![]() First and Only Weekly Online Fanzine Devoted to the Life and Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs Since 1996 ~ Over 15,000 Webpages and Webzines in Archive |
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by Alex Tizon
National Post ~ Saturday, April 1, 2000
A group of lawyers is fighting for recognition of apes as legal persons with basic rights. Will there be chimpanzee plaintiffs in the coming decade?Sometime in the next decade, a chimpanzee will have its day in court, and on that day it will be decided whether chimps are persons too. Or at least this is the goal of an amitious group of lawyers fighting to dismantle the legal principle that animals are mere property with no rights.
They call it the Great Ape Legal Project. Its supporters are in some of the leading universities and law schools in the United States. The goal -- what many see as the logical next step in the animal-rights movement -- is to rais the status of great apes to legal persons with rights to life, liberty and possibly the pursuit of happiness.
"Chimpanzees can now understand and use some man-made symbols." " Maybe they can learn how to instruct lawyers to sue. The comparison to the slaves' struggle shocks some critics."
* * *
In what resembles mind-bending 1970s science fiction, researchers at Ohio State University's Comparative Cognition Project recently began a government-backed experiment aimed at teaching captive chimpanzees to communicate using printed words. To get a feel for mankind's written alphabet something humans developed only within the last 5,000 years - the animals are already practicing their ABCs like preschool "Sesame Street" kids, watching colorful letters dance across a video screen. Before too long, they'll start working on easy, Dr.Seuss-sounding English language expressions for everyday things such as "cat" and "hat."
5. Two WorldsPut your faith in what you most believe in Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see A paradise untouched by man Within this world blessed with love A simple life, they live in peace Softly tread the sand below your feet now Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see Raise your head up Lift high the load Take strength from those that need you Build high the walls Build strong the beams A new life is waiting But danger's no stranger here No words describe a mother's tears No words can heal a broken heart A dream is gone, but where there's hope Somewhere something is calling for you Two worlds, one family Trust your heart Let fate decide To guide these lives we see.
~~ Phil CollinsJOHN CARTER IN CYBERSPACE "A John Carter of Mars tribute page sponsored by Phantom Bookshop.The purpose of this web site is to honour and create awareness of a literary genius' creation and character which has found its place in the permanent mythos of the American annals of fantastic literature. They are the creation of one man, Edgar Rice Burroughs and they are Barsoom (Mars) and John Carter of Mars, hero. The Mars of Edgar Rice Burroughs and the creation of its characters have laid the foundation for the multitudes of science fiction and fantasy authors that followed, as well as the major filmmakers in the genre. They all owe homage to this man, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and especially to his creation of John Carter and the Martian Mythos."
A fine new site devoted to the pulp exploits of John Carter
our own JC-related sites: ERB Barsoom Gallery: 1351 ERBzine 0247: ERB Future Visions - St. John Barsoomian Gallery I ERBzine 0248: ERB Future Visions - St. John Barsoomian Gallery II ERBzine 0249: ERB Future Visions - St. John Barsoomian Gallery III ERB Motes & Quotes 68. J. ALLEN ST. JOHN BIO & ERB CHECKLIST ERBzine 0281: Lord Greystoke's British Gallery ERBzine 0282: Lord Greystoke's Asian Gallery from the Tom Lindgren collection ERBzine 0246: ERB Future Visions - Burroughs Crater On Barsoom ERBzine 0246m: Burroughs Crater On Barsoom - Huck's barsoom maps Dejah's Amazing Amtorian Gardens ERBzine 0216 ERB Pulp Pictorial Master Page - ERBzine 0220 Sherlock Holmes on Barsoom - ERBzin-e 215 Holmes Barsoomian Sketchbook - ERBzin-e 215a ERBzin-e 297: Duane Adams Art Gallery ERBzin-e 278: Jeff Doten's Studio Workshop - Toys On Mars! ERBzin-e 299: ERB Visions of Future Compendium Contents (Moon Maid) ERB Motes & Quotes 36. Otis Adelbert Kline I ERB Motes & Quotes 54. OAK GALLERY ERB Motes & Quotes 50. ERB KIDS ERB Motes & Quotes 76.HUCK'S GAZETTEER OF BARSOOM ERB Motes & Quotes 78 HUCK'S ORIGINAL BARSOOM GLOSSARY SITES ERB Motes & Quotes 83. MARTIAN GAME OF YANO ERB Motes & Quotes 94 .JOHN CARTER COMICS CHECKLIST ERB Motes & Quotes 95 .JOHN CARTER COVER ART MOSAIC COLLECTIBLES EMPORIUM & COMICS SHOP ERB ILLUSTRATED CHRONO-LOGS & BIBS COMICS 17 - JOHN CARTER 17A - JC MARVEL 1-10 COMICS 18 - JOHN CARTER COMICS 24 - Weird Worlds |
The Institute for Parallel Studies
The Original members of the Institute for Parallel Studies
Since the discovery of the existence of Parallel Resonant Fields late in the last century, physicists studying them have observed a number of strange phenomena associated with them.
Visit this amazing site to find the secrets of the parallel sciences revealed.
