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Den Valdron A Major ERBzine Contributor THE MERMAID'S TALE www.amazon.ca/Mermaids-Tale-D-G-Valdron-ebook/dp/B01F28AOP0/ "In a city of majesty and brutality, of warring races and fragile alliances, a sacred mermaid has been brutally murdered. An abomination, a soulless Arukh is summoned to hunt the killer. As the world around the Arukh drifts into war and madness,
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THE MAN WHO REALLY WAS. . . TARZAN ![]() ![]() by Thomas Llewellan Jones ~ Illustrated by Richard Budelis Man's Adventure Magazine ~ March 1959 The incredible, but true saga of William Mildin who lived for 15 years as ape-man and jungle king! Truth or Fiction? From the Ken Fuchs Collection Clippings Version http://www.erbzine.com/mag14/1449.html All Text Version http://www.erbzine.com/mag14/1449t.html |
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in his Ape-Man Kith and Kin Project in 2005 that Michael Sellers has pointed out: http://www.erbzine.com/mag14/1474.html
More about the Official ERB Events See info on the coming 2017 conventions www.ERBzine.com/dumdum |
The Moon Maid ~ Tom Stacey edition, 1972
Update in C.H.A.S.E.R. #07567
Some options for the fans of ERB's short story
That was included in the Canaveral Press edition of
Thanks for John Martin for suggesting these options
An unauthorized POD
version of
ERB's Skeleton Men of Jupiter has surfaced.
A far better cover choice would be the one created
by Charles Madison
THE SKELETON MEN OF JUPITER - Charles Madison notes on his erbgraphics.com Website:
A variant designed for Canaveral editions of John Carter of Mars $10.99
"Variant created for Canaveral editions of John Carter of Mars - I have always loathed the book the editor of Canaveral Press called the "eleventh book" in the Martian Series, John Carter of Mars, because it includes the novelette written by John Coleman Burroughs for a children's edition published by Whitman Books, John Carter and the Giant of Mars. A longer version was submitted to AMAZING STORIES under Burroughs' name by the manager of ERB Inc, Ralph Rothman. ERB himself was living in Hawaii at the time and probably did not know of the novelette's submission. When published the novelette had been so poorly researched and developed that readers of the time complained loudly about it appearing in the magazine at all. I complained just a loudly the first time I tried to read it when I was fifteen. The novelette really is terrible."In 1964, wanting new Burroughs material to publish, Canaveral Press published JCB's mish-mash along with another novelete, Skeleton Men of Jupiter. Ever since that publication some readers, like myself, have been left to wonder how anyone could consider this book a part of the Martian series. Personally, I have never considered it anything more than a curiosity; much less an actual eleventh book. Any new reader trying out ERB's Martian novels for the first time would have no reason to go on with another Martian book if this volume was his only guide to how good the rest of the series might be.
"The second novelette in the Canaveral edition, Skeleton Men of Jupiter, was received enthusiastically by readers of the time and admired by all readers ever since. It was intended to be the first novelette in a series of possibly four that would have made up a new book in the Martian series And personally, I and many others have always lamented that ERB never got to write the sequels that would have turned this terrific story into the authentic eleventh book in the Martian Series.
"When a friend in the ERB community of fans suggested to me that a new jacket could be developed placing the primary emphasis on the only true ERB-written novelette in the Canaveral volume, I took his suggestion to heart and immediately began the development of this variant using the St. John illustration from the original AMAZING STORIES publication of 1943. I've enjoyed doing this variant and am happy with the final result, and I hope you are too."
"When Biblo and Tannen decided to start reprinting the novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs in 1964 there was no budget for 4-color dust jackets. This alternate jacket for the Canaveral Press first edition compilation pays a special tribute to two great names connected to the Master of Adventure. First, to J. Allan St. John by using his cover for JOHN CARTER AND THE GIANT OF MARS from the Amazing Stories January, 1941 issue. And secondly, to John Coleman Burroughs, the actual author of that particular tale by using the logo lettering from his John Carter comic strip, a spine illustration from the strip and by emulating his signature in the author byline. The back cover shows reproductions of both the original pulp magazine covers for GIANT and for SKELETON MEN OF JUPITER, the second story in the book." ![]()
J. Allen St. John/John Coleman Burroughs Edition
— Limited to 100 copies: $40.00 (68 copies available)
~ Phil Normand
Around the time that Tarzan and His Mate was released, Jimmy
Durante played Schnarzan,
a spoof of the Tarzan character, in MGM's Hollywood Party.
Coincidentally the female star of the movie was Lupe Velez, future
wife of Johnny Weissmuller.
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![]() Numa serenaded by the Troggs - WILD THING! |
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