Part One: The First Six Issues
From Our ERBapa Reprint Series
By Ken MansonThe Muckers Chapter of the Burroughs Bibliophiles formed Aug. 5, 2006, at the ERB Chain of Friendship convention in Rockville, MD., and one of the projects planned was a quarterly magazine of writings by members and others.
"Bring 15 copies of ERB-related material to the meetings for the 'Mucker Magazine.' It can be an original essay or story. Or just stuff you run across and want to share, like an article or picture," said Jeff "Elmo" Long in the introduction to the first issue.
Indeed, 15 copies were assembled at the Oct. 21, 2006, meeting in the Pleasant Home used by the Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest. Joan Bledig contributed the cover, from the McClurg art by J. Allen St. John that also was used by Canaveral; the cover design; and table of contents, which she was to do for all the early issues. The last copy of the premiere issue was sold in an auction to Brad Vinson at the Louisville Dum-Dum in 2007 for $200.
The Muckers do not plan to reprint that, or any of the issues.
That sale at the Dum-Dum also taught us that maybe we should print more issues. Issues 2 to 7 were or 20 copies each, Issues 9 to 11 were 25 copies; and 8 and 12, special Double Issues prepared Ace Double style with the National Capital Panthans at the 2008 and 2009 Dum-Dums, were 50 copies each.
Many things stayed the same, such as the obligatory naked princess inside and Bernard MT Condensed type face for the cover. Joan assembled the first eight covers, but then turned over the task to members. Each took turns coming up with ideas and materials for the covers. Of the 12 covers, Joan did 4-1/2 and Greg 2-1/2 (they share credit for the art on issue 12) Jeff did 2; Jim, Ken and Dave, 1 each.
The February issue traditionally is assembled at Jerry Spannraft's home in Palos Park (with or without a Chicago snowstorm); the May issue usually is assembled during a cookout at Joan's home in Chicago; and the November issue at the Pleasant Home in Oak Park. Frank Lipo of the Historical Society always gets a copy of each issue for the Burroughs collection. The last three August issues have been assembled during a Dum-Dum -- No. 4 in Louisville and the No. 8 and 12 special double issues in Waterloo, Iowa, and Dayton, Ohio, respectively.
The first issue started with contributions by Jeff Long; Laurence Dunn; Greg Phillips; J. G. "Huck" Huckenpohler; Jim Hadac; Ken Manson; Jerry Spannraft; Bill Ross; and Mike Conran, along with the Table of Contents by Joan. Other contributors have included Ray LeBeau; Shirley LeBeau; Dave Gorecki; Dr. James Thompson; John Tyner; David Critchfield; Henry G. Franke III; John Thompson; and Philippe Badre. Nine of those 18 names are members of ERB-APA and almost that many are current members of the Burroughs Bibliophiles Board of Directors.
Many submissions gained regular column names, some also used in ERB-APA. Starting in Issue 2 were "Beyond 30 Degrees West" by Laurence Dunn; "The Cry of the Red Hawk" by Jim Hadac; and "ERBane Comments" by Dave Gorecki. "The ERB Scrapbooks of Ray LeBeau" started in Issue 6 by the namesake; and "In the Treasure Vaults of Archimedes Q. Porter, Phd." by "Huck" and "Jodades" by me in Issue 10. We had been contributing earlier but without formal column names.
Each issue is given free to members who contribute; and $5 for single issues and $10 for double issues to members who do not contribute. Non-members are charged $10 for single issues and $20 for double issues, where available. The first three issues are sold out, I believe.
We have assembled 300 copies of 12 issues, totaling 697 pages. The biggest issues were Nos. 5 and 10, each with 72 pages; the smallest was No. 3 with 32 pages Eight people submitted for every issue. Most proficient was Jeff Long, 83 pages; Joan Bledig, 68 1/2; Ken Manson, 68; Jerry Spannraft, 61; Mike Conran, 43; Bill Ross, 42-1/2; Jim Hadac, 42; Dave Gorecki, 41.
Unlike ERB-APA, we do not comment on others' past submissions.
Continued at Part II: ERBzine
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