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Episodes 1- 55 of Tarzan of the Apes (15 minute
serial episodes)
were aired on KNX Los Angeles - Monday through
Friday - at 7:45 pm each evening.
Episode 1: Monday, September 12, 1932
Episode 55 Friday, November 25, 1932
Episodes 56
- 130 of Tarzan of the Apes
were aired on KFWB Los Angeles - Monday
through Friday - at 7:15 p.m. each evening.
Episode 56: Monday, November 28, 1932
Episode 130: Friday, March 10, 1933
Episodes 131 - 286 of Tarzan of the Apes
were aired on KFWB Los Angeles - each Monday,
Wednesday and Friday - at 7:15 p.m. each evening.
Episodes 131: Monday, March 13, 1933
Episodes 286: Friday, March 09, 1934
Episode 001 - 130 "Tarzan of the Apes"
* 32/09/12 001 Tarzan's First Birthday
* 32/09/13 002 Battle with the Apes
* 32/09/14 003 Tarzan in Young Manhood
* 32/09/15 004 Tarzan Attacked by Tabor
* 32/09/16 005 Tarzan Sees a Ship
* 32/09/19 006 Tarzan Rescues the Captain
* 32/09/20 007 Tarzan Rescues the Captain Again
* 32/09/21 008 Did the Bottle Really Go Overboard
* 32/09/22 009 The Captain Is in Quicksand
* 32/09/23 010 A Fight Aboard Ship
* 32/09/26 011 Tarzan's Shack
* 32/09/27 012 Mutinous Captain Killed
* 32/09/28 013 Tarzan Delivers the Sailor
* 32/09/29 014 Tarzan Rescues Jane's Father
* 32/09/30 015 Clayton Tries to Rescue the Professor
* 32/10/03 016 Tarzan Saves Clayton
* 32/10/04 017 Tarzan Saves Jane
* 32/10/05 018 Tarzan Reads Jane's Letter
* 32/10/06 019 Morning Arrives
* 32/10/07 020 Tarzan Presides over Apes
* 32/10/10 021 Tarzan Rescues Jane from the Apes
* 32/10/11 022 The Professor Wants to Search
* 32/10/12 023 Rescue
* 32/10/13 024 Tarzan's Hut Afire
* 32/10/14 025 Clayton Hunts Tarzan
* 32/10/17 026 Tarzan Fires at Clayton
* 32/10/18 027 The Ship Leaves
* 32/10/19 028 Search Party Is Attacked
* 32/10/20 029 Philander Is Captured
* 32/10/21 030 Search Party Finds a Clue
* 32/10/24 031 The Jungle Awakes
* 32/10/25 032 Jane Is Captured by Cannibals
* 32/10/26 033 Search Party Is Trapped
* 32/10/27 034 Tarzan Learns More English
* 32/10/28 035 Jane and Tarzan Go into the Hut
* 32/10/31 036 Search Party Makes Their Move
* 32/11/01 037 Cannibals Chose the Professor
* 32/11/02 038 Second Escape Try
* 32/11/03 039 Jane Is Attacked
* 32/11/04 040 The Poison Drink
* 32/11/07 041 Ape Battles Snake
* 32/11/08 042 Return of the Ship
* 32/11/09 043 Tarzan Saves Jane
* 32/11/10 044 Tarzan Recaptured
* 32/11/11 045 Reunited
* 32/11/14 046 Escape
* 32/11/15 047 Rain Comes
* 32/11/16 048 Jane Receives Greystoke Locket
* 32/11/17 049 Tarzan And the Crocodiles
* 32/11/18 050 Rescuers Seek Safety in Cave
* 32/11/21 051 Attempted Rescue
* 32/11/22 052 Sounds in the Cave
* 32/11/23 053 The Witch Doctor Escapes
* 32/11/24 054 Witch Doctor Noises
* 32/11/25 055 Tarzan Fires Dynamite
* 32/11/28 056 The Cannibals Attack
* 32/11/29 057 The Attack
* 32/11/30 058 The Lion Attacks
* 32/12/01 059 The Professor Collapses
* 32/12/02 060 The Party Gets Made at Clayton
* 32/12/05 061 The Mutineers Return
* 32/12/06 062 Jane Is Attacked
* 32/12/07 063 Tarzan and Jane Talk
* 32/12/08 064 Jane Is Captured Again
* 32/12/09 065 Tarzan to the Rescue
* 32/12/12 066 Tarzan to the Ship
* 32/12/13 067 Ship Rescue
* 32/12/14 068 Ship Wreck
* 32/12/15 069 Captain Tracy's Arm
* 32/12/16 070 Others on the Reef
* 32/12/19 071 Tarzan with the Apes
* 32/12/20 072 Jane at the Dum Dum
* 32/12/21 073 Elephant Stampede
* 32/12/22 074 Lt Makes His Escape
* 32/12/23 075 Tarzan Meets Mutineers
* 32/12/26 076 The Escape
* 32/12/27 077 Weeks Later
32/12/28 078
32/12/29 079
32/12/30 080
33/01/02 081
33/01/03 082
33/01/04 083
33/01/05 084
33/01/06 085
33/01/09 086
33/01/10 087
33/01/11 088
33/01/12 089
33/01/13 090
33/01/16 091
33/01/17 092
33/01/18 093
33/01/19 094
33/01/20 095
33/01/23 096
