Where assembled: Joan Bledig’s home in Minooka, Illinois ![]()
Issue No.: 27
Date: May 19, 2013
Front cover: Denny Miller holding copy of Mucker Magazine issue 22, courtesy of Ken Manson with a little help from Joan Bledig.
Back cover: Ad from Suburban Economist newspaper for Johnny Weissmuller pools, courtesy of Ken
Number of pages: 31
List of contents:
Cry of the Red Hawk: “Also in 2012 – Mike Resnick Guest of Honor at (Chicon 7) WorldCon, Aug. 31 to Sept. 4, 2012” (photo of Mike and Joan Bledig) – Jim Hadac
TFAW Interviews: Dynamite’s Arvid Nelson, Oct. 14, 2011, on www.comiclist.com– courtesy of Jim Thompson
Creatures of Caspak by Greg Phillips
Library Bindings (for Grosset & Dunlap ERB books) by Mike Conran
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: “Swing Shifts” “Tarzan has had 18 incarnations but it’s still a jungle out there” by Christopher Cornell, undated from Knight-Ridder Tribune News; “The Man Who Made Tarzan Swing” (on Sy Weintraub) by Arthur Whitman, undated Chicago Tribune Magazine – compiled by Ray Le Beau
Jodades: ”Weissmuller lived in Elk Grove Village” – Ken Manson
The Olympian.com comic caption contest for Feb. 5 (“Tarzan hear Wall Street jungle full of cheetahs”) - courtesy of Joan Bledig
“Tarzan and His Mate” advertisement – courtesy of Bill Ross.
Huffington Post Entertainment, May 3, 2013: “’Tarzan’ movie shutdown by Warner Brothers Production Could Get Pushed to 2014,”by Christopher Rosen- courtesy of Bill Ross
Deadline Hollywood: “’Tarzan’ Dying on the Vine at Warner Brothers,” April 10, 2013, by Mike Fleming Jr.- courtesy of Bill Ross
ERBane Comments: “Bombastic Notes for May 2014: Bumble in the Jungle” (on Bomba the Jungle Boy) – by Dave Gorecki
“More than 78,000 People Sign Up for One-Way Trip to Mars, Epoch Times staff,” by Zachary Stieber - courtesy of John Thompson and Elaine Casella
Where assembled: 2013 Dum-Dum in Louisville, Ky. ![]()
Issue No.: 28
Date: Aug. 8-11, 2013
Front cover: “The Muckers Take Pellucidar” - art by Greg Phillips
Back cover: None; front cover of National Capital Panthans Journal No. 202
Number of pages: 39
List of contents:
Inside back cover: Who’s Who in “The Muckers Take Pellucidar”- Greg Phillips
“Tarzan returns from Edwardian swinger to hunky ecowarrior,” by Robert McCrum, from The Observor, July 14, 2012 – courtesy of Joan Bledig
Dynamite Comics cover checklist, Part 3- by Mike Conran
Phillip C. Currie from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, courtesy of Bill Ross
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: Father’s Day Weekend, “Tarzan Family Day,” Tarzan from Burroughs to Disney” - compiled by Ray Le Beau
Cry of the Red Hawk- “BWANA: Mike Resnick and His Worlds”- Jim Hadac
Jodades - ” Weissmuller in Dutch – compiled by Ken Manson
ERBane Comments: Pulpfest 2013; Elaborate “Tarzan” Float Visits City; Masters of Imagination Meet in Waikiki – Dave Gorecki
The Mad King (1914) by Edgar Rice Burroughs –courtesy of Jim Thompson
Where assembled: Greg Phillips’ home in Oak Park
Front cover: South American movie poster of Lex Barker and actress, courtesy of Dave Gorecki
Back cover: “Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs” co-editors promote book at Windycon- courtesy of Ken Manson
Number of pages: 47
List of contents:
“Did Winston Churchill Read Edgar Rice Burroughs”- Lee Strong
Interview with Andy Briggs. author of “Tarzan, the Jungle Warrior,” the MG Harris blog, posted on July 19, 2012 – courtesy of Jim Hadac
“Loose Parts” cartoon by Dave Blazek of Tarzan and the Learning Curve, June 6, 2012- Joan Bledig
Edgar Rice Burroughs page from “Legendary Locales of Oak Park’ by Doug Deuschler – courtesy of Greg Phillips
ERBane Comments- Golden Lines for November 2013. on ”Tarzan and the Golden Lion” –Dave Gorecki
“Oak Park Biography: Edgar Rice Burroughs: A Brief Biography of the Chicago and Oak Park Years,” from www.oprf.com/Burroughs/biography – courtesy of Bill Ross
“The Dream Weaver,” an Edgar Rice Burroughs chapbook, 1962, Fort Johnson, N.Y. – courtesy of Bob Krakowsky
“Aping the Ape Man” by Andrew X. Pham, from the Jan. 9-15 edition of Metro, www.metroactive.com - courtesy of Jim Thompson
Jodades: “Meet Dave Seeley” (artist for “Other Worlds of ERB”); more Dutch clippings of Weissmuller- Ken Manson
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: Letter to the Editor column, “The Dum-Dum,” from Joe Kubert DC comic books, 1972-73
Contribution lost in the mail from Mike Conran
. Where assembled: Jerry Spannraft’s home in Palos Park.
Issue No.: 30
Date: Feb. 8, 2014
Front cover: Greg Phillips’ version of a Burne Hogarth drawing of Billy Byrne and Barbara Harding, commissioned by Ken Manson, cover finalized by Dave Gorecki
Back cover: ERB and one of his automobiles – courtesy of John Tyner II
Number of pages: 38
List of contents:
Comments on the cover - Greg Phillips
Jodades: “Swedish filmisar trading cards include Tarzan, actors” – Ken Manson
ERBane Comments: Tossing Some Brix (on Herman Brix movies) – Dave Gorecki
“Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs” (book) press kit by Robert T. Garcia and Mike Resnick – courtesy of Joan Bledig
“All you speak of is real to me” by Forrest J. Ackerman/.Edgar Rice Burroughs (correspondence to author by 14-year-old 4E), from www.lettersofnote.com/2010/04, and “How I Wrote the Tarzan Books” by ERB, from www.cswnet.com/-dbruce/erb/edgar- courtesy of Bill Ross
Dynamite Comics “Lord of Mars” cover checklist (the missing article that should have been in Mucker Magazine Issue 29) - Mike Conran
“Now Playing: Cheap-and-Schlocky Blockbuster Ripoffs,” (on films by The Asylum), by Brian Raftery, from www/wired.com, Dec. 21, 2009 – courtesy of Jim Thompson
“The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau”: Ron Ely TV Tarzan ads and articles – compiled by Ray Le Beau
Cartoon “Faster Sulu, Before Disney Acquires Us,” from scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdnnet/hphotos, Feb. 5, 2014 – courtesy of Jim Hadac
Letter from John Coleman Burroughs to his father, July 31, 1936, about production of Bob Clampett’s John Carter cartoon, with art – courtesy of J.G. Huckenpohler
Book reviews of “War of the Worlds” and “War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches” by Lee Strong
Where assembled: Carlos Bedrossian’s home in Oak Park, Illinois ![]()
Issue No.: 31
Date: June 7, 2014
Front cover: The other Muckers in the collection of Jerry Spannraft. Jerry has started collecting everything Mucker - Jerry Spannraft, with help from Joan Bledig.
Back cover: ERB Inc.’s web ad for The Mucker comic strip online.