On January 6, 1967, the satellite ESSA-3, in very high polar orbit around the Earth, took a remarkable photograph, from straight above the North Polar area, showing a huge HOLE, about 1400 MILES in diameter, centered where the North Pole should be! The ESSA-7 satellite took an even better quality photo of this HOLE on November 23, 1968. Both photos were published in the book "Secret of the Ages--UFO's From Inside the Earth", by Brinsley Le Poer Trench, 1977. ![]()
The Earth Is HOLLOW!Check out
Nkima's Chattering from the Shoulder ~ 2000.03.24: Earth's Core Notebook
for more documented evidence.
ERB Bio ~ Translated books ~ Movies ~ Harold Foster Strips ~ Comic Books ~ TV Shows ~ Style: Cliches, Humour, PC, Feminism
Phil Normand has just created the definitive dust jacket for the
Canaveral Press edition of SAVAGE PELLUCIDAR.
The project is the result of a suggestion by Pete Ogden who loaned Phil a copy of the pulp mag, FANTASTIC ADVENTURES, that features the cover painting of an ERB heroine with a tiger. Phil cleaned it up, added St. John-style titling, redesigned the entire jacket and included
the blurb copy that ERB wrote for eventual book publication.
The back cover photo of Ed has been enlivened with full color.
This is the way the jacket should have looked to begin with!Because of the larger size of this jacket, and the need to use a larger stock for printing, the DJ price has been raised a bit, but it's still a steal at:
US$30.00, plus $4.00 P&H.
Normand Illustration & Design
2732 Williams Street
Denver, CO 80205
The small image included here doesn't do justice to the actual product so 13. SY WEINTRAUB, PRODUCER OF TARZAN MOVIES DIES
Phil has offered to e-mail a PDF of this beautiful new jacket if you
send your request to
noldo@aol.comBelow is the disappointing original Canaveral cover (left)
and (right) the pulp cover by St. John which Phil has incorporated into
his all new, and obviously far superior, Savage Pellucidar dust jacket.![]()
Look for the first of a series of Nkima Chats about Savage Pellucidar in
ERBzin-e 325 ~ slated for 2000.04.14 release
By MYRNA OLIVER, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
2000.04.05 (Wednesday)Sy Weintraub, motion picture executive and a former owner of Panavision who produced highly regarded versions of Tarzan and Sherlock Holmes films, died Tuesday. He was 76. Weintraub died in his Beverly Hills home, said his publicists, Warren Cowan and Miriam Levin. Dedicated to television as well as films, Weintraub held many titles at the pinnacle of entertainment -- chairman of the board of Panavision, president of National General Television Corp., chairman of the executive committee of the board of Columbia Pictures Industries.
But even at the top of the game, Weintraub never forgot what he loved--or forgot to act on it. That included some of his old literary heroes, created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. In 1958, when other moguls had decided the Tarzan franchise was played out, Weintraub acquired the rights and started all over again. His 1959 "Tarzan's Greatest Adventure" set the tone for his string of films, which movie historian Leonard Maltin calls "well-produced, British-made adventure tales." As executive producer, Weintraub took the man of the jungle out of studio back lots and filmed him on location in Africa, Asia, South America and Mexico. He also enhanced the cast with such diverse stars as Sean Connery, Anthony Quayle, Helen Hayes Diana Ross and the Supremes, comedian Jan Murray and athlete/actor Woody Strode. Weintraub arranged the distribution himself, helping pioneer "dollar gross" deals by agreeing to share gross theatrical revenue with the releasing studios, while retaining television rights and income. With that arrangement, Weintraub--and Tarzan--helped show the vast financial potential of television. He also originated the late 1960s "Tarzan" series on NBC, starring Ron Ely in the loincloth.
. . . Weintraub bought Panavision, the camera-system supplier, in 1965 and sold it a few years later. A native New Yorker, he served in the Army during World War II, directing Stars and Stripes productions. Afterward, planning to become a sportswriter, he earned a journalism degree at the University of Missouri, earning his way through school working as waiter and stoking furnaces. He completed a television production course at the American Theatre Wing in New York, and, giving up on sports, borrowed $2,000 and helped form Flamingo Films, a neophyte television syndication company. Weintraub created the concept for television's late shows when he started providing all-night movie programming for Pittsburgh steelworkers. In 1994, he returned to the campus of his alma mater in Columbia, Mo., as William Francis English Scholar-in-Residence and to accept its distinguished alumni award. Twice married and twice divorced, Weintraub is survived by two daughters, entertainment executive Lori Weintraub of Los Angeles and actress Cindy Shrieve of Seattle; and four grandsons. At Weintraub's request, there will be no funeral.Copyright 2000 Los Angeles Times
Hosted by Jim Thompson
Guests: Barry Stubbersfield & Mary Burroughs
MAY 18 - 21, 2000
DUM-DUM 2000
~ The Annual Convention of the Burroughs Bibliophiles ~The Michigan Chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles
(The Mad Kings) will host
Dum-Dum 2000 on July 13-16 2000
at Lands Inn, 3825 28th Street SW, in Grandville, Michigan
(call 1-800-538-LAND or 1-616-531-LAND).![]()
Special guest will be Johnny Sheffield
(boy from Tarzan films w/ Johnny Weismuller).
Room Rates are $49.95 for single or suite.
Registration fees are to be announced soon as they have yet to be determined.
Fantastic Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs
Companion Sites Created by Bill Hillman