33/01/24 097
33/01/25 098
33/01/26 099
33/01/27 0100
33/01/30 0101
33/01/31 0102
33/02/01 0103
33/02/02 0104
33/02/03 0105
33/02/06 0106
33/02/07 0107
33/02/08 0108
33/02/09 0109
33/02/10 0110
33/02/13 0111
33/02/14 0112
33/02/15 0113
33/02/16 0114
33/02/17 0115
33/02/20 0116
33/02/21 0117
33/02/22 0118
33/02/23 0119
33/02/24 0120
33/02/27 0121
33/02/28 0122
33/03/01 0123
33/03/02 0124
33/03/03 0125
33/03/06 0126
33/03/07 0127
33/03/08 0128
33/03/09 0129
33/03/10 0130
33/03/13 0131 Episode 131 - 286 "The
Return Of Tarzan"
33/03/15 0132
33/03/17 0133
33/03/20 0134
33/03/22 0135
33/03/24 0136
33/03/27 0137
33/03/29 0138
33/03/31 0139
33/04/03 0140
33/04/05 0141
33/04/07 0142
33/04/10 0143
33/04/12 0144
33/04/14 0145
33/04/17 0146
33/04/19 0147
33/04/21 0148
33/04/24 0149
33/04/26 0150
33/04/28 0151
33/05/01 0152
33/05/03 0153
33/05/05 0154
33/05/08 0155
33/05/10 0156
33/05/12 0157
33/05/15 0158
33/05/17 0159
33/05/19 0160
33/05/22 0161
33/05/24 0162
33/05/26 0163
33/05/29 0164
33/05/31 0165
33/06/02 0166
33/06/05 0167
33/06/07 0168
33/06/09 0169
33/06/12 0170
33/06/14 0171
33/06/16 0172
33/06/19 0173
33/06/21 0174
33/06/23 0175
33/06/26 0176
33/06/28 0177
33/06/30 0178
33/07/03 0179
33/07/05 0180
33/07/07 0181
33/07/10 0182
33/07/12 0183
33/07/14 0184
33/07/17 0185
33/07/19 0186
33/07/21 0187
33/07/24 0188
33/07/26 0189
33/07/28 0190
33/07/31 0191
33/08/02 0192
33/08/04 0193
33/08/07 0194
33/08/09 0195
33/08/11 0196
33/08/14 0197
33/08/16 0198
33/08/18 0199
33/08/21 0200
33/08/23 0201
33/08/25 0202
33/08/28 0203
33/08/30 0204
33/09/01 0205
33/09/04 0206
33/09/06 0207
33/09/08 0208
33/09/11 0209
33/09/13 0210
33/09/15 0211
33/09/18 0212
33/09/20 0213
33/09/22 0214
33/09/25 0215
33/09/27 0216
33/09/29 0217
33/10/02 0218
33/10/04 0219
33/10/06 0220
33/10/09 0221
33/10/11 0222
33/10/13 0223
33/10/16 0224
33/10/18 0225
33/10/20 0226
33/10/23 0227
33/10/25 0228
33/10/27 0229
33/10/30 0230
33/11/01 0231
33/11/03 0232
33/11/06 0233
33/11/08 0234
33/11/10 0235
33/11/13 0236
33/11/15 0237
33/11/17 0238
33/11/20 0239
33/11/22 0240
33/11/24 0241
33/11/27 0242
33/11/29 0243
33/12/01 0244
33/12/04 0245
33/12/06 0246
33/12/08 0247
33/12/11 0248
33/12/13 0249
33/12/15 0250
33/12/18 0251
33/12/20 0252
33/12/22 0253
33/12/25 0254
33/12/27 0255
33/12/29 0256
34/01/01 0257
34/01/03 0258
34/01/05 0259
34/01/08 0260
34/01/10 0261
34/01/12 0262
34/01/15 0263
34/01/17 0264
34/01/19 0265
34/01/22 0266
34/01/24 0267
34/01/26 0268
34/01/29 0269
34/01/31 0270
34/02/02 0271
34/02/05 0272
34/02/07 0273
34/02/09 0274
34/02/12 0275
34/02/14 0276
34/02/16 0277
34/02/19 0278
34/02/21 0279
34/02/23 0280
34/02/26 0281
34/02/28 0282
34/03/02 0283
34/03/05 0284
34/03/07 0285
34/03/09 0286
See the results of JJ's
recent research on
the broadcast times of
the Tarzan radio serial in an MS-EXCEL document:

Return with us
now to those thrilling ERBzines of Yesteryear:
Visit our other ERB of the Air OTR Sites
Tarzan in Radio's Golden Age
ERB of the Air
Tarzan of the Air Radio Promo Handout
Tarzan Radio Casts
Tarzan and the Diamond of Ashair
39-Episode Radio Serial
Summarized by Bill Hillman
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
Dell Comic & Radio Serial Comparision
By Duane Adams
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
Radio Serial Episodes 1-18
Summarized by Duane Adams
Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr
Radio Serial Episodes 19-39
Summarized by Duane Adams
Signal Oil Feature is presented at: ERBzine 0169
Joan Burroughs Pierce Tribute

our thousands of other sites at:
Text, ERB Images and Tarzan® are ©Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc.-
All Rights Reserved.
Original Work ©1996-2009/2022 by Bill Hillman and/or Contributing
part of this web site may be reproduced without permission from the respective