Number of pages: 39
List of contents:
”Michael Hudson is Pulp Fiction” by Alexandra Holzer, Huff Post Books: The Blog, posted 2/1/2012, on president of Sequential Pulp Comics, publisher of ERB graphic novels, contributed by Bill Ross
“Recent Adventures” on trips to Annapolis. Md. and Panthans’ meeting ; Philadelphia; Oak Park; Palos Park for Muckers meeting; California to see daughter and ERB Inc.; and Lombard, Ill., for Windy City Pulp And Paper Convention - Mike Conran
“The Mucker” (novel), from Wikipedia, contributed by Joan Bledig
List of Tarzan comic strip artists as of June 1, 2014- J.G. Huckenpohler
Jodades: “Richard S. Prather was a Tarzan fan,” (mentions of Tarzan by mystery author); “Other quotes about Tarzan … and ERB” by other authors - Ken Manson
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: Photo of another “unknown” Tarzan actor, Jose Luis Ayestaran (aka Richard Yesteran), bio; and filmography- compiled by Ray Le Beau
Cry of the Red Hawk: “Visiting Philippe (Badre): Our Trip to Europe, September 2013”- Jim Hadac
“Frazetta art collection to leave Poconos,” Howard Frank, Pocono Record, Dec. 16, 2009- courtesy of Jim Thompson
ERBane Comments: “The Fantastic Jungle Jim,” summary of three movies – Dave Gorecki
“Korsars!” illustration and discussion of race in Pellucidar- Greg Phillips
Where assembled: Dum-Dum in Bryan, Texas ![]()
Issue No.: 32
Date: Aug. 1, 2014
Front cover: Cartoon -“The Muckers Take Barsoom”- Greg Phillips
Back cover: Guess what? The back cover is again an entire Panthans Journal (No. 214)
Number of pages: 33
List of contents:
Who’s who in The Muckers Take Barsoom- a key to members in the drawing- Greg Phillips
“The Oakdale Affair,” from Wikipedia, courtesy of Joan Bledig
“A Evening in Paris” – story by Lee Strong
The Polodan Times (News from the Planet of Unending War and New Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs) - Lee Strong
The Mucker Magazine ECOF –Part 2 (Part 1 is on the Panthans side of the double issue) - Mike Conran
ERBane Comments: Harrison Reports reviews of six Tarzan films from 1935 to ‘42- Dave Gorecki
“Giant Wildlife Seen by a Small Group of Panthans and Muckers While Roaming the Southern Portion of North Dakota After Attending ECOF Gathering,” photos of sculptures –Bill Ross
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: newspaper clippings of Joe Lara and friends in “Tarzan in Manhattan”- compiled by Ray Le Beau
Cry of the Red Hawk: “Say it ain’t so, Bigfoot a fake?” –Jim Hadac
Jodades: “ERB’s ‘Moon Maid’ ‘filmed’ for Dick Tracy (comic) strips”; “Jungle Babe” –autographed photo of Appolonia Kotero - Ken Manson
“Tarzan” (2014 Constantin animated movie) film review, by Jordan Mintzer. The Hollywood Reporter, - Jan, 27, 2014- courtesy of Jim Thompson
Where assembled: Joan Bleidg’s home in Minooka, Ill. .
