliophiles"
and mail to
Burroughs Memorial Collection,
University of Louisville,
Ekstrom Library,
Louisville, KY 40292.
If not convenient to pay beforehand, you can
pay at the registration desk
at the Huckster Room at the Galt House when
you arrive.
Danton Burroughs (grandson of ERB)
Boris Vallejo (renowned Tarzan artist)
Max Allan Collins (author of the ERB mystery,
Pearl Harbor Murders)
Denny Miller (Tarzan actor No. 12)
Miles O'Keefe (Tarzan actor no. 16) (pending,
not yet confirmed)
Twenty tables, each with one white tablecloth
and two chairs, have been reserved for us at $35 each for the duration
of the convention. More tables will be supplied if needed. Huckster room
will be open from Thursday morning through Saturday evening (closed and
locked at night) for selling, buying and trading ERB books & collectibles.
Please reserve a.s.a.p.
ERB Film Festival (all day long at Ekstrom
Library auditorium)
Wine & Cheese Social (at Special Collections
Regular tours of Burroughs Memorial Collection
& ERB exhibit on ground floor of Library
Huckster Room Activity (Thursday-Saturday)
Annual Burroughs Bibliophiles Auction
Annual Banquet & Awards Program (Saturday
Sunday Farewell Brunch (8 a.m. - 3 p.m.)
The National Capital Panthans'
ECOF Gathering is scheduled for June 27-29, 2003 at the Ramada Inn, BWI
Airport (Baltimore-Washington Parkway and MD 100 in Hanover, MD) which
is located 10 minutes via free shuttle from BWI airport.
ECOF Registration is $75 and will
include a banquet on Saturday night, a ceremonial and collectible button,
a Harry Roland sketch book with something extra special, and a few other
items to be announced later.
The Inn registration for an all-inclusive
room cost of $77.28 single or double, $88.48 for triple/quad is to be handled
separately by each registrant.
There will also be a huckster room
available to the first 10 registered dealers/collectors who would like
a table.
ECOF 2002
The Los Angeles SubERBs
(in cooperation with the
are pleased to announce the
annual ECOF get together and ERB Birthday Bash for 2002!
August 30 - September 1, 2002
Holiday Inn ~ 21101Ventura Blvd.
~ Woodland Hills, CA ~ 818-883-6110
If you mention the ECOF, the
room rates are $79 per night, double occupancy (or $89 if you want a breakfast
buffet for two).
There is shuttle service available
~ Free parking ~ Free local calls.
REGISTRATION: Pre-registration
fees are $55 until August 10 [extended from July 15] and $65 thereafter
($70 at the door).
Tentative Schedule
Friday, August 30
3:00PM - 4:00 PM ERB Inc.
4:00 PM - Until... "Back
at the Ranch" Event & Tour of ERB Ranch including screening of never-before-seen
home movies of ERB with commentary by Danton Burroughs. Light snacks and
finger food will be available.
Saturday, August 31
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Huckster
Room opens for all
9:00AM Special Guests
Begin to Arrive for Signing & Panels:
Lydie Denier, Bruce Boxleitner,
Thomas Yeates, Charles Pogue
Christopher Schenck, David Burton,
William Stout
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Presentation
of Papers
1:30 - 2:30 PM Special Panel:
ERB and the Pulp Fiction Era
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM "The Weakest
Link" - ERB Style.
Sunday, September 1
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Huckster
Room Opens
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Red
Hawk Hike -
Led by Tracy Griffin, this short
hike will allow you to walk in the footsteps of ERB and see the actual
coastal areas he discusses in his Moon Maid series.
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Burroughs
Bibliophiles Board Meeting
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ERB Auction - Burroughs-related books and memorabilia.
September 2
7:00AM - 8:30AM Farewell
9:00AM - 5:00PM Disneyland
- A Day Magic Kingdom!
Registrants will receive a cloth logo goodie
bag containing a commemorative convention t-shirt, exclusive signed and
numbered convention art
book by Thomas Yeates, a souvenir button, and a host of other goodies.
There will NOT be an official
banquet this year.
Dum-Dum 2002
Theme: Warlord
of Mars ~ Hosted by S. B. Vinson
~ (Texas A&M University)
May 23 - 26 (Thursday
through Sunday)
REGISTRATION: $85 ($95 at the door)
Includes Barbecue and Saturday night banquet
921 N. Rosemary,
Bryan, Texas 77892 USA
Phone: 979.846.5577
Joe Lansdale ~ Author
Scott Beachler ~ Artist: The Mars Trilogy
~ Bison
Viewing of over a dozen ST. JOHN originals
Discussion group on the Mars stories
Huckster Room: Thursday thru Saturday
Hotel: Hilton Hotel and Conference Center
801 University Drive East
College Station, Texas 77840
Room Rate: $74 per night single or double
Reservations: 979.693.7500
AIR: College Station airport is two miles
west of the Hilton Hotel and is
serviced by commuter flights from either Houston
or Dallas.
Through Dallas, the commuter is American Airlines
Through Houston the commuter is Continental
CAR: The Dum-Dum site is a 4-hour drive south
from Dallas
or one hour north from Houston.
Austin is two hours west and San Antonio is
three hours south-west.
A Florida Odyssey
June 21-24, 2001
Ramada Inn and Conference
5303 West Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Florida
33609 U.S.A
Registration fee is $75 up to May 31st and
is $85 in June.
A special rate of $70 applies if received
before February 28th.
Extra banquet tickets are $25.
Make checks payable to D. Peter Ogden and
mention your T-shirt size.
D. Peter Ogden
8410 Lopez Drive
Tampa, FL 33615 USA
Room rates are $69 for
up to four people
(be sure to mention
the Burroughs Bibliophiles)
The same rate is available
for anyone wishing to stay longer and make a vacation of it.
There is a free shuttle
from the airport which is only ten minutes away.
The Ramada is within
walking distance of Westshore Mall.
Host Pete Ogden is arranging
for discount coupons for Busch Gardens,
which is worth staying
an extra day to see.
The phone number for
the Ramada Inn is 1-800-353-9536.
Book early, you can
always cancel if you change your mind
Guests of Honour will
Steve Hawkes
Movie Tarzan of
Spanish Films
Eleanor Holm
Olympic Champion
and Jane in Tarzan's Revenge
Lydie Denier
Jane in the Tarzan
Television Series
Steve Korchak
Author of the Unpublished
J. Allen St. John Bio
-= THE
Binghamton, New York
August 17, 18, 19, 2001
The First ECOF Gathering of the Millennium
Elaine Casella, Hostess
Guest of Honor:
Michael Kaluta
DC & Dark Horse: Minidoka ~ Tarzan
~ Carson of Venus ~ Pellucidar ~ etc.
Registration Cost:
$75 after July 23
Elaine Casella
64 Front Street
Binghamtom, NY 13905-4709
Phone: 1.607.724.3114
DUM-DUM 2000
~ The Annual Convention of the
Burroughs Bibliophiles ~
was held on
July 13-16, 2000
Click on the Logo for more info
Hosted by Jim Thompson
Barry Stubbersfield
Mary Burroughs
MAY 18 - 21, 2000
Brawl ~ The 1st Annual Tarzan Film Festival
For a Full Report on ECOF 2000
Visit the Dejah's Diaries Series starting
Be sure to visit our other
ECOF 2000 features in ERBzine:
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs

our thousands of other sites at:
Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2010/2016 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective