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Volume 5884

A Rare 10-Page Poem by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Copyright Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc. :: Not for duplication

by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Transcribed from ERB's original typed manuscript by Bill Hillman
Copyright ERB, Inc. ~ Not for distribution

Khan Illustrations by Frank Frazetta

Page 7: Stanzas 13 and 14
The moon had risen and a half light cast
As through the forest and the camp he passed
While underbrush and heavy kang harassed
His movements as he sought the river bank, 
Spurred on by nearing sounds of hot pursuit.
Behind, the Taidjuts, and before, the rank
Reeds growing in the somber waters, mute
And dark and dismal as the grave that yawned 
Should he by some mischance fall once again
The helpless victim of the hatred spawned
Within the bosoms of his fellow men
Because he dared to be the son and heir
Of one who, had he been alive and there,
Had sent them trembling to their knees in prayer. 

For one brief instant Timujin delayed
And then embraced the river, unafraid
Nor looked to any but himself for aid.
The Taidjuts came and searched the river's brim,
The while the waters lapped their quarry's chin
Within a span of where they searched for him.
Yet one there was who saw young Timujin
Yet by no sign betrayed him to the blood
Mad foe that passed the fugitive as he,
Half frozen, clambered, dripping, from the flood
And boldly sought the further charity 
Of him, the stranger, whom he follwed now
Among the pines that sadly moan and sough
And, bending, gravely to the young khan bow.

Page 8: Stanzas 15 and 16

Thus came he, fettered, to the stranger's tent,
Who pitied him and with his sword unbent
The galling kang, and food and weapons lent.
But ere the boy could make his freedom good
They heard the coming of a searching host,
With noisy weapons clanking through the wood
That echoed to each oath and blatant boast.
The stranger knew he must be quickly rid 
Of Timujin if he himself would live
And so within a cart of wool he hid
The hunted and unhappy fugitive.
The Taidjuts came and searched the yurt and thrust
Their lances through the wool with savage lust;
But hearing naught passed on in sore disgust.

All wet with blood the searching spears had drawn
The youth emerged, when once the foe had gone,
Who had not hoped to see another dawn.
"Now, go!" the stranger cried. "Make haste and go!
"Go back to where thy kith and kin await,
"For if he finds you here with me you know
"Targoutai'll see that I do share your fate."
A borrowed horse the future ruler rode
Across the waste to where his pastures lay,
But only ashes were where his abode
Had been for long before that fatal day.
Sad sighed the winds across the dreary scene,
A lone wolf howled where Houlan's yurt had been,
As Timujin rode on with saddened mein.


ERBzine 5880
Intro & Contents
ERBzine 5881
I: Stanzas 1-4
ERBzine 5882
II: Stanzas 5-8
ERBzine 5883
III: Stanzas 9-12
ERBzine 5884
IV: Stanzas 13-16
ERBzine 5885 
V: Stanzas 17-20
REF: "Super Father" Genghis Khan

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