Issue No.: 33
Date: Nov. 22, 2014
Front cover: Photo of Miles O’Keeffe, star of 1981 “Tarzan , the Ape Man,” holding a copy of Mucker Magazine Issue 32- by Ken Manson with help from Dave Gorecki
Back cover: Autographed photo of Miles O’Keeffe and photo of Ken Manson with O’Keeffe- Ken Manson with help from Joan Bledig
Number of pages: 50
List of contents:
“Hometown Safari : Oechslin House in River Forest” (that hosted a fundraiser by the Historical Society of Oak Park and River Forest and features 73 mounted animals) –Joan Bledig
Dynamite Comics John Carter, Warlord of Mars cover checklist- Mike Conran
“All you speak of is real to me” (Aug. 25, 1931, letter from Forrest J. Ackerman to ERB, and his reply) –Bill Ross
The Polodan Times: “Burroughs Empire Recaptures Most Martian Media” (ERB Inc. gets Barsoom rights from Disney- Lee Strong
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: “Tarzan was my co-pilot: (Ray) Bradbury,” by Ray Bradbury, Chicago Daily News, Oct. 22, 1975; “Joe Lara swings into Tarzan role sans vine,” Joe Walek, TV critic; Tarzan-related cartoon - Ray Le Beau
“Four Muckers’ road trip to Texas”- illustration and story on trip by Greg, Joan and the Goreckis to Bryan for the Dum-Dum and back – Greg Phillips
“Firestarter” on his return to ERB fandom, with photos of books he has got - Clay Davis
ERBane Comments: The Fantastic Jungle Jim, Part 2- summaries of two movies- Dave Gorecki
Jodades: “Trashing the camp’”- reviews of Tarzan, the Stage Musical in Des Plaines, Illinois, and 2014 Constantin “Tarzan”; “Jungle Babe”-autographed photo of actress Jolene Blalock - Ken Manson
The Cry of the Red Hawk: “A ‘Hawk’s Eye’ View of ‘The Bandit (of Hell’s Bend)”, and two Tarzan-related cartoons- Jim Hadac
Where assembled: Jerry Spannraft’s home in Palos Park, Ill. .
Issue No.: 34
Date: Feb. 7, 2015
Front cover: The latest project, “Lucifer’s Sword,” a graphic novel by Ronn Sutton, artist for the Mucker 2010 Souvenir Book. Courtesy of Ronn Sutton and Joan Bledig.
Back cover: Cover of “Tarzan, The Complete Russ Manning Comic Strips, Volume 3: 1971-1974” with a foreword by Henry Franke III, courtesy of Joan Bledig
Number of pages: 32
List of contents:
A press release dated Jan. 15, 2015, from Ronn Sutton on his latest project, ”Lucifer’s Sword,” a graphic novel, courtesy of Joan Bledig
“Out of frying pan into fire in Pellucidar” (comic) - Clay Davis
The ERB Scrapbook of Ray Le Beau: Photo of Caz, Danton Burroughs and Russ Manning; two Hogarth Sunday Tarzan pages; Spanish ad for Aurora Tarzan model kit; Tarzan – You’re the Swingingest valentine; a 1975 letter from Duke Frederick professor of history at Northeastern University, to Barbara Ballinger of the Oak Park Library on participating in Burroughs celebration in Oak Park.
ERBane Comments: British pressbook for late 1940s reissue of “The Lion Man” -Dave Gorecki
Dynamite Covers Checklist- Part 4, (Dejah Thoris issues 28 to 37, and others) by Mike Conran
“More John Carter Toys,” cartoon by Greg Phillips
Johnny Weissmuller Quotes; Mighty Funny’s mini-jokes; obituary for Rod Taylor, who played Tarzan in radio drama - Bill Ross
Jodades: reviews of three ERB pastiches and related books (“Tarzan Presley,” “Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson” and “Gilbert and Edgar on Mars”); article “Weissmuller Swims to the Films,” from Literary Digest, April 16, 1932, (on “Tarzan, the Ape Man”); and a photo of a Jungle Babe- Tyra Banks, by Ken Manson
Oscar Winner Michael Giacchino scoring “John Carter of Mars,” March 11, 2010, MovieScore Magazine; article, “Notary at center of Frazetta theft case is fired,” by Howard Frank, March 3, 2010 , Pocono Record, courtesy of Jim Thompson.
The Cry of the Red Hawk: “To Sail an Ocean of Venus,” on Amtor stories, Jim Hadac
Where assembled: At the 2015 ECOF Gathering in Rockville, Md.. ![]()
Issue No.: 35
Date: June 4, 2015
Front cover: Morris Gollub’s original painting from Dell Tarzan issue #71, August, 1955; done when Dell was transitioning away from Lex Barker photo/paint covers, courtesy of Dave Gorecki.
