From Universal Weekly 1928 ~ Reprinted in Jerry Schneider's
ERB and the Silver Screen: Vol. 1 The Silent Years
Chapter One: The Terror of Tarzan
Tarzan (Frank Merrill), whose parents died in the heart
of the jungle, was adopted by a she-ape. Spending his childhood among the
wild beasts he understands their language and, grown to manhood, becomes
king of the jungle Through the few books and pictures left in the hut of
his dead parents he learns the rudiments of English. Deep in the
jungle is a village inhabited by the descendants of pirates. Black John
(Al Ferguson), a beach comber, has worked on the supertitions of these
primitive people until he dominates them completely. He conducts a ceremony
with incantations to set the evil spirits against Tarzan and his apes,
who have raided their cattle. Mary (Natalie Kingston) and Bob (Bobby Nelson),
sister and brother castaways, are living among the tribe and Black John,
despite Mary's protest, determines to make her his bride. One morning,
as Mary is bathing in a forest pool, she is discovered by Tarzan, who is
fascinated by this strange and beautiful creature. Suddenly he is horrified
to see a swarm of crocodiles sliding into the pool from the opposite shore.
His battle-cry acquaints Mary with her desperate situation. She swims frantically
for the bank pursued by a monster crocodile. Death seems inevitable when
Tarzan dives from a tree and tackles the beast with his bare hands.
Chapter Two: The Love Call
From the bank Mary sees her deliverer kill the crocodile
and realizes she has been saved by Tarzan. Returning to the village, she
learns that black John plans to trap Tarzan. Taug, the ape, wandering through
the forest, is caught in the trap. The natives, who are watching, think
they have caught Tarzan and, leaving a guard, speed to the village with
the news. The enraged cries of Taug are heard by Tarzan, who rushes to
his rescue. He leaps upon the guar, knocks him senseless, releases Taug
and entraps the guard. When Black John arrives with the villagers he is
infuriated at being duped, and when he sees Mary smile her relief promises
her Tarzan's head as a wedding present. Mary cries out in horror, and Tarzan,
who is watching from a treetop, gives his battle-cry. The terrified natives
flee for safety. Black John realizes Mary has stayed behind, and sneaking
back discovers Mary and Bobby talking to Tarzan. Later, when Mary overhears
Black John planning to trap Tantor, she determines to warn Tarzan, but
discovers she is a prisoner in her hut. Little Bobby escapes and goes into
the forest looking for Tarzan. Just as he is about to be trampled by the
terrified elephant who is being driven toward the pit by the natives, Tarzan
rescues him and climbs into a tree. A limb breaks and they are thrown into
the spiked elephant pit.
Chapter Three: The Call of the Jungle
Tarzan recovers quickly from the fall into the elephant
pit, but Bobby is stunned. With the boy in his arms he climbs out, takes
the boy to his hut and revives him. Black John and the tribesmen return
to the village. He tells Mary that he alone knows of Bobbie's whereabouts
and if she wishes to save him she must consent to the immediate marriage.
At Tarzan's hut Bobby tries to make Tarzan understand that he should return
to the village, that Mary needs him. At the village Mary consents to marry
Black John, as she sees not other way to save her little brother. Night
comes and with it the ceremony that gives Mary to Black John. After a weird
dance he offers to fight any man in the tribe for her. None dare face him
until Tarzan suddenly drops from a tree. The two men fight fiercely. Tarzan,
who has vanquished Black John, finds himself surrounded. He gives his jungle
cry. Tantor, the elephant, is the first to respond and tears through the
jungle to the aid of Tarzan, who is bound fast and helpless to a stake.
As Tantor breaks through the village wall, Black John hurls his spear at
Chapter Four: The Lion's Leap
Tarzan is captured by the people of the Lost Village,
but, tied to the stake, his call for aid brings Tantor, the mighty elephant,
crashing through the stockade. The villagers flee and Tarzan breaks free,
avoiding the spear of death hurled by Black John, who flees, taking little
Bobby with him. Tarzan snatches the swooning Mary into his arms and rides
away on Tantor. Black John returns to the village with little Bobbie, whom
he imprisons in his hut. He threatens the terrified child with the lash
and forces him to divulge the location of Tarzan's hut. A curious scene
takes place between Mary and the primitive man at the hut. Through his
hoarded books and pictures she concludes that he is the son of Lord Greystoke,
soldier and explorer. Tarzan discovers his love for Mary. Night finds Tarzan
swinging in the jungle defying them to take away his new found mate. He
is unaware that Black John has crept up to his hut and surprised Mary.
Black John threatens her with the death of Bobbie unless she returns to
the village. Terrified for his safety Mary goes. Tarzan, who has spent
the night under the stars, returns at dawn and finds Mary gone. Uttering
his terrible challenge he makes for the village. Black John hurries to
the hut where he has imprisoned Mary and Bobbie. He forces them into a
room over a pit where a great lion is snarling.
Chapter Five: Flames of Hate
Black John is foiled when he sees that Numa, the lion,
not only knows Tarzan, but fears him as well. The beast runs from him.
The villagers scatter as Tarzan utters his jungle cry. Mary calls him.
He crashes through the hut to her side. He and Black John battle. Tarzan
vanquishes him and would kill him, but Mary pleads with him not to commit
murder. Tarzan lets him go and leaves the village, without further conflict,
in the company of Mary and Bobby. They go to Tarzan's hut in the jungle.
In the village Black John is rousing the tribesmen to go with him and take
Mary from Tarzan. As they approach the hut, armed with spears, Bobby spies
them and gives the alarm. Tarzan wishes to rush out and do battle, but
Mary restrains him. Seeing that Tarzan will not come out Black John posts
guards on every side and then throws a flaming spear into the roof of the
brush hut. As Mary, Bobby and Tarzan huddle together in the middle of the
hut the flaming roof drops in while the tribesmen hurl their huge spears.
Chapter Six: The Fiery Pit
Black John's attempt to drive Tarzan and his friends
from the burning hut was frustrated by a sudden rainstorm. With the fire
extinguished, Tarzan dashes from the hut, with Bobbie following, while
the natives flee in superstitious fear. Black John finds Mary alone and
captures her, forcing her to return to the village, where she is imprisoned
in the ceremonial chamber. In the meantime Tarzan and Bobbie discover that
Mary has disappeared. They set out for the village. Mary is hoping they
will arrive in time to save her from Black John, who has found the papers
identifying Tarzan as Lord Greystoke, and is planning to annex the title
and estates for himself. Leaving Mary chained hand and foot and well guarded,
Black John goes to prepare for the marriage ceremony. Bobbie slips through
the village and sees Black John leaving the ceremonial chamber. He manages
to reach Mary and hears of her danger. He goes for Tarzan and, returning,
tricks the guards so Tarzan can overcome them. One of the guards recovers
and goes to warn Black John. As Tarzan is breaking the last of Mary's chains
the shadows of Black John and his conspirators are seen. A knife is raised
and plunges down towards the shadow of Tarzan.
Chapter Seven: The Leopard's Lair
Tarzan senses their peril. He whirls and grapples with
their menacing foes. A vicious fight ensues. Mary and Bobby flee. Black
John attempts to capture them, but Bobby outwits him and they escape. When
Tarzan overpowers his foes the patriarch of the tribe is awed. He asks
Tarzan to be chief of the tribe in place of Black John. Mary persuades
Tarzan to accept and the ceremonial rites are set for that night. While
the ceremony is in progress Black John steals the sleeping Bobby. Mary
discovers that the boy has vanished and tries to reach Tarzan, but she
is not allowed to enter the ceremonial chamber. While Black John sleeps
in his secret hiding-place in the jungle, Bobby steals Tarzan's papers
from him. Black John wakens and pursues the boy into the jungle. When the
ceremony is over, Mary tells Tarzan that Bobby has disappeared. Tarzan
leads the tribe in search of the lost child. Bobby takes refuge in a leopard's
cave to escape his pursuer. The leopard returns and makes ready to leap
upon the terrified boy. Tarzan is told by a monkey, whose language he understands,
where to find Bobby. While he speeds to the rescue, Mary is followed and
seized by Taug, the ape, who carries her off.
Chapter Eight: The Jungle Traitor
Tarzan, warned by the monkey of Bobby's plight, comes to
the rescue and vanquished the leopard, but Bobby gets out through a secret
passage without seeing Tarzan. He is again caught by Black John and taken
away. A native runs to Tarzan and tells him that Mary is in the clutches
of Taug, the ape, Tarzan sets out to rescue her. Black John and Bobby come
upon an expedition headed by Lord Greystoke (Lorimer Johnston), in search
of the lost heir, Tarzan.
Having stolen Tarzan's papers, Black John represents himself
as Tarzan. Bobby insists that Black John is an impostor, but the latter
assures Lord Greystoke that a recent illness has made Bobby irresponsible.
Lord Greystoke insists upon more evidence and Black John says he will produce
the family hunting knife, which he knows Tarzan has. As he leaves Greystoke's
camp he steals a rifle and starts for Tarzan's hut. Tarzan overtakes Taug,
and after a terrific battle, overcomes him and frees Mary. He takes her
to his hut and tells her he will continue the hunt for Bobby. As he stands
in his lookout in the tree top, Black John spies him and shoots. Tarzan
tumbles form the tree with a crash.
Chapter Nine: Lost in the Jungle
Tarzan saves Mary Trevor from the clutches of Taug, the
ferocious gorilla and carries her to his hut. Meantime, Black John is stalking
Tarzan in order to steal certain papers and heirlooms and establish himself
as the Earl of Greystoke. As Tarzan leaves the hut to go in search of Bobby,
Black John sees him in a tree and shoots him. Tarzan falls from the tree
unconscious, though not seriously wounded. Black John believes him dead,
as does Mary, who heard the gun shot and ran to Tarzan. Black John enters
the hut and seizes the credentials proving Tarzan's identity. He then insists
that Mary go with him, but she refuses, preferring death to such a course.
At Greystoke's camp, Bobby tells the lord what a great man Tarzan is, and
how Tarzan once saved him and Tantor the elephant. Greystoke is deeply
impressed by the boy's story and determines to find Tarzan. In the meantime,
Mary and Tarzan, who has recovered, set out to find Bobby. On their way
to Tarzan's hut Greystoke and Bobby meet Black John, who tries to convince
Greystoke that he is the missing heir. Greystoke tells Black John he must
find Tarzan before making a decision. Black John becomes furious, and at
the point of his gun drives Bobby and Lord Greystoke into a cave, blocking
the entrance with a big boulder. He tells them he will report their death
and claim the Greystoke title. Hastening to their camp he dons Greystoke's
clothes. Seeing Tarzan and Mary approaching the tent, Black John tries
to shoot at Tarzan from ambush, but fears to fire because of Mary. Mary
and Tarzan come into the tent and Mary, seeing Black John with his back
turned, thinks him a stranger. She inquire fore Bobby. When he answers
Tarzan recognizes his voice and leaps at him just as Black John pulls the
trigger of his pistol.
Chapter Ten: The Jaws of Death
Mary tries to intervene between the two men and Tarzan
seizes the opportunity to wrest the gun from Black John and would kill
him were it not for Mary's protest. Tarzan yields to her plea and contents
himself with binding Black John to a tree, after which they resume their
search for Bobby. Tarzan calls his jungle friends to help him locate Bobby.
A monkey who has discovered the prisoners in the cave leads Tarzan and
Mary to their rescue. Greystoke, returning to camp, finds Black John
who tells him their camp has been attacked by natives and Greystoke and
Bobby carried away. The secretary doubts the story and tells Black John
that he will remain bound until Greystoke returns. Black John makes a proposition
to the secretary that they return together to England and claim the title
and estates of Lord Greystoke. Meanwhile at the cave Greystoke sees Tarzan's
knife and recognizes the family crest carved on the handle. Mary produces
the papers and trinkets, which they had taken from Black John, and Greystoke
realizes that Tarzan is the legitimate heir he seeks. Before returning
to England Lord Greystoke wishes to visit the hut where his brother died.
When they arrive they are startled by the appearance of Black John, who
covers them with a gun. The secretary appears in another part of the hut
and also covers them. They turn to make a dash for freedom and discover
they are surrounded by natives.
Chapter Eleven: A Thief in the NIght
Tarzan gives his battle cry and leaps upon Black John.
They fight. The secretary takes flight. Tantor comes in response to Tarzan's
cry and scatters the blacks. Tarzan overpowers Black John and throws him
out. Lord Greystoke is satisfied that Tarzan is the man he is seeking and
they leave for the sea coast. Black John finds the secretary in the jungle.
He forces him to return to Lord Greystoke, present an alibi, and regain
his confidence. During the night the secretary is to stab Greystoke, steal
Tarzan's documents and bring them to Black John. The secretary agrees and
rejoins the party. That night, at the jungle camp, the secretary carries
out Black John's plan and steals the papers, leaving Greystoke badly wounded.