Back cover: None. Panthans Journal 224
Number of pages: 34
List of contents:
Souvenir program for the Second Annual Normal Beans’ Dinner program, Oct. 20, 1990, courtesy of Joan Bledig.
“Hustle and Prose: Edgar Rice Burroughs,” by Rebecca Brinson, Sept. 10, 2013, in Ancient Grains Books 7 Comments, courtesy of Bill Ross.
John Carter Warlord of Mars Dynamite Comics covers checklist - Part 2- Mike Conran.
ERBane Comments Summer 2015: Dec. 27, 1976, letter to The Nostalgia Merchant from Johnny Weissmuller granting them permission to use his likeness and getting paid to autograph posters; “Savage Fury” lobby card; photo of Marlon Brando on a motorcycle with “Tamba,” the monkey from the Jungle Jim series as they ride on the Columbia lot; “Tarzan the Fearless” poster - Dave Gorecki.
Autographed pamphlet for 72nd Annual Business Marketing Association Conference in Chicago with Denny Miller as a speaker on “Doing Nothing- Relaxing Before Learning,” courtesy of Jerry Spannraft.
Jodades- “Tarzan Escapes” Spanish pressbook with translations; Future home of ERB exhibit – “Historical society renovating new home,” by Alex V. Hernandez, TribLocal, Jan. 29 - Feb. 4, 2015; Jungle Babe – Carol Thurston from “Killer Ape” with Johnny Weissmuller as Jungle Jim – Ken Manson.
Cry of the Red Hawk- ERB in “One Summer America, 1927” (by Bill Bryson) – Jim Hadac.
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray LeBeau – TV Guide ad for “Tarzan’s Fight for Life”; Duke Frederick letter to Oak Park Library (see issue 34) ; “Serious about Comics,” by Jim Arpy, Nov. 3, 1974, Times-Democrat, Davenport-Bellendorf, Iowa, (on Max Allan Collins’ collection of comic art, including Hogarth Tarzan, on display in local museum); “The plot to rehabilitate Tarzan,” by Bob Thomas. Chicago Sun-Times, Jan, 16, 1971, on ERB Inc. presentation of ERB books to Tarzana branch of Los Angeles Public Library ; Chicago Sunday American advertisement for giveaway in Sunday newspaper of giant poster of Elmo Lincoln as Tarzan- Ray LeBeau.
Ad on eposter.com for sale of poster of “Elmo the Fearless,” chapter 2 of the serial, courtesy of Jim Thompson.
“I Open the Little Door” and “Another Has Crossed,” stories by Lee Strong.
Where assembled: Joan Bledig’s home in Minooka, Illinois. .
Issue No.: 36
Date: Aug. 8, 2015
Front cover: A screen capture of the home web page of Lovern Kindzierski that includes part of an illustration he drew for the Muckers’ 2010 Dum-Dum souvenir book “The Mucker and Return of the Mucker,” courtesy of Joan Bledig
Back cover: La of Opar by Roy Krenkel, courtesy of Joan Bledig
Number of pages: 40
List of contents:
A photo and story about the current Burroughs collection of Randy Snyder, who introduced Joan to Tarzan - Joan Bledig
A biography and headshot of Jon Hall, star of “The Lion Man” and co-star of “Ramar of the Jungle” - Bill Ross
More Dynamite comics- cover checklist of the Sword of Sorrow series –Mike Conran
The Poladan Times: news; reviews of “Jurassic World” movie, “The Martian Legion,” “The Lad and the Lion,” “Mahars of Pellucidar,” “Red Axe of Pellucidar” and “The Number of the Beast”; Letter and list to Shannon Link, of Gray Stone Day School in Misenheimer, N.C., about Panthans’ donation of books – Lee Strong
Cartoon of 8th Barsoomian Ray- Greg Phillips