Tarzan, sleeping in a nearby tree senses danger. He rouses Mary, who goes
to Greystoke's assistant, while he follows the secretary into the wilds.
The secretary turns the papers over to Black John, who promptly deserts
him, leaving him at the mercy of the wild beasts. At the camp Mary looks
up at a sound and sees Black John advancing on her with leering face and
clutching hands.

Chapter Twelve: The Enemy of Tarzan
Black John grabs Mary, but she gains possession of the
knife and threatens to kill herself if he harms Greystoke. She agrees to
go with Black John if he will leave the man in peace. Black John agrees.
At the scene of the secretary's fate Tarzan searches in vain for the stolen
documents. Failing to find them, he concludes that Black John must have
them and calls on his friends, the beasts, to locate his enemy. Bobby,
sneaking from camp at Black John's entrance, finally finds Tarzan, who
races back to save Mary. Black John again gets Mary into his clutches when
she stumbles and falls. Intent upon the destruction of Greystoke he starts
back to the camp. Suddenly he hears Tarzan coming through the jungle. He
picks up Mary and carries her off. He sees two renegades from the Lost
Village and enlists their aid. Seeking to impress them he fires his gun
and Tarzan who is searching for them is directed by the shot ot their hiding
place. When he discovers them Tarzan makes a leap for Black John, but is
overpowered and bound to a tree. Numa, the lion, who is Tarzan's enemy,
is heard roaring in the forest and Black John thinking the beast will destroy
him drags away the horrified Mary.
Chapter Thirteen: Perilous Paths
Tarzan found Mary in the hands of Black John, but as
he is about to rescue her he is knocked on the head. Black John's men tie
their unconscious victim to a tree. Tarzan, regaining consciousness, sees
a lion about to spring on him. He is saved by the elephant, who drives
the lion away and helps Tarzan loosen his bonds. Black John imprisons Mary
in a cave, and leaving his henchmen to guard her, returns to Greystoke's
camp and demands a letter certifying that he is the real Lord Greystoke
instead of Tarzan. Meanwhile, with the aid of his jungle friends, Tarzan
finds the cave where Mary is imprisoned. The guards attack him and they
have a desperate battle. Having forced the wounded Greystoke to sign false
documents proving his identity Black John attacks him, intent upon his
Chapter Fourteen: Facing Death
The explosion of the mine laid by Black John in the stream
works havoc in the little party. Mary and Tarzan are thrown against a log
senseless while Lord Greystoke and Bobby, hurled on the bank of the stream,
appear to be dead. Just as Mary is regaining consciousness she realizes
that Black John is near her ransacking Tarzan's treasure box. Before she
can cry out and arouse Tarzan, Black John forces her out of the stream.
He threatens to leave Bobby, who is still breathing, to die unless she
promises to marry him. Lord Greystoke, still dazed is forced along with
the others and finally taken aboard his own yacht by Black John, who tells
the Captain that he is the authentic heir. Meanwhile, Tarzan regains his
wits and is frantic when he discovers his friends have disappeared -- after
hours of searching he makes his way to the coast and seeing the yacht at
anchor in the bay, seizes a canoe and is soon stealing on board. Just as
he is making his way below he hears a cry from Mary. He finds Mary the
unwilling victim of Black John's love making. A fierce battle follows --
Black John forces Tarzan up to the deck where the sea men, mistaking Tarzan
for an enemy, aid Black John in his fight until Tarzan is thrown into the
Chapter Fifteen: The Reckoning
After Black John succeeded in throwing Tarzan into the
sea, Mary Trevor was in a desperate situation. The Earl of Greystoke suffered
a complete lapse of memory and was putty in the hands of the unscrupulous
villain. When they reached England they were enthusiastically greeted at
Greystoke Castle. Black John was hailed as the future Earl by the unsuspecting
retainers. Plans for the wedding which Black John was forcing upon Mary
were quickly arranged and the fateful day arrived. Little did Mary dream
that Tarzan had been picked up by a fishing vessel and landed in a little
village on the English coast. When the wedding ceremony was half over Tarzan,
ragged and breathless, burst in upon them. The sudden shock of his appearance
restored the clarity of Lord Greystoke's mind. He denounced Black John
as an impostor and Tarzan claimed the willing Mary as his bride.