Jodades: “Greystoke Castle examined”; list of four gender-switch pastiches by Edna Rice Burroughs including “Tarzan of the Apes Reswung”; “Jungle Babe”- autographed photo of half-naked Caroline Munro; “Jungle Dude” –autographed photo of Doug McClure - Ken Manson
ERBane Comments: ”Another Chicago connection - Gordon Griffith”; sheet music from “A Cannibal Carnival,” used in MGM Tarzan films from “Tarzan Escapes” to “Tarzan’s New York Adventure,” and other jungle movies –Dave Gorecki
“Fantastic Worlds: A lifelong plunge into adventures with Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard is linked by Frank Frazetta” (about Frazetta and Krenkel covers for Ace paperbacks) – Louis Black, The Austin Chronicle, March 13, 2015- Jim Thompson
The Cry of the Red Hawk: “Elephant Bill: A reverse Tarzan in Burma”; photo of Jungle Girl captured, Jim Hadac
The ERB Scrapbook Files of Ray Le Beau: Photos of metal miniature figures in the John Carter, Warlord of Mars series - Ray Le Beau
In less than 10 years, the Muckers have printed more than 1,000 pages in their quarterly magazine – 1,113 actually since the first issue was assembled Oct. 21, 2006, in the Pleasant Home in Oak Park.
Not much has changed. Jeff Long has moved downstate and some members do not contribute to every issue as they once did.
Thirty-one people have contributed to the magazine, including new additions Clay Davis and Elaine Casella.
Continuing columns are “The Cry of the Red Hawk’’ by Jim Hadac; ``ERBane Comments’’ by Dave Gorecki.``The ERB Scrapbooks of Ray LeBeau’’ by the namesake; and ``Jodades’’ by me.
The Muckers continue to publish 25 copies of each issue, except once a year when we do 50 copies in cooperation with the Panthans during an ERB convention. Most were done during a Dum-Dum: No. 28 recently in Louisville, Ky., and 32 in Bryan, Texas. But No. 35 was assembled during an ECOF Gathering, held in Rockville, Md., because not many Muckers were going to the Dum-Dum in 2015.
The obligatory naked princess is gone but I started a “Jungle Babe” and others have done similarly.
The February issue still has been assembled at Jerry Spannraft’s home in Palos Park and we still meet at Joan’s home, now in Minooka. We have not met since Nov. 6, 2011, at the Pleasant Home in Oak Park.
The biggest new issue was No. 33 with 50 pages, but is dwarfed by No. 21 with 98 pages. The smallest of issues 27-36 was No. 27 with 31 pages, still more than No. 25 with 24 pages.\
Joan Bledig, Jim Hadac and Bill Ross have continued to contribute to all 36 issues, Mike Conran had No. 29 lost in the mail. I missed one issue.
In the last 10 issues, the biggest contributors were me, with 58 pages; Ray, 46; Dave, 43; Jim Hadac, 38; Lee Strong, 36; Joan, 35-1/2; Jim Thompson, 30; Mike, 26; Bill, 25; Greg, 17-1.2; Bob Krakowsky, 12; Clay Davis and Huck, 4 each; Jerry, 3-1/2; and John Thompson, Elaine Casella and John Tyner, 1 each.
Joan still is the queen of all issues with 226 pages; Ken, 188; Jim Thompson, 157; Dave, 142; Ray 142; Jeff, 131; Jim Hadac, 127; Mike, 116; Bill Ross, 103-1/2; Lee Strong, 103; Jerry, 93-1/2; Greg, 83; and Bob, 69.
Of the 10 new covers, Joan, Greg and Dave each did 2-1/2; I did 1-1/2 and Jerry did 1. Total for all 36 issues are Joan, 9; Greg, 6-1/2; Ken, 6; Dave, 4; Jerry, 2; Jeff, 2; Jim, 1-1/2; and Mike, Carlos Bedrossian, Tom Floyd, Mark Wheatley and Charles Madison, 1 each.
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